Bottomless Bar: Chapter 2 (Patreon Premium)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#3 of Bottomless Bar (Patreon Premium)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Amazing art by:

Chapter 2 of the Bottomless Bar, a story that is apart of my Premium content of my Patreon. Premium content is plot driven with recurring characters and are significantly longer than other uploads.

The Bottomless Bar is getting a lot of applications for new hires, but now the second round of interviews are underway, and a femboy bunny is the first on the list for Luthor and Merun to cross examine!

Read the full Second Chapter here:

The week had been chaos, to say the least. At the notice that the Bottomless Bar was looking for new hires there came an absolute flood of resumes. A majority of them came from those that were regulars at the bar, and even when a large amount of them were rejected on the basis of not having very appealing credentials, there was still a sizable amount of first interviews.

People seeking employment ranged in age, size, gender, and species. Merun and Luthor sat within Merun's office as they went through every single candidate they thought held some merit. It took almost every waking hour seven days straight for both of them to get through the pile, but when it came down to it, the roster of possibilities had been narrowed to a few. After a good weekend of relaxation, Monday came with it the first for the second round of interviews. These would give some very important insights for what the potential employees might be able to handle.

Luthor nudged his way into the establishment dressed and ready for the day. Noontime at the bar showed things to be empty, save for a couple individuals. Dennis was manning the area for now, and opposite him at the counter was a small, white furred rabbit. The doberman recognized the newcomer right away and a smile spread over his features. The bunny was thin but had a unique feminine curve to him that was very similar to Lucky. He came off as young but was actually not much younger than Luthor himself.

As the canine approached, the two others turned to see him and gave a friendly wave. "Hello, Dennis. Afternoon, Taylor," the manager said and stopped close by.

"How are you doing today, boss man?" the German Shepard replied with a smile as he leaned against the counter with both elbows.

"I'm doing well, thank you. Is Merun in?"

"Yeah, he's back in his office," the tender said again and tilted his head.

"Great! I'll take you back there then, Taylor. Shall we?" Luthor said cheerfully and wore a warm smile.

"Sure!" the lapin said excitedly, having a soft, husky voice that fit his girly form rather well. He turned in his seat and jumped off, showing that he had arrived bottomless, though the shirt and tie that he wore reflected his professional mood. The doberman found the sight to be very appealing, and on top of making a mental note to have Lucky wear something like that in the future, he made sure to give some favor towards the femme bun.

The two found their way back to the husky's office, a small room that was only adorned with a desk, computer, cabinets, and a couple chairs. When they arrived Merun was glancing over a couple pieces of paper in his paws, his eyes turning up and a friendly smile drawing over his face as he saw the bunny.

"Hey there, Taylor, glad you could make it!" the inverted Siberian said as he got up from his seat and held his paw out. Compared to the very muscular canine, the rabbit might as well have been a child. The lapin hid his fear of having his paw crushed a she accepted the gesture but found that the other was very gentle. "Luthor!" Merun exclaimed, "How's your day going so far?"

"It's going well, thank you," the doberman replied and stepped around to stand on the same side of the desk as his boss but more towards the corner of the room.

"Fantastic! So, shall we get started?" the husky continued and gestured for Taylor to have a seat. The bunny happily slid into one of the chairs at the front of the desk and continued to hold his friendly mask. "So, the last time we had you here you said you had experience in a bar setting before?" Merun asked and turned his eyes down to study one of the papers on his desk, seeming to read directly from it. "Three years combined, correct?"

"Yes, that's correct," Taylor replied and folded his paws into his naked lap.

The husky gave a nod and then gently rubbed at his chin. "Well, before we go much further with this, let me say thank you for coming dressed for the job," he said with a chuckle, nodding his head to the rabbit's nude lower body.

"Oh, no problem!" he giggled and gave a dismissive wave of his paw.

"Hmm, and you've said that you've been in the bar before, right?" Taylor nodded his head. "Good good. So I'm sure you've seen some of the explicit acts that come with the job? At this establishment the bar staff are expected indulge with the guests when appropriate. We don't expect you to completely wave your right to say 'no' but entertainment is a key aspects for what we are about," Merun continued.

"I promise, I really don't have a problem at all when it comes to doing naughty stuff out in public," the bunny said with a smirk. "During my time as a server at the Tame Tiger in Madison I became pretty used to being bent over and had whenever our patrons wanted. Sex in a public setting isn't an alien concept for me at all," he explained, gesturing with his paws for emphasis.

"And you enjoyed your time there? What was the reason that you left?" Luthor asked this time, crossing his arms over his strong chest.

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun! I left due to disagreements with another staff member is all. And it was time to move on," Taylor explained and turned his adorable, blue eyes over to the doberman. The canine smirked and nodded.

"We just want to be as clear as possible with what we expect of a new hire here," Merun said as he leaned over his desk. "Some would likely find it unappealing if they had a spouse or family and friends that frown upon this kind of stuff."

Read the full Second Chapter here:

Bottomless Bar: Chapter 3 (Patreon Premium)

The door of Merun's office clicked soundly behind Luther as he followed Jacob in. The horse was quick to pick up on the scent of recent sex, the strong, male musk causing his heart to race and a bit of blood begin to flow to his large, flaccid cock....

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Bottomless Bar: Chapter 1 (Patreon Premium)

The Bottomless Bar. It was a very reputable establishment on the strip that hosted several other bars and clubs. It was the first of its kind to take the direction that it did, of which was that it adhered to its namesake. Every single one of its...

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Meet Me in the Stables

Sunday afternoons were the best time to get things done, and there was no shortage of things to do. This was the mentality of one wolf in particular as he toiled away at his own devices. Or more accurately, a single device. He had been working on this...

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