[DolphinSanity] Conventional Hypnosis, Chapter 3

Story by teryxc on SoFurry

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Final day of the competition, starting off with Zsis helping the dragon do what he does best - show off his glorious bare bod!(6k words)

Commissioned from dolphinsanity

Hypnosis Competition, Final Round

Due to an agreed-upon lull in the competition between Zsisron and Blue, Teryx was spared from further hypnosis the following morning, and all three participants in this little game spent more time exploring the convention on their own during that period.

Over the course of the day, communicating mostly via text messages and chat, they arranged for some "last-ditch attempts at zonking Teryx" to take place starting at seven o'clock in the evening. It would be a final night of fun, beginning with an after-dinner rendezvous in Zsisron and Blue's room. They would meet up; the hypnotists would decide how they wanted to handle the tiebreaker round of their hypnosis competition; and then they would inflict this decision upon Teryx in all of its kinky glory.

There was, however, a small problem.

"He is late," remarked Zsisron.

"Only by half an hour," laughed Blue. "That's nothing in convention time."

"Hsss, but, he makess me susspiciouss..."

Blue shrugged it off. "Hey, if he's gonna be late, we can go ahead and finish working out what we're gonna do with him."

"Hmm, true... not like we neeeed him here for that... though sseeeing him react to our talking about hypnossis can be comical."

Blue got right to the point: "So, what're you thinkin' for the final round? You done underestimating me yet?"

"I won the last round. You ssshould be the one apologizing for underestimating me!"

The skunk shrugged. "Hey, I never said you were bad at hypnosis, but I'll always be sure to beat you if you think you're hot stuff and I'm not."

"Well get to work, my dear Blue-boy. Thisss will be a final battle for our honor as hypnotisssts!"

"Haha, sure... what's that wacky snake-brain of yours thinking for this one?"

"High intensity. Extremely lewd."

Blue nodded. "I like where this is goin'."

"We will each take him for a session, and then send him out with a suggestion that lasts only for one hour. It should be scandalous, just not scandalous enough to make our sorts of people call the authorities."

"So almost anything that doesn't involve arson or murder. Got it."

"More or lesss~"

Blue's tail bobbed upward, the floof wiggling a bit. Then he rubbed his hands together and chuckled. "This one's gonna be fun."

"Yesss, I quite think sso," said the naga. "Oh, and to make it interesting, let's each include programming that will cause Teryx to confirm his actions in some way, even after the time period is over. Photographic proof, video proof, or a hypnotically compelled true account of his experiences -- something like that."

"Good, sounds good..." Blue rubbed his chin a moment. "Hm, come to think of it, how do we score this one? We're makin' this more open-ended than the last two."

The naga shrugged. "To my thinking, thisss round should be a work of art. We are in a tie right now. Let us do our most beautiful performances and then judge honestly together who succeeded more."

"Haha, all right, just so long as you can admit when you've lost~"

"If you prove it sssoundly, then I will!" insisted Zsisron.

It was at that moment that a knock at their door indicated that Teryx was ready to grace them with his presence. Blue got it, letting the dragon in.

"Ah, sorry I'm late you guys," said Teryx as if walking in casually tardy to the meeting of a lesser club at a university. "You would not believe how much shampoo it takes to get that much cum out of a mane like mine." Then he glanced at Blue's distinctly fluffy body, and tail in particular. "Well, perhaps you understand. The snake, no way." He shook his head.

Zsisron's tongue flicked. "Are you quite finissshed?"

Teryx winked and made a small, affirming clicking sound while doing a small fistpump. "Got finished, and finished off about a dozen other happy guys before the night was over."

Blue shrugged. "Now now, Zsis, let's not judge him for being a slut."

"That wasss NOT what I--"

Teryx and Blue broke into chuckles and playfully punched each other's arms.

Zsisron was surprised. "When did you two become such close buddiessss?"

"Hey, he's a good host," said Teryx. "Even if he can't hypnotize me, the least he can do is be fun to hang with at the con, right?"

The naga was quite certain that these statements did not compute. "But you haven't done... we've all been together for the same things and apart for the same things!"

Teryx shrugged off the notion: "Haha, don't worry yourself. There's still plenty of time for us to spend together too. Blue tells me you're pretty fun in bed with those coils of yours, and I still haven't been treated to 'em yet."

The skunk didn't even try to repress his grin.

