[DolphinSanity] Conventional Hypnosis, Chapter 2

Story by teryxc on SoFurry

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It's Day Two of the hypnosis competition! Teryx's hypno-addled mind interprets his implanted compulsions in the most creative manner, centering him as the catalyst for an extremely sticky situation.(10.5k words)

Commissioned from dolphinsanity

Teryx, for the life of him, didn't understand what either Zsis or Blue were on about the following morning. He would've assumed they were having a lovers' quarrel if not for how narrowly competitive their interactions were.

"Mundane, collectible things this time!" Zsisron insisted. "The realm of everyday compulsion and neurosis!"

"Definitely your arena, Zsis," said Blue with a wink. "You know all about being neurotic."

"HSSS!!" The naga pointed a slender finger accusingly at his lover. "You'll regret those words, O blue and stinky one!"

"Oh, okay. Call the skunk stinky," said Blue. "Maybe I should tell our friend here that your snakey tail can't go past a street performer without coiling up and wobbling your head in time to the music."

"That isss only flutesss, and I find them very charming!" protested Zsisron.

Teryx couldn't help but laugh -- on the inside. Maybe it really was just their pride as hypnotists, but why in the world were they even arguing over who had done a better job when neither had even put him under? He couldn't understand it and frankly didn't want to.

After a few more silly little insults were exchanged between the boyfriends without getting to the point, Teryx's patience started to sour.

"All right, you're going to show me how any of this was a success, or I'm not doing it anymore," said the dragon with a small wave of his hand.

"Like we ssaid two timess already, we kept a tally," explained Zsisron. "You performed--erm?"

Blue reached out a hand, touched Zsisron on the arm, and winked. "Let 'im think what he will, yeah?"

"Eheheh... ssure, well, Teryx... it turns out that we have better ideas for how to zonk you this time. You'll simply have to relax with each of us again. Since I went first yesterday, Blue will go first this time."

Teryx shrugged. "Do your worst I guess. Or best. Whichever is more likely to let me feel the joy of being blissfully under another's command." He shook his head. "Again, not that that's going to happen. You really have no idea how painful it is to exist as a hypnosis-immune dragon but love the idea of it so much."

Blue snorted a laugh.

"Yes, Mr. Skunk?" Teryx inquired.

"Nothing, nothing." Blue smiled broadly. "Zsis, go hang out in the lobby. I'll get ya in a bit."

"With pleasssure. Remember, mundane category rather than erotic, this time."

"Yeah I know, now get going."

The naga slithered away, while the skunk got ready for their session by taking off his pendant and letting it casually sway in a circle while he held the chain in his fist.

Teryx's eyes naturally followed the motion. They followed easily even as Blue stepped over to the room's door and shut it.

"Pretty pendant, by the way," said Teryx. "What kind of stone is it?"

Blue smirked. "Never mind that, Teryx. It's time." He approached, continuing to sway the pendant, now in a wider circle which only narrowly missed bumping against the skunk's neck. It spun high enough to pass above the dragon's snout.

"Yeah, time to watch you spin this thing pointlessly again," opined Teryx, although there already wasn't quite as much bite in his sarcasm as usual.

"It's time for a new order," said Blue.

Teryx felt a strange wave of relaxation. His face went blank.

Then his mind... something.

To Teryx, it felt like waking up suddenly, except he certainly hadn't gone to sleep.

"Woah," said the dragon as he startled forward out of his chair and got to his feet. Blue was standing near him still, with the pendant still in-hand, but at rest at his side.

"Fell asleep on me again?" said Blue, shaking his head.

"No way," assured Teryx as he straightened his shirt and found his cool. "Totally awake for all of that. All, uh," he looked at his phone. Wait, how long ago had he come in here, again? "For the whole session. Until I..."

"It's okay to admit ya fell asleep. It's a possible outcome of trying to hypnotize someone. Maybe you're sleep deprived." He gave Teryx a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Ehhh, nah. I'm fine. Thanks for your concern."

Then, a little blankly, Teryx walked out of the room. Blue just smiled, chuckled a little to himself, and then followed him out into the corridor.

* * *

Apparently it had been fifteen minutes. Teryx couldn't remember anything that had happened during the last fifteen minutes with the skunk. Whatever had occurred during the session must have been boring. He considered that perhaps he really did fall asleep and didn't notice.

"So sad," he said aloud while alone in the room again, waiting for the snake to finish yakking with the skunk and actually come in. "Another failed attempt at making me suggestible."

Zsisron cut the chatter upon overhearing that, but he kept to a slow and measured pace as he slithered in. "Ahh, you think your ssession with Blue went poorly?"

"Yeah! He hardly even did anything."

The naga flicked his tongue. "Tsssk, ssuch a shame," he said, playing along. "Well, get comfortable... I'll be taking things up a notch today~"

Teryx laughed. "How much farther do ya plan on going? Last time was pretty intimate... 'n cozy, if I'm honest."

"Being in my coiled clutches iss always cozy, at the minimum," remarked Zsisron as he took a strange object on a string from a satchel of his belongings. It looked round, shiny, and metallic... a coin, maybe?

"Ahh, you're trying the pendulum thing now too? Sure hasn't worked for Blue yet..."

"Relax and listen well, rain dragon," said Zsisron as he held the strung-up object in front of himself and slithered in a circle around Teryx. "This object is something that you're going to like very much for the duration of the upcoming day and night. Until midnight, you musst seek it, dessire it..."

Around and around the naga was going, until he had given Teryx a full-body hug and locked the dragon's arms at his sides.

"Can't we just go to bed instead?" Teryx teased. "You already have the bondage side of things down~"

"No sex. Focus on thisss!!" Zsisron's eyes were starting to glow...

"But... it's a freaking bottle cap."

Teryx was absolutely correct. Now that it was inches from his eyes, the corrugated edge and cheap metallic shine was all too obvious. The logo on this one was from some kind of local beer brand from Zsisron's home.

"Listen to me Teryx," said Zsisron. "It iss true. It iss a bottle cap."

"It has nothing to do with anything I care ab... mhh, what's wrong with your eyes, man?"

The rainbow of spiraling colors only intensified. "Hsss, you might have forgotten," said Zsisron, "but I have amazing technicolor eyesss."

"Ugh... my head. That's seriously weird man, you should get that... checked... out..."

A moment later (to Teryx, anyway), Zsisron was uncoiling and moving to put the bottle cap away.

"I think you coiled too tight. Head feels weird. What were you even trying to do?"

"Why, to hypnotize you, of courssse~"

"Mhh, you succeeded in giving me quite a headache, I'll give you that."

"Heheheh, then why don't we go on out and walk around the con for a while? I'm sure Blue will join us for breakfast and some of the events."

