Meet Me in the Stables

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#7 of Meet Me Extreme (Public)

An inventive wolf has made a device that makes fucking the horses owned by his uncle easier, but he'll need to help from a yellow furred vixen if he's to test it out.

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Sunday afternoons were the best time to get things done, and there was no shortage of things to do. This was the mentality of one wolf in particular as he toiled away at his own devices. Or more accurately, a single device. He had been working on this piece of equipment for his uncle, of whom had commissioned him some months ago. He had just finished it a day ago and he needed to test it out and make sure everything was okay with its design, so an assistant was needed.

He was pushing a cart that held the large device over to where the stables were where several large horses were housed. The accumulation of his engineering skill, he found that he was very proud of this particular achievement. He also came to realize that he was very excited to test it out. His tail hadn't stopped wagging from side to side like a pup all afternoon.

As he came more near to the stables he realized that the large double doors on the front had been left ajar, evidence that someone was inside. He eased them open farther and continued into the confines of the large building, bringing the cart behind him all along. Windows placed all around the the interior allowed for plenty of light to filter into the space as hardly a square inch wasn't illuminated. Concentrating on drawing his contraption further and further into the confines of the stables he had almost missed his friend that was standing just a few feet from the entrance.


"Tucker!" The two laughed as they called each other's name at the same time. The wolf released his cart and embraced the smaller woman, her form engulfed by his arms that came around her shoulders. She was quite a bit smaller than he was, partially due to the difference in species. While he was a lupine with very strong and handsome features, she held the elegant appeal of a vixen. Interestingly enough, their markings were drastically different. He held no unique features, his fur was a plane dark brown in color and his body was for the most part average in size. Hers on the other hand was a strikingly bright yellow with black forearms and calves, a petite frame accommodating her carefree nature. Similarly, the tip of her ears and tail were ebony as well. Needless to say she was easy to spot in a crowd.

"It's good to see you again," he remarked and patted her back before letting go. She held a big smile and beamed up at him, her large tail flicking whimsically from side to side. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too!" she chirped and giggled. "It's been so long, why don't you call me out here more often?"

"I've been so busy lately," he admitted with a slight chuckle and rubbed at the back of his neck. Kate nodded her head a bit and quickly remembered that she had seen him wheeling in some strange cart. She peered around his body at the new invention, of which had a large tarp covering it so there were no details revealed.

"I can see that," she retorted. "So what did you make that needs a whole other person to help use it?" she asked and crossed her arms over her modest bust as if she was trying to cover them. She was wearing a tank top that showed off some cleavage, but he had never known her to be the self conscious type. A pair of denim overalls dominated her form, which was interesting because he ahd never known her to be a hard working girl.

"I think you'll really love it. Come here and help me," he said and stepped back over to the cart and meandered around behind it. The vixen rolled her eyes and smirked as she took a hold of the large object from the front. Together they moved it deeper into the stables, passing by a few stalls that had horses of varying sizes and colors munching away at some hay that had been left out for them. The tarp covered object was waded out into the middle of the long aisle that occupied the center of the building before the wolf stopped a signaled for his friend to do the same. From there he took a hold of the tarp by a corner and pulled it off.

Lex immediately recognized the device to be as soon as it was revealed. "Woaw, is that a breeding stock?" she exclaimed and stared with wide eyes.

"Sure is!" Tucker laughed and stepped up to the side to shift the large contraption off of the cart. It was a tall rectangle made from steel pipes that were welded together and even affixed to special brackets. It's wide sturdy base and reinforcing supports to the main body assured that it could take the weight of any stallion that would get up onto it.

"That's quite the invention. Looks a lot different than the other breeding stocks your uncle has," she wondered out loud and stepped closer for a better look.

"This one is an adjustable stock. It can be raised or lowered, depending on who's doing the mounting, and it's adjustable for holding a mare still and also for artificial ejaculation," he explained and stepped up to her side. "Of course, it has a few added benefits. My uncle wanted it for another reason as well," he explained and grinned. The way his voice carried and how he stared down at her made a blush cross beneath her yellow cheeks.

"And what reason is that?" she asked timidly.

"He wants to be able to get fucked by a couple of the horses," Tucker replied. The straightforward confession made her audibly yip in surprise and her paws covered her mouth. The idea of getting fucked by a horse was something she had always wanted to do but had never known a proper way to go about doing it. It was also something that was likely impossible, as she was so small she'd probably get hurt. Tucker knew all of her dark fantasies on the subject, she was very open to him about such a thing.