"Tell you what, I'll make you a deal: if either of you can manage to hypnotize me this time, I'll personally guarantee the both of you that our last night at this con together will be a high-stamina romp with a highly eligible rain dragon." He leaned in and whispered, "I know the guy. He's really hot. Perfect for a threesome."

Zsisron's tail flicked. It was a delightfully pitched offer, and tempting on the face of it, but something wasn't right. More to the point, something wasn't right beyond the fact the dragon was still acting so oblivious to repeatedly being put under, but that was at least partly explainable by personality and the posthypnotic suggestions.

"Let me take the firsst session tonight," said Zsisron.

"Be my guest," said Blue, with a cordial open-palmed gesture as he sauntered slowly backwards toward the door. Despite his polite posture, that grin never quite went away.

* * *

Teryx and Zsisron had their session together, with the snake pulling out all the stops. He coiled more extravagantly. He spiralled around the dragon more exotically and confoundingly before snuggling up for the staredown. He took the dragon's smartphone and held it close by, whispering important instructions into Teryx's ear. Teryx must do as he was told. Teryx must truly let himself unleash some of his most exhibitionistic urges.

"Ssshow yourself... photograph yourself... but don't get in trouble. Toe the line. Pussssh the boundaries carefully... I will be right behind you."

The words flowed like laws into the blank, enrapt face of the dragon. From his lack of response, it might've seemed he didn't hear Zsisron at all, but an intermittent command to nod if he understood helped the naga stay sure of the situation.

Then, some minutes later, the dragon left the room, with Zsis following him just as had been promised.

"Hey, it's fine!" said Teryx as they went. "Honest, you can try hypnotizing me again anytime you want. It's kinda fun getting all wrapped up after all~" Then he shamelessly pulled the edges of his shorts and briefs down right there in the corridor -- but just before a bend in it -- and flashed a view of the top of his flaccid but still-plump shaft for the naga. Then Teryx laughed at the naga's "shocked" expression -- which consisted of a highly theatrical gasp and clutching of the heart area -- and said, "Hey, I know. You've been waiting all con to see it up close. You got a glimpse in the parties... maybe tonight we should take things even closer, eh?"

As soon as he was done making his sex pitch, Teryx got shifty eyes, made sure the coast was reasonably clear, and posed to snap a selfie in much the same pose he had just used for exposing himself to Zsisron.

"You sssimply can't get enough of yourself, can you Mr. Rain Dragon?"

"Heh, I'm not the only interested party. Plenty of people would love to see this." He admired himself in his phone's photo preview menu. "Mmm, lookin' good as always." He smiled -- and then grinned in a uniquely perverse way as an idea occurred to him. "Hey Zsis..."


"I want you to come with me for a while and help me make a little, uh... album. You know, maybe run interference for me if I need the help. I don't expect to need much, but it's always better to expose with a friend."

Zsisron gasped again. "Sssuch a naughty dragon!!" Then he flopped his arms against his sides at ease and said flatly, "I love it. Let's go."

So they went, passing Blue in a corridor along their way out. Teryx again managed to reveal his cock, prompting a curious and suspicious glance from the skunk to the naga, but no confrontation occurred. Quite to the contrary, Blue expressed disinterest in following them.

"Nah," he said. "I'm a little tired... think I'll catch a nap. You guys come see me again in an hour or so, n' I'll try my hand at hypnotizing him one last time. Sorry to hear that uh, you're still havin' trouble with him." He nodded to Zsisron.

"Yesss, how unfortunate. We'll have to take lots of photos to show you, if we encounter anything interesting~"

"I'll be looking forward to it." Blue nodded and headed back into the room.

"He doesn't look too tired," commented Teryx.

Zsisron shrugged. "Regardlesss, we should give him sspace. Now, onward!"

Onward they went.

* * *

Zsisron and Teryx returned to the skunk and naga's hotel room an hour later as planned. Zsisron was carrying Teryx's temporarily unlocked phone and thumbing through the first few images, with a huge smirk on his face.

"I think you have met your match, Blue," the naga said confidently. "Go ahead and take your last session with him, but... zssss... aaaah, it worked sso brilliantly."

Blue, to Zsisron's surprise, didn't seem to react much at all. He seemed almost... too disinterested. Poker-faced.

