Family revelations

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#5 of Full Circle

Little John and his parents find out that Faith is aware about everything that is happening behind doors. Now he must solve this and deal with the anger of his sister.

The next day too early in the morning Little John wakes up feeling the heat of the bodies of Harriette and Kasandra that sleep next to him. Each one of them are resting on his chest at both sides of his body.

The bear feels the pressure of the breasts of both females on him, the difference of sizes is felt with clarity. Little John smiles smoothly seeing the girl sleeping.

The previous night had been incredible, Kasandra had behaved very well to be a girl in her first time. Little John places every one of his hands on a tit of Harriette and one on the tit of her daughter.

He begins to stimulate both breasts and the two women promptly begin to moan smoothly until they wake up.

"Good day... my Lord." Kasandra says yawning and looking at Little John. He does her a funny facial expression.

"Good day little one." Little John says looking at Kasandra. He sees at the mother of the girl. She smiles smoothly and purrs a short time before uncovering herself and going out of the bed.

"It is time to leave, darling." Harriette says looking at her daughter. The girl protests a little, but she gets out of the bed too. Little John can delight in the nudity of both females one more time.

"Thank you for the great night my lord, it was much more of what I imagined." Kasandra says looking at Little John gratefully. He smiles smoothly.

"I am the grateful, a beautiful young girl as you in my bed and with a spectacular mother." Little John says looking at Kasandra and Harriette. She laughs smoothly while she gets dressed.

Little John gets out of the bed and he gets dressed with some haste, when three are ready they get out of the bedroom. Everything is in complete silence and with hurry Little John shows the two women to the main way out of his house where he can say good-bye to them.

The bear commits himself to visit them in their home to give them a good occasional fuck.

When both disappear of sight, Little John returns to his room and he yawning takes off all his clothes to get into bed and to try resting more time.

A couple of hours later Little John wakes up when the sun beams touch his face. He growls with some bother and turns over to try to sleep again, but the bear finally decides that it is time to get up, he does not know the what time is.

Little John gets out of his bed and takes his clothes to get dressed with calm, he yawns one more time before getting out of his bedroom. He goes out to the patio a moment to be going to talk with the guards.

When he passes close to the fountain, he sees that his sister is there sitting reading a book. Little John gets surprised a little when she looks at him with the frown and soft growls before returning to read the book.

He does not understand what he made to get pissed at his sister, Little John meets with the guards. It is a brief meeting because as always there wasn't problems.

Little John returns to the main building and yawns again. He sees that his sister still is immersed in her book.

He passes near and gets to the kitchen where he sees that Ruth and Marian are preparing food.

She and Little John greet each other in the meantime they are cutting some vegetables.

"Faith is in bad mood, uh?" Ruth says looking at Little John. He nods in silence.

"Can ask what I done?" Little John says while he sees by the window to the place where his sister is reading the book.

"Don't feel the only one, we all are in her list. She was impolite with Robin and with me this morning." Marian says looking at Little John. He gets surprised completely.

"Me too." Ruth says without bother in her voice.

"I am sorry..." Little John says with shame and bothered that his sister is behaving in that way with her friends and Ruth.

"Maybe she is the complicated days... it is OK perhaps. When it happened to Dana, in her first time was difficult dealing with her and her humor." Ruth says looking at Little John.

"That is true... Faith seems well-bred to me, I can bet that that one is the problem." Marian says doing a comic and friendly facial expression to Little John. He just nods.

Even so he is confused and he decides to talk with his parents in an attempt of understanding what happens completely. Marian says him that they are in the terrace.

Little John goes there when he is getting to the stair that leads to the terrace, he comes across with Skippy that descends from there. He notices immediately that something is different in the boy that seems very downhearted.

"What does happen, boy?" Little John asks placing one of his hand on the right shoulder of Skippy and giving him a soft friendly squeeze.

"Ehhh nothing, sir... it is nothing." Skippy says shrinking the shoulders without a lot of temper.

"Ok, give your mother a hand." Little John says looking at Skippy.

He nods before Little John goes upstairs to the terrace. When he gets there, he sees that his parents that close to the handrail seeing the town.

"Hi" Little John says getting close to her parents.

"Hi dear." Leanna says turning over to see Little John that comes closer. His father also greets him before putting again his attention at the place in he was interested.

Little John positions himself among his dad and his mother. The bear sees like his sister still is reading a book.

"Wasn't it a good start in the day, uh?" Little John says looking at his father. He nods lightly.

"I came across with Skippy some moments ago. He was sad and downhearted." Little John says looking at his parents. Her mom nods anxiously and she sees at Faith.

"I know it, Faith kicked his ass." Lowell says looking at Little John. He gets surprised listening that, it is totally unexpected for him.

"No literally, but she...was rough with him." Leanna says looking at Little John. He looks at his mother with more attention.

"Yesterday we talk with Skippy about his intentions with your sister, your father and I agree that there was not trouble and last night we managed to know him much better." Leanna says doing a grin to Little John.

"I know It, I came across him last night." Little John says smiling smoothly.

"The fact is that Skippy already had a good advancement with Faith, you know with those gifts that he won for her." Lowell says looking at Little John. He nods remembering his sister's emotion with the gifts.

"But this morning her attitude toward Skippy and the other ones changed a lot, I talked with him to apologize by the deal of your sister." Leanna says anxiously.

"I wanted to talk with your sister, but your mother did not allow it." Lowell says looking at Little John with a soft growl.

"Now is not the moment, you know that it would have been a lost battle. When Faith is upset.... she is much more stubborn than you." Leanna says with some reproach while she looks at her husband.

Lowell says absolutely nothing while he continues looking at Faith.

"At least her anger does not reach to everyone." Lowell says raising an eyebrow.

Little John and Leanna see that Matilde runs to Faith with playful temper. Faith does not disappoint the girl, she leaves aside the book to take the girl's hands and beginning a game with her.

"In any case we should know what is going on." Little John says before turning over when he feels that somebody gets to the terrace. He sees that Dana is there panting rapidly while she catches her breath.

"What happens?" Little John asks getting close to Dana.

"Little John... the friar Tuck is in the room of audiences... he says that it is something... urgent apparently there are lost children... in the forest." Dana says catching her breath.

Little John gets surprised just like his parents.

"Son, I also want to help." Lowell says understanding rapidly that it require every couple of hands to help. Little John nods looking at his father.

"We will have to deal with subject of Faith later." Little John says helping Dana to sit on a chair in order that she rests.

"Little John... I listened to what you said, I think that I can try to talk with her and to know that it happens." Dana says looking at Little John.

"It is ok, thank you." Little John says looking at the girl that smiles content. Little John and his dad hurry to go down at the patio. They there come across Robin.

"I know what happens." Robin says looking at Little John and Lowell. Both nod and with Little John they run towards the room of audiences.

"I hope that they be OK." Little John while he opens the doors of the room and he sees that the friar Tuck is waiting for them.

"Little John.... It happened somewhat terrible." The old friar says getting close to Little John with a lot of worry.

"I know it, do not get worried I will take all the soldiers to the search." Little John says looking at the badger. He nods. The four get out of the room and get in the carriage.

Little John takes the reins and the carriage begins to move to the main entrance and to the road. The bodies of the four jump sometimes.

The bear drives at full speed passing over stones that make the carriage bounce. In a few minutes the carriage gets to central part of the town and it stops in front of the headquarters.

The four come down from the carriage rapidly.

"Robin, friar Tuck call all the people." Little John says looking at his friend, he and the friar Tuck nod. Little John runs entering in a hurry in the headquarters, he hears that a bell chimes in middle of the town.

It is the bell that it is been used to gather to all people in case of emergency, it was an idea of Little John.

"Captain...!" Little John says getting close to the wolf that turns over rapidly to see him.

"Captain, I need that you call all men together immediately, all men that are not taking care of the prison must get in line and getting ready. There are two children lost in the forest." Little John says looking at the wolf.

The Captain nods and with Deryck he hastens to call men.

"We need the whole possible help." Little John says looking at Arlen and Wilton that are close of them.

"Of course we will help." Arlen says looking at his brother. Wilton nods.

In a few minutes the whole troop is assembled and with Little John in addition to the boys. All of them go out of the headquarters to come across the rest of the people that already was assembled in what it could be called the main square of the town.

Little John sees many known people and friends that were there with the will to help. People clear the way for Little John that soon is in middle of the multitude.

The bear displays a map in the ground while they all surround him. Little John sees a female raccoon that cries next to the friar Tuck. He tries to console at her.

"Please find them...!" The woman says crying with despair.

"What are their names?" Little John asks looking at the woman.

"Their names are Aden and Greg, they are ten and nine years old." The woman responds while she tries not to cry over more.

"Very well... We will divide everything in two sectors of search." Little John says drawing a line in the map dividing the town and the forest in two parts.

"In each sector there will be a group of search, each one conformed with soldiers and people of the town in equal parts." Little John says looking at the people his around. The captain nods just like rest of the people.

"Robin, you will go with a group to direct them. Both of us know the forest like the palm of our hand." Little John says looking at his friend that nods rapidly.

"Everyone take torches just in case, we will not stop until we find those two children." Little John says looking at the people. All of them nod.

The people and soldiers rapidly scatter in different directions to begin to search. Little John join to them, one by one the people get in the forest to begin the search in little groups.

Little John wishes to find the children rapidly, the forest can be dangerous because there are delusive places in addition to rivers and perhaps undesirable people of doubtful moral character.

In spite of the desire of Little John the search extends for the next hours, people call out for the boys that do not show signs of appearing.

The sun keeps on putting itself in the horizon subtracting light at the day, Little John gets worried still more while he continues searching next to his men and the village people.

Torches catch fire while they all get ready for the night-time search.

Little John stops and talks with the captain to decide their next move, they suddenly see that one of their men, a rhinoceros comes running up to them.

"My Lord... them... we found them" The man says breathing rapidly.

Little John and the other ones rapidly head toward the place where they had found the boys.

They get rapidly to a clearing in the woods, there are some walls in ruins of what it has been a house, men surround a place. They rapidly make way for Little John and the captain.

"My Lord, they are in the bottom of the well. It seems that they are OK." A man says indicating a well next to the ruins.

"Kids calm, we will take you out." Little John says kneeling down and trying seeing the well's bottom using a torch to have more light. He sees two black figures in the bottom while stones light up with a reddish color of the fire.

"Please we feel cold." A boy says crying from the bottom of the well.

"We can throw them a couple of ropes." One of men says looking at Little John while he shows two ropes rope that men had gotten some moments ago.

"That would not help, they could not hold them with the necessary force." The captain says looking at Little John. He nods.

"Let's use one sliding side." The man proposes looking at his captain and Little John.

"They could slip of the tie half-way down the way and falling at the bottom without being able to fasten in the event that it happens." Little John warns anxiously fearing that a hurried attempt can be disastrous.

Time is essential, but everything must be done correctly to guarantee that the two children can come out safe.

"Little John, my brother and I fit in by the hole. We could descend to take them out from there." Wilton says looking at Little John. He gets surprised just like the other ones.

"Are you sure?" Little John asks looking at the two brothers. They nod with complete certainty.

Little John nods and men tie a rope around the chest of Wilton with force.

He takes a torch and places it on his mouth to go into the hole and begin the descent.

He has another rope rolled up around his shoulder, that rope he would lace up around one of the children like a safety mechanism.

Little John and the other ones see as the fire of the torch keeps on descending more and more in the well until Wilton gets to the bottom. The sound of splashing is heard when Wilton's feet touch some water that remains in the well.

In a couple of minutes Wilton pulls his rope two times. Soldiers begin to pull Wilton's rope while a group does the same thing with the other rope.

Both groups do it with determination and calm to not hurry too much. In less than ten minutes Wilton's arm again appears, Little John helps him out in the meantime he even holds the boy that shivers with cold.

Wilton and the boy soon are covered by a blanket while Arlen initiates the descent in the well and repeating the feat of his brother. A little while he emerges from the hole with the second child that clings to Arlen with force.

For that moment the rest of the town already had congregated at the place by the news. When the mother of the boys meets with her children the joy breaks out in the people.

Little John nods with a big smile while he sees that Arlen and Wilton are lift on the shoulders by the multitude that acclaims them for his courage to save the children.

Around two hours later Little John finally gives a pull to the reins of the carriage that stops in the middle of the patio of his home. Little John just like his father and Robin come down from the cart.

They with a little bit of fatigue head toward the main construction, when they are crossing the door, they are received by Leanna, Marian and Ruth.

"Did you find them?" Marian asks Robin with a lot of worry.

"Yes, they were in the bottom of a well in the forest." Robin says looking at the three women. Dana shows up to join at her mother.

"How it is possible? Ruth asks looking at Little John.

"It seems that while their mother was sleeping, the boys took some money to buy some things that she needed, something like a surprise in order that she no longer had to go to the town." Little John says while women look at him.

"When they were going back to their home, they were playing and accidentally they did throw the money bag in the well, so they wanted to recover it. They got ropes and somehow they managed to reach well's bottom." Little John says looking at women.

"But when they tried to use the rope, it got untied and both got trapped." Little John says sighing.

"It was a luck than the rope did not make when they were using it." Lowell says looking at his wife. She nods and for her mind pass the terrible image of what would have happened to the boys.

"We managed to take them out thanks to Wilton and Arlen Bennet, they volunteered to go down to the well and to take out the boys." Little John says pleasure and proud for the attitude of the two boys.

"Eryn's children?" Ruth asks looking at Little John. He nods lightly and smiling.

"Both were problematical boys." Ruth says looking at Leanna.

"But they changed, both have reformed and according the captain told me, both put a lot of effort in their training." Little John says looking at Ruth. She nods.

"We have ready the dinner for you." Marian says looking at her husband and the other ones. They look content and they sit to the table, in the meantime Leanna serve the dinner while Marian and the other woman take breast-feed the babies.

"Where are Faith and Matilde?" Lowell asks looking at Leanna.

"They got to bed early, both played a lot." Leanna says while she goes back to the kitchen.

After of dinner Little John yawns and he gives his family and friends the good nights before heading toward his room, it had been a hard day and he needs to relax a little.

He comes across Dana on the way, she rapidly hangs on his neck.

"I was looking for you." Dana says looking at Little John. He smiles at her and carries the girl to his bedroom. He without difficulty opens the door and enters in his bedroom.

Dana with a kick closes the door and Little John takes her to bed where he leans her with calm. He rapidly takes the girl's clothes and they disappears from her body.

She does not resist and shortly her naked body delights to Little John, he takes off the clothes to throw them to the floor and to climb in the bed. The bear takes the young rabbit and he lays her on him to initiate one sixty and nine.

Little John's tongue begins to move slowly the vulva of Dana, the girl moans and her hands begin to stimulate the genitals of the father of her cubs.

The hands of Dana caress the two balls with calm while she begins to lick the semi-hard cock. Little John feels as the tongue of the girl moves on his shaft from the head to his balls.

Dana catches the cock and she opens her mouth largely, she closes her lips around the head of the member. The bear moans at the moment that the tongue moves for the tip of his penis.

Little John moans and the sucking begins, Dana enjoys the taste of the member of the bear, and gasps and moans when the tongue tip caresses her clitoris circularly twisting it smoothly.

She moans and closes her eyes while her vagina begins to free juices that get wet Little John's lips. He enjoys them completely and he pushes his tongue through the slit.

The vaginal walls of Dana open while his tongue enters slowly in the tunnel of the love of the girl. She moans and pants with pleasure feeling that her body is invaded.

Dana sucks while her saliva drips from her chin, the spurts of precum sprinkle her teeth and her tongue. She moans smoothly when Little John's finger gets between the cheeks of her ass and caresses her sphincter softly.

