Return of the Sex Zombies part 2

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#4 of Sex Zombies

part 2

The front door of the church was smashed open as the attacking furs poured through the entrance. A cat nun was on her back at the front door, her dress ripped from her body. Her legs bounced in the air as her attacker filled her bleeding pussy with his hard cock. More nuns screamed as their dresses where ripped from their breasts. They tried to run but found themselves cut off or surrounded by multiple attackers. A fox nun was pushed to sit in one of the benches with her legs forced open. Her attackers exposed her black panties which had a small silver cross across the pussy lips. She screamed as they were ripped from her hips and a hard cock filled her pussy. A squirrel nun was forced to the floor as the lower part of her dress was ripped off. She lay between the two attackers. One licking her soft ass while pulling her panties down her thighs then drifting his tongue to her pussy lips. The other pushed a thick cock into her mouth. A pig nun was bent over the alter as an attacker held her by the hips pushing his hard cock into her from behind. She screamed as she was forced to tit fuck the cross. Two nuns tying to hold there torn dresses together slammed on the back door. "Father please let us in!" A rabbit nun ran for the door when she tripped on her torn dress. She fell on all fours and looked back as several attackers tried to mount her ripping the rest of her cloths off. The last nuns watched in terror as they were surrounded, they fell to the floor at the foot of the door, there pleas for help were silenced by large dicks in their mouths.

The nuns moaned with pleasure as the church orgy continued, breasts bouncing wildly as their sweaty bodies were pleasured by the white eyed attackers. The cat nun moaned as she wrapped her legs around her attacker, her soft ass slapping against him. The fox sat on her bench holding her legs spread open, she curled her toes screamed as the large cock fucked her wet pussy faster, saliva dripped onto her bouncing round breasts from her hanging tongue. The squirrel held her legs open as her hot pussy was fucked, she rocked her head back and forth gripping the cock in her mouth with a hand while willingly sucking it. The pig squealed with pleasure as she lifted her legs in the air, her rump being supported by her attacker who fucked her wet pussy faster. She gripped the cross with her hands, licking it lustfully as her large breasts continued tit fucking it. The nuns by the door moaned together, there legs spread open as their wet pussy were fucked, they continued licking and sucking the cocks given to them.

The dog priest bit his lip as he listened to the moans of pleasure in the other room, he looked down as pussy juice pooled at the foot of the door. Then he looked to the two cat nuns in the room with him who were praying for there fallen sisters. After waiting an hour no more noises could be heard from the other room. The priest motioned to open the door. "Be careful father." The nuns huddled together behind him. "Don't worry sisters, be strong." He opened the door as the others stay behind him. They stepped out as the attackers seemed to have left. They were shocked to see their sisters naked bodies sprawled around the room, dripping with cum. The nuns blushed as they stepped over their sisters looking at the cum covered cross on the alter. As the three started to move for the door, the fox nun sitting on the bench with her legs spread open, cum dripping from her pussy lips, suddenly opened her white eyes. She rose quickly putting herself between the priest and the nuns who screamed as they watched themselves get surrounded by their rousing white eyed sisters. The priest looked back and saw the nuns being attacked. "Stop! you demons!" He watched as they rubbed there naked bodies against the cats. They moaned softly as they felt their breasts being squeezed and there dresses being slowly ripped from there bodies. "Please, sisters, you must not do this." One of the cats whimpered feeling tongues caress there naked parts.

The priest grunted as he felt fingers stroking his dick through his pants. He looked down seeing the white eyes of the cat groping his pants. "S..stop this right now....demons!!" It took little time for the priest to get hard in the pants. His pants were unzipped as his cock was pulled out, the fingers milking his thick shaft. The white eyed pig crawled over on all fours taking his large cock into her mouth. The priest moaned as he watch the nuns moan with pleasure together. The cats licking there sisters in returned, rubbing there naked bodies together. The priest wiped his brow clear from sweat as the pig continued to suck his large hard cock. The priest grunted as he felt his cock throb, as the pig pulled her head back milking the wet thick shaft with the cat. He suddenly moaned out loud spraying his hot cum on the pig's face and breasts. The priest's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he came on the nun's face. He fell over when he finished cuming. The nuns continued moaning with pleasure as they rubbed and licked each other. Their sounds of lust filling the church, the cats crying out with pleasure as they felt the fingers of their sisters side inside them, spreading their legs for them, giving them access to their now eager pussies.

