Mystery Dungeons, Mystery Feelings

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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Mystery Dungeons, Mystery Feelings

Rain poured down on the roof of the small hut as a Totodile and Cyndaquil rushed in to enter. The two had been soaked to the bone during the frantic run back into their home from their last adventure. And yet another day that ended with them both sopping wet after a mad dash in the rain from the nearby woods.

Thankfully their adventures up to that point had been quite successful before the storm fully broke. Despite the drizzle and gloom of a cold fall day they still managed to help those who had become lost in the woods. Though as a rescue team they certainly struck most as an odd pair. A shy, nervous Totodile and a cheerfully straightforward Cyndaquil. Although their mismatched personalities amused many, more people found the Totodile's grass 'skirt' a bit stranger, he was definitely an overly modest Totodile. He usually called it a loincloth, or sometimes a kilt, but everyone else called it a skirt. If just to annoy the shy boy. He also had some odd, human like mannerisms, and even (almost) never even bit anyone. Quite strange. Everyone knows getting a friendly chomp from a Totodile is just their enthusiastic way of saying "Hi there!".

There was even that strange rumor that the Totodile swore that he was once a human boy. Of course, it didn't help his story that he did hang out with the always practical joking Cyndi (His name came from the fact his dad had really wanted a girl, but being his third and final child was a boy he earned the planned name out of spite). Though he usually went by Cyn, a quite fitting moniker for the not very shy Cyndaquil. Of course, knowing him, even that may have just be some overly elaborate prank that he lost control of.

Cyn started the fireplace as he knew best. A blast of fire from his back (and a torrent of steam as he dried off like fire types love to do), while the Totodile waddled over to start up a quick meal for the two. His name was Jacob, a little bland and human-like, but nothing too odd. But he had some really odd habits. Like wanting to cook his fish instead of gobbling it down right then and there like a normal Totodile should.

Jacob even insisted on cooking every meal. But most just ignored these habits. He was just strangely fastidious, and overly modest from a type usually playful and outgoing. Teenagers usually go through some odd phases anyways, and everyone was sure he'd grow out of this infatuation with human habits. After all, he was putting his all into his rescue team and helping others, even though no one was sure where he came from.

But right now the Totodile shivered, soaked in his grass 'kilt' as he stood by the growing fire. Trying to warm himself up, as well as working to start their meal. A simple, crude pot was being filled with the fish and berries to make a quick stew. His Cyndaquil friend sprawled out to bask in the growing warmth of the fire, adding to the warmth of the room with a content flare of fire from his back. There was a perk to having a fire type as a roommate, they make a great portable heater and lantern.

Cyndi was the first to break the silence while they dried off, "Man you were crazy out there, chomping on that Skarmory like that."

"My jaws still ache from that, ugh. Man I'm glad I had you covering me after that foolish move," replied Jacob as he water to his meal in preparation. He then sat back, content with the progress of the meal for now, and just had to let it cook. He had gotten better at resisting the temptation to keep messing with it, much to the enjoyment of both as his cooking improved.

Cyn just grinned, stretching out with a mischievous flicker of flames. "Ya know, I'm surprised you still managed to keep that skirt after all the craziness today."

Jacob looked down at the impromptu clothes he scrounged up. He was still shocked from waking up as a Totodile on the beach, and glad he met someone as nice as Cyn to help him out in this strange new world. Though he still felt rather exposed going out in the buff. And he blushed furiously his whole first day, having to get used to everyone around him being nude. It wasn't like Pokemon wore clothes normally when he was a human still. But still, now that he was one. And being closer to their size, if not often smaller, well, a little blush flustered in his cheeks still from time to time when he ended up nose to sheath with some much larger male.

So he had quickly worked out a grass 'skirt' to keep him mostly modest, at least for himself. But when a storm like today blew in it must have flown off a half dozen times. Much to Cyn's amusement each time he went racing away to grab it again. But still, it was kinda odd to just walk around nude. "Look Cyn, it's a kilt, not a skirt, girls wear skirts.", he replied after a thought filled pause.

"Yeah, but we Pokemon don't wear anything, and that's how we like it." Cyn gave a wide grin from his snout, play sticking his tongue out to his shy partner. He gave a cheerful stretch and sprawled onto his side to fluster his shy friend more, giggling when Jacob turned his head away. Cyn just grinned wider, "Boy, you act like you never saw a sheath before. Next thing I know you'll tell me you humans don't even paw off with their friends."

