A New Year's Treat

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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As a new year approaches, Snap is fully prepared to welcome it alone. His neighbour however has other ideas, much to the donkey's surprise and delight. :D

This story was written for Burgabandit. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults and size-play. :3

A New Year's Treat

As Snap wandered down the corridor towards his apartment, he could still hear one of the parties from down the street. It was eleven at night, an hour till midnight, and he'd only just gotten done covering a shift. At first he'd asked for today off, but when they'd asked him... hell, the pay was good, and it wasn't like he'd ended up with any plans after all. The were-donkey sighed, running a hand through his thick gingery orange hair and huffing to himself as he glanced down the corridor, towards her door.

Kate. Goddammit. He should have made more of an effort to stay in touch after their Christmas rendezvous. Said something the day after. Or the day after that. Maybe if he had, she wouldn't have already had plans when finally he got up the courage to ask her as they passed in the corridor yesterday. She was incredible. Beautiful. Sexy. Unbelievably confident. And the time they'd spent together, the things they'd done... god, he could feel himself getting hard right there in the public corridor just thinking about it.

He slipped into his apartment, blushing as he closed the door and locked it behind himself. Staring down at the tented front of his black slacks, he shuddered as he loosened his belt, unbuttoned the trousers and slid them off right there, exposing the tented fabric of his grey boxer shorts. He unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it and his jacket to the ground, still leaning back against the door. Closing his eyes, feeling his breathing growing more and more rapid as his cock throbbed urgently, he tried to think of anything else. Anything but her, and how gorgeous she'd looked as she thrashed, shrieked, and as he made her cum over and over again. Was this really how he was going to spend the last hour of his year? Fantasising about a one time thing that he would likely never repeat? He knew he should do something else. Anything else, even if only so he could make that fantasy his first jerk off of a hopeful new year, not the last of a hopeless one.

Then someone knocked on his door, and he jumped so hard he swore his cock almost tore through his boxers with the suddenness of its own twitching jump of shock.

Staggering away from the door, arms windmilling as he realised his trousers were still tied around his ankles, Snap tumbled to the floor with a loud crash. He cursed, and from outside the door he heard a concerned, familiar voice calling out to him.

"Oh my god, Snap? Are you okay in there?"

Fuck. Oh fuck fuck fuck! It was Kate. It was her. She was here. And he was... fuck!

Leaping to his feet and kicking his trousers across the room with such force they skidded into the kitchenette, Snap glanced around the casually untidy living room. On the chair at the far end of the coffee table though, his saviour. A pair of sweat pants. Grey. Old. But relatively clean, taken off purely for comfort one evening just a day or two back. He rushed over and began to pull them on one burly leg at a time, hopping and causing the room to shake beneath his sizeable, muscle-gutted frame.

"J-just a second! I'll be right... r-right there!"

He pulled his sweat pants on, stared down at his crotch, and groaned in horror. What the hell was he thinking? These made his erection even more noticeable than if he'd simply answered the door in boxers alone. Nevertheless, as he heard Kate's voice murmuring something concerned through the door once again he knew he had no choice. Thus he darted over to the door, grabbed his shirt and jacket off the floor to hold in front of himself with one hand, and opened it with the other.

"Kate. Hi! I was just... uh... I'm just back from work and... well, w-what... what are you doing here? Didn't you tell me you had a night out planned with your friends?"

The other donkey walked in. She didn't ask. She didn't even think about answering before doing so. She simply walked in through the open door, wandered over to Snap's couch and sat down on it, tapping the fabric of the seat beside her as she looked back at him with a pout upon her face.

"My asshole friends neglected to tell me that they were all bringing dates. If I wanted to be a seventh wheel to three sets of people dancing and making out all night long while I guarded their drinks, I'd have worked as a bouncer or a bartender. So, after the third round of drinks, before I had to buy one for everyone else... I said fuck it, and I thought I'd come home."

She waited after that. Waited until Snap had sat down beside her, tense, pushed as far against his side of the couch as possible and cursing his large and powerful body, almost touching her no matter how he positioned himself and still holding his clothes in his lap to disguise his arousal. Only then did he notice something. A slight look in her eye. A slight flush to her cheeks. It was one of two things. Tipsiness, or horniness. Or perhaps, just perhaps, a little of both. And indeed he began to feel more strongly that was the case on both counts as she leaned towards him, ignoring his obvious attempts to keep a respectful distance as she placed a hand upon one leg of his smooth sweat pants and began to stroke back and forth.

