Dawn of the Dragon-Chapter 4

Story by dr54ui on SoFurry

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#4 of Dawn of the Dragon

Scott, Emily, and Rick have escaped from their captors to a vast forest, little do they know, that Mike has also escaped by magically appearing on a cold mountain. Now alone, can Mike find a way off the mountain? And what will happen next for Scott and the others? Find out!

The very cold wind blew against my body and face, making me shiver harder than before. God, it's cold. Makes me wish now that I have a very warm coat! And I know that Florida doesn't get cold a lot, but here in this mountain, a very different story! I can't believe that I've ended up in the cold place. But, at least I've escaped from the dragons and two legged cheetahs unharmed. Now I just need to figure out how to get off this mountain.

I trekked on the path, my feet accidentally going through the deep snow. Making my legs feel cold and my teeth were chattering up the wazoo. I let out a brr and continued to rub my arms in heated fashion. It helps a little bit, but I need a heater, or a furnace, or maybe a fire to make myself warm. I don't see any firewood out here, and it's too cold to start one here anyways. I grunted a bit, trudging through the snow some more, until it wasn't deep anymore. I cried out when I accidentally slipped and fell on a patch of ice on stone, "Shit!" I fell onto my back, groaning in pain when I landed pretty hard on it. Pain was shooting up my body. Ohhh, that hurt!

I laid there for a second, seeing stars in my eyes now. Then when they've cleared, I moaned and got up to my feet, just slowly so I wouldn't slip and fall again. Don't exactly want to break my back! My feet scraped on the frozen stone and I'd almost slipped again. But I caught my own footing and walked slowly on it. All the way to the powdery snow. I let out a sigh of relief and kept moving. Not wanting to stand around here for too long.

The wind was blowing against me again, and I shielded my face with an arm. I bet Scott, if he's escaped from harm like me, is in a better place than this. Before I used that stone, the place I was in didn't have snow and freezing wind! It was just a forest not covered in white and it felt warmer. Lucky you, bro. Lucky you.

But...I do hope you're ok too. Especially when Gabby....

I let out a deep sigh, as guilt was creeping up to me. Can't think about her now. It'll just slow me down. Need to keep moving.

I blinked my eyes repeatedly and shuddered again by the bitter cold. I don't think I'll get off the mountain at this rate. I need to find some kind of shelter. But...Are there people up here? Any warm cabins that I could cozy up in? I seriously doubt it. Now a thought popped up in my brain. Well, I'm definitely sure that I'm not in the Bahamas. I'm sure that the place doesn't have mountains just like this one! I wonder...Where am I really? And also...Where was that stone fortress really in the world? I've never heard of a place like that. And heck, now I'm really wondering this...Flying, fire breathing dragons and two legged, evil cheetahs....Where did they come from? How come no one has never heard of them before? Those things are real. They've just showed up out of nowhere not long after....The green light was floating around above the ocean and it shot up in the sky. What was that light really? I'm just confused about the whole thing. Heck, right now I can barely think in the cold!

I let out a shuddering breath, and then all of a sudden, when I went around a corner of a big rock that has blocked my view, I lost my footing and barely fell headfirst over another cliff! I let out a scream, as I was trying to balance my weight to not fall over, and watching several chunks of snow that I've kicked away falling at a very long height, "Ahhh!!!" Holy crap! That's a long way down. My legs wobbled and I stumbled myself back, relief washing over me, trying to speak with my teeth chattering, "Oh fuck." Then I was incredulously chuckling to myself, walking away from that rocky cliff, "Oh shit, shit, fuck, shit, fuck." I was giggling loudly to myself in a crazy sense of relief. I need to watch where I'm going! I didn't slow myself down! I let out a slow whoosh of air to myself now. Lucky me.

The wind blew at me so hard, I thought that it would blow me off the mountain. But it wasn't the case, I was still firmly standing, shielding my eyes against it. I huffed and huffed, trying to catch my breath through the cold. I could really use a blanket now.

I turned myself to another path, a path that didn't seem frozen, but only covered with snow. Well, I'll follow that path. See where it leads me. With my teeth chattering, shivering all over, now I could barely feel anything in my legs. That can't be good. That probably means I'm going to have frostbite. I need to find shelter and fast! I won't get off the mountain overnight. I was walking alongside this cliff now, careful not to fall off and die. I glanced up at the night sky for a moment, seeing that there were no stars up there, because the clouds were blocking my view of them.

My shaking form was strolling up a small slope and then I slid down a bit with my feet on the other side. Almost fell down again, of course, but caught myself before I did. With my whole body feeling very cold, I was starting to lose some hope. Losing the hope that I won't survive. But then my eyes caught something nearby. I could see a cave not far away from me. I slowly formed a smile. Well, I was starting to give up too soon. I see shelter! Well, it's not a warm, cozy cabin, but it'll have to do. I'll spend the night there and in the morning I'll try to find a way off of here. Yep, that's the plan.

I was jogging toward it, trying to not slip on the snow and fall face forward. I went through the wide tall entrance of the cave and saw that the inside is big. There wasn't any tunnel, I didn't have to walk far in it. It was just one big, round cave. The ceiling up above me about several feet. I didn't feel any wind anymore when I wandered in here. This was better than standing outside. But it did feel cold still. I need to find a way to get myself warm, or I'll probably die. Come on, Mike, think!