Jacob's reply was a squeak and furious blush, as the Cyndaquil perked with a mischievous giggle. His tongue peeked from lips in a broad grin as he nestled closer to the flushed 'dile that was his friend, "Really? I was just ribbing ya, since you humans are so uptight and modest," Cyn said, as he nestled besides his friend who was still looking away, "I mean, cooking food, wearing clothes, masturbating alone. No wonder you need us pokemon to keep from being lonely."

"Uh heh, hey, it's not like that, well... uh... " Jacob was flushed purple in his blue cheeks. Cyndi beamed wider, his fire joining his playful mood by letting off a few cheerful flares. A sure sign the fiery shrew was up to something naughty.

Cyn smiled to his bashful friend, "Don't worry, it's nothing I haven't seen before. Especially with you, what was the word you had, streaking? Yeah, streaking across the forest like that today." He punctuated this by nipping at the knot holding the 'Dile's "skirt" on, "Wasn't it liberating to feel the wind and rain on your hide, as free as well, another Pokemon?"

Jacob squirmed nervously, caught between the heat of the fire, and the lecherous blaze of his friend Cyn, who seemed to have earned his namesake quite well. Jacob's tail flick-flicked across the floor shyly as he looked down, "It was kinda embarrassing actually..."

Cyn just kept beaming (and blazing) away, "But it shouldn't be. C'mon, it's just us two, you should relax some more!" With an abrupt tug of arms and snout, the fire hedgehog slipped the skirt mostly down Jacob's legs, earning Cyn a squeal of surprise from Jacob. With a deft kick from Cyn the skirt was tossed aside, and the Cyndaquil sprawled out besides his friend with a feline look of satisfaction, almost purring, "and you don't even got external bits to show off." He sprawled out to bask in the warmth of Jacob's furious blush.

Jacob squeaked, "Hey, wait, errreeep!" He half covered his own 'feminine' slit, unused to the strangely internal and 'feral' equipment he found he was packing now. His cheeks felt like they were burning, and had probably reached pink now under his blue hide. Much to his friend's delight as he looked down to a very pleased looking Cyndaquil. He sighed and humphed, "well, er, fine, I'll try it. tonight." He tried to not grumble at how strange this night had gotten for him, fighting off beserk and confused pokemon was one thing. But the flirtatious teasing of his partner seemed to be super effective at leaving him confused and uncertain how to react.

"Aww, look, sorry, if it does mean that much..." Cyn started, even his naughty little blaze went out as he heard the hurt sound from his friend, "I just want you to fit in and be happy with us."

Jacob looked down, squirming at the strange predicament he got into. He suspected he never had friends asking him to go around nude as a human before. But then again, he couldn't remember much at all of what that was really like. "I suppose, well, yeah, it is getting me odd looks, and I know the others gossip about it. I guess I'll give it a shot tomorrow too."

Jacob found himself pounced by the 'Quil, nearly falling over from that surprise hug. Cyndi was incredibly warm against him, and making him flush in other, blushing feelings, while the Cyndaquil just beamed and snuggled in cheerfully, "Thanks! So, is it really true you humans don't play around with friends?"

Jacob gave another, not very masculine squeak to Cyn's amusement. "uh huh, well, I don't recall exactly, but I think I'd remember that... it seems, uh, likely lovers do, but, uh, not a boy with another boy," he managed to mutter out, feeling a naughty flush he hadn't felt since he woke up on that beach. A nicely hot and pleasant tingle of arousal starting in his loins. Frankly he'd been too busy this week to even, heh, explore his new parts, since the first surprise when he looked down on that day. The poor Totodile flushed with conflicting thoughts of "but he's a dude." and "So? It's SEX! You're a teen, get fucking! This arousal isn't just here to gawk at! Use it!"

"That seems like a waste," Cyn started, "I mean, why not share your happiness and enjoyment of another company with friends too. Much more fun than hogging it all to yourself."

"But er, aren't boys not supposed to play with each other?" Jacob asked curiously, remembering feelings of that. Well, at least feeling that right now, embarrassment burning in his cheeks to contrast a warmth burning in his loins.

"I don't see why not. It feels good, and there's even no chance of either of us laying an egg too. Though from what I hear most girls know when it's ok to play and when it'll mean much more. I know I wouldn't want a clutch of 'quils to take care of."

