Deez Nuts...When your rival offers to bury the hatchet and take you to a great new bar... beware...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#9 of Charns tales...

When your rival offers to bury the hatchet and take you to a great new bar... beware... We...

When your rival offers to bury the hatchet and take you to a great new bar... beware... Well the big boi's at the 'The watering hole.' sure had a good time... Yummy

Deez Nutz

The handsome young Stag looked at the ribbon tied box widen eyed. He'd never expected to get a gift from the Ram, especially after he'd taken the big wooly studs boi friend for a ride! Untying the bow, the white tail opened the box. Inside neatly folded was a black tee shirt like he always wore. 'Deez Nuts taste great...' Was written across the front with a smiling squirrel and two big acorns. Across the back, were those same acorns! Looking amazingly like dangling ball's, with the words. 'Want Some!' The powerful Stag smiled at the Ram's obvious peace offering. "I take it there are no hard feelings." He chuckled as he slipped off his old Tee and tried the new shirt on.

"Naaa." The Ram answered pushing back his glass's, as he watched the Stag model his gift. "In fact I was just going to ask, if you wanted to go to a new bar I found across town." The big wooly Ram asked, grinning as he watched the Stags reaction.

"Oh?" The Stag asked skeptically.

"Yeah..." "The watering hole... its for submissive preds!" The Ram explained. "I'm hoping to find myself a new Wolf boi slut!" The Stag smiled, he shared the Rams same fetish. They both like to top and rut big powerful predators! Turn about from the centuries of pursuit, now the prey animals were chasing the preds! And the predators were going down, for males their ancestors had taken down. Of course the Ram preferred the back door, liked to treat them like females. But to the Stag nothing was more exciting, than fucking a big fang filled muzzle!

"Sure... why not." The handsome Stag agreed, thinking if the Ram did find a Wolf boi. He might just have to borrow that one, for a while as well...

The club was well hidden in the older industrial part of the city. Down between the waterfront and the train yards, at the end of a dark narrow alleyway. Squeezed between old warehouses and abandon factories... They entered through and old steel fire door, its red paint fainted and cracking with age. The room beyond was big and open, and looked to have once been a factory flood.

The doorman was a big smiling polar Bear, who quickly stamped the back of their paws. And then ushered them right in to the club, grass eaters were in high demand it would appear... The Ram and Stag instantly attracted attention as they strutted up to the bar. Quickly getting mobbed by big lustfully grinning predators. A number of felines crowded around the Stag... buying him drinks and feeling him up. While several Bears and one particular midnight black Wolf began hitting on the Ram!

He was a big sexy beast... with his fluffy black coat and glowing golden eye's. The Stag conceived a lust for him almost at once, and quickly made his move. Waiting until the Ram was distracted by the live rut show happening on stage. He swiftly shook off his feline admirers, and approached the Wolf. Glided in, he took the Wolf by the elbow guiding him off to a secluded corner. The big dark predator sat passively across from the white tailed deer, waiting until the other spoke.

"You looked bored..." The Stag explained, as he pushed the big Wolf back and casually felt him up.

"I was just admiring your friend..." The big Wolf growled softly in that sexy way wolves do. "Sheep are sooo tasty."

"You don't want him... he's small and soft." The Buck assured with a lewd smile.

"Oh... and your big and hard?" The Black Wolf inquired his muzzle parting in a broad predatoril smile. "I love the shirt!" He smirked. "Deez Deer nuts... heheh... I definitely want some!"

"Exactly!" The Buck agreed. "You need... shall we say firm guidance..." He took the Wolf by the wrist and guided that big paw to his crotch. "Firm and large..." "Don't you agree?"

"Very!" The big Wolf answered his smile growing even more as he felt up what the Stag had to offer.

"I'd love to put that between your jaws... cram your muzzle full!" The Stag whispered lustfully, as he watched the big pred lick his lips. "I wanta muzzle rape you!" He advised growing even more aggressive as he spotted the Ram across the room. The sheep was looking around... searching until he spotted the Stag and the Wolf together. A frown crossed the sheep's muzzle as he watched the Buck and Wolf cuddle together. Cameron smiled and waved to the disgruntled Ram, as he turned back to the Wolf. "Wouldn't you like that!"