The bear watches content as his lover shakes lightly by the caresses on her posterior hole, Little John is going to deposit a lot of seed into that small space.

Moans and sounds of sucking are heard in the room. Little John feels as the quantity of juice increases and surrounds his tongue completely before being dripping on his face.

Dana moans of pleasure and she moves to one side, Little John's tongue slides out of her vagina. The bear sees as the girl moves and she positions herself on him, Dana's vulva directly lies on his cock.

She moves a little and takes Little John's great phallus to aim it at her vulva, the head soon is between the vaginal lips. Dana takes down her hips and Little John closes his eyes when the internal heat surrounds his member.

The girl takes a breath and moans while her hips descent even more, her slit keeps on receiving more of the hard meat of the bear, it keeps on distending the vaginal walls.

Dana pants until her vulva touches the base of the penis of Little John, the head gets to touch the entrance of her cervix and getting lightly in her tight channel.

Little John sees the girl impaled on his member, she looks at him and places her hands on his chest. The ass of Dana begins to move rapidly up and down.

She moans of pleasure just like Little John. The girl's soft inside caresses his cock with each motion, his penis enters and goes out glistening in juices.

Little John catches the tits of Dana and he caresses and squeezes them lightly and achieving that a couple of white drops went out by the nipples and fly in air.

Dana moans without stopping in the meantime her ass bounces, she enjoys the cock in her body, Little John's size always fills her vagina completely and it no longer is a problem because she is used to it completely.

Her body trembles every time that her sensitive clitoris rubs on Little John's fur. Both moan with more force, the bear's precum increases and it scatters inside the young female.

Little John looks with pleasure as the girl rides him wildly, she feels as the hands of the bear hold her fast and he does a strong push and roars.

Sperm is shoot out from the penis of Little John and cover the vaginal walls of Dana. The girl shakes and whimpers with pleasure when her orgasm rapidly takes her body.

She closes her eyes and she lets herself fall on Little John. He holds her and the bear caresses her back slowly in the meantime the girl even shakes with pleasure.

Little John smiles smoothly, he feels as the milk of Dana gets wet his chest because her breasts are pressed against his body. In a few moments after she recovers and sees content to Little John.

He smiles on her smoothly before the girl got up and move, Little John's cock slips out from her pussy. The seed of the bear is dripping from her pink slit.

The girl takes the member with her hand and begins to caress it slowly in order that promptly it again was ready to continue.

"Did you talk with Faith?" Little John says looking at the girl that continues moving her hand.

"Yes... I wanted to talk with you but..." Dana says laughing smoothly and making a funny face at the same time that she gives a squeeze to Little John's cock.

He laughs smoothly understanding that sex distracted the girl.

"She knows everything." Dana says looking at Little John. He raises an eyebrow without understanding the words of Dana fully.

"Faith knows all that happens here, she saw you fucking with your father in the terrace and knows that you visited your mother also in their room." Dana says looking at Little John. He opens her eyes with complete surprise.

"She also knows about the nights of sex of my family with your parents and of course the ones of Robin and Marian with them too. The visit of Kasandra and his mother did not pass unnoticed for Faith." Dana says looking at Little John.

He feels completely shocked.

He had thought that his sister didn't know what happened behind the doors of the rooms, she never showed signs of faith knowing something about it.

"Do my parents know it?" Little John asks looking at Dana.

"No... I didn't say absolutely nothing to them, it took me all day to manage to get that she opened with me... I just manage to do it a couple of minutes before you arrived. I took the chance when we were with the babies." Dana says sitting on her thighs next to Little John for to stimulate the penis of the bear with more comfort.

"Faith is not silly, since the first moment she noticed the behavior of everyone, the way that your father was looking at Marian. She told me that she managed to listen what was happening clearly in the bedrooms." Dana says while she bends over and takes Little John's penis to suck it.

He moans of pleasure and sees the room roof. Dana's mouth moves up and down while Little John thinks about the situation. Finally he got the answer of why his sister was so angry.

And the hostility that she showed today with everyone, but also the good disposition that his sister had with Matilde. Little John knows that certainly Faith saw the little girl like the only innocent in the whole thing.

"What I should do?" Little John asks getting up a little to lean on his elbows at the same time that he looks at Dana. The girl takes out the penis from her mouth and she licks it slowly.

"Talking with her, but do not lie to her. Be sincere with Faith. A lie or attempt of deceiving her could complicate things." Dana says while she looks at Little John.

"She knows... that you are her..." Dana he says looking at Little John with discomfort.

Little John's eyes open completely and he swallows saliva with scare.

Little John did not wait that his sis be aware of this secret, his parents never told him that she knew it or that they had told it sometime.

The bear gets up and he sits at the edge of the bed before taking his housecoat and to put on.

"Dana... thank you for help, but I need to do something and we will not be able to finish the fun of tonight." Little John says looking at Dana.

"It is ok, I will go to encourage my brother. He is depressed and mother needs help to put him of humor." Dana says smiling smoothly and taking her clothes to get dressed.

Little John nods before walk to the door and opening it to go out, he sees all is in the darkness. He walks with calm and he heads toward the rooms of the guests.

He arrives there in a few minutes and passes close to the bedroom of Robin and Marian, a couple of moans that come from the room of his friends, it does him laugh smoothly.

But he keeps on walking to get to his parents' bedroom, Little John with care knocks at the door. He hopes that both still are awake, that is confirmed when the door opens some moments later.

"Hi son." Lowell says making out of a comic facial expression of bother.

"Hi dad." Little John says doing to a grin seeing that his father is naked and with a erection between his legs. Lowell moves and opens the door to permit that Little John enters in the bedroom.

Little John enters and the door closes behind him. He does not get surprised seeing that his mother is naked bed stimulating her breasts.

"Hi Dear." Leanna says stopping and sitting at the edge of the bed to get up and to come closer to Little John. Little John's look sees the motions of his mother that comes closer and she smiling smoothly embraces him a moment.

Little John gets surprised a little when she breaks the hug and whisks the peignoir away.

"Your visit is unexpected." Leanna says content while she seizes the penis of her son and she begins to caress it. Lowell also looks content at the moment of taking his penis to stimulate it and to avoid that it loses its hardness.

"The truth is that I did not plan to come, but the situation is urgent I need to talk with you." Little John says looking at his parents. Both get surprised and Leanna suspends the stimulation of the genitals of her son.

"Let's move to bed, there we will be more comfortable." Lowell says with some worry because he knows that the subject must be serious, if his son came at this time to talk with him and his wife.

The three get on the bed and they sit there to be more comfortable.

"I talked with Dana and she told me that she got a chance to talk with Faith. It took her a lot that Faith got sincere." Little John says looking at his parents. They look closely at him to be able to know what was happening.

"Faith is aware of what happens here, she saw us in the terrace." Little John looking at his father. He gets surprised completely just like Leanna.

"Also she knows that we have had sex in addition that you two had sex with the family of Skippy in addition to Robin and Marian." Little John says looking at his parents.

"How did she know it?" Leanna asks Little John. He shakes his head.

"Apparently she became aware of our attitudes and she listened what happened in the rooms at nights, she did not swallow the story that Harriette and Kasandra." Little John says looking at his parents. They looks at him with a little bit of surprise.

"Faith is very smart and she cannot be deceived without difficulty, I believe that we made a big mistake thinking that she would not notice it." Leanna says looking at Lowell. He nods in silence.

"She knows about the night of her conception too..." Little John says rubbing the neck with discomfort while his parents open their eyes with surprise.

"Do you know how can that be possible? Nobody knows that here, well Dana now knows it too." Little John says with true worry. That one is one of his bigger secrets that he has with his friends.

"We never mention it." Lowell says looking at his son and shakes the head knowing that things would get very difficult with Faith. He and Leanna agreed that they never will tell at daughter the truth about her birth.

"But it's possible that she listened it." Leanna says looking at Lowell. He opens his eyes with surprise.

"Remember that before coming here... we talked about what happened that night and we were sincere about that and a lot of things, you confirmed my suspicions in addition to say me the truth of what happened in Little John's first camp." Leanna says looking at her husband. He nods lightly.

"The door was open lightly and when I came out I found Faith at the corridor, she was sweeping the floor, but I noticed something weird in her behavior." Leanna says remembering that incident.

Faith seemed somewhat dazed and confused in that occasion.

"She must think that we are some complete perverts." Lowell says sighing with sadness and smiling smoothly.

That is clearly truth, but is not fun at all.

"Now just it is still pending to solve things... perhaps we could talk with her." Lowell says looking at his wife and Little John.

"I believe that the best would be that Little John was the one that speak with her." Leanna says looking at husband and to her son. Both get surprised completely by the proposal of Leanna.

"Mom, I am the owner of this place, but this is a familiar subject." Little John says looking at his mother. He does not want his position of power in his home or his status of Lord be most important than his family in such important thing.

"I do not think about that, just I think that it is best because your father and I could be perceived by Faith like authority figures that would try to solve the subject authoritatively." Leanna says looking at Little John that listens attentively.

"You are her brother beyond truth, she would certainly be more predisposed to talk with you and to avoid a disagreeable moment." Leanna says looking at her son and next to Lowell.

"Are you in agreement, dad?" Little John asks looking at his father. He nods smoothly.

"In this case I guess that it is best, his can be the answer to the problem, but you must look for the ideal moment." Lowell says looking at his son.

Little John nods in silence and knows that tomorrow a difficult conversation with his sister awaits for him. He loves her a lot and does not want her to feel hurt or betrayed by his actions or his family and his friends.

"I will go to rest." Little John says yawning and stretching his arms while his parents laugh smoothly for some moments.

"Stay here tonight son, it's a pity that you don't join us in this occasion." Lowell says winking an eye to Little John.

"There will be more of an occasion, until now we did not fuck your mom in team." Little John says looking at his father and next to his mother. She nods before bending over and beginning to work on her husband's cock.

Little John gets down from the bed while his mother's head begins to budge when she performs a good oral sex to his father. Lowell closes his eyes and growls smoothly.

In a few minutes after Little John again is leant on his bed, he covers himself up with the blankets and looks at the roof thinking about his sister. Little John tries to draw a plan and think the words that he would use with her.

The next morning Little John growls smoothly feeling that somebody shakes his right shoulder persistently. He opens his eyes and turns over seeing like Dana is sit at the edge of the bed smiling to him.

"What time is it?" Little John asks at the moment of sitting and rubbing his eyes a little.

"Almost half a day." Dana says while she looks at the bear.

"Well in a moment already I get dressed." Little John says looking at the girl that places and gets out of the bedroom.

Little John yawns and he takes off the blankets and looking for his clothes and beginning to get dressed with slowness.

He in his mind has his duties for today, he still has to find an appropriate moment to talk with his sister. Little John gets out of the bedroom and comes down toward the kitchen where he comes across Marian and Ruth preparing food.

Dana helps them while he sees as in the patio Skippy and Robin are practicing the arch. Little John sees as Robin helps the boy to find the correct body posture to fire a shot.

"Lunch is almost ready." Marian says looking at Little John. He nods and yawns a little.

After around fifteen minutes they all sit at the table to be able to have a good lunch.

Little John notices that his sister's attitude had not changed a lot.

She speaks almost nothing in the whole food, Little John and her parents exchange looks time after time. Little John nods in silence.

That moment shows up for midafternoon, his parents had gone out to Nottingham along with Marian and Robin. Skippy and Dana take care of the babies with Ruth and Matilde in the room of the cradles.

Little John goes out of the hall of audiences, he sees that his sister is near at the fountain playing with water. Little John gets close to the fountain with calm without hurrying up.

"At least these sheets of paper have a good use." Little John says seeing as a ship of paper navigates in water. His sister is using a couple of old paper sheets that don't have any use.

"But they do not last long." Faith says while she and Little John see as the ship breaks up in water.

"Always there is another way of having a ship." Little John says looking at Faith. He looks for a piece of bark between the close trees and a broken branch.

He gets close to Faith, she sees as his brother breaks the thick little branch and with a little bit of force he nails it into the center of the bark of the tree. He catches a piece of paper and pierces in two sides with the little branch of tree to turn the piece of paper into an improvised sail.

Little John places the bark on the surface of water and he blows. The little ship begins to move on water.

"That is interesting." Faith says in the meantime she sees as the ship moves and wind he inflates the improvised sail.

"With dad you could learn a lot of things." Little John leaning his arms on the border of the fountain.

"Yes a lot of things..." Faith says with sarcasm while she looks at Little John with the frown.

He watches her moment and making a grin, he looks in direction of a close bench where both could sit. Faith looks at him and says absolutely nothing before he and his sister get close to the bench and they sit side by side.

"What do you want to know?" Little John asks looking at his sister that does not look at him.

She still sees the wooden ship moves in the water driven by a breeze smoothly.

"How did you got into this.... made me?" Faith asks looking at Little John that does a comic soft facial expression.

"Well everything began an afternoon when I and dad were inspecting some arrows, while we made it, dad used the occasion to talk with me about sex." Little John says looking at his sister that listens to him.

"He already had explained it to me previously, but he wanted to know, if I have some doubts. And in fact I had them." Little John says looking at his sister and remembering that that day changed the course of his life.

"You know... that dad is not a common father." Little John says looking at Faith. She nods in silence.

"To absolve my doubts, he decided to let me see as he and mom had sex." Little John says looking at his sister. She opens her eyes with surprise.

"I hid in the cupboard of dad." Little John says looking at his sister. She nods to remember that place of her house where she used to hide also when both played side by side.

"From there I saw them a couple of times, I believe that the dad knew that I was there, but he did not care about it. But a night he after he fucked to mom, he went out to smoke his pipe." Little John says smiling smoothly and closing his eyes.

"I got out of the cupboard to leave the room when I saw mom in bed, she was tied the bed and blindfolded of the eyes." Little John says looking at his sister that gets surprised again.

"Tied?" Faith asks with surprise.

"Yeah, one of the games of both." Little John responds making a grin.

"I planned to go to my bedroom, but when I saw her... I got hard again." Little John says with discomfort and shame. His sister looks at him with complete surprise.

"The next thing that I knew was that I was pounding mom and dad caught me, he looked at me from the door. I thought that he would kill me or so, but he just entered and he spanked me to say: continue." Little John says smiling smoothly.

"That night dad taught me a lot of things and we fucked mom in several positions, that one was the last time that I fucked her until now." Little John says looking at his sister.

"Like dad and that guy in the campsite." Faith says looking at Little John.

"Gregory..." he says looking at his sister. She nods.

"Dad... did he fuck you, right?" Faith asks looking at Little John. He nods in silence.

"I saw them fucking, I mean dad pounding Gregory, in a chatting with him I requested to him that... he teach me. Dad and me... we fucked Gregory during all that time." Little John says looking at his sister.

"Dad... was he cheating mom?" Faith asks moving her feet lightly.

"No as far as I know everything began when I was little and was sick, dad and mom needed to get the money to be able to help me. But you know that money is something that we did not have excessively." Little John says and his sister.

She nods knowing that that is truth.

"Gregory advised dad that they could go in the forest and to hunt something to sell, of course dad accepted it and both went to hunt. When they did not catch something, Gregory proposed dad that he would pay him in exchange for sex." Little John says.

"Our family at that time was the only family of bears and Gregory assumed that dad had a big cock that he could enjoy... he was right." Little John says smiling and looking at his sister. She nods and smiles lightly.

"That does not mean that mom did not know about it." Faith says looking at her brother.

Little John denies it.

"She knew it, but mom never told a word about it because... well good she also made what could to get money." Little John says with some discomfort. That surprises his sister that only can imagine a way of getting an easy buck.

