Murderer #1

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#68 of Prequel

Not every story is happiness and light. This one will go pretty dark, esp. for me. Not a lot of comedy here. And, as you'll see soon enough, it's not porn either. But it is very adult.

Another fanfiction starting. I don't think I'll get terribly NSFW on this one, as it's not really about that. It's about guilt and redemption. But it is adult in nature, so there will be some undoubtedly. No idea how long this will be. Inspired by this from the Prequel Fanart booru by GamGyuls. It is undoubtedly fanfiction though, as it assumes you know who Ra'Jirra, S'thengir and Katia are. It will be dark

_They say a picture is worth 1000 words. That is worth more. - BD _

"Oh Gods!" she thought as she stood at the corner of the store, her eyes wide. She glanced back up towards the window to the upper story. The flashes of light and cacophony told her that her fellow khajiit was not yet dead anyway - though based on the size of that thing it wouldn't be long. And she had barred the door.

On the one hand, the idea had been a desperate inspiration that probably had saved her life. On the other hand, she was now a murderer.

She ran through the freakish snow to her meager apartment.

Opening the door, she looked around, all the while pulling at her hair.


She gathered her most essential belongings as quickly as she could. Her hastily crafted story to the shopkeeper wasn't going to hold water as soon as they found the body.

"Then again," she thought as she put everything into her backpack that she could cram into it, "it might take days before the corpse starts to smell. And who's going to look inside?"

That fighter for one. Besides, when things got quiet again and that 'Katia' didn't come down, the shopkeeper would go up and see her spear lodged in the door. What she'd done would be obvious, and no amount of talk would get her out of this one. No, she didn't have time. She had to go. Now.

She pulled the backpack onto her shoulders and took one last look at the place she'd called home for the last year. It wasn't much. A year of her life, and this was what she had to show for it. She wasn't dressed for going outside the city. She wasn't prepared for this. She didn't even have her spear!

Then she sat down and began to cry.

"Oh Gods! Oh Gods! What have I done?! Why did I follow that fool? I didn't need the money that bad! And she was so obviously incompetent!"

"IDIOT!" she said aloud, pulling her hair again. "IDIOT!"

Desperately her brain tried to wish it's way out of reality. Just a few hours ago, everything was fine! If only she'd just stayed inside tonight. Gone to bed early maybe. Or just said "No" to that crazy khajiit woman.

"But... they were only supposed to be Imps!" she said aloud, crying to the ceiling. "_IMPS _for god's sakes! I can take out a few Imps by myself easily!"

But her mind had gone dark.

"The khajiit will be dead by now", she thought. "The shopkeeper will have gone upstairs to check. She'll have seen the spear. Hell, she'd have to remove it to open the door. No, she won't be missing that little clue. Wait... How long have I been here!? How long would it take for her to find a guard? Not long, not long! Does she know where I live?"

She'd seen the shopkeeper around, of course, though Ra'Jirra had never actually done any odd jobs for her. But she was the only khajiit in town, save that cute bartender. It's not like they wouldn't know - they only watch her every move because they all think she's a thief! Of course they all knew where she lived!!!

She had to get out of here. She opened the door quietly and looked both ways. She thought briefly of going back, to see if it was over yet, but she knew better. Guards were likely headed to her apartment even now.

She shot a look up and down the street again. Nothing yet. She crept down outer stairs to street level and headed for the city gate.

"Wait! If they know, they'll be waiting for me there! And even if they don't, nobody_leaves the city unarmed at this time of night. There will be questions. _DAMMIT!"

She looked around. She couldn't go back to the apartment. But she couldn't get out yet either. Somehow she had to wait until morning when the gates were opened.

"But what then?" she realized. "By then they'll all be looking for me! And it's not like I blend in here. There's only 3 khajiits in town. Well, probably only 2 by now."

The tavern. S'thengir was an asshole though. He wouldn't help her even if he was a fellow khajiit. He didn't like anybody. Plus it would be closed by now. She could find a stable and hide out there, but the problem of how to get out in the morning would still be there.

Suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. She backed into a doorway, but whoever it was passed by at the corner.

"Doesn't matter," she realized, "I can't stay here, that's for sure."

She made a quick decision. She headed for the tavern. If she could get him to let her in, he'd be an accomplice. She could use that. She could probably coerce him into helping her get out of town in the morning at least. But she'd have to get him to let her in.

The tavern was in front of her now. He'd be sleeping in the little room by the side door.

She stopped tugging on her hair.

"It must be a mess by now," she thought.

She found a dry spot and started brushing her hair. Then she sighed, deeply and started to cry again. She knew what she had to do to get him to let her in. He might not like her, but he was male.

"GODS DAMMIT!!!" she cried to herself. "I was leaving all that behind! This goddamned high-necked outfit cost me more than I make in a year, just to scream to the world that I'm not one of those! But I am. I'm still a fucking whore. I was doing so good too! No! I don't WANT to be that again!_ IDIOT!_ Why did you have to do that? MURDERER!"

As her mind swirled in darkness and self-pity, she realized slowly that she was wasting time.

"Buck up you whore. Now you're a whore and a murderer. One more fuck is nothing. But... It wasn't my fault! I was doing good here!"

She looked at the side door. Inside there lay a man. She hadn't had a man since... Well, not for a long time. And he'd be spiky to boot. It's not that she wouldn't like that. She was built for it. No, it's that she would like it too much.

That was the worst thing about being a whore. Sometimes you didn't hate it. And she barely knew the guy. Still, as the only two khajiits in town, their paths had crossed numerous times. And she did kinda like the guy. Well, his looks anyway. Plus, he ran a respectable tavern. You have to give him some credit for that. In a town like this, to be a respectable citizen while being a khajiit was quite an accomplishment. He was, she realized, pretty much her role model here.

"But what's my story? Why am I knocking on his door at this time of night?"

The answer was obvious. She'd have to play the slut of course. The horny slut who finally couldn't stand it anymore and had to have khajiit cock. His khajiit cock. It was the only explanation that he'd believe anyway.

She sighed, then slapped herself. Hard.

"Idiot," she said. "You fucking killed that girl. FUCKING KILLED HER! DEAD! _They'll bury her rotting body soon. Her parents will never know what happened to her. Her friends will wonder whatever happened to old 'Katia' after she went to Kvatch. _YOU did that. YOU. Now you're fucking too sweet and pure to go seduce some bartender? Idiot."

Then she walked towards the door.

Murderer #2

She peered through the keyhole. She saw his back within, breathing deeply. So peaceful, he seemed. And she was about to screw up his life too. Well, there was no help for it - short of turning herself in that is. She thought about that for a moment...

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| "You rang?" Slutcat said as she strolled into High Hrothgar, for all the world the essence of confidence. The four old men lived up to their namesakes. The beards they sported were indeed grey and the wrinkled eyes above them watched as Slutcat,...

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That evening they returned to the communal dinner, in the same seating arrangement. Surprisingly, Borin seemed to be upbeat. Even Farnsworth was quite talkative. While X didn't really understand why, he was nevertheless releived to find that their...

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