Memoirs from the Hangar 2

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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#2 of Memoirs from the Hangar

Part of my part for a trade with Whitetail-designs on FA involving his aeromorph Matthew, my two aeromorph ladies Anichka and Darkhex and a friend's aeromorph lady Darkfury.

After having been tricked by the two black ladies, Matthew wakes up to a show he will soon forget, but it is more than he can bargain for when he is getting a new way of interrogation from the members of the Blackair Conclave.

Anichka "Big Borsjtj", Blackair Conclave Boss "Havoc" and Darkhex "Hex" © Me

Darkfury "Fury" ©

Matthew © Whitetail-designs on FA

This story is 2,171 words and 11,884 letters long.

Memoirs from the Hangar 2: Interrogation in the Gulf of Finland This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission. Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

Matthew grunted as he felt his body regaining control after the sneak attack with the EMP missile, having no idea whatsoever how long he had been out, which wasn't helped by the fact that the location he appeared to have been relocated to was not allowing any outside light in, making time even harder to judge.

Looking around the room he was in, his audio sensors picked up the sound of running water and as he tried to stand up, he noticed someone had strapped him down to a table and only allowed him to move his head. He did move his head to look down his body and his eyes widened.

Obscured slightly by the dark room and a shower of water, the two girls from the sky stood with their backs towards him, allowing Matthew to get a good look of their behinds. The slimmer one of them seemed to really have a tight end from the looks of it, while her bustier and more thickened friend looked like one of those big girls that he always enjoyed to compliment for their nice curves.

What had begun as admiration, slowly turned into a hint of hatred when he noticed the tail numbers were dripping down their butts and down into the drain. They had tricked him, they used such tactics of mercenaries, trained killers and whatever else he could think off the top of his head. But even with the hatred boiling, he was still captivated by the show and felt his cock coming to life, waving back and forth between his legs.

Suddenly a voice spoke from near his head, "Oh, you are awake. Was wondering when you would wake up, seksual'naya amerikanka. Hope you enjoy the view of them." Matthew tried to look back, but a powerful hand made sure he couldn't see them, "O nyet, you ain't gonna see me, comrade." Matthew didn't fight it, but he noticed something in the shadow thrown above him. Whatever and whoever it was that held him down, it was not an aeromorph.

Seeing how Matthew was being cooperative, the mysterious person released his head and grinned, "You enjoyed fucking a shvedskiy skanka? Well, you have more job, comrade. Fury! Hex! Your little toy has woken up." Matthew looked confused after hearing the names, but when he looked at the black beauties, he noticed them turning around to face him and his eyes got to see the frontal view of their beauty and Hex smiled warmly, "Good, I was beginning to wonder when he would wake up. It wasn't even a strong one."

Matthew looked at them and soon Fury sat down on the table next to Matthew, "Okay, so here is the deal. We want you to tell us all the information we need to prevent a full-on war between Russia and USA. That numbskull president of yours is gonna turn every country against one another who doesn't follow his rules. President Vladivoj Puchin have already given the order to defend the glory of Mother Russia in case it is necessary. Now, what you say?"

Matthew grinned at Fury, "You are an American like me and you speak ill of the president. You are a shame to the United States." Matthew felt how Fury slapped him across the face, "I hold no love for your president! I am of no nation. I am earning my living as a serving girl for the highest payer. Now, you gonna tell us or do we need to get more creative with you?"

Matthew smiled and decided to tease them, "Awww, you are so cute when you make threats like that. But sorry, sweetheart, I ain't talking." Fury sighed before looking at Hex, "Bring the drum, sister." That word triggered Matthew's anger, "How could you abuse my trust in such a way?" Fury didn't reply and instead watched how Hex was bringing over a drum and put it down next to her before Fury reached over to open it up, revealing to her, Hex and Matthew that it was filled with lubrication.

Matthew looked in shock as Fury scooped up some of the lube and reached over to grab onto his dick, stroking it slowly while getting it ready, Hex leaning in to lick at the tip, "Mmm, my favorite. Petroleum-96 flavor." Fury wrapped her maw around the tip and soon began to swallow down as much of Matthew's dick as she could while Hex was licking at his balls, making Matthew grunt lightly in amusement, but in truth he was enjoying their little way of trying to get to him.

Unable to do anything, Matthew just laid there and tried to hold back the pleasure, but it was no use when it seemed the duo were excellent at interrogating as Matthew felt Fury pulled her maw away from the dick before Hex wrapped her massive gasoline tanks around it, trapping it nicely before she began to move up and down, letting Matthew enjoy the nice booby trap she had for him.

Fury looked over Matthew's body before whistling as she was reaching down a hand to cup her pussy and finger herself, spreading the scent of her excitement to the other two before Matthew grunted, "You have to do better than that. The information remains safe with me." Hex looked at his shaft and then at Fury before nodding as she pushed down with her breasts as far as she could, exposing half of the shaft before Matthew got a surprise when Fury climbed on top of Hex's breasts and managed to push the other half of the dick deep into her with a wet pop as her vaginal walls welcomed him, making both of them moan, "Mmm, we gonna get that information out of you, one way or the other."

Matthew was surprised by how creative these two girls actually were, as when Fury raised, so did Hex's breasts and once she came down, they came down too. Had he not known they were two separate girls, he would have sworn someone managed to create a fusion of the two that could split into two units. The kiss from Fury woke him up from the dreaming as she bounced eagerly on his dick and soon Hex pulled away and Fury moaned as the remaining half sunk into her, but it came with the luck of her soon getting to wrap her maw around one of the nipples on her sister while Matthew was getting the other, tasting a rather potent blend that could rival even Linda's own.