"While dad was away, a patrol of soldiers and the lord our town visited the house and they came to an agreement with mom." Little John says swallowing hard and shaking lightly while his sister looks at with eyes completely opened with Little John

She looks down to see the ground and the fountain while both fall into an uncomfortable silence that lasts for a couple of minutes.

"How you got involved with your friends?" Faith asks finally looking at her brother. He laughs smoothly.

"Robin was the first one, a night after the wedding while we traveled with Marian and Skippy... we got drunk and Robin did not lose his virginity with his wife." Little John says making a grin.

"With Marian was after his wedding night, I found her taking a bath in the river and I joined her. After that I taught her a couple of things to please Robin and everything worked well ever since. The three got along well in that subject." Little John says looking at Faith.

"What about Skippy?" Faith asks looking at Little John.

"It was a hot day while we returned after letting Robin and Marian, I entered to take a bath in the river and shortly afterwards Skippy joined up and well... the things progressed rapidly with him from that moment." Little John says while he sees that the little ship that still is floating in the water.

"With Dana and her mother, it was in the night of the birthday of Skippy." Little John says looking at his sister.

"I know... I know it." Faith says with bother while she sees that the wooden ship moves lightly towards the right touching one of the borders of the source.

"Are you very upset, uh?" Little John says looking at Faith and reclining lightly forward to lean on his elbows and to assume the body posture of her sister.

"Of course everyone have been lying to me or believing fool not to realize what is going on here, I do not understand why Matilde did not realize it too." Faith says growling and looking to the ground with the frown.

"I did not want you to consider dad or mom or to my like a complete pervert. We never discuss what happened that night of me first time because we all always felt happy... I mean that we have you. I did not know, if you could handle the truth about what it happens here in addition to the special relation with our parents." Little John says looking at his sister.

"Something special that you decided to not trust to me and keep it like the dirty secret of the family, dad said that in our family there were no secrets." Faith says looking at Little John with angry.

"How would you have reacted? Knowing about your origin and what happens here." Little John says with some impatience.

"We would have it found out, if you would have it said before... it would be easier to understand everything." Faith says taking a little stone and throwing it at the fountain.

Little John sees that the stone hits the ship and tears the improvised mast apart.

"I am sorry, Faith... I do not think that you are fool not to realize it.... I love you a lot and did not wish that you consider something bad about me and that changes our relation. I was afraid when I invited all you to come here... I was not sure that dad and mom would approve what happened with Ruth and Dana." Little John says looking at Faith.

"But they made it and they agreed completely spending time in bed with everybody here." Faith says angrily without looking at her brother.

Little John looks at her a moment in silence.

"There is something more than it bothers you in addition to the lie, isn't it?" Little John says placing his hand his sister's shoulder to give her a soft squeeze and that she looks at him.

"You like to fuck young girls, don't you?" Faith asks looking directly into her brother.

"Well... eh..." Little John says looking at Faith with discomfort.

"Come on, I know that... Kasandra, Dana... even dad loves it." Faith says making out gesture of bother. Little John breathes deeply before responding.

"I like it, if I have the chance. I do not oblige them or so, if that is what you do think. I can be a Lord, but that is something that I do not make or dad would cut me the neck." Little John says looking at his sister wincing

"If that is true ... you had thought about me being getting into it too." Faith says looking at Little John that opens her eyes completely.

"Of course that no!" Little John says with surprise by the affirmation of her brother.

"Why? It is because I am your sister, isn't it? Or perhaps your daughter?" Faith asks looking at her elder brother with anger. He nods without knowing that plus saying.

"Surely dad and mother did not consider it... I am sure that they never thought it twice when they fucked you or you made me." Faith says growling smoothly while Little John looks at her with some surprise.

He notices as she looks at him with the frown and showing her teeth.

"So... you don't like to be left out?" Little John asks looking at his sister and trying not to seem so surprised.

"Well... would you like to know that you lost the chance of fucking many pussies?" Faith asks with sarcasm looking at Little John.

"I could not live with that situation." Little John says doing a great wince of pain. He for the corner of the eye sees that this manages to pluck a soft and light smile from his sister.

He had gotten a chance to talk with his sister, now the most difficult thing would be speak with his parents. At that moment Little John sees as the carriage enters in the patio and he stops when Garrett orders it.

His parents in addition to Robin and Marian come down from the carriage, Little John sees that they charge some things that had purchased in the town. Little John sees that his dad smiles at him smoothly seeing that he and Faith are sitting side by side.

Little John nods and he hastens to help to charge the different things that his family had bought in the town. It does not take much before everything is inside the main building.

Marian begins to fit the things into the cupboards while Dana and Ruth come down to help. Little John sees that his dad does him a gesture to indicate to him that they would be in the terrace.

Around twenty minutes later Little John goes to the terrace after visiting his cubs. The bear walks with a smile feeling complete happy to be the father of so beautiful cubs.

He gets to the terrace and sees that his parents are sitting on a table enjoying the sight of the forest of Sherwood in addition to a glass of wine. They greet him with a smile and Little John also smiles while he comes closer and takes a chair to sit beside them.

"I suppose that everything is going to be very well." Lowell says while he looks at his son and doing a soft face and smiling lightly. Leanna also smiles because the subject with Faith already apparently is resolute.

"Well I got a chance to talk with her and... we will have an interesting night for today." Little John says with an affected laugh that makes his parents look at him with a little bit of surprise and confusion.

Little John takes a deep breathing before beginning to give details of his conversation with his young sister. As he keeps on talking, Little John does not get surprised when seeing that his parents get surprised completely.

After a couple of minutes Little John stops when he tells the final details.

"I did not think that everything would end like this when we decided coming to visit you." Lowell says looking at Little John. He nods lightly and makes a grin.

Lowell then looks at Leanna, he is looking for an answer about what Faith is asking them for.

Leanna does not respond verbally, but she with the look she gives an approval that also demonstrates a little bit of worry. She hopes that everything will be all right, something that Lowell equally expects considering the special and delicate situation with their daughter.

For the night, Little John notices that his young sister is nervous during the dinner. The bear exchanges looks with his parents, they nod lightly while they continue chatting with Robin and the other guests of Little John.

He also notices that Skippy gives occasional looks to Faith, she does not notice them.

Her thoughts evidently are in another site, Little John decides not to think about that. and he tries to relax.

Take a young girl to the bed is not problem for him, but tonight must be the best night of her life. Soon his little sister that would join in the secret circle that had become established in his home.

At the end of dinner Marian and women dedicate themselves to clear the table, Little John takes a time again to see his cubs. He smiles and sees as his children and daughters sleep peacefully.

Next to him are Ruth and Dana. At night cubs sleep in cradles close to their mothers.

Little John observes them completely absorbed at minutes that pass until he hears that somebody clears his throat lightly. He turns over and sees that Faith expects him in the doorstep with a face bother.

Dana laughs smoothly and does a light facial expression while she sees that one of the babies move trying to roll. Little John does a light grin before saying good-bye to Dana and his mother and walking toward the door where his sister still awaits for him with bother.

When they are going out, she gets surprised when Little John catches her and with a twinkle he throws her on the air some centimeters with the purpose of later on falling in his arms.

Little John laughs seeing that his sister breathes agitatedly by the scare that she had received. The bear does not have problems to carry his sister, she gets surprised again when Little John bites her neck of playful way smoothly and he growls

This is something that he used to do with her a lot of years ago before separating when he joined Robin to fight the tyranny of the brother of the king. He loved her a lot.

"Well this you did not make it with all those girls that you fucked, don't you?" Faith asks clinging to her brother's neck. He smiles smoothly before repeating the affectionate facial expression.

"Of course not. It would have aroused some suspicions." Little John responds while he continues carrying his sister by his home before getting to his bedroom that he needs not to open because to approach the door, it opens by itself or at least that seems.

Little John enters and does a facial expression to his father that closes the door with calm while the feet of Faith touch the floor again. The girl's eyes open with surprise to see as her mother is sitting on the border of the bed.

Leanna smiles at her while she is completed naked. Faith had seen her naked in more than an occasion, her body does not present her any surprise because both used to take a bath together.

"You are very clothed for a familiar occasion." Leanna says laughing smoothly and impishly while she sees her daughter and son. Faith gets surprised when she turns over and sees that her father already is naked next to her brother.

Little John already also is completely naked and smiling to her. The girl puts her complete attention in the two hard cocks of men of her family, her brother catches his own penis and caresses it softly.

He does a facial expression to his father. Lowell nods and both get close to Faith while she still is looking at them. She sees at her brother and father from head to foot, Little John smiles smoothly when her sister gets startled at the moment that his mom catches her by the hand.

She with a soft and friendly grin seizes the cords of the dress and she unties them slowly one by one. The girl becomes tense and embarrasses when her mother takes the dress away from her pulling it over her head.

The girl sees that her father's and her brother's eyes open completely while she gets ashamed lightly. Faith sees that both males look at her from head to foot.

Little John feels that more precum gets out of his penis and forms a thick drop before falling on the carpeted floor of his room. He had not seen at his sis like this never.

Her growing breasts are a beautiful sight, nipples sticks up from the fur.

"She grew up a lot, uh?" Little John asks looking at his father. He nods in silence while he sees the girl and he licks his mouth.

"Well... time to start." Leanna says taking the hands of Faith and pulling her daughter, some moments later Faith and Leanna are in front of the two male members and Faith. Leanna makes a grin at Faith. Leanna kneels in front of Lowell and she pulls Faith, so the girl is kneeled in front of her big brother.

The older bear smiles at her, his wife says absolutely nothing before to begin licking his balls slowly. Leanna's tongue raises the balls slowly while he gets wet the fur that covers them with saliva.

Little John smiles smoothly seeing that his young sister looks at the right, she sees attentively as his mother does oral sex to her father. She wakes up when he hears that Little John clears his throat lightly.

He smiles on him and Faith puts her attention on the erect member of her brother. It is comparable in the size to the one of her dad. She sees that her mother licks her two testicles with pleasure.

"Begin where you want." Little John says looking at his sister with a funny face. She does not say and closes her hands around the member of his brother.

Little John moans smoothly when his sister's hands squeezes his meat with force. Faith's eyes open feeling surprise its hardness of the penis that throbs in her hands.

She had not thought that it will be hard and hot, the girl opens her mouth and closes it with difficulty around the hard shaft. She begins to suck the erection with force feeling the taste of a penis for first time.

"With calm dear." Leanna says to see that Little John grunts with some pain.

Faith notices it and stops to take out the penis of her mouth rapidly, the head is covered with saliva it is in front of the mouth of the girl. She looks nervous and worried.

Little John smiling takes his penis and aims it at the mouth of his sister, she looks at her with a little bit of surprise.

"Suck it with care, but take care of your teeth. I am right, dad?" Little John says looking at his father. He nods lightly.

Faith again puts the shaft in her mouth and resumes the sucking of a slower way. The girl feels pleased when her brother begins to moan with the closed eyes.

She sucks with calm while the precum falls on her tongue, he likes the taste while she begins to move her head seeing as her mother does the same thing at her side.

Lowell moans and pants with pleasure by the oral pleasure that he receives from his wife, she moves her head slowly taking his member without difficulty in her mouth. The bear sees that his children have fun too.

His attention is on in Faith, she takes her brother's cock with calm trying not to take the entire length. Little John moans smoothly while his little sister gives him oral sex.

He feels like the lips of Faith he moves forward and back on his member. His precum sprouts abundantly.

Leanna continue the sucking while she sees Faith and next she sees at her husband. Both do funny facial expressions while they continue having a good time. Little John lays his right hand on the head of Faith and he caresses it softly.

His sister moves her content tail while she continues suctioning, Leanna takes the cock out from her mouth and she licks it slowly.

"Take care of the balls too." Leanna says winking an eye to her daughter before licking Lowell's heavy balls. Each one gets up on the air with each licked.

Faith rapidly imitates her mother licking Little John's balls. Lowell laughs smoothly seeing that his daughter tries to raise the weighed orbs of her brother using her tongue.

Little John makes a grin before grabbing his penis to aim it at his sister's mouth. Faith takes the cock with pleasure and she resumes her work.

The sound of sucking is heard in the room. Lowell and Little John enjoy the oral pleasure that women give at them. A pleasure that keeps on increasing until Lowell moans and growls closing his eyes.

Spurts of semen come out from the opening of his penis and they fill Leanna's mouth.

Faith sees as her father growls and her mother swallows the semen that gets out from the hard shaft.

The girl suddenly is taken by surprise when Little John's seed hits her palate. Her mouth fills up rapidly while her brother growls ferociously.

Little John has closed eyes while he enjoys the orgasm shooting his cum in his sister.

Faith opens her eyes when the seed fills her mouth swelling her cheeks.

She perceives the taste for first time, the taste is unlike just anything that she tasted in her life. The sticky substance covers her tongue and she swallows what she can before taking out the cock from her mouth.

The squirts sprinkle her face and she closes her eyes. Few seconds later Little John's semen runs out and he opens his eyes hearing that his parents laugh.

He laughs smoothly seeing the stained face of his little sister.

"Ewww this is disgusting." Faith says with a jokingly voice and with some truth while a big semen drop hangs from her nose.

"Come here before it becomes soft." Leanna says shaking Lowell's member. He smiles at his daughter smoothly doing a comic and friendly facial expression.

The girl cleans her face and changes positions with her mother. Faith seizes the member of her father and she masturbates him slowly. Lowell moans and smiles at his girl that has fun with his cock.

At his side Little John enjoys the licks of his mother, she with calm proceeds to make what Faith was not able to do. The balls of Little John rise on the air one by one.

He enjoys each lick, his mother's tongue moves on his length getting to the tip and licking it. He shakes lightly while his mother watches at him content.

"That is very well, sweetheart." Lowell says moaning of pleasure. A part of his member is in the mouth of his daughter. He perceives the wetness inside and the tongue that touches his shaft.

His penis head is stimulated continuously while Faith moves her head. She feels the lightly different taste of the meat of her dad, her hand takes balls and she squeezes them lightly.

Leanna enjoys the taste of the member of Little John, it is a taste that she enjoys on every occasion. The precum drips on her tongue, her tongue budges on the head making growling of pleasure to her son.

She holds Little John's hips and she pushes her head. He moans and feels as all of his member keeps on entering in the mouth of his mother, his cock head passes the entrance of her throat.

Leanna's mouth touches Little John's groin while he growls smoothly enjoying the motion of the muscles of the throat around his member.

Faith looks with open eyes as her mother takes her brother's shaft without difficulty. She seizes the hard meat of her father and she begins to push her head, she feels as the head glides over her tongue.

When the tip gets to the entrance of her throat, she stops when she feels a feeling of retch. She moves back and again tries it, but does not go further until Lowell stops her.

"Take it easy, with time you will learn it." He says making a grin and beginning to move his hips fucking his daughter's mouth of slow way. His pushes are not strong neither deep.

He growls with pleasure at the moment that Faith reassumes the sucking, the precum spatters the tongue and palate of the girl. She and Leanna put their better effort in pleasuring the family's two males.

Lowell and Little John look at each other and make grins.

"She is very good for her first time." Lowell says moaning and looking at his son. He nods while he growls. Faith feels happy hearing the comment, her mother looks at her and does her a light gesture.

Both continue sucking and a couple of minutes after Lowell squeezes her daughter's shoulders.

"Here it comes dear." Lowell says growling and releasing his cream in the mouth of his daughter. She feels like again her mouth becomes flooded with hot and thick seed.

