Return of the Sex Zombies part 1

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#3 of Sex Zombies

The following story is based on true events, names of places and people have been changed to protect the families of the victims.

The group of five furs walked down the side walk together as the music from the boom box playing Welcome to the jungle loudly through the air. A young white cat named Emily walked at the head carrying her school books. She seemed well dressed as the four following her were dressed in a more rebellious manner. She was walking just in front of a female lizard to her left dressed in tight leather pants, a tank top that did little to hid the size of her breasts. she also wore a leather jacket for female bikers. Her name was spike "so what the fuck are we going to do tonight, I'm not just siting around in my basement again!" She shook her head waving her long fins from her eyes. To her right was a female cheetah who's name was only known as Chaz dressed in a school uniform, her dress hiked up to her upper thighs and the sleeves torn from her shirt. She wore a tie loose around her neck. The girls were followed by two guys who dressed in the same colour uniforms as the cheetah, their names were Billy, another cat and Ray a fox. "How about we go to the park!" One of the guys said. "No fucking way, the cops said that they would kick our ass if they saw us there again." the other said. Spike looked back. "you guys are fucking pussies." Emily shook her head. "I don't care what you guys are doing I'm going to go meet Eddy at his new job." Ray jumped out in front of the pack. "Hey! lets all go see Eddy. Spike can drive us there and we can find something to do there" Spike threw her finished can of coke as Ray's head. "Fuck you, the only time you guys show up is when you need a lift some where." "Thats not fair Spike" retorted ray, billy jumped in "Yeah, your fun to look at too, and your slutty when your drunk." Spike snorted through her nose grabbing billy by his tie and threw him into the street. "hey hey, easy there you amazon!." Billy almost dropping his boom box. Chaz chimed in "So we are going to go see Eddy then?" Spike shrugged her shoulders. "yeah whatever." Emily hugged spike. "thank you so much, it would have took us all night to get back. Spike pushed the cat off "Ooooo.K. back the fuck up now." she said with a small chuckle.

"You got that kid?" Eddy was poking the skeletons hanging on the rack. "wake up kid, you got to learn all this tonight."Yeah yeah i got it" The cat responded to the badger. "Good, lets sit, I'm beat." As the two sat in the office of the medical research supplies warehouse Eddy flipped through a cadaver book. "Hey frank, have you ever seen some crazy shit roll through here?" Frank leaned back in his chair with the look of one who has never slept. "Yeah, i have seen shit come and i have seen shit go, but there is one thing that has and probably always will take the cake." Eddy leaned foreword eager to learn about crazy shit. Frank tented his fingers behind his head in a relaxing manner. "Tell me, have you ever seen that porno, Night of the sex zombies?" "Chia! thats that crazy movie with the fucked up horny zombies....geee that was a hot one." Eddy answered the question. "Well...did you know it was based on a true story?" The cat had to think about it for a moment, he wasn't the sharpest pencil in the box. "Noooooo, it showed the sex zombies taking over the world and shit." Frank leaned foreword to make sure he didn't loose the slow witted cat's attention. "Of coarse, the real company told the film maker...that Oni guy, to change the story around or they would sue his ass to oblivion. The S-69 was a chemical not pills and they only lost a facility instead of the whole world getting fucked." Eddy smiled thinking about the huge orgies in the movie. "Wait, how do you know all this?" Frank shook his head. "Typical company fuck up, when they got the shit contained they put the last specimen in a canister, and it was shipped right here." He stopped and pointed at the floor, speaking in a low whisper. "That thing has been down there for nearly ten years now." Eddy's eyes opened wide like a young school boy. "your shitting me!"

