Balto joins to the training

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#5 of The training of Leadership II

Kodi continues his training, but now he can feel a real cock when his dad show up to join in the training of his son.

The eyelids of Kodi quivers lightly and he moans in the meantime his head move from one side to other one. He opens his eyes feeling an incredible sensation between his legs.

He feels confused while he moans and he is leaned backwards in his mother's soft bed. He sees the roof before groan again with pleasure.

Kodi looks at his crotch and he sees with surprise as his mother is between his legs sucking his penis smoothly. He moans of pleasure and says absolutely nothing dropping his head toward back.

He feels as the mouth of her mother moves up and down on his shaft, the lukewarm and hot saliva covers it sliding to his knot. Teeth rub on his hard meat smoothly.

Jenna enjoys the taste in her mouth, her right forepaw caresses her son's balls with calm, she squeezes them softly. The member's tip touches the entrance of her throat.

With calm she draws the penis from her mouth and she starts to lick it slowly beginning from the knot and moving up to the tip. Her rough tongue pleasures him achieving that Kodi quivers, Jenna licks the hard shaft with the greatest pleasure.

She applies a couple of soft and pleasurable bites to the knot while she sees as a drop of precum shines on the tip. Her muzzle moves down more to take care of Kodi's two balls.

He smiles enjoying the licks on his orbs, each one of them are raised on the air.

His mother sucks them with calm, she knows how to take care of a male's crotch.

Jenna again puts her son's penis in her mouth and she sucks it smoothly while she takes down her mouth. Kodi takes a breath when his cock tip enters in the throat of his mom.

She takes down her head and more of his member he slides in her throat, Kodi moans feeling as the muscles squeezes his shaft with force. Her mother's nose touches his knot.

He feels his hot respiration, bunting it. Jenna's saliva falls on the knot while the hard flesh is between her teeth and partially housed in her throat, her reflection of vomiting is not present since she had dominated it completely.

Kodi moans and pants with pleasure while his tail moves slowly on the wooden floor.

Her mother's deep throat ends and she begins to move her head and to increase the force of her sucking.

The precum is more abundant and the moans of Kodi increase in intensity, his tongue hangs from his mouth while he approaches in a great climax. He pushes his hips and growls ferociously clenching his teeth with force.

Jenna feels the explosion of seed in her mouth. it covers completely her tongue and teeth. She does not release the penis and sucks it with pleasure swallowing the cum.

His particular taste of the semen of her son pleases her in the meantime she does not stop the sucking, Kodi moans while pleasure becomes painful. He with calm and lack of energy pushes his mother's head toward back using his forepaws.

Jenna laughs smoothly and permits that the member gets out from her mouth, Kodi's penis hits his stomach releasing a little more semen that sprinkles his fur.

Kodi still is panting when he receives a couple of affectionate pats on his head.

"You were so good pup that deserved a reward." His mom says smiling to him maternally. Kodi rolls and falls out of the bed before standing up while his member rocks under his body.

He sits and sees as his mother eats her food with calm and pleasure. She looks beautiful and he would be hard, if were not for the fact that he has just ejaculated.

The females of his family are beautiful, Kodi shakes his head and soon his cock retracts to hide in his sheath completely. When she finishes eating, Jenna licks her mouth and turns over seeing as her son looks at her without stopping.

She comes closer him and she nuzzles him smoothly, both move their tails content for some moments.

"You were well the previous night, but you must improve your oral ability." Jenna says looking at Kodi. He just nods knowing that his performance in that subject was poor, it was his first time trying it.

"Now go home." Jenna says smiling and giving some light blows on her son's flanks.

He nuzzles her for some moments before saying good-bye and going out rapidly of the house of his mother in order that her masters did not discover him. Kodi goes out to the patio and next to the street.

For that moment there are a couple of people that walk on the street, Kodi walks slowly without being able to believe what happened the last night. It had been something completely pleasurable.

Now he cannot deny that he likes the anal sex, his mother must be the best training female of the world in this subject. He shakes his head not to remember what happened and to avoid a sudden erection on the street.

He gets to his home and with calm enters in the house not to wake up his friend, Kodi wishes to rest a little more as soon as he goes to his favorite place under a table and he leans on the floor to sleep.

A final yawn gets out from his mouth before he leans his head on his forepaws and fell asleep without paying attention to the steps of his master that are heard in the upper floor.

Kodi wakes up a couple of hours later, he yawns and goes out of under the table to stretch his body completely while he growls contentedly feeling as his blood gets to each corner of his body.

He shakes off a moment before seeing the what time it is, it is close to the noon, so he stands up and he goes to the kitchen where he finds a certain amount of food in his dish.

Kodi licks his mouth and with calm he eats each croquette. He likes the taste a lot, this is one of the best foods for dog that some doc can find in Nome.

As this is a faraway city the arrival of supplies and things is difficult access, very different to what happens in big cities. But even so Kodi and a lot of dogs love to live in a place where they have a lot of nature around them in addition to have space where running and playing.

When eating his food, Kodi drinks some water and thinks in what he is going to do now.

Through the window Kodi can see that the sky is clear. He leaves the house and walks on the different streets seeing the people and some dogs. He greets them.

He has several friends in Nome, Kodi gets out of the city and he heads toward the boat of his father. Kodi can see it to the distance, it is old and in ruins, but even so it is a place that he loves a lot.

As he comes closer he can see two big white and hairy figures. They are Muck and Luk, the two polar bears that are his father's friends.

"The uncle Boris is near." Kodi thinks while he smiles smoothly knowing that both bears are the constant headache for his uncle.

"Muck Luck, what are you doing?" Kodi asks looking at the two bears. Both scratch their head while they look around with confusion. Both brothers turn over seeing Kodi, they come closer rapidly to Kodi. He moves to one side when Luk trips and he almost falls on him.

"We look for uncle Boris." The bear says while he looks at his biggest brother.

Luk nods repeatedly while he does some facial expressions to his brother, he makes him a gesture in order that he stops.

"He hid and we did not find him. He says that we must find him to practice the nose." Muck says placing a finger on his nose and sniffing the air just like his brother.

Kodi for the corner of the eye perceives a motion in the cover of the boat, he sees a pen that stands out give her shelter and it moves to go into the boat's bridge.

"Then keep practicing he must be near. I will see, if my father had have returned from his travel." Kodi says doing a grin to the two bears. They nod and go away to search around the place.

Kodi laughs smoothly and he climbs on the boat to enter the ship's bridge and next going down to the hold of the ship. He sniffs air and without a lot of trouble his sense of smell guides him to an old and dirty cardboard box that is near.

"Uncle Boris, they no longer are near." Kodi says looking at the cardboard box with a smile.

Immediately the box moves and it turns over. Boris stands up and he cleans his feathers a little.

"Very well, they are a plague." Boris says growling of bother. Kodi laughs smoothly.