Another ambulance arrived in the parking lot, it turned and parked. Two paramedics jumped out and walked for the back door. Nick had the door open a crack looking out at them. "Stop! don't come this way. Go back!" The paramedics couldn't hear what he was saying, thinking he was urging them to come faster. They broke into a run when they heard screams. A large group of furs came out of the grave yard and from the bushes surrounding the parking lot. They quickly surrounded and tackled them. Nick quickly shut the door, sighing. "Everyone who comes here to help us is just going to get swallowed up." Susan sat in a chair watching Nick who stayed on guard by the door, her legs crossed. "Well, i didn't expect this to be happening tonight." Spike sat on the embalming table, she felt her tight leather pants sticking to the metal. "Why do you have someplace you need to be tonight" She asked her with sarcasm. Susan answered her seriously. "Nope, just a T.V. dinner and an episode of House."

Billy walked up to Susan looking at her ample breasts smiling. "How you doin." Susan looked up at him and smiled. "You are so pathetic." Spike slapped him upside the head and looked over to Eddy. "If your here, where the hell is Emily." She said softly to herself. "I hope your ok kitty cat." Suddenly the group heard glass braking at the front door and they got up and rushed towards the sound with make shift weapons in their hands. As they approached the front door they saw arms coming through the windows at the sides of the main door. The hands clawing for a door knob or lock. Spike was the first into the thick of it smacking the hands away with a metal pipe she picked up while rummaging in the store room. She was later joined by Billy and Ray. "You guys hold them off, I'll go get something to cover the windows." Nick ran back to the store room. The windows were to thin for the furs to rush them, but if one got through it could make a gap that the others could exploit.

Spike and her friends continued to fight off the attacking furs when Susan and Nick came back with some boards used to make benches in the chapel. They started pushing the heavy wood against the broken windows and started hammering away. Billy continued to swing his cut piece of 2x4 when he suddenly felt his arms get grabbed. He pulled back, pulling in a white eyed skunkete who looked into his eyes with hunger, licking her lips. "get this thing off of me!" The cat yelled. Spike dropped her pipe and grabbed billy by the tail as his upper half was pulled out the window. Ray tried to grab his friend's feet but was kicked in the face from his flailing. More white eyed attackers grabbed onto billy pulling him out. Spike loosened her grip as more hands tried to claw for her falling on her ass. Billy was pulled out the window and he landed face first into the arms of the white eyed skunkete who's legs came out of an old 1930's dress and wrapped around his waist. Susan and Nick quickly covered the last window with boards. "What the fuck are you doing, he's out there." Spike yelled out. Susan looked back. "And hes lost, I'm sorry."

Billy yelled out feeling the cloths being ripped from his body and tongues starting to explore it. He watched as the skunkete ripped the old dress from her body, pushing her large breasts into his face. He screamed suddenly as he felt a hard cock being pushed into his ass forcing him to push his semi hard dick into the skunkete. He moaned as the fur on him started pumping his hips, he felt the cock fill him. His body bounced with the thrusts, his own dick growing inside the skunkete who gripped him tighter moaning with pleasure until no escape was possible. His moans muffled in the large breasts. He groaned as the attacker on him slapped against his ass as his own cock continued pumping into the wet pussy. He felt the cock in his ass pulsate as it shot its hot cum into him. He moaned, pleasure flooding through him as he came inside the skunk. He rolled his eyes into the back of his head as he fell dead in the skunks cleavage.