"Yeah, that's the best thing," agreed the dragon. "Walk it off, get some tea or coffee." He paused. "I wonder which is better here."

"Let'ss go find out."

With that, Zsisron slithered toward the door. Teryx almost followed him, but then... something sort of stopped him.

That had been a bottle cap that Zsisron was using to try to hypnotize him, right?

The rain dragon smirked and snuck over the the snake's satchel, reached into it, and pulled out the strung-up bottle cap. He couldn't help admiring how narrow the hole-punching job was. It looked like someone had driven an extremely narrow blade through the part above the logo and then threaded the string through that.

"Joke's on you Zsis. Not gonna let you use this thing to try more boring pendulum hypnosis on me." Quickly swishing his tail, he made a loop with the string and tied it until it was secure, and then slipped it over his head and around his neck. "Hah! Scored myself a new necklace," he said loudly toward the door as he followed Zsisron out.

"Necklace?" The naga turned around and just... smiled. A little weirdly.

"What? You never see anyone wear a bottle cap before?"

"I thought you didn't like bottle caps," Zsis teased.

"Not like? What's not to like. I love collecting them."

"Ahh, how interesting. What's the rarest one you've ever collected?"

Teryx struggled with that one for a moment but didn't want to look like he was being caught unprepared, so he held up the one around his neck and said, "This one actually! This lame local brand of yours isn't big enough for me to have seen it before, so it's quite rare for my collection!"

"A backhanded compliment toward my choice of alcohol. I ssuppose I shouldn't be ssurprised," remarked Zsis.

"I have dozens of everything else," Teryx assured him.

"Right," said Zsisron without commitment.

"I do! I'll collect any interesting ones I see at the convention, too! I'll show you that my cap-collecting skills are the best around."

"Dragons are quite the collectors," Zsisron admitted.

"Heck yeah. Never met a dragon that didn't like his shinies from time to time. If one says he doesn't, don't believe him!" When there was no immediately reply from Zsis, Teryx glanced down adoringly at his bottle cap before letting it fall against his chest and whipping a finger forward to point the way. "Now, food time!"

Then Teryx walked quickly down the corridor to head for the lobby, with Zsisron trailing behind him.

The naga was comfortable hanging back a little. His smile was still a little too large, and it was hard to resist the urge to let loose in triumphant laughter. He would use these less-interactive moments to let all of that settle down.

* * *

The convention's hotel was fancy enough that its continental breakfast was actually pretty great. The three managed to squeeze in for the last half hour of its time window and enjoy the last hot batch of crispy bacon, plus some cooled-off but still yummy pancakes as well. For drinks, there were the standard coffee and tea options, as well as a cold water and soda dispenser machine.

Despite the setup's high quality, Teryx seemed as if his morning was somehow... incomplete. Zsisron played with a stack of bacon strips as if they were a mouse -- and then gulped them down whole. Blue enjoyed making a nice blend of syrup and butter on some pancakes and then slipping some bacon on top before forking a big bite. Teryx, however, kept looking around the lounge between his prolonged, thoughtful chews on pieces of bacon.

Then he noticed his napkin and sort of... put his utensils aside while he was chewing, and started fidgeting with the napkin with both hands. Zsisron immediately noticed the quirky behavior, as Teryx's hands almost seemed to have a mind of their own. The naga glanced suspiciously at Blue, who instantly developed a huge grin and had to hold back a laugh for fear of spitting out a bit of food.

Teryx's hands made several quick folding motions with the napkin. They weren't well-coordinated at first, and mostly just made a mess of the task. When he glanced down at the napkin and saw that he had mostly wadded it up, his eyes went wide with a bit of recognition, and he put that napkin aside and grabbed a new, flat one. Then he began working on it more deliberately.

The naga peered curiously past Teryx's plate of food and felt that he simply had to ask: "Hss... why are you folding a napkin into an oblong sshape like that?"

Blue nudged Zsisron and made a subtle, referee-like "No good" motion with his hands.

"Oh, this?" said Teryx after looking up a moment later. "It's a present for Blue," he said, as if momentarily oblivious to the fact Blue was sitting nearby. "I'm gonna prank him with a bunch of origami skunk tails by hanging them from his door tonight." Then, clandestinely, he whispered to Zsis: "He has NO IDEA, so don't tell him."

"Your, er, secret, is safe with me!" said Zsisron.

"Ahem. These pancakes are delicious!" said Blue before taking a bite of another with great relish.

"Yes, such pancakes they are!" agreed the snake in a forced-sounding way, before parting his jaws and gulping down a pancake of his own.

It occurred to Teryx that it was difficult for a naga to get excited about eating without looking like he was killing something or swallowing it whole.

Ruttle, rattle...

Suddenly, the dragon's ears perked and his eyes lit up. He turned toward a sound.

A creamy-furred male lemur at the next table over had just unscrewed the lid from a mostly empty bottle of water and was about to finish it off.

Teryx stood up and slinked over with an almost predatory look of anticipation.

"Hey," he said to the primate.

"Mhh? Do I know you?"

"Everyone knows me. I'm Teryx Commodore."

The lemur's eyes angled away, "Riiiiiiight. Him."

The dragon leaned over him imperiously. "I need that lid."


"The lid. To your water bottle. I need it. It's important."

The weight of the awkwardness was piling up for the poor primate. "Uhhh... okay? Here, take it and throw it away, or whatever you wanna do with it." Then the lemur thought better of that. "Do I want to know what you're gonna do with it?"

Teryx broke into a laugh. "Ahhh, it's all right, I'm only messing with you. It isn't important at all. Thank you though; I will cherish your tribute to this convention's most pairable dragon."

"I'm not into guys, dude."

Teryx's expression darkened as if someone had just told him one of their relatives had passed. "I am so sorry to hear that." Then he wandered back over to rejoin Blue and Zsis.

The skunk gestured proudly at him. "Here, Zsis, is a man who has no sense of shame whatsoever."

"Eheheh, yess, quite the assssertive one you are, Teryx..."

"Hey, when I see something I want, I go get it. Pure and simple." Teryx shrugged and kicked back a bit, folding his knees under the table and letting his head rest against the wall behind their booth. He tossed the lid idly. "You know, I think I'm going to have to try that with more people today. People get caught off guard by the silliest things, and it's great watching them react."

Blue and Zsisron exchanged glances. "Yesss," said the naga, "their reactions will be priceless for uss to obsserve with you too~!"

When the end of their meal arrived, Teryx ended up wandering over near a napkin dispenser while Zsis and Blue downed some refills for their drinks.

Teryx stared transfixed at the dispenser.

Teryx's mind ran wild.

Thrusting a hand into the dispenser, he took a stack of seven out of it and lay them neatly on the counter. Then he began folding them, one at a time, into more of his skunk-tail origami patterns. He must master his technique. He must prepare the ultimate prank for Blue.