She swallows it with determination, the sticky substance slides at her stomach in the meantime at her side her brother also growls with pleasure. Little John pushes with force, his penis throbs in the throat of his mom.

She holds her son's ass feeling as semen slowly keeps on sliding to her stomach. Little John growls smoothly and some moments after he pulls his cock out from the hot and wet mouth.

"Of course... you spit your brother's cum." Little John says feigning being victim of an offense while he looks at Faith.

"Dad warned me." Faith says sticking her tongue out at Little John. He and his parents laugh seeing like the tongue of the girl still it is covered with white cream.

"Time to move at the bed." Leanna says doing a facial expression to her daughter and the two males. The three nod and the group rapidly is in the bed of Little John.

He uses his hands to open his mother's legs, she is leant backwards next to Faith. The bear sees at his mother's slit, the woman smiles at him, and Little John growls smoothly before introducing his head between Leanna's thighs.

She moans and takes a breath when Little John's tongue begins to move on her vulva.

The tip divides the vaginal lips moving up and down. The bear feels the taste of the juices that get wet his chin, Little John hears that his sister gasps.

Faith moans when her father begins to suck her left nipple. She moans and pants with surprise, her father's tongue hits her nipple repeatedly with calm.

Lowell sucks smoothly while his right hand is on the other tit, he likes the size of the mammary gland. Still it is yet complete developed.

He expects that they grows at the same dimensions than her mother's breasts. Faith pants and moans while the saliva covers her nipple, she has the closed eyes to enjoy completely the sensation in her body.

Her dad opens his mouth releasing nipple and smiling smoothly he moves down his body while Faith opens her legs. She sees as her mother moans by the work of oral sex of her brother.

"Mmm... that... it is..." Leanna moans disordering Little John's hair. She feels as the tongue of his son budges in her inside caressing her vaginal walls.

The tip touches important points, juices get wet Little John's mouth. He enjoys the juices and the aroma makes his member again harden.

Lowell stops to see his daughter's moist slit, he licks his mouth and takes out his tongue to give a slow lick through the vulva of Faith. She opens her mouth and groans feeling as the tongue goes over that place touching her clitoris making that she quivers with pleasure.

The savor of the young juices delights to Lowell. He maintains the legs of his daughter separated and he begins to lick the girl's pink entrance slowly time after time.

Faith moans and pants of pleasure with each lick, she sees as her mother does him a friendly facial expression. The girl feels as the tip of his father moves by the borders of her vagina slowly before concentrating on her pink point.

Lowell licks slowly listening the moans of pleasure of his girl. Little John for his part licks his mother's clitoris while a finger enters and gets out of the vagina slowly.

He feels as juices cover his finger. He takes out his finger and sucks it slowly. Leanna moans seeing her son between her legs, but more of her attention is set in Faith.

She sees that her daughter moans and trembles with pleasure while Lowell eats her. He moves his tongue inside Faith touching with the tip the girl's virgin barrier trying his flexibility.

Little John closes his mouth around the vulva of his mother and penetrates with his tongue moving it in different directions. Leanna growls of pleasure to feel as the tongue zigzags in her inside.

Lowell gets surprised and he feels pleased when Faith's hands catch his hair and she pulls his head to her crotch.

Soon in the room a groan of pleasure is heard of Faith when she has one great orgasm.

He enjoys the young and sweet juice of his girl while Little John does a funny face seeing that his little sister shakes in bed enjoying the best orgasmic pleasure in her young life until now.

Little John stops and he looks at his mother. She looks at her daughter with a smile, Leanna feels as Little John moves.

He places himself correctly catching his penis and rubbing it slowly on the pink and brilliant slit between the legs of his mother. Leanna uses her fingers to spread her vaginal lips while she smiles at Little John.

Little John pushes with calm and his member sinks slowly in the soft and velvety pussy.

His eyes are closed just like the ones of his mother, she blurts out a long and pleasurable sigh.

Her body receives her son's hard erection with pleasure, Little John's groin touches Leanna's crotch. Little John does a grin to his mother, she laughs smoothly before he begins to move.

Leanna's groan catches the attention of Faith. The girl sees as his brother begins to move, her mom and brother are moaning with pleasure. She clearly understands what happens and she looks at her father.

Lowell looks at her and nods smiling smoothly, he swallows hard while he places himself on Faith catching his penis and aiming it at the correct place between the legs of the girl.

"Do you agree with this? I mean your father being the first one." Leanna asks whispering in the left ear of Little John while she moans.

"There is no problem, I think that I already took enough virgin pussies." Little John says doing a funny face without stopping his pushes. Her mother laughs smoothly and closes her eyes to enjoy the moment.

Faith feels as the head of the penis of her father presses her slit, Lowell takes a breath and he pushes with force. Her daughter moans with bother, but he does not stop and the vaginal lips of the girl wrap his penis head.

The girl moans with pain when her opening stretches and her father slips inside. Lowell stops and pants with surprise, he feels as his cock is squeezed with force.

Leanna and Little John stop their activity for some moments, Little John feels as the internal heat of his mom surrounds his member getting it wet in juices.

Lowell feels that the tip touches his daughter's hymen, he gets comfortable better and notices that his wife looks at him while she whines of pleasure. Little John has also his look put in both.

The bear does a strong push and Faith squeezes bedspreads at the moment that she becomes tense and her hymen rips forever. His father's shaft slides completely in her vagina arriving to touch the entrance of her cervix.

Lowell takes air with surprise feeling the strong squeeze of the virgin vagina around his member.

"Your dad is enjoying it." Leanna says doing a grin to Little John in the meantime is seeing that her son breast-feeds her right tit while she moans.

"I don't doubt it." Little John says smiling without stopping to move. He enjoys his mother's affectionate inside. He feels as juices cover his cock that enters and that goes out slowly.

Faith has her eyes closed while she does a light wince of pain, she had not expected this in spite of the fact that her mother warned her that she would feel pain in the first time it hurt.

She opens her eyes when her father's fingers dry her tears of delicate way.

He smiles and he nuzzles her on the neck playfully at the same time that he begins to move slowly. Lowell moans and growls with each thrust, his penis enters and goes out with calm of the girl.

Faith's inside is soft and hot. Just Dana had been so tight that night in which he had fucked her.

Faith moans smoothly when pleasure keeps on replacing the pain, she feels as her tunnel of love is completely full and the shaft of her father enters and goes out repeatedly.

Just the cock head stays inside in each push, the fur of the groin of Lowell caresses her clitoris, she shakes and her young juices begin to drip in bed.

"Great, isn't it?" Leanna asks moaning while her breasts rock violently by strong pushes of Little John. His ass and the one of his father they move up and down in the meantime they fuck in family.

Faith moans and nods quietly, she feels as the big erection touches each part in her vagina, the pleasure that she feels is very different and intenser of what's expected.

Her vaginal walls stretch themselves at the maximum to accommodate around her father's thick and large member.

Lowell growls of pleasure, he had not been confident of making this, but now he enjoys it completely. His cock shoots precum inside Faith.

Both fluids mix inside the girl, Lowell's pushes become intenser and strong. Little John notices that his sister moans of pleasure, but also she has certain difficulty with the weight of her father.

Little John knows very well that his size is a problem at times, he notices that his mother also has that in mind when she asks him to stop. Little John nods and withdraws his shaft slowly until it slips outside.

Lowell pushes with force, but he stops when his wife touches his shoulder softly.

Leanna does him a gesture using her nose to point at Faith, it is then that Lowell becomes aware of the problem.

His daughter is not yet a grown female that can bear his weight completely, Lowell takes out his penis and Faith looks at him with some confusion and disillusionment.

"Dear I will show you another way to make it." Leanna says doing a light grin and pushing Little John. He moves back sitting in bed before leaning backwards.

Little John sees as his mother positions herself on him with calm and she catches his penis rubbing the head against her vulva for some moments before she takes down her hips.

The eyes of the bear close when his meat again invades the velvety passage from where he came into the world. Leanna moans until her vulva touches her son's crotch.

She look at her daughter and her body begins to move slowly showing the idea of this position.

Faith looks at her father with emotion, Lowell smiles at her smoothly and he leans backwards next to her son.

Both look at each other and do some funny faces while Faith climbs on top of her dad father placing herself in position. Lowell holds his cock in position for his daughter, she looks at him with a smile before taking down her hips.

Her slit touches the head of the member that divides her vaginal lips and it enters in her body. She closes her eyes when she feels as the hard cock again distends her vaginal walls.

Leanna sees that her daughter's hips slowly go down until Lowell's shaft touches the entrance of her cervix. The girl feels full again. She sees that her mother places her hands on the chest of her brother to begin to move.

Lowell places his hands on the hands of daughter and he smiles at her smoothly. Faith nods and she begins to move with calm imitating her mother's motions.

Soon the grunts of father and daughter add to the other moans of pleasure.

Leanna moves her ass without stopping, the cock of Little John releases squirts of precum in her vagina increasing lubrication inside her.

Little John moans with each motion, he sees as his penis appears and disappears at every moment. His mother's juices get wet his crotch and balls that bounce on the air.

The bear always enjoys fucking his mom's pussy, from that first time that had changed all his life. Her growling are strong, she is a female that enjoys completely this moment.

Little John sees as his father moans with a lot of pleasure. Lowell moans and growls each time that his daughter ass moves.

His penis enters and goes out of his daughter while she rides him rapidly, the juvenile breasts bounce on the air attracting the attention of the older bear. Lowell stretches his arms taking the two tits.

Faith takes a breath and moans when the big hands of her dad begin to stimulate her two tits. The pleasure in her body increase while the two hands take care of her soft hills.

Lowell moves his hands feeling the firmness of the breasts of his daughter, she whines of pleasure without stopping to ride his father the best that she can.

The penis head hits the entrance of her canal repeatedly, her juices surround the cock completely while her tail moves uncontrollably just like the tail of her mother.

The two males look at each other smiling while they permit that women of the family take command of the situation. The ass of Faith begins to move faster and her wet vulva touches her father's crotch repeatedly.

Leanna slow down her motions to see what happens, she laughs smoothly while she sees at her son. Little John hears that his father growls with force, he holds his daughter's hips and he pushes with force.

The head of the penis of the bear presses the bottom of the vagina before exploiting in the girl splashing with cum his daughter vagina. The powerful spurts splashes the vaginal walls.

Faith feels for the first time sperm in her inside, each part of her tunnel of love is covered completely, the girl begins to shake and to whimper with pleasure by her orgasm that is intense.

While he ejaculates Lowell feels as the claws of his daughter dig in his chest, it is somewhat painful, but pleasure is intenser that pain. Leanna laughs smoothly when her husband has to hold at their daughter.

Faith leans upon her father, he embraces her with love while his seed oozes from the inside of the pussy. The girl breathes agitatedly while pleasure is disappearing of her body slowly.

Leanna again resumes her motions, her tail moves rapidly riding Little John. She feels that her pleasure grows at each minute that pass.

The woman growls and her body becomes taut when releasing more juices at the moment of the orgasm.

Her vaginal walls squeezes with more force the shaft inside her body, Little John clenches his teeth and shoots incestuous semen one more time in his mother.

Both growl of pleasure without moving for some minutes. Leanna moves and the cock slides out of her body, she feels as cum is dripping from her slit.

Little John moves and he sits in bed in the meantime his member still is erect, the same thing happens inside Faith. She gets up with calm and she sits on the crotch of her father.

The girl feels as the hard meat still throbs in her body.

"Dad still is hard." Faith says looking at her mother. She smiles at her smoothly and she takes Little John's cock in her hand.

"We should thank at Ruth for this this." Leanna says smiling at her daughter.

She nods in the meantime still she feels full by the shaft, Lowell just smiles at her smoothly and that he begins to do some soft and slow pushes. Faith closes her eyes and moans quietly.

Little John enjoys the slow masturbation of his mother, the hand moves of slow way. The precum concentrates on the tip and Leanna licks it making that her son quivers with pleasure.

She releases her son's member and smiling she takes Faith's hand. She opens her eyes and looks at her. Lowell stops his thrusts and sees as Leanna pulls her daughter smoothly.

Faith stands up and the member slides out of her vagina, a great waterfall of white seed drips from the slit of Faith. Leanna places the hand of her daughter on Little John's hand.

He sees that his sister looks at him with surprise, Little John smiles at her and he pulls her toward him.

Little John nuzzles her on the neck for some moments before stopping.

He smiles just like his parents. Little John leans his sister backwards in bed. Faith takes a breath when her brother's mouth closes around her right nipple.

Little John begins to nibble and to suck young tit with great pleasure, he feels as the nipple of his sister is hard.

Faith moans with pleasure while her brother's other hand stimulates her other breast with calm. Her tit is caressed and squeezed repeatedly, the girl sees that her mother is kneeled in front of her father giving him oral sex.

Lowell moans and growls of pleasure seeing as the head of his wife budges while she sucks his cock, the tongue caresses his penis head slowly.

She enjoys the savor of the penis in her mouth, her right hand takes her husband's balls to squeeze and stimulate them. She by the corner of the eye sees as her two children have fun.

This is something that she never would have expected to see, that night with Little John and Lowell should have been the most intense one of her life, but things always can apparently get hotter.

Lowell also looks at his children making it out, he sees that the girl moans and he clings to his brother while she enjoys the stimulation of her breasts.

Little John continues for some moments until he releases Faith's left nipple, his sister's breasts are attractive in spite of not having the size of the tits of Marian. Little John stops the sucking and seizes the hips of his sister to roll her over.

Faith does not resist when her brother places her on her hands and knees, she sees that her parents get in the same position. Her mother moans with pleasure when her father enters in her.

Lowell closes his eyes the moment that the warm pussy surrounds his cock, he feels the rests of seed of Little John covers his member. That makes him feel more excited.

Faith gets ready at the moment that he feels as the hands of her brother take her hips. She opens her eyes with surprise when he feels a lick that goes over her ass crack.

"That is..." Faith says looking at his brother over the shoulder. But she gasps and moans smoothly.

Little John knows that this must be a shock to his sis, but it does not mind. His tongue moves from below moving up in the crack. His hands squeeze the two cheeks feeling their firmness.

Faith moans and pants with pleasure, she cannot believe that something so disgusting be so pleasant. She moves her ass while the tip moves in circles on her little hole.

Little John takes down his right hand and places it between the legs of his sister, he caresses the slit softly and his right finger's yolk caresses the clitoris.

Faith immediately becomes tense lightly and shakes with pleasure while she moans of pleasure. This moment is the correct for Little John, he pushes his tongue with force.

Faith's eyes open completely when her anal passage is invaded by the tongue, she shakes and grunts. The lukewarm saliva covers her anal walls while she feels her brother's hot respiration in the base of the tail.

Lowell and Leanna simper seeing their daughter's reaction. Lowell moves while he fucks Leanna with calm, his penis shoots little spurts of precum that mix with cum that right now is present in the vagina of his wife.

Leanna closes her eyes while her breasts rock on the air and she enjoys the member.

Her husband and her son are big, and she can enjoy both cocks every time that she needs it.

Little John stops the movements of his tongue, his saliva slides down in the crack, his fingers caresses the slit of her sister slowly. She trembles each time that the fingers caress her clitoris.

The bear sees that his father opens the oil bottle and he spills a little on his cock to coat it and next applying a little to his wife's crack.

Little John sees that his mother shakes lightly, his father looks at him and does him a grin before stretching his arm and passing him the oil. Faith's pleasure reaches its peak until the tongue leaves his anus.

She pants rapidly while her juices are dripping between her legs. Faith opens her eyes and shakes lightly when Little John spills cold oil on his hole.