Jacob blushed, distracted by the thought that if he is not careful even he could end up siring a clutch of little Totodiles. Another yip in shock as Cyn leaned in to kiss his cheek as he was distracted. "Oooh, I bet you were thinking of some cute 'Dile lass hitching her tail high, weren't ya?." The Cyndaquil's warm hands rubbed the thick hide of Jacob's belly, whispering with a massive grin, "Just thinking of her leaning over, tail flicked up, stinking of readiness and dribbling with heat, ready for a big, handsome Totodile like yourself to rut her silly. I can hear her now, (falsetto) Oh Jacob, please, I need your big, strong body!"

Poor Jacob gulped, trying to wiggle back away from the teasing 'quil on his lap as Cyndi hit his fantasy pretty much spot on. His blush seemed ready to catch fire when he felt his own stiffness arch from his slit to poke Cyn's tummy lewdly despite himself. It wasn't that Cyn's imitation really worked. Just well, the fire type was so warm, and he'd been so long since he got himself off. He nearly moaned from the rubs on his belly too, it did feel nice. He couldn't even squirm now, as that just made his slick penis rub more into his friend's lap, with nothing to hide now from his moist, splayed slit.

"Aww, how long has it been since ya pawed, mmm?" Cyn smiled, more sweet than mischievous now. "I know it must be too long if my bad acting can get you a boner." He nestled closer, making Jacob blush furiously as he felt something equally stiff, slick, and amazingly warm press to his arousal. Cyn leaning in to nuzzle his cheek with a more sensual tone, "I know I've been so busy with this rescue team business I haven't had time to have any fun either. Perhaps..." He shifted hips, to rub their arousal slowly together, soon making the two males pant softly in lust, "we can both help each other with that problem. I know we both could use some release."

Jacob stammered, "uh, heh, I'm, er, fine, really," while Cyn just happily nestled in against him. The warm and silky smooth fur on his hide mde him writhe, mostly from embarrassment at how good this felt. The naughty 'quil ensured their arousal stayed pressed together, even grinding them together with a lazy, rolling rhythm of his hips to hump the Totodile's lap. Jacob found himself torn between the odd enjoyment of being naughty with a good friend, and the fact, well, he's a dude too. "er, heh, but, um, I'm not gay?"

Cyndi just giggled, "Silly, me too! I didn't ask to be mates, I just want to have a nice night getting naughty with my best friend."

"Er, wait, you didn't want to be my lover?"

"No no no, silly 'Dile. Y don't have to be love someone to enjoy their company. I just wanted to have some fun and let a too modest friend relax some," Cyn winked as he nuzzled in, snuggling close as Jacob relaxed some. Well, all of him except for his arousal relaxed some, feeling it throb against his friend's own stiff penis. It was a strange, but enjoyable sensation that he could get used to at this rate. Maybe liking boys wasn't all bad after all.

Jacob himself sighed with relief, "whew, I thought you wanted to be my boyfriend."

"Naw, I just figured you should have some fun. Don't you humans play around outside of being lovers?"

"Uh, I'm pretty sure that was looked badly upon."

Cyndi laughed as he gave his confused friend a kiss on a cheek. "Wow, no wonder you humans need us. Now just lay back, you hunky Totodile, and relax some. At the rate we're going I think you might just 'pop' right here and now from just talking about it."

Jacob gulped, finding his heart racing while he did as his friend asked. His tail carefully curled under him as he laid back, looking over the purple, tapered penis that was jutting from his slit, lewd with slimy precum. He recalled that he thought, for one amusingly horrifying moment he had turned into a girl when he first looked at his lap, and he still found his erection curiously new to him. Though he was starting to realize how sexy the feral length was. He wondered if he was starting to find Pokemon sexy. But well, then again, he was one now, so he supposed that it would OK.

He looked up to blush more at the sight of his friend's long snout, looking over his stiff, tapered prick with just as much interest and curiosity as he did. Then that pink tongue danced out, flicking across his arousal with warm, loving kisses. Jacob moaned, clutching the ground as he trembled, feeling his friend's literally hot body lean in and begin to suckle his slippery maleness with a sensual slowness. Jacob was further aroused to feel his cock twitch, the pointy, tapered tip oozing a glob of precum for his friend to lick clean. He opened his eyes, greeted by the sight of a slick ribbon of pre connecting his purple arousal to Cyn's lips. The image was definitely arousing with no questions now. He couldn't hold back, moaning out and clutching the Cyndaquil's ears when Cyndi dipped his long snout down and engulfed his arousal fully into his snout. He gasped out, realizing with delight he was getting sucked for the first time. By a boy. A boy pokemon even! And he loved every moment of it, even if it was 'gay'. It felt incredible, that smooth mouth so hot around him as Cyn bobbed with a cheerful eagerness.