"Anyone in here would like that... with the possible exception of your Sheep friend." Kurrgurr snickered as he nuzzles against the Stag's long slender neck. "In fact... we should make a show out of it." The big Wolf growled...

"Errr... how so?" Cameron asked, as he grew more and more aroused with his new pet.

"The club encourages audience participation..." The Wolf explained as the rutting on the stage slowed as climax was achieved. "If your willing... I'm sure we could put on a nice show for every one... your friend included." Cameron smirked, as he thought about using the Wolf on stage in front of everyone. It was a hot idea... and would get the other big pred's interested in him!

"A good idea... I like it." Cameron agreed. "Go set it up." The Stag ordered, within minutes the Wolf was back and leading him back stage to the dressing rooms. Where they both, quickly shimmed out of their clothing.

"No... leave the shirt on... it excites me!" The big black Wolf admitted with a leering smile. Cameron taking the opportunity to fondle his plaything lustfully, lifting that big bushy tail and squeezing those firm butt cheeks. The big Lupines cock quickly growing erect as the Stag played with him. "I'm sure the audience will love it as well!" The Wolf growled softly as he allowed the Stag to fondle him provocatively. Cameron's own long pink erection was already fully hard and dribbling when Kurrgurr grunted. "I'll go see if they have the stage set up yet..."

"Yes... you do that." The Buck moaned huskily. "I can't wait to rut your pansy muzzle like it needs to be used!" He gloated, as the Wolf exited a wooly shape pressed in it.

"You took another Wolf from me..." Benny the Ram growled, as he looked the naked stag over. Pushing his thick glass's back up his nose as Cameron turned to smile at him.

"What can I say... he likes me better." Cameron gloated as he strutted around naked, showing off his long thick Cervine cock! "He wants this cock... and I'm going to give it to him... Live on stage!" The Buck gloated, enjoying the Rams shocked reaction. This was better than Benny had ever hoped for, not only was the Stag going to give it to the Wolf. But he was going to do it in front of the whole bar! The Ram fought hard to conceal his glee... as he starred at the naked Stag. Knowing what the predators at this place really liked doing... The Ram had cleverly brought the Ram here knowing what the wolves would do... Now all the Ram had to do was leave, but he really wanted to hang around to see the Stag's undoing!

"You're a greedy little bitch!" Benny snapped as hotly as he was able, knowing what was about to happen to the Buck.

"Fuck you." "Your just jealous... I'm going to be muzzle banging my Bitch in front of everybody!" Cameron snapped pushing the Ram back hard, sending his glass's flying across the room. They landed with a loud 'Crack' the thick lenses splintering.

"You bastard!" Benny shouted in real anger this time as he stumbled across the room.

"We're ready." The big Wolf called from the stage door, as the Ram searched for his glass's. Cameron watched his rival stagger around blindly with a sneer.

"Sorry about that... I really wanted you to watch me muzzle rape my Bitch!" He snickered as he strolled out onto the stage to loud applause.

Benny picked up his shatter glasses and tried to look through them. But the fractured lenses made the world appear strange and blurred. He knew there was a video monitor on the wall that would be showing a live feed from the stage. Standing up he felt along the wall until he felt a knob, quickly he twisted in and was rewarded with a cold spray right in his muzzle. Sputtering and cursing the big Ram staggered backwards out of the bathroom.

"What's going on?" A deep smooth voice inquired softly as a big hot paw landed on his wet shoulder. Benny spit and sputtered for a second before explaining what had happened.

"Well the first thing is to get you out of those wet clothes... before you catch your death of cold." The soothing voice assured, as that big black and orange blurred helped him strip. "Then you can watch the show on my wide screen monitor." That soft voice purred as big paws toweled the Ram off... "You'll be able to see all the action." He assured... as the naked Ram sat down in a soft chair. "I'll have your things dried while you do..." "I've got to see to a few other things as well... enjoy the show." That soft voice purred as it retreated. "If you need anything just come through this door." He advised, as the sound of a door softly closing could be heard.