One origami.

Two origami.

Three origami. He was getting faster.

Four origami.

"Uh, can I get a napkin?"

It was a female marmot anthro in a green tank top and blue jean shorts. Teryx nearly handed her one of his origami tails by mistake before instead stepping aside and gestured toward the unfolded napkin stack. The look on her face was priceless as she carefully leaned in and took two napkins from the dispenser instead. Blue choked on an inhaled bit of soda during a stifled laugh, and he ended up coughing it into the crook of his arm.

Zsisron did not look amused as Teryx kept folding the tails. More and more. Sheet after sheet.

"Paper is everywhere," Blue whispered to him.

"Ssso are bottle capss... you haven't won yet!" grumbled the snake back at him.

Eleven origami. Twelve origami. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen.

"Excuse me. Sir?"

Teryx turned from his important work. It was a tall and narrow raccoon in a black uniform bearing the hotel's logo.

"What's up?" asked the rain dragon, innocently.

In a hushed tone, the raccoon told him, "I... think you have enough napkins, sir. There's extra mess, and some of the other guests are staring..."

"Oh?" Teryx chuckled. "Why would they stare at this? I'm only making origami."

"S-sir, please..."

Zsisron darted over. "Forgive my friend, he isss a little obsstinate at times."

"I am not!" Teryx shot back.

Blue folded his arms and shook his head warningly at Zsisron, who shrugged back at him pointedly as if to say, "What, do you want him to make a scene with the staff?"

This discussion was sort of moot anyway, though, since the hotel worker quickly gathered up the napkins and discarded them, before waving Teryx away.

"Fine, let's go," said Teryx, not wanting to make more of a fuss, but feeling rather put upon by the raccoon.

* * *

The day went on predictably from there. Whenever he could, Teryx nicked each set-aside bottle cap that crossed his line of sight -- and casually folded every napkin, sheet of paper, and promotional card into the skunk-tail shape. When possible, he would also convince people who were still holding onto bottle caps to give them to him, or to hurry up and open their bottles so that he could take them. He was not particular about materials, going for metal bottle caps and plastic ones alike.

On the whole, there were more foldable items around the hotel and convention space than bottle caps, but not all of those foldable items would be made available to Teryx despite his best-rationalized efforts to convince others that they ought to be. If he had been willing to lie outright in order to claim a large number of papers from a stack, and then carry them away and fold them elsewhere, then he surely could have gotten away with more... but that wasn't quite Teryx's style, and the compulsion itself was so strong that he felt he simply must fold each piece of paper as soon as he had it in his hands, leading to extra difficulty in socially justifying what he was doing.

For instance, when he passed by a convention staffer's kiosk -- where there was a handy stack of printouts describing the day's activity programming -- he was able to take three of them before the staffer stopped him, because he began folding them into skunk-origami right in front of the staffer's face with no explanation as to why he was doing it. When confronted, he simply gave the imperious reply that it was important and that the staffer should let him do it. The staffer did not agree, pulled the stack off and stashed it in a case, and waited for Teryx to leave. The encounter gave the dragon the impression that the staffer was being unreasonable about something that ought to be treated as a basic convention amenity.

"Doesn't everyone fold convention programs into adorable shapes? Honestly, the nerve of some people!" Teryx huffed and walked off to find something else to catch his eye, and Zsisron and Blue continued quietly tailing him.

"Heh, I guess even our charms won't make him sneaky when he doesn't want to be," Blue mentioned quietly to Zsisron afterward.

"Hmm... did you ssspecify that he ought not think like a dragon while carrying out your commandss?"

"I did not specify."

"Perhapss that iss the problem... around an uptight convention sstaffer, he can't ssseduce them into providing what he needs."

Blue shrugged it off. He had other tricks up his sleeve anyway. "I like rolling with his personality as it is."

"Yess, convincing him to play against type would be much harder."

"Oh, of course," said Blue, his tone a bit weird. "Well, you know how it is."

"Yess... I once thoroughly convinced a mallard he was a lion... but that only sstuck for a little while before the contradictionss between mind and body woke him up."

"Heheh... but you know, you can really keep someone going for a long time if you mostly tell them to act how they usually would."

"Naturally... a tinkering here, a sssuggestion there~"

"Heh. Yup!"

More obsessive object-seeking followed during the subsequent hours. Silently stealing others' handouts at panels. Collecting the caps from temporarily abandoned bottles of water and soft drinks. Taking and drinking as many free water bottles as was socially acceptable in order to get the lids. Lurking by rubbish or recycling bins in a posture which suggested he was cruising for a date -- only to burst that bubble by politely offering to "take care" of recycling clean paper or bottles for the person in question.

Zsis and Blue followed him throughout these shenanigans, and even though they kept looser tabs on him than they had at the party the night before, the number of items he was collecting was... impressive. At one point he went back to their room to unload his pockets and pack, proudly arranging the items for their eventual counting. Despite doing this, he continued occasionally whispering to Zsisron about how great it was going to be when he pranked Blue with all of those tails.

"He issn't actually going to hang up all those tails iss he?" the naga eventually inquired of his boyfriend.

"Nope. He'll forget all about it at midnight."

Zsisron nodded. "Tempting though it may be to ask you to get him to follow through on it, that may be for the best."

Apart from Teryx's obsessions, however, the day at the convention was somehow relatively normal. It was fun -- full of nice events, and plenty of food.

By the time evening arrived, however, Zsis and Blue both noticed Teryx was spending a fair bit of time on text-chatting with someone on his phone.

"Tonight's that big orgy we planned to go to together, right?" Teryx eventually asked in confirmation while they sat together waiting for the last panel of the day to start.

"Yesss, it isss..."

"Careful about mentioning it too early," advised Blue. "You'll get Zsis all bothered."

The naga hissed quietly with delight. "Mmm, many people all together, rubbing and stroking... it's nothing less than brilliantly exciting!"

"Yeah, and I'll be meeting up with a friend there," said Teryx. "His names are Marcus and Albert. Alligator." He smiled. "Two-headed!"

Zsis shrugged. "I don't know them, but I'm always happy to meet new people. Pluss, they do ssay two heads are better than one..."

Teryx thought about it while typing another message. "They can take a little while to come out of their shell, but I might have them chatting with you by night's end."

"They can hang out with you if they want," said Blue. "I'm sure Zsis and I can entertain ourselves, hmm?" He winked at Zsis and rubbed along the naga's back.

"Hsss, you know how I melt for romanticss, Blue..."

Teryx chuckled. Idly, while typing, he thought about bottle caps and said, "I wonder if there'll be a lot of drinking there."

"Knowing those guys, there'll be ssome," remarked Zsisron, while rubbing under his neck in thought. "Only ssome though... most of them don't prefer to drink right before they play. Perhapss I ought to ssuggest more booze..."