The basement door cracked open with dust flying in the air. "I shit you not little man." Frank turned on the light to the basement and walked down the wooden steps, skipping one. "Careful of that board, its shitty" Eddy followed him avoiding the step. They got to the bottom and Frank guided him to a dark corner where another light had to be turned on, as the light flickered on, it revealed a steel barrel, locked with what seemed like plain locks, on the side of the canister a phone number was printed along with (S-69, Dr. Keller). Frank opened the lid revealing a glass window , he sprayed some cleaner on in and wiped in clear. "well go ahead" Eddy inched closer and looked down into the canister. A seemingly young gray cat's face was seen through the window, her cleavage pressed against the canister side. "She's really hot" He trying to get more of a view of the ghostly figure in the window. "She still gives me the fucking creeps, fuck knows what the hell is true about her or not." Eddy stepped back. "Hey, are you worried about this thing leaking?" Frank leaned against it confidently. "Nah! this is made by the companies finest Corps. of engineers. Theres no chance of that happening" He slapped the side of the canister. Suddenly a rivet popped off and gas sprays out quickly engulfing the room. The two started coughing gasping for air as they fell to the ground trying to crawl for the stairs but failing as they pass out. The glass on the window cracked and broke from the pressure of the suddenly expelled gas. The light flickered over the gray cat's haunting face as her eyes suddenly opened revealing dead whiteness.

** ** Return of the sex zombies

The gas leaked into the vents and sprayed out into every room of the warehouse contaminating everything. nearly an hour has passed as the gas settled and the two in the basement roused. "What the hell happened." Eddy coughed having a nasty taste in his mouth and lunges. "Uuuuhhhhh, the fucking canister broke!" Frank hacked a disgusting hack trying to stand. "Holy fuck i got one hell of a headache." Eddy rose wobbling, he walked over to the canister. The top window was broken open revealing an empty barrel. "Holy shit Frank! shes gone!" Frank stumbled over. "She was already dead, she probably melted when she hit the air." He pointed to the pool of liquid at the bottom of the canister. Frank and Eddy coughed a wet cough again as they nearly buckled over sick. "Come on, lets get out of here before we suffocate." The two walked up stairs looking around coughing as they couldn't shake the sickness inside them. Eddy picked his nose exhaling hard. "Christ! i can still smell it, i think i got it in my nose or something" Frank's eyes opened wide as he looked at a tray of butterfly's, pinned to the wood but still trying to flap there wings to fly away. "Oh fuck! its that shit! it got all over the place." He screamed out showing fear. Suddenly the two heard a loud pounding sound, they looked over to the cadaver freezer where something was striking the door repeatedly.

"What the fuck is that!" Eddy yelled as they heard screams inside the freezer. "Frank fell to his knees. "No no no no this cant be happening" Eddy looked around. "How about we called the cops." Frank batted his hand at him in dismissal. "We cant do that, how do we explain all this......i know! we will call the boss!" Frank and Eddy rushed into the office, Eddy closed the door to try to muffle the noise of the screaming and banging coming from the other room. Frank fumbled with the phone dialing the bosses home number, his hands shaking, ether from fear or from the sickness he felt. "Yeah Susan? Frank. Can you come down to the warehouse........well.....we have a bit of a problem.

The wheels shrieked as the old convertible came to a halt outside the warehouse. "Holy fuck Spike, what is with your brakes." Spike reached back and grabbed Ray by the neck. "See here, you got a problem with it, you can pay to fix it." Ray raised his hands in defense. "I'm cool, I'm cool" Emily tapped on Spikes shoulder. "Eddy wont be out for another hour." "So what the hell are we going to do" Spike asked. Ray poked his head up again. "we can drive around" Spike didn't even bother look back sighing. "Do you have gas shit head?" "I wanna go play in there." Chaz pointed at the grave yard. "You know how frisky Chaz gets when she sees grave yards" Billy muttered. Spike put the car into gear. "Fine whatever." The car pulled up to the grave yard entrance and the group of furs lept out, they used a bolt cutter to brake the gate open. The group wandered around exploring. "Wow, this place is a dump." Spike kicked a can. "Yeah, its great." Chaz said with a horny look on her face.

