Meet the Anthros - Part 4

Story by Happysin on SoFurry

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So we left Nalani to her work, and I took Brigit on a tour of the University. As we wandered, we discussed the possibility of Brigit getting a formal education. "So what do you think about going to school?" "Well, I hadn't really seriously about it until Nalani said they had others here already. Since I realized it could be a real possibility, I haven't been able to get it out of my head!"

"Good, I'm glad to hear you say that. I think you have a lot of potential you could realize. Also, I think learning about humanity from the internet has given you some strange notions." "But you liked most of my ideas! (note: Side Story)" I couldn't help but notice her leer as she said that and moved to keep the topic on track. "No, I'm serious. College would be a great place for you socialize more with people very open to new things, and at least somewhat familiar to your kind. We should really take advantage of this time for you to see the school."

We were about to walk into a classroom when I heard voices from the other side. Not wanting to interrupt class, I just cracked the door and peeked inside. I the room, there were only two people, a petite young redhead and a male wolf that I would guess to be the same age. I was about to close the door and move on when I heard what they were doing. She was reading him Little Red Riding Hood! Not only was she reading it to him, but the young wolf was rapt with the story, eagerly egging the redhead on, or interrupting her with questions.

"But wait, why didn't he eat her there, right on the road?" "Do wolves here really like picnic lunches that much?" "Read that part again!" "Eew, skip the part with the woodsman, let's end on a happy note, the wolf with a full belly!"

I motioned Brigit to peek her head in quietly as well, so she could see the subject of my barely restrained mirth. As she looked in, her wonder turned to mild surprise, followed by a wry smile and a knowing nod. I looked at her in puzzlement over the nod and the smile, but she just shushed me and pointed at the objects of our voyeurism.

"Sara, do all stories by humans make wolves to be bad?" "Oh goodness no! There is a lot of that theme, but there are also lots of other themes; like wolves being the spirit guide and protector of people, wolves being the reincarnation of our ancestors and one that you might find really interesting; werewolves!" The wolf paused. "...But wolves are everywhere." "No yah goof! Were wolves. Humans that transform into wolf-like creatures that walk on two legs. Sound familiar?" "Ah! Well, not the transforming into a human part. Well anyway, I still think that Little Red Riding Hood is still my favorite." "Why's that?" "Because humans are so tasty!"

In a flash, the young wolf had pounced on her and licked her face all over, "Om nom, nom, nom!" "Ack! Stop that you hairy beast and give me a proper kiss." She grabbed the wolf's head to hold him still and pecked him on the nose. *Thpbpbpbp* "You know that tickles! Now come here so I can blow your house down!" Soon they were giving playful chase all around the classroom, with little regard for the furniture or really anything else.

Realizing where this was going, I started to back out and give them their privacy when Brigit's hand fell firmly on my shoulder. Well, whatever gets her interested in school. I settled myself in for the role of peeping tom and turned back to the action. And what some action it was! The redhead was already naked and quite obviously in prime physical condition. She was as slight as could be, but wiry like a track runner. Every bit of her screamed speed, from her lithe legs, to her round ass (I'm betting she could crack walnuts), to her small, high breasts. And those breasts! They were pert, with very prominent nipples. I bet they're as long as a finger joint! Most of her upper torso was covered in light freckles, which were the only indication of any regular sun exposure. In spite of my previous desire to give them privacy, I found myself already growing aroused.

She was busy working the wolf's pants off now, an act he was obviously amused in providing no assistance. She finally got them off and paused to marvel. We could barely hear her as she mumbled "Why Grandma, what a fat cock you have..." "The better to fuck you with, my dear!" With that declaration, he bodily picked her up and carried her over to one of the still-standing tables. No sooner did he have her over there than she was on her back with her legs spread wide open. "I told yah I was gonna blow you down..." And so he did! He buried his muzzle deep in her and started licking. "Oh Wolfie, OOOOOoooh Wolfie!" was all we could hear as she writhed on the end of his tongue. Soon she started pinching and working her even-more erect nipples and grinding hard on the hapless wolf's face. Her approaching climax arched her back more and more until I thought it surely much break, until she gasped and collapsed, making hardly a sound.

"Heh, your first is so easy. I'm pretty sure I could just talk dirty and you'd get off." "Pah, you're one to talk, come here and gimme that dick!" She slid off the table and kneeled in front of now-standing wolf and grinned big, "Yaaar! Shark time!" "No! No shark time during blow jobs! Put those dull little teeth away please." "Dull? Remind me to hit you later." She then ended the conversation with a long lick on the underside of his shaft from sheath to head. "Whooo! I love that spot..." As she carefully worked the head, we could see the wolf shiver with each expertly placed flick of the tongue. A whisper behind me: "Taking notes? I'm gonna quiz you later." I blush furiously, in part because I actually had. Back at the main event, the redhead had managed to take an impressive amount of the shaft into her mouth and was playing with the young wolf's balls. He was openly panting now, with his tongue lolling out of his mouth, much like any happy dog would. With her other hand, she starts reaching behind the wolf, obviously intending to include some ass-play. *pant* "No, that's" *pant* "cheating! You" *pant* "Know I lose it-rrrrrrgh!" The redhead's expert ministrations proved too much for him to handle as he thrusts convulsively into her mouth. I can tell by the smug look in her eye that this is a trick often-played.

"You were saying something about fast?" She grinned, still glistening with some of the wolf's cum. "Hmph. I think Little Red needs to keep her hands out of other people's picnic baskets." "Oh quit pouting and get your cock over here." "You didn't tell me you wanted a threesome! I'll go get Mike." "Not your room-mate, goober! If you don't fuck me right now, I'm going to find myself a woodsman." That obviously pricked up the wolf's competitive spirit (among other things), because he was immediately rarin' to go. "Bah, I'm better than any woodsman!" He bent her over against the table and roughly took her from behind, "Ooh, hey, careful back there, I'm small and he's big!" "What, no smart mouth now? No dogged persistence?" *ohgod* "Seriously, remind me_eeeee_ to hit you later." After that, the wolf's enthusiastic pounding did indeed silence her, and we were treated to a symphony of moans and gasps culminating in a loud howl. "You know, seeing as how I'm a wolf and you're a human, it's customary for me to be the one to howl." *punch* "Ow!"

I whispered to Brigit, "Well that was fun, shall we continue our tour?" I immediately feel a hot, pulsing weight on my back. "Only if it's to find another empty classroom." *gulp* Oh my...

Meet the Anthros - Part 5

Meet the Anthros Part 5 \*\*\*ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ\*\*\* \*\*Beep, Beep\*\* \*\*\*ZZZZZZZZ-"But mooooom, I don't wanna go to football practice..." -ZZZZ\*\*\* \*\*Beep, Beep\*\* \*\*\*ZZZZZZZZ-"Cookies, for...

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Meet the Anthros - Part 3

\*Ring Ring\* "Hello(ooo)? Oh hi Nalani! (\*grunt\*) The re(eee)sults are ready? (\*pant\*) Brigit? Yes, she's right here. That (unh) obvious huh? Sure, we can come by (ieee! Careful!) this weekend. Ok, see you...

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Meet the Anthros - Part 2

Brigit was adapting well to the farm. That's not terribly surprising, considering how well she related to the livestock. I was a little afraid that might be an issue, but she had an innate understanding of food animals. I still...

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