"Naaah, there's no need for that," said Blue firmly. "No convincing them to help your cause, ya silly snake."

"Ksss, fine..."

Teryx had squared away his plans by the time the panel started, and then after that... it was just a matter of getting ready for the night.

* * *

Teryx took a deep sniff of the air in the sitting room of the suite that was being used for the orgy. Musk. Sweat. Sex. A faint slice of lemon-scented air freshener.

Perfect. This was his element.

Actually, wait a minute. It still only might be his element. He had to confirm the existence of a suitable shower first. Getting dirty without a plan for getting clean was like going mountain climbing with no belaying pins... and since none of that hypnotic programming (which he definitely didn't have) was telling him otherwise, he was going to check on the washroom first.

He walked quickly past some cuddling couples -- a gray wolf and fennec in just their boxers on the sofa; and two short, nude geckos on the floor beside it -- and found the door he was seeking: a large washroom which connected to both the sitting room and the bedroom.

Creaaaaak. He flicked the light switch on. The exhaust fan came on automatically.

Clean white floor tiles and a manilla-colored shower, with the curtain invitingly open and several plush towels already neatly stacked nearby. The towels were definitely more than what the hotel itself had provided, since about half of them were the usual bright white, while the rest were either unusually patterned or covered in gorgeous animal designs. Was that a tiger-striped towel that he saw as the fourth from the bottom?

Also in the bathroom was a large whirlpool bathtub, which he assumed would be used for hot soaks later, though for some reason it wasn't in use just yet. A notice in red lettering, on ordinary office printing paper, was posted on the wall nearby using easily removable clear tape, outlining some ground rules for using the tub, including an insistence that anyone wishing to use the tub must rinse off with a shower first. The printout already had a bent corner from someone messing with it.

Smiling, Teryx decided this was good enough for him. Not perfect, but certainly serviceable enough to give him confidence for a little tumble in the heavily shared bedroom. He knew about half of the people in there personally, and knew those people preferred using condoms, which was nice. Plus, if he wanted to back out at any point, he could: the room was clearly labeled "Penetration Optional."

No one was wearing much clothing by the time Teryx disrobed down to his briefs and entered the suite's bedroom, which was where most of the action would be. He nodded approvingly to Blue, who had arrived ahead of him and was wearing nothing but a leather jacket and the pendant, with the cock and balls hanging free down below. Zsisron had coiled up adoringly around him, as if to guard against anyone who might get too close, though it admittedly didn't seem as though the skunk needed any help in that regard.

"Find anything elssse on your way up here?" inquired Zsisron, while his tail-tip patted lightly against his boyfriend.

"Nah," said Teryx. "The urge to collect stuff always takes a backseat to getting ready for a night like tonight."

"I highly doubt that," murmured Zsisron with a knowing grin.

Teryx didn't seem to notice the interjection as he looked around. The TV was playing some kind of campy pizza delivery porno, featuring what looked to be a hardworking university student fox and an older dadfox in a red terry-cloth bathrobe, and most the men in the bedroom appeared to be watching it with varying degrees of interest while enjoying themselves or each other.

Apart from Zsis, Blue, and himself, there were six other males currently in the room: a couple on each of the two beds, and two other singles lurking nearby. One of the couples consisted of a twinky-looking orange tiger who was getting vigorously groped by the larger brown mule who was his dom; the other was a dual-cocked, muscular black dragon with a golden underside whose arms were currently bound against his sides and whose ankles were cuffed together, while his very small kobold boyfriend knelt atop him and ruthlessly edged him for the whole room to see.

Hot. Teryx wasn't familiar with those two, but could easily imagine getting that way.

As for the room's two single males, they were both canids -- a muscular white wolf standing nude near the far wall with his arms at his sides and one foot slightly elevated, and a sandy tan coyote who had made himself at home on the floor between the two beds, his back resting against a nightstand. The coyote was already voyeuristically enjoying himself, his eyes flitting back and forth between the TV and the two nearby couples while he very slowly pleasured his knotty cock through an already-equipped condom. The wolf wasn't even sheath-peeking, although he was looking a little plump down there. Maybe he was just well-hung?

Importantly, however, Teryx didn't yet see the specific person(s) he had been meaning to meet up with.

Then something else vitally important caught his eyes. He noticed two beer-bottle caps on one of the nightstand next to where the dragon and kobold were playing. The caps had been partly obscured by the bottles themselves, which were resting atop a napkin that was being used as a makeshift coaster. Teryx slipped over near the wall, acted naturally, and then quietly slipped both of the caps off the surface. He went over to Zsisron and said, "Hold these for me," before going back to the nightstand and snagging the napkin as well -- which he promptly folded into the rough shape of a skunk's tail and handed to Blue without comment. The skunk took the caps from Zsis, enfolded them in the paper, and stashed the set in a small pocket at the side of his jacket.

Teryx looked around again, looking for his train of thought as much as for anything else. Where was he? Right, his friend...

"I wonder about Marcus and Albert..." said Teryx, mostly to Zsis and Blue but without quite looking at them. "He should be kind of obvious, since he's a two-headed alligator. Said he was on his way a bit ago, but I haven't gotten word back since."

"Why not get comfortable while you wait?" suggested Blue.

"Yess, you look almosst nervous," agreed Zsisron.

"Nervous?" remarked Teryx. The very idea pushed any apparent anxiety out of his expression. "Did you forget who you're talking to?"

"No, not in the sslightest."

Teryx folded his arms: "I'll have you know, the butterflies in my stomach went extinct ages ago."

Zsisron played along with the notion. "Did you kill them in order to become a better ssocial butterfly?"

Teryx cast an anime-worthy glance of confidence in Zsisron's direction: "You're damn right I did."

That was that. Teryx definitely had to take somebody tonight, in full view of his friends. For his honor as a rain dragon!

It then occurred to Teryx that he had left his condoms with his clothes. That wouldn't do.

"I'll be right back," he added, before slipping away to grab the desired item.

* * *

Teryx returned to the bedroom just a minute later... but something about his attitude had shifted.

He wasn't looking at the other guys in the room, at least not right away. He wasn't even getting an eyeful of that hunky wolf, who had started to stroke himself off when the porno got to the part where the red-robed fox gave the delivery guy his "tip." Nor was Teryx inquiring about Albert and Marcus. Nor, indeed, was he seeking a different random conquest.

Teryx... was holding his condom, still in the wrapper, in his partly-open right palm.

And staring at it.

He was hardly watching where he was going -- a fact which eventually caused Zsis and Blue to stop coil-snuggling quite so much and start watching him more closely. Neither seemed to know quite what to make of this specific behavior.