The group finished boarding the windows and door shut, but they could still hear the attackers banging and clawing at the wood. Susan pointed at the chapel doors. "What about the windows in here." She huffed exhausted. Nick opened the door walking in, followed by the others. "I had bars put in here cuz of the damn kids, so this place should be safe. Plus the windows are pretty high up." Susan turned to Spike. "I'm really concerned about your friend and Frank. I mean about the gas they breathed, they are already showing.......signs. I think we should move them in here for the time being." Ray jumped in before Spike could even say anything. "We can't do that to them! What kind of person are you." "Look kid, I'm not proposing to do anything to them, i just think we should put them someplace so we can all feel safe is all." Ray was about to retort when Spikes hand rose in front of his face to silence him. "Yeah, thats probably a good idea." She spoke. Susan nodded.

The group returned to the embalming room as Spike and Susan stood over the sick ones. They looked sweaty and ill, large tents in the front of their pants were easily noticeable. "Come on Eddy, we need to move you someplace safe while we figure things out." Spike bent over to pick him up by the arm. Eddy screamed with discomfort. "Why, where are you taking us." Frank said shivering. "Just to the chapel." Susan answered him while trying to get him to his feet. The two sick furs were taken to the chapel and made as comfortable as they could be. Eddy grabbed spike by her tank top, She leaned forwarded feeling her breasts about to bounce right out. "Your not going to leave us here are you?" Spike ran her fingers through his hair trying to seem more sympathetic then she felt for the cat. "No of coarse not........Eddy......did Emily come see you?" Eddy released her shirt and shook his head. He then smiled. "you totally got a thing for my girlfriend." He tried to laugh but coughed instead. Spike blushed. "I'm just concerned for her, no one has seen her." Eddy frowned. "Take care of her would yea." Spiked rose as the rest were ready to lock the two in the chapel.

A police car entered the parking lot flashing its red and blue lights. "I see two, that is two emergency sign of the paramedic teams. Proceeding to investigate." The bear spoke into the radio. "Understood, caution is advised" The radio squawked back. "Rodger." She set the radio down as the police car stopped. The two female cops stepped out. The bear holding a pistol in hand while a raccoon held a shotgun. The bear started approach an ambulance that had its doors left open, as the raccoon stood in front of the police car. Suddenly cries and screamed could be hear all around them when a large numbers of white eyed furs appeared from the bushes and the grave yard. They ran at the cops in their old torn cloths with a looked of starvation on their faces. "Stop right there, done come any closer." The bear screamed before several furs tackled her to the ground, the raccoon managed to get off two shots with the shotgun before she was over powered and pushed onto the hood of the police car. The bear screamed as she felt her cloths being ripped off, Her large breasts bounced from her shirt as her uniform was ripped open. Tongues and lips moved wildly over her body as they licked and suckled her nipples. The bear felt her skirt being pulled down and thrown aside. She screamed again as her legs were spread open, fingers gripping her panties and ripping them off. She moaned as she felt more wild tongues starting to lick her naked pussy lips.

The raccoon screamed as she felt her uniform rip open, her large breasts pressed up against the hood of the police car as she was bent over. She felt her skirt being pulled up around her hips as tongues ran up and down her soft ass. She blushed as her panties ripped, exposing her pussy. A white eyed female rolled her tongue around her asshole as she pushed her fingers deep into the raccoon, causing her to moan. A hard cock pressed against her lips, she closed her eyes as pleasure shot through her body as the female fingered her pussy faster aided by her wetting lips and continued licking her asshole. The raccoon rolled her tongue around the hard cock as she started to lick the thick shaft given to her, before taking it into her mouth. The police bear moaned with pleasure as her sweaty body bounced and wiggled in the grip of her attackers. She bobbed her head sucking a large cock while jerking two more dicks off with her hands. She held her legs spread open as a thick cock pumped into her hot wet pussy. Females pressed there breasts against her as they sucked her hard nipples.