"But then, I was walking to my apartment... and I thought about something. The other day, when we spoke, I was an ass."

Both she and Snap smirked slightly. Donkey humour.

"Seriously though, you asked me what I was doing for new year and I told you, but I didn't even think to ask you what you were doing. And... well, I don't mean to assume, but... were you going to ask me if I wanted to do something... together?"

Snap's face flushed crimson. He may have been larger and taller than the other donkey by several feet, his burly were-form making him seem intimidating and bristling with inherent confidence, but that couldn't have been further from the truth. He gasped, stumbling over his words and barely able to think.

"I... I u-uh... w-well, you see, I was just wondering if... b-but, it's fine... and..."

The more he stammered and stuttered his way to horrified embarrassment though, the more Kate just smiled. The more she twirled one lock of her rich violet hair around one finger, and regarded the male with an ever growing, ever more devilish grin.


She spoke his name questioningly, and giggled as he fell immediately and obediently silent, like a pet dog responding to its owner's call.

"Kiss me, Snap."

And when he failed to do so immediately, she simply swung herself around upon the couch, straddled his lap, and dragged his jacket and shirt aside so that she could settle herself down on whatever was hidden beneath. Her eyes widened as she saw what was there. Her grin twisted into a gleeful, ear-to-ear smile. She reached down, wrapped one hand around the girthy bulge of his rigid cock through the stretchy fabric, and moaned hungrily to him as her breasts jiggled in his face, barely contained by the revealing top she was wearing.

"Oh god. F-forget kissing me..."

She said that even as she leaned forward, pressing her muzzle briefly to the were-donkey's own and shuddering as he finally summoned up the courage, albeit motivated by the pure lust of her active, eager touch.

"...I want to get a better look at this new year's eve treat of yours. And you... I want you to get a better look at the treat I have for you, too."

In a matter of just another few moments, not even lingering long enough to steal the proffered kiss as Snap finally summoned up the courage to crane his neck forwards, Kate was up on her feet once again. Her arms were outstretched, and despite the male's much larger size she easily dragged him up off the couch and began to lead him around the room. She approached the nearest door, poked her head inside, then giggled.

"Nice shower. So large. Remind me to fuck you there, later."

She proceeded to the next room, and upon identifying it correctly as his bedroom, she led the still dumbstruck, wide eyed and so very, very rock hard male inside. The door slammed shut behind them, and mere moments later the sounds of deep, intense moans began to emerge from within.

Grasping Snap not by the hands but by the crotch, leading to him moaning and gasping loudly as she led him to the bed, Kate fell back upon its soft sheets with a giggle, raising her legs up to the male and brushing her hooves across his cheeks playfully.

"Take off my clothes. And yours too, I suppose."

She giggled again, moaning and shamelessly reaching down under the waistband of her own jeans even as with trembling hands Snap began to unfasten and remove them. By the time he slid down her trousers and panties together, too clumsy and nervous to try and separate each garment one by one, she was already teasingly grinding a couple of fingers against the hood of her own swollen clitoris, biting down on her bottom lip to stifle moans of pleasure. By the time he had clambered up onto the bed with Kate and removed her top as well as the bra beneath, she had already given up on him stripping for her and was using her hoofed feet to tease his sweat-pants down. And finally, as they both knelt, naked and trembling in excitement before one another, Kate murmured to Snap with a teasing, hungry moan.

"Last time it was you that provided the tasty treat. N-now... it's my turn."

She pushed Snap back, laying him out beneath her, and straddled him for a second time. This time though it wasn't his crotch that she settled upon, not at first anyway. He groaned as she shuffled her way up over his rounded belly, crouched on all fours, so low that as she moved further and further up his face became buried in the valley of her cleavage. She paused there for a moment or two, longer actually, giggling and moaning as for almost a minute he huffed and gasped as she rocked back and forth, grazing her breasts against his gasping muzzle, occasionally pulling back just enough to let one of her nipples tease across his lips. Only when he let loose a long, pleading moan of desire did she shuffle onward, up and up, until it wasn't her breasts straddling his face, but her crotch.


A long, singular moan of desperate ecstasy escaped Snap as he felt the warmth, the wet moisture of Kate's lips against his, as he smelled the rich, addictive scent of her juices pressing down against his muzzle. He could already picture himself grasping at her thighs. Hearing her shriek in shock at his sudden burst of confidence, and then in pleasure as his tongue began to ravage her, to tease into her depths and attack her clit with sharp, lashing strokes.