"So you need a test subject?" she asked, suddenly realizing his intent. He nodded while still keeping his eyes locked to hers. "But I...there's no way I'd be able to get fucked! Any of these horses would split me in half," she said, her voice pleading a bit. She didn't know if she was trying to avoid such a thing or fantasize about it. One thing was for sure though, she was quickly becoming wet at the thought.

"Yeah, I know," he said and chuckled again. "That's why I'll be the one testing it. I need you here to run interference," he explained and went back to the stock. He started to press a couple levers and turn a few knobs. To Lex's surprise the contraption began to lengthen and widen. Originally it was quite small, likely that way so it could be stored easily but its hollow structure allowed its limbs to telescope outward. Once it was to Tucker's liking he stepped away and looked it over. "Perfect," he declared.

Lex watched as he moved backwards from the stock and over to a pen that housed a rather large and intimidating stallion. The plaque on the front simply read "Odin" and there came a snort as the steel gate swung open. Despite the equine's large size he was actually one of the more gentle horses on the ranch, though recently he had been pretty high strung. Many horses were going into heat and he hadn't been allowed to relieve himself in the way nature had intended. Tucker had known this, and so there was no one better to test out his new invention on.

"I'm gunna need some help getting him hard," the wolf admitted as he gingerly lead the stallion out into the center of the aisle with the use of a harness. "Think you can manage?" The equine's coat was white with a brown patchwork with a tail that had its hair cut short and braided.

"No problem!" she laughed and came up to the horse's flank in a way to reassure him that she wasn't going to hurt him. Odin likely remembered her, since she had been known to play around with the stallions. While she likely couldn't take an entire horse cock inside of her pussy or ass, she was more than capable of sucking on their cocks. She'd get so good that she could clear the stable's worth of horses of their cum in an afternoon. Tucker's uncle would never be too happy about it though, as his horses' semen was worth quite a bit of money. She never heeded his threats.

She slowly stroked over the equine's flank, giving him long gentle pats that made it very clear where she was. The wolf began to do the same to the other side, Calming the stallion down as he began to make his way to the horse's backside. Lex's rubbing paws made their down down the stallion's belly and before long she was squatting down beneath him. His hefty genitals hung low between his hind legs, a massive sheath and an equally large ballsack just behind it.

Odin didn't seem to mind the presence of either handler, he just stood there idle while he was prepped for the stock. The vixen got down to her knees and reached up to rest a paw against the opening of his sheath. She could feel how heavy and soft he was, coming to love the weight that promised such a lovely gift. While Lex busied herself from one side, Tucker had brought himself fully behind the large horse and was stroking his paws against his large hindquarters.

After a few moments of gentle petting the wolf brought a paw inside and lifted the stallion's braided tail to expose is large puckered tailhole. The ebony ring of muscle gave a slight flex as it became exposed, though Odin seemed to hardly mind what was going on behind him. The lupine licked his lips as he stared down at the flexed hole. He was no stranger to the equine's backside, he had spent some long nights playing with the horse's ass and getting very familiar with every bit he could reach.

Having stolen enough time admiring the spot, Tucker finally leaned in and began to draw his tongue over and over again on the ebony flesh. Odin responded with a pleasured snort and stomp, especially as he felt Lex's mouth seal around the entrance of his sheath. Their working tongues did very well to make his cock begin to swell. The vixen's mouth was filled with the powerful musky flavor of his cock, the tapered head filling her mouth very well. She clamped her lips around it and began to suck and swirl her tongue around its length as best that she could.

Tucker busied himself with pushing his tongue into the equine's asshole as deep as it could go. His mouth had clamped around the puckered ring, letting his senses become filled with the musky backside. Every breath her drew through his nose caused his mind to become clouded with the powerful scents. He swirled and dipped his tongue, gently loosening it as if he were getting ready to give it a nice fucking. This was a rare time that he wouldn't be.

Lex moaned hotly as she pushed her mouth back and forth on the swelling dick. She could partially take it back into her throat but she wasn't nearly skilled enough to take it all the way, and so she was forced to run her paws over the portion that she couldn't suckle. She could feel how hard he was becoming, his girth swelling to a rock hard stature that had begun to drip pre-cum.

She gasped and popped the wet horsecock from her mouth. She jerked the equine off with a wet slurping sound as she tried her best to lather every inch of his impressive dick with her saliva. He was easily twenty one inches long and three inches wide. The more she stared at the incredible pyre of equine meat she could only imagine the kind of damage he'd do if she was forced to take him inside. There'd be no way to fit him in her cunt, she'd have to do anal. The thought of the pain and pressure made a shiver run up her spine. Since Tucker had made this interesting new breeding stock she'd have to train herself up to take the real thing.