The raccoon rolled onto her back on the car hood, looking up at white eyed furs directing their big dicks to her face. She continued sucking the cock in her mouth as her large breasts were squeezed, she grabbed two dicks with her fingers, stroking them. Two more females started licking her thighs, eagerly probing her wet pussy. The raccoon willingly spread her legs widely for her attackers. The cock throbbed in the bears mouth as it shot hot cum down her throat, she guzzled it down as it spilled from her lips. The cocks in her hands pulsated spraying their hot cum onto her breasts and tummy, the females licked it up from her soft fur. She continued moaning feeling her orgasm rise as the last cock filled her pussy, driving her over the edge. She screamed loudly as she orgasmed, her legs shaking with ecstasy. Her head fell back dead as her naked body continued to be caressed and licked by the white eyed attackers. The raccoon moaned loudly as the females pleasured her. She arced her back as the cock in her mouth pumped its cream, while the others showered her with cum. She orgasmed as her mouth was filled. The furs left the racoon's cum covered body laying on the hood of the police car.

Susan closed the steel shutter on the window after watching the scene. "You know, the authorities are going to start wondering whats happening to their people." "At which point, how many people will they send in to get killed." Spike added. Susan thought for a moment. The lights are still on in my warehouse. If we can run over there the next time they are.......distracted, we can use a phone to tell the outside we are in here." Spike nodded. "Ray and I will go." Ray's ears perked. "We will?" Spike folded her arms. "Yeah, we will. Emily could be over there, if she is we have to find her." Ray's eyes widened in terror. "Fuck you, I'm not going out there to take it up the ass like Billy, all for what? your little lesbian crush. No way in hell." Spike became more angry while blushing at the same time. "Fine, I'll go myself. Coward." Susan looked back and forth between the two. "Well i cant run worth shit and to many of us will just attract attention to the mission. Do you think you can make it Spike?" "Fuckin right i can." She gripped her pipe. Susan turned to Ray. "You and Nick will go up and hide in the attic" Ray looked up at the door over the embalming table. Nick jumped on top of the table and pushed the little door open. Then looked down. " What about you?" "Someone has to stay here and watch the outside for sudden changes we can use. Both Nick and Ray climbed up into the attic leaving the two females in the embalming room. Susan looked at the lizard. " You ok?" Spike relaxed a little rolling her shoulders as if getting ready for a big fight. " hell of a way to go." Susan smiled "tell me about it." Pushing her purple tint glasses up against her face. "Now listen carefully, I'm going to tell you everything you need to know."

After another hour more red and blue light appeared at the end of the road. A line of police cars approached the area. They were drawn to two flashlights waving in the dark. The two policewomen wearing there ripped tops which was draped over their breasts stood there flagging the other cops down. The lead car stopped and a bear policeman stepped out of the driver side. He looked at their naked bodies then to their white eyes. "Are you girls alright?" Suddenly screams could be heard all around them as white eyed furs came from the bushes on the side of the road. Attacking the cars, they pulled the doors open and yanked their occupiers out. The two policewomen dropped their flashlights and ran to join the orgy. The police fought with their attackers as their cloths were ripped from their bodies. The policemen grunted as their thick growing cocks were milked and licked. The policewomen screamed as their uniforms where ripped from their breasts, Pulled down onto the ground stripped or bent over their own cars exposing their soft asses to tongues and probing cocks. A dog laid up against the tire of the car as his hard cock was trapped inside a wet pussy. He moaned feeling it slide up and down, dripping pussy juice down his thick shaft.

A badger laid flat on his back moaning as three white eyed women took turns licking and sucking his cock. They milked his wet shaft bobbing their heads taking as much dick in as they could then passed it to the next mouth. A rabbit lay on the ground, stripped of her uniform, a thick cock pumping into her pussy while another filled her mouth. A fox bent over the hood of a police car, her skirt around her ankles as a cock pumped into her from behind. A female dog moaned as she stood with her skirt dropped to her toes, one leg being held in the air as fingers probed her pussy lips through her panties as two white eyed nuns caressed her and pressed there naked bodies against her. Soon enough there was no fighting only moans of pleasure. Some of the white eyed attackers saw a lizard dash across the parking lot and decided to pursue, running after her. Spike jumped the bushes and cut threw the darkness trying to make as less noise as possible. "Shit" she said to herself as she spotted her pursuers. A bright light shined down on the orgy from a helicopter. "Attention rioters. A road block has been established, if you wish to surrender yourself go there immediately."

White eyes looked up at the helicopter and started running down the street to find this buffet of victims.