The beautiful dog stood before the two guys who were hunched over looking even more sick. Susan shook her head as her hands fell to her wide hips. She wore a suit with a short skirt. Purple tinted glasses on her nose. "How many times have i told you not to go into the basement Frank." "I know, i was just showing the kid here" He responded. "Showing OFF to him you mean." Frank looked to the floor. Susan pointed to the pounding door and the muffled screams. "And your sure that guy in there is really dead?" "Why don't you go in and take a look!" Frank almost yelling at her. She raised her hands. "I'll take your word for have to get ride of it, and clean this place up. Destroy anything that might be contaminated." "What about him." Eddy pointed at the door. She thought for a moment then picked up a fire Axe passing it to Frank. "ok, Frank you wait here, you!...whats your name?" "Eddy" he answered "ok Eddy go by the door and I'm going to tell you the combo to the lock. When he comes out he will see me, while he's distracted with me you guys get him from behind." "I don't know if i can do this Susan...." "Shut it Frank!, this is your mess and your going to clean it up"

Eddy stood ready by the pounding door. "ok son, ready?" He nodded. "ok, 24, 42, 69." Eddy rolled the lock until it click and as he slid the lock from the latch the door burst open and the naked rabbit came running out right for Susan a hard cock between its legs. She sweat dropped "Oh fuck." The fur tackled her, forcing her to the floor. The attacker ran his tongue wildly over her face and squeezed her breasts through her suit. She screamed trying to push him off when he was forced off by Eddy and Frank. The two guys held down the attacker as Susan rose quickly breathing hard. "Give me the Axe." She said huffing. Frank sheepishly kicked the Axe to her and she picked it up. "So we remove the brain to stop them right?" She screamed like a barbarian warrior and swung the Axe, in one clean blow the head was severed from the body. The body kept moving around. "Frank started to whine. "what the fuck! why didn't it work." Susan breathed harder. "I don't know, maybe it wasn't real." "you mean the movie lied!" Eddy yelled out. "Ok ok, i have a plan. Frank get me a bone saw."

Metallica's Enter the sandman boomed through the grave yard as the group of furs lounged around waiting for their friend. Chaz was laying on a tomb looking up at the stars when suddenly a group of nuns was seen walking to the church. They looked at the young furs with disapproving eyes. Billy and Ray waved at them. "Hello ladies, care to party?" Chaz stood on the tomb stretching. "geeez, looking at us like we are a bunch of freaks or something." She yelled out. Just then Metallica's Through the Never started playing. Chaz smiled "Yes!, i love this song." She started rocking her head back and forth swaying her hips to the sound of the music. She used her fingers to pull her school shirt open as the buttons popped out exposing her large breasts. "Oh boy, Chaz is taking her cloths off again!!" Chaz threw her shirt at one of the boys as she rolled her hips in circles her breasts bouncing as she moved, the cold air biting at her firming nipples. She bent over pulling her plaid dress down over her round ass letting it fall to her toes, she kicked it away dancing in her panties. Ray and billy barked and howled at their stripping companion turning up the volume. Chaz lay on her back on the tomb lifting her legs over her head pulling her panties down her legs all the while bouncing her soft ass to the hard music revealing he naked pussy.

Emily looked out through the grave yard steel fence as she saw three figures running across the open lot connecting the church, a mortuary and the warehouse. Spike walked up behind her. "Do you think that is Eddy?" Emily said curiously. "No" Spike shot her down. " do you know?" "Cuz that is a mortuary. Why would he be going in there?" Spike answered. "Do you have the time?" Spike pulled out a pocket watch, an item that seem more classy that one would expect a girl like her to have. "almost half past eight." "Oh, fudge. He gets off at eight. i should go over there." Spike smiled at the word fudge. "Why do you hang out with us?" She had to ask. "Cuz your Eddy's friends, that means we have to be friends too." Spiked smiled watching her walked off in the direction of the warehouse. "Damn she is to fucking cute for you Eddy." She whispered to herself. She then looked back at the cheetah on the tomb who rose and fell to the music, wiggling her naked body as the boys gathered around starring up at her seductress dance. Chaz returned her look. "Come on up baby, lets dance together." "Yeah, get up there spike. Take it off" One of the boys called out. "No...I'm not that drunk yet." She answered. "Soot yourself, I'm not even drunk" She continued shaking her soft ass turning to the boys gripping her breasts then throwing her head back letting her long hair fly.

