Memoirs from the Hangar 1

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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#1 of Memoirs from the Hangar

Part of my part for a trade with Whitetail-designs on FA involving his aeromorph Matthew, my two aeromorph ladies Anichka and Darkhex and a friend's aeromorph lady Darkfury.

Matthew is assigned a mission to visit Sweden and be part of Projekt Änglagård (Project House of Angels), but he has to face the fact that not even Sweden is safe from the Blackair Conclave.

Anichka "Big Borsjtj", Blackair Conclave Boss "Havoc" and Darkhex "Hex" © Me

Darkfury "Fury" ©

Matthew © Whitetail-designs on FA

This story is 2,845 words and 15,728 letters long.

Memoirs from the Hangar 1: Matthew and Project House of Angels This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission. Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

"Colonel Stone, glad you could make it." Were the first words that welcomed the F-22A into the General's office. The walls covered in various medals, pictures drawn by kids showing off him as what seemed to be the definition to them of a god of war and even some photos of the General in some of his younger days when weather and technology had not made him outdated by the looks, but to Matthew Stone, it was more a sign of the General's untold wisdom. Standing in front of the General's desk, Matthew saluted the elderly aeromorph, "Colonel Matthew Stone reporting for duty, sir! Did you wish to see me?"

The General stood up before nodding, "As a matter of fact I do, Colonel. Ever heard of... I am sorry for my lack of knowledge in this language..." Matthew was quickly trying to comfort the General, "No issue, sir. I wouldn't have fared any better for sure." The General laughed, "That's why I like you, Colonel. You are always so laidback towards me. You treat me like I am your father." Matthew began to laugh a bit, "At times you feel like a father figure to me, sir." The General waved it away before taking up the file containing the mission before handing it over to Matthew, "Here's the briefing of the mission."

As soon as Matthew saw the name of the file, the General could have sworn he saw Matthew's face lighting up before Matthew looked at the General, "I know this one. Projekt Änglagård, or Project House of Angels. It is that project that the Swedish Air Force started in hopes of allying themselves with countries by offering a new technology or a new prototype. I heard it is not going so well, so why is my mission connected with it?" Matthew looked at the General who handed him a second file marked with the confidential stamp, "This is why, Colonel."

Matthew opened up the file and began to read, "As agreed between President Lump and the Swedish Prime Minister Röfven, the continued alliance between the United States and Sweden needs to be strengthen and as a token of respect for our Swedish allies, President Ronald Lump has ordered the US Air Force to send their representive to Sweden to aid in Project House of Angels, in exchange Prime Minister Staffan Röfven has agreed to send five of the resulting prototypes."

Matthew looked up from the file with disbelief and a hint of excitement, which the General noted too with a smile, "For your loyal duty to our stars and stripes, I requested you to be sent. Do not mess up your chance now." Matthew saluted the General, "I accept this mission, General. I won't let you down." The General laughed and nodded as he returned the salutation before smirking, "By the way, on a personal matter." Matthew looked at the old aeromorph, "Yes, what is it, General?" The General winked, "Once you get back, I expect to hear all about if they have any old models like me over there. I wanna see if I cannot find myself a Swedish beauty." Matthew began to laugh with the General before waving as he left the office and headed back to the hangar to get himself refueled for the journey to the continent of Europe.

After refueling twice on the journey across the ocean, Matthew found the location he had been eager to locate ever since he left Virginia, the Wing of Skaraborg located in the city of Lidköping. He had almost reached the base when he suddenly had an incoming hail from a sudden approaching squad of fighter jets which slowed down to a halt just a distance away from him, ready to attack at any given sign of intrusion, "Halt, identify yourself!"

Matthew quickly lifted his hands in surrender, "Colonel Matthew Stone, tail # 91-4005, based at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. Operating leader for the 94th Fighter Squadron." One of the fighter jets flew in closely to allow herself to check him, while he was given a closer look of her. She was a striking Hawker Siddeley Harrier that he could probably outrun if necessary. In fact, he could outrun the entire squad of fighter jets as they were Hawkers too.

Once the fighter jet had come up front to Matthew, she nodded, "This is Fanjunkare Avalon. I got a Colonel Stone here from the US Air Force. What should I do?" The response came in form of an elderly aeromorph coming in full speed towards them and slowing down almost just in time to prevent an aerial collission.

What surprised Matthew was that even if the lady was looking old enough to retire, the maintenance crew had kept her body well and he began to wonder if she was the one handling the project. Avalon saluted her elder, "Brigadgeneral Brynhildr! I wasn't expecting you to be the one responding to my question, ma'am!"

