Meet the Anthros - Part 5

Story by Happysin on SoFurry

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Meet the Anthros Part 5


**Beep, Beep**

***ZZZZZZZZ-"But mooooom, I don't wanna go to football practice..." -ZZZZ***

**Beep, Beep**

***ZZZZZZZZ-"Cookies, for me? Sure, back the truck up..." -ZZZZ***

**Beep, Beep**

***ZZZZZZZZ-"Oh my, your Majesty! But won't the king suspect?" -ZZZZ***

**Beep, Beep**

***ZZZZZ-snerk** "Oh crap, that's the phone!"

**Thump Crash** "Ow, dammit!" Stumbling to the computer, half-asleep in the dark apparently isn't one of my strong suits.


"Hart, Hart wake up!"

"Hey Nalani, what's the emergency?"

"Hart, Brigit and I were talking and I've been going totally down the wrong path trying to understand Anthro genetics! I can't believe I missed it!"

"That's great, but this couldn't have waited a few hours?"

"No sillybutt, Nalani is really excited, listen to her!"

"Hey Brigit, if we're actually going to have this conversation at three in the morning let's turn on the webcams so I can actually see you both."

Since our discussion about college, Brigit could hardly think of anything else. Fortunately, Nalani was only too happy to give her a room and help her enroll. Since then, we've been doing the Skype thing until I can decide how to handle the farm and be at the university at the same time. Normally, though, they call at a respectable hour. Well, except that one time Nalani decided to "test the alcohol absorption rate of seven foot tall hermaphroditic anthropomorphic rabbits". At least that time ended up with great amusement for me! I don't think Nalani expected-

"Hart!" Nalani looked down for a moment at something, cleared her throat and looked back at me.


"You're fading out! Wake up and listen to this!"

"Ah, sorry. Since you've already woken me up, you might as well tell me." Is that a lab coat she has on?

"Ok, so a little back story. I was talking with Brigit this evening over dinner about anthro social norms, especially with hermaphrodites. Well, during that conversation she revealed some very important facts! First, as you should already be aware, hermaphroditic anthromorphs by-and-large self-identify as female."

"Well, my selection set is rather small, but yes, I can see that."

"Oh stop with the smarm, this is serious! That's only one component of it! Societally, herms (for short) are treated as female as well. Girl talk, restrooms, traditional roles, they all stick herms in the same roles that females also occupy."

"And? So far all that means to me is that what we know of anthro society is that they have similar stereotypes to ours and herms fit into their female one."

"Ah, you're not seeing the big picture yet! Here's the bit that really sealed the deal for me; herm anthros prefer men as mates."

Nalani paused expectantly, waiting for me to respond. Behind her, Brigit was somehow managing to look as if she were about to explode while simultaneously sitting still. Huh, Brigit's nipples were standing at parade formation under that tee shirt. This must actually be quite the breakthrough for her to be that excited. Wait, excited, prefer male mates-

In a shock, I blurt out- "Herms are genetically identical to females!"

"Yes! Well done Hart, I wasn't sure if you were awake enough to see the connection."

"Brigit's nipples put it all together for me, actually."

It still amazes me that Brigit can actually blush enough for us to see it under her fur. Or for that matter that I can see it when Nalani does, under that tanned skin. However, Nalani's slow turn to go eye-to-nipple with Brigit is the stuff of comedy legend!

"Ahem, yes. Well, you're entirely correct. I've spent the last however-long in the lab with blood samples of Brigit and some of the other anthros around campus, and it's indisputable. Herm anthros are XX, just like females. I can't believe I missed it for so long! I was searching for something exotic, when the answer was right in our world! All known species that have hermaphrodism as a common trait are genetically XX. It should have been the first thing I checked for, not the last. That explains a lot, though, including why male anthros are smaller in population size than we expected. After all, only males can produce other males, as female/herm and herm/herm will produce only more XX offspring. In fact, if it weren't for both female and herm default preference for male mates, males could die off entirely with that kind of gene distribution. All told, sexually speaking, it's a very good thing to be a male anthro. You're always going to be in demand."

"Huh, that would also help explain Brigit being interested in me. Humanity introduced anthros to a much larger population that had easy access to males, meaning it became much easier to fulfill that core desire, as competition pressure for available males essentially evaporated."