"Come uncle Boris, you know that you will miss them when they grow up." Kodi says smiling a little while he sees the goose.

"Sure, like a strong pain in the peak." Boris says laying a pen on his peak to demonstrate his point. Kodi smiles and shakes off his head lightly.

"What about you, boy? I knew that your mother is training you." The goose asks looking at Kodi.

He surprises completely himself by the unexpected question his uncle.

"How do you know it? Kodi asks blushing lightly. He did not expect that Boris knows it. Perhaps Saba or Dingo told it to Boris, they are the only ones that know about his training.

"Your mom came to take out the toys from here." Boris responds looking at Kodi.

He gets surprised a little, but also it seems logical to him that his parents are hiding those toys here.

"How is your ass? Is it ready?" Boris asks while he walks and looks for another box where he fitted in completely without problems.

"Eh definitely, I already am about ready in that aspect." Kodi says blushing and becoming uncomfortable lightly.

"Well I always thought that I was unusual to see your mother on top of your father in his trainings, although now I know that he likes it. Both are lustful, I did not teach that to your father." Boris says taking a box and looking at her to see if he fits in it.

"Did you see them?" Kodi asks with surprise again.

"Of course, many times, when you still were inside your mother. He told me that he fucked with your mother to prove to her that she even attracted him. But I believe that never it was out of any doubt. They used to do it with you close." Boris says looking at Kodi.

He opens his eyes wide with surprise.

"How many times I had to keep all of you out of here? I mean I told you many times that there was a spider and that your parents were looking for her. When the true is that they were knotted down here." Boris says looking at Kodi.

He is completed surprised by this.

"It sees me interesting that story was very useful, I mean how many poisonous spiders for a dog you can you find in Alaska?" Boris says using his feathers to show the size of a small spider.

Kodi laughs smoothly to thinking that he and his siblings believed those tales, they were silly or too innocent when they were pups.

"Although I believe that Dingo and Saba did not it swallowed it completely." Boris says looking at Kodi.

"Did they know what was happening? Kodi asks surprised that his sister and brother knew everything.

"No, I suppose that they knew that your parents need some time alone for both to be kissing or I do not know what they could think." The goose says before he and Kodi listened to a great commotion up.

"Oh no!" Boris says jumping in a box and closing it from inside.

Few moments later both bears go down the stair with the purpose of later on beginning to stir the place. They stop when Kodi quietly uses his nose to point at the box in which Boris is hidden.

The dog laughs smoothly when bears rapidly run to the box and they open it. Both jump for joy while they surround the goose. He growls with bother.

Kodi laughs smoothly, his uncle can be rough often with the two polar bears. But he loves them a lot too, Kodi stays for some minutes before he decides to return at his home.

He gets out of the hold of the ship and from the deck he jumps to the ground.

His paws sink in snow.

Kodi begins to move and to walk with calm to back to Nome, he laughs when he listens a lot of noise in the deck of the boat. But he does not need to see what happens to know that the two polar bears are getting crazy to Boris.

In a few minutes Kodi is back in the town, he moves in the streets.

Passing close to the post office, he stops when he hears that a feminine voice calls him. Kodi looks at his right he and sees that Dipsy, the friend of his mom is who is calling him moving her forepaw.

"Kodi..." She says smiling animatedly. Kodi gets close to the female dog, she moves her tail content and she smiles.

"Good afternoon, Miss Dipsy." Kodi says while he stops in front of the female dog.

"Just call me Dipsy." She says smiling smoothly and doing a facial expression in the meantime she moves her tail. Kodi nods.

"I knew that now you are a dog of sleigh." The female dog says with excitation in her voice while she stands up at one bound.

"Yeah now I am a part of the team of mail. Although I am not active yet." Kodi says with a lot of pride while he inflates his chest and raises his tail.

"Well I love the dogs of sleigh." Dipsy says making a turn around Kodi rubbing her body against him. Kodi gets surprised and opens his eyes to see the female dog with surprise.

She smiles smoothly and catches his snout to move it down at the height of her face.

"The dogs of sleigh are really sexies." Dipsy says smiling impishly and licking Kodi's nose. The female dog laughs seeing fool's face of Kodi.

"Let's go to the alley behind the restaurant and we will have privacy. I am sure that you have a big and delicious tool for me." Dipsy says taking Kodi's strap to drag him along.

Kodi does not know what to make at that moment, but Dingo fortunately shows up to rescue him. His brother embraces him in a friendly way and he gives him a nudge on the ribs.

"I was looking for you, you forgot about our visit to the accessories store, I saw a couple of splendid straps." Dingo says while he watches content to his brother.

Dipsy looks at him with some bother.

"We have a date to have fun." Dipsy says while she looks at Kodi and she licks her mouth sensually. Kodi gets surprised a little.

"I am sorry Dipsy, it just will be a moment." Dingo says taking his brother by his strap and pulling his brother toward him.

"Well I wait for you behind the restaurant. Don't take too long or I will be going to look for you." Dipsy says while she winks an eye to Kodi before turning over and walking. She raises her tail shamelessly showing her vulva and her anus to Kodi and Dingo.

Kodi looks at with surprise once at the female dog's hidden region, he sees that his brother licks his mouth a moment before smiling. Dingo begins to move.

Kodi rapidly follows him closely.

"Thanks... but she is waiting." Kodi says while he feels a light shudder remembering Dipsy's warning. She apparently will keep her word.

"Yeah, she will look for you. Dipsy is that sort of female." Dingo says looking at his brother. Kodi just nods and he swallows hard, he not yet is ready for that stuff.

"Well I suppose that as the elder brother is my duty sacrifice myself for you, my balls will be hurt tonight." Dingo says making a grin and laughing noisily for some moments while Kodi looks at him with surprise.

"But if I recruit Daley and Dax... everything will be a lot easier. Three cocks are better than one, Dipsy will love it." Dingo says giving a friendly blow to Kodi.

He nods and shortly afterwards both separate to walk to different points of the city.

Kodi still is surprised because his mother's friend tried to seduce him so without a bit of shame.

Kodi cannot believe it, he enters in his house and decides to think a little about what happened.

That night after his master fell asleep, Kodi gets out of his home to go to the house of his mother. He moves his tail content looking for more training.

More fun awaits for him that night, but also he has a couple of doubts that he needs to resolve with his mom. In his short walk Kodi does not find any dog or human.

Streets are empty, but Kodi does not pay attention at it. He reaches the house of Jenna for some minutes later and he slides in using the dog's door. With calm he moves between the chairs that are at the place and he goes out to the living room before heading toward the room of his mother.

She is waiting for him sitting at the center of the room. Her tail moves from side to side showing that she is content to see him again.

"Hi mom." Kodi says getting close to Jenna.

"Hi dear." Jenna says standing up and getting close to her son. He does not move while his mother nuzzles him affectionately.

"It is moment of continuing, as we already advance a lot, we will go straight to the point." Jenna says simpering and impishly while she watches content to her son.