Matthew looked confused at the different ranks than he was used to, or just the language difference making it harder to understand. What he didn't expect was when Brynhildr kissed Avalon with the passion of a lover before nodding, "No worry. Get back to patroling now, I will take it from here." The young aeromorph blushed before flying back to do her round, as Brynhildr looked at Matthew, "Okay then. So you are the one they sent for it? Hope you are better than the others we had here." Matthew laughed a bit, "Of course, I do not wanna disappoint everyone. So what is it that I got to do?" Brynhildr rolled her eyes, "Doesn't anyone fill in all the information for briefings anymore? I am honestly disappointed how lax most are. Okay, let me make it brief for you and I won't repeat myself. Our former star fighter Löjtnant Linda Vingros, a JAS 39C Gripen, has proven to be the best in her production line and with the JAS 39D and JAS 39E having not measured up to the standards that most has required, we started Projekt Änglagård, a project which hopes to start a new era of improved models which we could call the JAS 41A Hydra."

Matthew tried to take all the information in and once the elder finally did let him speak, he asked her his first question, "First of all, what are fanjunkare, löjtnant and brigadgeneral, ma'am?" Brynhildr groaned in annoyance, "For being the one that was picked, you are really not well researched into the subject. It is like you flew here at the first mention of this." Matthew was silent as she was true, making Brynhildr groan louder, "Seriously? You newer models are so impatient and want everything right away. Listen to your older and wiser models then. Fanjunkare is to us what a colour sergeant are for you, löjtnant is lieutenant and brigadgeneral is brigadier general."

Matthew felt himself quickly salute her, "I am sorry, ma'am. I didn't mean to be honorless towards Sweden. I just got excited and..." Brynhildr groaned, "Any further questions?" Matthew was at a loss for words for a few seconds before nodding, "Ah yes, what does the project involve exactly from me?" Brynhildr grinned, "Well, from your looks I would say that if you had known what it involved, you would been here much earlier. Your mission is to visit the lieutenant and make sure that she produces new models that are up to standards with what we want." Matthew finally understood now the agreement's importance on the five prototypes and why it was such a confidential matter, and soon Brynhildr grinned, "I might be a lesbian, but I must say that I am impressed by your data-dispersal rod there." Matthew looked down before chuckling, "Well, everything from America is big."

Brynhildr waved it off before beginning to fly towards the base, "Follow along or I will report your failure to your general." She felt Matthew flying past her, but noticed also that he had no idea where to go because he slowed down to wait for her to guide him right and he wasn't surprised that she was having a hangar herself and Brynhildr knocked on the hangar door, "Löjtnant! Din nästa karl är här." Matthew didn't know fully what she had said, but determined it must meant that he was her next stud. The door to the hangar opened up before Brynhildr pushed Matthew inside, "Stay as long as you want, but make sure you are producing prototypes."

Matthew looked behind himself as Brynhildr closed the door and his focus went to look around the hangar he was in. It had all the necessary things for a living and even a bed, on which laid probably the most motherly looking Gripen that Matthew had ever seen. She looked at him before firing up her engines to tease him, "Mmm, now that is more what momma wants. Lets skip step 1 and 2 and get right to step 3." Matthew was about to ask before Linda was spreading her legs apart to show her needy and swollen vagina for him, giving him the raw look of lust in her eyes and Matthew didn't know what was pulling him to her, but soon he was standing there with his massive cock resting against the sexy MILF's pussy before he grabbed her by the thighs and quickly pulled her closer, pushing his dick right into her metallic body, even if the pussy was feeling more like a synthetic one, but that only helped him to enjoy it further as his every thrust meant for her big breasts to bounce back and forth.

Linda moaned as she felt how Matthew was moving his hips forth and back to do what he was meant with the mission, but throwing the mission aside for now, it was just him and the sexy mother enjoying themselves and with how hard her pussy was holding onto his dick, he was sure that she was enjoying it too, even as her native tongue spilled out loudly, "..h ja! Så stor! Jag känner den hela vägen! Mer! Mer!!!" He had no idea why, but her eager moans were having a good effect on him.

Matthew leaned in to kiss her deeply and Linda didn't stop her moaning even after being silenced by the kiss, she was in complete bliss as the shaft was burying itself within her and surely if he didn't get her pregnant with a good prototype, then surely no one else would. Her thoughts were cut off by Matthew burying himself within her entirely, causing her to cry out in pleasure in the kiss and for her nipples to finally get erect.