Even Teryx wasn't sure what was going on. He just felt so... interested in the condom for some reason. He started thinking about making a collection of condoms to go with his collection of bottle caps. So round and perfect, the impression of it sticking up through the wrapper the way that it did. And what, after all, was a condom, but a cap for one of life's most sacred bottles?

So distracting was this personal revelation that Teryx didn't notice himself meandering back into the living room, where two green-scaled heads in a hotel maintenance worker uniform were backing their way into the room, dragging with them some kind of extra-large air mattress and an electronically powered pump to go with it.

Wait... two heads on one body. He didn't realize his friend was part of the staff! That would've been nice to know in advance!

"Hey, Alb--" said Teryx, momentarily distracted from the condom. Then he stopped speaking as he saw the worker's third head slip into the room. Blinking, he realized this was a three-headed draconic hydra he was looking at, and not a two-headed alligator. He definitely did not know this person.

"Here ya go, you excessive goons," the hydra's middle head said, in a voice which sounded a bit like a woman mimicking the vocal range of a man.

"Thanks, Krrahlnia," said the two geckos by the sofa, breaking off a kiss to say the words in eerie unison.

"Don't thank us," said the hydra's right head, at a pitch and cadence which sounded more feminine. "Thank whoever's paying for it!" Her voice rose considerably in volume upon that phrase.

"That's me!" called the kobold from the bedroom, presumably still from his lordly vantage over the bound black dragon.

"Call the front desk and tell them!" said the female head.


The hydra's remaining head chimed in, in a masculine tenor: "DragonStone brand air mattress, the only air mattress fully vetted by the DracoRhinocerBull Horny Males' Assocation. If they can't puncture it, then neither can you, so go wild!"

"After we fill it with air," the middle head corrected.

Krrahlnia Hydra plugged in the pump and remained to watch the mattress fill. Teryx had guessed by this point that the orgy was going to be bigger than he had first been informed... but, that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. This mattress was positively huge, and would turn the suite's sitting room into a real play area.

Teryx's eye was again caught by the glint of his condom wrapper.

Suddenly, he knew what he must do. How he would not only impress Zsisron and Blue, but also his two-headed friend in the event that the latter soon arrived.

He must.




Teryx returned to the bedroom just in time to see the white wolf taking a cue from the coyote, who had stood up and walked over to him to show off, and to suggest some condom play. A still-wrapped condom was in the 'yote's hands, and he was starting to tear it open, presumably so that he could apply it to the healthy erection the wolf had developed during the preceding minute.

The rain dragon, full of purpose, walked right over to them and yoinked the condom out of the coyote's hand.

"We'll get you nice n' wrapped up, and then--what the hell, man!?"

Teryx winked at the big wolf while holding the condom up high. "I know it might seem sudden, but before you put this on, I should warn you that there's going to be a bareback opportunity for you in the other room in just a few minutes."

"Uh, rude much?" replied the coyote. "Don't listen to this guy, why don't we have some fun in here together?"

The wolf sniffed at the dragon, as if trying to parse his intent from his smell. There would be no fresh hints of alcohol or drugs, nor of disease either. "You have fun in here," said the wolf to the coyote. "If I'm honest, I kinda hate condoms. They never fit me."

Teryx glanced down at the wolf's girth. "Yes, I can see why..."

"I've got some of the big kind in my pack if you want," said the coyote.

"Too desperate," the wolf said. "I don't know you."

"Like you know this guy!"

"He speaks my language." The wolf shrugged. "Deal with it."

Teryx's heart was pounding. That had been risky, maybe even a little too audacious, but he had spoken to his fellow male's inner urge to give someone a raw ploughing, and it had worked. Though, he wasn't sure whose tailhole he was going to have to direct the wolf toward. Worst case, he could always offer up his own... definitely nothing to dislike in that guy, plus he'd get to keep the condom for sure!

"That's my condom you know," said the coyote as they started to leave. "Give it back!"

Hmm, now that was a problem. Immature though the smaller male was perhaps being, Teryx did have a sense of fairness about personal belongings.

"I'll pay you for it. You take cash?"

"Cash? You should let me cum on your face, ya cockblocking jerk."

Teryx considered this. "You always wear a condom when you have sex?"

"Every single time, and I'm completely clean. Tested before I came here."

"Perfect! Then just follow us into the other room and I'll get this party started."

The coyote looked stunned. "Wait, you were serious?"

"As much as you love looking at other people, I love showing off," said Teryx. "Oh, but be a good sport and give me that condom you're already wearing, too."

"Weirdo. You can take it before I finish... I like how it feels."

"Certainly -- far be it for me to begrudge another man his pleasure. Now let's get going!"

The coyote rolled his eyes and followed them. Maybe this was just how things went at orgies sometimes.

* * *

"What iss he doing...?" Zsisron wondered aloud, craning his head out the bedroom door and fanning his hood for a moment as he took notice of the credible bukakke threat which was starting to assemble itself around Teryx on the air mattress. The draconic pretty-man had only passed through the door half a minute ago with two men, and now there were _five_gathering around him... and the strange yet distinctive sounds of condom wrappers being grabbed and squished a little, but not torn open.

"Hey, snake, don't get distracted from your mission," said Blue from within his coils.

"Hmph! You are trying to disstract me with this luscious dick of yourss..." Zsisron wiggled against him; his vent and belly had been teasing the skunk's erection for some time now.

"Mm, this bet is fun and all, but you know how I feel about distractions in bed. Tell you what, you win tonight's round."

"Zssssaaah? Why do you admit defeat so eassily?"

"'Cause I'm pretty sure his newfound urge to collect condoms is because of your programming for bottlecaps... and 'cause I know I'll win the third round."

"Hss! You overconfident little--"

Blue disrupted him by grabbing his sides and kissing him right on the nose. Zsisron's deployed hood slowly melted to a relaxed state as he returned the kiss with a series of licks and heavier hugs. Maybe letting the dragon alone for just a little while would be good after all...

For Teryx, the buildup to this situation felt quite a bit different. Not anomalous at all -- for how could it be anomalous? For him, it was the setting of a grand stage of fun and arousal. The hydra had departed (with all three heads shaking in that "Now I've seen everything!" way), taking the quickie air pump and leaving the roomful of males to do with each other what they would.

The geckos who had been engaged in prolonged and very wet kissing saw Teryx approaching with the other guys and stood up, before exchanging looks which said, "I dare you to join in on that." Both agreed, and strode forward into the mattress with their slender six-inchers at the ready.

"Ah-ah!" said Teryx from his initial kneeling position at the center of the mattress, to the erect and needy reptiles. "You want to join in, it's gonna cost you."

"Say what?" uttered one of them flatly, before glancing at his companion in hopes of an explanation.

"Uh, like money or what? This is a sex party."

