Dawn of the Dragon-Chapter 2
#2 of Dawn of the Dragon
As the second day of the cruise comes forth, what'll happen next? Find out!
Emily said through her cell phone in a huff, "Mom...I really am mad at dad now. He just told me to stay away from Scott. But he didn't do anything wrong."
The morning has already arrived, and all the passengers of the cruise ship of Starfish are awaken in the day. Including Emily and her father, Rick. The two of them haven't left the room yet and Emily's still having a feeling of anger toward her own father. Still angry that he told her to stay away from Mike and Scott. After she was done taking a shower, she wanted to leave so she can do something, but her father told her to stay put, so he can keep an eye on her. Which it wasn't fair to her.
Contrary to what her father thinks and objects, Emily knows for certain, that the two brothers are not a couple of bad people who came aboard with them on the ship. She loves Scott, loves him dearly, and of all the months throughout the year that she has went out with him, knows that he wasn't really the bad boy type of guy. She really likes him and is deeply upset that her father told her that he's bad news and is telling her that being with her boyfriend is forbidden.
As for her thoughts on Mike and what happened to him. Even though she never saw who started the fight, and Mike kept protesting that he didn't do anything....She actually believed him. Actually believed his words that he didn't do anything. She can actually see it in his eyes, and Scott and her father didn't believe a word from him. They really think he really is a big troublemaker. Emily can tell that he's like Scott, but only a lot different and she feels for him. She's the only one who is not judging her boyfriend's brother. And other than being upset that her father doesn't want her near Scott, right now is also deeply saddened that Scott is mad at Mike and is getting a feeling that he'll turn his back on his own elder brother. She doesn't want that to happen to them. To her, they're brothers and family should always be together.
But the only family she doesn't want to be with right now...Is Rick.
As Rick is having his turn taking a shower, Emily is sitting on his bed, talking on her cell phone to her mom. Rick hasn't had a chance to call and talk to her, like he said he would. Emily just beat him to it. She figured with Rick in the shower, it would be her best chance to explain to her what happened. She felt like she wanted to cry, but never let her tears fall. She was good at keeping herself together as she'd explained every single detail from last night.
Her mother Hilary spoke to her from the other end of the phone with a frustrated sigh, "I'm dreadfully sorry, honey. I really want to talk to your father about this."
Emily rolled her eyes with her legs crossed on the bed, "Yeah well, he doesn't even know that I'm on the phone talking with you. And you want to know what he'd call you last night? He called you an 'enabler'. I mean, that's ridiculous."
Her mother's tone changed to anger now, "What? He called me an enabler? That really is ridiculous!"
Emily threw up her hand, with her eyes widened, "I know!" Then she snapped her eyes to the bathroom door, afraid that she was loud enough to interrupt her dad's shower. But he didn't shut it off yet, so she was good. Emily went back to lowering her voice and said to her mother with a whisper, "Mom, I knew that he wouldn't give Scott a chance. He really hates him, and he hasn't done anything wrong."
Hilary asked with her voice sounding curious, "What about Mike? You said that he was in a fight, and-"
The young girl shook her head, "No, Mike didn't start the fight. I can tell he didn't. I wish that you were there, mom. He really wasn't acting like a troublemaker for hours. He really was sweet...Just like his brother." She now had an sorrow look and sighed as her chest tightened up a bit, "Mom, I love Scott. But dad's making it hard on me right now. He just...Doesn't understand him."
"Honey, I know that he's your father, but he shouldn't treat you this way."
Emily murmured, "Yeah, telling me to stay away from Scott for the remainder of the trip, it's stupid." She shook her head adamantly to herself, "I'm not letting dad ruin this trip. I'm not staying away from Scott. I will stay with him. Whether dad approves or not."
She heard her mom say in a proud tone, "That's the spirit. You're seventeen! Not a little girl anymore. Your father needs to understand that you're growing up and needs to stop treating you like a little girl. At least, just stand up for Scott. For all everyone knows, he could be your beloved husband one day and your father will walk you down the aisle."