Susan watched the orgy through the window when she suddenly heard the noise of breaking wood. She closed the steel shutter and made her way to the front door with a hammer in her hand. She turned the corner to looked at the front door only to see that the boards where still intact. She stopped. "If this is fine, then what......" Suddenly Eddy and Frank walked around the corner and spotted her with their white eyes. The front of there pants ripped open revealing their throbbing hard dicks. "Oh fuck." Susan eyes opened wide. She started running back to the embalming room with Eddy and Frank right behind her. She came running into the room looking around, she didn't have time to go for the attic door and it would only lead them up there. She thought about going out the back door and taking her chances. She turned to fight, holding the hammer high. She swung at her attackers hitting them repeatedly with little effect. Her two employees pushed her onto the embalming table.

She screamed continuing to swing the hammer as Eddy squeezed her ample breasts while Frank spread her legs open, bringing her dress up around her hips exposing her purple panties. The hammer was pulled from her fingers as she slapped her attackers screaming. Eddy ripped her suit open letting her ample breasts out, the two attackers licked and sucked her nipples causing her to moan. Susan squirmed under her attackers as she was laid across the table. Eddy stood at her head, muffling her screams as he pushed his hard cock into her mouth while Frank ripped her panties off exposing her naked pussy. Franks dripping tongue hung from his mouth as he pushed his thick dick into her. Susan moaned feeling her pussy being filled, her ample breasts started to bounce as Frank thrusted his hips, his thick shaft slipping in between her wetting pussy lips. Susan moaned rolling her eyes as her glasses fell to the floor, she had not had sex in so long she was starting to enjoy it. Frank held her legs as he fucked his boss's wet pussy faster as she started to moan with pleasure. His full dick completely inside as he slapped against her. She reached up over her head taking Eddy's thick shaft into her fingers, willingly sucking his cock.

Susan managed to change position getting her attackers onto the table with her. She was on all fours, her face buried in Eddy's lap. Bobbing up and down, sucking his dick, her saliva dripping down his shaft. Frank groaned as he held onto her hips, pumping his large cock. Susan's moans of pleasure grew louder as her pussy juice dripped onto the steel table beneath them. Frank pulled her up so she was sitting in his lap, her soft ass slapping against him, Eddy rose to his feet when she pressed her amble breasts together taking his cock into her cleavage. Susan continued to bounce up and down moaning with pleasure, tit fucking Eddy when she felt Eddy's cock pulsate. Suddenly a stream of hot cum shot out form between her breasts and covers her face. Eddy gripped her hair as he continued to cum into her breasts, then he fell back off the table. She leaned forward pressing her ample breasts against the steel table screaming with pleasure, her dripping tongue hanging out of her mouth as the thick cock continued pumping into her hot pussy." You boys.....ah...are so...fired for this!" She could feel her orgasm coming when she felt Frank cum inside her. She screamed with pleasure again as Frank's hot cum dripped from her pussy lips. Susan rolled her eyes and bit her lip as she orgasmed, her sweaty body shook with pleasure as cum and pussy juice pooled between her legs on the table.

Ray lifted his ear from the attic door as Susan's moans of pleasure stopped. He looked at Nick. "......hold me." Nick looked in his eyes. "only if you hold me." The two huddled together scarred for their lives.

Spike approached the warehouse side door with the white eyed furs hot on her heels. She quickly got in and locked the door behind her. She was fast to move through the storage area always keeping her pipe at the ready. She made her way to the office and just as she was about to enter, a fur jumped through the window. He got up quickly and started tarring up the office in a frenzy. Spike quickly shut the door. "Shit" She then remember that there was a phone in the basement. She made it to the door and pulled it open then stopped frozen. She backed away slowly dropping her pipe in terror. A white cat walked out, starring her down with her dead white eyes. Spike covered her mouth with her hands as a tear rolled down her eye. " too?" Emily responded by screaming and lunging at her. Spike quickly pushed her away and ran into the basement closing the door behind her. She stopped to breath when she heard Emily clawing on the other side of the door. Spike broke down and started to cry. "...why..." She asked between sniffles. Her moment of weakness faded as she wiped the tears from her eyes and walked down the stairs. No one else was to be found and she made her way over to an older phone that doesn't look like its been used in years. She picked it up and smiled hearing a dial tone. She rolled the small wheel with her finger to call the cops. "Yeah, operator, i need to get a hold of the police right away........look damn it, its an emergency!!"