"Heh, no~ just a condom each. Got any on you?" Teryx grinned, while reaching up to give an idle massage to the big wolf's bare meat.

"Sure, of course... you want us wrapped?"

"Hell no!" said Teryx, "Give me the condoms, don't use them!"

Perplexed, the geckos each quickly found one from their belongings. Then the one who previously said "Say what?" started stroking himself even faster after handing his condom over, and moaned a little.

His buddy looked at him, a bit confused, but only received a reply of, "I'm enjoying this. It's kinky!"

The other gecko handed over his "price of admission" and started rubbing again too. He still felt a little annoyed in his brain, but his dick was telling him that it could see the appeal.

To Teryx's surprise, the fennec from the sofa couple also joined in a moment later, standing tall in front of Teryx with his arms crossed and an already-wrapped pink erection looming.

"I hope you don't mind taking mine from my cock, slut~" said the fennec while his gray wolf mate pawed eagerly away on the sofa.

"Mm, not at all, let's get it right off." Teryx tried halfheartedly to remove it with his hands, but pretended like his fingers were slipping, in order to justify peeling it back with an erotically charged combination of two fingers and his teeth. He then laid it down atop the rest of his condom pile.

"Dragon confirmed slut," teased the fennec.

"Please, this is nothing," assured Teryx. "I'm only waiting for a friend to arrive and collecting condoms along the way. 'Course, I don't mind collecting a little of what naturally tends to go with condoms too."

It was while Teryx's snout and hands were reaching around to touch each of his new friends that a two-headed alligator finally arrived, mumbling a few bickered comments to himself as he entered:

"I already told you I'm not sure if I can handle this." -- "Relax... don't go to pieces on me now. Oh... we're here." The gator froze, both heads looking on. Then in perfect unison, they reacted: "Teryx!?"

"Hey, Marcus and Albert, come on over and strip on down."

"Um..." -- "What're you waiting for, let's get over there!" -- "But what if we're not clean enough?" -- "We already GOT clean! That's what that too-long shower was for!"

Teryx just grinned, in between flicking increasingly passionate and teasing licks at the others. There was plenty of other things he wanted to do with this gator and lots of catching up as well, but right now...

"Got a condom on you?" he asked.

The gator froze again. "H-eheh, no, I think we forgot them."

"That settles it then, your price of admission to play with me is offering up your tailhole. I need someone who can enjoy me while I take care of these guys."

"Get in or wait out," suggested the white wolf tersely to the gator. "We're all ready to go."

Teryx gave the wolf's cock a surprisingly firm squeeze-and-tug, as if managing a collared beast. "Easy big guy. I've been waiting all night for this, you can give him two minutes."

The wolf swallowed once and relaxed. "Fine," he growled. "Keep rubbing."

Teryx loved that about big, testosterone-fueled studs like this wolf... as long as they weren't too prone to violence, they were easy enough to manage even when they were raging hard. The still-condomed coyote was playing with himself harder after observing the exchange, and seemed to have found it hot.

"It's up to you," Teryx added, addressing the gator again. "Though I must confess, I'll feel awfully cold and lonely down here without someone to keep my naked parts warm." He turned his shaft toward Marcus and Albert, framing its ridged appearance beautifully against the backdrop of a room full of horny guys.

"I'd keep 'em warm," offered the gray wolf quietly from the sofa.

"Shut up and keep masturbating," his fennec dom commanded. "Don't you dare cum until I do."

"Uhnh... yessir..."

The gator looked around the room. Then his two heads exchanged glances with one another.

Marcus and Albert's trousers hit the floor eight seconds later. His arousal was swollen, perky, and impossible to miss as he tucked-and-rolled onto the mattress and spread himself before Teryx. It was rare to see a pair of humanoid reptilian cocks so long, thick, and gently curvy, as if someone had sculpted them to be able to perfectly nail a prostate on penetration. Teryx might have to experiment with that notion sometime later... but for now, the positioning of things meant that he had a different duty.

"Excellent~" said the rain dragon as he felt around at each erection once more. "Now, why don't we all do our part toward making the world a happier place."

"Mrrrr..." rumbled the wolf. Then, to the coyote: "Hey, pup."

"Yeah, asshole?" quipped the coyote, in objection to the diminutive term.

"Get over here by me and lemme give you a hand."

"What, now you wanna play?"

The wolf scoffed. "Your loss if you don't." Then he bore down suddenly on Teryx with a growl and a harmless flash of teeth.

Teryx had been fondling the cock of the fennec, who had stepped around to Teryx's right side. "Pardon me a moment," apologized the rain dragon as the wolf started humping him.

Teryx held up under the weight like a champ, and was pleased to find that the air mattress was firm enough not to send either him or his top wobbling from the slightest motions. While the wolf began grinding his shaft on Teryx's back, the dragon hooked one arm around the gator's thigh and scooted-plus-beckoned him even closer. Marcus and Albert's two shafts were reaching full hardness in a hurry, and they bounced and slapped along the gator's abs as Teryx adjusted the positioning.

Dommy attitude aside, the fennec took a step back for the moment and winked at Teryx while stroking himself, as if to say, "Do what you need to do."

Teryx did exactly that. By the time he had hoisted the gator's rump up for missionary penetration, the wolf was already excitedly dogging his way down toward Teryx's tailhole as well, the wet tip grinding along the base of Teryx's tail and poking lightly at the dragon's balls. Meanwhile, the geckos had stepped around to aim their cocks toward Teryx's neck and upper back and were mutually stroking one another as they waited for a chance to get some more of Teryx's attention.

From the other room, Teryx could also hear the sound of Blue, Zsisron, and that kobold talking quietly, but Teryx couldn't make out what they were saying and had other things on his mind anyway.

Perhaps noticing the look of slight alarm on Marcus's face as Teryx's shaft pressed up against the gator's tailhole, one of the geckos helpfully reached for a bottle of lube and held it where Teryx could see it, before moving it slightly upward, shrugging and head-tilting.

"Perfect! Drizzle some on me. Things are moving kinda fast here~"

The wolf, quietly and more reluctantly, also let off of Teryx for a moment and requested a similar treatment for himself.

Then, at last, they snapped together like toy construction bricks. Tabs into holes. Dragon into gator, wolf into dragon... and then the crowd closed in further. Marcus and Albert took Teryx's first thrust with a gasp of surprise and relaxed into his penetration with some difficulty. Teryx had to grit his teeth a bit to cope with the wolf's harsher entry but found the girth easy to take, for now. Once they reached the business of popping that already-big knot into him, things might get more challenging.

The fennec moved back in, and Teryx gave his cock several excited slurps and sucks, before dragon and fennec alike turned their heads to look at the not-fully-participating geckos.

