Slutcat and Sworddog #28

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#30 of Slutcat

The intrepid heroes plan their route, but Slutcat takes a diversion.


"Well alright then," said Slutcat in the morning. "I think we've taunted those Greybeards enough. They were probably up all night whacking away, so we might as well head out."

They gathered their things and headed towards the front door.

"Hold on, before we go out, maybe we should take a quick look at the map. See where we're heading?" Lydia suggested.

"Good idea! So... where are we and where are we heading?" Slutcat said, suddenly interested.

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"So we're here, at High Hrothgar. And that blue arrow is where we need to go."

"Oh, that's not so far. So we just go this way, right?"

Lydia looked up at Slutcat. "If you want to jump off the side of the Throat of the World, sure! But us mortals have to take the Seven Thousands Steps all the way back to here."

She pointed at Ivarstead, almost the dead opposite direction.

"Oh crap. And then we have to go all the way back around the mountain..."

"Now you get it."

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Oh well, such is life for the Dragonborn, I guess. I might as well get used to it. Let's get started!"

Lydia packed away the map and they were off again.

"Sure would be nice if there were some way to travel faster," Slutcat said as they began the arduous climb back down the mountain.

"Well... there's always... Fast Travel," Lydia suggested.

"Fast travel!? That sounds like just the thing! Why don't we do that?"

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"Er... Slutcat," Sworddog said.


The dog motioned to where the camera lurked pointing straight at her and Lydia's butts.

"Oh. Sorry. Forgot about that."

"What's the problem?" Lydia asked, not understanding.

"Fan service," Slutcat said. "Don't worry about it. It's another thing that comes with being the Dragonborn."

"Ah..." Lydia said, though obviously not comprehending.

"Just... Lydia. Can you walk more feminine? You know... Like this... Really get those hips swaying!"

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Finally they made it back to the base of the mountain around mid-morning, and crossed the bridge into Ivarstead.

"I don't know about you, Lydia, but I'm getting a little ripe," Slutcat said, looking at the rushing water below.

"What do you mean?"

"Lydia. I stink., You stink. First chance we find some still water, we're taking a bath!"

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They stopped into the Vilemyr Inn for a quick breakfast, but were out on the road again quickly. As they continued, they crossed another bridge when Slutcat put her hand out.

"There! That looks beautiful! You can stand here and sweat yourself clean, Lydia, but I'm going in!

"I don't have a bathing suit," Lydia complained, but Slutcat just looked at her.

"Really? Like, we're supposed to be surprised?" Sworddog spoke up. "Look Lydia, as long as you're travelling with Slutcat you might as well know you're going to be naked or semi-naked most of the time. It's just the way the universe works around her. So get used to it."

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Lydia nodded, "I'm learning! Well, okay then! Skinnydipping is always fun!"

Lydia stripped off while Slutcat removed her clothes on a small outcropping near the water.

"Hey!" Lydia complained when she saw that Slutcat now wore a small but serviceable bikini.

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"Well, hey, I didn't say I didn't have a bathing suit!" she laughed while Lydia just looked down at her own unadorned body in embarrassment.

"I want one next time!" she complained after helping Slutcat down off the rock.

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They went to the waters edge and Lydia leaped in, allowing the shock of the cool water to brace her. But when she came up for air, she saw Slutcat was blowing into a tube affixed to something large and red.

"What's that?" she asked.

Sworddog spoke up for Slutcat since she was busy blowing into the thing.

"Air mattress," the dog said, as if that explained anything. "You blow it up and it floats on top of the water. Also lore-breaking as hell," she ended, growling in Slutcat's direction.

"Don mak me thmile" Slutcat said as she tried to continue inflating the little raft.

Finally she finished and she set the thing in the water and climbed aboard, relaxing as the air mattress undulated with the slight waves.

"Looks... nice!" Lydia said enviously.

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"It's great. Really relaxing. You should try it sometime," Slutcat said.

Lydia said nothing for some minutes, watching the khajiit bob on the water, her face the picture of serenity.

"Slutcat," Sworddog whispered, none too quietly.

"Hmm?" said the khajiit, opening her eyes.

"Let Lydia try for a little bit!" the dog said. "Jeeze, how dense are you?"

"Oh! You want to try it?" Slutcat said, rolling over and seeing Lydia practically salivating.

"If... you don't mind," she managed, obviously withholding her excitement as best she could.

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Slutcat rolled off and watched Lydia struggle to try and climb atop the little raft.

"No," she tried to explain. You've gotta get your... Like... Shove it..."

"But it won't go, The thing keeps moving away. This is tricky!"

"Hold on. Let me give you a push. You gotta get your center of mass on top of it first, and your center of mass is your ass."

Suddenly Slutcat grabbed her in a way that is normally associated with the most intimate of acts, and even then considered awfully kinky.

Lydia let out a 'yelp' that could be heard for miles, but Slutcat managed to heave her 'center of mass' atop the raft.

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"Slutcat!" Lydia shouted once she'd recovered her dignity a little.

"Well... we are lovers aren't we?" the khajiit smiled innocently.

"Yeah, but... Give me some notice before you go doing that again!"

The khajiit licked her fingers. "Maybe..." she smiled.

Lydia managed to straddle the raft now that she was on top, riding it something like a horse.

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"There you go! Now you've got it! Now just lay back and put your feet up."

"Oh! Yeah! This is great! Do tell me how to steer it though," Lydia said as she lay back and closed her eyes, letting the sun's warmth bathe her entire body in a way she'd long wished she could do, but had never been brave enough till now. Something about this khajiit brought out the libido in her like never before. She knew she was hot, and now she was brave enough to show herself off to the world for a change!

"I am going to need to steer it eventually though," she said as she felt the sun upon her closed eyelids. "This is no lake, you know."

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"Oh-oh," Slutcat said, looking at Sworddog guiltily.

Sworddog spoke quietly as they watched the little raft bob away.

"I'll get the clothes, Slutcat. You go after her."

"I can't swim very well," she admitted.

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"Well then run down the bank alongside her! The sooner the better! GO!" Sworddog commanded. Slutcat took off running in the general direction of the raft.

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Slutcat and Sworddog #29

| "_Lydia_!" Slutcat called from the bank once she'd caught up with her friend. "Slutcat? How do you steer this thing?" "You don't Lydia! You can try swimming to the bank!" "_Now_ you tell me?" |...

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Murderer #7

She took another drop of the Skooma, and soon everything was right again. Her body was back under control and she helped Honest John pack up their stuff. "We'll follow the path, but not too close. The Legionnaires know me." "Sounds good to me. How...

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Murderer #6

She awoke slowly. In fact, she wasn't sure she ever awoke at all. Everything was blurry and there was a noise in her ears that sounded like rushing water. She was vaguely aware of a shape that occasionally came into view, then disappeared. And she...

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