Emily blushed at the statement and she giggled a bit, while brushing the strand of blonde hair off her forehead, "Well if dad keeps up this attitude, I'm probably not going to have him walk down the aisle with me. I'd rather walk with Marco, than him."
Hilary sighed in the other end, "Don't stay mad at him, sweetheart. I know that we both don't like each other, but I still want you to love him. He's your father, and you two were so close when you were little."
Emily smiled at the memories that she has about her father. How her dad actually gave her piggy back rides when she was a little girl. How they've played thumb war, how Rick played Marco Polo in the pool with her, from up to this day Emily can think that what they did was cute...Until everything changed when Rick decided to leave her mother. And has hardly been with her ever since. She can certainly tell that her mother and father don't like each other, and that was a factor as to why Emily and Rick aren't that close anymore. Emily misses those days....But she hates her father right now and somewhat despises him.
But despite her hate....She still loved him. And her mother's right. She shouldn't stay mad at him. But she can't really deal with him right now. Not until he calms down and accepts Scott. Which she hopes he can do that. From the look Rick gave her when they woke up, he still looked steamed.
Well whether he'll calm down or not, she's going to have as much fun on this trip as possible and will not stay away from Scott. She loves her father, but she also loves Scott.
She won't stay away from him.
Emily nodded to herself at her mom's words and replied, "I know...I won't stay mad at dad. And...I'll let him know that you want to talk to him, alright?"
She heard Hilary made a giggle, "Well, me and him are gonna have a 'nice' conversation together."
Emily giggled too, "I know." Then she can hear her father was done in the shower, when it wasn't running anymore. She whispered into her phone, "I gotta go. Bye."
She heard Hilary say this, "I love you."
"I love you too." Emily hung up the phone, and just sat there, already planning on what she's going to say when he comes out of the bathroom. The fire that's full of determination inside her chest was well lit.
Rick came out of the bathroom five minutes later, with a fresh pair of clothes and his hair a bit dry from the shower. He caught her gaze and asked, "Didn't turn the TV on yet?" He went over the small table and picked up the remote for the flat screen TV on the wall, "You can watch it, if you want."
Emily got up from bed and stood beside it with her arms crossed. Putting on a glare. Rick let out a sigh and said, "I think you're still mad at me."
She answered with sarcasm in her words, "Certainly figured that one out."
Rick had a bit of stern in his eyes, "Emily...I was only doing what was right for you."
Emily walked around the bed and stood right in front of him, locking eyes with her father, "What you did was selfish and wrong."
Then the look of anger that appeared in his eyes last night returned now, as Rick said this, "Emily, I'm trying to protect you. Those boys are bad news, and Scott's no good for you."
Emily argued, "They didn't do anything wrong. Mike's a sweet guy and he didn't start that fight, and Scott never did anything that considers bad. They're both sweet."
He gave her a demanding look, "I don't care, Emily. I'm telling you to stay away from them, especially Scott. I'm your father, and I want what's best for you."
She rolled her eyes, "And there's that again. Don't give me that, dad. Don't give me the 'I want what's best for you' crap. You just don't want me to have a boyfriend."
Rick removed that glare and responded with a shake of his head, "That's not true. I just want....You to have a perfect boyfriend."
"And you don't think Scott's the perfect boyfriend, is that what you're getting at?"
"You're wrong about him! He is the perfect boyfriend. You just don't understand."
"Emily, why can't you just listen to me? I am trying to protect you."
"Why can't you? I don't need any protection. You're wrong about Scott, and you're wrong about Mike." She backed away two steps, and adamantly told him, "Dad, I don't care what you think of him. I love Scott, and he cares about me." She took another step away from him, making an air quote with her two fingers, "And if you think he's not the 'perfect' boyfriend, then that's your problem. I'm not staying away from him. And you might find this hard to believe and won't accept it, but I'm growing up, and someday, I'm going to live out my own life." Rick just gave her a narrowed gaze, and she began to nod at him, "I know, I'm still seventeen, but I won't be seventeen forever. I will have a life of my own and...Maybe I might marry Scott one day. Do you want to stop that?"