"Mmm, c'mere guys," said Teryx to the geckos, letting his tongue linger forward from his maw as if hungry for their cocks.

They tried both pressing in from Teryx's left, and he was able to lick at each of them and the fennec intermittently while they all continued slowly pawing. At the same time, Teryx was holding the gator's hips, using them for added support against the wolf's slam-thrusting weight, which in turn caused Teryx to go deeper, faster.

Marcus was quietly moaning in response, while Albert was gritting his teeth and grunting with a bring-it-on attitude. "He's so thick!" breathed Marcus. -- "W-we can take bigger...!" insisted Albert. Their cocks made it clear that their prostate was happy by drooling increasing amounts of preseed onto their belly.

"Mm, just tight enough, I like it~" said Teryx, before speaking more broadly. "Everyone stay close... don't by shy. Let me bring you all the pleasure you like with this dashingly handsome body of mine." This entreaty was obviously too wordy for the wolf, who started to grumble in annoyance even while getting deeper into the dragon's rear. The knot was slamming at his entrance. "Come in close now... I'll even let you guys finish on my mane if you're good."

The coyote, who had been pawing himself so furiously that he seemed quite a bit closer to cumming than the others, took several steps forward and bumped his dick against the wolf's left shoulder. The wolf deftly peeled off the condom and tossed it aside, before spit-lubing the one hand and grabbing hold of the 'yote's shaft.

Shlup shlup shlip shlip... He stroked in rhythm with his thrusting, which for a moment was quite a bit gentler but still rather fast.

"H-hey, don't go so fast!" protested the coyote. "You'll make me... ahhh...!"

With the wolf distracted, Teryx took the time to rock back and forth, preparing himself for the knot and tightening up how close he, the wolf, and the gator all were.

From the bedroom door, the kobold walked in -- leading his own dragon in a bondage-enforced knee-walk. While fondling the bound dragon's cock, the kobold teased him, saying, "Just watch how much fun they're having... if you're good I might even let you cum with them too."


The exclamation was from the coyote, who blew his load in a flurry of instinctive thrusts through the wolf's grasp. The cum landed on Teryx's upper back and speckled his mane; it seemed the 'yote wouldn't quite be cumming on his face after all.

"That's it, let all that uppity pride out..." the wolf said with a grin, keeping a hand snug around the coyote's knot even while picking up steam with Teryx again.

Speaking of knots, that wolf one was getting awfully close to breaching Teryx's defenses. The rain dragon started breathing deeper in preparation, and could feel himself letting go of lots of pre inside the gator.

"Teryx, it feels great," said Marcus. -- "Please don't ever stop," agreed Albert. -- "Only once we're done!" -- "Mm, yeah~"

From there, it all escalated naturally. The geckos and fennec stayed close and let Teryx slurp and tease at them as they pawed. The kobold and the black dragon also approached, while Zsisron and Blue took the moment to steal some cuddle time on the bed where the dragon had until recently been bound. The kobold did not undo the black dragon's bonds, but merely kept teasing the helplessly erect cock while forcing him to watch the sex unfold.

"Now tell me," said the kobold, "Who's a good dragon?"

"I am," breathed the black dragon.

"You know I'm a good dragon," interjected Teryx, before lewdly sucking on both geckos at once.

Marcus and Albert were clawing at the mattress as Teryx kept thrusting. The wolf went more aggressive, and then there was a quiet pop as the knot finally found its home for the next quarter-hour.

"Ahhh, so nice that you've arrived," murmured the rain dragon. "I hope everyone's..." -- slurp! -- "feeling as good as..." -- shliiiick! -- "I am..."

A series of pleasured vocalizations followed, starting with a remarkably loud and shrill one from the fennec, who for all of his posturing still seemed like he'd probably be the one to cum next -- and as a loudmouthed slave to his own arousal. He was pulling back, jerking himself quicker and quicker while aiming his cock right at Teryx's mane. One of his handpaws reached over to stroke at it.

"You have really nice hair, Teryx."

"That so? Why not pay it the highest compliment you can, then? Go right ahead, I'll let you..."


The kobold smiled at his dragon while the fennec ejaculated on the rainy one. A moment later there was a sound of some shackles being undone. The black dragon rose and walked to Teryx's front, straddling the gator but angling his viciously massive erection toward Teryx's snout.

"Great to have you at our party, Terry," said the black dragon.

"Mm, seems you remembered your welcoming gift."

"Master thought it'd be a good idea."

"Your Master is smart." Then Teryx began to lick and suck on it, while one of his hands left the gator's hips and reached up to stroke at both geckos slowly.

"You gettin' close, Ralf?" asked the black dragon of the wolf.

"Mmmhrrrgh...!!" said the wolf.

"Mm, like a ticking time bomb," whispered Teryx with confidence. "You all about there~?"

A flurry of affirmative responses filled the room. Even the coyote, who had already settled into a post-orgasmic sitting posture, mumbled something similar.

Marcus and Albert couldn't help themselves now. They were rubbing their own lengths, so close to shooting that it felt criminal not to touch and enjoy.

"Unburden yourselves, friends," advised Teryx.

He didn't have to tell any of them twice. Those heavy loads were soon to arrive.

While the fennec receded and plopped onto the sofa, the master kobold tapped his sub-stud on the ass. Together, master and sub stroked at the black dragon's cock. The wolf, meanwhile, put full focus onto making short and rapid rutting motions from his knotted position.

There was a wave of low growling that made Teryx's mane-hairs rise. It sounded like the wolf behind him thought him good enough to eat. There was also the progressively harder to control pulsing in his prostate... the urge to bottom out inside the gator and let it all go free...

"Hh... smile for me you two... mhh!!"

Teryx was panting as the gecko cocks put a synchronized pair of loads across his open snout and onto his tongue. Paired threads of white cream, streaking over him while he looked at Marcus and Albert. Albert's eyes were shut in bliss, but Marcus was looking back at him as he rammed in to the hilt. Then Albert's eyes opened faintly as well, that half of the gator looking as if he might pass out from some overwhelming pleasure-combo that was assailing him.


There it was... finally, the climactic throbs of that knot, and the warm gush of all that seed filling him... an ultimate act of admiration...


Thick, pent-up, and heavy, the black dragon's first spurt landed on Teryx's left shoulder. The black dragon's knees wobbled and lowered as the climax claimed him, but the stronger second spurt still overshot Teryx entirely, splattering onto the carpet beyond him instead. The kobold immediately swatted the black dragon hard on the ass, prompting him to groan in pain-pleasure as he lowered his hips further and adjusted his aim, the remaining few spurts striking Teryx under the neck and running gradually down his chest.

