The Woodfather - Reproduction Reports

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#7 of Changing Times

The Conglomerate's analysis of the Woodfather's Variants continue this time with the Unmasker, Haunted, Charger and Replanter in their crosshairs.

Your clue this time: There is no such thing as two

Changing Times


Nexus Reports: Reproduction

The Unmasker

Designation ** **


Threat Classification ** **


Origins ** **

Siddarth (Gupta) Pani. Once the heir and son of Anshu Gupta, Sid was a typical spoiled, entitled youth before he was transformed. Harbouring a vehement rebelliousness against his father, Sid considered himself self-reliant even though he still had the lifeline of his father in case he even ran out of funds. Nevertheless, he was frugal in his own way and possessed a keen intelligence to back up his authority. Had he not been transformed, timeline analysis shows that he would eventually have outgrown his distaste for his father's cold-shoulder attitude towards parenting and entered the executive workforce of Lancaster Logging before eventually becoming its CEO.

Description ** **

The Unmasker is by far the smallest of the Series 2s that were developed by the Woodfather, appearing almost human in height. Though muscled, he possesses a leaner quality akin to a swimmer's build that brings him closer to most humans. An excess of body hair covers his body focusing around his armpits, chest and genital area. Curiously, the Unmasker is capable of adapting a human shape that makes him appear more like his former self. As with all Woodfather Variants, when in his full stag form, he possesses glowing green eyes.

Transformation Medium ** **

Sid can influence others and ultimately trigger their transformation through the scent he exudes. His musk appears as an extension of his will and anyone who breathes it in is infected. Though he has not been shown to extend this influence more than a several metres from his person, the greater the concentration -- and lack of ventilation -- the greater his control over the victim. He shows a preference for targeting the victim's 'inner beast' and brings primal urges to the surface that has the potential of taking over the psyche of the individual. At the same time, he has showed skill in manipulating the existing thought patterns of the conscious mind and twisting them towards the Woodfather's goals.

Countermeasures ** **

Needless to say, the Unmasker is incredibly dangerous left out in the open and approached without appropriate breathing filters. Physically, it is one of the weakest of the Variants but this still puts him above the average human. His greatest skill definitely comes from his shrewd mind and infiltration abilities as he can easily blend in with a crowd in his human shape and with his odour being invisible to the naked eye, can trigger infections or outbreaks in large populations with ease. Predictably, his odour powers are subject to wind currents and deploying a means to blow or dissipate the cloud of infectious musk will render the Unmasker impotent.

Director's Notes ** **

A lot about the Unmasker is still unknown and there is great potential in its psionic abilities. I do believe that the Unmasker's ability to reach forth and find a victim's 'inner beast' and skillfully manipulate it as well as the conscious mind pertains to greater psychic abilities that could be extracted and developed so that it is not so dependent on the musk the Unmasker exudes. There is some concern over its physical frame. This deviation from the oozing masculinity of the other Woodfather Variants on top of its reliance on its musk doesn't make it very viable as is but it also possesses a lot of potential especially since it's been observed that it is able to eject its musk in powerful streams if given the motivation and strength. Continue research into the Unmasker and see if it can change its human shape or if it will always default to one setting. If we can develop a means for the Unmasker to change into different human forms, that would make it extremely valuable as an infiltrator. Be sure to watch for dissociative identity disorders in subjects, however, especially given that they could potentially be adopting different lifestyles and personalities in the process.

The Haunted

Designation ** **


Threat Classification ** **


Origins ** **

The first Haunted was Miles Roaker, the bodyguard of Siddarth Pani. Miles never had a very prominent academic record but he got by on his physical prowess. After becoming obsessed with developing his muscles, it was only natural that he enter the security field given that he was incapable of pursuing his dream of becoming a football player. He nonetheless took his job seriously and pushed himself to remember his charges' names, weaknesses and habits to ensure that he could protect them to the best of his abilities. He may not have been the best analyst but he had an excellent memory. Timeline analysis indicates that had he not been transformed into the Haunted, he would have eventually left the employ of Anshu Gupta and moved back to this world's version of the United States of America to become another bodyguard in the midst of thousands others. He would join the CIA and retire to pass away peacefully due to heart complications at the age of 86.

Description ** **

Haunted are, in fact, two separate physical entities bound to one another. The first is a physically imposing buck that has a gorilla-like stance and possesses an excess of body hair. This creature is incredibly intelligent and cool in most situations. The second is the gaseous mass that surrounds the Haunted, a greenish 'ghost' consisting of the musk exuded by the physical frame. The ghost is rash, impulsive and is the primary means of infecting others though it is bound to the physical entity. Haunted as fast and highly mobile thanks to their builds and have a moderate range of infection given they are reliant on the semi-sentient ghosts.