Rick replied, "Maybe I will, if he's bad for my daughter."
"Well I won't let you!" She waved her dismissive hands at him, "I'm leaving this room now, and you can't stop me." That's when Emily gestured to his phone nearby, "By the way, I already talked to mom about this, and she really wants a word with you."
Rick didn't exactly melt his gaze away when she said that, he still held it, "I suppose that your mother told you to not stay away from him? Or did Marco? I wouldn't be surprised since you won't listen to your own father."
Emily let out a bit of a groan of frustration, and made a tiny white lie, "You know what? It was Marco who said it. There happy now? And you know what else? Marco's not blind like you are. He sees that Scott's the perfect boyfriend. I wish you did too." She placed her hands to her hips, looking defiant, "Mom used up a lot of money to buy those tickets for my trip, and you're ruining it. If you want to be better than Marco, then quit being unfair."
Rick stared at her for another moment, until he said it in a calm voice, "Fine, I'll stop being unfair. But I want an apology first."
Emily can tell that he never meant it when he said 'fine'. She can tell that he wasn't going to let his animosity toward Scott go. She asked with heat in her voice, "For what?"
"For being such a brat last night, for talking back to me. For arguing with me. I want an apology from you."
She rolled her eyes, "Pfft, yeah, sure." She whirled around and began to make her way to the door, "I'll apologize, once you apologize to Scott and Mike for being an asshole." Emily jerked that door open, went through it, and slammed it shut. Leaving Rick alone.
Emily leaned her back against the door out in the hall, still upset by her father. She wished that he can let it go already and stop treating her like a child. She's hoping that day will come when he accepts Scott, she really hopes he can. She really loves her father. Then her mind went to Scott, when she saw his room door down the hallway a bit. Emily let out a sigh to herself, not wanting company right now. She wants to relax and be alone. And when she's done, she'll talk to Scott.
But right now, relaxation is on her mind.
She wanted to go swimming, but the problem was, since she was supposed to stay with Scott in his room, she left her swimsuit in there and her bag's in there too. She doesn't have the room key for that room. Emily would've knocked on that door for Scott, either he's not in there, or he is and will answer, but she wasn't in the mood for a conversation. She'll just have to wander around on the ship for awhile, until she feels better.
The young girl nodded to herself. Yep, she'll have to do that. And with that, Emily began to trot down the hall, to let her mind and body relax with being alone.
I'm sitting around on a bench on the deck of the ship. Letting the air outside hit me straight in the face. Hearing people cheering and having fun in the pool nearby. Watching other people go past me. The bright sunshine from above, hitting it's mark on me. I was sitting with my head down, resting my chin on both hands. I let out a sigh. Scott....
That was all I could think about most of the day, since this morning. After I got myself up from bed and got dressed, I managed to catch Scott coming out of his cabin room. He gave me a glare and practically shut that door before I could say anything to him. I can tell he was still pissed from last night and that sent a wave of guilt within me. I don't blame him. I don't blame him at all. I really am sorry, Scott.
I knew that he didn't want to talk to me immediately, so I've just left him alone until he'd calm down.
My eyes were staring at the floor of the deck, while my mind was still remembering what happened. All the words that he said to me....They still got to me. And I know, they'll stay with me for a long time. Right now, I wished that I was a better brother. A better role model. But...I never was. I'm a poor excuse of a brother, and a loser. And he would say it straight to my face, without hesitation. Scott....
I hope you can SOMEHOW forgive me, for all the things that I've did to you and Joshua.
But...What if he can't forgive me? What if he'll hate me...Until the day he dies? I don't want that. I want us to be brothers.
Then Emily and Rick's faces popped up in my brain. I haven't seen either of them today. Honestly, other than Scott, I wanted to apologize to Rick and tell him that he shouldn't try to separate Emily and Scott. I can see that they both love each other. He can get a girlfriend than I would. A part of me doesn't deserve one, because of what I am. Scott deserves to have one, not me.
