By Moonlight

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A year after their first meeting, two very mis-matched friends take their relationship to another wonderful new level. <3

This story was written more than seven years ago. At some point it got removed from SoFurry when I purged a bunch of my ancient and awful stories and apparently went a little too far forward in doing so. Recently though someone requested I re-upload this one, and so here it is. :3

This story contains M/M sex between consenting adults. Mei and Gabu are from the film Arashi no Yoru ni, 'One Stormy Night'. Check it out! It's amazing! :3

By Moonlight

Everything was better by moonlight. From the soft caress of a gentle breeze through the already cool night air to the rich taste of the already luxuriously thick grass, Mei had become utterly entranced by the almost magical power of the full moon to bring new beauty to almost every aspect of the green forest in which he lived. Thus as he sat down beside Gabu, the friend who for every day of the past year had helped make his life in this lush paradise wonderful beyond belief, the goat could not help giving his lupine companion a soft nuzzle on the side of his face.

"I remember the first time we watched the full moon together. A year ago... on this very spot."

Gabu chuckled, turning his long, toothy snout towards the smaller male and grinning broadly.

"Was it really a year ago? Sometimes it feels like only days have passed... and sometimes it feels like an entire lifetime."

Turning his gaze back towards the moon, a radiant circle of light in a star-speckled sky, the wolf's smile faded slightly. He wasn't unhappy though, far from it. Since escaping his pack and the life of rules, commands and hierarchies which came with it, Gabu had learned that the feelings which before he'd held close and tight to his heart were better to be expressed and shared. Thus now there were times when he would look at the full moon and feel so moved that a cheeky smile or a soft growl of happiness would not suffice. He'd feel such joy, gazing up at the moon in the company of his dearest friend, that his heart would seem ready to burst! Tears would be but a moment away from welling up in the corners of his eyes, and he would relish every moment of that sensation until it faded back into the centre of his being, temporarily sated.

By the wolf's side, Mei watched his friend's eyes sparkling with emotion. Even fully grown the goat was still rather smaller than Gabu, and though they had been through more than their fair share of emotional turmoil together it still amazed Mei that such a strong and powerful creature could appear so open and vulnerable. But then, that was the entire reason that their unlikely friendship had initial blossomed. Gabu, despite bearing the powerful body of a wolf and a heart every bit as brave to match it, was different from most of his kind. Yes he ate meat, and yes... before meeting Mei the goat knew that Gabu had eaten others of his species. But on the night they'd first met, that one stormy night in what might as well have been a whole other world, Mei had spoken not with a fierce monster. He had spoken to a kindred spirit, one who had simply happened to be a wolf.

"What are you thinking about, Mei? You're always so calm... but tonight, you look like you could float away on the wind."

Beaming, the goat shook his horned head. His bright blue eyes gazed oh so joyously into those of his companion, and without the slightest show of effort Mei all but melted the wolf's heart with his own gentle innocence.

"Gabu, I know that if I floated away, you'd chase after me until I touched the ground again. But anyway... why would I do such a thing? Why would I ever want to leave this place?"

A rosy blush began to glow from beneath the wolf's near-black fur, and the pair fell silent as they watched a shooting star lance through the sky just above the great glowing disk of the moon. For almost twenty minutes neither one spoke. It wasn't that they were tired, in fact they'd slept throughout the day specifically so they could stay up all night and share in the full moon together. The simple truth was that words could not do this moment justice, and neither of the two had any intention of trying to alter that fact. To feel their friend by their side, soft woollen fluff against long, unkempt black fur, body heat passing between them and reassuring one another of their continued presence, was far more personal a feeling than any comment either of the pair could have vocalised. To just watch the moon was far greater a privilege than to comment on it. Words could not have helped this situation, only cheapened it. Even silence was better by moonlight.

When finally one of the pair did speak, it was not of their present, but of the past they had shared. The times before they had reached this haven beyond the mountains, when Mei had been just another goat and Gabu as savage and deadly a wolf as any, thus enemies of one another's kin. Those times were not often mentioned by either of the two, and neither was ashamed to admit it was due to their memories being far less fond than those they had created together in the green forest. But still, from time to time questions were asked. Questions that helped them know their friend a little better, or to understand why they felt a certain way about something.

The question now forming on the tip of Mei's tongue was one that had been rolling around beneath his horns for almost a week now, ever since he saw something that he hadn't meant to whilst Gabu was out hunting for his dinner. Of course over the past year he had stumbled upon the wolf eating a few times, and especially on the first occasion that had provoked a lengthy and emotive discussion between them. Mei hadn't been able to look his friend in the eye for almost a fortnight without seeing Gabu raising his head from the body of that deer, muzzle stained with blood and eyes dancing with ravenous delight in his enjoyment of this feast! Only after twelve days of almost completely avoiding the wolf had Mei finally broken down, asking the question that all herbivores lived in abject fear of from the moment they first learned what a 'predator' was.

