Capturing the Moment

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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During an evening event at a local mall, Jesse and Daryl find themselves striving for an intimate moment in a rather exposed location.

This story was written for Pokemonmaniac! It contains M/M sex between consenting adults in a public place. :3

Capturing the Moment

Hand in hand Daryl and Jesse strolled into the mall, immediately grinning to one another as the first thing they saw was a large bar set up in what was normally a coffee joint, distributing beers out of red solo cups and playing music which echoed throughout the mall. They thought that this was a pretty cool idea on the city's part, once a month opening up the mall late on an evening to over twenty ones only. Setting up a bar, and allowing stores to open up late and encourage those in attendance to browse and buy in a more casual, almost party-like atmosphere. It had been running for a couple of months now, and the two dogs' friends had reported it to be a surprisingly fun way to spend the night. Half way between a visit to a bar, a club, and just going to the mall to browse. Even if you didn't buy anything it would still be a fun night out. And thus, here they were.

Grabbing a beer each, doberman and collie both exited the bar area once more and began to stroll together around the mall. About half the shops were still open, mostly selling clothes but a couple of the more specialist stores for things like vape-pens or gadgets. The food court was closed but there were a bunch of people sitting around it with their drinks, and some of the franchise owned restaurants and fast food places were taking advantage of the opportunity too. With beers in one paw and their partner's hand in the other the two men strolled past this area and kept on walking. In addition to the relaxed atmosphere generated by the music and alcohol, they couldn't help but enjoy the fact that there hadn't been a single eyebrow raised at their obvious intimacy since arriving.

With no families, few elderly or otherwise buttoned-up people strolling around amidst a crowd that was mostly folks in their twenties and thirties, they weren't even the only gay couple taking the chance to express themselves more freely. They passed by another couple, grinning and nodding at the two women also wandering around hand in hand, and saw in the food court a fox and tiger sitting with the vulpine's head resting upon the broad shoulder of his feline companion. Tonight they would shop, drink, and hang out all evening long, revelling in the unabashed openness of their intimacy.

At least, that was the plan at first. But as a half hour passed, then an hour, and another, the pair began to think a little differently as they wandered in and out of shops, picking up a few purchases here and there while chatting, laughing and generally revelling in the company of the man they loved. They delighted as they shopped for underwear, posing for each other with the individual garments held over their still clothed crotches, and howled in mirth when the store clerk joined them, playfully rating them on a scale of ten for how sexy each garment would look on them... and delivering tens each and every time.

The more time they spent here, the more enraptured they became by the sense of openness and welcoming friendliness. As they walked around holding hands almost constantly, they were met not merely by casual indifference, but almost warm joy from those around them. People who, like themselves, were thrilled to see other queer couples freely enjoying this time out and about. Indeed even without the intoxicating effects of any further alcohol beyond their first beer apiece the two rapidly felt their inhibitions fading. Fading rapidly until the sense of freedom and relaxation surrounding them had reached critical mass, and left them slightly flushed in the face as their thoughts began to turn to matters beyond warm acceptance.

Indeed before long there was one difference between them and what they imagined the others to be thinking, and while just one, admittedly it was a rather substantial issue.

Everyone else, or so they assumed, was contented by their intimacy in a more general and family friendly sense. Daryl and Jesse on the other hand, as they squeezed one another's paws tighter and murmured bashfully towards one another with increasingly flushed cheeks, were feeling decidedly less G-rated in their expressions of affection.

"On an evening like this... in a place like this, is it wrong that all I want to do is leave? To drag you back home, have you model some of that new underwear for me, and..."

Jesse squeezed the doberman's hand more intensely still, shuddering and clutching at his lover urgently to hopefully make his point clear even as his voice trailed off. A low, bashfully excited whimper escaped Daryl, and the doberman shook his head.

"No. I... I want it too. But, the whole reason I want it is here. If we go now, if we miss the rest of the evening, will it be as fun?"

They both knew the answer to that question, and Jesse frowned as he shook his head in confirmation of that fact. He stopped dead in his tracks a moment later though, and smirked as Daryl kept on going, a soft, brief yelp escaping the doberman as he was unexpectedly yanked back by his mate's sudden lack of forward movement. When Daryl turned back to him though and stepped in close once again, the meeting of their eyes instantly conveyed to the doberman what the border collie was thinking.