A female's voice came on the other end. "Yeah? precinct chief" "Hello, my friends and I are trapped inside your blockade, you need to get us out of here." Spike spoke in a demanding tone. "First of all, you need to tell me what the hell is going on in there, i lost a shit load of good people and nobody can tell me squat!" The chief spoke also in a demanding tone. "There are these people in here that have gone stark craving mad, and they will rap you if they catch you. Its like rabies but much, much worse."

The lioness held a hand up to one ear. "Hang on a second i can't hear a word your saying." The blockade of flashing police cars became noisy with commotion very quickly. The chief gripped her open door. "What the hell is going on over there!" The lioness bellowed. "Freeze god damn it.....i said stop." The police yelled at the large mob of white eyed furs running for the police blockade. The cops started firing their guns but it did little to stopped the running mass. The police with the shields were the first to go down as large numbers of furs jumped them. The white eyed attackers crawled over the cars and police barriers pouncing on there victims, ripping there uniforms apart. male cops lay on the road as soft female asses bounced in their laps, their firm cocks trapped inside wet pussies. A cop sat in the door of a police car, defenseless as nuns sucked his dick. The white eyed nuns licked his thick shaft while suckling the cocks head. A naked female cheetah squeezed through police barriers and ran through the chaos, her tongue dangling from her mouth as she ran deeper into the blockade.

A female cop lay on the hood of a police car, her legs spread open as a white eyed fur thrusted a large cock into her pussy. She moaned as her breasts bounced inside her uniform. Another female cop tried to get the attacker off of her, but felt her skirt being pulled to the ground. She tried to turn and attack but she was pulled to the ground herself, her large breasts firmly in some attackers hands. Both females started moaning with pleasure as the attack continued. The lioness tried to hear the screaming lizard on the radio, when she suddenly felt her dress being lifted to her hips, exposing her soft round bottom. She turned and looked down to see a naked white eyed cheetah on her knees, looking up at her while pulling her panties down. "What the hell is thi......ooohhh." The cheetah pushed her muzzle between those soft ass cheeks and started eating her pussy out form under her. The chief slide down to sit on the ground, feeling her feet rise into the air, exposing her soft round ass to attackers. The chief was baffled in her mind at her willingness to comply to the other female. She held her legs up moaning as the cheetah hungrily ate her wet pussy.

Another female cop moaned with pleasure under her riot helmet, her wet pussy sliding up and down a thick shaft as she reverse rode her attacker. She held her exposed breasts together tit fucking another attacker. A male cop grunted as he thrusted his hard cock into a dripping pussy, a white eyed female screamed with pleasure in front of him, slapping her soft ass against him. She had another attacker on her back with her legs spread wide, he pushed his fingers into her fucking both pussies at the same time. Another cop was running, holding a riot helmet over his crotch being chased by two white eyed women. "Nooo, not like this!" They ran past the chief who was now locked in a 69 with her attacker using her tongue against the cheetah's clit. The two cats moaned with pleasure as they licked each others pussies. while another cop with her legs spread open on her side milking a wet cock as it shot cum on her face. A male cop screamed as he fucked an attacker inside his car suddenly unleashing his own load into her. Thick cocks pulsated as they shot hot cum onto welcoming faces and breasts, both white eyed and normal as the police women summited to pleasure with their counterparts. Only sweaty lust compelled the furs now.