How could anyone bear to kill and eat another living thing?

But what Mei had seen last week... it hadn't been quite so dark or gruesome as that time, though admittedly the initial shock had been almost as intense. Gabu had gone looking for his dinner, and after giving him half an hour's head start Mei had decided to go for a little walk in the forest to relax before his own meal. The goat had chosen one of his and Gabu's favourite walks, one which they took together regularly, and had almost been at the riverbank when he'd heard what sounded like a lupine whimper of pain.

Looking back on that moment with hindsight of course, Mei found it unbelievable that he hadn't realised what it really was that he'd heard. But of course he'd had to go and check, just to make sure that Gabu hadn't gotten his paw stuck in a tree root or a thorn in his nose. He'd heard the sound again, louder and closer this time, and poked his head into a thicket of richly scented bushes in order to see what it was that was causing Gabu discomfort.

What he saw and heard in the ten seconds following that moment were the driving force behind the question he was about to ask, and the reason that even now his white furred cheeks were beginning to glow a brilliant pink in the moonlight.

"Gabu... w-when we came to this forest, we both gave up all contact with our own kind. There are no wolves here, and no goats either. I... I understood that when I left, it would mean I might never get to have kids of my own, a-and for my own reasons, I was fine with that. But, w-what about you? You always struck me as the type who'd make a brilliant father to some cubs, a-and the type who'd want them too; someone to share your love and affection with, someone to teach, to help. Others of your own kind to share this life with. So why were you so willing to give it up? W-why did you give up your own kind, a-and maybe your only chances at having cubs... for me?"

The wolf did not turn his head to look at Mei, and after almost twenty further seconds of silence the smaller male was beginning to wonder if Gabu hadn't heard him at all. Just as he was about to nudge his friend though, just to make sure that Gabu hadn't somehow fallen asleep with his eyes open, the lupine male uttered what by his calm, unengaged tone seemed like a rather a simple response.

"You are my dearest friend, Mei. Even then, my secret friend, you were still very important to me. Surely you know that I would have done anything I could to help you. We both did things for one another."

Mei nodded.

"Yes, but that's not quite what I'm asking. What I mean is... when you decided to choose this life over your old one, what did you think about... a-about mating, a-and having cubs? About never seeing one of your own kind again. Female or male?"

The wolf's eyes narrowed slightly, his head swinging in Mei's direction with an expression of mild confusion.

"I was not high up in the pack hierarchy. Chances were that I never would have had the chance to pick a mate of my own. Why do you ask, Mei? Why does it matter what might have been, when my life here with you is a far greater one than any I could have secured for myself alone?"

The blush upon Mei's cheeks burned brighter still, and the goat turned his eyes towards the ground with bashful pride.

"We all have urges, Gabu. All animals... all males. A drive to mate, t-to seed the next generation. But there are some who feel it beyond the mating season... a-and others who when that season comes around, do not find themselves desiring the individuals they might have expected."

Forcing himself to look up for just a moment, Mei's eyes found themselves locked in a wide eyed stare with those of the wolf. He saw the colour rising in Gabu's cheeks, and felt a renewed blush blossoming upon his own. A moment later, both males turned their gazes downward once more.

"W-what I'm asking is... how easy was it for you to leave your pack, and the idea of perhaps a mate within it, far behind? How easy was it... is it, t-to be here with me instead. The only other animal who truly knows you, a-and who might possibly understand how you feel, when those urges rise within you?"

Gabu said nothing, and this time Mei dared not look up to see how he was reacting. The goat knew that he had to say this before his resolve waivered, and he knew that meant saying it now.

"That night... our one stormy night. We held each other in the darkness, w-with the lightning crashing, and the rain pounding at the doors, we held each other. It may have been just for comfort and warmth, to simply make it through that night, but... it felt nice."

A moment later Mei felt an unexpected cool breeze against his left flank, where previously Gabu's own body had been keeping him warm. The goat's eyes opened and his head jerked upwards, watching nervously as the wolf paced forward a few steps, towards the moon, and sat down on his hindquarters with his back to Mei.

"I don't know what it is you're suggesting, Mei, but all I wanted to do tonight was lie down and watch the moon. I didn't expect to be quizzed about my past... at least not that part of it, a-and what that has to do with the night we met... I-I don't know what you think, but I'm sure it's nothing."

The goat sighed, shaking his head even though Gabu could not see him.

"Gabu... you're normally all smiles and jokes. Why is this question of all of them making you feel so defensive?"

A strange, unfamiliar sound escaped the wolf; one which Mei hadn't heard for so long that he'd all but forgotten it. It was a growl. A truly aggressive and not the slightest bit comedic growl.

"And why are you being so aggravating, Mei?! Why won't you leave it alone?!"