Susan walked in the embalming room finding her friend Nick, the dog turned around surprised to see her. "Hey hun, what are you doing here so late. This isn't like the other late night visit is it?" Susan blushed and pushed her glasses with her fingers. "No, i have a pretty big problem that only you can help me with." He smiled "Well it sounds like that last time anyways." She shook her head. "Sorry, but if i could just show you, come on in guys." She opened the door. Nick stood quickly. "Hey you know people can't come in here, i could get in trouble for this." He watched as the two guys brought a stretcher in with them, on it was a number of black bags that wiggled and shook. "I know this is going to be a huge favor, but i need you to burn these bags." Nicks eyes opened wide. "Well what the fuck is in them?" She looked back at her employees who were finding themselves a seat, then to the bags then back to the dog. "Well......its best you take a look for yourself i guess." She picked up a bag and handed it to him. Nick held the wiggling bag. "Its not like a little animal or anything I'm not going to get bit?" "Well no, nothing like that." He opened the beg pulling it back and looked in shock as a dick wiggled out of the bag slapping him in the face. "What the fuck is going on here!" He dropped it. Susan quickly bagged it again and threw it into the pile. "We really need to get ride of these."

Nick starred at the bags trying to figure out everything in a shorter time that it was normally take to grasp, he closed his eyes and decided to jump into the deep end. "So this is pretty can tell me about it later......I'll get the crematorium ready." Susan smiled at his quick decision. "All i know is, this better not come back and bit me in the ass later, you hear me." Nick yelled back at her as he walked out to do his thing. "Don't worry, everything should be fine." Susan yelled back getting the boys to grab the stretcher and follow her.

Emily walked into the warehouse looking around for anyone she could talk to. "Hello? is anyone here?" She walked towards the office where everything seem to just get messier. "Eddy?, are you here?" She saw the large freezer door open and an Axe on the floor covered in blood. Emily swallowed. "He did say he would be working with some sick stuff." She saw a another door open and guessed he must be in there. She looked through the basement door. "Hello?" The white cat poked around. She walked down the stairs feeling one of the boards creek. As she made it down to the bottom she looked around the dim basement, she was feeling a bit scared. "Hello?" She looked to the floor and saw a pair of paw prints running from a metal canister, across the room and back behind the stairs. She followed them to see where they went and as she approached the corner under the stair case, she open her mouth in shock seeing a pair of white eyes looking back at her. A naked gray cat stepped out from the shadows, her tail and hips swaying in a seductive manner, her large breasts firm and youthful. The strange gray cat had saliva dripping down her chin as if she never swallowed. Emily screamed and started running up the stairs and the gray cat moved to follow her, as she scrambled up the stairs the extra force from her steps forced Emily to fall through the cracked board and she fell back behind the stairs.

The gray cat started walking down the stairs looking at the white one with a predatory look in her dead eyes. She approached Emily as she laid there on the floor, scared. Emily was about to kick out at her when her foot was taken by the gray cat and she screamed as she was pulled out from under the stairs and to the middle of the room. She lifted Emily's leg high into the air so she could see down her school skirt to her white panties. Emily screamed defenseless under the naked woman who reached out and pressed a finger in between her pussy lips through her panties. Emily blushed with embarrassment. "Please stop! i didn't do anything to you." The gray cat just smiled griping her panties with her fingers. pulling hard until they were torn from her hips. Emily tried to fight back but her attacker lifted her leg higher until her soft ass was in the air and her school skirt down around her hips. The gray cat squatted down pressing their pussy lips together, she immediately starting pumping her hips. Emily moaned as she felt there hot pussies press together. She tried to push away from her attacker again. "Stop, this is embarrassing" She breathed heavily feeling her pussy become more wet as she moaned softly again. " mmm that feels good."