The earlier teasing had done little to keep Matthew at bay, even with the show they had put on. Fury was feeling him already getting ready to blow, "Someone is getting ready to blow here." Fury quickly got off his dick before opening up her maw to take the tip inside, soon feeling the wonderful seed filling her maw and allowing her to extract some information from him, while Matthew was simply groaning as he felt her copying everything, but soon he was looking confused when she had stopped and how his arms were released.

When he saw them being released, he tried to sit up quickly to grab onto Fury, but Hex soon had him down on the table again before Matthew felt his dick getting hard when a specific voice and dialect struck the audio sensors, "You thought we would let you go, comrade? Too bad, but we want to make sure where you are." Matthew looked down the table and his eyes widened when he saw the big Antonov standing there, "Even bound down, you are looking sexy, Raptor mal'chik." Matthew's cheeks burned brightly red, "You! You were the one who stole the prototypes." The Antonov saluted, "Big Borsjtj reported for nazoylivost'!"

Matthew didn't understand why someone could be so happy to be reporting to him, but it was soon apparent why she was when she spread his legs and he noticed that she was one of those models with a data-dispersal rod of her own and where she was aiming, "Oh no, you are not planning to do that, are you?" He was about to object again, but Hex was quickly climbing up and sitting in the way of him seeing her ally before she leaned down to kiss him as Big lined up and soon Matthew groaned out into the kiss when his exhaust pipe was widened up by Big's massive erection sinking inside and with Hex riding on his shaft with Big's help, Matthew could experience both pain and pleasure from the teamwork while Fury watched the show and fingered herself to it.

Matthew wasn't sure what to believe, but he was enjoying the Russian having her way with his exhaust, even if he wanted to hide it and having a busty American riding him was surely not a bad bonus. But one thing lingered in his mind, what was it they had meant with that they are bound to no nation, everyone had to come from somewhere to be made. He felt Hex pressing her maw closer and soon Matthew felt something he had never felt before, it was like something was removing files on a computer, but he had no idea how as Hex triggered his orgasm that flooded her womb with his warm seed and how Big was shooting her own load inside his exhaust and spoke, "Tracking device attached." Matthew felt himself going into sleep mode as Fury smirked and spoke up the last words he would remember, "Do us a favor, Colonel Stone. Forget all you know about the Blackair Conclave." With those words, Matthew went unconscious again and Big grunted out as she pulled out and was about to leave when the other Russian voice spoke to her, "Where are you going, Big Borsjtj?" Big turned to face her boss before smiling, "I think a kompromiss is in order. He probably gave Hex some prototypes that the president can find use for. I'll give him ten of the prototypes back." The boss smirked, "You are an nevozmozhno case, Big Borsjtj."

When Matthew woke up, he let his systems adjust to the bright sun, "How long was I out? Hmm?" Matthew looked at the prototypes laying in their capsules near him and then 'remembered', "Oh yes, I managed to get back ten of the prototypes from that big Antonov An-70. Those two girls really helped me. I wonder where they are." Getting up to his feet, Matthew kept checking channels until he found one located just nearby, "Helsinki-Vanda Flight Tower, this is Colonel Matthew Stone, Tail # 91-4005 of the US Air Force. Requesting permission to enter airspace for travel back to Lidköping, location Wing of Skaraborg. Over." The tower seemed confused by the hail and replied quickly, "Tail #91-4005, this is HEL speaking. Permission granted. Just look out for any Russian spies. Over." Matthew quickly added, "HEL, can you also send a transport aeromorph? I got some prototypes that needs delivery. Over." Matthew fired up his engines and not before long he noticed a Fokker F-27 landing in front of him, saluting him as Matthew saluted the lady back, "Colonel Matthew Stone here. I recovered these prototypes stolen from Sweden by an Antonov. I didn't manage to recover them all, but enough to consider it a success, no matter how minor."

The lady didn't seem to wanna talk, but gave him a thumb up before she grabbed the prototypes and stored them in a special compartment on her back before both her and Matthew began the transport back to Sweden, unaware that Matthew's every movement and action was now monitored by the boss of the Blackair Conclave, the one simply known as Havoc.

In Saint Petersburg in Russia, the aircraft carrier arrived at the docks and after having gotten their payment, the remaining prototypes had been handed over to the VVS, as well as forcing Hex to give up her own prototypes, much to the delight of the commander, who said that their contract was now done and they must leave Russia immediately. And so the aircraft carrier did, with Hex and Fury turning to face their boss, "Havoc, what is the next client?" Havoc merely smirked before looking at her two loyal workers, "Next client is found at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in Goldsboro, North Carolina, USA. Good pay, ladies." The girls began to grin and Big's voice could be heard, "You heard them, idioty! To America and make it snappy!" Havoc gave a menacing grin, "We are coming for you, Colonel Stone."

To be continued in Memoirs from the Hangar 3: At his Home Turf.

Memoirs from the Hangar 1

**Memoirs from the Hangar 1: Matthew and Project House of Angels** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of...

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Journeys of Time 18

**Journeys of Time 18: ...And the flowers of battlefields** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being...

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The Legacy of the Azerothian Skies 2

**Legacy of the Azerothian Skies 2: Tale from the Turtle's Back** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Anything involved with World of Warcraft is copyrighted...

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