A year ago, Mei might have been afraid of hearing Gabu growling at him. But now... now it just made the goat feel indignant! He was asking a perfectly valid question, especially given what he'd seen and heard, and he was trying to go about it in a way that wouldn't embarrass his dearest friend. But if that wasn't going to work, then perhaps he'd have to be blunt about it.

"Because I saw you pleasuring yourself last week, Gabu! I saw you in some bushes, using your tongue... and I heard you whimper my name while you were doing it!"

The goat's words rang out across the lush grassland that bordered the forest's edge, and against the pearlescent circle of the moon's disc Mei saw his dear friend flinch noticeably. Gabu's hair stood on end, his head dipped low on his shoulders, and the low rumbling growls that had been escaping him as regularly as his breath were hushed instantly into absolute silence.

It took more than a minute for Gabu to break that silence once again, and when he did so his voice was so monotonous and forcibly controlled that Mei barely recognised it as that of the wolf he knew and cherished so dearly.

"You are my friend, Mei... but that does not mean I must stay to hear you insult and accuse me. What I do with my own body is my own business, just as your body is yours. What I feel I share with you of my own free will... and if what I share is not enough, so much so that you must fantasise about what you believe me to be feeling, then perhaps I don't actually need to be around you all the time. You can pretend I'm here, and pretend that I'm thinking, doing and feeling exactly what you say I am."

Before the goat could do anything to stop him, though what the smaller male could possibly have done to halt Gabu in his tracks Mei did not know, the wolf rose onto all fours, turned swiftly towards the forest, and bounded away across the field. Mei opened his mouth to call after him, to ask him to come back, but the words would not form on his tongue. He felt so angry, more so than the good natured goat had ever felt in Gabu's company and only marginally less than he had on the night his grandmother told him about the wolf which had killed his mother. He knew what he'd heard and seen, he was certain of it! So why precisely Gabu was being so defensive and irritable, quite the opposite of his usual cheery and honestly outspoken self, the goat could not even begin to comprehend!


Mei turned away from the moon, watching as a single dark shape streaked across the last few metres of open grassland and vanished into the sleeping forest. Mei didn't know whether to follow the wolf and confront him more directly, pressing him to reveal the truth whatever it might be, or to allow Gabu some time to cool down and perhaps figure things out on his own.

Mei looked over his shoulder, back at the moon, and was suddenly reminded of something that he'd asked the wolf on that very first night they'd spent watching the moon together last year. Back then, this whole land had been new and unexplored to them. A paradise, so rich in life that one wolf hunting in the forests depths barely passed as news for any creature other than the kin of those unfortunate few who Gabu was forced by his very nature to feed upon. Now it was still a paradise, but all of a sudden what he'd said to Gabu that day suddenly seemed much less certain than it had back then.

'Gabu, we can be together forever now, can't we?'

Together. Together did not mean causing your friend to run off in frustration and anger. Together did not mean hiding the truth, nor did it mean speculating upon unspoken rumour! Together meant friendship, and friendship meant understanding that went beyond species, or diet, or... or the past.

"I... I shouldn't have pried into your personal affairs, Gabu. I meant well, I only wanted to know if perhaps... i-if you might feel as I feel. But if those secrets are too painful for you to face, or if I am simply seeing what I wish to see from a completely different set of truths, then I must learn to live not knowing them. A-and I must make sure that you understand I'm okay with that, too!"

As fast as his slender, hoofed legs could carry him, the goat gave chase to his lupine friend in what most would have considered a rather bizarre role reversal. The goat hunting the wolf; to heal him, not to harm! Such was the nature of their impossible reality though, and to both Mei and indeed Gabu it was normally nothing short of perfection for either one of them. Mei knew that Gabu relished not having to be the rough, fierce carnivore that his pack had expected him to be, and Gabu had seen all too clearly that Mei was at his happiest when he was able to act independently, without the ever present fear which had been instilled in him by those of his clan.

Entering the forest and instantly noticing the moon's fading influence, Mei threw all his willpower into ignoring the dark, twisted branches and the myriad of sounds created by all the night-life present around him. He leapt over a badger shuffling through the undergrowth, calling out an apology as it cried out after him to slow down. He dodged a family of mice rooting through the leaf litter, sending them all diving for their burrow as they assumed he was being chased by an even larger predator. He ducked through thorn bushes and patches of mushrooms, careful not to inhale any of the potentially toxic spores and disregarding the odd scrape his exposed legs or face might have incurred as they cut a rapid swathe through the undergrowth!

