Meet Me in the Cave (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#38 of Meet Me (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

A married couple of coyotes enjoy the enchanting cave on a yearly excursion that is often marked with sharing one another's mate.

Amazing art by:

Read the full story here:

Naturally beautiful and quiet by most standards, the grove was set by the side of a large hill and acted as a barrier from wandering eyes for a particularly beautiful cave that resided within the heart of the scene. A mile walk was what it took to get to this particular grove from the nearest off shoot of highway. Even though the uneven and somewhat treacherous terrain was what met adventurers on their way to this cave entrance, there were a few that were not deterred.

The crack of sticks and the crunch of foliage under feet broke the steadiness of the scene as two individuals stepped out into the grove. They were both athletic and determined individuals, their similar markings and stature might have marked them as siblings, though the wedding bands around their fingers corrected the thought to be a simple couple. With gray fur that had twigs and leaves sticking out from their coats, the two took a moment to groom themselves as the hard part of the journey was over.

Both were coyotes, one a strong, muscular male who's body showed a life of exorcise and healthy eating habits, the girl next to him had a similar appearance, though accented with a beautiful frame and large breasts. They both wore a flannel shirts with the sleeves rolled up to their upper arms, blue jeans that had a bit of sag, and large backpacks that held all the necessities for their trip.

"Finally!" the woman named Lorry groaned as she brushed her paws down her legs, "I thought we were lost for a moment."

"Pshh, as if!" the male scoffed and grinned at his wife. His name was Daniel. "I had things completely under control."

"Just like you had complete control of falling in the river?" she teased and gave his shoulder a nudge with her own.

"That was intentional," he defended quickly and stuck his tongue out, though the wet denim up to his knees said different. The girl laughed and looked around at the small gathering of trees, venturing a bit further towards the hill as she looked for the cave's entrance. Daniel followed close behind, pushing away flora as they came nearer. The amount of brush and tall grass that covered the hillside made finding an entrance to anything impossible, but with the two's history with this particular cave, they knew exactly where to look.

Lorry stepped up to an area of particular grass that had obviously been moved very recently and did the same to push it aside. A very distinct crevice in the hillside was revealed, as tall as an average adult but very thin. It was lined by limestone on either side and extended into a dark void. Despite the emptiness that this entrance entailed, there came the very recognizable tune of music wafting from deep within the hill.

Together the coyotes shrugged off their backpacks and held them at their sides. They squeezed themselves into the cave opening and were forced to walk from side to side to progress inward. It was a tight fit and an arduous process, but they were no stranger to it. This cave was like home and they had visited it many times before, once per year to be exact.

The sound of music grew louder as they progressed, and the happy chatter between two more individuals could be heard with it as well. Slowly, the darkness began to fade as a light at the end of the cave entrance began to grow. The tight space slowly widened to the point that the coyotes could walk forward instead of shimming. With the added luminescence they could see the rest of the way, and in just a few yards they had made it into the main cave area.

The music was coming from a mobile boombox that was auxed into a cellphone, a playlist of pop music streaming from the device. Off to the side were two LED lanterns that threw light around the inside of the large space, and right at the center was a couple, not too different from the coyotes, that were dancing away completely oblivious to the new arrivals.

One was a female border collie, her long, black hair whipping about completely unconstrained as she moved her hips from side to side. The other was a brown furred wolf that moved and swung himself in a similar way. Together they churned and bounced to the beat of the music, in their paws were clutched bottles of dark brown and amber colored alcohol. The border collie caught sight of the new arrivals first and cheered to catch the wolf's attention.

"Lorry! Damien! You guys made it!" she called out and stopped her dancing. The wolf took up the cheer as well, a howl that echoed within the cave.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world, Addylin!" Lorry yipped excitedly and the two were quick to embrace. Daniel gave a similarly happy wave to the wolf.

"There's plenty of beer and booze, guys!" the lupine quickly mentioned and held out the half empty bottle of whiskey to his friend. His name was Roy.

"Thanks, bud!" the male coyote sighed happily and took up the bottle and took a deep swig. Letting it fall from his lips he gave an appreciative moan. "Its been far too long."

"This time of year doesn't come around quick enough does it?" Roy chuckled and accepted the bottle back as the other canid held it out. He could only shake his head in agreement.

"Already partying it up before us, eh?" Lorry said through a grin, the two girls having yet to let go of each other.

"Just keeping the dance floor warm for ya," Roy said with a wink and shuffled his feet and gave a swing of his hips, not too unlike what he had been doing when they arrived. The coyotes laughed and settled in with their friends. While the music played out, the four of them settled down on a large pile of spread out blankets and sleeping bags that made for a comfortable bed. They drank and talked about a variety of topics, most of which was current events. It was revealed that Roy had pretty much filled his backpack full of nothing but various bottles of liquor and weed. The two sat and reminisced as they took turns passing back and forth an expertly rolled joint and bottle of tequila.

Read the full story here:

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