Then something caught my eye that I didn't expect in a cave. There was some firewood in here, few logs and several sticks to be exact, and they are laid close to a wall near me. I frowned at it, with teeth clacking in shivers. I wonder why that's there? Did...Someone stayed in here, like I will? I made a nod to myself. Well thank you, whoever, for leaving it! I strode to the wood and picked up several pieces of it, bringing it all in the middle of the stone cave. Now with wood, I just need to light it up. I found a couple of stones, that looks good for flint. At least, I've went to one of those summer camps years ago to know how to do this! I picked up the flint and headed my way back to the firewood. I crouched close and started to make sharp scrapes stone to stone, making them shoot sparks at the wood. After several attempts, I could see a small fire starting to build. I sighed in relief and blew on it a bit, to make sure it'll keep going. Then about two minutes after that, the fire was starting to get bigger. Whew, it's working!

Now that the fire's going good, I began to lay down near it. Ready to bask close to the warmth, I've been waiting for, for....I can't remember how long I was wandering on a mountain. I've lost track. But don't care now. I'm in a warm place. I'll spend the night and leave in the morning. I hope I'll get off the mountain tomorrow. I don't want to be stuck up there forever.

With the fire cracking and burning near me, and the glare of it shining on my face, I was beginning to feel warm now. Finally, my shivers have went away and I was having my feeling brought back on my legs. I pulled up my pants leg and saw that I don't have frostbite on it. Thank god. I checked my other leg and it showed the same thing, no frostbite, much to my relief. I began to relax now, laying on my side, my head laid on my arm. I don't have a pillow or anything, so my arm is a good makeshift pillow right now.

As my body felt more warm now...Gabby's face came to me. I was remembering her face, and her screams before she was gone from the world. That's when I was showing a guilty face and let out a breath. Gabby....I'm sorry.

I didn't save you! You died, and I didn't save you! This is my fault.

I've saved my brother, his girlfriend, and his father, but I didn't save you.

But then I remembered that she was far out of reach from me, but...It still felt like it was my fault. It didn't make me feel better, it made me wish that I could've done something more. I felt responsible for that girl. I had to admit...Nothing like that has ever happened to me before. Like I was feeling guilty for ruining Scott's life, now I was guilty for not saving Gabby's life.

I really did have a big crush on her, I know that I don't know her that well, but I really did like her. She seemed kind and beautiful. And now I feel so stupid for not saving that girl's life. I've felt so worthless, for not saving the girl I like. Don't all guys do that? Protect the girl that you're starting to like? This has never happened to me before, and when that first time to save that kind of girl came...I've failed. What kind of a man, am I? I liked her, but I couldn't save her. Gabby...I'm very sorry. She gave me the stone to escape, but I wish that she'd came with me. I feel a bit lonesome right now in this cave. I can even picture laying close with her by the fire....My arms held tightly around her body. Both of us sleeping near the flames. My heart sank at the thought, that it'll never happen. She's gone.

I rubbed the side of my arm, while scooting myself a bit toward the pit of fire. I...Really hope that Scott, Emily, and Rick escaped because of my distraction. I don't want them dead too. That would make me feel worse than losing Gabby. But...If I didn't save Gabby, does that mean that my efforts to save them were futile? Are they dead too?

I let out a sigh, my chest tightening a bit by the emotions going through me. I don't want to think of them as dead. I don't want to. I will keep that hope alive. If they've escaped, then they're running for their lives outside the fortress and hiding somewhere....Probably sleeping for tonight like me.

Please guys....Scott....Stay safe. I don't want you dead too. Not like mom...Not like Gabby...Not like the other people that tried to escape.

Gabby's face appeared in front of my eyes once more, and then I finally went over the edge. Starting to break down in tears and sob silently. They were falling slowly down my cheeks and I closed my eyes, curling myself up in a ball on the floor. Finally starting to feel worn out from after all that'd happened to me. Letting the sound of the wind outside and the small crackling of flames near me, lulled me toward slumber.


I was wandering around in the darkness, taking one tentative step at a time. I frowned, when gazing around, seeing nothing in sight. No light, or anything. I don't understand. How did I end up here? I thought I was laying close with Emily on a tree. Where am I? I stopped walking and called out, "Emily!" My voice made a huge echo in the blank, dark area surrounded me. I tried again, "Emily! Are you here?!"

That's when I can hear a voice behind me, it came out as a whisper, "Scott." I gasped sharply and whirled myself around to see...A dragon! And it's hiding in the darkness. I couldn't see it well, but I can see it's form in the shadows. Its wings fluttering on it's back softly, and the dragon's eyes were glowing. Fear was coming to me like a plague and I let out a scream and started to run away. Before I could run any further, I suddenly ran into something invisible. When I rammed into it, I fell back down to the ground, shocked at what happened. There's nothing there! What happened? I began to think that there's some kind of invisible wall and it's preventing me from running away. I'm trapped with a dragon!

I let out trembling breaths, as the dragon moved forward in the darkness, I was scooting away, until my back's pressed against the invisible wall, "Ah! Don't hurt me!" I was trapped, like a small animal for prey for the big dragon in front of me.

The dragon actually stopped about a few feet in front of me, and settled down on it's haunches. Looking down at me with those glowing white eyes. Then I could hear the voice again, and it sounded like a woman, "Scott."

My eyes went wide, as I heard it again. What in the world? What's going on? Who said that? There's nothing else here, except....The dragon? Did that thing talk to me? Is that really...Possible? What's really going on here? How did it know my name?

I didn't know why, but for some strange reason the voice felt soothing to me. It even made my fear for the thing go away. It sounded warm and soft. I asked the dragon in front of me, "Are you...Talking to me? Who...Are you? Are you...Going to kill me?"

The dragon's eyes gazed right at me and then I could hear that voice once more. I couldn't tell if that thing was speaking to me or not, because I can't see it's mouth moving because of the darkness, "Find me."

I frowned at it, "Huh? ...What?"

"Find me, Scott."

