Practical Sexuality - A Guest Lecture

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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This story was written for Gamerfox as part of my Patreon request days for April. It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults. :3

This story was written for Gamerfox as part of my Patreon request days for April. It contains sexual acts between multiple consenting adults. :3

Practical Sexuality - A Guest Lecture

Now weeks into their course on practical sexuality, the class was no longer nervous as the lesson began. Indeed, like all the best groups that the professor had taught over the years, they were perhaps closer to the point of over-eagerness than the alternative.

As the renamon entered the lecture hall from one of the side doors, he heard gasps and moans of delight when the students saw the figure emerge behind him. A tall, plump vixen with fur of a silvery grey and dressed in a laced black corset, nothing below the waist but a slight glistening to her inner thighs, betraying her pre-existing arousal.

The class settled as Professor Harveston took his place at the front of the room, though there was still the standard heavy breathing and the occasional moans of those who were already fondling themselves or one another to arousal in readiness for the day's lesson. The renamon smiled to the assembled students, and then gestured with pride and delight towards the figure who stood beside him, hand in hand.

"Good morning class. I'd very much like for you all to meet my wife, who is going to assist us in today's lesson on power balances, sex, and emotional equality."

The renamon and the vixen looked around the room, gauging the initial reactions of the students. Most reacted with expected eagerness, some clutching at pens and paper ready to take notes, others clutching at their crotches in expectation of more titillating activity, and more still holding another person's nether regions with an encircled fist or wandering, exploring fingers. In the front row a familiar gatomon, short and chubby, sat upon the lap of a burly horse, and they shuddered as they each took notes upon the desk before them, squirming and writhing where they were already locked together in sexual union.

The whole class watched, intrigued and delighted, as the professor they had watched lead and guide them through weeks of lectures and demonstrations on a variety of topics said nothing more. Instead he blushed, he moaned as his wife grabbed hold rather firmly of his cock, and began to pump it hard and fast right there in front of the assembled crowd.

"Tell them how our sexual relationship works, my love..."

Her voice was soft and sinuous, yet somehow it carried to the furthest back corners of the room. Sebastian nodded, grunted as the hand upon his cock became a blur of motion, and fought to speak through his obviously overwhelming pleasure.

"My wife enjoys... d-dominance. Being in control, in charge in the bedroom. While you've seen me here plenty, and know that I can give or...ah... receive with equal willingness, I serve a very particular role in the bedroom at home. I... a-ah... dear, please. I... mmh... s-slow down, or... or I'm g-gonna..."

Rather than slowing down though, rather than giving the professor an easier time as he tried to address his students, his wife just gave a low, rumbling snarl. A snarl that made countless members of the audience shiver and moan in its intensity, and one that made the renamon's own eyes widen sharply. He fell immediately silent in his pleas, only to whimper loudly as his wife's other hand reached around and grasped at his jiggling balls while she continued to urgently masturbate him. She spoke now. Louder, more forcefully and addressing the whole class this time around.

"My husband has every right to ask me to slow down. To stop. And if he used the right words, our pre-assigned system and the communication we have developed over years of marriage, I of course would. But..."

She fell silent again, and though it didn't seem possible she managed to somehow quicken the motions of her hands. To intensify her already overwhelmingly rapid and focused masturbation, and force her husband's loss of control in a matter of seconds. The renamon tensed up, rising onto the tips of his toes, and let out a strangled cry as he began to unload thick ribbons of cum out across the lecture hall's stage. His wife's hands continued to pump him throughout his climax, draining him of every drop he had to offer one squeeze and stroke at a time. The class watched, and as they watched they could see the lust, the hunger in the eyes of both husband and wife. They were loving this. Both of them. And soon it became more and more clear why this was the case.

Without the chance to utter another word, Sebastian was turned around on the spot once his orgasm had waned, and found himself pushed down to his knees as his wife hopped up onto the desk behind them. She spread her legs, and with one hand grabbing rather roughly at her husband's short headfur tugged him forward, pressing his panting, whining muzzle into her damp crotch.

Her legs encircled his head. She bit down on her lip and groaned as he obediently began to feast, and finally, as the actual professor eagerly commenced eating her out, she began to address the class in the body of the day's lecture.

"My name is Lienne Harveston, a-and... ohh... though often in the bedroom I treat my husband like he serves me, I love him more than life itself."

She looked out over the assembled students, friends, couples, individuals who by virtue of sharing this class with the person sitting beside them were willing to share and indulge in mutual sexual gratification.

"The more rough and playful we are together, the more I act with dominance in or even beyond the bedroom, the more important it becomes that we take time, that we both make an effort to remember and re-enforce the equality which exists in our relationship."

More fondly she stroked Sebastian's head, and the vixen bit down on her bottom lip with a toe-curling moan as the hard working renamon struck some sweet spot with his tongue.

"Ah. A-ahhh... it doesn't matter if I call my husband a slut. If I tease him about how I could leave him locked up at home one morning, tied to the bedposts by fluffy pink handcuffs, and spend my day visiting the university, fucking each of his students one by one then returning home sticky and sloppy to tell him all about it as he cleaned me up..."