"C'mon dragon, let's try my thing and then I'll get a look at what all you guys did. I had some extra time after my nap, so I already set up a bit for ya. You ever try getting hypnotized while in bondage before?"

"Not that I can recall!" admitted Teryx, "but I'll try anything with a reputation for being fun, at least once!"

So, in Teryx went. The door shut behind them.

Zsisron's tail twitched. He kept the phone but decided to restrain himself from going through the whole album of images just yet. He wanted to discover them afresh with Blue so that he could gloat more enthusiastically about them.

To that end, the naga went off and wandered the corridors, doing anything he could to take his mind off the competition. It wasn't easy, but he managed to distract himself for a little while, and then presently wandered back.

Leaning up against the door and listening revealed that Blue was wrapping up the last hypnosis session and, by the sound of it, letting Teryx back out of some lightweight leather that had been used to reinforce some sort of servitude programming during the session. Making a compliant slave out of a victim was certainly within the kinkier side of Blue's hypnotic habits, but that needn't mean much in the current round if it didn't have an artful and unique outcome. Zsisron felt sure that Teryx's self-exposing tour de cock would be seen as quite impressive even by Blue's standards.

Zsisron felt the impulse to look through the pics again, and decided why-the-heck not. It was nearly time anyway. He could at least get a good look at the mass preview screen and get the highlights.

He pulled it up and... noticed the number of "new" images.

The number was unexpectedly large. He double checked by reviewing the "selfies" organization category, which was also larger than he expected.

Teryx, somehow, had managed to snap even more pics than Zsis had been present to see. He had gone above and beyond.

"Ahahaha, yeeeessss!!" cheered Zsis, just as he heard Blue standing up and coming to unlock the door.

To the skunk's ears, Zsisron sounded like he had either just discovered something which had inflated his ego to the size of a blimp, or else like two or three really lovely guys were currently in the middle of frotting in front of him due to an abuse of his hypnotic abilities. Since Blue was pretty sure that Zsis didn't have a handsome crew of pent-up bara-dads trapped in a closet somewhere in the adjoining corridor, only the egomania option seemed likely.

"Okay, okay," hummed Blue as he stepped out for a moment while Teryx waited patiently inside. "What's all this cackling about?"

Zsisron was all too ready. He sprang forward into a coiled posture that used his own lower body like a desk on which he could rest his elbows, while his hands manipulated the phone and caressed his own low-held neck. "Weeell! I knew our dear dragon had taken well to my sssuggestion. I followed him around closely, after all... but it ssseems that his obedience extended even farther." He motioned Blue closer and held the phone out to display the recent photos. "I sssaw twenty of them, give or take~" Zsisron's voice was lilting happily now, "ssso now I musst wonder how he managed to take a total of forty-eight."

Blue balked bodily at the number. That was a lot of selfies, even for Teryx. Stepping away for a moment to tell the dragon to hold tight in the room, Blue sauntered back and said, "Let's see 'em then. Gotta make sure they're related to your suggestion."

Once they had settled into looking at the pictures, it became clear that not all of them were selfies -- not quite. In total, they told quite a sordid story of the time Teryx had most recently spent under Zsisron's sway.

First there were pictures of self-exposure which he had clearly performed while wandering the hotel's corridors, shortly after leaving the session. The ones taken for Zsis and Blue were first, followed by an assortment in other parts of the hotel and convention space. Sometimes, there would be more than one photograph per location, as Teryx would adjust the angle and snap again to try to improve the shot before running off.

There were two selfies of him standing tall in a corner next to a vending machine, with his erection standing tall as if it were an item up for selection. A wry grin adorned his snout.

There was a single close-up image of him making a lewd size comparison between his cock and a slender energy-drink can. His shaft was decisively larger, being both too long and too girthy.

There was a group selfie of him huddling together with three acquaintances -- including the dolphin, Armanti, whom he had sucked off during the first night of being hypnotized -- and he had casually undone his pants to show off his bulge during this process. The dolphin had clearly noticed, with his gaze drifting in surprise toward the dragon's briefs just as the photo was snapped.

There was a normally shot photo which Zsisron himself had taken, which caught a picture of people walking down a corridor in either direction while Teryx leaned around a corner with his pants down and erection out, and licked his chops while looking toward the camera.