"Mom before we start... I have two doubts." Kodi says while he becomes uncomfortable lightly. The dog sees that his mother sits in front of him and expects his question.

"This afternoon I came across Dipsy." Kodi says with discomfort while he sees that his mother even looks closely at him.

"Mmmm... she seduced me." Kodi says while he blushes and sees that his mother opens the eyes with surprise.

"Well she tried it, but Dingo took me out of the problem and he offered himself to go in my place to have sex with her... I think that he asked my brothers for help." Kodi says while he clears his throat repeatedly.

He sees that his mother laughs smoothly.

"And?" Jenna asks calmly.

"Don't you care?" Kodi asks with calm. He sees that Jenna denies smoothly shaking her head.

"I know my friend very well, he likes the good-looking dogs and the ones that are in teams of sleigh. It is not somewhat surprising that she is interested in you." Jenna says smiling and caressing softly Kodi's chin while she smiles seductively.

Kodi gets surprised.

"All of you are adult and capable to decide with who you got involved. If she would have dragged along you an alley when you were a pup, I do not believe that she could attract a male's interest not having a tail to display." Jenna says jokingly, but also growling with some warning.

Kodi is completely surprised, but he does not doubt that his mother could make such thing. He already tried her fury previously.

"Is that everything?" Jenna asks looking at Kodi. He denies it with the head.

"You accompanied dad in his journeys... I mean. Did you make it with his teammates?" Kodi asks with care. He does not want to offend his mother. She laughs smoothly.

"Of course, they made me an honorary member of the team. Your father did not object... it was pretty interesting that both of us were fucked side by side. They are quite big like your dad." Jenna says laughing mischievously while Kodi gets surprised.

"In fact, I have sex with them occasionally, I know their mates and all of us come together to have friendly fun occasionally. The females enjoy the penis of Balto while I enjoy the cocks of the other teammates." Jenna says foolishly.

"Doesn't worry you that he...?" Kodi asks and sees that his mother shakes her head.

"Those occasions are group fun. Your father does not fuck with a female without that I know it. It is all the same with me, your father knows it well, when males are in a travel I gather with the other females to have fun by ourselves." Jenna says smiling mischievously.

"I suppose that you know what I mean." Jenna says looking at Kodi. He nods swallowing hard.

"The truth is that if there was a female in the team of your father, I would get worried and would perhaps feel jealous, but I know that with the boys he has fun and he does not feel true attraction for the males." Jenna says doing a light and funny face.

"Why do you ask me about this?" Jenna asks tilting her head lightly.

"I was thinking that if get a mate, I will have to share it with my teammates. I would not feel pleased with that." Kodi says with light worry.

"No Kodi. Whatever happens with your father and me is our own agreement with their teammates and wives. There is not a rule that obliges you to share your mate." Jenna says smiling smoothly and affectionately at Kodi.

She nuzzles him smoothly.

"Now what I am going to tell you is something that I do as female and mother." Jenna says looking at Kodi.

He gets surprised and tightens a little, but his mother nuzzles him smoothly to calm you.

"You are a pretty good-looking and strong dog. You have girls at your feet, only you need to trust more in yourself. That we will fix it later on, I will teach you to touch a female where you owe. You will have to fuck me until you can do it well." Jenna says smiling smoothly while Kodi gets surprised a little.

Jenna laughs before continuing.

"The second thing is that when you find the correct girl, you must be completely honest with her about your work. You cannot hide it because if you do it, you will be cheating her and that you cannot do that." Jenna says looking at Kodi directly to the eyes.

"If she loves you, she would back you up. And she doesn't it, perhaps she is not the indicated for you. Although you have also to decide what it is the most important for you, your dream or the love of your life." Jenna says licking Kodi's cheek in slow and affectionately way.

Kodi nods and moves the tail. Jenna smiles at him smoothly.

"Well now let's do what we have to do tonight." Jenna says taking Kodi to pull him at the center of the room. Kodi does not resist and she drags him along.

She without feigning introduces her head below the tail of Kodi, he immediately raises his tail rapidly not hiding his posterior hole. Jenna smiles smoothly a moment before introducing her left forepaw between the legs of Kodi.

He feels as the paw closes around his sheath, his mother stimulates it slowly.

Kodi closes his eyes in the meantime and pants rapidly, he no longer has shame in showing what he feels with his mother.

Jenna stimulates smoothly her son's genitals and she moves down her snout. Kodi takes a breath when his mother's tongue touches his sphincter. The tongue moves slowly up and down.

Jenna's saliva covers his hole completely, her mother's respiration stirs the hair below his tail.

Jenna enjoys her son's taste, different to the one of Balto, but equally good.

She feels as the penis reacts inside the sheath, the member gets hard rapidly to each second. Her tongue moves without stopping and her saliva drips to disappear in the fur between the balls and Kodi's ass.

Kodi feels as the tip of his member passes through the opening of his sheath, a drop of precum slowly grows on the tip of the member and hangs for some instants before separating and falling to the floor.

Jenna moves her paw and she uses one of her cushions of the paw caressing the member's tip. Her son quivers and Jenna licks the tail hole circularly.

Her paw is pushed back when the rest of the member emerges rapidly releasing little squirts of precum. She caresses the member for some moments feeling its hardness.

Kodi moans smoothly due the soft caresses that stops shortly, his mother releases his penis and she begins to concentrate on his sphincter. He moans over and over again.

The tip presses his sphincter with some force. He relaxes and without a lot of trouble the tongue penetrates into his rectum. Jenna feels pleased seeing that at this moment her son's hole already is relaxed and it is not difficult to penetrate into him.

Jenna moves her tongue slowly inside of her son. The anal walls squeeze with force, but she moves it without problems bathing the entrails of his cub with saliva.

Kodi whines enjoying each motion in his anus, the tongue touches several parts in his passage. His tail moves on the air while his tongue hangs out from his mouth.

His saliva is dripping on the floor drop without stopping, her mother takes her balls and she stimulates them with calm for some moments before to stop completely.

Kodi gasps when the tongue suddenly leaves his body. His hole remains open for some moments before to close again. He turns over while his penis shoots a couple of little squirts of precum that sprinkle the floor.

When he turns over, Kodi sees that his mom in her right forepaw holds the strapon that he already knows very well. She smiles on him smoothly.

"Help me." Jenna says putting a face of petition of a tender puppy.

Kodi nods with a soft smile, he comes closer while his mother gets up, she passes him the toy.

Jenna laughs when she sees that Kodi has problems with the toy. He tries to decipher as to put it, but after some minutes his mother gives him the necessary instructions.

She lifts her tail up and Kodi takes one of the extremes of the toy to aim at the pink glistening vulva. The penis tip touches the entrance and Kodi pushes the toy.

