The Woodfather - Germination Reports

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#3 of Changing Times

I'm going to leave this right here not only because I felt that the Variants in Germination - and the characters - deserved a little bit more development but also because I'm having fun encoding these messages for people to figure out.

Your clue is: BOLD is the key

Changing Times

Nexus Reports: Germination

The Juicer

Designation ** **


Threat Classification ** **

M oloch

Origins ** **

Formerly the individual known as Vincent Di Adamo. 'Vince' as he was commonly called was a laid back young man with few ambitions in life but to party, enjoy his youth and leave the problems of the world for 'future Vince' to worry about. A resident of Ferndyllias, Vincent was an middling student attending college and often touted that he wanted to become a teacher. Timeline projections indicate that he would have failed at this venture and instead taken up becoming one of the many labourers that would have worked under Lancaster thanks to his connections to one of the company's director's sons -- Siddarth (WFVS2-0004). He would have been satisfied with his life, never married and been a perpetual bachelor with a preference to women though he would occasionally sleep with a male.

Description ** **

The Juicer stands at an impressive 9''6'' tall and possessed a muscular build albeit with an enlarged gut akin to a bodybuilder that has partaken in steroid use. A'roid gut' so to speak. The original Juicer possessed a cream-coloured, short pelt even during the winter. Four nipples decorate his torso including the ones that are set over his pectorals. The second pair is located on his top most abdominal muscles. As with all the Woodfather Variants, he possesses glowing green eyes.

Transformation Medium ** **

Vincent has an adaptive transformation vector predominantly based around the liquids he secretes. Whether this is his saliva, semen or the 'milk' he produces from his nipples is besides the point. It is theorised that his ability to induce transformations from these liquids could be further enhanced and developed to not be restricted to what kind they are or their sources. It may be possible that the Juicer could have the ability to 'corrupt' any liquid he comes in contact with and make it a medium for transformation. Further experimentation and development is advised.

Countermeasures ** **

A glaring weakness of the Juicer is his reliance on ingestion and contact of his bodily fluids. In an arid or hot environment, he would have no means to infect others. Though still physically strong, his control over the fluids and the mutagenic effect of said his secretions lose their potency as they break down due to heat. S imilarly, extremely low temperatures will stall the effect of these mutagens, freezing them. There also appears to be a limit to how much liquid he can produce at any one time and though this is still an incredible amount (estimated at 157 gallons despite his mass suggesting no conceivable way of containing such an amount) once he runs out of fluids, he is vulnerable to attack using standard Conglomerate containment procedures. Forceful extraction of these liquids could also by physically debilitating as it has been recorded that he draws pleasure from the excretion of said liquids.

Director's Notes ** **

Certainly a viable Variant in its own right but the Juicer's unique mutations are still raw and underdeveloped. T here is a lot of potential here particularly when paired with the ability to control the very molecules of the liquid produced. As it stands, the Juicer is limited to the substances he produces when in liquid form. It could easily be weaponised if he were able to manipulate it on a molecular level so that regardless of whether or not it is liquid, gas or solid, the mass is mobile and infectious. As an Agent, his mutation is excellent but in front-line combat as an Operative or even a Specialist, it is questionable on its own. Continue experimentation. Find out if potency of ingested liquid is vulnerable to standard antibiotics and chemicals in drinking water. Also figure out how dilution affects control and if connection to the central 'spiritual network' can be re-established through continued ingestion of diluted solutions over time or if the newly mutated subject is isolated from the network.

The Scout

Designation ** **


Threat Classification ** **


Origins ** **

The first Scout created was born from the man known as William 'Billy' Hocket. A small business owner in the town of Ferndyllais, Billy had lofty ambitions of one day joining the prestigious ranks of the the rich elite. An avid hunter, he spent his down time hunting in the nearby forests in the hopes of impressing the White Tail Hunting Club. Cunning, intelligent and brave in his own right, he was an ambitious man but with a dull future. E xtended timeline predictions indicate that he would have striven to impressed the Hunting Club for years until they finally let him in after he donated to their attempt to maintain their hunting license after lobbying by anti-hunting groups. Even then, he would have been considered a lowly member who bought his way in but would be ignorant to the fact and merely relish the fact that he had been accepted. The eventual dissolution of the Club after the Canadian Government declared hunting to be illegal would have seen him lost of purpose and alone in the world without any heirs or friends.