There was a lewd set of three selfies which Teryx took while leaning backward over a balcony railing in the convention space. He had his pants undone for all three of them, but the first two images were mainly shots of his mane and face in a look of pleasure or joy, as if he were imagining free-falling from the balcony and then flying away as some ancient, winged, feral equivalent of himself. For the last of the three images, he leaned back even further, lifted his shirt, and momentarily displayed his half-mast shaft; the pic caught a beautiful view of his lean abs and carefree cock, lying back above the world of bustling below.

Then followed a few more pieces that Zsisron remembered well: a shot of Teryx casually holding his dick up near the faucet of a small drinking water fountain, followed by a selfie of him posing to look as though he were using his tongue to slurp the spot where his cock had just been. This in turn was followed by a mugshot of his face over the water fountain with his eyes staring mischievously at the viewer, while a leopard gasped in the background -- because, as Zsisron well knew, Teryx's pants had still been all the way down at the time.

The next image thereafter was a wide shot of Teryx standing by a much larger, not-for-drinking fountain in the recreational courtyard which helped segment the hotel proper from the convention space. People took photos of themselves by this fountain all the time -- it was quite lovely, featuring a bronze statue of some sort of beautifully rendered chimera, with both the heads and its snake-tail all gushing forth water -- but Teryx managed to lean back against it with his elbows at rest on its edge, and then casually unzip his pants to get a pic with his shaft lazily hanging out as well.

"Zsis, are you showing Blue my lewds? You'd better not be showing Blue my lewds," said Teryx from inside the room. "And by better not, I mean you better be doing it and not be shy about it."

Zsisron poked his head in the room. "Yessss, I am sshowing Blue your lewds."

"Okay great, keep doing that." The rain dragon made an OK symbol with one hand and kicked back, resting his feet on the edge of the couple's bed while he sat in a nearby chair.

Returning his focus to the phone, Zsis kept thumbing through the album. The next few pics were a vaguer flurry of poorly focused crotch-shots, which seemed to have been taken by Teryx again but in such a quick and haphazard fashion that it was hard to tell what was going on. There was some sort of green background, and his dick in a constant state of blur.

"He pranced a little by some artificial bushes. He said his hyena friend would like to sssee him ssshake hiss spear, but the photos did not turn out well."

"That was not my fault!" interjected Teryx from the room. "The con staff nearly caught us and I had to be fast... not that that didn't make it a million times more fun."

Zsisron made a silent thumb-pointing motion toward the room and shook his head as if to say, "Can you believe this dragon right now?" Blue only snickered in response, and failed to keep his face from spreading into a too-big grin.

At image nineteen, the story took a different turn. Now Teryx was inside of a public washroom on the main floor of the convention space, and... what was this? A pic snapped directly of his exposed midriff and groin, with him holding a press-to-dispense bottle of hand soap next to his flaccid member, with his lowered shorts and briefs still barely visible below.

"Ahh, this must've been from when he went to a bathroom for a little while."

Blue laughed: "Ya mean ya didn't follow him?"

"Alas, I was mingling." Then he swiped over to the next image.

The next few pictures were all variations on the same soap-and-cock idea, taken from differing angles and distances, soon clarifying that he was specifically standing next to the large sink counter from which he had, presumably, taken the soap. Over this progression of images -- six in total -- Teryx's erection developed and grew strong.

Zsisron blinked. "I sssupose he got a little fixated on hiss own beauty..."

The next two shots placed Teryx up on the counter on all fours, with his legs and tail lifted high and at an angle so that he could juuuust reach his arm out far enough to get a shot of his own exposed ass and low-slung dick, both directly and via their images in the large mirror that ran the length of the wall. Then there was a final selfie of him lying on his back, stretched out all across the counter with his feet and tail over a sink and his knees seductively elevated, so that the mirror couldn't help providing a double view of his cock, handsomely toned body, mane, and grinning expression. For that last shot, the soap bottle was at his waist, and he held one index finger lewdly held above the pump while his other index finger curled over the top of his cock in the same basic posture.

"Get clean or get dirty," said Blue with a chuckle.

"Yess, true enough," said Zsis. "Wait... another individual had to have taken the next one. So he was doing it performatively as I had told him to do!"

By all indications, the naga's assessment was accurate. The next image had Teryx up on all fours at the counter again and had been taken from such a distance that it couldn't have been him doing it. Indeed, the next several images were this way, following a progression in which Teryx tried various suggestive poses while the observer snapped pics from different angles. Teryx was again on his back in the "two index fingers, two pumps" pose for the final one, and then...