When I left my room this morning, I had the urge to knock on Rick's door and talk to him, but...I don't think he'll listen to me either. Hell, I don't know who was more pissed. Scott, or Rick. I can't even decide who!
Well Rick's just pretty strict than anything. He really doesn't want his daughter to be with my bro. He's just so overprotective and won't listen to Scott at all. And that...Made my blood boil a bit. Scott never did anything wrong one bit. It was all me, well I didn't start the fight, but I should've walked away from it, so yeah it was all me. Scott and Emily deserve to be close and together! Well, I know that Rick won't talk to his daughter much after this trip's over. But I want my brother and Emily to be together on this trip right now! It's not everyday you get to go with your girl on a cruise. It costs a lot of money. This trip shouldn't be wasted with them separated.
So how can I convince Rick to let his daughter be with Scott? That's a good question. I really have to make everything right.
Then only Emily came to mind. She really didn't yell at me at all, when I got in trouble. It appeared she had a lot of pity towards me. I think...She really isn't judgmental after all. I think she'd believe me about not starting the fight. She's a kind and understanding person. Scott really knew how to pick a girl.
Gee, brother....You knew how to pick one.
Then the sun was blocked by a shadow and it's over me. That's when I heard a voice talking to me, "Hi."
I raised my head off my hands and saw a very familiar face, that came to me so unexpectedly. It was the girl from last night. The one that blonde meathead went out with. Gabby.
She was giving me a shy smile and a small wave, "Um....How are you doing?"
I was giving her a blank look. I really didn't want to talk to her. I mean, I know that she didn't start any fight, but I'm afraid that guy will find me talking to her again. Besides...I'm not interested in her anymore. I asked, "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with your boyfriend?"
Her smile went away, "Barry?" She let out a sigh, "Well...He's not with me right now. All he's doing is hang out with his buddies. So I'm just all alone."
I hung my head, "Oh."
She leaned toward me and asked in concern, "Are you ok?" I looked up at her and she had a guilty look, "Listen uh....I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For...Letting Barry fight you. I mean, he just wouldn't listen to me. But...How could I have stopped him? He's stronger than me. Practically built bigger than I was. You saw how he'd shrugged my hand off his shoulder." Then she held her hands behind her back and sighed when she glanced at the blue sky, "So how was I supposed to stop him? I'm just a girl."
That's when a small smile crept up on my face, "Perhaps a kick in the nuts would've stopped him."
Gabby's face went wide and she laughed, "Gosh! That's my boyfriend!"
I shrugged my shoulders, despite internally laughing, "Still would've stopped that guy. If you want to stop a meathead, then kick his nuts." Then I showed a bit of anger flash in my eyes, "I wish I did do that. But...I guess, I never thought about it."
Gabby chuckled a bit, "Maybe, but he's still my boyfriend." Then she gave me another guilty look in her eyes, "Look, I hope you're not mad at me. Barry should never had said all those things to you. You know...About your mother. That must've been too personal to you."
I nodded a bit, "It was." Then I shook my head, "But no, I don't hate you. I'm just afraid that I might get in another fight with the blonde bully. I already had one warning from security, I don't want to get kicked off the ship."
Gabby smiled at me, "I'm certainly glad that you don't hate me. And I wouldn't worry about it. You're safe and I won't tell Barry anything. Not even when you called him bully behind his back."
I can imagine that guy's face when I call him a bully. I made a snide remark, "Well he is a bully. He said he deals with tough guys all the time, but in reality, I think he bullies people. Am I right?"
She let out a sigh, "I guess so."
I'll take that as a yes. I nodded at her, "Thought so."
She offered, "So uh...Want to start over? As friends?"
I replied, "Sure. I guess. I mean, if you want."
"Sure, I do." She tilted her head, "Do you want to?"
