Slutcat and Sworddog #29

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#31 of Slutcat

It was inevitable, I'm sure to every reader out there. Slutcat just found a new form of fast-travel though.


"Lydia!" Slutcat called from the bank once she'd caught up with her friend.

"Slutcat? How do you steer this thing?"

"You don't Lydia! You can try swimming to the bank!"

"Now you tell me?"

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"I don't think it's working Slutcat. The current's too strong."

"Hold on. The bank juts out closer to you just ahead. I'll try and swim out and help!"

"I don't think you should do that. If it's too strong for me, I'm afraid you won't help much."

"Nonsense. Surely the two of us can get you to the side."



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A few minutes later...

"There. I told you I could do it. Now we just paddle this over to the shore."

"That was foolish of you, Slutcat. But thanks anyway."

"Hey, I couldn't let my best Housecarl go drown or something. Now, let's get paddling..."

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"I don't think it's working Slutcat."




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The two looked in front of them, where the river... disappeared.

The looked back at each other and mouthed the same word. "WATERFALL!"

Lydia leaned in close as it became apparent they were going over.


Slutcat gave her a kiss, and then they were falling...

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Then the world turned cold, wet and blue.

Slutcat felt her body hit the water below, but she had barely started her journey. Whenever she found her head above water, she managed to gasp for air before she was under yet again.

Miraculously, she avoided the worst of the rocks, but the waterfall she'd gone over turned out to be the first of many, not to mention the rapids once she'd surfaced again.

She was already exhausted, but she felt strong hands pull her out to gasp for air again, before once again the water dropped away under her.

What followed she barely recalled, though she had managed to retain enough conciousness to swim as best she could, when she could.

Then suddenly she felt herself going under in a much deeper body of water, but she no longer had the strength to swim up. Yet once again, just as she'd given up hope, those strong hands found her again and pulled her up.

She awoke to semi-conciousness on a little bit of land beside a lake. The noise of the waterfall was still near, but she could hear other sounds. That of her friend Lydia the most welcome of all.

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"Are you alright?"

Slutcat roused herself and coughed out a little water before answering.

"I think so. I don't feel like anything is broken. You?"

"Bruised but not bad. How the hell we both lived through that I have no earthly idea!"

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"Me neither! Where are we?"

"I think that little village over there across the lake is Darkwater Crossing. A little mining village," Lydia suggested.

"Oh boy. You mean I have to swim some more?"

"Just a little bit more. I'll help you. But we have a small problem. I'm naked and you only have your bikini."

"Where's Sworddog? She went back to get our stuff." Slutcat asked.

They both looked up the way they'd come.

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"Well," Slutcat said. "She knows which direction we went."

"What direction is that?"


Lydia laughed. A good sound to Slutcat's ears and she smiled.

"Slutcat... about that thing I said. Before we went over."

"Sorry, I couldn't hear anything. Waterfall noise."

"Ah," Lydia said, but looked relieved.

"Oh, come here you," Slutcat said, and kissed Lydia full on the lips.

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"I don't know where my life is heading, Lydia. And I don't know if I can reciprocate as you'd like. I still like men an awful lot. Honestly, I love you too. But that implies more commitment than I can honor right now. I hope you understand. But I do."

Lydia didn't reply, but she smiled and kissed the Khajiit again.

They sat together for a while without saying a word, recovering their strength and just enjoying each other's companionship - glad to be alive.

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Finally Lydia stood up and took Slutcat's hand.

"Let's go see if those miners have any clothes I can borrow."

"Yes. And if they don't, fuck em."

"Fuck em!"

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Slutcat and Sworddog #30

| "Oh FUCK!" Sworddog thought as she saw her friends go over the falls while she raced to get back to them, too late. "Maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe it ends just a few feet down," she thought as she ran to the edge to peer over. |...

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Murderer #8

She recovered quickly, and the days passed in a Skooma-induced blur. She hated every minute of it, of course, but she started to make some decent coin at least. The Madam was fair enough, and the clients were easy to please though. But as the days went...

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Slutcat and Sworddog #28

| "Well alright then," said Slutcat in the morning. "I think we've taunted those Greybeards enough. They were probably up all night whacking away, so we might as well head out." They gathered their things and headed towards the front door. "Hold...

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