"I think he's all ready," she said and wiped at her mouth with the back of one paw while the other held the huge cock. Tucker almost didn't hear her. His tongue traced around the pucker over and over again like it was a tasty doughnut, slipping into the center every so often. He acted like it was his job to clean Odin's asshole, though it was already pretty well kept. The wolf had to actively pull his mouth away and even when he did he was left panting lustfully and staring at that gorgeous ring. Amid the dutiful rimming he hadn't realized that his own cock was throbbing hard against the inside of his pants in a way that was making him ache.

He stepped away from the big hindquarters and slipped down to where Lex was still rubbing at the stallion's impressive member. Getting in close enough, he leaned up and slipped the head into his mouth for a momentary suckle and taste before drawing back and giving a nod. "Perfect," he confirmed and stood up. Without hesitation his paws were quick to undo his blue jeans and shove them down along with his underwear. His thick canid cock sprung up at a full stand, dripping pre-cum and flexing with the beat of his heart.

Lex loved the sight of the bottomless lupine, and while she really wanted to jump his dick, she knew there was work to be done. There was no denying how incredibly turned on she was. She wanted to dig her fingers into her pussy so badly that she couldn't stand it, and she wasn't entirely sure that she hadn't soaked through her own clothing yet.

Tucker took Odin by the harness again and lead him over to the adjusted breeding stock. The horse regarded the object with some familiarity as he had mounted such things before when he had been masturbated to acquire his semen. With everything in position the wolf climbed underneath the stock and rested his paws on the upper bar for support.

"You're gunna have to aim him for me," Tucker called back to the vixen behind him. Odin seemed to take that as the command to mount. Seeing the slightly bent over wolf with his tail lifted out of the way and swaying his hips in a seductive manner called to the equine's more basic instincts. His front legs settled on the bar on either side of the wolf's paws and the stock creaked a little as it was forced to take most of the huge animal's weight.

Odin's large cock swung around and bobbed aggressively, flinging pre cum as it searched for the would-be mare pussy. Tucker felt the huge phallus smack against his ass and lower back as it searched, and while he tried to shift himself to help the horse make a good hit there was just no way. Remembering her job, Lex jumped in as soon as she could and took a hold of the horse's cock with both paws, steadying it as she brought it down and aimed it properly.

Tucker panted hotly and and braced for the inevitable penetrating hit. He had been fucked by other feral horses in the past, and while he had loved the experience, it had been a while. The current situation that he found himself in had his heart thundering in his chest in anticipation. He spread his legs a bit wider and arched his back, his ass fully open to receive everything that horse had to give.

With Lex's help, one of Odin's bucks made his cock suddenly brace firmly against the wolf's asshole. In the same motion the thick head forced its way inside of his bowels, a tight warm feeling immediately engulfing the throbbing equine dick. Tucker groaned loudly as he felt the intense intrusion, his paws gripping the bar as tight as they could and his teeth clenched just as hard. His body jostled erratically as Odin's working dick pushed deeper and deeper on successive thrusts, burying that incredibly long member to the balls.

Tucker couldn't believe the intensity that powered the rutting pyre. His stomach bulged noticeably as it settled against his insides, the lupine transformed into nothing more than a cock-sock for the powerful animal. Odin let out a loud neigh and began to rut his hips harder, the muscles of the powerful animal straining against the smaller body beneath him. The wolf whimpered between moans, his maw hanging open and tongue lolling out as he could feel his body become a personal fuck toy.

The sound of the horsecock getting slammed deep into Tucker's body emanated through the stables. Lex took a few steps back and watched as Odin had his way with the lupine, not a care to be had for the other's well-being. Her mounting arousal eventually became too much to handle and she started to strip down. The overalls that were crossed over his shoulders fell away to leave her in her white tank top and panties. Her paw pushed down into the front of her underwear and began to stroke a couple fingers against the soppy wet slit. She moaned lowly as she watched her friend continue to get aggressively fucked.

Every time the throbbing horsecock would drive inside the entire indent of its profile could be seen through the lupine's belly. It was an incredible sight to behold, one that made the vixen finger herself harder. Tucker tried to clench his ass down on the pumping shaft as best he could to milk the stallion of his cum, but the large animal seemed to be set on turning this into a marathon session. Odin was known to do this, however. Fucking the mares was something that took several minutes to complete, it would seem he liked to take his time and enjoy the moment rather than fuck to just cum and impregnate.