Matthew could have sworn she was one of the best to carry the legacy of the Gripen line, but the fact that his good looks would add to improve it was getting to him and Linda wrapped her legs around his waistline before she was feeling him increasing his speed and with the longest and most sensual moan, they broke the kiss and Matthew was quickly taking one of her nipples into his maw to suck on it, tasting the wonderful milk and what could have been fuel or oil, but to him it was still the most wonderful taste ever.

Linda felt utterly defenseless against this stud. Normally she had been the one taking charge of the fun, but something with him seemed to almost force her to do what he wanted, which was apparent when he rammed himself all the way in and as they both fired up their engines, their moans went loud and Linda squirted just as Matthew was cumming, depositing all of his warm seed inside of her, hoping to sire a whole new legion of wonderful aeromorphs with her beauty and grace, together with his strength and endurance. And knowing how good it had felt, Matthew knew he wouldn't leave that hangar any time soon.

It was night when Matthew finally fell asleep after having given Linda two healthy packs of prototypes, still stored within their capsules. The proud father laying against the motherly figure, giving her the attention and care that the others had lacked. For them it was duty calls and nothing else, but Matthew treated her like she was his wife, this single action making her happy that he was so successful.

What no one had expected this night was that someone would hack into the security system from the outside, turning off the defenses to leave the entire base exposed, allowing the propellers on the large Antonov An-70 to get within range and quickly locate Linda's hangar, "This is Big Borsjtj calling in. I am in position, comrade. Over." She spoke on the safe communication channel with her boss, the voice merely acknowledging the message, "This is Havoc. Big Borsjtj, approach with caution, comrade. Hex and Fury, you cover her in case someone attacks. Get all the prototypes for our client. Over." Two voices responded to the other two names, "Yes, ma'am! Over!"

The giant girl was slowly approaching the door, noticing that the wild passion had left both Linda and Matthew unable to lock the door, so as silent as possible, she entered and saw the big pile of capsules containing prototypes, her eyes growing before she approached them and with a smirk she rubbed her hands together, "Dorogoy dnevnik, dzhekpot!" She grabbed the first capsule and slowly placed it against her lubricated folds, silently moaning as she began to push one capsule after the other inside, attempting to be as quick as possible.

Just a hour before everyone would be awake, the big girl pushed the last capsule inside and was about to get out when she noticed Matthew, her eyes looking over his body and she licked herself around the maw, "Well, well, what do we have here? Amerikanskaya svin'ya. But this one is rather handsome." Establishing a connection to her boss, the girl grinned for herself, "This is Big Borsjtj. I think I found us a little toy to get some information out of. Anyone up collecting a F-22A? Over." The boss didn't even have a chance to speak before Hex and Fury took over the channel, "Is he big? Is he muscular? Does he have a huge dick?" The big girl began to giggle lowly before she grabbed a cloth laying around and using a screw laying around, she dipped it in some oil and began to write up a little message before she laid the cloth on the abdomen of Linda and quickly made her way out of the base, but not before having the defense activated again and being spotted, but a tad too late as she was already out of range when the other stirred from their slumber.

Linda woke up and groaned as she found the cloth and saw the message, forcing her to wake up Matthew who was woken with the message, "We have stolen your precious prototypes. If you are wanting to get them back, head to the east alone. We will wait for you. Signed, Big Borsjtj. P.S You look sexy when you sleep." Matthew blushed at the final part, but the seriousness was soon apparent when he got out of the bed quickly and ran out, the engines firing up before he took to the air, heading towards the east. "You are not getting away so easily!"

The Antonov was flying at a calm pace, keeping all communication channels open just in case, and much to her delight, she picked up Matthew approaching quickly and opened up the channel to Hex and Fury, "Your toy is coming, my dear comrades. How about you play your little trick?" The sound of the engines from both the girls soon reached Matthew and as he looked back, he saw the SR-71 Blackbird and the YF-12 approaching him quickly and from the looks of their paint job, they looked like they were from the Swedish Air Force, making Matthew calm down as he hailed them, "This is Colonel Stone from the US Air Force. Are you here to help me? Over." The Blackbird responded, "Positive. We are here to help you. Right, sister? Over." The YF-12 grinned before speeding up to almost catch up to him before Matthew heard the familiar sound of a weapon locking in on him, "Oh yes, we are, sister. Over." The last thing Matthew heard was the sound of the rocket accelerating towards him and soon he lost all functions of his systems and blacked out, unaware what would happen to him now.

To be continued in Memoirs from the Hangar 2: Interrogation in the Gulf of Finland.

Memoirs from the Hangar 2

**Memoirs from the Hangar 2: Interrogation in the Gulf of Finland** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of...

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Journeys of Time 18

**Journeys of Time 18: ...And the flowers of battlefields** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being...

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The Legacy of the Azerothian Skies 2

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