They moved in closer to one another, closer still until their noses were practically in contact. They didn't encircle one another entirely in their arms, leaving them instead resting hands within hands by their sides, but as their faces tilted slightly and they growled to one another in a brief, tender kiss, there was no doubting the intent they were conveying to their lover.


Their eyes darted around the mall, vibrant with noise from all those in attendance but still less crowded with individuals and families than it would have been on an average shopping day.

"Fitting rooms? You could slip off your trousers, model the jock strap for me. Or the briefs. They looked like they were going to be ever so tight."

Jesse made the first suggestion as he glanced towards one of the larger and open clothing stores, but shook his head mere moments later, correcting himself.

"No. They'll be pretty busy, and I bet that even if everyone's been super well behaved these past few months, they'll have staff keeping a pretty close eye on things to keep anyone who gets a little tipsy from... well, doing this."

They thought for a few moments longer, after which Daryl shrugged and nodded over the collie's shoulder.

"What about the public bathrooms? There's bound to be some on the quieter side of the mall over there."

Jesse seemed to consider this for a moment, but shook his head once again.

"I mean, we could... but..."

Daryl smirked.

"Not drunk enough to forget how gross public bathrooms can be, huh?"

The collie grinned, and pecked his lover on the lips once again.

"Not even close. Oh. Oh. But... I do have an idea for a place. The perfect place for us to capture the moment."

Cocking an eyebrow, the doberman murmured playfully to his lover, slipping one hand free from Jesse's grasp and oh so briefly caressing the other man's crotch with his fingers.

"Capturing the moment, hmm? Is that what we're calling it now?"

Jesse growled tenderly at the intimate, stimulating contact, but snatched Daryl's wandering paw back up in his own.

"Shush, you. Now... c'mon, before I just have you strip off and model those new undies for everyone right here."

He began to drag him away from where they were standing. Back the way they'd come, back towards the more populous area of the mall, and more specifically the food court. Daryl just grinned as he was led away, and with his tail wagging and his eyes rather shamelessly fixated on the denim clad ass of the man before him he did as he was instructed, eagerly awaiting the outcome of Jesse's plan.


Back in the food court, Jesse led the increasingly horny and desirous form of the doberman around the various tables that were spaced around the public area, walls lined by various food outlets currently closed due to the late hour. Daryl was looking around for a venue that might serve as a perfect spot for them to sneak a few minutes of passionate fun together, but at first glance he saw nothing. There were restrooms nearby but Jesse had already shot down that idea, and nowhere in the food court itself was there any visible alcoves or other shaded, out of the way areas that might have offered them a little privacy.

And yet, as they passed the last of the tables and moved towards the restrooms, Jesse pointed and murmured tenderly to his lover.

"Here. W-what do you think? Is it... is it worth a try?"

Daryl looked at the object towards which Jesse was pointing, and his eyes widened. He bit down upon his bottom lip to stifle a longing whimper, glanced back over his shoulder to the food court partially filled with other laughing, chatting, relaxed groups of people, then turned back to his lover with a nervous yet eager nod. Before them, standing so prominently and yet as such a familiar part of the background of this and indeed any mall that Daryl had entirely ignored it until they were up close, was a photo booth. One of those near-instant printing, passport suitable or group-shot booths; coin operated and with a door that was just a heavy velvet curtain which fell to ankle height.

The two dogs stepped closer to one another once again, both hands clasped in the other man's own, and whispered in a brief conversation.

"God. Jesse... I want to. But, a-are you sure? All those people, they're so much closer than if we went... w-well, basically anywhere else."

The collie grinned, shrugging but still staring hungrily into Daryl's eyes.

"I know. But, look at it. It's just big enough to give us a little room to move around, like a fitting room. It's got to be way cleaner than a restroom stall. And, well... did you see anyone else looking over here? Checking out the booth for even a moment? Did you even notice it before I pointed it out?"

Daryl shook his head, shuddering visibly before his lover's gaze.

"No. A-and... god, I want to suck your cock. I... w-we've never done it in public before. Just thinking about it. I don't think I could make it home tonight without at least trying. Somewhere. So... I... I guess it might as well be here."

Smirking playfully, Jesse raised an eyebrow to the other male.

"Way to sound enthusiastic about my choice."

Daryl blushed. He squeezed Jesse's hands tighter, took one last look around to make sure that no-one in particular was focused intently upon them, and growled as he swiftly tugged them both into the booth, the curtain pulled fully closed behind them a split-second later.

