Many Hands Make Light Work

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Serling receives his first ever 'four handed' massage, but unfortunately the four hands in question belong to a pair of siblings with more on their mind than just their bashful client. :o

This story was written for Serling. It contains massage related toony TF via stretching, flattening and folding. :3

Many Hands Make Light Work?

Serling lay upon his belly, the coyote's tail wagging lazily as he awaited the commencement of his massage. As usual there was a slight redness beneath his cheeks while he lay there, less due to the nudity which had now become an accepted feature of these massages, more through anticipation of this particular treatment. No longer was the coyote particularly embarrassed or ashamed by the idea of being naked before the professionals who worked here. He didn't need to start the massage with a towel around his waist, only to have it removed when he grew relaxed enough to no longer care about such things. The only thing which consistently left Serling's face flushed nowadays was the unknown. The thrill, the delight of preparing to experience a kind of massage that he hadn't yet. Because in a spa like this one, the unknown was always both a risk, and an immense adrenaline rush almost guaranteed.

It took a little time, perhaps a little longer than he was expecting if he was honest, before Serling finally heard voices emerging through the staff entrance at the rear of the room. He didn't intend to eavesdrop, truly he didn't. But considering how loud the two voices rang out, the coyote didn't really find himself having much of a choice in the matter.

"You see? I told you, room three thir-teen. Not three thir-ty."

The first voice was lower and slightly gruff, but the one which followed it while undeniably similar in tone was a little higher and more shrill in its own frustration.

"Oh don't you dare act like this was your brilliant idea. How long were we sitting in that other room before you asked me if I was sure the boss hadn't said thirteen. It's not my fault she mumbles like she's got a muzzle full of c-..."

The second voice trailed off before it could finish that sentence, whatever it might have been, as the other figure pushed the door open and began to walk into the room as though their conversation was already over. Serling tried his very best to act as though he hadn't heard every word, and smiled pleasantly at the first, then the second ferret upon their entrance. They looked similar, so similar in their patternation in fact that Serling hoped he wasn't being offensive in his immediate assumption that they were related. And sure enough, as the brown and white furred pair in their pale blue masseur uniforms approached the head of the massage table, the female ferret immediately cleared up that fact when she addressed him. Her voice was miles away from the shrill and frustrated tones he'd heard from outside the door. Instead it was warm, gentle, and everything one might expect from someone about to deliver a relaxing massage.

"Good afternoon, Serling. Sorry for the slight delay there, would you believe that my brother here and I ended up waiting for you in the wrong room!"

Similarly professional now that he was face to face with his client, the male ferret nodded in agreement with his sister.

"But don't worry, you'll still get the full hour of treatment. Am I right in thinking this is your first four-hand massage?"

Serling nodded, though again his cheeks glowed slightly as he thought back to past occasions when more than one person had intentionally or otherwise been involved in his treatment here.

"Yes. T-the first time I've registered for this kind of massage, anyway."

If either ferret was aware of the coyote's bashfulness of course, they didn't acknowledge it. They just smiled warmly, and as the male of the pair began to wander over to the side of the room and prepare their various oils and such, his sibling moved over to another wall and began fiddling with a series of dials set into it. Briefly the gentle background music in the room faded out, only to be replaced soon after by the rumbling of thunder and the sound of heavy rainfall against what sounded like the canopy of a forest. The occasional chirp or cry of birds and other animals soon joined in, and a gentle hum undercut the whole series of those sounds as Serling felt a definite change in the temperature of the room. Before it had been pleasantly mild, cool enough that his furred form had fluffed up slightly to compensate and retain a little more body heat. Now though the air conditioning in this room was no longer circulating cold air, but instead was blowing warm, acting as a heating system instead.