I was looking at her. Deciding on what I wanted to do. Well...She really doesn't seem so bad. She's actually pretty nice. That's one piece of goodness that I can take, after what happened before. I am a bit nervous about it though. But I just brushed that feeling off. I guess....I can at least be friends with her. I did plan to be friends with her last night before the fight happened anyway. I held out my hand to her, introducing myself, "Mike Sumner."
She smiled brightly and shook my hand in return, giving my hand a good grip, "Gabby Rodriguez." After our handshake, she asked, "So...Do you want some company?" Then she gave me a teasing smile, "Or are YOU waiting for someone?"
I giggled and waved that off, "Nah, I was just sitting here all alone." Then I joked, "I don't have a crazy girlfriend that'll pick a fight with you, so you're good."
Gabby laughed at that. Then I watched her take a seat beside me, "Well good, cause I'm free give you company." Then muttered, "I'm not a big fighter myself, so glad you don't have a girlfriend that'll get jealous."
We both shared a laugh together and I replied, "Oh, if I did, I would pretty much restrain her."
She grinned at me, "I know." I was grinning right back at her, just looking at her eyes. We both shared that smile for a moment of silence, until she broke it, "Well?"
That question made me feel dumbfounded, "Well what?"
She let out a laugh, "Well, aren't you going to ask me that question?"
I quirked a brow, "What question?"
Gabby rolled up her eyes and let out a playful sigh, "This certain type of question that most people ask me. Like, why am I with a person like Barry? The person who's like a big fat jerk? Why am I with that guy? Isn't that what you're going to ask me?"
I was pretending to be in thought by tapping my chin with a finger, "Well, that thought DID cross my mind." Then I giggled deep in my throat, "But my first question right now is, are you from Ft. Lauderdale by any chance?" I put a hand to my chest, "Cause, that's where I'm from."
Gabby giggled and then answered, "No, actually me and Barry are from Tallahassee."
My eyes went wide, "Tallahassee? That's pretty far."
She nodded once, "I know." She raised one brow, "Were you expecting that we'd cross paths again in your city?"
I hummed, "Hmm, well yeah. I mean, I know we don't know each other, but you don't seem so bad. And I'd probably be a better friend than Barry."
She let out a sigh, "Well you seem to be the calm type."
I tilted my head, "Calm? I got in a fight with Barry and you call that calm?"
She laughed, "Well he made you fight, remember?"
I was now giggling, "Good point." Then I gestured to her, "So, now that the thought crossed my mind, how can you be with a guy like that? Why are you with a jerk?"
Gabby responded when she laid back on the bench, "I don't know." Then she made a small giggle, "I mean, my parents don't exactly approve of him, but hey, I love him. He's one hot guy and he's sweet. Not to mention really treats me like a sweetheart."
I mentioned, "Until he starts picking on guys who even look at you."
Gabby let out a sigh, "He just thinks, I attract guys a lot." She was motioning her hand to herself, "And you can see why. He just can't control his temper and gets jealous when other guys stare and talk to me. He doesn't do that to his buddies, because he knows them and trusts them." Then she hung her head a bit, "He is a sweet guy and I love him, but I do hate him sometimes on how he picks on other people." Then she looked at me, "I was kinda mad at him for how he'd picked on you."
I nodded in agreement at the last part, "I can imagine."
Then she raised an eyebrow at me, "You know something? Speaking of attracting guys a lot, I can bet you were attracted by my beauty." She was showing me a teasing, tooth filled smile, "Come on, Michael. I know that's why you wanted to be my company last night. You were attracted to me." She winked, "I'm not going to punch your mouth, if you say it."
I blushed a bit at that, and then I fidgeted my hands and shyly answered, "....Yep."
She was laughing at me, "I knew it! I'm not stupid. I knew that was why you came to me."
Wow, I knew she wasn't stupid, but she practically figured it out! She's smart, I'll give her that. I giggled at her, "Figured it out, huh?"
She held up her chin and grinned, "Yep."