That's when I was feeling something shaking my shoulder and I heard another voice, "Scott, wake up." I jerked my eyes open and looked right into Emily's eyes. Then I looked around and realized that I was dreaming. I was still on that tree branch like I have been last night. And...It's morning now. Emily tilted her head, "Are you alright?"

I let out a calm sigh and nodded, "Yeah...I was just dreaming."

Emily smiled at me and was brushing through my hair soothingly, "I hope that it was a good dream. Because we all need one right now."

I remembered what happened last night, and nodded in agreement, "Couldn't agree more." I looked to my left to the branch that Rick was sleeping on, but I see he's not there. I turned back to Emily and asked, "Where's your dad?"

She replied and scooted away from me, getting ready to climb down the tree, "He's already awake and waiting for us." She pointed down below, "Come on, we need to get out of here."

I looked down over the branch and saw that Rick's waiting for us down below. I nodded to myself and started to climb down after Emily. My arms were feeling a bit tired still, but I know that the feeling would go away soon. My dream was still flooding through my mind. God...What a weird dream. I was dreaming about...A dragon. Only it wasn't attacking me, it was...Sitting right in front of me and staring with it's glowing white eyes. They were creepy, that I can mostly remember. And...I heard a voice. A woman's voice.

I grabbed another tree branch, as I was finding my footing on another one. I let go and went down to the other one. Did that thing really talk to me? I couldn't tell. But the voice knew my name and it said...'Find me'. Find me? Find who? And...Where?

I looked down to see in time that Emily made it below the tree and I was almost there myself. Oh, who am I kidding? It's just a dream. Nothing more true about it. But why did I have it? I never had that kind of dream before. This is odd.

When both my feet felt the ground, I removed my grasp from the next tree branch and jumped down, "Whew." I stretched up my arms, still feeling tired a bit, "Well, that's over with." I turned to Rick and Emily and smiled at Rick, "Hiya, sorry it took my so long."

Rick crossed his arms and had a bit of a serious look, "You appeared to be deep in thought."

Emily nudged him with her elbow before I could say anything, "He just had a dream."

He hung his head a bit, "Oh." Then he shrugged his shoulders, "Well, sleep time's over. We better get moving."

Emily turned her eyes back and forth around the forest, "Ok...But which way? Everything just looks the same."

Rick turned on me and replied, "Well...I think we'll just go that way." He pointed straight ahead, "Don't see why not. Since it might be the direction away from that weird place."

I walked up and stood beside him, "Alright, lets go."

I was about to take a step forward, but he stopped me with a hand to my chest. I peered curiously at my girlfriend's father and he said with that serious look still plastered in his eyes, "I'm the adult, I'll lead the way." And with that logic, he started to walk ahead of us, saying to me and Emily over his shoulder, "Ok, come on." I looked to Emily, and she shrugged with her hands and shoulders. I did the same and without another second to waste we followed after him.


I didn't know how long we've been walking through these thick woods. The sunlight barely creeped through the canopy of the trees. We can hear several creatures making noises for the day to come. The three of us were brushing past several bushes and low branches, making several cracks when stepping on small sticks. I was wondering how long are we going to wander around in this wide, vast place. The woods seem to go on for hours, not to mention, still thick. No wonder, the dragon that was chasing us last night just gave up. I looked up at the sky, trying to peer through the trees above me. I don't see anything flying overheard and searching for us. And now my curiosity was tickling my brain. Are the cheetahs out here searching for us? I hope not.

Then images from last night came forth to me. A lot really happened last night. A green light showed up and shoot up in the sky, then we were attacked on the cruise ship and then we were brought here to that...Big, blue crystal in that chamber. I still don't understand what that thing was for, but now I don't want to know.

Then Mike's face appeared now, and my lip quivered a bit, but I didn't cry. Mike....

I hope that you didn't die last night. So...Where are you?

Please be safe.

Emily, while strolling beside Rick, actually remembered that she had her cell phone with her the whole time and is now trying to call the police with it. Heck, she outa call the military to deal with this mess! She has been trying so for several minutes. She let out a groan, "Damn it."

Rick asked, "No signal?"

She shook her head with a fearful look, "No. Nothing."

I knew that it would happen. She keeps getting the same result over and over again. No signal one bit. Well, I guess there aren't any cell phone towers out here, and no electronics would work out here either. Where are we exactly? What is this place? I'm certain that we're not in the Bahamas. I'm getting a feeling that this is a totally different place.

Emily put her phone away and sighed with a sad look, wrapping her arms around herself like she was having this cold fear consuming her, "I wish that I could call mom. She's probably trying to call me and can't reach me."

Rick wrapped an arm around her and planted a kiss to the top of her head, "We'll get home, I promise." He looked ahead, still holding her, "We'll probably wind up somewhere. Maybe we can find a town or something and find a phone. Call for help."

I muttered, "Yeah, if the dragons and cheetahs didn't slaughter every person living in it."

Rick turned to me with a narrowed look that's mixed with hope, "Well, we have to find something, because we can't keep doing this forever."

Emily furrowed her brow and pulled her cell phone out of her pocket again, "Screw this, I'm calling the cops again."

I knew that what she's doing won't work, but hey, have to let her try...No matter how many times she'll do it. Rick replied with a bit of a roll of his eyes, "Good luck with that." He's just skeptical that it'll work, and I guess I can't blame him for that.

Emily let out a huff of frustration and cursed, "Damn it."

I asked her, even though I knew the answer to it, "Still dead?" She sighed, looked to me around her father and nodded. Yep, I knew it.