Serling said nothing, for while the heat was a little more than he had perhaps expected it wasn't entirely unpleasant. He just lay there, listening to the rather pleasant rainforest sounds and letting the heat transport him to that place, eyes closed and imagining that his massage table was settled in a forest glade rather than the dimly lit, sparsely decorated room currently surrounding him. Indeed he was rather starting to enjoy it, until thirty seconds or so later he shivered violently, feeling the temperature drop again as a rush of cool conditioned air blasted over his bare back. The music returned as the animals and the rainfall faded away, and when the ferret lifted his gaze towards the wall panel once again he saw the male ferret rather briskly altering the controls back to their standard state, glaring pointedly at his sister where she was now gathering her own massage oils and such on the far side of the room.

By the time the two ferrets actively made their way to Serling's side and prepared to begin the massage, the temperature and music had changed back and forth no fewer than three times. It was only when the lady ferret chose to engage Serling himself in the conversation...

"I thought we'd use some more natural ambiance, and see if we can't exfoliate your skin a little better with some extra heat. How does that sound?"

...shooting her brother a devilish grin when Serling bashfully murmured his agreement, that they settled on the hotter room and the rainforest sounds as opposed to the more melodic background music. Even then though, Serling was under no illusions that the competitive, almost combative nature of these two masseurs was going to end there. As they moved in alongside him, sister to the left, brother to the right, female ferret standing alongside his upper body and male closer to his legs and feet, he could hear them murmuring under their breath. Almost mouthing words to one another, but so obviously at odds that they couldn't help bring just enough vocalisation to proceedings so that Serling could just about catch every word.

"You know I can't stand working in the heat. Why do you always have to be so difficult?"

"What are you talking about? When did this happen? Last week you were begging to be on sauna duty!"

"Things change, Theresa. People change. Just because we're twins doesn't mean you know everything about me."

"Oh shut up, James. Just give the guy his massage, you can moan about how much you hate me over dinner tonight."

"Ooh... dinner! What are you thinking? Chinese? Indian? Fish and chips?"

"Did I say we were getting take-out? God, I swear, the day you learn to cook a meal for us yourself, I'll drop dead from a heart attack in shock."

The pair continued to bicker and playfully chide one another like that even as they began their work upon Serling, acting as though there was no way that the coyote could hear them over the sound of the rainforest ambiance. At first it was more than a little distracting, but after a little while the ministrations of their oiled hands upon the coyote's legs and arms began to have their desired effect, relaxing and soothing the male to a state where he really didn't mind their chatter. Just like the music and the heat his mind was able to filter it out as he slipped into a state of massage-induced relaxation and rest, not quite sleeping but not entirely awake either.

It was only later, maybe ten minutes into the massage and at a point where Serling was definitely able to feel the spa's unique oils taking effect, his body beginning to soften and move beneath the ferrets' touch in a manner that would not have been considered natural or even possible in most settings, when he noticed that the conversation between the pair had grown heated once more.

"What?! Why there? Why would you do that to me, James?"

Serling gasped as while he listened to Theresa's rather frustrated and shocked muttering he felt the female ferret's hands pressing more and more firmly against his torso. Applying pressure to the point where his relaxed and softened form wasn't just being massaged by her touch, but flattened out. He could feel his bones, his flesh, every part of him beginning to spread out wider upon the massage table, and pleasant and continually relaxing as it was, this feeling was not only beyond what he had expected from this dual-source massage, it was very different from what was happening below his waist.

"Because it's my favourite. C'mon, don't be an idiot. You got food poisoning from there one time, and that was months ago. I'm sure whatever bad food they used then has been used up by now!"

While the female ferret was flattening him out almost pancake like with the heels of her palms, Serling could feel that his legs were still a little more solid. A lighter oil seemed to have been used on his lower body, so while his limbs were most definitely flexible and malleable far beyond conventional extremes they still had some form and actual body to them. Thus James wasn't flattening him, he was simply re-shaping the coyote as Serling's legs were twisted around and around into a corkscrew of furred flesh.

"Uh... u-um... excuse me..."