Of course, all of the goat's momentum was riding on the fact that he believed he knew where Gabu was going to be. He was absolutely certain that the wolf would be there, in this one little spot by the stream which he and Gabu visited frequently to take a drink! The gentle flow of the stream and the fact that the canopy gave way a little before the bank, creating a semicircular clearing into which the stars could shine, made it one of their favourite spots to lie back on the grass and just think. Sometimes they would talk all night long, telling stories, sharing experiences they'd had that day, the usual sort of friendly chats two inseparable creatures would be expected to have! But other times, times like earlier that same evening, a comfortable silence would descend around them and both goat and wolf would grow very contemplative. On occasions like that, the clearing was nothing short of the perfect venue to help them clear their heads of whatever was occupying them!

Mei ground to a rather clumsy halt just before the edge of the clearing, tripping over his own hooves and tumbling head first into a thankfully leafy bush. His head appeared a few moments later, protruding from the top of the bush just far enough to reveal his horns, grey-tipped ears and eyes whilst leaving the rest of his body entirely obscured from view. The wide blue circles of his eyes gazed into the clearing, and within the bush the goat was helpless to prevent himself from grinning in spite of the situation as he saw an all too familiar figure pacing around in the gloom. Unless there was another wolf loose in this forest all of a sudden, he'd been right!

Just as Mei was about to exit his hideaway and approach Gabu, he heard the wolf's familiar voice reaching out to him from the clearing. Gabu wasn't talking directly to him of course, but rather to himself, but the words he uttered still went a long way towards making sense of his reaction to what Mei had asked.

Mei listened intently, ears pricked up, and his eyes grew wider and wider still as the wolf poured his heart out to the empty clearing.

"...wouldn't be fair to him. I... I can't ask him to be my friend when I feel like that, e-even if he says he really doesn't mind. I'd mind, k-knowing how I feel about him, knowing that I'll never be able to see him as just a friend. We're different... t-too different to live the way he wants us to. Always together, always sharing our thoughts and feelings... what's the point if I can never share what I want to feel more than anything else!?"

At first Mei was a little worried. This sounded a lot like a conversation they'd had when they first started to meet one another in secret, back when their friendship was still a closely kept secret. A conversation regarding the fact that like it or not, Gabu still had a tendency to view Mei as meat whenever his stomach began to rumble. After more than a year sharing one another's company though Mei had thought that any such urges on Gabu's part would have long since worked themselves out of the wolf's system. But if this was not the case... maybe Gabu had been trying to protect him by running away.

It wasn't long before the goat began to see holes in that particular version of events though. He couldn't understand how such a version of events would tie into this particular argument; how a question about Gabu's romantic feelings would tie in with those of his stomach. Of course, for all Mei knew carnivores could well have considered romance and meat on a par with one another, but somehow from what he knew of his friend the goat very much doubted that.

Looking at the wolf's continued ramblings from the perspective of the argument they'd had though, that put an entirely different spin on things.

"What I'd want, I could never ask of him! Never mind the fact that he'd never want to give it to me if I did. I... I just have to forget it. To tell him to stop asking me, and pretend that tonight never happened. We're friends, and I'm not going to risk that for some selfish needs of my body..."

The longer Mei spent staring out at Gabu, the more accustomed his eyesight grew to the dim but present light falling down upon the clearing from the starry sky above. The moon may not have been high enough yet to break the trees and fully illuminate the clearing, but the stars alone provided light enough to outline the shape of Gabu's lean wolfish body and wild fur. They displayed him to Mei in shadow and vague tones of dull colour as he paced back and forth, and in doing so revealed to the goat something which explained the majority of that knowledge which the wolf's words had yet to impart.

Beneath the wolf, at the point where the curve of his hips met the gentle rise of the lean, only lightly rounded stomach of a predator who ate enough, but never an excess, was a shadow that Mei had only seen twice before. Once, almost five months ago, when he woke up late one night and heard soft whimpers and the sound of panting emanating from Gabu. The wolf had been dreaming, and apparently it had been a rather pleasant dream judging by the red rod protruding from between his legs, drooling from its tip and bulging at the end with some sort of bulb-like structure. The second time of course had been a week ago, when Mei had caught Gabu lapping hungrily and with undeniable purpose at his eagerly twitching arousal, softly whimpering the goat's name as he pleasured himself.

Now though it didn't look like the wolf was enjoying his situation. In fact judging by the fact that he'd not so much as acknowledged it in all the time that Mei had been watching, the goat assumed that his lupine companion was doing his best to ignore it completely! It was an unwanted reminder of the way he was feeling, or rather the way he seemed desperate not to feel.

Mei couldn't help but wonder if that had been why Gabu had suddenly pulled away from him earlier, turning away from him so suddenly and then dashing off to here! Had he maybe struck a nerve with his questions? Awoken a feeling within the wolf that Gabu had sought to keep to himself? But if that was the case, then why had the lupine male not simply admitted to it? Surely he had realised why Mei was asking those questions. Surely he knew that the goat was as attracted to Gabu as he apparently was to Mei?!