His eyes open completely seeing as the vaginal lips spread and the dildo begins to slide inside. He pushes slowly looking closely, he pushes the toy aside to have a most interesting look of the inside of the tunnel of the love of his mother.

She feels it and just smiles while her vagina keeps on filling up until only the knot is outside. Jenna moves her ass and Kodi pushes with force. Jenna moans with bother and digs her claws on the floor to fasten.

Kodi opens his eyes seeing as the pink opening opens and the vaginal lips wrap the knot. He pushes with calm without losing detail, he takes a breath when seeing as the knot slips without problems in his mom, she does a groan of pleasure when her vagina fills up with the toy.

She looks over the top of her shoulder and she laughs smoothly seeing as her son looks at her slit with some surprise. Kodi shakes returning to the reality at the moment that his mother clears her throat.

He rapidly with some effort ties the straps around the hips of his mother and the toy gets firmly tied to her body. Jenna turns over and nuzzles Kodi affectionately some moments, he moves his tail content.

"Now we are going to try another position." Jenna says smiling smoothly at her son.

He nods with a lot of interest and new emotion of trying something. That makes Jenna happy.

She catches a couple of her pillows from the sofa that is in her room. Kodi sees that his mother puts the pillows on the carpet and she leans backwards reclining her head on one of the pillows while she opens her legs wide.

Her mother caresses the toy slowly while she smiles. Kodi rapidly gets the idea and he positions himself on his mom. Jenna supports the toy using his forepaw while her son moves down his ass with calm.

Kodi stops when the tip touches his tail root, he repositions his ass a little and the tip touches his sphincter. His mom nods and he sits with calm, his hole is pressed.

He pants and moans with bother moving down more his ass, he clenches his teeth when the tip penetrates into his anus. His sphincter presses the tip of the toy with force.

Jenna releases the toy and she starts to caress softly her son's cock, her paws move caressing the shaft. She loves the perception of the hard and hot flesh.

Kodi takes down his hips more and he pants feeling as the toy keeps on entering in his rectum filling it slowly. His anal walls keep on swelling out around the false penis.

His mom watches the situation with attention, she sees as one of her favorite toys is disappearing in the ass of Kodi slowly until the knot touches the posterior hole.

He feels as his rectum is full with the toy, his forepaws lie on the chest of his mom pressing two nipples, she winks an eye and Kodi begins to move his ass slowly.

He moans feeling as the toy moves up and down in his rectum, the tip touches his tunnel bottom repeatedly.

Kodi moans and pants with pleasure. His penis wobbles lightly while his mother looks at everything with attention. Jenna looks content as Kodi moans smoothly while he rides her.

Her nipples are pressed, she sees like the drops of precum form on the tip of the penis before dripping on her stomach. Kodi begins to move faster.

He moans of pleasure and closes his eyes as his anal walls are stimulated, Kodi gasps when his mother's forepaws take his penis.

Jenna begins to caress the reproductive organ of her son slowly, she caresses each centimeter with pleasure. He is pretty well gifted like each male of the family.

She feels the hardness of the shaft; her right forepaw caresses the knot while her left forepaw takes care of the white testicles that move without stopping.

The precum is dripping profusely from the opening of the penis forming a semi-transparent puddle on the stomach of Jenna.

He has closed eyes while he moves his ass. Kodi feels as the tip of the member touches the bottom of his rectum repeatedly, pleasure is intense and incredible.

His member's stimulation increases his pleasure, he feels as the forepaws of his mom release his cock and she takes his hips. Kodi opens his eyes to see his mother that does him a mischievous face.

The dog gets surprised completely when his mother pushes his hips down with force. Kodi growls with pain at the moment that his sphincter opens and he slides around the knot of the false penis.

Jenna smiles seeing as the rest of the toy disappears in the anus of her son. He feels completely full, Kodi moans when his mother does a push.

The knot presses his prostate increasing his pleasure and the quantity directly than precum that his penis releases. Drops hang on long threads before falling on Jenna.

Kodi sees that his mother does him a gesture, he nods and resumes the motion of his ass. He moans and his member rocks on the air occasionally hitting his mother's stomach.

The tip hits precum's puddle, some drops sprinkle the floor. Jenna hears that her son growls with more force and her motions accelerate.

Kodi growls and bounces his ass for the last time, he clenches his teeth when his member begins to release powerful semen squirts that fly through the air sprinkling chest and the face of his mom.

Jenna narrows her eyes while she opens her mouth, some cum fall in it and the female dog enjoys the taste of the seed that sprinkles her body until he finishes quivering.

Kodi opens his eyes and he gets surprised completely seeing as a small brook of thick semen ranges from the tip of his penis to the face of his mom.

The fur of the chest of Jenna and her stomach is smeared with the sticky substance.

"I do not care about it." Jenna says licking the mouth to enjoy the rests of semen in her chin. Kodi looks as his mother picks up his semen little by little to take it to the mouth as if it were honey.

She drinks each drop that she can while Kodi looks at her without moving. He feels like his member still is hard, Kodi moans when his mother takes his cock to caress it slowly.

Her son whines of pleasure and pants for some moments.

"Get up, we are going to change to a most interesting position." Jenna says giving a light playfully blow to Kodi's member. The hard member wobbles lightly for some moments.

Kodi gets up and he moans with bother when the knot in the base of the toy stretches his sphincter. He moans while he raises his ass with calm, the knot begins to get out of his body.

"I am sorry, mom." Kodi says completely embarrassed of the disaster that he had done on the fur of his mother.

His sphincter opens and the knot slides outside slowly, he takes his time while he moans. It is not something as painful as the first time, but even so he needs work to get used.

Jenna sees as the knot of the toy gets out of the ass of his son, he gasps and moans a moment. The worst already had passed, he only needs to raise his ass and the rest of the toy slips out of him hitting his mother's stomach.

She gets up with enthusiasm to position herself behind Kodi and to mount him rapidly. Kodi does not move while his mother gets comfortable, he feels as the tip again he touches his hole.

Jenna smiles at him and she pushes the toy that slips without difficulty inside her son. Kodi moans and feels as his passage fills up again, his mother's forepaws hold his hips.

She begins to move with vigor inside Kodi, he moans and growls. The toy moves caressing prostate inside him. Kodi closes his eyes concentrating on the pleasure that he feels.

Jenna feels pleased listening Kodi's moans. Her ears put in alert when she hears that somebody enters in the room.

"I thought that you would leave me the training of Kodi, Jenna." A masculine voice says taking for surprise to Kodi and Jenna.

They see at the door, Kodi gets surprised completely seeing as his father is standing under the door frame.

Kodi moans when his mother pushes again and she moves with calm.

"Well we do not count on external factors that would reveal the situation." Jenna says looking at her mate. He comes closer where she is pounding Kodi's ass.

Kodi feels pretty ashamed by this situation, he is being fucked by his mother, a pretty strange situation and out of every logic on sight of any common dog of the town.