He uses his forefinger to begin to caress his sister's sphincter slowly in circles for some moments. The girl gasps when the finger slips in her hole and it begins to move in and out.

he girl moans when another finger enters and she sees at her mother. Faith's eyes open with surprise to see as her father aims his member and the head disappears between the buttocks of her mother.

She hears that her mother growls with some pain when the penis head slides in her anal passage.

Lowell growls of pleasure feeling the rectal squeeze around his member, he holds his wife's hips and he pushes his shaft slowly inside her.

Faith looks as the penis is disappearing between the two gluteuses, soon her father's crotch touches her mother's buttocks.

The girl sees that her mother moans when her father begins to move in her.

Leanna closes her eyes enjoying each push, Lowell always makes her moan with pleasure when he fucks her there. Lowell's hips move back and forth slowly.

Faith moans when a third finger enters in her posterior hole. Little John patiently relaxes his sister's sphincter, he wants that this be a good experience for her and the least painful as much as possible.

The girl feels a strange sensation when fingers open for some moments. Little John takes out his fingers slowly and sees that his sister's posterior hole is lightly open.

His father does him a gesture while he continues pumping his member that enters and goes out slowly. Little John seizes the bottle of oil and opens it before emptying some oil on his right hand.

He begins to cover his cock with the slippery liquid. His hard meat glistens smoothly. Little John closes the bottle and he puts it on the bed, Faith gets surprised when he feels motion and Little John's big hands spread her two cheeks.

Leanna looks at her husband, he nods and he stops while both see as her son gets ready to penetrate into her daughter. Faith becomes tense when she feels as the member's head touches her hole.

"Take it easy sis, I will not be a brute putting it in a single push." Little John says growling and laughing smoothly seeing that the muscles of the ass of her sister become taut conspicuously.

Faith cannot avoid it, she instinctively knows that something so big will not fit easily in her body.

Little John holds his hips and he begins to press his little sister's anus, his cock head covers the sphincter of the girl and she moans with bother.

"You must relax, darling." Leanna says laying her right hand on the left hand of Faith. She has her closed eyes while she tries to relax.

Little John sees that his mother bends over a little and she whispers something in Faith's ear, she nods lightly. She leans forward and introduces her hand between her legs.

Leanna smiles when her daughter begins to masturbate, Faith moans while her fingers move in circles on her clitoris. Her juices cover her hand wet.

The pleasure increases slowly.

Little John's precum covers the hole, he increases a little the force and his member's head suddenly breaks the resistance of the posterior hole.

Little John feels as the sphincter wraps his cock tip at the same time that Faith whines of pain and she clenches her teeth when her anal virginity is gone.

She squeezes the bedspread with force and two tears drip from her eyes and they slip on her cheeks when she feels a big and burning pain in her rectum. Faith feels an affectionate squeeze in her right hand.

She opens her eyes and the girl sees that her mother smiles at her affectionately.

"The most difficult part is over." Leanna says smiling smoothly at her daughter.

Little John pants feeling the pressure of the anal walls around his member, it is very strong and incredible.

"Tight?" Lowell asks bending over towards the right and doing a funny gesture to his son.

"A lot." Little John responds content and looking at his father that smiles at him. Little John sees that his mother nods lightly.

Little John gets comfortable and he begins to push his penis. Faith moans and pants feeling that her entrails begin to be overrun by the hard meat of her brother, she feels as her anal walls keep on swelling out around the thick shaft.

Little John growls smoothly, his sister's anal passage is incredible. It squeezes his member with force. His member slowly advances and disappears behind the sphincter of Faith.

The girl's eyes open completely the member's head touches the bottom of her rectum.

His brother's penis throbs in all her rectum with force.

"I feel full." Faith says panting surprised and looking at her mom. She laughs impishly.

"A unique feeling." Leanna says simpering and moving her ass.

Lowell understands and he again pumps his penis in the ass of his wife. He closes his eyes to concentrate on the pleasure that the passage gives him.

Faith takes a breath when Little John withdraws his limb almost completely and he pushes it again beginning to move inside her sister with velocity and force.

His penis enters and goes out rapidly, Faith is too tight. The anal walls caress his cock in each push.

Faith feels as the groin of her brother whams her buttocks that shake. It is a strange feeling that begins to become something nice and after a short time an unexpected pleasure.

She moans and pants with pleasure in each thrust in her ass, the bottom of her rectum is hit by the head of the penis. Her juices increase in quantity and they are dripping from her vulva.

Faith's young breasts rock just like the tits of Leanna.

She moans and enjoys the anal pounding of Lowell, the spurts of precum of her husband sprinkle her anal passage. Her sphincter moves on the member that is gets in and gets out.

Lowell caresses his wife's buttocks with pleasure, he squeezes them and spreads them smiling when he sees the motion of the sphincter around his shaft.

"Mom... it feels incredible!" Faith says moaning and growling of pleasure. This is something that she had not expected, this feels as good as being fucked in the pussy.

"I know it... dear." Leanna says whining of pleasure just like her daughter. Lowell and Little John have a good time fucking the two women of their family.

Lowell looks at Little John and raises a hand doing a funny facial expression on the air, Little John gets surprised and does the same thing. He nods and both hands rush down.

Faith and Leanna yelp with pain when they two receive strong spanks on their buttocks.

"Hey!" Faith says with bother while she moans and looks at over her shoulder. She looks at her brother with fury. He laughs. His father also roars with laughter while he does not stop.

"Do not pay attention to it. They always behave like this." Leanna says looking at Faith and growling.

"Even so I don't like it." Faith says growling with anger and pleasure while she tries to move and slipping out of the grasp of Little John.

"Then it will be better for one of them repeat it or they will not be able to fuck you there never again." Leanna says looking at her son and to her husband.

"Well... then no more spanks." Little John laughing openly and moving his hips in circles.

He pumps with more force inside Faith, she rapidly forgets her bother and closes her eyes.

The sound of meat of slapping is heard clearly in the room while the bed creaks with force. The trusts of both males are strong and powerful.

Little John's balls hit his sister's vulva, both testicles get wet with the juice that stems from the opening.

Faith begins to whimper with pleasure at the moment of the orgasm takes complete control of her body, it shakes of complete pleasure. She growls with force while juice little squirts get wet Little John's balls.

He growls when his member is squeezed with more force, his hips press his sister's buttocks at the moment of beginning to ejaculate sprinkling his seed in the virgin ass of Faith with force.

She moans while she feels it, the sticky semen covers her anal walls and filling her cracks.

The girl shakes while he fails to pay attention to her mother that also whimpers with her own orgasm.

Leanna's fists squeeze with force the bedspreads while she feels as semen impacts her rectum. Her husband growls with force while he holds her down in position.

The cock tip presses the bottom of her anus in the meantime seed continues being liberated in powerful spurts. Lowell clenches his teeth with force and pushes with force.

The anal spasms give him a great pleasure, it slowly disappears until the last spurts goes out by the opening of his penis.

Leanna pants while her chest is pressed on the bed, she feels as the member of her husband slips out of her anus and a lot of semen drips from her dilated hole.

She sees as her daughter is in the same position.

Faith moans smoothly feeling as the cock of her brother keeps on retiring from her anal passage until the head slips outside. Little John divides his sister's buttocks and he smiles smoothly at the dilated hole from where it is oozing his seed.

He sees his father and both do funny faces before moving to make room for the two women that turn over and sit. Faith places her hands on her stomach while she feels as semen continues getting out from her inside.

It is a somewhat unusual feeling.

"We need to clean up a little." Lowell says looking at Little John. He nods.

Both come down from the bed and take a couple of night robes before getting out of the room letting alone to the two women.

"Did you like the new experience?" Leanna asks doing a soft smile to her daughter.

"It was somewhat unusual but I love it. I did not know that it could be so great making it out from behind." Faith says blushing and looking at her mother. She laughs smoothly.

"You will learn interesting things with your brother and father, I will teach to you what they enjoy." Leanna says winking an eye to Faith. She nods content.

"Why my brother never told me about this?" Faith asks in the meantime she looks at the semen puddle between her legs.

"We thought that it was best, I mean your brother was not sure that you can handle about what happened in his first time and now he has cubs with Dana, getting pregnant a girl of your age is not precisely something very correct." Leanna says looking at her daughter.

"But Dana and my brother look happy with Ruth and the other ones." Faith says looking at her mother. She nods.

"Of course, but we did not know how you would take this." Leanna says while she sees Faith. She nods.

"I suppose that I understand, but now everything will be different, isn't it?" Faith asks arching an eyebrow.

"Yes, but we have to be careful with Matilde, she is still young for this kind of stuff." Leanna says laughing smoothly. Faith nods while she sees the door.

"They are taking their time to return." Faith says looking at her mother.

"Do you want them to return soon?" Leanna asks doing a light grin.

"I know that my brother and dad can fuck more than just two times, I listened to do it many times in night with you and his friends." Faith says looking at her mother. Leanna laughs smoothly.

"It is truth, but even so they need to get some rest." Leanna says looking at her daughter.

She nods with some bother of having to wait.

"In in the meantime, we alone will have fun." Leanna says looking at her daughter. She opens her eyes completely. Faith runs out of breath when her mother closes her mouth around her left nipple and she begins to suck it.

The tongue hits her nipple while she moans smoothly. Its mother's lips suck with calm, slowly the right hand of Leanna moves down on the stomach of Faith to place it between the legs of the girl.

Leanna caresses the rosy point without stopping to suck, the clitoris is twisted in several directions and Faith whines of pleasure while she closes her eyes. Pleasure is intense.

Her mother's fingers move down and she pushes two in her slit. Faith growls when something again enters there. Leanna can perceive the rests of seed.

"Mom..." Faith says growling of pleasure. Her juices again get wet the bed throwing out some rests of seed of her father. Leanna opens the mouth without stopping the stimulation of her fingers.

"Do you like it?" Leanna asks smiling in a friendly way. Faith nods while they feel as fingers enter and they get out of her vagina rapidly.

Leanna takes out her fingers that are wet in juices. Faith pants rapidly while lean back against the headboard of the bed. Her mother does her a funny face and gets out of bed to get close to folding screen and getting behind it.

Faith looks at her with a little bit of confusion, she cannot imagine what her mom could have hidden there, after all she was naked. But the answer comes to her two minutes later.

Leanna laughs smoothly when she moves from behind the screen. Leanna sees as the eyes of her daughter opens wide. Faith looks with complete surprise as a metal penis is tied to her mother's waist with straps.

The older female again gets on the bed while Faith does not forget to see the iron shaft. It comes from a similar size to the penises of her father and brother, the girl does no resist when her mother takes her by the ankles and she drags her along toward her.

Leanna positions herself between the legs of her daughter and spreads them largely. She holds the toy with a hand and she aims it at Faith's slit.

The girl shakes and takes a breath when her mother pushes her hips and the cold member sweeps along in her inside. Faith feels as her vaginal walls keep on stretching around the toy.

Leanna does not stop until the metallic member is completely buried in the vagina of her daughter.

Faith feels as metal gets warm and shortly it has a nice temperature than no longer bothers her. Her mother positions herself on her and she begins to move slowly.

The girl moans when the toy begins entering and getting out of her body slowly, stimulation is not equal to her father's penis, but even so is good.

The toy tip hits her canal bottom touching the entrance of her cervix before moving back and enter again. Leanna sees as her daughter moans with pleasure while she moves her hips.

The older female bear whines feeling as in her inside the other half of the toy moves with each push in her daughter. She feels that her clitoris is pressed and stimulated by a small-sized well-located package.

She moves her hips in circles and her daughter moans with more pleasure. Faith sees as the tits of her mother oscillate on the air in front of her face. Leanna moans when her daughter's two hands catch her breasts.

Faith squeezes them exploring them with calm, her growing tits do not compare with the ones of her mother and of the other women in the house of her brother. The girl feels heat and firmness of both tits that are bigger than her hands.

Her thumbs and index of both hands press her mother's nipples.

Leanna moans with pleasure and makes her daughter a grin, Faith nods and he begins to stimulate those parts of the breasts of her mother twisting them and pressing them.

Leanna moans and growls of pleasure without stopping to move, Faith releases the tits and enjoys the pleasure of her body. The sound of splashing is heard when Leanna's crotch hits his Faith's wet vulva.

"Suck my tits, darling. As you made when you were a cub." Leanna asks for putting her right nipple between the lips of her daughter.

A growl of pleasure comes out of the mouth of the older bear when Faith begins to breast-feed her tit. The girl sucks with pleasure without care that she does not obtain some milk.

Faith's lips are attached to its mother's breast, she moves her tongue on the nipple achieving that her mother moans with more pleasure. The right hand takes the other tit and she massages it.

Faith's moans increase, but they are calmed by the nipple in her mouth.

Leanna increases the velocity of her pushes and the bed creaks with more intensity, Faith releases her mother's nipple and grunts with force.

"Mom I am... ahhh!" Faith says while her body begins to shake and her juices sprouting of her slit.

"Me too, dear... me too!" Leanna says pushing with force. Her body trembles while his orgasm breaks out also in her. The two females moan and growl of pleasure lost in their orgasms.

Faith breathes agitatedly, she feels that her breasts are pressed by the biggest tits of her mother that even pants rapidly.

She smiles openly at her until they hear that the door opens again, they see that Little John and Lowell go back in in the room while they laugh and hit some beer cans.

"I see why you took so long in return." Leanna says rolling eyes and rolling on one side. The toy slips out of Faith without problems.

"We need something to drink." Lowell says looking at Little John. He nods and he drinks the last portion of beer before quitting to fall his night robe on the floor. His erect member bounces in the air for some moments.

Lowell does the same thing and just like his son, he also is hard and completely ready to go on with the fun.

Little John sees as his mother takes off her toy and he leaves it aside. Little John gets on the bed and he crawls to get close to his sister, he surprises her when he catches her taking her legs and he pull her toward him.

His penis is on the crotch of his sister. Little John smiles at him and takes his member to aim it at Faith's slit. She does not take the look off the shaft of her brother.

The head of the penis of Little John touches her vulva, he pushes softly spreading the vaginal lips.

He closes his eyes at the moment that his penis head enters in his little sister, heat surrounds it in addition to press it. Faith moans and pants when her vaginal walls one more time stretch around the penis of a member of their family.

Little John pushes slowly enjoying the soft passage, he feels as his axis is surrounded slowly. Faith is very tight like Dana, her sister pants with the closed eyes until Little John's crotch finally touches her vulva.

Her brother looks at her and he begins to move slowly inside her, the penis enters and gets out of her vagina slowly. Her vaginal walls are caressed by the member.

She moans smoothly while her eyes are closed. Lowell and Leanna look with a smile as their children copulate with the greatest pleasure. Both never considered getting to this point when they decided to visit their son, but it does not bother them.

Little John watches content as his sister moans, juices get wet his cock. Faith does a scream of surprise when her brother catches her.

Little John turns over rapidly leaning backwards in bed without drawing his member from the vagina of his sister.

"Hey... that scared me." Faith says hitting with the fist her brother's chest of a soft way. Little John laughs and Faith opens her eyes when she feels as a little spurt of a cold liquid spatters in the crack of her ass.

She shakes and moans when her brother resumes his pushes, she leans upon the chest of Little John. The thrust of the bear are deep and the head hits the entrance of her cervix.

Faith moans and takes a breath when he feels that a finger enters in her posterior hole. Leanna feels the squeeze of the sphincter of her daughter while she moves her forefinger circularly.

For the corner of the eye she sees as her husband scatters oil through his member with calm. The organ glistens brightly lightly with an orange color tone due to the firelight.

Little John moves enjoying the pleasure that he feels pushing his cock, his sister's young breasts press his chest. After some moments he sees as his father moves and he places himself in position.