Jacob's tail flicked beneath his friend, teasing the stiff heat of his partner's erection while he suckled away. One warm Cyndaquil paw rested on his lap, teasing that slit and making the Totodile's thick legs tremble. His eyes closed fully once more as Jacob panted, "Uh, wow... I'm, gonna cum like this, wow..." He shuddered as the pleasure grow as hot as the Cyndaquil snout his arousal was buried into.

Cyndi slid back, giggling at the sight of Jacob now whining and bucking to get more sensation to his flared cocktip, "mmm, tasty... " he licked his lips, "But I want to try something new, since this is your first time as well..."

Jacob opened his eyes curiously, watching how his arousal twitched, making the darker tip swell and relax as a thick glob of precum welled up and oozed messily down the purple and pink flesh. He was never this drippy as a human, and it was actually pretty sexy. Even if his arousal was anything but human style in looks. The thick base being teased by Cyn's paw, making little trembles rush up his spine with each touch. He caught himself staring down at Cyndi's own arousal, bright red and slender, but probably longer than his own blunt, thick prick. He sighed wistfully, curiously satisfied at the feeling of arousal and eagerness in him, "oh, mm, what's that?"

Cyn gave his familiar, mischievous grin, and his fire flared up for a moment in that naughty manner he must have practiced. "Well..." he turned around slowly, then lifted his butt. Showing off his little stub of a tail and his dangling sheath and balls. As well as his taut pucker as he shook his butt softly, nothing subtle about this horny Cyndaquil, "I wanna be fucked! Rut me like that 'Dile girl you were dreaming of."

Jacob blushed furiously. He hadn't really thought of doing this before. It was one thing to get casually sucked. But to fuck his friend in the butt... His 'lower head' greedily encouraged him, throbbing in response to the sight of that tight butt wiggling at him, making a squirt of thick precum splash to the floor. He got up carefully, and started to curiously lean closer to that blazing inferno of lechery the Cyndaquil presented, flames dancing intermittently in the manner Cyn had when he was impatient for something. Jacob shrugged and giggled, "Well, when in Rome..." he started, "but, er, won't you burn me?"

The cyndaquil perked an ear at the first phrase, "Rome? Where's that, it sounds like fun if they'd do something like this! And nope, I only burn those who frighten me. And the only thing I'm afraid of is how funny I'll walk tomorrow after you cram that impressive prick into my tush." He winked, making the Totodile fidget a footpaw, looking even cuter with his arousal jutting up so lewd yet looking so shy. "So just get yourself slick hon, and get rutting!"

Jacob perked curiously, tilting his head, "Slick?"

Cyndi giggled, "Yup, you try to bugger me like this and we'll both be hurting, even with all that pre ya handsome, drippy 'dile. From what my big bro said, you gotta get slick with something slippery like oil, and I know you got some of that."

Jacob pawed the ground with a shy look to the little bottle of oil he got for salads and cooking. Though he was blushed more at the thought of a brother teaching you how to get fucked. He partly hoped he might meet said big bro sometime too. He waddled back, slowly as he watched his arousal slap his tummy wetly, he was well too aroused to chicken out by now. His penis nearly ached with need, something he knew he hadn't felt very often before, if really at all perhaps. Watching that round butt wiggle at him again with an inviting swaying from the grinning Cyndaquil as he set it down behind him.

"Well, I suppose, here goes nothing." He reached a hand into the bottle, and began to smear that taut ring of flesh with an oil slick fingertip. Watching the flesh soon glisten as he gulped, knowing he was about to mount another boy's butt. It was kind of liberating though as he panted with eagerness, giggling as Cyn let out a low, 'seductive' little flicker of flames. A pattern he only saw the Cyndaquil do once, hitting on another Cyndaquil girl. Though she turned him down, he knew he wasn't, listening to the other male croon in lust, lewd and loud as he shifted and pushed against that slick finger. Jacob curiously drizzled more oil on his fingertip, then gave a gentle push against that taut ring. A blush as he watched it disappear, the sensation like velvet heat. He moaned softly with the Cyndaquil, knowing he was gonna feel that tight heat around his cock soon. And it made him drip with lust.

