(rough Draft) Spring Showers

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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Spring showers

Spring rains had turned the stables into a temporary mire, even as the warm sun beamed down onto the thick fur of Randy's back. The heavy white fur of the bunny buck making him grumble as his winter coat of fur was soon growing much to hot. And being a bit on the plump side didn't help either, the lop brushing his ear. He had stripped won to just a pair of worn denim shorts, earning a few joke whistles from the others. So he had a pair of daisy dukes on and not much else. You'd want to wear as little possible when you had fur as thick as his. Sometimes he cursed his angora heritage, but mostly on these newly warm spring days.

Though it seemed the stallion he was to wash was equally annoyed by the mugginess of a season prone to swing from cold rain to warm sun. Thankfully they had a nice stall to escape the sun's rays, as Randy muttered about needing to get sheared. Already starting to brush and groom the horse as he let his mind idle, enjoying the cooler air of the stable. Just him alone again here, the others busy preparing horses for various hikes and riding. He didn't mind the smell of the stable or the hard work. It let his mind wander as he worked, just a little weekend job while he finished high school.

Though lately he had pondered, perhaps, other fun things that could be done here. More than once he'd pondered doing a little more than just, well, cleaning the stallion when it was his time to groom them. He was all but masturbating them right then to get them all clean already. Most guys would probably squick at having to get so, in depth with the big stallions. Randy however, secretly quite enjoyed. Envious of how powerful and well, well endowed they were. He had more than one occasion he had to leave with a bag or something in front of him, to not show a blatant erection tenting his pants after finishing cleaning one of the stallions.

Especially this one. While the name Raven couldn't be any more cliche for the large black stallion, he was quite appealing. Well, if you were attracted to the power and grace of a stallion. And well, heh, he was one of the largest of the stallions. Randy was almost always running a little late, spending just a bit more attention than he needed for this stud. And probably more then enough for the stallion's maleness. But well... He grinned sheepishly, his tailpuff flicking as he felt an erection nestle in his shorts. Glad no one was about to see him as he worked down to the stallion's chest. To give a good gander at the sheath before him.

Fat and heavy, the black flesh just dangled, lewdly and proudly for all to see. Sweaty musky to his nose as he worked his hands ever closer. Randy had been quite embarrassed the first time he had to touch a stallion penis, if just because he had dreamed of it for so long. Now it was mostly work. Rewarding work, but work none the less. He smiled as he watched the stallion shift haunches, his soft fingers and grooming touch rewarded by the sight of the stallion dropping.

Randy flushed as he watched that ebony flesh drop and droop. Inch after inch spilling out with a casual whicker from the large horse, as Raven let his enjoyment of the buck's touches be seen. The bunny kneeling himself as he admired the grand maleness with a trace of his fingertip down and up the full length. It must have been a good two feet as his best guess, much more then he could ever take. But, there were other things he always wanted.

Randy bit his lip as he pondered, taking his time to groom and clean that thick maleness, ensuring Raven was clean and healthy in his most delicate regions. He knew the others would be gone for a few hours. At this point it was basically just him in the stalls. His tail flick-flicked as he realized he might just have a chance to help Raven be more than just clean this day. He peeked at the clock, as his hands felt the stallion's length start to lift and pulse with full arousal. So much to rub, it made the bunny almost swoon with lust.

His heart pounded as he began to stroke the crown, feeling the broad head flare and relax. A slick slap of flesh as the stallion masturbated himself, pressing his arousal to his belly a few times with a whinny of eagerness. It seemed Raven quite approved of Randy's idea as the rabbit gulped. Well, it takes two ready to go. And he had his chance. He could feel preseed welling up into his underwear as he panted heavily. Taking a moment to nestle closer to the big stallion's side, "Hey there Raven, seems like you need a little more, um, special attention today..."