"When it's you, Jesse, I'm always enthusiastic."

And as the curtain closed behind them, sealing them off in the small booth with its bench seat and glowing screen, Daryl made certain to prove that fact true with all the immediacy he could muster. Without being asked, without any expectation it was the doberman who dropped to his knees and who gestured for Jesse to sit upon the bench. To sit, that is, after pulling down his trousers around his ankles and bringing his boxer-briefs down to join them there after just a moment or so.

Jesse fell back into the comfortable embrace of the fake-leather padded bench with a moan as Daryl's strong hands fell upon his thighs, the collie's hands instinctively beginning to stroke at the top of the doberman's head, to tease and fondle his pointed ears as Daryl buried his muzzle in his boyfriend's crotch. Jesse wasn't yet fully hard despite the excitement and foreknowledge of why they had come here, but it didn't take long for him to get that way once the doberman's tongue began to slurp at the exposed tip protruding from his sheath. He moaned, quietly but not as quiet as he could have been given their intensely public location, and between his legs and through an increasingly firm and thick muzzleful of collie cock, Daryl moaned back.

Little by little despite their location and the changes that should have brought to their intimacy, the familiarity and intensity of their love for one another drove the pair into a wonderfully familiar pattern. Jesse began to strip off the remainder of his clothes in spite of the rather cramped and public venue while Daryl suckled upon him. His jacket was cast aside as was the shirt beneath it, and as he kicked his trousers and underwear off from around his ankles, he lifted his legs up and laid them across Daryl's back, revelling in his nudity while the man he loved slurped and moaned around his now fully rigid and engorged erection.

From his spot upon his knees, Daryl began to strip too even as he tended to his lover's cock. He unfastened the belt around his own jeans. He unhooked the button that held them closed and though he was upon his knees on the floor the needy male still tugged the garments down, underwear and all, enough to expose both his ass and of course his own untouched but still hard and needy cock. His own jacket and t-shirt joined the pile created by Jesse's clothes, and aside from a brief break to pull his t-shirt up over his head and reveal his toned upper body Daryl remained devoted to the task at hand throughout.

"Fuck. Fuck, Daryl... you're so hot. So... a-ah..."

Jesse moaned more and more shamelessly as he tugged and stroked at Daryl's ears, the doberman whining happily around his muzzleful of cock at both the affectionate touches and the pleasure stricken compliments he was receiving from his lover. The passion, the pleasure, it built inside of Daryl until he couldn't bear to just sit there any longer, to kneel before the cock throbbing and now drooling pre-cum into his hungry maw, when both he and his lover knew that there was more they could be doing together. More they could have been sharing in that moment, and soon would share.

Dragging himself to his feet, unable to stand up fully within the booth's confines but happy to lean forward and press his muzzle to Jesse's own instead, Daryl growled tenderly to the collie. He gazed down at Jesse's cock, slathered and glistening with his saliva, and knew exactly what he wanted from the man sitting before him.

"Let me ride you. Fuck me, Jesse. Right here. Make me howl and moan s-so... so everyone knows what you do to me. How I feel every time I look at you. Every time I think of you."

Without waiting for an answer beyond a haggard moan from the collie himself, Daryl pulled away from the other dog's panting muzzle and turned himself around. He shuddered, blushing and growling at the sight which greeted him, the camera booth's screen currently displaying the potential image of them which would be taken if he pressed the right button. His face, flushed beneath its fur, mouth wide open in a frantic snarling gasp with Jesse peeking over his shoulder, the collie's own eyes filled with the fires of passion. Indeed his eyes lingered on that computerised mirror as he sank back into Jesse's lap, letting the collie guide him slowly downward with one arm wrapped around his torso.

His eyes widened. His breath caught at the back of his throat, and a loud, shuddering gasp escaped the doberman's lips when finally it escaped him. He could feel the tip of the collie's cock seeking its way between his buttocks. He could feel Jesse's remaining free hand guiding his erection, still spit-lubed and slick, to the pucker of Daryl's welcoming, well worked ass. With the tip of the collie's member already pressed to his pucker, he began to push down more urgently. To let his weight fall away from his feet and come to rest upon the other man's lap, and finally let loose the ear-splitting yelp of joy he'd been holding back since first setting eyes upon his lover's cock as he sank down around it.

"Yes! _Yes! Fuck me _!"