"Video," said Zsis. "Three minutes!?"

Zsisron grabbed Blue lightly by the arm and led him fully back into their room. There was no telling what licentious sounds might come out of the phone's speakers when he pressed play, and standing in the corridor just didn't feel right anymore. Once they were in the room, he played the video while Teryx remained docile and smiling on the chair, as if patiently waiting for their full opinion of how things had gone.

In the video, Teryx remained on his back and was utterly silent as whoever was carrying his phone approached. For the most part, the dragon was also unmoving, but he blinked normally as he paid close attention to his unseen companion.

Once the cameraman was within arm's reach of Teryx, a black-furred canid handpaw reached into the frame and rested a finger on the soap bottle, before rising and closing into a fist, as if he had thought better of it. Then he casually reached over and began pressing on the point of Teryx's cock instead.

"Seems it's a little stuck," said Teryx, as matter-of-factly as if he were speaking about a common machine. "You might need to warm it up to get the contents flowing."

There was a pleased murrl from whoever was filming, and the hand took full hold of Teryx's cock and began to stroke, stroke, stroke.

Then there was a sound of a button getting vigorously undone, and the camera pitched downward to show a black-furred sheath and healthy sized balls slide freely into view. The canine also adjusted his belt at this time, managing to one-hand the process in what looked like a practiced fashion until he had loosened it enough to really give himself some room. Meanwhile, his pink-red cock was emerging and growing big for the dragon.

The camera pitched up again to show the dragon's enjoyment-filled face and the way the handjob was quickening. Teryx let out a low rumble, and his cock flinched twice in the handpaw's grasp. A nice helping of precum began pumping out over the next several seconds.

"Mmm, that's doin' it," said the observer, whose voice was quite deep.

"Yes, well done," said Teryx. "It always makes me happy to serve as a dispenser in an upscale establishment."

The canid took the precum and showed it as a close-up on the camera, before angling down toward his own shaft and taking a sumptuously close shot of his hand slathering the fluid all over it.

"Haah~" The canid thrust through his own hand a few times before controlling himself. "Mm, hot. So, you want this back now? Keep goin'?"

Teryx shook his head. "You can keep going. Remember, I'm just the dispenser. Don't take more than you need."

The remaining minute of the video appeared to be amateur footage of the canid recording himself masturbating right there in the washroom. When it got to be too much he handed it off to Teryx, who kindly took over. Teryx's view revealed more clearly that the man was a tall Anubian jackal, who was wearing nothing but some bright red shorts (currently pulled down to his knees) and a bright red latex mask which attempted to conceal his identity by covering his snout and eyes. The mask appeared to have something of a dragon or perhaps crocodilian aesthetic, with ridges along the snout and spiky flanges along the cheeks.

Teryx was a good observer, altering the zoom and tinkering with the angle to get choice views of the jackal's emerging knot and balls.

"Want me to sskip the resst?" asked Zsisron while the jackal kept pawing.

"Heh, we've come this far, why not let a guy finish?"

Zsisron flicked his tongue and billowed his hood. "I can agree with that."

Not that it really took much longer. After a momentary pit-stop to reach over and grab another dollop that had emerged from Teryx -- the camera even followed along to show this -- the jackal positioned himself in partial profile along one of the nearby walls, steadied himself with one hand, and humped hard through the other. His thumb and forefinger settled into a milking grip around his knot, and after a flurry of growls and increasingly elevated pelvic thrusts, he let fly an ordinary-sized load... at least a good day or two's worth. It squirted against the granite tiles and drooped slowly downward.

"Get ready to gimme some o' that soap," the jackal ordered.

"Certainly," said Teryx.

While the jackal's knot continued gradually spasming out its aftershocks and causing cum to drool down from the tip, Teryx added, "One can meet people of such similar interests in a washroom."

"Nrrgh, yeah, now stop it and let's exchange emails."

Teryx apparently took that order politely as well, because the video stopped promptly at that point and none of the remaining images dealt with the washroom.

"Well, that was unexpected," commented Zsisron. "Sssomehow. Mayhaps I should have expected it from that one." He glanced over at Teryx, who glanced back at him in a faux-fearful way which seemed to be mocking his dramatized suspicion.