Cyn panted pleasantly, giving little moans of encouragement. "Mmm, that, wow, does feel as nice as I thought. I hope you're gentle though, it's my first time too... and I'm glad it's with someone as nice as you."

Jacob nodded as he slowly fingered his friend, adding more oil here and there to help press it easier into his friend's rump. He how naughty this was, and it just made him thump his tail in eager lust. Finally Cyndi sprawled his chest fully, lifting his butt high as high as he could, "mmm, I'm ready... get slicked up and come and get me."

The Totodile slipped his finger back with a shy flush, watching how that taut ring was relaxed, glistening with oil now. He dribbled some of the oil all over his arousal, a soft shiver as he felt it ooze down into his slit. Finally he grasped his partner's hips, watching his blaze flare up in lust. And with a careful, gentle motion he nestled his haunches to his horny little Cyndaquil friend and cuddled into that fiery back.

He tensed his eyes shut, expecting to be burned as he felt the flames flicker again. But instead he felt himself wrapped up in warmth, the heat felt like it was oozing around his body. It was weird to be snuggled up against a flaming hedgehog that he was about to fuck. He heard somewhere the hedgehog could not be buggered after all. But it looks like the fire type ones could and were quite willing to be. He shrugged and looked through the hazy heat of Cyn's flames to grasp his own stiff prick, feeling it throb as it was pressed under his friend's stubby little tail. "mmph, here we go..."

His first thrust made him wonder if he might cum right then and there. It would be an embarrassing, but satisfying end to his night at least. It was like silk as the oiled heat engulfed his horny maleness, squeezing upon the flared tip and making him cry out as loud as Cyn's own gasps. He supposed the neighbors would quite well know what these two were up to. But that didn't matter. Because he was nestling himself fully into his loving friend with smooth, careful shifts of his big, scaly feet. Leaning over to kiss Cyndi's ears with loving joy as he felt the firehog's fire relax again. "Ah, it's wonderful! Oh, does it feel as good for you?"

Cyndi just grunted for one moment, Jacob feeling his rump tense and squeeze, then relax as Cyn sighed cheerfully. His tongue lolled from his snout as he churred with delight, "Goodness you're big. Mmph, I think I just took every inch didn't I?" He shivered, shifting hips grind his warm fur against Jacob's scaled lap, and then sighed. "rowr, and I'm glad I could. Now I wanna be bred, so mate me like that 'Dile of your dreams."

Jacob needed no encouragement here. His big feet splayed and hips arched, working on gliding his slick, oiled arousal back until just the tip remained within the whining Cyndaquil's rear. Then he grasped Cyndi's haunches and thrust forward with a firm, quick motion. His tail slapped the ground as his lap kissed his friend's rump once more, then rolled back up to thrust again. Both males cried out, Jacob closing his eyes and leaned over the incredible warmth his friend gave off. Nipping at his neck with an instinctual urge to grasp and hold his mate as his hips thrust into him with lust filled pride. A slick, squelching sound was made each time he plowed his purple arousal into his friend's rear, who cried out and clawed the ground in response to the rough treatment he had desired and now was getting.

Cyndi moaned out something a little different after a moment, but it took Jacob a few more moments (and firm thrusts) to catch it as he growled against his lover's neck, "Ah! Jacob, oh, could, could you paw me! Please, mmmph, I need it!" The lusty Totodile was not one to skip out his friend's request, after all he was giving him something this incredible. His hips slowed to a gentler pace for a moment, to let both catch their breath while Jacob reached around his new friend's hips. It took a moment, but soon he felt the other boy's slimy stiffness on fingertips, oozing pre onto his scaled fingers. Then he grasped his paw more around that slick slimness, and gave a firm nip on his friend's nape once more to get back into position.

And he began to fuck once more, using his rolling hips to guide his paw back and forth around his friend's arousal. He could feel the way it twitched, so stiff and urgent like his own pleasure. And he knew his own flaring tip was announcing his intent to cum into his friend's presented rear. Tensing up more as the bulge of his cockbase ground against his friend's rump, loving the feel of it pulsing with need. Holding his new lover in his jaws with a surprising delicateness, even while he growled and panted with need. The 'quil wanted to be fucked like a girl his namesake was, and he definitely was getting it in the end. He moaned again and again as he clawed the ground to support himself from being thrust across the floor by the overeager lover bucking into his rear.