Rick removed his arm around her and waved his hand down in front of her, "Better save the battery on your phone. We may need it for later." She complied by putting back her phone again, I can still tell that she has a worried look on her face, probably thinking about her mother. Along with the mixture of fear of what happened last night. I feel for her. I'm wondering if Joshua's trying to get ahold of me too. Well, if he is, he probably can't reach me. And I wouldn't reach him. Oh hell, I don't have my phone with me anyways. So who cares about that now?

The three of us made a step over a small hollow log and kept trudging past several more tall trees. I wiped the sweat off my forehead, since walking for a long time was making me feel sweaty. Most of the time, Emily was complaining that she wants a bath. Well spending the night out in the woods and walking for a long time here, would make her want a bath. I'm not complaining though, but it's a bit tiresome. Rick hardly said a word, since he was having a concentrated look upon his face. Really focused on getting us, especially his daughter, out of this mess.

Then about an hour passed and we found a circle of big rocks in one spot around here. We decided to sit down and take a break there. Feeling worn out already by all the walking we've had. Rick offered to look for something to eat, since we're all hungry. Me and Emily nodded and he wandered off, also telling us that he won't go far. Emily sat real close to me and laid her hand over mine. Clutching it tightly. I looked at Emily and she smiled. Then we both looked up at the canopy, waiting for our lunch to come since my stomach's growling.

Well I hope Rick can find something good out here. I think we're both hungry. I looked around the woods and made a thought as to which direction we'll go next after eating. Well I'm sure with Rick in the lead, we may be able to get out of here soon. And hopefully, we can find a town somewhere too. We really need help.


The sun was shining through the opening of the cave and it hit straight at my face. I moaned a bit and groggily blinked my eyes open. I didn't want to get up, but I felt like I had to. Morning has come to the mountain. I sat up on the ground, realizing that while I was sleeping, I was laying on my back later on in the night. I turned my gaze to the firewood, seeing that it's now charred and grey. I would think that it's cold right now, but the sun was pretty much warm on me. I slowly formed a smile and started to yawn real loud, stretching up my arms. Well...Time to get moving. No need to stay in this cave like a Neanderthal. I was giggling at the thought. Ha! Neanderthal.

My shoes were scraping against the cave floor when I got up from the ground. My stomach growled and my eyes widened. Crap...Now I'm getting hungry. I sighed and started to walk around the charred firewood on my way to the entrance. I know I'm hungry, but I'm sure that there's no food up in the mountain. I'll have to traverse down further and hopefully I can find something. I paced, until I was standing outside, stepping on the crunching snow that's still laying on the ground from last night, basking in the warm sun's rays. This really feels a lot better than last night. No bitter cold wind...Just the warm sun. Well, that's one thing I don't need to worry about. I looked to the cliff that's close to the cave and made my way up to it, taking a peek down at it. I still am really high above the ground. Maybe...It might take me all day to get all the way down here, or maybe two days. From up here, I can see a vast forest that goes on for miles. It really does look very far down...If only I can get to that forest. At least, I can traverse through there and find a town or something. Then I can figure out where I am in the world. As it looks right now, I don't see any towns or anything. I let out a nervous sigh. God...I hope I can do this.

I was about to turn around and walk off, when I saw something flying in the distance toward the cliff. It looked like a...Dragon! My blood turned cold at the sight and then my eyes went wide. Crap, it's coming here! God, I thought I wouldn't see another evil dragon! I would run away, but since it's in the air, it'll see me running away from up in the sky. I need to hide. Then the cave behind me came to mind. Well, it's the only hiding place I could think of, so best get to it. So with that thought, I whirled around and ran full speed back through the entrance. I turned back around, to see if I can see that thing fly away from this spot in the mountain. Hopefully, it'll fly somewhere else. I was backing away from the entrance, with my gaze still on the dragon flying towards the cliff still with a flap of its wings. Damn it, it's not making a turn! It's getting closer!

That's when a thought came to me. Oh no....I think I'm in it's home! That's why it's flying here! Well, I can't outrun it when it's in the air, and I have to run back and hide in here...Now I need to find a good hiding spot within the cave. I frantically looked around for a good hiding spot in the cave and saw that there are tall stalagmites sticking up from the ground. I could use those to hide! I looked outside, seeing that the dragon's almost here. Well, now or never. I ran up to the rock formations and hid behind them. Breathing heavily, as my heart pounded fast. I don't really know if that thing saw me running back in here or not, but...I'll find out.

When there was no wind outside blowing hard, I can hear wings flapping from in here. Then there was nothing, just quiet. I think the thing has landed. About a few seconds later, through a small gap between the stalagmites, I can see a big shadow entering the cave, and I held my breath. My heart thumping still in my chest. I can see the big form going smoothly through the cave entrance, it's claws clicking on the stone ground. It paced slowly, it's wings resettled on its back. My eyes widened again, god it's big and taller than me. Well of course it is, it's a dragon!

From what I can tell, it's a black dragon, with two small silver horns sticking out of it's head, a few frills close to it's ears, and a dark blue underbelly. I think I can see it's eyes from right where I am. The thing's eye color is silver. I let out a quiet whoosh of air, glad that it didn't see me yet. But then a realization came. I'm now trapped in here with it, until it leaves....Great.

The dragon took a couple more paces and it saw the charred up firewood on the floor. It tilted it's head and walked slowly toward it. I think it's surprised that something new happened when it came back. I wonder how smart that thing really is? It began to lower it's head to the charred remains and took a big whiff of them with it's nose. I hope it's not smart enough to look around in here for me. I really hope it's not THAT smart. Please god...Don't let that thing find me.

The black scaled dragon rose its head above them and cocked it's head again. Thumping it's long tail behind it. I think it was having a narrowed look on it's face, when gazing down at the charred wood. Then from what I can tell, it closed it's eyes and just stood there with it's head hung a bit. It was like that for about ten seconds. I frowned at it. What's it doing? Sleeping while standing? That's weird.