The more that the goat played back the events of that evening in his mind's eye though, the less certain he was that Gabu had picked up on that fact. He'd played it so safe, been so general and unspecific with his questioning through fear of rejection that it seemed possible he'd come off sounding insecure, maybe even a little scared of what Gabu might be feeling! He'd asked so many questions about cubs, family, mates, all the sort of things you'd ask just to make absolutely sure that a male wolf wasn't going to grab you from behind and make you his proverbial bitch!

In short, all the things that would make a male already harbouring a huge secret even more secretive, defensive, and even downright angry. Oh, what an idiot he'd been! But at least now he knew better, and now he had a chance to set things straight in a manner of speaking.


Mei leapt out of his bush with a heated cry, determined to get the male's attention and press home the advantage of surprise before Gabu could turn tail and run again.

"Gabu! Y-you got it wrong. What I said earlier... I said it really badly, and it came out all wrong. I didn't mean to accuse you, or to force you to admit anything. It was me who had something to confess, and me who was too scared to just step up and say what it was I've been feeling. If I hadn't seen you doing w-what you did... or like this now, I... I never would have been sure enough to say it. But now I have, a-and so I am sure. I'm ready Gabu... t-to tell you the truth."

Lying spread eagled against the ground in a rather comedic pose, his face glowing scarlet even through his thick grey-black fur and his eyes as wide as the full moon itself, Gabu didn't look like he'd heard a word the goat had said. He was terrified. Terrified of being caught, of being exposed, and of being abandoned because of the way he felt. Right now, for all his power and muscle and cunning, he was a helpless little lamb lying prostrate before Mei's almighty judgement.

The goat saw this, and with a shake of his head and a soft chuckle decided to make this easy on both of them. The more gently he tried to say it, the worse and more complex it seemed to turn out. Thus there was only one logical way to make this whole situation go away in a split second.

"I want to be with you, Gabu."

At long last the wolf's eyes stopped growing wider. Instead they narrowed to little more than slits, confusion radiating out of what little eye remained open. Undaunted by this response however, rather pleased by it in actual fact, Mei continued.

"There are no other wolves here, Gabu, and no goats other than me either. But we don't care. We should. Our minds say we should, even if our hearts don't. But our bodies... they tell us that we don't need a female goat or a female wolf to make us happy. They tell us to listen to our hearts, and know what we've already said to one another for the best part of a year. That all we need, all we want, is right here."

Mei approached Gabu slowly, and though at first the wolf whimpered and shook his head, inching backwards whilst remaining pressed tightly down against the soft grassy forest floor, it wasn't long before he fell still and allowed the goat to get a little bit closer. The distance between them halved again and again, until there was but a body's length separating their oppositely coloured but equally red faces. Even in the darkness they could see themselves reflected in the other's eyes, and neither one could deny that they didn't look quite as terrified as they felt within on the surface. Heck... they almost looked happy.


The small goat blushed violently as he formulated the words that were about to leave his mouth, very nearly swallowing them unspoken as a wave of fear swept through him. Before his nerves could get the better of him though, he heard a soft whimper escape the wolf to whom he was speaking. Mei's vision, blurred by how violently he had been concentrating on his words, flitted back into focus for a moment. Just long enough to look deep into Gabu's eyes, and to see the wolf wordlessly pleading with him to say what he wanted to say. To say what the powerful predator was praying to hear.

"... I want you to show me how a wolf feels pleasure. I want to know what it takes to be the mate of a wolf, and to be loved by one. A year ago we saved one another's lives, and I've cared for you ever since. But now... now what I feel is more than just the bond of true friendship. I love more than just your personality... m-more than just your heart. Sleeping beside you at night is every bit as much a reward as walking and talking with you during the day, and I don't want to pretend that it isn't anymore. S-so Gabu... show me how I can make you happy. Not just as a friend, but as your mate too."

The wolf said nothing.

Lying flat against the ground of the clearing, eyes unblinking, muzzle hanging wide open in shock, only the soft in-out of his breathing told Mei that his friend was still alive. This continued for ten seconds. Then twenty! Eventually the wolf blinked, but that was all he did for more than a minute. And then...

"Mei... w-when am I going to wake up?"

Tears began to well up within the wolf's stormy green eyes, and he gazed up at the goat with such sorrow that it all but broke Mei's heart just to see him in such a state. Before the goat could tell him that this was no dream though, the wolf continued.

"I've had this dream a hundred times, and every time it's more and more real... except the ending. I tell you this is a dream. You tell me it's not. Of course, I believe you. I always believe you, because... well, you'd never lie to me. Mei... sweet, honest Mei, would never lie to me. So I stand up, and I throw myself at you... ready for that first kiss. The wolf and the goat, so strange a combination, and yet I throw myself at you like I know it's going to be the most beautiful thing this world has ever known. And then..."