Furs in the urban area where looking out their windows, drawn by the gunfire several yards away as naked furs ran down their streets, jumping on moving cars and approaching houses with their lights on. A young wide eyed dog looked out the window. "Look mom, boobies." "Get away from the window and take your sister down stairs right now!" He heard screamed at him. The housewife looked out seeing her neighbors across the street being attack in their home, she watched in terror as a defenseless man lay in the middle of the street as what appeared to be a half naked, bouncing on his crotch. The house wife back away from the window as a large figure jumped through it. The house wife found herself on her back with the stranger above her, her long legs in the air as her dress fell down exposing her panties to him "Please stop!, what are you doing!?" He only responded by ripping her panties off and pushing himself into her pussy. The house wife screamed as the stranger fucked her, she could feel his thick dick fill her more and more easily as her pussy got wet with the attention. The house wife moaned with pleasure as the stranger pressed close to her fucking her pussy like an animal, her soft ass slapping against him as her feet dangled in the air.

Spike let the receiver fall in depression as moans of lust and pleasure came out of it. She hung the phone back up trying to think of a way for her to get out of this situation. But the more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. She then looked at the empty canister in the corner, remembering everything Susan told her. "Right." She picked the phone back up and starting turning the dialing wheel for the number she saw on the canister. It rang several times. "Hello?" "Yes.......I'm calling the number printed on the side of the tank." "Please hold."

The phone started to ring in the dark, a hand reached out turning on a light and picked up the phone. "This is Dr. Keller." A cat rose from her bed quickly. "Alright, put her through." She waited stretching her limbs, her hand moved to a pen and paper next to her bed. "Yes, i understand you found my sister......yes thats right, I'm glad that yo......oh i see. So what happened?" She wrote down the details as she listened. "Well why didn't you call the number immediately.....I see, its not your warehouse? What did they do after that?.......and what did that do? many square feet is the grave yard?......alright, I'm going to connect you back to the switch board and they will tell you what to do." She pushed a few buttons before hanging up, she picked up the phone again and dialed another number. "Hello sir, its Dr. Keller......yes i know what time it is, you asked me to inform you that the hidden easter egg has been found........yes sir that would be good news, except that.....the egg has hatched. From what i have been told from inside sources we may need your government friends to help on this one.......well sir, its pretty bad."

Spike hung up the phone and clenched her fists. "Contingency plan." She repeated the words. "I don't like the sound of those words." It all became vary clear to her that she was not going to make it out alive. All the things she was never able to do. She looked up to the ceiling, she couldn't hear Emily scratching at the door anymore. She smiled as she resolved to do one last thing before she would die and started to walk up the stairs. Spike slowly opened the door and walked out into the storage area looked around but seeing nothing. "Emily?" She called out as she walked. Suddenly she heard a sound behind her, as she turned she saw the white eyed Emily blocking the basement door in an attempt to ambush Spike. Spike just smiled and stepped to the side, Emily quickly moved to follow her as they both stopped. "Its ok....I'm not going to run from you.." Spike started undoing her belt and pulling her leather pants open revealing her skull panties as the zipper slowly moved down the front of her pants. "Do you want this?" Words she was dieing to say to Emily for a long time. The white cat screamed and jumped for her as Spike took her into her arms and embraced her in a kiss.

Emily seemed more calm all of a suddenly, kissing the lizards. Spike broke the kiss looking into her white eyes. "I....I will give myself to you." Emily's eyes grew angry again as she gripped and ripped Spike's tank top from her body. She blushed as her large breasts bounced from the violent attack. Spike moaned as her attacker pressed against her squeezing and suckling her large breasts. She used her free hands to caress the cat, ripping her cloths in return. Emily released her victims firm nipples, running her wet tongue down the lizard's tight tummy. Spiked raised her hands in the air, feeling her leather pants being pulled down passed her round ass to her knees as Emily wedged her nose between her thighs and panties causing Spike to moan softly. Spike kicked her pants aside and walked away from Emily who snarled. She walked up to a storage shelves leaning against it, spreading her legs. "Come and get it kitty cat."

The now naked cat crawled over to her, Spike blushed as she felt her panties being ripped from her, the small cats tongue probed and licked her pussy lips. She moaned again feeling pleasure coarse through her. Spike gripped the shelves with her hands. "oh yes, that feels great." The cat wiggled her tongue as it wormed inside Spike. She started to breath heavy as she stood on her toes, moaning as the white eyed Emily gripped her soft ass, continuing her attack on Spike's wet pussy. Spike lifted one leg and turned, leaning her back against the storage shelves, using her foot to caress Emily's back as the cat continued licking. "mmmmm.....get my clit to." Spike spoke to her as if she were a mutual lover, loosing all perspective of what was really happening. She bit her lip as more pleasure shot through her, using her fee hands to squeeze her own breasts she let loose a moan of pleasure from her lips as her pussy juice dripped to the cold hard floor.