Blue was on the verge of laughing out loud, and his tail was swiveling a little. "Well go on, man, I have to see the rest of these after that!"

Zsisron sighed and nodded, beginning again to swipe forward through the album. The last set was another potpurri of encounters, most of which Zsisron had been present to see.

There were several images of Teryx by some artificial bushes again, this time in better focus.

There were two images from differing angles showing Teryx at full mast straddling a limb on a dwarf tree in front of the hotel, showing off that his girth was thicker than the slender limb to which he was comparing himself. A glimpse of Zsisron's bluish tail-tip crept into the frame in one of them, suggesting the naga was running visual interference for the act. When Blue pointed it out wordlessly, the naga flicked his tongue in dismissal.

"That could be anyone's tail," Zsisron asserted.

"Couldn't be mine, and mine's even the right color," said the skunk.


He swiped to the next pic. It was dick. Full-on, well-centered dick with Teryx's abs, waist, and thighs as the only framing. No obvious sign of where it was taken, but whatever was going on, Teryx had been rock hard and eager to show off the shaft's ridges. The lower end of the left side of the shirt he had been wearing was barely visible in-frame as a white splotch of fabric along the fringe of his midriff.

"When did you even... I don't remember covering for you for this!" remarked Zsisron.

"A true artist knows how to work in secret," said Teryx proudly. "I'll give you a hint: snakes are slow at stairwells."

"Stairwells... oh! That time you ran off up above the--"

Zsisron swiped again. The next image was more clearly identifiable as showing Teryx in some kind of maintenance stairwell that wasn't meant to be used by the public. The steps were metal, and the walls were pale yellow and in need of a fresh coat of paint. Teryx's cock was out and pointed toward the shiny metal knob of a door at the top of the stairwell, as if to imply his member was the key to open it.

"Right, the concert..." continued Zsis.

The succeeding images showed Teryx up in the rafters above a rock concert which had taken place early that evening in the convention space's grand auditorium. The room below was dark, but two upward-facing spotlights pierced the shadows enough to allow Teryx's camera to catch a vague outline of himself. He had turned the flash off.

"Yesss, I had thought I might have trouble on my handss during thiss one," the naga mused.

A few more shadowy Teryx shots followed. In one of them Zsis was able to point out the silhouette of Teryx's dick thrust proudly above the railing. In another, Blue wiggled a finger to show how Teryx's mane was billowing.

"He had been head-banging to part of the song," said Zsisron. "I watched him... and kept trying to talk him down from that location."

"Why talk him down though? This stuff is great!"

"Pffff, only great until the ssstaff hunts me down."

"Well, you know what you were getting into!"

"Granted, I did!"

A few more swipes continued the epic tale of Teryx's rock-out with his cock out. Selfies of him darting all over the rafters and striking various still-shadowed poses. Then, abruptly, the pictures started being taken from the maintenance door instead.

"If you can't beat them, join them," muttered Zsis.

A few were shot in this way, all still without flash. In one of them the tip of Teryx's tail glinted at the edge of a spotlight -- the dragon had been managing somehow to dodge them for the most part even still -- and then in the next image it was a selfie again.

"Right, he took it, back and then..."

"Yeah, that was pretty awesome," remarked Teryx, whose smile was beaming at this point.

The last image in that set was taken with a flash -- by Teryx, holding his phone below himself at an upward-facing angle so as to illuminate his erection and his balls, which looked lumped-up and tight because of how he had slung them over the railing. His undone pants were also splayed open in the same moment, and he had a devilishly mischievous facial expression.

"Mm, looking hot there Mr. Dragon," Blue complimented.

"I try," said Teryx. "You must've seen the pic with the flash?"


Zsisron shrugged a happier kind of shrug. "One can sssay this is part of why I trusst the artist's instinctsss. Even when it makesss me nervouss..."

"Exhibitionism wouldn't be any fun if there was no danger of getting caught," said Blue.

"Heheh, you've got that right!" agreed Teryx.

They were into the home stretch of the footage now. There was another group pic with Armanti and all three heads of the hydra who had delivered the mattress to the orgy the night before, with Teryx's pants wide open at the front and a lazy quarter-mast arousal visible within. Then there was another of him showing off topless for Marcus and Albert who were on their way late to the concert; the two-headed alligator wasn't in the frame, however, since it was a hastily taken selfie, and Zsisron had to provide the context. Then there was another more ordinary selfie of Teryx hugging the gator while Albert's head looked down a little embarrassedly toward Teryx's crotch, which was out of frame for that one.