Description ** **

Scout Stags are large, heavily built stags similar to the other offspring of the Juicer. Much like the others, he possesses a distended gut that seems to weigh him down and compels him to walk around on all fours much like one would think a caveman. At full height, he stands at approximately 9'2'' with a significant hunch to his stance. Crouched down at a relaxed pose, he is about 5'11''. Equally large arms and legs allow for fast, mobile movements and extremely acute senses of smell, hearing and eyesight makes the Scout true to its name.

Transformation Medium ** **

The Scouts have a more traditional means of transforming targets and that is through the ingestion of their infected semen. Curiously, the Scouts are incapable of producing milk like the Juicer or Milkman despite having the same four nipples as the aforementioned two. R egardless, their incredible speed, mobility and hunting prowess makes them incredible difficult to elude once they have targeted their prey.

Countermeasures ** **

The Scout is almost entirely impossible to elude once it has its target but at the same time, this is its greatest weakness as well as its strength. Keen as its senses are, it is not entirely capable of identifying or predicting an individual's movements if it does not have all of its senses tuned in on the target. Deprivation of sight, smell or hearing could introduce inaccuracies in its detection. On a similar note, it has shown an overbearing dependence on these senses and lacks basic instincts or even judgement -- gut feelings -- without proof backed up from what it can feel. It leaves nothing to chance without the evidence and this can be exploited to mislead it. Overstimulating could jam its abilities. Further, it has a dogmatic approach to its prey and will simplemindedly focus on it to the exclusion of all else. Though they generally travel in herds of up to a dozen, a larger party or keen planning can easily ambush the Scouts as they focus on the targets they have 'marked' while another teams can eliminate them one by one.

Director's Notes ** **

I nteresting that the Scout was designed to be a somewhat hybrid Variant with a function for both sensing potential threats and at the same time, hunting down those that would escape. Their tunnel vision is actually quite impressive even though it can be a significant hindrance in times of need. Training and developing this ability into a viable NEXT could actually help our Operatives on the field if they can overcome the impairing need to focus on a singular target. Perhaps segregate research into finding a way to focus on the three enhanced senses in isolation before bringing them together again. Investigate if the Scout's gut actually hampers its movements as well. Look into developing a model with a digitagrade stance to help mobility.

The Milkman

Designation ** **


Threat Classification ** **


Origins ** **

The prime Milkman stag was once George Le Fleur, a guard working for North Shield -- a private security company. Rather content with his life, Le Fleur had lost all ambition after a string of disappointments. While not an isolationist, he nonetheless lived a relatively sedentary lifestyle with a repetitive cycle of waking, eating, working, sleeping and repeating. S adly, this lack of ambition permanently saw him in a state of semi-authority where he was senior enough to garner some respect but not so much that he had a title or promotion to show for it. Analysis into alternate timelines have indicated he would have been content to remain guarding the White Tail Hunting Club until the end of his days when he would retire to little fanfare.

Description ** **

Milkman Stags are interesting in that their bodies come in two stages. The first stage is a liquid golem or construct that is fully mobile and semi-sentient. Upon attaching itself to a suitable subject, it will proceed to convert the target's body into a full Milkman which stands at approximately 9'4'' in height and possesses an incredible, muscular build. Unlike the other members of the series, the Milkman only possesses two nipples from his highly engorged and muscular pectorals. It is also significantly fitter and leaner -- comparable to the Variants produced by the Titan(WFVS2-0002) -- when compared to the others.

Transformation Medium ** **

Milkmen produce other golems from their nipples and it is through this that they infect others through their unique reproductive cycle. Their male genitals are used purely for pleasure and have no mutagenic factors whatsoever. Curiously, the golems are capable of controlling the nervous system of a victim without fully transforming them by wrapping themselves partially around the victim like a suit of sorts.

Countermeasures ** **

The Milkmen are essentially helpless after they have expended their supply of milk. Though it has been observed that they are capable of producing over 400 gallons of milk per day, it comes at an incredibly cost to their personal stamina and they are left incredibly weak and defenceless. The greatest threat of their golems is nullified in the presence of extreme temperatures. The golems can be frozen or heated to dry out and lose all their potency for infection. Skin contact or ingestion is also required for infection therefore properly sealed combat suits will prevent transformation even should the individual come in contact with the golems.