But when the dragon opened it's eyes immediately, it took it's sight right at the spot where I'm hiding, with a growl. The fire lit up in it's silver eyes. I let out a gasp. Oh shit! No way! It knows! The dragon was about to pad it's way to my hiding spot, but I ran out of hiding. Before I could run past the stalagmites and the big creature, it blocked my way, standing tall with it's wings flared. I sucked in a breath and fell back on my butt, surprised and frightened at it's display. The black dragon was narrowing it's eyes at me, angry to see an intruder in here. The dragon was planting one paw at a time, slowly toward me on the ground, without taking it's fierce gaze off me.

I scooted fast away from the thing, until I've backed up into a corner. Breathing deeply and shaking a bit in fear. No...Not here. This is not how I wanted to die! When the dragon's right in front of me, I pulled my knees close to my chest, fear showed in my eyes. I'm not sure why it's not trying to kill me now, but I'm getting a feeling it'll be sooner than I think. The dragon lowered it's head to my level, growling at me. I breathed deeply, with a few small trembles of my body.

The dragon brought it's head close to me and was tilting it. I could've swore that I thought I saw some curiosity in them. But I wasn't too sure. I silently begged the thing with my pleading eyes, pleading for it to not kill me.

The dragon let out a bit of a snort through it's nose and then it brought it's snout closer to my head. I wanted to melt away in the wall, but I really was trapped. I turned my head away from the thing, shutting my eyes. Then I could feel the dragon's breath on me, while it was just sniffing me. On the inside, I was petrified at this. Now it's sniffing me! I grunted when it tried to bring it's gaze to mine, but I turned my head the other way. It continued to sniff me. I don't get it...Why isn't it killing me now? I'm really getting a bad feeling about this.

The black dragon finally stopped sniffing me and pulled it's head away from me. I finally opened my eyes and looked back at it. I see that the thing was just staring at me. What are you planning, monster? Are you ready to kill me now after giving me a sniff? I'm getting a feeling that it's hungry for me now. I looked past the big form and saw the entrance of the cave. Maybe...If I can somehow get past it, I can escape. But...How? Then an idea formed in my brain. Maybe it'll work. It's a crazy idea, but it's worth a try.

The dragon was bringing it's nose closer to me again and with a loud scream, I raised my hand and slapped the thing's nose really hard. It let out an animalistic cry and jerked away from me, thrashing it's tail behind it, smashing against the pile of charred firewood. The dragon was scrunching it's nose in pain and I got up and ran away from the wall past the dragon. I think it saw me running past it and it let out a hiss. The dragon tried to use it's tail to trip my legs, I jumped over it, but the tail caught me a bit in mid air and I fell on my stomach to the floor. I gasped and started to crawl away on hands and knees.

The dragon turned away from the wall to give chase, lowering it's face to me. I crawled up to the firewood and before the dragon could get anymore closer to me, I snatched up some ash from the burned wood and threw it at the dragon's face, "Naargh!" The dragon let out a roar as it impacted it's eyes, blinding it momentarily. It slumped down on it's haunches and tried to rub it out of it's eyes. Now's my chance! I got up fast from the ground and started to run again. I didn't dare to look back, when I ran outside back in the sun, running to the left down a small slope away from the cave. I made a jump down it, landed, and dashed with my arms pumping back and forth. I glanced back a bit, and saw that the dragon's not outside yet. I still have some time.

I looked ahead, still running. God, if only I can fucking fly! I would probably escape it better if I flew. Oh, who am kidding? I'm afraid to fly! My feet were running through the snow on the ground, sending some of it flying behind me while sprinting. Then I could see a dead end ahead, when there's another cliff. There was nowhere else to run. I'd be trapped at that spot. I skidded to a stop and whirled around, and from where I'm at, I can see the dragon's out of the cave taking flight. My eyes went wide. Crap, it's out now! If it flies here, it'll see me! Now what do I do?

Then something on my right caught my eye. There's a wall of rock beside me and in that wall, I could see a gap that's big enough for me to fit through. I guess, it can't see me if I go through that. I ran and began to squeeze my way to slip through it. I groaned when I finally got my whole body in that sorta tight gap. I stopped pushing myself in there and just stood still, from up in the air, I can hear the dragon flying around over this area, but it didn't land outside the wall of rock. It didn't see me. I let out a breath of relief. That was close. I turned my head and noticed that the narrow gap just keeps going further. I guess I can keep going, maybe it'll take me to the other side of the wall, maybe take me somewhere that's not a dead end. I was honestly afraid that I'll get stuck in here, but I have to try. I started moving deeper in the gap with the back of my shirt scraping against the hard rock, not stopping to go back the way I came. I grunted a bit, when one part of the enclosed gap was a bit smaller for my taste, but I sucked in my breath and slipped through it. I didn't know where it'd lead me, I just had to keep moving.

I sidestepped some more, until I could see the other side of that gap. I was almost out of there. Whew, knew that there'd be a opening on the other side of that wall. When I reached to the other side, I was grunting when I was shoving myself out. I got my whole body out of that wall of rock. Standing freely out of it. I let out a breath and looked around. I'm near a cliff, but there was no dead end now. Lining up near it, I see a trail. Well, I better get going. I looked up at the sky, trying to see if I can see the dragon in the air searching for me. I'm not standing around and find out! I started to run, not looking back at the gap I came out of. I ran up the trail, running along the cliff about six feet away from me. I barely tripped, because of a rock covered in snow, but it didn't stop me from moving. I huffed and huffed, feeling like I was running out of breath.