Cameron pranced out onto the stage proudly showing off his sleek slender brown and white fur covered body. The assembled predators hooted and howled as the naked prey paraded around the stage. Cameron playfully stroked his long pink stud stick, splattering the front row with his pre... But couldn't see their reactions, with the bright lights shining in his eyes. His big black Wolf Bitch grabbed him by that long pink stud stick. Leading him back to a strange, tall, throne like chair in the middle of the stage. Seating the Stag in it the big Wolf knelt before him. "Yeah... yeah that's it... crawl over here on all fours!" Cameron ordered, spreading his long sleek cervine legs. As the big Wolf stalked slowly around the stage on all fours, before quickly moving up to the Stag's exposed crotch.

Benny squinted and pressed his nose to the large screen, watching as the big black Wolf licked around the Buck's fuzzy balls. Then up his sheath teasingly slowly, until his long red tongue was curling around Cameron's long pink dick! The Stag sat back in the Chair watching the Wolf submissively lick his junk. A big gloating smile splayed across the Deer's narrow muzzle. He was really enjoying this... the pleasure of the big predators tongue made all the better by the crowd watching and cheering!

"That's it bitch... eat yer daddies junk!" Cameron ordered tauntingly, as he leaned back rested both his arms on the Chair arms. Suddenly there was a loud 'CLACK!' as steel claws sprang up from the Chairs metal arms. Encircling the Stags slender wrists... even as larger claws shot out around his neck! Effectively pinning the Deer in place, smiling up at him the big Wolf between his leg's growled.

"Okays Daddie... Wolfie will have himself a snack!" He growled leaning in closer, deadly jaws toying with that long pink cock.

"Hey!" Cameron screamed as he struggled powerfully against the steel bonds. "What the hell is going on here?" The sleek slender prey demanded as the Wolf's cold nose lifted his big low hanging ball sac.

"Just doing what we agreed... having some of Deez Deer nuts!" Kurrgurr smirked gloatingly as a roar of laugher and applause went up from the crowd.

"Yeah... we wanta show..." A number of excited predators shouted from the audience.

"Come on..." "Bite'em off... bite'em off..." The crowd began to chant, as the Stag struggled and looked around wildly. This wasn't at all what he was wanting to happen, where had everything gone so wrong...

"Yer little Sheep buddy set ya up fer me!" Kurrgurr snickered as he slowly closed his deadly jaws around the Bucks balls. "He came to me a week ago and promised me a sweet meal of venison nuggets!" At last he dawned on Cameron that it had all been an act... even now the Ram was probably watching it all in amusement!

Benny laughed loudly as he heard and saw what was happening... The big Black Wolf teased Cameron for a moment longer, then his powerful jaws snapped closed. The look on the proud Bucks muzzle was priceless, as he was quickly unmaled by the very maw he'd been so determined to get into! The big Wolf held up his severed pouch teasingly... then emptied its contents into his paw. Then flinging the empty pouch out into the wildly applauding audience, slowly he ate one big ball in front of the stricken Stag. Then auctioned off the other to the amusement of all! Then reaching down he stroked the Buck's flagging erection with one hot paw... "Time to polish off my daddies goodies!" Kurrgurr snickered lowering his mouth over that bouncing hard on, the spot light cutting out just after the Stag muzzle twisted up in pain! The Curtain fell as Cameron's squealing and thrashing ended in a weak moan of loss!

Benny sat gloating for a long moment as he rubbed at his own erect organ... Watching his rival's end had prove much more stimulating than he'd expected... The big Ram suddenly wanted to get across town to his regular bar... There was a sleek black and tan Doberman he'd had his eye on for some time... Standing up he trotted across the room to the door and opened it... "Errr... are my clothes dry yet?" He called softly. "Ahem... hello..." Remembering what the voice had said... about if he needed anything to just come through the door. The big Ram walked out the door and across the floor squinting... When suddenly a bright light flared all around him, and a soft familiar voice purred.

"Ahahaha... looks like our next entrainment is ready!" A strong soft paw grasped the Rams shoulder propelling him across the stage... guiding him into that big Chair!

"Errr... entrainment???" The Ram stammered confused... as he heard a loud 'CLACK!' as steel claws sprang up from the Chairs metal arms.


Paw... Enter the Claw... Fan Fic

FluffyPony asked me to see if I could write the 5th chapter in that wonderful Paw series. Because this one deals with a specialty of mine namely castration. I have humbly done my best and I hope it pleases the Fluffy little equine and all the...

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