Several students shuddered and moaned as she let her gaze linger upon them while speaking, but in the end her eyes returned to the man working his hardest between her legs, slurping, nuzzling, kissing and licking at her increasingly sodden pussy.

"...because not for a moment through any of that do we even consider that it changes what we are as a couple at its core. Equals. Even now. E-even... with me commanding him. Dominating him in front of all his students, that doesn't change the fact that we are a partnership. Sex is one thing. Playing the role of commanding dom or slutty sub, that's all well and good. It's been our lifestyle, our life, since we started experimenting and playing with the concepts in the earliest months of our relationship. But... ah... on the rare occasions when those sexual practices created a genuine feeling of inequality between us, when one of us went too far or suggested something a little too left field even for us... we stopped. We talked about it not as dom and sub, but as adults. As partners. And we either resolved it, or agreed simply not to bring whatever it was which created that feeling into our play any more."

Looking around the auditorium once more, increasing numbers of the students having abandoned their note-taking in favour of masturbation, pleasuring a nearby friend or partner, or even outright sex, Lienne giggled and stroked a hand through her husband's soft headfur once more. She then grasped at it more firmly, and pulled his face away from her crotch. She turned it, turned his head, muzzle dripping with saliva and her arousal, to the crowd.

"In a dom and sub style relationship, it's vitally important to remember that the sub is the one with the power. They can, and they must say no if you try to make them do something with which they aren't one hundred percent on board. And as the dom, it falls to you to be honest, to be strong and sensible enough in heart and mind to recognise those moments, and accept them when you do overstep."

Rising from where she had sat down, Lienne released her husband's hair, only to grab him by one hand as he rose shakily to his feet, cock rock hard once again despite his recent orgasm. She tugged him towards the centre of the floor between the desk and the front row of chairs, and half released, half thrust him forward, giggling as he toppled forward to his hands and knees, trembling and moaning as he peered up at the assembled and watching students.

"If I were to ask my husband to give himself over to you all. To please me by letting me watch his whole class of students use him. Fuck him. Cum on him. It would be entirely within his rights to say no. Just as you yourselves would not be forced to take part, as is your right for anything that happens in his class."

She grinned as she heard the renamon moan, licking her lips and reaching down to fondle her own soaking wet pussy.

"But... another part of being a partnership is knowing what your other half likes. What they love. What, as a sub, turns Seb on the most, and what I enjoy most as a dom that he loves doing for me."

Stepping back once more, leaving her husband kneeling between her and the class of dozens of already eager, horny, naked college students, Lienne returned to her seat upon the desk. She began to fondle and finger herself more urgently, and as she moaned, as she shuddered and gasped, she called out to both her husband and the entire assembled student body before them.

"Would you do that for me, Sebby? Would you put on the most sexy, glorious show for your wife, by letting all these handsome, beautiful people use you however they see fit?"

The renamon groaned in desperate longing, and nodded twice; first towards her, then in a wide, panting arc, to all of his assembled students.

She grinned, and moaned louder still as already she saw a few people beginning to rise from their seats, to move with cocks in hand or fingers grazing swollen, sensitive clits down the rows of the auditorium towards their lecturer's waiting, eager body.


Sebastian groaned as a burly wolf approached him, rising to his knees and immediately beginning to nuzzle and lick at the student's thick, knotted cock.

"O-oh god, yes."

Another figure, a lithe otter lady approached him from the side, grasping at one of his trembling hands and guiding it between her trembling thighs.

His loudest moan yet however came when he saw the gatomon whom he had enjoyed time with during their very first class of the semester, Emily, walking past him.

To his wife.

She leaned forward and whispered something in the vixen's ear, and his wife's eyes widened as she began to grin savagely.

A few seconds later, she called out to the class once more.

"And of course, as always in relationships... communication is vitally important. Don't be afraid to ask if you desire something, so long as you are always respectful of the partner's response."

She looked to Emily, then to her husband being surrounded by other students, and spread her legs wide once again as the gatomon dropped to her knees before the desk.

"Sebastian. While you get fucked... while you suck and pleasure and make your students cum... remember Emily. Remember your first time with this class. With her. And... remember what she decided today. That when she had another chance to be with you, to ride you, to fuck you, to do basically anything she wanted with and to you... instead, she chose to be with me."

Sebastian gave a howling moan of desire and despair, though it was obviously the most delighted, submissive kind of despair. Both his wife, and indeed Emily herself, grinned.

A mere few moments later though, Lienne was moaning rather than grinning. And Emily, resting between her legs, was far too busy eating the vixen out. Tasting the same juices that her professor had tasted. Eating the same pussy that her professor had likely fucked in the recent past.

"N-now... ah..."

And through the thighs now wrapped around her head, over the sound of other students moaning and gasping, and the professor's near constant grunts and moans of his own lustful satisfaction, Emily listened to the vixen continuing her lecture as she began to tongue her ever more urgently.

"...does anyone have any questions on how to balance a dom/sub lifestyle with relationship equality? Or... shall we all just fuck my husband senseless for a little while first?"

By Jeeves

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