Tucker whined hotly and brought a paw down from the overhead bar and placed it against his stomach to feel the internal thrusts. He couldn't believe how incredible this felt, he wasn't ever going to go so long without feeling a huge dick like this up his ass. To his delight, the breeding stock also held up under the equine's might, not bending or creaking anymore than when it was initially mounted. Of course, further testing was required. He needed to make sure that all of the horses could get up onto it without a problem, after all.

The wolf completely neglected touching his own cock, so it would flop up and down as his form was continually abused by Odin's increasingly powerful hips thrusts. It stayed rock hard as ever and flung pre-cum in long white strands. The wolf's prostate was getting the hardest massage he had ever experienced and the feeling sent his body into hard spasms. With a mind that was in utter bliss there was no surprise when he was sent spiraling through an orgasm.

The feeling hit in a wave that sent Tucker into a howling fit, his body jerking and shivering hard on the pistoning cock. His dick flexed and humped as if he were trying to fuck something that wasn't there, an end that resulted in a thick gush of lupine seed being spent through the air. Glob after glob of the viscous cum landed several feet away, propelled further by the body jarring hits from the horse at his back.

The convulsing movements that had Tucker unconsciously milking the cock inside of him had a profound effect on Odin, in that he was made to rapidly approach his own climax. With a stamped hoof and a neigh that shadowed the immense pleasure that rocketed up the equine's member, a blast of cum coated every last inch of the wolf's bowels. The jet was so powerful he could have swore that he felt cum rise in the back of his throat, though not likely to be true. The slamming hips didn't stop, and every time the horse would drive every last inch inside there came another blast of jizz.

With Tucker's asshole being so severely wrecked from the experience there was no way he was able to keep any amount of the precious seed inside. It flowed out around the equine's member and splashed to the stable floor to form a quickly spreading pool. Despite the inability to hold any semen back, that didn't seem to keep his stomach from looking like he was moderately pregnant.

The gush seemed to take a lifetime to taper off and by the time that it did there was no doubt that the wolf tasted cum. On the last hard hitting salvo of semen there came a small gush that spattered up from his throat and through his lips. The thick horse jizz dropped from his mouth and as he tried to swallow it back it only seemed to make him vomit up a bit more. His chest became spattered in the material and breathing was hard, though there were certainly no complaints.

Lex watched with a dazed and half lidded expression. She pulled her paw up from her panties, of which were completely soaked in her juices. Femme-cum stuck to her fingers like webbing and she admired the sight of her messy paw. She had orgasmed a couple different times, though she had made sure to be quiet as to not disturb the incredible scene in front of her. Having reached her peak for a third time she became content to watch her friend deal with the horse's aftermath.

Odin stayed hilted inside of the wolf for a few seconds as the dribble of cum from his cock came to an end. His huge shaft began to rapidly deflate, and with a loud slurp his jizz covered member flopped out of Tucker's abused hole. The sudden evacuation caused a flood of cum to cascade from his incredibly gaped hole, a prolapse even partially forming as he evacuated so much of the white substance from his bowels. A defeated moan of relief escaped his lips, his body limp and hanging by the bar until his paws lost their strength and he fell into the ever widening pool of semen. The equine dismounted the breeding stock and stepped over to where his pen gate still laid open, the massive flared head of his shaft forming of trail of seed on the floor.

Lex approached her friend with a grin, not bothering to do up her clothing any more as she waded into the puddle that covered the bottoms of her boots. There had to have been at least a gallon of the stuff, all wasted on an experiment that she was very envious of not having experienced for herself. In due time, she told herself.

Tucker was kneeling on his paws by the time she stopped by his side, horsecum still dripping from his lips and outstretched tongue. She reached out with her juice covered paw and took her tongue into her grasp, tilting his head so that he was forced to look up at her. The dazed expression on his face made her giggle, though his eyes did eventually focus.

"That was amazing," he murmured, his jizz spackled tail giving a tired wag.

"Yeah, it looked pretty amazing," Lex laughed and pet down between his ears with her other paw. Her eyes drifted over to where Odin was standing, his enormous cock still deflating and dripping the remainder of semen from the mushroom tip. She licked her lips at the thought of cleaning him off but there was still work to be done. As if reading her mind the wolf spoke up.

"Look's like we've got quite the day ahead of us," he said with a smirk and tried wiping the fluid from his mouth but did little more than smear it into his fur. The vixen gave a nod and straightened her back, her golden eyes scanning the rest of the pens and stallions that resided within them. She suddenly shoved her overalls down the rest of the way from her body, including panties before stepping out of the discarded fabric. Tucker noticed her newly bottomless form and licked his lips at the sight of her still glistening pussy. Clearly, she was up to the challenge.

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