When I jogged up another slope and down it, something tackled me to the ground and we landed with a soft thud on the snow. I shifted under whatever tackled me and realized that it's a cheetah. And it has a wicked grin, "Hey, look what I've found!" Then I grabbed some snow and shoved it into that thing's face. Crying out in pain at the powdery snow hitting his eyes. I used my foot to push him off and scrambled myself to get up off the ground. Brushing the wet snow off my clothes. I looked and saw that there are about twenty black furred cheetahs now and they were coming from a wide path nearby. From what I see now, we were all standing in a wide circular area, with the cliff behind me and the path they've used at the edge. All their robes were being rustled with each step. The one who I'd shoved powdery snow into his face, got up from the ground with another rub of his eyes, glaring at me now. Crap...Where did they come from? First another dragon, now more of them! Can't I get a break?!

One cheetah, who acted like a ring leader came up one step with a huge smug grin and said, "Well, well, we've heard that our comrades have captured several creatures like you last night and several escaped. But we didn't think we'd find you here." He laughed, "But lookie who's here!" They all laughed at this, all of them gazing menacingly.

I shouted at them, "What do you want from me?! What do you want from my people?! Why are you doing this to us?!"

The cheetah made a glare with those glowing red eyes, "What do we want from you? We want to kill you now, that's what." He grew his claws from his fingers, until they were long like swords. Everyone else did the same. I narrowed my eyes at them, not wanting to look scared, but truthfully on the inside, I am. I started to back away slowly, while they were advancing threateningly slowly at me. I backed up, until my feet were near the edge of the cliff. I was trapped again, and this time, I'm trapped by cheetahs. I looked down behind me, seeing that there's no way I'll just jump off of here.

I looked back at them and one cheetah giggled evilly, "There's no escape now." They were getting closer to me, and I made a defiant glare. I'm not going down like this!

I bent down and scooped up some snow and threw it at two of them. Crying out in shock at that. Now their leader shouted out his cry, "Attack!" Then one of them came right at me, with those claws raised to kill me. When he lunged at me, I sidestepped in time and he fell over the edge of the cliff, letting out a howling scream when he fell to his death. Another one was trying to swing his claws downward, but I dodged that as well, and kicked him to the side hard. That one let out a umpf, when I did that. I ran away from the cliff, but I didn't get very far, since the two that I threw snow at, attacked me at unison. I yelped and stumbled back. The tip of those claws almost grazed my chest. They hit the ground hard, and I gave one of them a sharp foot to the chest. The other one brought his claws off the ground and tried to swing at me again, but I barely dodged that one, when I rolled through the snow, recovering myself soon afterward. Before I could move, one of them used his elbow to take me down and I landed on the ground with a grunt.

I shifted around to my side and before I could get up, one held his claws to my chest, stopping me from what I'm doing. From what I believe to be the ring leader, smiled triumphant down at me, "See? You couldn't fight all of us."

I chuckled a bit, looking up at the smug bastard, "I took down a few of you, too bad I didn't take you down next."

He narrowed his gaze, "Any final words?"

I nodded up at him, "Yeah, FUCK YOU." Well they were the best final words I could come up with.

Then he raised those claws high above me and sneered, "Then die!"

Before he could give me the killing blow, suddenly something big landed behind him and his lackeys, the ground shook a bit. They all whirled around and I glanced at it too. It was the dragon from the cave. It was roaring at them, when it stood regal with it's tail swishing back and forth along the snow. The cheetah leader screamed at his pals, "Look out!" Then the dragon made a lunge with it's claws and knocked about three of them away with a thud. Rolling around in the snow and grunting. My eyes went wide. What? What it's doing? It's...Attacking them! I scooted away on the snow and just watched the scene unfold at a good distance. The black dragon used it's tail and lashed out at one of them, taking his feet out from under him. Another cheetah snarled and rose his claws high above his head while running charging at it. But the dragon was faster, when it made a sharp swipe at the charging cheetah. He groaned when the talons knocked him away. I was watching in shock at this.

I saw one cheetah actually sneaking up behind the dragon and I gasped slightly. But the dragon actually caught glance at the sneaky cheetah and bared it's teeth. Then with a strike of it's long tail, smacked him across the chest, sending him flying a couple feet away. The dragon roared and whirled around to advance on the downed cheetah. He was trying to crawl away, shouting for mercy, but the dragon stomped that thing to death with one forepaw. About four were charging at the black dragon and I was surprised they didn't run away. They really are stupid, that dragon's winning!

The dragon turned it's snout to them with a glare and in a flash, took a deep breath, and blew a big stream of fire out of it's maw. They were screaming in agony as they were being burned to death. I cried out at the spectacle of this. Wow! I breathed deeply and slowly got up on my feet.

The dragon breathed fire again, at several more of them, making them all suffer the same fate as the other four. Now there was only two left. And one cheetah foolishly charged at it, but the dragon brought it's jaws to the black furred cheetah's body and snatched him off the ground, screaming in terror while being held up above the ground. The dragon swung it's head to it's right and threw that cheetah away like trash. He screamed when he hit the ground pretty hard headfirst, breaking his neck. I winced at watching that.

Now with one cheetah left, he stood his ground and so did the dragon, baring it's teeth and made a stunning display by spreading out it's wings. It let outa another earth shaking roar at the only opponent left. The cheetah snarled at the creature bigger than him with a charge with his big claws, "Die!" He was charging with those claws aimed at the dragon's chest. But the dragon's snout was starting to have some smoke coming out of it and then it made another torrent of fire out of it's maw. The cheetah covered his face with both arms and screamed when the fire hit him very hard. The dragon blew flames until the cheetah's body slumped to the ground, burned and charred. The snow melted around the fire and the body.