Leanna takes out her finger and Faith opens her eyes with surprise when the penis head touches her hole. She moans when Lowell begins to push, her hands hold fast her daughter's hips.

Faith feels as her hole is pressed again, she clenches her teeth and whimpers with pain and her fists squeezes the blankets. Her sphincter opens and lets his father's shaft pass by it.

Lowell stops and closes his eyes enjoying the moment.

"She is too tight, you know... like your first time when I fucked you while your father was in the stable." Lowell says making a grin handcuffs.

Leanna laughs impishly a moment and he sees that her husband pushes his penis in the ass of her daughter.

By the membrane that divides the two tunnels, Little John feels as the other erection penetrates in the other tunnel of his sister. Faith pants while her father's organ keeps on filling her posterior hole.

Lowell's member slips until the cock head touches the bottom, the girl never felt this before. She feels completely full in her two tunnels, the hard members begins to move.

Faith is trapped between both bodies while Little John and her father growl with pleasure moving in coordinated thrusts inside the young girl. Little John feels as the juices run down on his member getting to his balls.

Her sister's vagina is tighter than before due to the spare pressure of the member of his father in the other passage. Lowell moans too, the sphincter moves of back and forward on his cock, his precum sprinkles the anal walls increasing the lubrication.

Faith moans feeling as those two unique pleasures that she felt before combine in a single one. It is incredible to feel as the penis of her brother enters when her father's penis goes out and vice versa.

Leanna does not move while she enjoys the sight, something that daughter never would forget the first time that she has two males inside her.

She did not expect that her children lose virginity in the incest. Little John expedites his movements and soon his dad follows his lead. Faith's pleasure increases rapidly while she clings to his brother's neck.

Faith feels as her ass cheeks shake by the strong pushes. She whimpers with more pleasure and Little John growls with some pain when her sister's fingernails dig in his back.

Faith's body shakes and she whimpers of pleasure in the meantime her vagina releases more juices. The vaginal walls squeezes Little John's cock with an incredible force, he pushes, his penis throbs with more force shooting powerful semen squirts.

Faith's eyes open when her brother's seed covers her vaginal walls increasing her pleasure. The fingers of her feet contract and distend without control.

The motion in her ass does not stop, Lowell growls when his daughter's anal spasms prevent him from continuing. His growl joins to the one of his children at the moment that his member lets off bubblings of his cum inside the ass of his little girl.

She feels as her two holes are filled up completely with seed. Feeling is indescribable.

Her father's groin presses her buttocks with force, she moans with weakness while the moment of intense pleasure keeps on disappearing of her body.

His brother's semen oozes from her pussy. Little John and his father look at each other making out gestures of complicity.

"Did you enjoy it, didn't you?" Leanna asks taking the hand of her daughter and caressing it smoothly. Faith nods in silence while her mother smiles at her.

"You will learn more interesting things tonight." Leanna says with a soft laughter while she looks at her daughter.

The next morning Little John wakes up in his bed, he blinks rapidly feeling the light in the room in addition to a weight on his body. He smiles softly seeing his sister's naked body on him.

Her slow respiration touches his face and her young tits press his chest. A blanket covers them. He laughs smoothly feeling as his erect member between the opened legs of his sister.

With calm and care he moves Faith's body without waking her up. Little John leans backwards to his sister on bed and he looks at her.

The girl looks beautiful with that age, no very distant at the age of Dana. Faith does not move in the meantime Little John with a smile gets under the bedspreads and he opens her sister's legs with care.

For a hole enters some light that permits him to see as the slit is lightly inflamed with trails of dry semen around it.

Little John licks his mouth and introduces his head between the young thighs to begin to lick the vulva of slow and careful way. His sister's savor is soft.

Her tongue covers the opening completely in each lick, Faith's clitoris is touched. She shakes lightly in her sleep and she moans unconsciously in each lick on her vulva.

Little John does not stop enjoying the moment completely, his sister's juices touch his tongue when they begin to be dripping from the inside. Little John's tip tongue divides the vaginal lips time after time.

He moves his tongue on the rosy point increasing the moans of Faith, she squeezes the bedspread, and she does not wake up while Little John's mouth closes around the vulva. Little John pushes his tongue against the midway of the slit, he does not stop and suddenly enters in the cavity.

Faith's inside squeezes his tongue lightly, his sister's taste surrounds it completely. He moves his tongue with pleasure inside the vagina with calm without stopping.

The tip caresses several parts inside of Faith. She quivers and blinks rapidly. Little John feels as juices increase in quantity and he stops taking out his tongue.

He licks his mouth a moment before moving and positioning himself between the legs of Faith. Little John catches his penis and aims it at the pink opening, the head touches Faith's vulva.

His hips moves pushing his member, the vaginal lips open the moment that his penis enters lightly. Little John increases a little force and his cock head slides in his sister.

He moans and closes his eyes when heat surrounds his penis.

"Raping your sister... does it is a good way of waking her up?" Faith asks and Little John feels a blow in the chest, but it does not hurt him.

"Get used sis, this will be somewhat common after spending a night with me or dad." Little John says smiling and looking at his sister that already is awake.

She moans and feels like more of the masculinity of her brother slides in her. Her tunnel of love keeps on stretching itself and filling with the hard meat, she sees that his brother moans and closes his eyes.

In some moments after Faith feels that the entrance of her cervix is touched, this the most deep that her brother can go inside her. The ass of Little John begins to move below the bedspreads.

His penis enters and gets out of the hot and soft passage, it is very tight in spite of the action of the previous night. He can still feel semen remains.

Faith moans and growls closing her arms around the neck of her brother with force, her breasts are pressed and rubbed on by the chest of Little John. His ass moves forward and back.

The girl tries to close her legs around her brother, she achieves it with difficulty because he is much bigger than she is. Each part of her vagina is caressed and stimulated.

Her brother is big and his cock fills her completely, his groin hits her vulva. Little John pumps and he stops when he listens to somebody is clearing the throat, he sees towards the door.

Their mother is standing in the doorstep with an expression of light bother.

"You two finish with that, it already is late." Leanna says looking at both.

"It is his fault, mom." Faith says accusatorily and hitting the chest at his brother and achieving that he laughed smoothly just like Leanna.

Little John resumes his motions inside Faith and she moans with pleasure suspending the blows on the chest of Little John. Their mother does not say more and she closes the door when she goes out.

The bed creaks with each push of Little John. He expedites his movements while his sister's juices sprinkle the bed and his balls bounce on the air.

Little John wanted to extend the moment, but he does not want that by chance and error Matilde finds them. The bed gnashing could call the girl's attention.

He stops and pushes with force releasing his seed in his sister. Spurts sprinkle Faith's vagina. Little John growls while he has his closed eyes.

"¡Bro!" Faith says digging her claws into the back of Little John. He moans with some pain, but he does not move.

Faith feels as her vagina becomes flooded with the sticky semen and not much different to the one that made her. Her juices and her brother's reproductive material mix before draining from her vagina and slipping to get lost in the crack of her ass.

Little John pants and with calm withdraws his cock, the head slips out of the vagina of Faith. The bear uncovers himself and his sister before sitting at the edge of the bed.

He stretches his body and sees over his shoulder, his sister sits in bed.

"Eww. Wouldn't you clean me?" Faith protests placing on her hand on her crotch to pick up the seed that drips from her vulva. She feels as semen is dripping from her fingers.

"Well... would you clean me?" Little John asks moving his penis on the air. He laughs seeing that Faith growls with bother.

"I would make it, but mom wants us out of the bed." She says looking toward another side and moving at the side to sit at the side opposed of Little John. He laughs and looks for his clothes to get dressed and to go out of the room permitting that his sister gets ready in privacy.

The bear comes down toward the kitchen to have breakfast, when he gets there he only finds Marian. She is washing a couple of cups and dishes.

"You took long to wake up, although I suppose that the bed gnashing told me that you woke up before." Marian says simpering while she turns over seeing Little John.

"She is as hot as you." Little John says doing a grin and smiling at the vixen.

"I am sure, you are a perverted bear." She says laughing smoothly while she looks at Little John. He laughs knowing that that is truth.

At that moment Little John sees that his sister enters in the kitchen yawning.

"A long night, uh?" Marian asks looking at the girl. The girls nods while she yawns again.

"Pretty interesting." Faith responds looking at Marian in the meantime she prepares her breakfast.

"Fucking must be the best. Your brother fucks as well as your father." Marian says while she sees the girl. She shrugs her shoulders lightly while she looks for a cup.

"I suppose it... they are the only men with who I fucked with." Faith says laughing smoothly and impishly.

"Until you did not try the knot, you tried nothing." Marian says while she moves to one side to continue washing utensils.

Faith raises an eyebrow without understanding the vixen, she laughs smoothly.

"She is inviting you to fuck with her husband." Little John says laughing seeing the face of surprise of his sister. She opens the eyes with surprise and she looks at the vixen.

Marian winks an eye at her while she finishes the cleanness.

"Now that we are in this. Your brother perverted him completely, last night he fucked my ass hard while he thought about you." Marian says laughing smoothly.

Little John smiles smoothly while he sees that his sister remains surprised. He gets close to Marian to take a cup.

"Do you mind, if I drink a little bit of milk?" Little John asks. The woman shakes her head and begins to untie her dress' straps and her breasts are freed.

Marian's tits are big, and the pink nipples stick up from them.

Faith takes a breath when her brother closes his mouth around the right nipple of Marian and he begins to suck it. The vixen moans and pants with pleasure while Little John enjoys the milk that enters in his mouth.

He bites and pulls his nipple while he savors Marian's milk. The vixen laughs smoothly seeing that the girl looks at her brother with complete surprise.

Faith does not move while she listens to the sound of sucking. This lasts for some moments until Little John releases the nipple and allows that Marian closes her dress.

"That was pleasant, Robin did not drink a lot this morning and my breasts need a constant drain, with Robin junior sometimes is not enough." Marian says doing a light gesture to Faith. She opens her eyes with surprise.

She says absolutely nothing in the meantime one by one her family and Little John's friends keep on arriving.

Little John sits at the table to take the breakfast with his family, he sees pleasure as Skippy and his sisters look happy for the walk that they would have.

The bear had decided to spend that afternoon with the family of his two women, taking to the cubs with them too. Little John sees that his sister does occasional glances to Robin while he eats his breakfast.

Little John sees his parents that make some gestures of complicity, they say absolutely nothing while breakfast continues.

In the afternoon after resting of lunch, Little John next to his parents and the family of Skippy pass by the front door of his home and they begin with their moment of fun.

Meanwhile Faith is in the terrace reading one of the books that she had found in a shelf.

She is absorbed in the reading when a hand suddenly rests on her right shoulder.

The girl gets surprised and startles, she looks back to see that Marian is there smiling to her in a friendly way.

"It is time to begin the fun." She says catching Faith's hand and pulling her to lead her to the stairs. The book that Faith has in her had falls to the floor while she gets carried away.

Marian pulls her smoothly and both go down the stair, Faith feels excited when the woman takes her to the area of the bedrooms. That only means that soon she would be fucking with the husband of the woman.

Both get in a bedroom that Faith knows that the couple shares in the home of her brother until their own home is completely ready to be used.

She had seen it when they passed near it, the construction was advancing fast.

Marian immediately begins to undress her without that Faith resists, she only raises her arms to let that the woman took out the dress and the rest of her clothing.

Faith feels a bit uncomfortable being naked in the room, but soon Marian's clothes disappear of her body too. The girl sees the vixen's naked body for the first time.

She is pretty attractive with big and round breasts, without a doubt her father and brother enjoy fucking her.

"While we wait. Your first time with your brother was great, wasn't it?" Marian says doing a friendly facial expression to Faith. She nods lightly.

"My dad and Little John have them very big." Faith says with more confidence and optimism. Now she is involved in this and she needs not feel uncomfortable any more.

"What a Surprise, I hope that also you like Robin, His cock cannot match with your brother's member, but certainly you will enjoy it. My husband and I enjoy a lot the company of Little John." Marian says while she leans in bed lightly.

"Yeah... as far as I know my brother put you two into this." Faith says looking at Marian.

The vixen nods content.

"Your brother changed our lives, before this I never considered in letting someone fucking my ass.... something so disgusting." Marian says with a funny timbre and doing a disgusted look.

Faith laughs until the door opens, she gets surprised seeing that Robin enters in the room completely naked charging his clothes in his arms.

They cover his crotch.

"Well I could not wait." Robin says making a grin and looking at his wife and Faith. She feels as the look of the male is on her moving from head to foot.

Robin looks at the girl with desire, he never considered fucking the sister of his friend. But the girl is attractive and in spite of the fact that she cannot compare much with Marian, she arouses his instincts in him.

Marian arches an eyebrow lightly and smiles seeing that her husband licks his mouth smoothly. Faith gets surprised when the fox does her a kind facial expression before dropping his clothes.

Faith's eyes open seeing the erect member between the legs of the man, it is very different to the one of her father and to the one of her brother. Faith gets startled lightly when Marian catches her for the hand and she leads her to the bed.

Faith jumps in bed while Robin laughs smoothly just like Marian.

Both rapidly climb in bed getting close to Faith, she feels like the attention of both they lie on her. Robin is at her right in the meantime Marian at her left.

The hands of both rest on her breasts and they begin to massage the tits slowly with care.

"I like it." Robin says pressing the young tit and looking at Faith. She feels content by the comment.

The girl moans when Marian twists her nipple lightly, the vixen repeats the operation.

Faith moans without moving feeling as her nipples are stimulated by husband and wife, she sees that Robin bends over lightly and takes her nipple in his mouth beginning to suck it.

Faith moans and closes her eyes feeling as the fox sucks her tit with calm, Robin bites and pull the nipple before releasing it. Soon Marian joins to him and her mouth takes care of the left breast of the girl.

She moans of pleasure smoothly, her eyes are closed while Marian's and Robin's hands move up and down for all her body. Marian does not release the girl's nipple while she hits it with the tip of her tongue.

Her hand begins to move down slowly for the stomach of the sister of Little John. Faith shakes when the hand of the vixen gets to her crotch and the fingertip of the index begins to rub on her clitoris smoothly.

Robin sees that Faith shakes of pleasure, he places his hand next to the one of his wife, but he dedicates to caress the slit softly. The vaginal lips open every time that his finger moves between them.

He feels the heat that stems from the slit and that pushes his finger smoothly. Faith pants with surprise when the finger goes deep into her vagina slowly, her brother's friend explores her inside.

Robin uses his finger's yolk to touch the G-Spot of the girl that. She quivers with each caress. Faith moans and sees that Marian smiles at her. Faith looks at the big tits of the vixen.

Marian sees as the girl moans of pleasure.

Robin draws his finger from his vulva and takes it to his wife mouth. Marian sucks it and enjoys the young and soft juice of the girl. Faith feels as Robin bites her nipple smoothly.

The girl releases Marian's nipple when the vixen moves down. Faith gets surprised when the woman opens her legs and she licks her mouth.

Faith blurts a groan of pleasure out when Marian's tongue moves on all her slit.

Marian delights in the taste and her tongue's tip begins to hit on young bear's clitoris.

She moans and pants squeezing the bedspread, Robin surprises her with a passionate kiss.

The fox pushes his tongue in her mouth with force, Faith responds the kiss and both tongues fight while Marian eats the girl's pussy.

She sees content the situation, Marian with calm pushes her tongue in the middle of the slit sinking it inside of the pink grotto. Her tongue is squeezed by the vaginal walls of Faith that secrete juices without stopping.