Brigit interrupted, "Hey! That's not it! I thought you were cute, and nice! ...and I also liked that you approached me first. That wasn't something I was used to..."

I could see her ears drooping a bit. "Brigit, the day I set eyes on you was the best day of my life, don't ever doubt that. The population issues we're discussing are on a scale that only matters as numbers. It doesn't invalidate what we have or who we are at all." And like that, her twin emotional barometers we back to full attention. She thinks she can hide her motivations from me because I can't smell like she does, but as long as she keeps wearing thin shirts; I'll be able to read her plain as day.

"Ok, so that is very interesting, but that still doesn't explain why you woke me up now."

"Well, I was so struck by the possibility that I immediately dragged Brigit back to my lab to start tests. I just now confirmed that I am correct! Oh this opens up so many possibilities, we might be on track to explaining just how the anthro population came about to begin with!"

Apparently no longer able to contain her own excitement, Brigit chose this moment to pick up Nalani and give her a big hug. The sight of her treating Nalani like a doll was quite amusing, especially since I was safely behind a computer monitor from the same treatment. Hmm, what's this? What's that look on their collective face? What are they whispering about away from the mic?"

"What are you two up to over there?"

"Oh, Brigit told me that we should make it up to you for waking you up." Nalani smirked as she re-approached the webcam setup. "We're both really sorry for waking you; this could have waited until morning." Nalani was leaning really close to the camera now. Wow, I could see down her lab coat now. Mmmm, cleavage. Suddenly, Nalani was wearing a fuzzy boob hat.

**giggle** "Yah Hart, reeeeally sorry. But it looks like at least someone over there knows how we can make it up." Well, this was a fine time to remember that I sleep naked, and apparently had quite the dream. Even after all this talk, I was still hanging out all over the place. Well, that explains what Nalani was looking at earlier.

"You better firm up over there, if we're going to offer a proper apology, I expect you to be cock-in-hand for it!"

"Hang on, who's apologizing to whom here?"

But my protest fell on deaf ears. Brigit was already helping Nalani off with her lab coat, leaving them topless, in jeans. Hmm, I'll have to find out if she normally wears her lab coat that way...

"Hart!" I snap to again. "Hello, hot women stripping each other for your benefit!"

"I see, by all means proceed!"

Before turning her attention to Nalani, Brigit razzes me. They certainly waste no time getting down to business! Nalani's already panting lightly as Brigit plants light kisses all over her neck and breasts. Brigit's gentle nuzzling Nalani's nipples began to show results as the small woman's blush from earlier spread to her shoulders. Soon, Brigit's downward migration leaves little of her but long ears on-screen. I hear a zipper and a brief glimpse of jeans being tossed away. Nalani gasps and I can't but help a wry grin. I know the surprising power of that pierced tongue she's experiencing all too well!

Nalani writhes under the ministrations of that expert tongue and then smirks and looks me in the eye (or as close as you get when using webcams). She doesn't say anything; she just captivates me with that stare of pleasure. I can hear Brigit's lapping becoming more aggressive as Nalani starts gasping and moaning, all while keeping her eyes locked on me. I'm so rapt by her gaze that I stop stroking myself and just watch Nalani's approaching orgasm. In what seems like an act of defiance, she grips the desk with both hands, using it for balance while refusing to look away from the camera. Nalani's struggle is so erotic, I can't help but feel I'll come her stroking myself or not! As it peaks, she rides it like a surfer, dipping into its depths and cresting repeatedly until she finally breaks eye contacts and beaches with a shudder and a silent cry.

Brigit giggles and stands up beside Nalani, then bends over so she's back in shot. I love the way her breasts hang when she bends over that way! "Hey, I think you distracted him with that little performance, he's not even moving! Solid as a rock, though." "Well, I guess you're going to have to do better then, aren't you? Stand up straight and let me see what I've got to work with." Brigit puts her profile to the camera and stands up. The way she's framed, her already-throbbing cock has taken center stage, with her breasts just barely peeking into the top of the frame. "Oh my, I've got quite the job ahead of me, don't I?" "Yah, a blow job!" Brigit's dick wiggles as she laughs at her own joke. A laugh that is cut off with a squeak as Nalani takes one big lick from balls to head.