Emily resisted less and less as pleasure poured through her body. Both cat girls started moaning with pleasure as their wet pussies continued pressing against one another. The gray cat arched her back pumping her hips faster as the young white cat moaned under her. Their hot pussies bumping and grinding at a fast rhythm. Emily started pumping her hips in return to increase the pleasure as screams of lust filled the basement. Emily felt her orgasm rising as she screamed under her attacker, her white sweaty legs spread open for her. She suddenly arced her own back as the pleasure over took her and she orgasmed screaming. The gray cat continued, throwing her head back pushing their wet pussies together until Emily laid there motionless. She rose with pussy juice dripping from her thighs as she started to walk up the stairs closing the door behind her leaving Emily on the floor of the basement, her first victim in ten long years.

Susan watched the pieces burn in the crematorium as Nick clapped his hands. "jobs done" Susan smiled adjusting her purple tint glasses. "I'm so relieved, now we need to get an ambulance over here, my employees are getting sicker by the minute it seems." "Right, I'll call them." Nicked walked off. Susan returned to the embalming room where they came in looking at the boys. "How are you guys holding out?" They were on a couch shivering with large tents in their pants. They didn't even bother to speak to her. Nick walked in. "The ambulance is on its way." The smoke from the crematorium rose into the sky, it had a strange green colour to it, and started to mix with the clouds causing thunder and lightening. Soon enough it started to rain as the ambulance arrived. A female bat and a male horse stepped out in rain coats and ran for the door.

Back in the grave yard the rain started coming down. Billy ran to cover his boom box, as Chaz jumped from the tomb, and the four ran for cover under the roof of a porch to a larger tomb. "Holy fuck did this ever start fast." Ray said. Spike removed her leather jacket and put it around Chaz's wet naked body, revealing her own hard nipples poking threw her tank top. "I left my top open on my car, I'm going to go save what i can, you guys stay here." Spike dashed into the rain as she heard words of compliance behind her. As the three looked out into the rain they started to hear low muffled noises all around them. "What the fuck is that!" Chaz yelled out over the rain. As the noise became louder. Ray pointed over to a grave where the earth was moving and the three watched in horror as a head pushed through the soil. The fur opened its dead white eyes shocking the three, Chaz screamed as she watched a long hard cock push through the earth straight up into the air.

The boys screamed with her as they ran for the car. Chaz stood there stunned as they ran off without her. She screamed after them and ran. She was close behind when she felt something grab her foot, she fell face first into mud. Chaz looked foreword as she watched the boys disappear. She rose to her knees wiping the mud from her eyes as she saw more furs coming out of the ground. She started to cry in fear as she felt herself become surrounded. The furs surrounding her proceed to jump her and hold her down. Chaz screamed as more and more came to her to take her wet and muddy naked body into their hands. The boys ran up to Spike screaming who was working on her car, with little success. She stepped down from her car "Whats wrong now?".Theres......people....coming out of the ground!" They said together. She had a look of doubt on her face. "where is Chaz?" They boys looked behind them. "She was right behind us." Spike ran for the grave yard gate and stopped as she saw a pile of furs on the ground. Chaz's long cheetah legs raised high as they bounced in the air. Spike heard her moans of pleasure from under the fur pile.

An attacker held the cheetah down with her long legs dangling over his shoulders as he fucked her, her soft ass slapped against him in the rain. The attackers dick filling her with everything he has. Chaz's head rocked back and forth as she sucked the thick cock in her mouth, more hands reached out to caress her muddy naked body and squeeze her breasts. Spike bit her lips wanted to run in to save her but saw some white eyed furs running towards the gate. She turned and ran, thinking she would get the cops. She motioned the boys to follow her. "Lets get the hell out of here, we need to get the cops." Spike led them to the mortuary, remembering the people heading in that direction.