The vixen's mouth is closed around the slit, Faith breaks off the kiss and moans feeling as the tongue of Marian stimulates her vaginal walls. Robin takes down his head and sucks the tits a little more before moving in the meantime the girl's look follows each one of his motions.

Robin moves and he sits on the chest of Faith, the girl looks at the cock before her face. She perceives the masculine aroma that comes from it, Robin moans when the hands of the sister of his friend catch his member.

She begins to move her hands while he enjoys the licks of Marian. Faith feels the hardness of the cock while she explores it a moment, her attention soon is focused in the knot.

It is quite big and she never saw something like that in a penis, although she only saw two in her life and her short sex life that almost began last night. With a soft push Robin introduces his member's tip between the lips of the girl.

He groans of pleasure the moment that she licks the tip. The girl perceives the different savor of the meat of the fox, Robin growls when she takes more of the cock and she begins to suck it with pleasure.

Marian does not stop while he licks the pink slit with calm, she enjoys each lick. He likes very much the young juice, her tongue hits the clitoris smoothly making tremble to Faith.

Faith's legs move lightly with each touch in her sensitive spot. Robin moans and reclines his hands to the pillow before beginning to move his hips and fucking Faith's mouth with calm.

She sucks while he feels as the penis enters and gets out of her mouth, her tongue touches it and savors it. Faith listens the growls of pleasure of Robin, the knot hits her lips repeatedly.

Marian gives a last lick to the slit and she moves to one side to see the oral sex that receives her husband. She sees content as the sister of Little John sucks with pleasure.

Robin stops when the girl draws the penis from her mouth and she begins to lick it slowly.

The fox sees that his wife whispers Faith something in the ear, she seems content and moves her snout.

The tongue begins to concentrate the licks on the knot, Robin moans and closes his eyes when that part of his penis is touched by the rough tongue. He gets surprised a little when he feels a soft bite in the right-hand side of his knot.

Teeth dive smoothly in his meat, the sensation is more pleasurable than painful. Faith again puts the penis into her mouth to suck it with more eagerness.

Marian moves to position herself behind her husband, she introduces her hand between the legs of Robin to take his balls and she begin to pamper them with care.

"Does she a great job, Uh?" Marian asks whispering in the right ear of her husband.

"I believe that Leanna taught her well." Robin responds while he moans with pleasure.

Faith listens that and she gets content increasing the force of her sucking on the member of Robin. The fox moans with more pleasure and growls feeling as his pleasure increases rapidly.

He pushes his penis pressing his knot against the lips of the girl, the member begins to release powerful semen spurts that cover the tongue and the teeth of Faith.

Faith perceives the taste of the canine semen, it is a smaller quantity. But even so it is something completely delicious, Marian continues massaging her husband's balls.

She sees as Faith swallows the semen without stopping, Faith drinks it without stopping, she feels as some the seed leaks by the commissures of her mouth.

Robin pants and moans. He moves back pulling his member out with slowness of the mouth of the young sister of his best friend.

Faith licks her mouth a moment savoring the seed remains, she moans when Robin catches her right nipple between his lips and he sucks it smoothly for some moments.

Marian and Faith look at each other. The girl sees that the woman smiles at her in a friendly way and does a grin while Robin moves. He positions himself between the legs of Faith, she does not move while she looks at him attentively.

Robin takes his penis and he aims it at the midway of the legs of Faith. She feels as the tip gets between her vaginal lips, with a soft push Robin introduces one portion of his member in the girl.

He moans of pleasure just like the sister of Little John, she closes her eyes while the hard meat keeps on sinking in her pussy. Her vaginal walls stretch around the shaft.

Marian's hands give her a spare pleasure when she stimulates her young tits, Faith moans smoothly while Robin penetrates her.

"She is pretty tight" Robin says seeing at his wife. She does a light grin.

"As Dana I guess." Marian says while she continues massaging two breasts. At that moment Robin's knot touches the entrance of the vagina, he begins to move inside Faith of slow way with deep thrusts.

Faith's moans become stronger and Marian releases the breasts. She sees as the young tits rock with each push of her husband, juices drip from the opening and Robin's member.

Faith moans and takes a breath when Robin's mouth closes around her right nipple, the male begins to suck it smoothly. The girl's pleasure increases.

Faith feels as her vaginal walls are caressed in each motion of the penis, the member fills her complete just like the penis of his brother or his father.

She feels as the knot touches the entrance of her vulva repeatedly, she is not confident, if she will able to take that mass meat.

Robin's pushes do not stop while he enjoys the body of the sister of his friend. He sees that his wife masturbates near from there while she sitting backed up against the headboard of the bed.

Her hand moves rapidly in her crotch while she moans of pleasure.

"Do you care to give a little bit of pleasure to Marian?" Robin asks releasing the girl's nipple.

Faith nods while she looks at the fox. Robin stops and turns over Faith placing her on her elbows and knees. Marian shrieks with a little bit of surprise when her husband catches her for the ankles and he pulls her.

She drags along the female to place her on the correct position, Marian sees that Faith looks closely to her slit. The girl moans when the canine penis enters in her body again.

"Do you know how to make this?" Marian asks with a friendly and maternal voice.

She knows that Faith almost started her sex life, she does not want to put her under pressure.

"My Mother showed it to me." Faith responds moaning when the vixen's husband resumes his pushes in her. Marian smiles at her and she nods.

Faith reclines forward and begins to lick the woman's vulva, the taste gets to her tongue.

It is a pretty different taste to the one of his mother, her tongue moves up and down between the vaginal lips picking up more juice.

Marian moans with pleasure and she closes her eyes, while Robin pumps his cock rapidly, he holds Faith's hips. He sees as the girl eats his wife.

His precum combines with the juices of the girl that are plentiful, Robin is sure that his friend was in the paradise to being the first one in entering in this incredible place.

Faith does not stops her licks neither her moans, she licks the clitoris making that Marian shakes with pleasure. The vixen stretches her right hand to lay her on the head of Faith and to caress the girl.

Faith feels content knowing that she does well her work, her mother had taught her the previous night while her brother and her father masturbated seeing the scene.

Marian growls when her vagina is pierced by the tongue of the girl, she moves it in several directions while he gets covered with juice. In turn Robin fucks her with force.

Her buttocks shake with each push of the fox.

Robin seizes with more force the sister of his friend and he pushes his knot. Faith's eyes open with surprise and she yelps with pain when her vulva is forced.

She feels as the great mass of meat tries to penetrate into her body, her brother's member is thick, but it does not stretches her pussy in this way. Pushes do not stop and the abundant juices help Robin.

The knot begins to open the entrance and to penetrate inside her. Faith feels pats on her head and she looks up to see Marian. She with a smile indicates to her that she must continue.

The girl pushes her tongue in the pink slit of the woman to resume the oral stimulation.

Robin does gives a final thrust sinking all his penis inside Faith. She opens her eyes and controls herself not to bite hurting the wife of Robin.

Faith feels something incredible in her vagina. She feels as the knot stretches a part of her vagina in a different way.

"Unique, uh?" Marian asks looking at the girl. She nods and closes her eyes when the woman's husband resumes his pushes.

She feels as her vaginal walls stretch and again they go back to her normal position when Robin's penis advances and it moves back in her body.

The fox moans with pleasure without stopping, the soft vaginal walls of the young female surround his cock completely. His pleasure grows with each push.

Faith's body rocks lightly while she continues eating Marian's slit. She grunts while the tongue moves in her vagina, Marian holds Faith's head against her slit.

The vixen whimpers of pleasure and she becomes tense, her juices are shoot in the mouth of the young female bear. Faith savors them and drinks producing a sound of sipping, juices drip from her mouth getting wet the bed below her chin.

Robin pushes with force pressing the buttocks of the girl against his groin, his member throbs with force beginning to release semen inside covering the vaginal walls.

The impact of semen against the vaginal walls makes Faith's body shake. Her orgasmic moans of pleasure are calmed by the slit of Marian that still is attached to her mouth.

Robin clenches his teeth before releasing the girl's hips.

He pants and sees as his wife looks at him smiling smoothly. Faith moans and feels as the hands of Robin rest on her buttocks. The fox begins to examine them by touch and to study them thinking that he would love to take the hole in middle of both.

Faith pants and looks up while she even feels the effects of her orgasm, she feels as the member of the friend of her brother throbs in her inside releasing the last semen squirt.

Marian's juice drips from her chin. The girl licks the mouth savoring the other woman's juices, it is pleasing to her.

"You should try the delicious milk that Marian can offer." Robin say seizing the hips of the girl and raising them a moment on the air. Faith crawls a bit before Robin puts down her body again.

Faith has Marian's tits in front of her face, she looks at them and he sees the vixen. Marian smiles at her in a friendly way while she nods, Marian closes her eyes and moans when Dana's mouth closes around her left nipple.

She begins to suck and soon perceives the first hot milk flavor in her mouth. Faith releases her nipple and tastes the milk of Marian for some moments, she and Robin laugh silently seeing that Faith swallows the milk.

"I like it." Faith says before again laying her mouth on the nipple of Marian and beginning to suck it with pleasure pulling nipple smoothly. Marian moans and growls of pleasure.

Faith tries to suck the best that she can suctioning the milk that fills her mouth, she feels as Robin begins to pull his penis out. The knot keeps on opening his slit again.

Robin takes his time while his wife breast-feeds Faith. She changes tit to concentrate on the right breast of the vixen. The two breasts are big and full of milk.

Faith understands why her brother and her father love to suck the tits of the three women in the castle. The milk that they can offer them is pretty delicious.

She does not remember how suckled from her mother's it when she was cub. She knew that she made it, but at that time she was a baby and she does not have memories of it.

Marian moans while she enjoys the sucking, her sensitive nipple give her an awesome pleasure.

She hears that Faith moans with bother while Robin is pulls out with calm, slowly the girl's pink vulva keeps on opening. Faith releases her nipple and she yelps with some pain when the knot slips out of her body.

She sits empty and semen drips from her dilated opening. Faith gets surprised when Robin pulls her and he turns her over, she sees like the member of the fox is on her face.

But Marian's motion is what surprises it, the woman positions herself on her with her vulva over her face. Robin licks his mouth when he sees the ass of her wife, she and Faith are in a sixty nine position.

Faith moans at the moment that she feels a lick on her slit, Marian's tongue moves down on her crotch. She moans and sees as Robin takes his cock.

He guides it to the slit of his wife. The girl sees with open eyes as the tip of the penis gets between the vaginal lips. Robin moans and pushes his member in the female.

Marian and he moan when their bodies becomes one. Robin feels as the soft walls wrap his shaft, he begins to pump of slow way inside his wife.

She moans smoothly with each push, her buttocks shake being hit by the groin of Robin.

The vixen whines of pleasure and her breasts are rocking back and forward scattering milk that gets wet Faith's stomach.

The girl feels it, but does she does not pay attention to it. She has her complete attention focused to what it happens over her head. Robin's penis enters and gets out of the vagina of Marian without stopping moving the vaginal lips of the vixen.

Faith moans when Marian resumes her licks in her crotch, the girl moans every time that the tongue goes over her clitoris.

Robin's balls rock and he gets surprised when he feels that Faith's mouth catches his right testicle in her mouth and she begins to suck it. Faith sucks it while she fastens of the hips of Marian to raise her head.

Robin enjoys the pleasurable spare sensation and he vivifies his thrust in his wife. Marian whines without stopping to lick, her vaginal walls are caressed by the shaft that enters and that goes out without stopping.

The knot hits her wet vulva and sprinkles juice on Faith's face. She continues sucking alternating between the balls of Robin, her moans are calmed by the two white orbs.

The girl does not take her attention off the penis of Robin, she listens to the moans of husband and wife. Faith's eyes open when she is witness of the moment which the knot penetrates in Marian.

The vixen takes air before again resuming the licks in the young slit of Faith. The girl moans with more force and opens her eyes when the tongue of the wife of Robin penetrates in her.

Her vaginal walls are touched without stopping, in spite of the Angulo Marian manages to do it well. Marian enjoys the young juices while Robin's pushes grow in velocity and fierceness.

Faith stops the sucking of the balls when her pleasure reaches to its pick beginning the chain reaction of the orgasm that takes complete control of her body.

Her vaginal walls squeezes the tongue that it is inside her. Juices drip from her slit getting wet Marian's mouth. She takes out her tongue and closes her eyes to enjoy her husband's last pushes in her.

Robin stops and clenches his teeth growling beginning to ejaculate inside Marian. Her semen sprinkles the vaginal walls mixing in with the juices and leading to the woman to her orgasm.

Marian growls ferociously and she closes her eyes. Pleasure spreads throughout all her body. The fingers of her feet contract and distend without control while she squeezes the bedspread with force.

The semen spurts twang her without stopping, the same as happens. Faith does not move. She breathes looking at the point of union of Robin and Marian.

At that moment silence is broken when she and the other ones listen little Robin's crying junior. He begins to cry in his cradle that is in a sector of the room where he cannot see them.

Robin and Marian move with calm leaning upon their left side.

"Could you bring him? He must be hungry." Marian asks looking at Faith. She accepts with pleasure and the girl gets out of the bed heading toward the cradle of the little fox that even cries.

When he gets next to the cradle Faith blurts a maternal sigh out to see the baby crying.

Faith raises the cub and smiling, she does him some caresses in the chin in an attempt of calming the cub while she chargers him with care.

But it is somewhat futile, but Faith does not get angry and she smiles while she gets close to the bed.

"Do you like to suck a lot, uhmmm?" Faith asks while she runs out of breath when the lips of the cub close around her right nipple.

The cub begins to suck looking for milk that does not exist. Faith looks at him with surprise and after some moments she pulls off the cub of her nipple before passing it on to her mother.

Marian gets comfortable putting her left nipple in the mouth of the cub. She begins to suck her nipple with pleasure.

"It is an incredible feeling, isn't?" Marian asks looking at Faith. The girl agrees smiling seeing the cub sucks his mother's tit.

"Of course, but also I love feeding my husband, it is somewhat incredible to breast-feed both at the same time, the most important men of my life enjoying my tits." Marian says laughing smoothly and seeing as her husband squeezes the other tit to extract a couple of drops from the nipple and to pick them up with his finger before taking them at his mouth to suck them.

"I should suppose that you have also desires of some day to have your own cubs, uh?" Marian asks while she caresses the head of her son that continues sucking her tit.

Faith nods smoothly.

"You know... I believe that Skippy would be very good candidate for that matter." Robin says in the meantime he also caresses his son before beginning to pull his penis out of the inside of his wife.

Marian moans with bother and raises her right leg on the air to make easier the things to her husband. Faith looks with a lot of attention as the penis of the fox comes out without problems of the vagina of Marian.

She sits and with her cub in arms to continue feeding him.

"Do you really think that Skippy would be the correct one?" Faith asks with some bother.

"I don't know, there are a lot of males there out that would be a good candidate, but he clearly is in love with you. It is noticeable from the first moment. In spite of the fact that you treated him very bad, a man that gives you a lot of gifts clearly is interested in you." Marian responds before giving some pats to her son's back.

"But he was knew of everything that was happening here." Faith says with an gesture of bother without realizing that Robin positions himself behind her. The girl gasps when Robin's hand gets between her legs.

She moans when the fingers of the fox begin to caress her vulva.

"Of course, but when a male wants to court a girl he must obtain the parental permission." Robin says while he continues caressing the girl's crotch.

He feels like the juices of the girl gets his hand wet.

"And your parents told him that nothing of sex was their unique condition for allow him date with him, in spite of the fact that Skippy already is very good in bed. As able as your brother or Robin." Marian says separating the cub from her breast.