"Mmm... I thought that boys would maintain their closed mouth." Balto says raising an eyebrow with some bother. He and their children came to an agreement that they would not intervene in this.

"The truth is that they were not them, apparently there is a waiting list to fuck our son's ass." Jenna says making a grin lightly while she continues pumping the toy in the ass of Kodi.

"I see... I did not expect that." Balto says smiling and looking at Kodi, he is looking at him shamefacedly. He growls of pleasure in the meantime his anal walls are still stimulated.

Kodi sees that his father moves around them and he positions himself behind them.

Balto sees as the penis enters and gets out of the ass of his son, he smiles when he does not hear some whine of pain of Kodi. That means that he already is pretty accustomed.

He does not get surprised considering that Jenna was his teacher and she did a nice job.

Kodi moans and pants with pleasure with each push, he opens his eyes when he feels that his father catches his wobbly penis. He looks at his right side to see as his father is examining his member.

The soft small pads add more pleasure to his body. Balto sniffs his son's member and he licks the mouth before releasing it.

Jenna and Balto exchange looks before Jenna stopped, Kodi gasps when the toy slips out from his ass rapidly and his mom dismounts him.

"Well Kodi, it is time that you practice with something real." She says looking at Kodi and smiling content. Kodi opens his eyes completely and he looks at his dad, he also smiles at him.

Jenna catches him to pull him, she drags Kodi to place him at the right-hand side of Balto. Kodi sees that his father moves his leg a little back showing his crotch to his wife and son.

Kodi sees the sheath and the balls of his father for the first time. Testicles are pretty big and following the logic, the penis also must big. He is half wolf and they are big guys.

Jenna introduces her head below Balto's body and she sniffs his crotch, she pulls Kodi and soon her nose is next to the one of his mom.

Kodi sniffs his father's crotch with care, the aroma is intenser than the aroma of a dog. This certainly due to his wolf-like ascendancy.

Jenna moves to position herself on the other side, she caresses her husband's chin with the tip of her tail. Balto smiles on her and he sees as Jenna moves.

She introduces her head below her husband to begin to nuzzle the sheath slowly.

Jenna enjoys the aroma, Kodi looks at her without moving. Her nose moves of back and forward slowly. She looks at Kodi and he gets surprised a moment before nodding and joining up to her mother.

His nose moves from left to right and soon he sees as the tip of the member appears. Kodi continues moving his nose while he does not forget to see as the cock of his father grows at each moment.

Kodi gets surprised a lot seeing its size, the precum is dripping from the tip and the knot keeps on getting bigger rapidly in the base of the penis.

His father's penis is quite big, Kodi can be sure that it is bigger than his. He looks at it some moments before to see that his mother already is stimulating the testicles.

She bites and pulls her testicle with calm, Kodi lays his mouth on the right testicle begin to lick it with calm and care. This is a pretty delicate zone.

His mother bites and does it smoothly, so Kodi decides to do the same thing. He opens his mouth and closes her around the testicle of his father nervously to make a mistake, but that leads him to bite with a little more force of what it is owed.

Kodi gives a step backwards horrified seeing that his father moans with pain and he moves to one side a little. This fills of fear to Kodi thinking that he had hurt to his father in a serious way.

"Didn't he practice a lot with a real penis?" Balto asks looking at his wife. She smiles smoothly and nods.

"You know that real one has always its touch." Jenna says smiling smoothly and looking at Balto. He does a funny facial expression and he sees at his son that does not move.

Jenna catches Kodi's left forepaw and she pulls him, Kodi does not resist when his mom pushes his head to put it below the stomach of his dad. Kodi sees that his mother smiles at him and she indicates to him that he must follow her motions.

"Sniff and perceive the aroma of a cock." Jenna says doing a grin before sniffing Balto's cock slowly. Kodi does not move for some moments before doing the same thing.

He moves his nose on the member of his father, his aroma fills his blowholes, it is pretty intense. Balto shakes lightly feeling as the cold nose of Kodi touches his hard meat.

Kodi moves his nose while he sees as his mother licks his father's knot, he moans smoothly with each lick. Kodi moves away a little to see his mother covering the shaft in saliva.

Her tongue moves on the knot covering it completely, he notices that his father looks at him with the eyebrow raise while he smiles in a friendly way. Kodi does not know what to do until he hears that his mother clears her throat.

Kodi gets surprised when he notices that his mother is behind him. At no time he realized when she moved. Jenna takes Balto's penis with her forepaws and she aims it at Kodi's face.

"Open." Jenna says at the right ear of Kodi. He looks at the reproductive organ of his father for a moment and he opens his mouth. He leans forward lightly and the tip enters in his mouth.

Kodi for the first time feels the taste of a penis in his mouth, it is a unique taste that he never savored in his life before.

A drop of precum drips on his tongue, the precum is thick and spicy. Kodi closes his mouth around the member and he begin to suck with care and fear of hurting his father.

His head moves back and forward slowly, the shaft enters and goes out while his saliva drips from his mouth. He does not move while only he moves his head.

Jenna smiles smoothly seeing as her son gives oral sex to another male for the first time. He feels insecure, but also surely, he must be feeling a little uncomfortable with the situation.

She and Balto look at each other a moment and they do some grins, Kodi notices it and he feels more nervous. He knows that his father certainly thinks that he does not know what he is doing in comparison to what his mom can do with the mouth.

Kodi knows that the distinction between both is obvious, his mother has been making this several years.

He continues sucking and Balto's precum covers his tongue. Kodi does not move, but he thinks about that he could do, his mother gives oral sex of an incredible way and he must do it in the same way.

While he sucks, Kodi is lost in his thoughts and he applies a bit of pressure of his mouth around the shaft.

Kodi freezes when he hears that his father moans with pain. He permits that the penis escapes from his mouth and he notices that his father looks at him attentively.

"Be careful with teeth." Balto says raising an eyebrow without getting angry.

Kodi looks down shamefacedly, he feels completely ashamed. This is second time that he makes a mistake.

His mother positions herself behind him and again she aims cock at his mouth, Jenna rubs the tip on the mouth of Kodi. He opens his mouth and takes the member between his lips.

The hard meat again touches his tongue, he begins to suck with calm. His father moans smoothly of pleasure, he feels as his erection is sucked without much effort. Kodi's tongue touches his flesh.

Kodi refuses to do a false move again, his head moves slowly having a portion of the hard shaft in his mouth.

The precum is swallowed by Kodi continuously while he moves his tongue's tip on the penis of his father. Just a third part is in his mouth.

Jenna smiling places herself behind her son and she reclines her forepaws to the nape of the neck of Kodi. He gets surprised when his mom begins to push his head forward.

More of the penis of his father slips in his mouth rubbing his tongue and soon the tip touches the entrance of his throat. Kodi shakes and feels the reflection of vomiting at the moment that the tip slides a little in his throat.