"And let that be a lesson to both of you." "What, the next time I want a blow job, I should make bad jokes around you?" "Look Hart, just because you're not physically here doesn't mean I won't figure out a way to hit you over the internet." "Sorry, I can't hear you; I'm busy watching my apology!" Now it's Nalani's turn to stick her tongue out at me before tending to Brigit's giant, pulsing, demanding need.

It's clear that Nalani intends to torture both me and Brigit for that exchange, so she takes it eeeeextra slow. She plants light kisses up Brigit's shaft and all over her balls. Each one elicits a small sigh from Brigit. This continues until Nalani plants a deeper one right on the tip of Brigit's head. At this, Brigit puts both her hands on Nalani's head and pushes gently. Nalani back out and wags a finger at Brigit, "Nuh uh, this is at my speed. Play with your nipples while I'm down here." What little view I had of Brigit's breasts is now obscured by her hands and arms and she complies with Nalani's demand. Satisfied, Nalani adds another layer of teasing, and strokes Brigit's rod with the tips of her fingers. The ministrations have quite an effect on Brigit; not only has she turned quite dark, but all I can hear from her are semi-coherent mumbles and begging for release at Nalani's hand.

Nalani doesn't even acknowledge the lapine's need; she just smirks at me while pressing her breasts onto that big dick. "I hear there's nothing quite like soft breast flesh on a firm cock. What do you think Brigit, do you like the way it feels between my tits?" "Uh...*gasp* huh..." (In reality, Brigit's girth and Nalani's small breasts made it more like ON her tits, but neither of us was in any condition to argue the point) "Good girl..." In one swift motion, Nalani's mouth engulfed Brigit's now-purple head, eliciting more cries of pleasure from above! Brigit could barely hold herself up; Nalani obviously had her exactly where she wanted. As I watch, entranced, Nalani reaches down and fingers Brigit's dripping pussy. Sent overboard by that final stimulation, the rabbit's orgasm sprays everything in the vicinity, predominantly Nalani and Brigit herself.

"Oh wow*puff*, that was amazing! Something *pant* about knowing Hart was watching made that amazingly intense." "Hah, so I felt. Too bad it looks like the man of the hour was distracted again." "Oh poop! Well what do we do now?" "Well that's simple! He watched us come, we're gonna watch him come."

"Wait, what?" "You heard me, big man. You've got two women over here who want to see you bring yourself to orgasm." "Oh, that's so clinical. Hart, I wanna watch you come all over like I just did! Just imagine your cock sliding between hers and my breasts. In and out, so soft!" Ooh, that got me! "Hah, that got him!" Dammit Nalani... "And you better look at us while you're doing it!"

I could tell they were relishing in my embarrassment, but I was undeniably quite excited and stroking myself. Brigit and I had watched each other masturbate before, but never like this. Something about the separation of the webcams made this seem a lot naughtier! "Come on Hart, I just think of me sliding along that cute rump of yours, with my breasts resting on your back, teasing you." "And think of me kissing your cock like I just did with Brigit. I'll bring you all the way to the edge!" The edge is just where I was, too. With a visual like that in my head, I was racing toward the brink like a freight train!

I keep my eyes riveted to the screen as promised as I start to cum, when they wink at each other and immediately pose like porn stars taking a money shot on their knees! "Bwahahaha*ooh*hahaha! Dammit women, can't *uuurg* a man have an uninterrupted orgasm? And now my monitor's covered in spooge."

They both smirk, "No." "Sleep well Hart!"

"Good night, girls."

Seriously, I'm going to have to buy a new keyboard after that.

Meet the Anthros - Side Story

\*This is a standalone piece for fun in the "Meet the Anthros" world. It doesn't happen any specific time in the chronology of the story, except to say that it is fairly early in their relationship.\* Man, that had been a long week. ...

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Meet the Anthros - Part 4

So we left Nalani to her work, and I took Brigit on a tour of the University. As we wandered, we discussed the possibility of Brigit getting a formal education. "So what do you think about going to school?" "Well, I hadn't really seriously...

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Meet the Anthros - Part 3

\*Ring Ring\* "Hello(ooo)? Oh hi Nalani! (\*grunt\*) The re(eee)sults are ready? (\*pant\*) Brigit? Yes, she's right here. That (unh) obvious huh? Sure, we can come by (ieee! Careful!) this weekend. Ok, see you...

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