The paramedics stood in front of the female dog who stood there with her arms folded over her ample breasts. "Well, we found no pulse, no heart beat. and their body temperature is room temperature. So, technically...their dead....but their we don't know what it means." The horse explained to her. She adjusted her purple tint glasses. "I see, will you be taking them to the hospital?" The female bat nodded. "Of coarse, ether our equipment isn't working or your employees have a serious problem. Susan nodded and watched them walk to the back door. "We will get stretchers for them, you wait with them." The horse spoke again. The two paramedics started to run to their vehicle in the rain when the bat stopped the horse. "Hey do you hear that." "you know i don't have ears like you." He said. Suddenly he heard it, it sounded like people screaming. "We better radio this in." The bat told her partner. She opened the back of the ambulance as the horse entered the cab. He turned on the engine to start the radio, and told dispatch that they may need another paramedic team, then he turned on the front lights. He was shocked to see a large group of furs in old muddy cloths standing in front of the ambulance. "What the hell is going on!" The passenger door opened and a strange female with white eyes in an old torn dress lept at him from the side. He yelled kicking at her, his door opened and he felt arms grabbing him and pulling him onto his back in the cab.

He yelled out again as one of the attacked crawled over his face and pined him down, he felt the female clawing at his legs and suddenly opening his pants. She pulled his long black cock out of his pants and he groaned as he felt it go into her mouth. He gripped the steering wheel as he felt a hard cock press against his face as he grunted with discomfort. The bat raised an ear. "What did you say?" She couldn't hear over the rain hitting the roof of the ambulance. She shut one of the door to walk around when she was startled by a man standing right there, she backed away slowly looking in to his dead white eyes. Suddenly she felt a pair of hands opening her rain coat and squeezing her breasts from behind, she screamed as she saw more furs surrounding her as her uniform ripped open her large breasts bouncing out. The bat was forced to the ground by the crowed. Her legs were pulled into the air and over her head as she lay on her shoulders. Her attackers forced her thighs open hiking her uniform dress up until her soft ass was exposed to the rain. She kicked and screamed as one of the attackers proceed to stand over her and rip her panties off. She screamed louder as she felt a hard cock push into her pussy, and again as another pushed its way into her ass. "Help me!!"

The horse gripped the steering wheel harder as he moaned, His long black cock hard as a rock. He could feel a pair of wet lips sliding up and down his thick shaft. The male attacker on top of him also licked his cock. The horse moaned with pleasure. "I cant take this." The bat's soft ass bounced in the air as the two cocks filling her continued to fucking her. She moaned with pleasure as she stopped resisting them, her firm breasts bouncing in her face as her wet pussy was being fucked for everything it was worth. The horse moaned out loudly as he felt his cock pulsate, suddenly filling his attacker's mouth with his hot cum. He screamed out feeling the mouth lifting as he sprayed his cream across his attacker's faces, He suddenly found it hard to breath as he struggled to stay awake. His head dipped back as he stopped breathing. His attackers continued to milk and lick his long black dick.

The bat screamed with pleasure as she felt her orgasm coming, but she became more scarred as her head was being pushed into the mud. Suddenly she felt the dick in her ass fill it with its cum. She curled her toes to this feeling as the cock in her wet pussy gave a few more fucks then shot its load into her too. She gave a long moan of lust as she orgasmed with them. Her hole body shook as she rode her orgasm to its end and thats when her arms dropped in the mud dead. The group of attackers looked up as the rain started to stop falling.