But Jenna pushes her son's head with more force and soon Kodi begins to choke feeling that the shaft of his dad enters partially in his throat.

Kodi tries to move his head back while his saliva drips from his mouth and drips on his forepaws. He gets surprised by the strong grasp of his mother.

Balto does Jenna a facial expression and she releases Kodi's head. He moves his head back and his father's penis slips out from his mouth, Kodi breathes rapidly getting back his breath.

He sees that his saliva drips profusely from the penis of his dad, his mom comes closer and takes the cock using her right forepaw and she aims it at her mouth.

Balto moans when his wife begins to suck his penis.

Jenna makes it with calm for some moments and she begins to push her head forward, Balto's member continues disappearing in her mouth while it enters in her throat.

Balto moans and looking at Kodi he uses his nose to point at Jenna. He indicates to Kodi that he should lend a lot of attention to what his mom does. That is not necessary because Kodi sees as the hard member is disappearing and soon his mother's nose touches his father's knot.

He already knew that his mother could make this, but even so is surprising. Jenna begins to move her head slowly. She enjoys the taste of the penis of Balto and its aroma.

The female dog holds out her left forepaw to hold Kodi and to pull him toward her.

Kodi gets surprised and he soon is next to Jenna. His eyes open seeing the bulge in the throat of his mom.

Jenna holds the left forepaw of her son and she puts it on her throat in order that he feels it. Kodi does not move while he can feel as the member of his father moves of up and down in the throat of her mom.

That is something that he cannot believe.

"We are going to have to put more effort in this." Balto says while he moans and sees at his son. Kodi looks at him and his mother continues giving oral pleasure a Balto, she begins to move faster her head.

Balto moans and growls of pleasure with more force, he feels as his penis is squeezed by the muscles of the throat of Jenna. Kodi watches his mother's fellation in silence.

He feels as the precum is dripping from his penis while he hears his father's growling. Kodi sees that soon the facial expressions of his dad change while he is growling.

Jenna moves her head back and the hard meat leaves her throat and she sucks it with zeal hearing that her mate moans of pleasure with more force. She stops and takes out the penis from her mouth.

She aims the cock toward her son.

"Open well." Jenna says moving her forepaw rapidly on the penis of Balto. Kodi does nothing for some seconds until he moans for the pain of the pressure of one of the forepaws of his mother on his right forepaw.

He opens his mouth and opens his eyes when he hears that his father growls ferociously.

Semen squirts begin to hit his palate and his tongue that gets cover completely.

Kodi feels the piquancy of the seed of his dad, his mouth keeps on filling up slowly.

Jenna maintains Balto's in position penis,she sees as the semen of her husband flies through the air and falls inside of the mouth of her son. Balto's seed drips from the mouth of Kodi.

He closes his mouth and swallows the reproductive material while his face is daub with semen. He closes his eyes and does not see that his mother smiles, she enjoys seeing as the seed falls in each part of the young face.

Some moments after the shoot-out of semen of Balto stops and Jenna releases his penis. Balto moves and smiles softly seeing that Kodi opens his eyes, his face is stained and from his nose hang a long drop from semen.

Jenna begins to lick the face of Kodi in a slow and affectionately way, he closes his eyes with each licked that she does the semen trails disappear almost for complete.

The drop that hangs from the nose of Kodi disappears with a single lick.

"Now stand up, Kodi." Jenna says looking at her son with a smile. Kodi does not complain and he stands up without knowing that would happen from now on, but he gasps when his mom's nose touches his posterior hole.

She nuzzles his hole for some moments, Jenna moves and lets that her husband sees their boy's posterior entrance.

Balto looks with pleasure and desire at Kodi's brown hole that is closed. He moves his nose and he sniffs it, Kodi moans feeling his father's hot respiration.

He blushes lightly, he is somewhat uncomfortable, Kodi does not get completely used to present himself in this way. Balto enjoys the aroma and takes out his tongue to lick Kodi's anus.

This makes the young dog shake, he gets surprised and he closes his eyes feeling a lick behind another one. Balto enjoys of the taste while he moves his tongue, he moans the moment that Jenna's mouth closes around his penis.

She sucks the hard shaft covering it in saliva. Balto enjoys the soft sucking that makes that his member gets a bit hard. He introduces his left forepaw between his son's legs.

Kodi feels as the paw of his father catches his penis, he begins to masturbate him slowly. Kodi growls and whines of pleasure, he feels as the tip of the tongue moves on his hole.

Balto pushes his tongue and without a lot of surprise this penetrates into the hole of Kodi.

Jenna smiles seeing as her son shakes and whines while Balto eats his ass, her husband is very good using tongue. She loves to feel it in her posterior hole before Balto pounded her in that hole.

Kodi moans feeling as the tongue moves in without stopping, he growls smoothly while his precum drips. He gasps when the pads of forepaw of his dad father caress his cock's tip.

Balto moves his paw in circles of slow way, the precum drips between the toes of his forepaw. He stops his motions of his paw and he takes out his tongue with calm.

His tongue's tip slips out and Balto smiles seeing the glistened and lightly open hole of her son. Kodi moans with some bother when his father mounts him rapidly.

In spite of the fact that his constitution is not big, his father's weight is more than what Kodi had expected. Half wolf musculature makes him stronger and heavy than a husky dog.

Balto does not move and he permits that his wife takes charge of point his cock, he feels as the right forepaw catches his penis and it is aimed at the hole of his son. The tip touches Kodi's sphincter.

Balto's forepaw holds Kodi fast and he pushes rapidly. Kodi takes a breath at the moment that his father's cock slips in his posterior tunnel without stopping until the knot touches his sphincter.

Kodi for the first time feels the heat and hardness of a canine member in his ass, it is pretty different feeling to the one of a toy without doubt. The member stretches his anal walls and the tip touches the bottom of his rectum.

It is bigger than the toy that his mom used in him.

"Is it very different, uh?" Jenna asks looking at her son with a smile. Kodi just nods and moans when his father begins to move with slow way.

The penis moves of forward and back stimulating his anal walls, Kodi enjoys it while he grows accustomed to the sensation that he likes. It is much more incredible than all those toys.

Her father's hard flesh emits a great own heat that feels very well, the little spurts of precum sprinkle his rectum. Kodi moans of pleasure with each thrust of his dad.

Balto also enjoys the mating, his motions soon gain velocity. His penis enters and gets out of the anus of his son without stopping, Kodi's passage is tight.

A little more than the one of Jenna, it is perhaps that he still is virgin. Well considering that he is the first one to enter in his son.

Jenna turns around her husband and her son, she looks closely at them observing them moaning. Her pup has his eyes closed while he enjoys each push in his ass.

His boy's member wobbles without control scattering great quantity of precum.

She wanted to take it in her mouth and suck it hard, but it is the first time of Kodi with a male and he must enjoy it by himself.