Director's Notes ** **

A marked deviation from the rest of the stags in that they are geared more for mass production compared to individual infection. I note a rather human penchant for excessive production as well where these golems go to waste as they are used for pleasure. Verify if this is an innate programming or was developed by the environment. The weaknesses of the golems puts their use to be rather questionable but I cannot discount the sheer quantities that the Milkmen produce despite their size. This could be used in non-combat aspects if the milk they produced could be used to encourage virility instead of plain infection. Infiltration also comes to mind.

The Seasoned

Designation ** **


Threat Classification ** **


Origins ** **

The first Seasoned was created from the kitchen hand Francois Dellias. This individual was a dreamer at heart who, though lacking in talent and skill, constantly dreamed of grandeur as a superstar TV chef. L ike many of his dreams as a child, however, he found himself crushed by reality leading to his depressing job as a seasonal kitchen hand for the White Tail Hunting Club. I nterestingly, predictive timeline analysis indicates that Francois would have eventually found work in this world's incarnation of the United States of America particularly to a talented chef. Together, they would have opened a restaurant that would have received multiple awards for their cooking. Francois, with his great dreams, often would create fantastical dishes while his partner -- and eventual lover -- would have used his talents to bring those dreams to reality using his keen senses and experience as a chef. Of course the age difference often had many question them but they loved one another to the point that when his lover died, Francois never took another man.

Description ** **

The Seasoned look very much like many of the other stags created by the Juicer but only comes to about 8'6'' tall. Their belly, however muscled, is the biggest part of their body with their engorged testicles coming a close second. This is not to take away from their unique penises which seem to be able to extend indefinitely and secrete a substance that melds seamlessly with any food it touches to make it irresistible and incredibly addictive to the point of being debilitating.

Transformation Medium ** **

The Seasoned stag infects and transforms its targets through the consumption of food that it has poured its infectious 'semen' onto. Ingestion of this substance is the primary means of infection. V ast quantities of the food would need to be consumed to induce a full transformation, however. Should a target discover that the Seasoned was responsible for the 'delicious' food that they have consumed, they are generally compelled to 'drink straight from the source', so to speak. This significantly hastens the transformation process.

Countermeasures ** **

It goes without saying that not consuming the Seasoned's infected foods is the surefire way to avoid infection by this cumbersome Variant. Despite its size, it is still significantly strong and moderately mobile. This is not to mean that they are, by any means, easy to apprehend. Seasoned's penises are incredibly long, prehensile and strong almost acting like another arm. They have been known to entangle foes and force their semen into the targets, thus inducing rapid infection. That said, multiple Seasoned in the one space also makes them a liability to one another as these ever-extending members can get tangled with one another and as the only means of infection, disabling them will make the Seasoned utterly useless.

Director's Notes ** **

E ven though I'm a fan of a good tentacle cock, the Seasoned's reliance on it as its only infection vector plus its requirement to 'season' some food means that this Variant is really more suited for stealth or infiltration missions. It's distinct lack of mobility compared to the other Variants and cumbersome appearance also means that it would not be one of t hose Variants that is capable of sneaking on site and infecting food. Nevertheless, if we can break it out of this habit and instead redesign it more like a mobile artillery platform, perhaps it would have more viability in the field. Slow moving as it may be but the unlimited range of its penis is only limited by its visibility. Coupled with, say, a Scout's senses and their spiritual network, a Seasoned could strike at a long distance at enemy positions with little harm to itself. Conversely, we could splice it's infective 'semen' into something more mobile like the Juicer or the Scout for quicker, stealthier infection methods.


M dvilp phqsl ph muhvt plevn ghpvse. Hge wlvojen, hge jnht, hge dvilp aneeze. Mdd vp pmceo ph jqol euhdqpvhg vg hge tvnespvhg vo ple pvgveop rdmj hr m aqppenrdy'o wvgio. Rnhf Slmho wvdd plene ae Hnten. V olmdd fmce lvf jnhqt.

The Woodfather - Germination

# Changing Times ## The Woodfather - Germination ### Prologue Simplicity at its finest. That was life for my brothers and I ever since the great Woodfather had freed us from our overly complicated lives and brought us into his embrace. There was no...

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