Serling whimpered softly as he felt himself being twisted and flattened more and more, knowing that as good as it felt he couldn't afford to be incapacitated all day today. He had plans. He was supposed to be seeing friends this afternoon and grabbing dinner and drinks with some others later that evening. That was half the reason he'd even applied for this particular procedure, for while the application of two sets of hands meant twice the relaxation in the same space of time, it had promised a far less long term effect upon his physical self than some of the more common treatments he received. A little loosening up, sure, but something that would be easily undone within an hour or so after the massage was over.

This, however, what he was currently experiencing, felt like it would take much longer to untangle. The siblings, amidst their bickering, were getting carried away as they poured their frustrations with one another into their work, and cathartic as it may have been for them to get all this stress and frustration out of their system, Serling hadn't planned on being used as a stress ball today.

"Used up? That's not how food hygiene works! My god, you really are an idiot, James."

Serling tried to call out again, louder this time, but just as he was drawing breath to call out to the arguing ferrets he felt Theresa's hand upon the back of his skull. He felt her applying pressure, and as a wave of impossible to ignore relief and relaxation surged through his face and head as a whole, he felt his skull and everything that was attached to it being flattened out and pressed down against the table below. He felt his muzzle melding into the rest of his gooey upper body as she folded his now flattened neck over backwards and began to work his head into his torso, and then the same being done to his arms, the ferret wrapping his upper body up like a t-shirt ready to be put on display in a store.

At the same time as the argument around him grew more and more intense, he could feel his already twisted and contorted legs being bound together. Wrapped around one another tighter and tighter, toes stretched and interlaced, tail looped through and around his already bound legs as James tied and twisted in his frustration just as Theresa was instinctively folding and flattening.

Goodness only knew how long they might have continued, were it not for the introduction of a third voice, a third member of staff into proceedings soon after. The coyote lay upon the table, half flat, half a knotted ball, utterly motionless and relaxed, though not nearly as much as he might have been were it not for the heated argument going on around him, when the two ferrets' bickering was interrupted by a sudden barking cry from somewhere nearby.

"Theresa! James! I could hear you half way down the corridor, what the hell are you doing? You're meant to be working, not fighting like kids on the playground. Weren't you meant to have a client now? Please tell me you didn't abandon him, or forget about him so you could come here and yell at each other."

There was a few moments of silence, and though Serling couldn't see anything in his current state, he could feel the two ferrets' glancing towards the table. He could feel their boss's eyes widening.

For a few minutes after that, there was more yelling. A lot of yelling, most of it from the boss. After that though, finally, Serling was granted some peace and quiet.

He felt a fresh pair of gentle hands come to rest upon his body, and quivered in his half gooey, half twisted and tightly bound state as those hands began to untangle, untie and unfold the variously manhandled parts of his loosened and relaxed body.

And as he felt all that, while listening to the continued sounds of the ambient rainforest and warmed by the heated room's air, he heard the voice of the ferrets' boss continuing to talk. Addressing him now, and speaking words which while a little frustrated were laced with warm, apologetic kindness. Words that were not only much more relaxing than the ferrets' yelling, but pleasing in a very different manner because of their content.

"Mr Serling, we appreciate your business here so very much. A-and, we can't apologise enough for this thoroughly unprofessional treatment. Please, let me assure you that we here at the spa will do everything we can to make this up to you. In fact, I will personally guarantee you a week of live in spa care on our deluxe package to be redeemed at your convenience, absolutely free of charge."

This massage might not have been the most relaxing one that Serling had ever experienced here, and indeed he might have been slightly inconvenienced and a little annoyed once the relaxing effects of the oil wore off, knowing that he was almost certainly going to miss some if not all of his plans for the day ahead. But... a week of complimentary spa care? A free holiday, all because he'd had to endure some familial in-fighting while he received his treatment? So long as the two ferrets weren't going to be handling him together during his stay... Serling couldn't help but feel that like almost all the unexpected treatments he had experienced during his visits to this spa in the past, this one was going to end up being more than worth it in the end.

By Jeeves

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