The tears began to fall, rolling down the sides of Gabu's muzzle and down onto the soft grass beneath him. He closed his eyes in pained anguish, and Mei let slip a soft murmur of sorrow all of his own. How had Gabu hidden these feelings from him if they were this strong? And if he had done... then how much had it hurt him inside to do so, and for how long?!

"...then I wake up, a-and you're always right there. But I can't hold you. I can't touch you, or smell you like I want to in the dream. B-because as wonderful friends as we are, and as gentle and kind a soul as you have always been, Mei... to ask you to love a male, or a wolf, would be impossible. To ask that you love both... even I'm not that foolish. So please, Mei. Please... don't ask me to believe you. I... I can't take waking up so close to you, yet so far away, again. Please."

Mei stared, stunned, as Gabu began to weep heavily. Great wracking sobs broke over the wolf's torso as he lay slumped against the ground, more fiercely than they had on the night that Mei had asked Gabu to eat him... so that at least one of them might live to remember the wonderful memories they'd made together. In that moment, the goat knew precisely what it was that he had to do.

"I'm real, Gabu, and I want you to believe that. Because this time, if you do, it will make everything better. I promise. I promise on every memory I have of you, and every memory you have of me, that what I'm feeling right now is real. Every bit as real as what you're feeling, Gabu. Believe me."

The wolf's eyes opened, and shakily he began to pull himself to his feet.

"Damn you, Mei. You bastard... d-damn you for breaking my heart again. W-well not this time. This time, I... I choose not to believe you. I choose to turn away from you, and know that it doesn't matter, because you're nothing more than a dream. The perfect lover, who I can never have. Not even in my own mind."

Watching as Gabu turned away from him, his head hanging down between his shoulders and his tail tucked away between his legs in place of his now absent erection, the goat found a strange feeling boiling up within himself. A heat; a passionate fire that made his heart race. All this time Gabu had been dreaming of him... and now, when it was real , he turned away. That wolf was so stubborn... so damned stubborn that it drove him mad! This was the final straw!

"If you won't believe in me, then believe in this!"

In a split second the goat threw himself forward, lowering his head and pushing off from the ground with all four hooves. He felt the blunt edges of his horns making contact with soft fur and then harder flesh, and heard a yelp of shock and slight discomfort as he knocked Gabu flying with his impromptu headbutt!

"Y-you butted me! Owch!!"

Exclaiming in shock rather than either physical or emotional pain, the wolf pulled himself upright once more and rounded on the goat. Only after he'd uttered his stunned complaint however did Gabu realise quite what that meant. A dream that had never been able to touch him before had just headbutted him; thus touched him, at least in a manner of speaking.

Gabu's eyes widened, and the tears still trickling down his cheeks made his sharp hues sparkle like diamonds.


His head rose from between his shoulders, as did his tail, giving an involuntary wag as the wolf clearly fought not to get his hopes up.

"Gabu... if you want to hold me, then hold me. If you want to smell me, then smell me. If you want to touch me... t-then my body is yours to touch, just like my heart."

With what could only be described as a combination of a playful yelp and a savage snarl of effort, the wolf threw himself at Mei. He barrelled the goat over far more forcefully than Mei had him, but neither of them cared as they hit the ground and rolled over one another time and time again. The pair came to rest with Gabu on all fours, crouching down over Mei as the goat lay on his back. In such a position elsewhere in the wild Gabu would have gone straight for Mei's neck, tearing out his jugular vein and thus ending the poor goat's life for good. But under these unique though apparently not quite impossible circumstances the over-excited wolf went for something of a different technique.

"Ahh!! N-no! Hey, s-stop that!! Ahhh!! Gabu!"

Mei howled with laughter as the wolf began to lash his face with his long, rough tongue. He tried to push the larger male away with his hoofed feet, but the size and muscle advantage which Gabu possessed was far too great! After a short while the goat stopped struggling altogether and simply continued to giggle and snort helplessly, occasionally letting slip the odd bleat of excitement as the licking grew less playful and more and more intimate.

Neither male really had any concept of kissing, but before long the pair seemed to be engaged in as close to a series of deep kisses as either wolves or goats were aware of. They lapped lightly at one another's muzzles, Mei now mimicking the wolf's own licking in as much as gesture of his own romantic excitement as playful shadowing. Occasionally their tongues would slip inside the other's muzzle and their lips would touch, eliciting a groan or growl from one or both parties. As they kissed though the pair were undeniably cuddling too; the goat's short, hoofed legs wrapped as far around Gabu's shoulders as their length would allow whilst Gabu himself kept his body pressed down tightly over the goat's.