Balto increases the velocity of his pushes in the ass of Kodi, his penis enters and goes out without stopping. Kodi's sphincter moves back and forth around his shaft.

The wolfdog growls over and over again drooling on the neck of his son. Kodi feels as his ass is hit without stopping, his father's thrust are strong and powerful.

His penis tip touches the bottom of the rectum, Kodi is not sure that her father's wolf-like inheritance influences his sexual performance. His balls are whammed by the weighed testicles of his dad every time that they rock.

He enjoys each push in his passage, the pleasure for that moment already is very high. His father's forepaw holds his hips with a lot more force, Kodi feels as claws dive in his flesh.

Balto stops his pushes beginning to force his knot against the posterior hole of his son. Kodi moans with pain to feel the pressure on his entrance, his father's knot is bigger that the ones of the toys.

Jenna sees as her husband growls and he pushes with more force, she rapidly catches Kodi's snout. Kodi's eyes open completely when his sphincter opens and the knot enters in his ass.

Jenna holds her son's snout and a howl of pain is calm by Jenna. Kodi digs his claws in the floor. Balto moans and his son's sphincter closes behind his knot.

Balto pants feeling as all his cock is now stuck in his son's hole

Jenna frees Kodi's snout.

"He is big, mom." Kodi says with some pain. His hind legs move with a little bit of discomfort. Jenna and Balto laugh.

Kodi feels full again, his father's palpitating cock is touching each part of his rectum.

Balto resumes his thrusts inside Kodi, he again begins to moan just like his dad.

Balto enjoys the squeeze of the entrails of Kodi around his member, his penis tip presses the bottom of the rectum of Kodi.

Kodi's pleasure is intense since his father's knot presses his prostate directly and it rubs it when the big mass of flesh moves lightly. The precum drips abundantly while Kodi's penis bumps around on the air.

Jenna sees it and she sees at her husband. He has closed eyes while he pumps without stopping and with a lot of force as it is usual. Jenna moves and takes the flower vase that was in her room since the last night.

She gets close to Kodi and places the tip of the member of her son on the mouth of flower vase.

Balto growls and his balls beat the ones of his son. The wolfdog feels as his climax comes closer rapidly, his balls begin to release his semen that runs by all his penis.

Kodi growls with pain feeling that his father's claws dig in his flesh while he growls ferociously. Kodi's eyes open at the moment that he feels as the first squirts of semen that bathe his anal walls.

It is a singular feeling, the seed fills several cracks in his rectum, Kodi feels it and has a good time, but the spare pressure on his gland makes him quiver in orgasmic pleasure.

Jenna sees that her son growls and he becomes tense, a powerful semen squirt comes out by the opening of the penis of her boy and whams the flower vase ottom. She smiles observing as squirt behind squirt gets out of the cock and keeps on filling the flower vase rapidly.

Her son and her husband growl jointly in their climax. The flower vase fills up to the top and the seed begins to drip for the borders. Jenna takes the flower vase away and she sees as sperm spurts fall in the floor.

Kodi opens his eyes when he feels that the shoot-out of seed in his ass finishes, the sticky material covers his anal walls and surrounds his dad's cock. Balto does not move and his eyes are closed.

Balto pants content and he places himself in position of tail with tail crossing his leg over his son.

"I am sure that you will like it." Jenna says smiling and passing the flower vase to Balto.

He smiles and reclines the mouth of the flower vase to on his lips, Kodi's seed slips directly on his tongue. Kodi sees over his shoulder.

Kodi sees as the flower vase keeps on getting empty as his father drinks his cum, Kodi feels a little ashamed while he feels as the penis in his anus still throbs.

"Uhmm...quite good." Balto says when he finishes to drink his son's seed. He licks his mouth and he looks at Jenna. She smiles content.

Kodi gets ashamed listening this, he moans at the moment that his penis enters in the mouth of his mom. She begins to suck her son's flesh with calm, her mouth moves back and forth.

Kodi's eyes are closed in the meantime his mom gives him oral sex, his cock again hardens and grows up. Balto begins to pull his penis and Kodi moans with pain in addition to pleasure.

Balto growls while he pulls to separate from his son, Kodi's sphincter begins to open slowly. The knot stretches it and Jenna does not stop the sucking listening the grunts and her son's pain moans of pain.

She permits that the cock escapes of her mouth and she licks her mouth while she moves and raise her son's tail. Jenna looks with a lot of interest as the sphincter of Kodi begins to open and the big mass of flesh in the base of the penis of Balto appears slowly.

This is something pretty interesting, Balto does not desist and keep on pulling while Kodi moans with pain and he does not move. He clenches his teeth while his eyes are closed.

His posterior hole continues opening, and he takes a breath when the knot of his father's member finally slips out of his ass giving a good spectacle to Jenna.

She smiles seeing as the hole of Kodi is open and his sphincter quivers. The seed drips from within.

Kodi feels his inside completely empty, the seed that oozes from his hole runs down to his white balls. Kodi's eyes open and he gasps at the moment that he feels that his mother's tongue gets in his ass.

He moans with surprise; the tongue moves with a lot of freedom in his inside picking up semen. Balto is close while he masturbates seeing his wife eats up his son's ass.

Kodi pants feeling that his penis keeps so hard as in the beginning. He moans the moment that his mom moves and her tongue slips out.

"Well... let's do something interesting and all of us can have fun." Jenna looking at her son firstly and next to Balto. He just nods with pleasure to continue while his forepaw continues moving on his penis.

Kodi also looks disposed to continue. Jenna gets close to Balto and kisses him on his mouth. Their tongues come together and they fight while both disconnect a moment from the reality.

Kodi looks at them smiling smoothly until Jenna breaks off the kiss and she catches Balto from her nape and she pulls him toward the center of her room.

Balto gets carried away.

Jenna leans her husband backwards reclining his head to the pillow that she did use before this night. Jenna nuzzles him while her left forepaw caresses the wolfdog's penis slowly.

Balto pants looking at her until Jenna stops caresses and she sees Kodi directly.

He opens his eyes with some surprise, but he catches at his mother's idea.

He gets close to his parents and with care he positions himself on the crotch of his father, he extends his legs wide. Jenna holds her husband's cock in position and Kodi moves down his ass.

The tip of the member touches his sphincter, Kodi moves down more his ass and the tip goes through his sphincter. Balto moans with pleasure feeling his son's affectionate inside again.

Kodi does not feel pain because his anus is pretty relaxed for that moment, he lowers more his ass slowly. His eyes close when his anal passage stretches around the shaft of his father.

Jenna looks content as the member of Balto is disappearing slowly inside Kodi.

She and Balto look content at each other, this was going much better of what both considered.

Kodi stops at the moment that Balto's knot touches his sphincter. He feels again full and he likes very much the heat that emits the hard member in his rectum.

Balto nods smiling and Kodi moves his tail content beginning to ride his father with a lot of slowness to have a good time. The two males growl and moan with pleasure.