Teryx let out a quiet moan. All these lovely men adoring him with their bodies... it was just too much now. He grabbed onto a gator cock and jerked it wildly while Marcus and Albert two-handed the other, the motions serving as a rhythmic accompaniment to Teryx's arrival at his own peak. Seconds later, Teryx's load emptied itself into that happy reptilian rear. He felt like a river, fluids in motion, tamed only a little by society. Just some pipes and pressure... just enough to make everything feel great...

Of course, with this much manual stimulation underway, Teryx wasn't the only one feeling like that.

"Nhh..." -- "AAHHH!!"

The gator's two-pronged load shot long, with the globs smacking either against Albert's neck or firing away off the mattress and against the nearby wall, depending on which of the two cocks was involved. Unsurprisingly, Teryx's hand was the one responsible for the messier aim. The kobold just laughed about this; Marcus glimpsed the cum splattering against the wall and showed just an instant of embarrassment before succumbing to the bliss that was claiming him.

"Ahhh... that's it... just relax..." whispered Teryx. "Everyone relax, party hard, hard, hard~"

By the time all of the loads involved in this orgy were spent on him, Teryx's wrists and ankles were quivering. He didn't like to show any weakness, but his body was really feeling great right now... so many bottle cap-like objects collected, so many men serviced, the only thing that could make it better would be finding some paper to steal...

Whatever... he had his priorities. He wanted to feel every drop run down him... he'd pulled the caps off plenty of metaphorical "bottles" here right now... and felt their tasty contents overflow.

"Mmm... you men are fantastic," Teryx complimented.

The master kobold, to whom Teryx had not been paying much attention, now got right in front of the dragon's nose. The dick on him wasn't large, but it was hard and being eagerly self-stroked.

"Pleased to meet you, Teryx~" hissed the kobold. "Ahhh...!"

It shot all over his forehead, along the upper edge of his mane. Then the later shots were angled downward, drawing a criss-crossing mark across his snout compared to the other loads. The kobold's cock then lingered, throbbing several more times even after it stopped shooting, still in his hand while his eyes held shut in pleasure.

"Heh... he's pretty dang good," said the wolf.

Teryx's butt gave the big guy a gentle squeeze. "Thank you, good sir."

"This will need some cleanup... eventually," said the kobold with a chuckle as he settled into his afterglow. He glanced at his much larger sub-dragon. "Get some towels and the rubbing alcohol. We'll want to wipe the floor and wall right away."

"Yes, Master."

"As for this one's face... I think we'll have to let him endure the shame of being covered in all our seed for a few minutes first... maybe take some pictures for posterity."

"Hot," agreed Teryx with a smirk.

"Yes... but, do get some towels for him too!" The kobold's voice raised in a not-too-masterly squeaky way at the end of that thought.

"Heh... actually, uh... you got any napkins?" queried Teryx. "I'd be good with napkins, or paper towels even."

The bukakke crowd glanced quizzically among each other. "Zsisron, is this your doing?" barked the kobold.

Zsis and Blue unfolded momentarily from their ongoing, horny embrace in the other room. An amount of fluid was drizzling between Blue's humanoid penis and one of the naga's soft-spined hemipenes, making it hard to tell whether one or both of them had ejaculated, or if it was a large amount of pre. Zsisron turned and showed off their cocks a bit, because why not?

"I have no idea what you're talking about," said Zsisron, his voice deep and a bit grumpy as he avoided using any sibilant syllables.

"I think napkins work great for him!" said Blue, before waving at the room and winking. "Now if you'll excuse us..."

Snuggles resumed. The kobold shrugged.

"Give him a few paper towels then... and a bag to dispose of them properly."

And thus the biggest part of Teryx's involvement in the orgy concluded: knotted by a wolf, slit-deep in a two-headed gator's ass, covered in several men's semen, in technical possession of several bottle caps and condoms, and with a promise of at least a few paper towels that he could fold into skunk tails before daubing off the loads which had covered him.

"You better keep in touch..." Marcus quietly groaned.

"Hey, you know I will," said Teryx. "We have loads in common."

"Phrasing," grunted Albert. "Uhh, I feel like I'm gonna pass out..."

"Don't wimp out on me now!" said Marcus.

Teryx just smiled, took hold of one of the gator's shafts again, and felt it twitch a few times in his hand. Hypnotizable or not, he lived for exquisite moments like this.

* * *

Once Teryx had fully cleaned up, he and Blue had the pleasure of catching a shower together, and then some time in the whirlpool tub. Zsisron chose to clean himself using warm, moist cloths and a nice brand of scale-polishing oil, since he was feeling a little dried up from his time at the con thus far. He then curled up by the tub and hummed tunes to which he bobbed his head while Blue pet him. Competition or not, this was also an important time for them to relax together. Getting overly serious and in each other's faces again could wait until tomorrow.

Teryx took the opportunity to freshen up his mane after the bath, neatly and carefully drying and combing it so that it would be perfectly in place. Then he casually swiped the screw-top lids off of a few other furs' beauty products in order to "collect" those too. He also found some fliers in the bedroom and made skunk tails out of them, but they weren't as plentiful as the bottle-cap option. Zsisron had the awkward task of putting the caps back after convincing Teryx to hand them over, since a few of the partygoers were starting to ask questions.

By the time midnight arrived, Zsisron's bottle-cap compulsion had won by a solid margin. Due to the... creative way that Teryx's mind had interpreted the day's compulsions, Zsis and Blue were a little fuzzy about which items to count and which not to count in a few cases, but even if they discredited the condoms as invalid, things which were distinctly caps for bottles appeared to have won the day. With the condoms included, it was sort of a landslide.

This brought the rounds thus far to a tie. Blue, however, didn't seem fussed about it. He kept smiling a little, anytime Zsis would bring it up. Teryx, as usual, had trouble following what they were talking about -- though this didn't surprise either hypnotist, since both of them had been leaving him with active post-hypnotic suggestions against properly comprehending discussions about the competition. He couldn't understand them because he must not. He must feel proud and unhypnotizable instead. That was simply how it must be!

And tomorrow? Well, tomorrow would be another day.

[DolphinSanity] Conventional Hypnosis, Chapter 3

**Hypnosis Competition, Final Round** Due to an agreed-upon lull in the competition between Zsisron and Blue, Teryx was spared from further hypnosis the following _morning_, and all three participants in this little game spent more time exploring...

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[DolphinSanity] Conventional Hypnosis, Chapter 1

Three men were sitting atop stools at a high table off to one side of the barroom. The room's background chatter -- a cacophony of around twenty anthros with convention hype on their minds -- formed the perfect white noise to mask the unusual...

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[Draconicon] Werewolf Exorcism, 3: Prowler's Temptations

Teryx panted as he carried Satres over his shoulder, the raven lighter than he wanted to think about at that point as he ran down from the ruins towards the town further down the moonlit road. He panted, not from effort, but from the constant heat that...

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