After several minutes of their heated contact, both wolf and goat were all too aware that this situation was escalating to one which went far beyond a little romantic playfulness. Both could feel their sheaths swelling with their arousal, and each in their own way found themselves blushing with embarrassment at the thought of their dear friend and newfound lover feeling that length of flesh pressing up against them. Mei was worried that he would appear small to Gabu, disappointing the wolf or even not arousing him in the slightest. He was fairly well sized as far as goats went, but to a wolf he wasn't sure that he'd be able to measure up! Gabu meanwhile had the very opposite dilemma; terrified that one look at his fully formed erection would scare Mei off. He had no intention of making the goat do anything he didn't want to after all, but how was Mei supposed to think that when seven inches of wolf-flesh were being waved in his face?!

As it turned out neither of the pair truly needed to worry, at least not immediately. They had taken this long to get together, and though their position wasn't the most natural for either species both Gabu and Mei would have sooner died than separated from one another at that particular. Thus their first true sexual encounter took place right there in the clearing, with Mei on his back and Gabu gently rocking back and forth against him. Both males groaned and bleated softly as they felt their erections rub against one another, against their own belly-fur, and indeed against the fluffy surface of their lover's own stomach. They rubbed, they kissed, and they gazed into one another's eyes like they were trying to extract the meaning of life itself from within them.

Not a word passed between them for almost ten minutes, until both parties were panting, whimpering, and clearly yearning for a more stimulating form of contact.

"Mei... I... I want to taste you!"

The wolf grinned as he spoke those words, and though Mei tried to giggle all that came out was a high pitched and frantic whimper of what appeared to be his consent. Before he had a chance to respond in anything like a more coherent fashion though, Gabu was upon him. He felt the wolf's warmth and weight leave his body for a moment, his erection finally free to strain up into the cool night air but strangely unhappy about that fact now that the time came. His hips jerked forward instinctively, another pleasure-hungry bleat escaping his lips. Never had Mei known such a desire to pleasure his own body before meeting Gabu, and never had the goat known such a desire to be pleasured by another living creature before now!

The goat's twitching pink length was lashed by Gabu's rough and wet tongue a moment later, and in that instant Mei truly believed that he would never again feel such potent pleasure, happiness and abject lust all at once. Two seconds afterwards he felt a hot wave of exhaled breath wash over his shaft, followed by a second lick which left the first one all but forgotten in the back of his mind! He cried out in absolute euphoria, but even as his pleasure echoed off into the distant night Mei still did not feel as though he could do justice to the feelings which his new lover was suddenly lavishing upon him.

"Ohh Mei, y-you taste so good. I... I never dreamed of this, a-and I'm glad. Any dream could only make the truth less perfect..."

As he spoke, Mei couldn't help but notice how Gabu's body was rotating bit by bit. The wolf had started his eager slurping of the goat's shaft directly between Mei's hind limbs, as one might have expected given his previous position. Now though he was almost at ninety degrees to that starting point, and while the all encompassing sweeps of his tongue were still more than enough to caress every inch of Mei's shaft and the furred orbs held tightly beneath them the difference in the direction of the assault was still substantial enough for even Mei's pleasure-stricken mind to figure out what the wolf was hoping for.

"G-Gabu... ohh y-yes. L-let me do the same to you. I... I know y-you want me to, a-and besides... if you get t-to try some goat, then I w-want to taste some wolf!"

It took barely a second or two for Gabu to swing his hindquarters around over Mei's head after the goat made his request, and once in place beneath the wolf's rather large sheath, balls and the tapered cock itself Mei was oh so glad that he'd picked up on his lover's less than subtle hints. Never until today had the goat truly understood the concept of lust, and never until now had he ever been utterly and completely overwhelmed by that lust! Upon seeing Gabu's shaft though, seven inches of red wolf cock tipped with a pointed head and ending with a slightly rounded, bulbous base that seemed to get a little bigger with every passing moment, that was precisely how Mei felt. He bleated in an almost desperate cry of neediness, and before he realised precisely what it was he was doing the goat's neck was craning forward towards the tip of the wolf's erection.

Gabu howled in pleasure as he felt something no other living creature had ever done to him before, experiencing the sensation of his erect shaft within Mei's mouth with the same passionate ferocity that he normally reserved for his orgasms! His second surprise came when Mei began to suckle on him, the goat's instincts kicking in just as they had when he was nursing from his mother's teat, only with much greater care to be careful with the delicate organ he was handling.

The wolf and goat completed their unknowing sixty-nine just moments later when Gabu decided to provide Mei with the very same experience that he was receiving, slipping the smaller male's very respectable five inches between his own lips and proceeding to suckle upon it with the same vigour that he usually reserved for himself. He heard the goat bleating in ecstasy, and felt the vibrations of that same cry pass through his own cock in a wave of pleasure.

Suckling upon one another without technique or purpose, not really striving for orgasm so much as they were desperate to maintain the contact and pleasure flooding both through their partner and indeed themselves, the two males lost all track of time. They wailed and whimpered into one another's crotches, lashed one another's tips with their tongue, and every so often groaned a helpful hint out from around their dear lover's shaft. After all the drama they had shared this evening, and all the pent up feelings they'd been forced to deal with before then, making one another feel as good physically as they did in their own hearts right then was all that Gabu and Mei really cared about.

