All I Want for Christmas...

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#1 of All I Want For Christmas....

Okay, I decided for my Christmas thing I would give myself as the gifts for my friends... except, it's kinda hard to do all of them at once. Thankfully, stories can be branching, and this one will.

Setting up we have Tris the skunk, who is me, and Jay the skunk and Flik the dragonnaga who are both Jizzal on FA

Hopefully I should have the parts starting to go up tomorrow, maybe even three of them if I can keep up my motivation >.>;

Christmas Eve Tris sat crosslegged on his bed, his soft, fluffy tail draped in a lazy arc up onto the pillow and down off the side of it, nearly to the floor. In front of him on the covers lay wrapping paper, a couple shirts, and many wrapped presents. He carefully folded the shirts and compared the size of the pair stacked to the grid on the un-decorated side of the wrapping paper. This year the skunk's ability to give gifts was severely compromised. One wrapped gift was something his sister had ordered online and then told him to wrap and say it was from him while still in the padded shipping envelope. The rest were things his mom bought for him while they were both at the store. The pair of shirts was sealed up behind glossy paper and tape, and he carefully peeled a label sticker from its sheet to put on the present, and then slowly, carefully scribbled in sharpie. Tris set the last present down, and grabbed some of the others, slipping off his bed and into the living room. It took a couple trips to ferry all of his gifts to under the tree. He returned to his room, prepared to start tidying up the extra wrapping paper and other such gift wrapping things. Tris yelped, confused as he felt his ankles bind together, looking down to see the ornate red and gold ribbon wrapped around his paws, before he oofed right into the box of wrappings. He surely couldn't fit inside the box, right? He squirmed, tail flopping around, but the more he struggled the more ensnared he became, until his tail slipped and slid all the way into the box, the last of him to be seen in his bedroom before he was gone.

Christmas Morning At the Monochrome Manor, Jay was smiling despite how drowsy he was, working on making cinnamon rolls for when the household got out of bed. The denizens of the Manor were joined this morning by a series of guests who had stayed the night after the Christmas Eve dinner the night before, and having put their presents for each other and their hosts under the tree. Having got the cinnamon rolls into the oven. The breakfast baking soon created a rich, homey aroma, filling the kitchen and suffusing out through the rest of the Manor gradually. The desired effect soon came to pass, as one by one the occupants of the large house came into the main living area, some settling into the cozy seating around the fireplace and tree, while others headed straight for the kitchen, finding Jay mid-prep of the frosting for the baking rolls. As soon as the timer went off, the chaos of breakfast began, everyone working to get their fair share of the streusel filled pastry. As this subsided, Flik peeked into the kitchen, looking right to Jay. "Hey, we're gonna start doing presents. I'll clean up later, get in here." The dragonnaga didn't wait for a response, slipping back away. The merry magical reptile slithered to loosely coil around the base of the tree, starting to distribute gifts to the gathered guests and permanent residents. Jay came out of the kitchen, smiling warmly at the display, before he noticed a particularly large box he was sure wasn't there when he came down to start making breakfast. "Hey, Flik. Who's that for?" The skunk pointed. With a casual twist, the naga picked up a large tie-on tag looped around the base of the large ornate ribbon on top, reading it out.

I Can Make Sure You Get Home

Tris looked around. He'd never been in this part of the forest. He hadn't left rubber behind, thankfully. The trees and canopy glistened and squirked softly as the wind passed over the leaves, which filtered light down to the squishy, well polished...

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Shush, Child

"Don't go turnin' back on our deal." The deep bass of the ghostly pale gator rumbled through the zebra. Tris swallowed and nodded, "I just didn't realize what your methods would be." The gator stroked over his broad, tattooed gut, "And now that you...

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Burger Time

Trissie wagged. Jay had ordered in a ton of burgers for his houseguests, and the labby had gotten to them first, happily unwrapping one and starting to munch. He hadn't counted on this meaning he'd be between various hungry critters and a pile of...

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