...is.... ...uh.... ....Jagooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#4 of All I Want For Christmas....

confused Mariah Carey voice

It's Twelfth Night, I'm not -technically- late!

Final "ending" for the Xmas project, this time FA: JagKitty got me!

Once again featuring FA: SpottedSqueak and FA: HonorableThief

Jag sure likes his potions~

"Jag" The kitty perked up and bounded off the couch to look at the big box. He grinned, before unsheathing his claws and shredding the wrapping in a flurry of swipes. The colorful paper came away in uneven ribbons, drooping away to reveal the box itself. Breathing for a moment he retracted his claws, then calmly opened the flaps on top of the box. He looked in and grinned broadly. "Oh, I know just what to do with this gift~" He dramatically pulled a vial out from one of his pockets and uncorked it, before letting a single drop come out and fall into the box, a purple puff of smoke mushrooming out of it. "Ooh, that's a bits more potent than I planned." Soft, squeaky coughing came out of the box, little rounded paws waving at the smoke to try to disperse it, and eventually revealing a little semi-feral skunk with a familiar hairdo peeking out of the box, a bit of ribbon draped over his shoulder. He looked up and let out a soft meep at the grinning feline above him, and then all of the others in the room. "What's goin' on?" Tris asked softly. "What's going on, tasty skunks, is that you've got a three minutes head start." Jag uncorked another vial and chugged it, exhaling with a low growl. "Before skunks get tummy hammocked." His voice was already huskier and deeper, and his eyes nearly glowed with intensity. The skunk scrabbled at the side of the box, before tackling one side, sending it toppling over. The now only two foot tall skunk scampered past the couches, dodging other houseguests' hands reaching for him as he got out of the room and looked up the steep incline of the stairs compared to his current body. He swallowed, looking back, glimpsing Jag on his hands and knees, arching his back intensely, staring after him. Tris started to clamber up the stairs, reaching up and slapping his paws down on a tread and pulling himself up until he could get his foot paws up onto it, standing up and repeating. "Morphic: Fall Flat, don't fail me now." He muttered to himself between heavy breaths. Before long he heard a low rumbling purr behind him. He slowly turned and found himself face to face with a large feral jaguar, smirking down at him. He'd barely made it three quarters of the way up the stairs before the cat caught up with him. "Uh... Hi." The black spotted cat's smirk spread into a grin. "Hey tasty skunks." He leaned in and gave a slow, lingering slurp over the skunk's underbelly. Tris bapped at the feline with his paws a couple times, which only resulted in them getting caught in kitty jaws. Jag purred with a grin, and slurped, dragging the forelegs and head of the mephit out of sight in a smooth motion of his jaws. His tongue curved and wrapped, sliding around the wedge shaped muzzle and matting down Tris' hair fully. The skunk squirmed and tried to pull his head back, but found the back of his head bumped into the feline's teeth, which refused to part any further from his tugging. The jaguar eased a paw around behind the skunk and scooped under the smaller male's haunches. He shoved firmly, gulping greedily, already halfway down the mephit's body. He tilted his head back and swallowed, chomping up around his catch. Tris wiggled his legs around ineffectually, feeling the feline's teeth combing through his fur and grinding down into him, just soft enough to not tear or scratch. He flicked his tail around, and then yelped as he felt the whole world lurch. Jag bolted his neck repeatedly, gulping around the skunk eagerly, until wiggling hindpaws were out of sight, and he could focus on slurping up that long tail and let his throat deal with the rest of the mephit's body. The lump of Tris' form wriggled and pressed around as it slowly sank towards the quadrupedal jaguar's chest, tail flopping about before the heavily purring feline snapped his jaws shut behind it. The skunk realized that he couldn't feel anything outside of the oppressive heat of the predator, his struggles faltering for a moment. The big cat capitalized on this, gulping heavily. He slurped over his lips, rubbing the decending bulge with a forepaw, smirking and flicking his tail back and forth. Clearly pleased with himself Jag turned and started to head back down the stairs. With his wedge-shaped head, Tris sloughed easily into the open, sloshing chamber awaiting him, groaning weakly. His fur had been fully saturated by this point, and the fleshy, wrinkled walls welcomed him in with squeezing pressure, cradling for a moment, before the next peristaltic wave shoved his hips through the stomach's opening. Feeling the mephit's long tail finally trailing through, Jag grinned, emphasizing the sway in his step as he made it to the bottom of the stairs. He merrily trotted, belly wobbling and rocking back and forth beneath him as he made his way back to the living room. He announced his return with a pounce onto the couch he'd left behind. The occupants there both jumped in surprise. Forest got the brunt of the impact, oofing as the heavy feral flopped against him and slid into his lap. The other on the couch, a raccoon known as HT got hit with a slurp upside the face from the purring wildcat, before Jag rolled fully onto his back, letting his forepaws drape cutely. "Rubs~?" Tris mmmphed softly, having already pressed his paws outwards for stability when the cat leapt about, ending up smooshing into someone's lap, before the world rotated around and he was left panting on his back in the slimy chamber. And it wasn't long before he felt hands pressing through the clingy walls to feel over his form. "H-hey..." The feral skunk pressed up with his round paws ineffectually. HT grinned a bit and playfully pressed the shape of those paws back down into the soft curve of Jag's underside with his fingertips. "Hey, yourself." Forest, meanwhile, had acquiesced, and was kneading and rubbing the mephit lump jutting up out of his lap with a sigh. He felt over the wriggly mass, making sure to not press too hard on the little critter locked away in tum prison. Jag purred his heart out, tail flicking about contentedly, tongue stuck out a little bit. The skunk in question was starting to get worn out, pressing against flesh and rubs from outside, after all that cardio running from the big feline. He found himself yawning, 'blech'ing as this just resulted in some stomach juices getting in his muzzle, and bapped up at the floor come ceiling of his room. Flik passed something to Jay with a mischevious grin. The other skunk chuckled, and held it behind his back as he approached the trio, or rather, quartet on the couch. "Another gift for a spotty kitty." He announced calmly, and with a deft movement, was fastening the buckle of a thick leather collar around Jag's neck. HT snorted when he read the lettering clearly printed on the band. "Stinky Breath." The jaguar perked, and looked about to say something, when a heavy, wet belch exploded from his muzzle, nailing Jay in the face. The host skunk blushed deeply as a broad grin crossed the feral feline's muzzle. "Does that mean I get to eats all the skunks?"

Boxing Day Jag woke up slowly, his potion having worn off, still wearing his collar, rubbing his head slowly. "oogh. Whats did I do last night?" He let out a low belch, and then sniffed the air. "Oh yeah. Christmas." He giggled and patted the layer of pudge on his waist. "Gotcha stinkys~"

...is You Twoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"HT" The perpetually hoodie-clad raccoon perked, and hefted his weight off the couch, stuffing his hands in his pouch pocket as he made his way over, before crouching down to start working on opening the large present. His ringed tail swayed back and...

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...is FoWoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"Forest." The wolf in question perked up, having been licking at his vacant plate for every last bit of the remnant frosting. "Wait, really?" The dragon nodded, beckoning the wolf to come down rather than put the big box into the wolf's lap. ...

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All I Want for Christmas...

Christmas Eve Tris sat crosslegged on his bed, his soft, fluffy tail draped in a lazy arc up onto the pillow and down off the side of it, nearly to the floor. In front of him on the covers lay wrapping paper, a couple shirts, and many wrapped...

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