Spike lifted her foot from Emily's back and fell to the floor on top of her, letting her lizard tongue explore the naked cat as their bodies pressed together. Emily moaned as she gripped and licked the lizard in return. The two females moaned together as they pleasured one another. Spike twisted on top of her and locked the young cat in 69, whipping her lizard tongue across her clit. Emily moaned and continued licking Spike's wet pussy. The two ate each other moaning as their pussy juices flowed down their thighs. Spike thrusted her tongue deep into her attacker rolling it in circles, occasionally stopping to suck on her clit. This caused Emily to moan loudly curling her toes. Spike forced her way out of Emily's gripe who seemed to trust her not to run away now. Next the girl's pussies were pressed together as the two starting thrusting their hips. They moaned with pleasure as the tribalism forced their hot pussies to drip juices together. Emily was flat on her back, absorbing the pleasure as Spike used her hands to prop herself up, dominating her attacker. Their moans turned into screams as saliva dripped from Spikes hanging tongue, a pool of pussy juice forming under their soft asses.

Spike threw her head back as she thrusted her hips into her cat lover. A deep red blush across her face. "aaahhh....Emily...I...I love you." She screamed out with pleasure. Emily Only responded with her own screams of lust. Their sweaty legs continued to grasp one another as their sexual tribalism continued faster and wetter. Spike lay back on the ground as the pleasure weakened her, she squeezed her large breasts again screaming. "oooohhhh....I.....I'm....cuming!....aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" The two females screamed together as their pussy juices flowed from there orgasming bodies.

The naked cheetah walked down the street with a number of white eyed furs, listening to the sounds of terror and lust coming from around the neighborhood when suddenly a loud rocket sound filled her ears. All the white eyes looked up as they saw a fire ball blaze across the sky. A Sudden and violent blinding light filled the sky, an inferno of fire stretched across the town, incinerating everything. from a distance a large mushroom cloud could be seen rising from once was a small town in Colorado.

Dr. Keller held the phone to her cat ear. "Yes sir, the contingency plan was a success. Luckily the infected didn't spread outside the town so they were all destroyed.......excessive force was necessary, had any of them gotten to any major cities, the company would be ruined. Well with today's political climate it can be written off as the largest terrorist attack in history, no one needs to know anything. Well there has been some forest fires caused by the blast.....however there are reports of sudden rain clouds forming, the rain should help take care of it. yes sir.....thank you sir, good night." Dr. Keller hung up the phone and folded her long legs signing. "Things got way out of hand sister....."

A large transport truck screeched to a halt as the driver jumped out of the cab looking at the large mushroom cloud in the distances. "Holy shit!, they did it!....they finally did it....they blew it up!" The possum yelled to himself. Suddenly down the road appearing in the head lights of his truck a naked women walked along the side of the road. The possum removed his hat at the sight of the naked cat approached him. It was a gray cat, her large breasts bouncing as she walked, her seductive walk attracted the possums eyes. Her hips swaying back and forth with her tail. "Are you ok lady?" The white eyed Keller approached him putting her arms around his neck. " you need help?" She ran her fingers down his body and unzipped his pants. The possum grunted. "oooohhhh lady.......uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh yeah!"

Return of the Sex Zombies.

Return of the Sex Zombies part 1

**The following story is based on true events, names of places and people have been changed to protect the families of the victims.** ...

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Gypsy Curse #2

Episode 2 Suzie walked out of the shower with hir new member hanging from between hir legs, shi looked down as shi dried hirself off thinking to hirself. "Damn this thing is huge" and just as shi was thinking about...

Gypsy Curse #1

Gypsy curse The clock on the bed stand read twelve midnight as the two furs kissed while laying in the bed together. A...

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