Before he could do any of that though, lost in his own fantasy, she slipped away. She turned upon her knees, and instead of her pussy planted her rump across his face as she moved to sit facing the opposite direction, looking back down the length of the male's body and towards his throbbing, achingly hard cock.

Again he felt her lean forward, again he felt the touch of her fingers wrap around his erection, squeezing, stroking. But this time as her fingers moved slowly, he heard her crying out as the plump, rippling flesh of her ass pressed down around his face. He heard the rapid, wet sounds of fingers plunging in and out of damp, hungry depths, and realised that his chance had been stolen away by the female donkey's own eagerness.

"Oooohh yes. That cock. So thick... so hot. I w-want... I want it in me."

She begged. She moaned as she vigorously fingered herself with the digits of one hand and masturbated him with the other, all the while rocking and grinding her ass down over his face, driving Snap wild with both the sensations she was granting him and the control he was being denied. She kept on begging him to pleasure her, to fuck her, to do all manner of lewd and wonderful things to her, but not once did she offer him the chance. She just let him lie there, shuddering and gasping through breath after breath of her arousal and the beautiful sight of her cheeks jiggling and quivering above him, just about visible in the light streaming in from the street-lamp outside the apartment's open-draped window.

It was only after Kate's voluptuous form had begun to shake violently though, only after a violent, desperately joyous braying cry escaped the female donkey and Snap was almost entirely suffocated by her ass pressing down hard around his mouth and nose as she came with explosive excitement that she released him. Shuddering, blushing, moaning as she recovered from her first orgasmic overload, she shifted position once again but did not for even a second vacate her spot of dominance astride Snap. Instead she simply began to shuffle her way back down him, her face flushed, her eyes heavy with satisfaction but also continued lust.

"T-that was... mmh... that was good. But, goddamn if it didn't just make me need you inside me more."

She sat down astride his crotch, and Snap groaned loudly as he felt her lips parting, spreading across the breath of his cock and beginning to slide tenderly back and forth, drooling the liberal juices she'd already produced all over his already pre-cum clad length.

"I may not be fuelled up with chocolates this time... but I don't need to grow in order to fuck your brains out."

Rising up onto her knees, the plump thighs which until recently had been wrapped around the sides of Snap's head now visibly trembling in her desire, Kate guided the head of her lover's now doubly slick cock to her loosened, lubricated and oh so needy pussy.

"We'll take it slow. I... I can take it. I can take you."

She gasped and shuddered as the were-donkey's thickness stretched her wide, wider, almost too wide. But just when she cried out in desperation, convinced that she was going to have to stop before risking damage to herself, she gave a deep, joyous grunt as all of a sudden the resistance ceased. Her eyes bulged as the tip of the donkey's erection passed through the bottleneck of her clutching, dripping opening, and with a shriek of pleasure she began to sink down lower and lower around his thick, throbbing member.

After that, the male's mind still in a daze over how fast all of this had happened, there was nothing to stop Kate as she began to fuck him. More to the point though, Snap had no reason to want to stop her. This... a woman who could take control, who could make her desires known even when he was incapable of expressing his, was what he had always craved. Christmas? That could so easily have been a one off. Indeed just that day he had been believing it to be just that, nothing more. But this was more than just a one time thing. She had sought him out. Out of all the guys in the city, out of all the potential men she knew, she had sought him out. And now... now she was taking what she wanted from him. And what she wanted, thankfully, was something which Snap was not just happy to give, but desperate to offer her.

"Oh fuck. Fuck, yes!"

She shrieked as she came around him the first time, bucking, bouncing, riding him viciously cowgirl style as her breasts bounced and her thighs jiggled, the male's own gut doing the very same where he lay beneath her, watching in breathless, pleasure stricken reverence all the while. That first orgasm was followed by a second merely a minute or so later, this one accompanied by an ear-splitting scream and a gush of hot, rich juices that very nearly sent Snap crashing into his own explosive orgasm with just how erotic it felt to be soaked by her squirting climax.

It was actually when Kate slowed down though that Snap's passions rose to their most intense and wild level yet. She obviously craved more, but her stamina was flagging. Her body's ability to keep going unable to match up to her heart and mind's eagerness to do so. Only then did Snap have his chance to act, and the lust-fuelled confidence to act upon it. He rose up into a sitting position, and wrapped his arms around the plump, trembling donkey straddling him. He ran his hands down her back, stroking her, touching her, delighting in how she shuddered and writhed happily beneath his fingertips. And when he grabbed at her ass, when he squeezed her thighs and stroked them as he began to lift her, then lower her down upon his cock with greater speed, he moaned loudly and with proud confidence when she shrieked giddily back, overwhelmed with gratitude as he helped her overcome her fatigue one more time.