Transformation Medium ** **

The only way a Haunted can infect another individual is through the inhalation of the musk that they produce. The ghost is a creature of this cloud and it is fully capable of controlling where its aroma goes. To this end, the physical shape of a Haunted can seize an individual and allow their ghost to enter them to produce another Haunted or simply allow their ghost to run free and inject itself into another human within fifty metres of their person. It should be noted that a Haunted ghost's mass will reduce by about half every time it transforms another individual. The only way to replenish the spectre is by the Haunted ejaculating and rubbing their semen all over themselves.

Countermeasures ** **

Lack of proper filtration or breathing apparatuses will make one vulnerable to the Haunted and even then, they need to be securely fastened or the physical form of the Haunted can simply tear it off. It should be noted that the Haunted's ghostly essence is intelligent and can seek out opening so even the slightest breach in a suit can leave a target vulnerable to transformation. Given that, the ghost is still made out of air particles and not truly spectral so simply blowing it away will nullify its threat as it will dissipate and the Haunted's physical body will need to ejaculate to replenish its supplies. Countering the physical entity, however, is slightly more difficult as they are fast, strong and intelligent. Ranged weaponry is recommended particularly incendiary weapons as they will not only deal significant damage but also hamper the Haunted's ability to generate more musk to create a ghost.

Director's Notes ** **

The Haunted is certainly a curious specimen and one that is versatile. It smacks of an almost symbiotic relationship between the physical and the spectral without the two being too dependant on one another. If the ghost could be developed to retain its shape and intelligence at greater distances to the Haunted, it could be an excellent scouting mechanism. The Haunted's dependency on ejaculation to create more musk is a little concerning as it begs the question what the scent glands the Haunted possesses are used for. This needs more investigation and possibly development. Look into whether or not there is any possibility of animosity between the two entities, if they are two distinct personalities or just two facets of the same personality. The last thing we need is a Variant that argues with itself in the middle of a mission.

The Charger

Designation ** **


Threat Classification ** **


Origins ** **

The origins of the Charger begins with Raphael Lefevre, a trader for the Lancaster Logging company specialising in selling pine. Comparatively timid and non-competitive compared to the other traders, Raphael was constantly stepped on by other traders particularly Leonardo Lee. Severely dissatisfied with his job but incapable of speaking out for fear of being a troublemaker, he remained silent and endured his torment for years. Unfortunately, timeline analysis has shown that he would eventually grow tired of this treatment and after trying to find a job elsewhere but not succeeding, he would eventually have a mental breakdown and go on a shooting rampage in Lancaster. This would be the event that would have eventually allowed Siddarth Gupta to take hold of the corporation had the Woodfather not existed.

Description ** **

Chargers are quadrupedal creatures possessing the body of a fully-developed stag albeit proportioned to fit the muscular upper torso of an anthropomorphic buck mounted above it. Standing anywhere between nine and ten feet tall, the Chargers uniquely have a reddish -- or fully red -- tinge to their fur patterns to indicate that they are beings of rage. Of all the other Variants, they have the strongest antlers which is highly reinforced and is as strong a steel. Their penises are placed between the back two legs and are disproportionately larger than their body, rising forward to come out between their front two legs. This almost acts like a third 'horn' as they use it to spear their victims -- and one another.

Transformation Medium ** **

Chargers are extremely dangerous as they operate on a psionic level when transforming others. Their mere presence can emit a 'rage aura' that will latch onto an individual's soul or mind and immediately trigger a rage episode depending on the extent of contact. As the rage grows, so too is the 'inner beast' within the Charger and eventually, this very beast is fully takes over, warping the conscious mind of the victim and twisting their bodies until they match that of a Charger. It should be noted that Chargers tend of have a hair trigger and will rage at even the slightest provocation.

Countermeasures ** **

Specialised equipment is required to nullify the Chargers. Psychic Dampeners and specialised training is required for organic combatants. Robotic fighters are highly recommended. Non-sentient proxies are also a possibility. Though physically imposing and with a tendency to charge with their horns, their rage-induced episodes also makes them extremely careless. Tactical placement and quick reaction speeds can easily disable them. That and a lot of tranquilisers. Enough to take down three bull elephants.

Director's Notes ** **

The ability to induce rage and thus transformation in others through an aura is certainly intriguing but ultimately has its own holes. There are people who can become far more focused or motivated in anger. This would actually be of great benefit for a squad leader or a support role. If we wanted to cause society to crumble as well, this would be a viable way of doing it. The carelessness of a Charger coupled with its hair-trigger makes it somewhat of a double-edged sword. Isolating the rage aura to just impact others and leave the Charger affected would be an interesting route of experimentation but we could also take it in the opposite direction of a 'rage bomb'. Have the team working on the Charger Variant analyse the various routes and determine what is the best way to implement the Charger without being a liability to the Conglomerate.

The Replanter

Designation ** **


Threat Classification ** **


Origins ** **

Technically, the first fully formed Replanter is Anshu Gupta. An ambitious man, Anshu always had lofty goals of becoming rich but not necessarily famous. His idea was to be very wealthy but to avoid the public spotlight as he knew that the more people looked to him, the more likely they were to find flaws or something to ruin his reputation. Thus he worked quietly and diligently, learning how to manipulate people and take advantage of opportunities as much as possible. This led him to eventually becoming the CEO of Lancaster Logging. Timeline analysis indicates that he would eventually have become CEO had the Woodfather not intervened but at a later date. He would retire in shame due to an incident involving a gunman at his corporate headquarters and hand over the reins to his son.