The dragon stood there, taking a deep breath through it's nose. Knowing that the battle's over. My eyes went wide at this. Wow...It killed them all.

Before I could do anything, the dragon spotted me and I gasped a bit. What's it going to do now? It was padding fast toward me, it's paws trekking through the snow.Curling it's wings on it's back, not taking it's eyes off me one bit. It got right in front of me and I backed off a bit. Now the thing was looking down at me, from I can see....A look of curiosity in it's eyes. Then a realization hit me. It's...Not going to kill me. It saved me. It killed them all and saved me. I don't get it...I thought all dragons were evil and were working with them. Why did that dragon attack them? Why did those cheetahs attack it? Why?

The dragon brought it's snout down to me and just started sniffing me. I was a bit annoyed by the whole thing, and pushed the thing's nose away slightly, "Hey." The black dragon pulled back, fluttering it's wings on it's back, letting out a snort that it's air smacked against my face. I backed away again, as it was now staring down at me. That...Thing seems friendly. I can't believe it. I'm really surprised at this.

The dragon didn't make any movement, except blinking it's silver eyes at me, wondering what I'm going to do now I suppose. Maybe it knows that I'm a friend. That's when I decided to talk to it. I didn't know if that thing can understand any word I'll say, but I just wanted to try it. It seems kinda smart to me. I was making hand movements as I was talking very slowly to it, trying to communicate with it, "Uh...Thank you...For...Saving...My life." Then I patted my chest with both hands, "Me....Good....Me...Your friend..."

I think the dragon was frowning at me now, as I went on shaking my head, making more hand movements, "I...Don't belong....Here....Me...Belong....Someplace else....I...Want....To-"

Then the dragon did something I didn't expect, when it started moving it's muzzle, "Are you one of those species learning how to speak?"

I gasped at this. No way! It...Talked. The dragon talked! And it...Sounded like a girl. It's a girl dragon.

The mighty creature curled it's neck in a shape of an s, "Can you answer me?" She put her paw to her chest, "It's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you."

I backed away in shock, "No way...You're talking!"

The dragon's silver eyes went wide and tossed up her head laughing, "Well, of course I can! Do you not know what I am? I'm a dragon! Dragons can talk, you know."

I was still in shock at the revelation that the dragon, who I thought was gonna kill me earlier but actually saved my life, can talk. I only let out this, "Uhhh-"

"Still having a hard time speaking?" She chuckled a bit, while shifting her weight on one paw to another, "I would teach you how, but I don't think I'd be a good teacher."

I narrowed my eyes, "Hey, I can speak fine!"

She drew back her head, then lowered it a bit and hummed, "Hmm...Guess you're not learning how to speak after all. You already know how." She made a curious frown, "I don't think I've seen something like you before. I think you did say that you don't belong here. What are you?"

I muttered, "I'm...A human."

She cocked her head and lowered her snout to me again, making me gasp, "Hmm....A human? I've never heard of a human. Where did you come from? And...Why were you in my cave? How'd you wind up here in the mountain?"

I was waving my hands at her and shook my head as well, "Whoa, hold on! Why didn't you say something to me sooner? I thought you were going to kill me."

She replied to that, "Me? Kill you?" She was shaking her head, "Well, I'm not planning on it. And to answer your question as to why I didn't say anything sooner, because I wasn't too sure about you. I was rather curious of you. Course, I don't like intruders showing up in my cave, but you were also just an unfamiliar creature in my cave. I was angry, but I was curious as well. I was just...Sniffing and observing you a bit."

I shrugged my arms, "Still, you should've just said something."

The dragon scrunched her nose and brought her head back up, "I probably would have, but you didn't give me a chance. You slapped my nose, threw ash at my face, and ran away. Talk about nice tactics you have. What you did to me back there, it kinda made me have second thoughts about you a little bit. Partly thinking that you were some kind of enemy and trying to escape me." She made a gesture with her paw toward the dead cheetahs nearby, while giving me a small pity look, "But when I saw you getting attacked by them, I knew that you were just a creature fighting for his life. You needed my help. And I now know the reason why you ran away from me before, is because of fear. You weren't an enemy, who'd wandered in my cave, you were afraid of me. The way you were acting, the way you looked at me back in the cave...I wasn't sure about all that at first, but I do now. And I can see why you didn't say anything to me before...Because you were afraid." She tilted her head, "You never really talked to a dragon before, haven't you?"

I chuckled weakly at her, "You could say that. I was just...Very afraid of you. Plus, I...Didn't think that you could understand me, if I've tried." Pretty wrong about that part, she can understand me. Then I rose an eyebrow, "So wait...You're not really working with them?"

The girl dragon gestured her wing to the aftermath of the battle, with another swish of her tail, "I'm sure you saw what happened, so I think you know the answer."

I made a wide face. Well she got me there...Guess I was really wrong about her. She's...Not working with them. That's why she's not going to kill me. God, now I feel a bit bad for slapping her nose, or throwing ash at her eyes. I guess...Not all dragons are bad. Not like the ones who almost killed me. I probably should've just talked to her. Or at least, wait for her to speak first! Really messed up on that.

The dragon asked, "So where are you from? Do you live in Avarilan?"

I made a wrinkled face, "Huh? The what?"

"Avarilan. We're both in a world called Avarilan." She squinted at me, "You're not from around here, are you? Is that why you never talked to a dragon before? You are the most mysterious creature I've laid my eyes on. You walk on two legs like a cheetah, and you wear that fabric all over your body like they do, but you don't have much fur." She made a snort against my shaggy hair, "Except up there. Strange indeed." She giggled to herself, "I guess, dragons like me learn something new everyday."