Nick opened the front door to the mortuary hearing the pounding and screaming of people, Three young furs rush in. Nick held up a scalpel in defense. "Just what the fuck do you kids think your doing huh, are you on drugs, huh, PCP?!" Spike didn't even answer him waiting for the fight to start when Ray started to speak. "Look man you gotta help us, there is these people in the grave yard, they got our friend and their coming for us too." Billy closed the door locking it. "Furs in the grave yard what are you talking about? You mean the nuns?" Nick asked. "Whats going on?" Susan walked up. Ray tried to explain to them. "Does that sound like fucking nuns man" Billy pointed to the door as moaning and screaming could be heard in the distance. "look we just need to call the cops, there are fucked up furs coming out of the ground." Susan and Nick looked at each other connecting the dots faster then the kids. "I saw at least a hundred of them in there before we ran" Spike added. Both Susan's and Nick's mouth opened in shock. "A hundred!!!" They said together.

Susan and Nick guided the others into the embalming room and starting closing the steel shutters. Spike, Ray and Billy saw Eddy on the couch. "Eddy man, where the hell have you been?" as they rushed over to him. "What the hell happened to you." Eddy tried to talk. "I don't know....there was this gas.....we breathed it.....we feel so sick right now." Spike turned to the large breasted dog. "What the fuck did you do to him, and what the fuck is going on here, you guys didn't seem at all shocked about whats going on in the grave yard." "Look I didn't do anything to him, there is this chemical....." She tried to explain to the increasingly intimidating lizard. "Yeah what chemical!?" Spike pressed. "I....I don't know what its called, but its why they are sick and all this crazy shit is happening. All i know is that it was stored in the basement of my warehouse and these two idiots manage to let the son of a bitch out!!"

Nick walked for the door. "I'm going to go get the paramedics and tell them whats going on. He opened the door and notices the rain had stopped. He walked down to the ambulance but suddenly stopped as he saw a pair of legs on the ground behind a tire. He circled around to the cab and saw the horse laying inside. He looked with shock as he saw a lone female sucking the horse's cock. She looked up at him with her white eyes and screamed at him with rage. Suddenly more furs appeared around the ambulance and he bolted back for the door. He ran back inside slamming the door shut behind him. "Holy shit!, their out there......paramedics are dead......there all over the cars!" Nick breathed heavily. Suddenly the lights went out and Susan and spike looked at each other. "Shit."

Chaz rose slowly from the mud stretching her feline form, her large breasts bounce from her cat like motion. She opened her dead white eyes and grinned. She walked out into the parking lot and spotted a homeless bear pushing a cart full of cans. She walked toward him as he stopped and watched the naked cheetah shake her hips in a hypnotic walk. The bear smiled looked at the cheetah's muddy naked body. "Hey there, hunny, going to a wrestling match or something?" Suddenly Chaz jumped on him wrapping her long legs around his hips forcing him to the ground. "aaaaaaaahhhhhh....what the hell are you doing! Hey thats not yours!......I uuuuuhhhhhhhh yeah."

The bear groaned as he felt his dick growing inside the cheetah's tight pussy. Chaz bounced her soft ass in his lap as her pussy juice dripped down his shaft. "I don't know whats your deal babe but i can play along." The bear reached up and squeezed her breasts, pumping his hips. The bears hard cock filled Chaz as she moaned with pleasure, she bounced in his lap faster as her wet pussy lips slide faster along the bears thick shaft. He moaned siting up to lick her face as he filled her with his cum. He grunted loudly as he finished cuming and he fell back dead. Chaz continued to ride her victim as cum dripped from her pussy lips.

End part 1

Return of the Sex Zombies part 2

part 2 The front door of the church was smashed open as the attacking furs poured through the entrance. A cat nun was on her back at the front door, her dress ripped from her body....

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Gypsy Curse #2

Episode 2 Suzie walked out of the shower with hir new member hanging from between hir legs, shi looked down as shi dried hirself off thinking to hirself. "Damn this thing is huge" and just as shi was thinking about...

Gypsy Curse #1

Gypsy curse The clock on the bed stand read twelve midnight as the two furs kissed while laying in the bed together. A...

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