The cry echoed out from the booth, out to the food court beyond, and an ear perked. Indeed more than one, more than two, many ears perked up and many conversations paused for just a moment, those conducting them glancing around at the suddenly quietened area as if asking whether they had all heard what it seemed like they'd heard.


A second cry followed, and a dozen or so pairs of eyes turned towards the restroom area in which the photo booth was seated. Others went back to their conversations with smirks and reddened faces, and a few left, rolling their eyes but chuckling, simply not wishing to partake in the unintentional voyeurism they now seemed to be engaged in. Those who were still paying attention though actively turned their gaze and their attentive ears towards the source of the noises, and a few of the figures even rose from their seats. Not to turn and leave as others already had, but to approach closer. To listen, and to delight in the sounds of what seemed to be two men's passionate adoration for one another, being loudly and repeatedly expressed as the seconds passed by.

Back inside the booth, Jesse and Daryl were far too caught up in the moment to realise just how loud their efforts had grown. All they could think of was one another, and calling out to their lover as loudly, as giddily as possible to ensure that the other dog knew with one hundred percent certainty just how good they were making their partner feel. Jesse grunted and moaned as Daryl bounced upon his cock, not seeking to take the knot in his only spit-lubed ass but still grinding and rubbing against the swelling, hyper-sensitive bulge with his firm cheeks. At the same time he stroked his lover's belly, running his fingertips through Daryl's short, soft fur and growling tenderly into Daryl's ear between louder moans and cries.

"I want you to cum for me. T-tell me... ahh... tell me if I need to stroke you, a-and I will. Just say the word."

His hand was ready at any moment to reach down and grab Daryl's thick, wildly flailing cock as the rigid length slapped between his belly and his thighs, each strike of Jesse's own erection at his prostate sending a burst of pre-cum launching out across the floor of the booth between them and the screen. Daryl shook his head though, and without lowering his voice in answer proclaimed his desperate longing to not just Jesse but all of those assembled outside too.

"Don't. D-don't touch my cock. Just... aaahhhhhh, j-just fuck me. Fuck me harder. I'll cum. I... I swear, I'll cum for you!"

Outside the booth there were now eight or nine figures standing with phones in hand, recording the slight rustling of the curtain but mostly the lewd and unabashed cries emerging from behind it. There were a couple of figures however standing and whispering amongst themselves. Red faced, wide eyed, and shuffling nervously from foot to foot with apparent excitement of their own. Amongst them, both standing to conceal their growing arousal as best they could, a fox and a tiger shuddered and blushed deeper with each lewd noise to escape the pair contained within.

"Oh fuck! Oohh god, I'm so... s-so close. Oh god, J-Jesse. Cum in me! Please, cum in me, now!"

Desperate to press himself back harder against Jesse's short, sharp upward thrusts from where he was seated beneath the doberman, Daryl lifted his feet from the ground and pressed them against the wall ahead of him. He was so near to the brink of his very own orgasm and could hear, could feel that Jesse was on the verge of losing control too. As first one then the other foot braced itself against the forward wall of the booth however, Daryl found that extra purchase he had been seeking. He feverishly pressed himself down against Jesse again, pushing back as his toes pressed hard against the smooth glass screen upon which his and Jesse's lust-stricken visage was staring hungrily back at them, and howled in frantic delight.

At the same time as Jesse's cock began to twitch and throb in orgasmic bliss however, and the flexing of his member pressed its flesh all the more firmly into Daryl's achingly sensitive prostate, something else happened. The toes of Daryl's trembling left footpaw found themselves pressed not simply against reflective glass, but against a portion of the touch-screen which controlled the booth's actual function. Thus, as the booth's recorded voice commands were lost under the sheer volume of the pair's initial orgasmic cries, a countdown began.




There was a loud click followed by a flash as Daryl wailed in pleasure, back arched, cock flexing, mid-way through the eruption of its first hot, thick ribbon of cum. Another flash as Jesse clutched at his lover's midsection from behind, hips thrust upward as hard and as fiercely as he could while he too howled, lost in the throes of bliss as he poured his seed into the doberman's backside.

With each flash, a new picture appeared minimised on the side of the screen before which the two dogs were so feverishly fucking, and to the observers beyond the curtain, a larger, more detailed preview of those pictures appeared on a second large screen upon the side of the booth. In sequence they each showed the pair locked in orgasm, with cum flying from the doberman's cock and a look of desperate bliss on the face of the collie, his own cock seemingly buried inside the other naked man's ass. The third picture showed Daryl's face being lashed by one of the first airborne streaks of his cum. And the fifth showed Jesse craning his neck up and over Daryl's right shoulder, licking the cum from his cheek even as they both continued to climax.