The cub already was asleep and Marian charges him to leave it at his cradle. Robin continues stimulating the pink opening. Faith moans when two fingers enter in her vagina and they caresses her inside.

Robin's other hand stimulates her left tit with calm, but after some minutes fingers leave her vagina and Robin moves to one side. Faith turns over and he sees a Marian using a strapon very similar to one that her mother used the last night.

The vixen comes closer at her and she takes the hands of the girl to pull her toward the bed, both fall in bed and bounce lightly. Faith sees that Marian does him a facial expression and takes the metal penis holding it in her hand.

Faith nods and he moves to position herself on Marian, the girl opens her legs lightly before taking down her ass. A groan of surprise comes out from Faith's mouth, she shakes when she feels as the cold metal makes contact with her vulva and in enters in her pink tunnel.

With slowness she overcomes the cold of the metal before taking down her ass, her vagina fills up with the length of the toy, and it gets warm rapidly in her inside.

Her crotch soon touches Marian's crotch, she with a smile holds Faith's shoulders and she pulls the girl toward her. Faith's face is pressed against the breasts of the vixen.

Her ass remains raised on the air at the service of Robin. Faith moans with surprise when Marian's husband begins to lick her crack slowly.

The tongue tip moves through her buttocks time after time. Marian smiles seeing the changing facial expressions of pleasure of the girl. Robin licks slowly and moves his tongue's tip on the posterior hole of the sister of his best friend.

He has fun listening the heavy breathing of Faith, with care he takes a small bottle of oil that Marian placed in bed and he opens it. Robin empties some the slippery substance the crack of the girl.

Faith shakes lightly when the fingers of Robin begin to cover her ass with oil. She feels as her sphincter is covered by the slippery liquid.

Robin pushes his forefinger, Faith moans with bother at the moment that his posterior tunnel is pierced by the finger of Robin. He with calm and patience moves his finger in circles.

Marian holds Faith's buttocks keeping them separated while her husband prepares the girl's other tunnel. After a couple of minutes Robin covers his cock with oil and he places himself in position.

His penis tip touches Faith's sphincter and she gets ready. Last night she had have anal sex for the first time and she is not used to it yet.

Robin pushes with some force, but the tip does not penetrate. He increases the pressure a little while Faith moans with some pain and bother feeling that her posterior entrance is forced to open.

Marian places her hand on the crotch of Faith, the girl moans when the caresses on her pink point begins. Pleasure is light, but help because some seconds later the tip of the cock of Robin enters in her rectum.

He moans with pleasure feeling as the internal heat of Faith surrounds his hard meat, he pushes his hips and his member slowly keeps on disappearing between the buttocks of the girl.

Faith pants feeling as her rectal passage keeps on becoming full of masculine meat that distends her anal walls. The member slides without a lot of trouble until the tip touches the bottom posterior passage.

Robin begins to move and shortly Marian makes it. Faith moans and closes her eyes feeling as the two penises enter and get out of her vagina.

She feels as the penis in her vagina touches the entrance of her cervix every time that Marian pushes. The woman moves with a good rhythm that surprises a little to Faith.

She certainly made this before with Ruth and Dana, everyone are involved in this.

Faith feels as the knot touches her buttocks and the shaft caresses her anal walls.

The canine member enters and gets out of her rectum with moderate velocity. Robin growls enjoying the embrace of the anal walls of Faith. She is pretty tight here too.

His precum spatters the rectum blending in with oil and making more things easy for Robin. He pumps with pleasure in the girl, Marian has also a good time because each Robin's push makes the toy that she has in her vagina move.

The false penis moves back and forward caressing her vaginal walls, but another pleasure more adds when Faith begins to suck her left nipple. She suctions with care, the milk of the vixen flows to her mouth without stopping.

Faith moans softly in the meantime. Her sphincter moves on the member of Robin, he enjoys it while he does not lose the grasp of the hips of the girl.

He smiles seeing as the tail of the girl moves with joy. Robin and Marian move coordinately inside Faith.

Her juices increase, but Faith yelps of pain when Robin holds her hips with more force and he pushes her knot against her hole. Marian silences her when her eyes open largely and tears roll down at the moment that Robin's big knot passes through her sphincter.

Marian releases Faith's mouth when she sees that the worst had passed. Faith clenches her teeth and moans feeling a burning pain in her ass.

She feels as all of the member of Robin throbs in her anal passage, Marian begins to move inside and out of the vagina of the girl of slow way.

Robin also begins to move and again to enjoy the rectum of Faith, the girl's ass squeezes his cocks with force. The girl again begins to moan with pleasure to feel impaled by both tunnels.

Each push makes her forget about the pain of the knotting, Robin and Marian look content seeing that Faith moans of pleasure, she does not move while she is fucked by the couple.

Faith's snout moves between Marian's two tits. Marian sees that the expressions of the sister of Little John change and she growls with force the moment that another orgasm comes to her body.

Marian stops while Robin pumps with more speed and he growls pushing his member.

Faith whines feeling as her rectal walls are bathed with thick seed that fills the cracks in her posterior tunnel. Marian laughs smoothly seeing as the tongue of her husband hangs out of his mouth and he stares into space.

The vixen also looks content seeing that Faith also is lost in her own orgasmic stupor.

The girl comes back to reality after some brief minutes. She sees that Marian smiles at her in a friendly way.

"Do you know how to fuck a male?" Marian asks while she looks at Faith.

She gets surprised and denies it with the motion of her head. Her mother had not taught her that.

"Well it is time that you learn it, males here enjoy it." The vixen says doing a grin to her husband, he smiles smoothly. He catches Faith to help her to move and permit that Marian moves.

Faith feels as the penis in her vagina slips out of her body.

Robin sits in bed with Faith on his lap, he catches the young breasts and stimulates them slowly while Marian takes off the toy that is tied to her waist.

Marian places the strapon in bed and she gets out of the room letting her husband alone with Faith. The fox stops after some moments more releasing the girl's nipples.

"Do you want us to try to separate?" Robin asks looking at the sister of his best friend.

Faith nods while she feels like the knot still is locked in her ass.

Robin reclines Faith on her elbows and knees. Robin begins pulling his penis out with calm. Faith moans with bother while the knot stretches her hole in an attempt of going out.

Robin growls smoothly, but he does not grow impatient not to hurt the girl. They do not fail to pay attention to Marian that reenters in the room with some glasses of water.

Faith clenches her teeth and feels like her hole again opens stretching itself slowly as the knot keeps passing by her sphincter that opens more and more at each moment.

Robin has two buttocks separated and sees his knot appearing. When one half part of the knot out, the fox with a fast pull takes the rest of his cock out of the ass of Faith.

She gasps when he feels as her hole gets completely empty, with the exception of the semen that drips from her gapping hole.

Faith and Robin receive glasses of water from Marian. Both enjoy it complete after a good fuck.

"Do you want to rest?" Marian asks looking at the girl. The vixen gets surprised a little when Faith denies it.

"My brother can return at any time." Faith says looking at Marian.

She nods and helps the girl to put the toy while Robin places himself in position and waits until straps be tied around the hips of Faith.

Marian with a smile pushes Faith to Robin. The girl positions herself behind the fox and the hands of the young girl separate the two buttocks to see the posterior hole.

Faith catches the toy and she aims it at the midway of the buttocks of the fox, he feels as the tip touches his sphincter. Little John's sister with care and under the instructions of Marian she pushes the cock.

Robin's sphincter opens without problems. Faith pushes with calm while she separates the buttocks of the male. She looks with a lot of attention as the toy is disappearing in the anal passage of the husband of Marian.

The vixen smiles and sees that her husband closes his eyes feeling as his ass is pierced by the toy that keeps on filling slowly until Faith's groin touches his buttocks.

She takes the hips of the man and sees Marian. She nods slowly, Faith begins to move with care being her first time making this.

Faith moans smoothly when the tip of the toy in her vagina moves touching the entrance of her cervix. Her vaginal walls are caressed and release juices.

Robin moans smoothly with each push of the girl, his posterior tunnel is stimulated with calm giving him a light pleasure that he likes, but it is not enough.

He makes a grin and Marian nods.

"Move with more velocity, don't worry." Marian says smiling to encourage the girl. Faith holds Robin's hips with more firmness and she expedites the motion of her hips.

Robin begins to moan with more force just like the girl that pumps without stopping.

Marian watches the content situation before coming closer and beginning to give the girl a couple of advices.

One hour before sunset Skippy is alone in the section of the stone tub, he is practicing with the arch while he throws arrows at a reveille that hangs from a tree.

He is completely focused on his activity, but the young rabbit gets startled completely when he feels that somebody suddenly takes down the pants from behind.

Before Skippy could do something, he gasps when he feels one complete lick in the crack of his ass. The tongue begins to move on his hole slowly.

The tongue is little and it must belong to his sister, he calms down and moans with pleasure. His member reacts and slowly begins to emerge from his white sheath.

Skippy moans with each lick on his hole, the saliva covers it and he drips slowly toward his white balls. His member already is completely hard and releasing little spurts of precum that fall on the land.

Two hands catch his hips and they turn him over. Skippy's eyes open completely when he sees Faith is kneeled in front of him while she laughs, she enjoys the face of surprise of the boy.

She licks the rabbit's cock slowly with some surprise, it does not look like in nothing with the penises of Robin or her brother.

Skippy moans when another lick moves on all his member getting to the tip and licking the tip savoring the precum slowly. She savors it for a moment before standing up and kissing the boy.

The boy gets surprised, but this is what he had fantasized and rapidly he responds the kiss. His tongue touches the one of the girl while both do not separate their mouths.

Faith separates her mouth of the one of Skippy. She gives him a kiss on the nose and smiles at him smoothly.

Skippy looks closely as she smiles at him impishly in a minute she with calm takes off the dress that quits to fall in the ground without, she sees as the boy looks at her over and over again.

He takes a breath seeing her naked, during these nights he had masturbated thinking about the girl. Faith looks with a little bit of surprise when the boy gets rid of the rest of his clothing and he kisses her again.

She feels as the hands of Skippy squeezes her tits with enthusiasm. The smaller size does not discourage the boy, his sister's breasts also are little comparatively to the ones of Marian, but also they attract him.

Faith stops Skippy's squeezes. He stops rapidly to see the girl.

"Do you like what you see?" Faith asks looking at Skippy with a smile. He nods without taking off his look of the eyes of the girl. His heart pumps with force.

Faith smiles and places her hand on the head of Skippy to push it down. She gasps when Skippy's mouth closes around her nipple, the boy sucks with a lot of pleasure her tit.

Skippy listens happy the heavy breathing and moans of pleasure of the girl, he bites the nipple repeatedly. His other hand takes care of the other breast.

His fingers twist the nipple smoothly, increasing the girl's pleasure.

The girl pushes down Skippy's head, she opens her legs lightly and shakes when Skippy's tongue goes over her vulva. Her clitoris is caressed and soaked in saliva.

Skippy savors to Faith, he likes the taste completely and he likes it more than the ones of females in the home of Little John. Juices fall right on his tongue and he enjoys them completely.

Faith moans and has her closed eyes. She feels as the tongue of Skippy divides her vaginal lips and it penetrates lightly into her vagina. Her vaginal walls are caressed, but she stops him pushing his head back.

Skippy looks at her without understanding until she pushes him back leaning him on the ground. The girl smiles at him and he turns over moving to place herself in position of sixty nine with Skippy.

He immediately glues his mouth the pink slit, his tongue again penetrates in the girl. She growls and takes down her head to take the member of the boy in her mouth.

Faith moves her head slowly enjoying the erection in her mouth. As it is not so big, she does not have problems in taking it. The boy's precum sprinkles her tongue and she enjoys the savor.

Skippy licks and again and again Faith's vulva. The juice drips on his nose, he pushes his tongue inside the slit and it is surrounded by the vaginal walls. He moves it without stopping.

Faith does not move and she looks toward the door of the sector of the tub, it was still closed. She did not worry that someone discovered them, just Matilde is a problem and she is completely taking a nap after the walk with Little John.

She moans with each motion in her vagina, Skippy knows how to eat a pussy as well as his brother. His tongue does not penetrate deeply, but he knows where to touch in her inside.

Skippy also enjoys the oral ability of Faith. She does it well although she still does not have the skillful action of her mother or Dana.

Both begin to groan with more force, Skippy feels as his body reacts at the moment of the climax, he pushes his hips against the face of the sister of Little John.

Semen spurts splashes the palate and the teeth of Faith. She savors the seed of the young rabbit, pretty different, but very delicious.

Skippy growling smoothly while he continues releasing his semen, but he suddenly hears that Faith grunts of pleasure. His tongue is squeezed with force by the vaginal walls and the juice sprouts of them

Juices drip in his mouth and it fills it. Skippy drinks each drop enjoying them, the taste is sweeter than the one of the adult females. Faith rolls and falls backwards while Skippy lies on her.

Skippy turns over and kisses the girl for some moments before he moves and takes his penis aiming it at Faith's slit. She looks at him without moving and with anxiety, the member's tip divides the vaginal lips.

Skippy does one rapidly push and he moans with pleasure when his member is surrounded by the velvety vagina. Faith moans and pants, she closes her eyes when Skippy begins to move.

He makes it slowly, his penis enters and goes out without stopping caressing the girl's vaginal walls. She closes her eyes taking a breath the moment that Skippy begins to suck her left nipple.

Skippy bites it smoothly without stopping his pushes. His ass bounces while the girl's juices drip from her vulva.

She closes her legs around the ass of Skippy. He pumps without stopping while both moan and they pant, Faith sees as Skippy has fun with her young breasts.

He sucks them without stopping. The girl feels happy noticing as he enjoys them without care that her breasts are not big like the ones of her mother or Marian.

She moans with more force when the boy's pushes, her vaginal walls are stimulated with more speed. The penis tip pinches some parts inside her with some force, specials points that makes her tremble with pleasure.

Skippy gives the best of himself in this. His body and the body of Faith are one in the first time.

She clings to the boy at the moment that her orgasm rockets in her body. Muscles become taut and her pussy squeezes with more force Skippy's shaft. He growls and clenches his teeth.

His penis releases semen spurts in Faith. Each squirts makes her shake with more pleasure, juices and seed mix in Faith before dripping the exterior.

Skippy gets surprised by a sudden kiss. He responds the kiss while they do not separate or they become aware that from the window of the room of Little John both they are observed.

Dana and her mother moan while they have their arms are reclined on the window sill.

"Mom... I think that you have a daughter-in-law." Dana says moaning feeling as the fingers of Little John moves in her vagina. The fingers of the bear enter and get out of her slit. Her juices drip abundantly.

"I guess that you are right." Ruth says moaning while her buttocks shake being hit by the groin of Little John. Her sphincter moves forward and back when Little John's penis enters and gets out of her anus.

The bear fucks her with pleasure and patience while he does an affected smile seeing that his sister and Skippy start a second round when the boy puts at his sister on her elbows and he knees behind her to fuck her ass.

Robin Hood, Little John, Marian, Skippy and King Richard (all of them from the animated movie) © Disney

Ruth, Dana and Matilde © Disney (they appear in the movie, but they don't have names)

Lowell, Leanna, Faith, Kassandra, Harriette are my characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth

Third night of Training

Next morning Kodi opens his eyes slowly, he moans smoothly with weariness. He sees the pendulum clock that is in one side of the living room, Kodi realizes that still it is too early in the morning and his master would get up within one more hour. He...

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Second nigth of training

The next morning Kodi wakes up under of the dinner table of the house as always, he rolls his body looking for a better position and his eyes open feeling the glass flower vase below his body. He rapidly rolls again and he positions himself on his...

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