"Jenna, he has such good ass like yours." Balto says moaning and closing his eyes to concentrate on the sensations that his member gives him, the anal walls caress his sensitive meat in each motion.

"Much better or not?" Jenna asks while she sees as the penis of her son wobbles on the air releasing spurts that scatter without no control getting surroundings wet.

"It would be unjust to say it." Balto says whining and panting with pleasure. Jenna laughs smoothly and she moves to position herself behind her son and to see as a lot of interest as the sphincter of her boy moves in the shaft of his father.

She is one of the sights that she always will remember. Kodi pants with pleasure without stopping to move his ass, his balls are pressed against the stomach of his father while the shaft enters and it gets out of his body.

He feels as the spurts of precum sprinkle his bowels. Kodi gets startled to feel that a forepaw closes around his penis from behind.

Kodi calms down seeing that it is his mom, he resumes the motion of his ass slowly. He moans feeling the caresses on his penis while he gets a little more pleasure.

"Do you like dad's penis, uh?" Jenna says nuzzling her son's cheek affectionately.

Kodi nods whining while his balls bounce on the stomach of Balto.

"Then we have the same pleasures." Jenna says licking Kodi's cheek and freeing the penis of her son. She moves to position herself on Balto, he feels a bit confuse when he feels a light blow on the face.

His eyes open and he licks his mouth seeing Jenna's crotch over his face. The sweet aroma of the slit gets to his nose and makes that his member gets thicker, something that Kodi notices.

Jenna smiling moves down her ass sticking to her vulva her husband's mouth, she groans of pleasure feeling the first lick on her vulva that goes over all her slit.

He likes the taste of the juice as always, Balto enjoys the ass of his son in addition to the taste of his wife that lays down on her chest. Kodi runs out of breath when his penis disappears in the mouth of his mom.

Jenna enjoys with the taste and she begins to suck, Kodi grunts and does not stop the motion of his ass. His tail moves without stopping, he looks between her front legs to see her mother sucking his member.

He listens to the sound of sucking in the vulva of his mom. Balto sips the juices that flow out from the inside of Jenna. She shakes at the moment that the tongue of her loved wolfdog enters in her pussy.

She increases the sucking achieving that Kodi moaned with pleasure, Jenna holds Kodi's hips and she pulls them down.

Kodi moans with pain to feel that his hole stretches and the knot penetrates in his posterior tunnel. The member's tip presses the bottom of his rectum, his prostate is pressed and the sensibility of his cock increases.

His mother's sucking is intense and incredible.

Balto moves his tongue in the tunnel of the love of his wife, the vaginal soft walls surround it. His neck fur is wet in juices.

The group moan and growl of pleasure. Jenna begins to move her ass on the face of Balto, her pleasure increases without stopping and the hot respiration that caresses her tail hole gives her a spare pleasure.

Balto knows his wife's body well and he increments the motion of his tongue in Jenna.

Kodi moans seeing the motion of the ass of his mother, he decides to imitate her moving his ass in circles on the groin of his father. That increments his pleasure and the one of Balto.

That already makes impossible for Kodi refraining and he stops pushing his penis against the face of his mom. His sperm springs out touching his mother's palate and filling his mouth.

Jenna enjoys it swallowing it completely, but she chokes lightly since her body reaction to the touch of the tongue of Balto in one special point of her vagina.

Her body fills up to the maximum with pleasure and she loses of control of herself just controlling not to bite his son's penis. But the moment of great pleasure is not just for both.

Kodi's anal spasms stimulate with force his father's penis, he closes his eyes growling and shooting sperm that again spatters the entrails of Kodi.

His penis throbs releasing powerful spurts of cum, Balto closes his mouth completely around the vulva of Jenna when the squirts begin to go out from the female.

Juices are plentiful and Balto drinks them with great pleasure. The chorus of moans and groans of pleasure fill Jenna's room. She releases Kodi's penis to roll and to fall to one side.

Balto closes his right eye when a semen spurt of Kodi falls on it.

Kodi with difficulty stays in a position avoiding to fall on his father. He feels as pleasure had let him weak. His mom stands up and shakes off a moment.

"I will go to see how Rosy is doing it." Jenna says release while she looks at her husband.

He nods and does not lose sight of his wife until she gets out of the room.

Kodi feels like his ass is filled with sticky semen, he likes that as much the great feeling of his father's cock in him. Balto and he look at each other and both do a couple of funny faces.

Around thirty minutes after Balto and Kodi, prepare to leave the house of Jenna.

"Well, now everything remains on your paws until it will be my turn." Jenna says taking toys and placing them on the card box before to hide it.

Balto nods and look at Kodi. He moves his tail content knowing that now not only that his father would teach him to run, but also to be a true dog of sleigh.

Both say good-bye to Jenna and get out of the house with calm to not wake up nobody.

Soon both are walking in streets that are deserted for that moment, Kodi gets surprised a little listening to several moans of pleasure that come from some alleys.

"While I was arriving here I did not stop thinking in how we would face the training, I mean I did not know, if you would accept the situation." Balto says looking at his son while his paws sink in snow at every step that they do.

"Yeah... I thought that mom was getting funny with me when she told me that she trained you." Kodi says with a soft smile.

"She is a good teacher." Balto says looking at his son. Kodi nods with complete certainty that it is truth. Both walk a little more before retaking the conversation.

"You know, you have it quite big." Balto says looking at Kodi proudly.

Kodi gets surprised and he becomes uncomfortable a little, he moves his tail content by the comment.

"Definitely, but you are bigger than I, dad." Kodi says looking at his father. Balto smiles in a friendly way.

"That is not so true, you are also big. Certainly, with that piece of cock or yours... the girls must plea for more. Are you have been with a girl?" Balto asks looking at his son while he keeps on walking.

"No... my closest experience is with mom, but Dipsy tried to seduce me." Kodi says with discomfort. He gets surprised when his father laughs noisily for some moments.

"She looks for each dog of sleigh that she can, I want you to leave her in pain when you finish your training. Do the same thing with that girl Dusty, fuck her hard to make her moan with pleasure like each bitch in town." Balto says winking an eye to his son.

Kodi nods with enthusiasm remembering his own promise about Dusty.

Both walk side by side a couple of meters before that they separated.

Kodi says good-bye to his father and he heads toward back door. He enters in the house with pretty taken care of and he gets comfortable in his favorite place to lean on his chest and to rest after another night of good training.

Balto, Jenna, Kodi, Dusty, Kirby, Ralph, Saba, Aleu, Dingo © Universal

Daley and Dax appear in the movie but they do not have names

Chemok, Hale, Dan, Brego Derek and Ajax, Selene are my characters

Family revelations

The next day too early in the morning Little John wakes up feeling the heat of the bodies of Harriette and Kasandra that sleep next to him. Each one of them are resting on his chest at both sides of his body. The bear feels the pressure of the breasts...

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