It was only after the fact though, after the most intense and furious portion of the two men's peak had passed, that they realised what had happened. Only when Daryl's foot fell away, when their moans grew quieter, and the electronic recording of the booth reminded them in a calm, friendly tone...

"Please insert five dollars in correct change if you wish to have these photos printed."

The two men stared at one another in shock, both recalling the large preview screen on the outside of the booth as they entered. It was then their ears perked, and they began to hear the other noises coming from outside. Not just the distant music from the bar and the regular chatter of the mall-goers interrupted by occasional messages over the public announcement system. But sounds that were closer. Voices whispering. Laughing. Talking in hushed but excited tones about what they had just seen. What those two were doing in the booth.

An aghast whimper of humiliation escaped Daryl as he stared at the touch-screen button his foot had inadvertently pressed against, but before a single word of apology to Jesse or any conversation about how they were going to get out of this mess could leave his muzzle, they heard something else.

The clunking of coins being inserted into a machine. More specifically, into this machine.

"Pictures printing. Thank you. If you would like another set of photos, please remain in the booth and insert more coins."

The rumble of the printer in action followed, and before the two men could do more than scramble to sit side by side upon the bench rather than still connected by Jesse's softening cock, the curtain moved.

In a brief flash of the artificial light from beyond, the pair blushed in anguished embarrassment as they saw a small crowd gathered, phones still out. But, it wasn't just them that the crowd were looking at now. Instead, it was them, the booth's original inhabitants, and the two figures now pushing their way forward, printing out physical copies of those lewd and sexy images of orgasmic bliss, and then slipping into the booth themselves to join the original pair.

Those beyond continued to watch, to stare, to listen as murmurs of conversation erupted from within. Snatches of voices, some familiar, others less so, and then...

A moan.

A moan of pleasure, undeniable and perhaps unsurprising.

The first of many more to ring out over the following ten or fifteen minutes before those patient and now thoroughly turned on viewers. Moans. Whimpers. Howling cries and mewling gasps of bliss, driving many of the onlookers who hadn't been already hard or horny within their own clothes, even provoking a few into visibly stroking themselves as they watched, though proceeding no further than that. They all watched, the crowd growing larger and larger with each passing minute, almost all with phones out and recording. They listened. They watched in voyeuristic awe. And finally they were rewarded as the screen flash again amidst a new series of passionate cries, and yet more images appear upon it.

That time around it showed four figures, not two, all cramped together in the booth but not looking as if they minded in the slightest.

At the forefront it showed both the original pair, the doberman and his collie companion, each of their faces locked in twisted ecstasy. Mouths open, tongues lolling out, eyes half rolled back and necks strained, twisted as they called out in rapture. And behind them, fucking the pair to a fresh set of shared orgasms, cocks visibly mid-stream once again for both dogs this time round, the two newcomers. The fox behind Daryl, smaller and leaner than either dog but grinning with pride as he obviously emptied himself out into the doberman, holding one cheek of his ass in one hand and the base of his tail in the other. And beside him, grinning down at the fox toothily with a lustful fluttering of the eyes caught mid-photo, the buff tiger, balls deep in the collie and draining himself deep inside Jesse's ass.

The crowd waited for them to emerge. To claim their photos, perhaps take a bow or two, then disappear into the night.

But instead, as the second pre-paid reel of photos was printed, they saw just a single hand appear out of the booth from behind its curtain. A single doberman pattered paw and forearm that groped for the pictures, snatched them up, and withdrew back into the booth. From within the onlookers heard voices growl and moan once again.

"O-oh god. Daryl, look at them. Look at us. W-we're so... ohh..."

The voices soon trailed off, and once more, to the amazement of those still watching and recording the scene, fresh moans rang out all over again. Moans, followed by a call to the crowd from what sounded like the buff tiger.

"If anyone else wants a turn after we're done, hang around. These two sluts seem like they'd love to get to know you... whoever you are. Isn't that right, horn-dogs?"

And following a pair of mindless yelps of pleasure, two other voices, those of the original pair rang out around the food court.


"O-oh god. Yes!"

By Jeeves

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