His hands reached out, and began to stroke. Both hands gliding back and forth upon the stiff, pulsing flesh of the stallion's stiff prick. Watching that massive head flare and relax to his touch as he shook softly in taboo lust. His tail flagged high and his cock aching, stiffer then he ever thought it could get. Leaning in gently, getting comfortable, and just watching Raven's reaction as his hands danced along a stallion's length, just as he had dreamed of for so long.

Raven whickered softly as his arousal begin to pulse and throb more. Soon slippery pre welled out as Randy watched with greedy attention. A soft moan escaping his own lips as he was entranced by the power between his paws. Careful and delicate as he was smooth and sleek. Damp paws stroking back and forth, pleasuring a fellow male, especially a stallion was just driving him wild. His tail flicked behind him as he felt that pulse grow strong and firm under his fingers. Eying back to see those heavy orbs begin to tense. "Handsome stallion needs to spurt?" He whispered as Raven whinnied in enjoyment, answering him with a solid thrust against his hands.

Randy took a quick peek about, not wanting to be caught stroking off a stallion when he should be working. Or heck, stroking one off at anytime. But it was still empty, all still gone for another hour at least. And with Raven's strong breaths and pulsing twitches under his fingers. It won't be long. He leaned in and let his forearms help stroke, firm, quick and steady. "Good boy, let's see what a sexy stallion is packing." His attention fading to just what was between his hands. The panting of breath and hot scent of sweat from the stallion besides him. The pulsing twitches under his hands as that massive cockhead flared. He shivered, then Raven whinnied, proudly announcing his climax to the other (envious) horses in the stalls as he gushed his first ribbon of seed. Squirt after squirt as Randy held on, stroking quick as it jerked in his grasp, nearly letting it slip as he gasped out. He nearly emptied his own balls into his underwear, a blatant wet splotch on the front of his shorts now.

The climax was quick but passionate, and soon Raven happily nickered and nuzzled at Randy as his arousal softened. Some seed still dribbling from that dark tip as Raven nuzzled back, still panting to catch his breath. His ears blushed brilliant as he just shivered in enjoyment, his first time to bring another to climax. And it was his favorite stallion to boot. He blushed, globs of thick seed on his fingers. He brought one up curiously, and with a nervous fidget licked his finger clean. Bitter strong to taste, and thick, but also quite erotic. He giggled, feeling giddy as he gave the large stallion a treat of a few extra carrots, while he worked to see what he needed to clean up. Thankfully he didn't get too much. But he did have quite a puddle of stallion semen to cover. But it wouldn't take too long, just to get some hay and...

"So, seems like someone is having a little fun here," came a voice from behind him.

Randy nearly jumped! Turning to see the heavyset form of the donkey instructor. He expected the worst, but perhaps that wasn't as... scary as the large grin upon his face. The older male eying him funny as he peered over between the half covered puddle of stallion spunk and, er, his lap? He gulped, realizing the older male was eying him up just as he had eyed up Raven earlier. "Now a boy like you could be getting in a lot of trouble... but perhaps we could just have a little discussion in my office and see what kind of, oh, compromises... we can make instead."

Randy shivered, not quite liking where this was headed. The bunny was quite certain what was going to happen in that office. And he was pretty sure he'd soon be pleasuring another male whether he really wanted to or not... A tremble of fear, but also tinged with lust. "I hope your um, offer of compromise, will be gentle..." He shyly asked, figuring if he got caught stroking off a stallion adding a bad innuendo couldn't hurt him worse.

"Oh yes, we'll see definitely what we can fit in to keep you out of trouble now lad, now finish cleaning Raven up and meet me in my office pronto." He gave a final leer, Randy gulping as he knew the donkey was eying his ass.

Perhaps his lecherous dreams coming true wouldn't be as sweet as he hoped, heart stammering as he took his time. Grooming the last of Raven to get the sweat off of him from those prior exertions. And get his stall prim and neat to avoid more incrimination. He gave Raven's cheek a kiss, "wish me luck handsome... maybe I'll even get a chance to ahem, help you out again." The stallion lipping back and making Randy blush at the equine kiss. But his trembling heart grew heavier as he knew where he had to go next.

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