The end of the reel traced a more ordinary path of lewdness back toward the hypnotists' room. Some of these images now seemed almost quaint by the standards of other things which had happened on this photographic journey: Teryx holding his semi-flaccid length all the way out with a thoughtful look on his face as he compared it to a slender, empty energy drink can; a corridor shot of Teryx tugging down the waist of his pants and flashing the left side of his ass back at the camera while winking over his shoulder. A scandalous glimpse of his member flopping flat on a table where someone had placed a complimentary bottle of hand sanitizers. Teryx pressing his partially bared butt and lifted tail up against the counter in the hotel's main lobby while the desk was unattended -- and doing it at such an angle so that the dedicated security camera overlooking the desk wouldn't show anything.

Eventually they reached the end. The end was, perhaps expectedly, dick. Just another nicely-angled, self-absorbed shot of Teryx's lovely cock.

"Yep, that was a pretty fun hour," said Teryx once it was obvious the two of them had finished browsing. "What do you guys think?"

"I know you'll say weren't hypnotized or anything during that," said Blue, "but jus' checking, you remember all of this?"

"Of course I do! I wouldn't miss showing my goods off for the world!"

"Why not go back out there right now and keep doing it?"

Teryx froze. "Oh, nah, I don't need to right now. I've had enough fun for one night. Well, enough of that kind of fun."

The hypnotists glanced at each other. Blue was smiling cryptically, and Zsisron didn't like it.

"This is all pretty impressive," said Blue. "Sure is lucky that he didn't end up detained or having the cops called on him for any of this."

Zsisron flicked his tongue. "Hss... if I'm honest, I may have brute-forced a mind or two in order to protect our friend from the conssequencess of my order. Can you blame me?"

"Very ethical of you," said Blue with a wink.

"Manipulating their minds is as trivial as breathing; what do you want from me?"

Blue chuckled. "Nothin', just thinking. Ya know, it's good you n' me are together."

"Ohhh? Certainly I agree, but why do you mention it now?"

"We keep each other honest. Less chance we run amok controlling people for no good reason, on people who don't want it."

"Well, there's no need to worry about that with the dragon. I've never seen someone who wanted it more in his life, earlier objections aside. If I didn't know better I'd think he was pre-programmed to act unhypnotizable while in reality being someone's brainwashed mind-slave."

Teryx sat there, hearing all of it, but didn't respond to it whatsoever. It was like the entire paragraph had never happened.

Blue noticed this lack of response, chuckled softly... and then laughed a little too loudly.

"Yeeeeesss?" inquired Zsisron. "Are you quite finished?"

"Whew, that's a funny one," admitted Blue. "Tell you what, why don't you just give me five more minutes with Teryx. Then I'll be ready for us both to judge the artfulness of our work."

Zsisron squinted dubiously. "Five minutes, that's it? What about his hour of going and doing your bidding?" When Blue only smiled in response, Zsis persisted, saying, "Your _kinky_bidding, with some means of recording or recounting it!"

Blue momentarily held up his pendant and waved a hand around it as if he were a fortune teller using a crystal ball. "Just you wait, Zsis -- all will become clear soon."

The naga nodded begrudgingly -- then scrunched himself into a lower posture as he left the room again to leave Blue and Teryx alone.

"Why do I not like the ssound of that..." grumbled Zsisron.

[DolphinSanity] Conventional Hypnosis, Chapter 4

**Hypnosis Competition: the Climactic Reveal** Thirty seconds later, the door reopened. Zsisron's tongue flicked in befuddlement. "Faaast," the naga remarked. "Come on in," said Blue, who was smiling. Zsisron already had the nagging...

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[DolphinSanity] Conventional Hypnosis, Chapter 2

Teryx, for the life of him, didn't understand what either Zsis or Blue were on about the following morning. He would've assumed they were having a lovers' quarrel if not for how narrowly competitive their interactions were. "Mundane, collectible...

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[DolphinSanity] Conventional Hypnosis, Chapter 1

Three men were sitting atop stools at a high table off to one side of the barroom. The room's background chatter -- a cacophony of around twenty anthros with convention hype on their minds -- formed the perfect white noise to mask the unusual...

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