Her breasts bounced wildly before his eyes, Snap practically burying his face between them once again as he helped Kate ride her way to one last orgasm, this time seeking to share it with her. The were-donkey grunted and gasped as her tight inner walls clamped down around him over and over, as the vice-grip of her inner workings fought against the combined lubrication of their bodies' lust. He rocked his hips, thrusting, striking back against each downward roll of her hips, and stared deep into her eyes, both of them crying out in ecstasy as they grew closer and closer, desperately close to the point of no return.

Fireworks began to flash in the sky outside as the pair approached their shared peak, but they didn't notice. Who the hell cared about fireworks? Who the fuck gave a damn about what time it was, what date it was, what year it was, when they had a pair of eyes that intense, a body that gorgeous, and a lover crying out so loudly, so lustily around and within them?

Snap gave a bellowing, braying cry as he began to let loose, and Kate shrieked back in return as her eyes bulged, overwhelmed by the sudden intensity and sheer volume of cum suddenly gushing into her. She was able to feel each throbbing pulse of the male's cock and the increase in the heat, in the amount of his hot, wet stickiness spilling out into her. It was too much. Too good. She sobbed. She clawed at the were-donkey's coarse haired back, and he clawed at hers in return as they clung to one another and lost themselves in the shared fury of their orgasm.

"Kate! A-aahh yes! Kate!"

"Ooooohhhgooood... Snap, I... I'm... c-cu-a-aaahhhh!"

They clung together, shuddering and writhing, for close to half a minute. Indeed it may well have been more than that, because the next thing Snap knew he was on his back again, and a panting, shuddering Kate seemed to be just as dazed and out of it where she lay above him, the male's face buried in her breasts once again.

At first, they said nothing. They just lay there. Embracing, holding each other, relishing the continued firmness of Snap's spent erection, holding them together as Kate continued to rest around him. After a short while they began to kiss, and though Kate once again took the lead Snap was too relaxed, too at ease to not return each and every smooch as they landed upon his muzzle. And after that, as their heads began to clear and their muzzles burst into warm smiles; Kate's giddy, Snap's own one bashful but no less gleeful, they spoke to one another.

"F-first Christmas... now New Year's Eve..."

Kate began to moan, then giggled as a new burst of fireworks from outside signalled that they'd missed the moment around which tonight was focused.

"And New Year's Day, too. I... I hope you don't just plan on letting me fuck you on National holidays."

Snap's eyes widened, and he blushed crimson as he began to answer as if the question was a sincere one.

"N-no. You can fuck me whenever you want. I... I mean..."

His already glowing cheeks burned brighter and brighter, and he groaned in humiliation. The smaller donkey didn't seem to mind though. In fact she giggled, kissed him again, and cuddled up against him all the more cosily after his silly remark.

"Whenever I want, hmm? Well, I may just take you up on that."

She pecked Snap on the muzzle, roaming her hands over the sides of his rounded belly with intimate affection.

"How about we forget the National holiday thing then. And... hmm... how does... half an hour from now sound?"

The were-donkey shuddered, but groaned happily as he nodded.

"T-that sounds... good."

But Kate wasn't done yet. Not by a long shot.

"And then, an hour after that. And after that, maybe a couple of hours of sleep... then a morning quickie. Maybe that fuck in the shower I wanted, too."

Snap's cheeks flushed, but his eyes were wide and his mind reeling with joyous excitement at what it very much sounded like Kate was suggesting.

"A-and... after that?"

Kate giggled, kissed him, and whispered playfully in his ear.

"Breakfast. The best way to start a new day. Or... in this case, a new year I guess."

Nuzzling into the side of the were-donkey's head, the female sighed and sagged against him a little more, allowing her weight to pin him happily beneath her.

"A new year. I... I'm glad it started off this way."

The were-donkey said nothing at first, just beaming, blushing, shaking with stunned wonder at everything that he had seen, felt, and done in the last hour or so. After a brief silence however he realised that Kate was looking down at him, not expectant, but certainly hopeful. He blushed, moaned softly, and nodded back at her. It might have been overwhelming. It might have dragged him so far outside of his comfort zone he wasn't sure he'd ever be able to get back to it. But in spite of all that he couldn't deny the truth of how he felt in that moment. About all of this, but most importantly about her.

"Me too."

By Jeeves

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