"M-my knot... ahh! T-the bulb a-at my base. Rub it! P-please... j-just a little! Ohh yes! Yes, Mei!"

By the time the moon began to rise high enough to peek into the clearing, reflecting silver off the gently flowing stream and just beginning to catch the soft blue of Mei's eyes as he gazed up into the stars with a glazed, giddy expression upon his face, the lovers were approaching the point where neither would be physically able to hold back any longer. They'd already slowed their efforts, not so much actively suckling upon one another as holding their partner in their muzzle and gently teasing them. Both wolf and goat were on the very edge of climax, and yet neither wanted to go over quite yet. They still wanted more. More pleasure. More love. More of everything that had been incredible about the past eternity spent in heaven with their partner.



Whimpers of pure pleasure, moans of joy and sobs of the most heartfelt rapture, there wasn't a sound that hadn't been uttered by one or both of the pair as they'd shared this new level of togetherness with one another. They'd smelled and tasted their dear friend in a way neither would ever forget, their scent, texture and flavour locked away in one another's heart of hearts for all time. But the sights that they had shared over the course of their first romantic encounter... oh, it was those images that would forever set their hearts aflame and stir their loins into a veritable frenzy. The first lustful look as their crotches rubbed together, shy and yet shocked by how good it felt. The blush on Gabu's face as he swung his crotch towards Mei, and of course the wild, joyous laughter caught in the goat's bright blue eyes as his face was soaked by Gabu's giddy lick-kissing.

"I can't h-hold it... m-my cock, I... oh god Mei!"

"M-mhh! I l-love you, G-ahhh! Mhhahh! Gabu!"

Gabu's heart boiled over as his balls did the very same, hearing the goat utter the words which had rested unspoken at the very core of their friendship almost since the very day they'd met. He came hard, groaning and yelping in helpless bliss as he heard Mei gurgling his love through an unexpectedly high volume of rich, salty seed. But what truly made the wolf's orgasm a spectacular one was the choked, frantic wail of ecstasy that escaped Mei as the wolf stopped holding back with his own muzzle. He forced himself to fall silent for a moment, thrust his muzzle downward once more, and went to work on the goat eagerly gulping down his protein rich cum.

"Oh!! Ohh G-Gabu! N-n-ahhh! Please! Y-yes! Yes!"

The goat threw his head back and cried out in his own orgasmic euphoria just as the largest and most virulent burst of seed escaped Gabu, lashing his face and the upper portion of his stomach with a thick trail of rich, sticky seed. At the same moment his first burst of cum shot at high speed out into the wolf's own muzzle, locked down fiercely around Mei's crotch and suckling for all that Gabu was worth. Nothing could have possibly prepared Mei for the full assault of his lover's tongue and muzzle all at once, and had Gabu done so from the beginning Mei doubted he'd have lasted more than half a minute overall!

The fact that the wolf had practised on his own shaft shone through undeniably as Mei endured the undisputed greatest orgasm of his life, and in doing so propelled Gabu into new heights of arousal all of his own. Together, as ever, the two were far happier than they ever could have been apart. Each one's orgasm enhanced the other merely by their knowledge of its occurrence, thus both were extended beyond the normal length of even the most pleasurable climax in part by their own unwillingness to end before that of their partner.

By the time the two lovers were spent, neither one was in any position to care who had finished first. All they were able to truly comprehend through the hazy joy of their combined afterglow was that something truly glorious had happened, and that it had involved them in some way.

Somehow, neither of the pair was ever certain how since neither one of them had been able to consciously move for some time after their orgasm had past, Mei ended up lying atop Gabu's chest. He was staring straight ahead, at the base of the wolf's muzzle, and asking Gabu to describe the moon for him. What Gabu responded with however was not a description of the moon, and Mei was glad of that. The words that the goat heard his new lover utter were familiar; familiar because he had uttered them a year ago, beneath another full moon. And now... to hear them spoken again in the wake of a life-changing event such as this...

"Mei, we can be together forever now, can't we?"

...well, it made the goat certain that what he had already believed was indeed the undeniable truth.

Everything, from friendship to love and all that lay in between, was better by moonlight.

By Jeeves

A New Year's Treat

This story was written for Burgabandit. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults and size-play. :3 **A New Year's Treat** As Snap wandered down the corridor towards his apartment, he could still hear one of the parties from down the...

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A Hard Day's Relief

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The Honoured Chosen

This story was written for Draegwolf as part of my themed patreon request day for March. The theme was "Getting Lucky". It contains M/F sex between consenting adults and dom/sub themes. :3 **The Honoured Chosen** Ashi was pissed off. All day...

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