Description ** **

Replanters are technically two beings similar to a Haunted. There is a semi-intelligent wood 'suit' that is wrapped around an ethereal 'soul'. The suit appears much like an anthropomorphic stag made entirely out of wood but with every sinew of muscle exposed. Unlike other Woodfather variants, they keep all their digits. The only thing not made of wood is their penises which appears much like other Woodfather Variants. The soul inside is a physical almost gooey substance that emits a bright, green glow that is visible through the eyes and mouth of the suit. Physically, they are one of the weaker Variants but this is outstripped by their ability to generate immense trees known as 'Father Trees' -- dubbed WFVS3-0009a which act like a neural hub for all other Woodfather Variants. Those who are in close proximity to the Father Trees are subject to the Woodfather's will -- Variant or no. Variants tend to become more coordinated while potential victims feel a compulsion that will draw them to the Woodfather. When in the company of one another or even other Variants, they are able to form a 'collective consciousness' akin to adding multiple CPUs to a computer to increase their intelligence and coordination abilities.

Transformation Medium ** **

Analysis of the Replanters indicate that they transform others subtly and through the powerful psionic 'call' that they emit from the Father Trees. Those that they determine to be worthy of becoming a Replanter are called to the Father Trees and if they manage to make it unmolested by other Variants, they are deemed worthy of becoming a Replanter. In the presence of a mature Replanter, the victim will transform into one through powerful psychic means wherein the 'inner beast' is given physical form to make the suit and the rest of the victim is liquefied into the essence the suit feeds upon but ultimately drives the Replanter's actions. This process is apparently very enjoyable.

Countermeasures ** **

Though the Replanters appear to be made out of wood, the 'bark' that covers them is, in actual fact, a form of organic muscle tissue. They can feel and command this tissue at will. Though fire is still effective against them, it is not the most efficient means of countering a Replanter. Robotic units, psychic dampeners or troops with proper training can become immune to the Replanters' psychic powers and this leaves it vulnerable to attack. From there, a simple stasis field is enough to disable a Replanter. It is also recommended that captured Replanters are isolated from one another to avoid any sort of networking to occur between them.

Director's Notes ** **

The Replanters are basically the means by which the Woodfather extends his domain. Each of the Father Trees extends his influence and at its heart is a Replanter. As with all trees, starving the Father Trees of resources -- people -- will stall the advance. This is however all part of the greater war machine as other Variants are able to drag victims to the Father Trees for conditioning of the Replanters. It is also curious how any form of competitive spirit or infighting is stopped as soon as an ambitious man like Anshu is made into a Replanter. Check to see if this is something the Woodfather consciously enforces or is simple part of his transformation. I also note that Replanters need the energy from other Variants to form a Father Tree. If we could develop a means for a Replanter to store this energy or even independently grow a Father Tree without the need of other Variants it would increase the value of the Variant ten fold. Even better if the Replanter could produce other Woodfather Variants independent of victims. Effectively a one-man terraformer.

Experiment Documentation

Gzrgtkogpv fgukipcvkqp: PG-11087-46-754F Jarqvjguku: Kh vjg citkewnvwtcn Pgzwu Gxqnwvkqpcta Zgpqrjknke Vqqn (PGZV) 'Rncpvcvkqp' ku fkuvtkdwvgf kp c uvcpfctf Ocng-Qpna Pgzwu Gctvj-nkmg yqtnf ykvj c uvcpfctf Ocng-Qpna rqrwncvkqp fkuvtkdwvkqp, vjg rqrwncvkqp yknn yjqnna ygneqog kv cpf kv yknn dgeqog c uvcpfctf owvcvkqp 90% qh vjg yqtnf ykvjkp 3 agctu. Gzrgtkogpv Rctcogvgtu: 1 eqpvtqn wpkxgtug ykvj gzcevna vjg ucog rqrwncvkqp cu vjg vctigv wpkxgtug dwv ykvjqwv kpvtqfwevkqp qh vjg PGZV. 15 vctigv wpkxgtug ykvj c uvcpfctf Ocng-Qpna rqrwncvkqp fkuvtkdwvkqp 3 agct gzrgtkogpv fwtcvkqp ykvj c nggyca qh 6 vq 8 oqpvju hqt rquv-gzrgtkogpv fcvc eqnngevkqp.

The Woodfather - Growth Reports

**Changing Times** ** ** **Nexus Reports: Growth** ** ** **The Titan** Designation ** ** WFVS2-0002 Threat Classification ** ** Orcus Origins ** ** Once known as the human Michael Vu, 'Mikey' as he was commonly called. A young man with a...

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The Woodfather - Growth

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The Woodfather - Germination Reports

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