Avarilan? What's she talking about? I'm...In a world called Avarilan? That's crazy! I glared at her, "Wait a second! What are you talking about? Tell me what's going on here!"

She glared right back with another snort, and a thump of her tail smacking against the powdery white snow, "You're talking to a me, that's what's going on here."

I groaned, "No, I mean, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" I made a wave at her, "I thought dragons don't exist, but I'm staring at one! And there are no such thing as walking, talking, two legged cheetahs, but there are! What kind of place am I standing on?! What's Avarilan?! Who...Who are you?! And...Why is this happening to me?! How the heck did I get here?!"

The female dragon cocked her head at me, "You really don't know?"

"That's why I'm asking!" I heard my voice echoing by my shouting through the sky and mountain, as I breathed heavily and hung my head, "I've been kidnapped by those...Cheetah things last night, and I...Escaped from them and ended up in the mountain because of a white stone."

She hummed when I brought that part up, "White stone....Must have used one of their own teleportation stones. They're magically made by them and their master. They're pretty unsophisticated and only they know how to use them well."

Jesus, I'm getting a headache now! I peered back at her now with a wide look, "God, this is fucking weird!" I paced to her and placed both hands to her chest, begging for her to tell me everything with tears filled in my eyes, "How did I get here?! How did I get in Avarilan?! Please tell me! Tell me everything!"

She shoved me away with a forepaw and backed away one step away from me with a shout, "Calm down! I don't know how you got here!" I took a deep breath and let it out, wiping those tears out of my eyes. She did the same and let it out in a small huff, fluttering her wings behind her, with a softened look, "I'm sorry. I'm just confused as you are. I don't even know where you came from and how you got here. But what I do know, is that you're in a world called Avarilan. That's where you are." She pointed her talon at me, "How about this? Why don't you start at the very beginning and tell me...What happened to you?"

I shook my head incredulously and put my hand to my temple, "This is so...Confusing."

The dragon shrugged her wings and shoulders, "Tell me something I don't know." Then she gave me a pity look, "Look, I'm sorry for...Whatever has happened to you. But...Can you tell me your name? Do creatures like you have a name?"

I lowered my hand and asked her, "I do, but do you have a name too? I mean...Do dragons have names?"

The dragon actually formed a smile on her snout, "Oh yes. Why be born without a name at all? That would sound ridiculous if you ask me."

I actually laughed internally at the thought, "Riiight....." Then I decided to tell her my name, "Well I guess I'll start first. Since I can see that you're not going to hurt me. My name's Mike. Mike Sumner."

She cocked her head, seemed surprised by my own name, "Mike Sumner? What a strange name for a little fellow like you. Sounds pretty foreign to me."

I gestured to her, "Well, aren't you going to tell me yours? I'm sure that yours would be foreign to me."

She giggled deep in her throat, "Guess I'll find out." She shot up her head, "It's Luna."

My eyes widened, "Luna?" Wow, it's not that foreign at all!

She let out another chuckle, "Well? Did it sound foreign to you?"

I was laughing, before I stopped myself. She reared back her head with her own face widened up in surprise. Then I shook my head and replied, "No...Not really."

Luna then mentioned, when she shot her head to her left, "Well, my name's actually Lunasin. But you can call me Luna, if you want."

Lunasin! Ok, now that was foreign. I guess....Luna's good enough for me. I nodded to her, "Ok...Luna."

Then Luna bore a serious look, "Now, lets get down to business. Where did you come from? Start at the beginning."

I sighed and began to tell her, "Well, it's-" Before I could tell her anything, we all heard a war cry from up the wide path nearby. Me and Luna turned to the cry and saw several more cheetahs coming now. There were a lot of them, a lot more than twenty earlier. Apparently reinforcements have arrived. God, where are they coming from?!

Luna growled with her teeth bared, and her tail thrashed, "Well, guess going back to my cave's out of the question." She turned her neck to me, "There's too many, we need to go!"

I responded, "But how?"

Luna started to spread out her wings and flapped them, "Like this!" In a flash, she scooped me off the ground with her forepaws, with me yelping, and held me to her chest.

I cried out, "What are you-Ah!" Then she bounded to the sky, flapping her wings and we began to take flight. With me in her paws, we flew past the cliff. Leaving the evil cheetahs behind. I screamed at the rush of wind at my face and adrenaline for my first time being carried by a dragon, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The two of us were flying away, away from the mountain. I looked down at the ground below us with a wide look. Seeing that we're freakin high. My fear for flying was coming to me. Oh crap! I was shaking a bit in her grasp.

Luna cried out over the wind and made another flap, "Hang on!"

I was trying to get my beating heart to slow down a bit, knowing that the dragon's not going to drop me. She was gliding on high altitude, then a moment after, beated her wings again. I muttered out loud with that look still plastered on my own face, "My....God." I wrapped my arms around her forelimbs, still frightened by my first flight in the air. If only I can fucking fly...God, why did I think that earlier? That was kinda foolish! It just came true!

Dawn of the Dragon-Chapter 5

Luna beated her wings over and over again, flying over several trees, finding a place to land. We have been in the air for a long time now, ever since we both escaped from the cheetahs on the mountain. My eyes went to the ground now, my fear of flying...

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Dawn of the Dragon-Chapter 3

I blinked my eyes repeatedly, trying to clear up my vision since I was feeling dizzy and it was blurry. I was hearing voices around me, and they sounded a bit distant. Either that, or that were close. I couldn't tell right this very second. I moaned in...

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Dawn of the Dragon-Chapter 2

Emily said through her cell phone in a huff, "Mom...I really am mad at dad now. He just told me to stay away from Scott. But he didn't do anything wrong." The morning has already arrived, and all the passengers of the cruise ship of Starfish are...

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