"Aaa! Jacob, I'm, I'm... " Cyndi cut off his sentence by arching his back. His rump clenching down on Jacob's flaring arousal as he lifted his head and cried out a long, lewd moan of climax. Jacob trembled as he felt the arousal in his paws jerk and then squirt cum onto the floor. A blaze of fire erupted around the totodile, as a gush of semen splashed to the floor in a messy gush. Jacob ran his fingers over the tip to feel it splash over fingers, hot and slimy. He couldn't hold back once he felt the next, thick, sticky splash of seed he brought out of his friend. Each one making Cyn's rump spasm in lust.

He reached his free hand up, squeezing tight around Cyn's chest. Then he thrust, rough and harsh into that presented butt as the liquid heat of his fire died down. A firm slap and then Jacob arched his head, releasing his massive jaws from the poor, bruised nape of Cyndi. Much to his surprise he realized he didn't just moan in pleasure. He roared, loud, feral and powerful as the pleasure flowed through his lap into his friend's loving body. His form shook as his orgasm pulsed through his body, loving the feel of his arousal jerking and squirting his seed into another boy. Holding tight to Cyn's hips as he rocked, quick and desperate to milk every drop out as he held tight to his friend, bouncing on his big feet eagerly. Amazed at how wonderful it felt, shaking in pleasure as the Cyndaquil's blaze flared again in enjoyment, thinking it must have nearly reached the roof this time.

The two shook under their combined orgasms, trembling as lust finally fled from to leave them panting and sated. Cyndi's upturned hips relaxed with a slump into Jacob's lap, while the Totodile flopped onto his tail with a pleased shudder. Both were spent and pleased, and just nestled to catch their breath for a while. Feeling their hearts beat in time as they rested in their combined warmth and comfort. After a while Jacob tenderly pulled himself from his friend (with a BLUSH as a glob of cum oozed from his gaping pucker, knowing he was the one to plant it there), and sprawled over, stroking Cyndi's back in quiet, content pleasure. The two nuzzling shyly and just savoring the warmth of afterglow with a good friend and an even better fucking.

Soon Cyndi lifted his head, sniffing at the wonderfully sharp scent of sweat, cum and sex. And something a little. Smokier? He peered up to see if he burned the roof, and pouted that he didn't quite get that far "Mmm, Jacob, what's that smell?" The two looked up to see the poor stew starting to over-boil, spilling with a sizzle on the fire. Jacob got up with a squeak of displeasure (though Cyn thought it was pretty cute, especially with his lap all sticky with cum still) to try to take off the pot. He nearly singed fingertips, and even worse, just about knocked the pot down with a yelp of frustration.

Cyn chuckled softly, "Here Hon, lemme grab that. Us fire-types are naturals at this." He happily gathered the pot from the fire to set down before the two, even as Jacob fussed and stirred the still boiling meal. A moment later he finally began to relax as he realized the burnt scent was just that which had spilled onto the fire.

Cyn smiled and watched Jacob, who seemed to be much more relaxed now. Though the two of them will desperately need to bathe tomorrow after that sticky fun. But for now he just savored the feel of his seed on his belly. And the incredible amount buried in his rump. The two quite pleased to find Jacob's impromptu meal quite nice after that near disaster. Eating quietly, though now sitting hip to hip instead of across the impromptu table they had.

And for now another night will soon pass. Though this time Jacob sleeps not on the other side of the room, but with Cyn nestled on his chest. The two cuddled close to savor their growing friendship. Or perhaps more as he caught himself thinking less of the "Totodile of his dreams" and more of the nice Cyndaquil who got him to enjoy the strange changes he was going through. Many noticed how more relaxed he was, and that he no longer was wearing that silly skirt. Though some at the bath giggled at what obviously happened the night before as well, quite obvious given poor Cyn's awkward walk the next day. No one troubled them for it, just a pair of naughty teens exploring sex. Well, OK, one did. Cyn's big brother giving the two a big wolf whistle of encouragement that made them both blush. But otherwise they bathed in peace.

In the end There would be plenty more adventures in store for Jacob as he would soon find out. But for now the two enjoyed one day of peace at least. And that grass skirt was soon forgotten in a corner of their hut, never to be worn again.

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