I laughed now, "Wow, ok, you want to know what my plan was." I held up a finger, "I was gonna be your company." I held up two, "Then we become friends and hang out on the cruise ship, get to know each other a bit." I held up three, "Then I'm certain that feelings will start to develop, and then-"
She interrupted me when she raised her hand, "Oh, oh! I know where this leads to." She chuckled, "We start to develop feelings, and then when we're at the Bahamas, we go watch the sunset together on a beach and then we start to make passionate love in the sand." Gabby laughed a bit at that, "Hey, I know you look like a stud, but I don't think I'd fall hard THAT fast." She was giving me a wink, "But If I wasn't with Barry, I'd consider it...Maybe." She started to snicker.
I gave her a mock expression, "Hey! That wasn't my plan!" She laughed even harder after that, clutching at her own ribs. I playfully narrowed my gaze at her, "For the record, after we got back in the states, I would ask you out. Not go for the gun on the beach and make love with you right away. Wouldn't want to offend you."
She finally caught her breath, when her composure came back, "Oh god, Mike. I know that. I was kidding."
I nodded and giggled, "I knew you were. You don't look like the type of girl that goes for the gun like that."
Gabby shrugged her shoulders, "You got that right. I'm not a hooker. My parents would kill me if I was."
I muttered, when I've pictured her being a hooker. It was a strange image, and I couldn't believe it happened, "Yeah."
Then she made a narrow face, "Did you just picture me as one?"
I denied it, "Nope."
She made a slug on my shoulder, catching my bluff, "Yes, you did!" Then we both shared a laugh together.
I was nodding at her, "Ok, I did. But I didn't like the image!"
"Didn't look good, right?"
I shrugged when I shot my head to my right, and explained a bit about the image, "You didn't look great without make up on."
She made a disgusted face, "Eww, I wouldn't live another day without make up." Then we both looked at the pool that's nearby, seeing a few people making a dive in the deep pool and watching families swimming together.
I heard her let out a sigh and looked at her, "Are you ok?"
She nodded, "I was thinking about last night. About what happened. I'm still sorry for everything. You really didn't want to fight anybody."
I gave her a comforting smile, "You really don't have to apologize. Besides, he wasn't the first asshole I had to deal with. I...Did get into fights a lot in the past. Gotten myself in trouble more than once. Pretty much like-"
"Last night?"
I nodded at that part, "Yeah. I...Have gotten arrested before for that. But...I'm not really the kind of guy who lets people bully me. But then again, I shouldn't really have fought to begin with." Then I let out a guilty breath and looked away, "Especially when it comes to family turning their backs on me."
She had a pity look shone in her eyes, "Oh....Were your family angry at you last night?" I gazed at her with a curious brow raised, and she explained, "While I was calming Barry down, I did see...Three other people that were with you last night, while you were talking to the guard. So...I'm guessing your family was upset at you."
I knew she was talking about Rick, Emily, and Scott, who showed up after the fight happened. So I explained to her, "Well, one of them was my brother, and the girl and the older man, were my brother's girlfriend and her father. I came on this trip with them." I let out a sigh, "See, I came on this trip, because my uncle, his name's Joshua, wanted me to bond with my brother Scott. See, we didn't get along really well. I...Had a history with him that has gotten so bad, he doesn't want anything to do with me. I really did a lot of bad things, and it's a long story on that. Point is, me and Scott were supposed to bond, and now things are pretty screwed up because of what happened with Barry. Makes me wish now...I should've walked away from the fight and just let Barry pick on me."
Gabby was just looking at me, as I went on, lowering my gaze to the ground and clasping my hands together, "I really screwed things up with him, screwed up the trip, and...Lets just say his girlfriend's father doesn't trust me and pretty much Scott, and he told his daughter to stay away from her boyfriend and it's my brother."
She muttered, "Aw, that's not fair. He didn't do anything."
I groaned in frustration, pretty much at myself, "I know. And it was my fault. He didn't deserve it, I did. And now, he's really mad at me. It's all my fault."
Gabby grabbed my shoulder and soothingly rubbing it, "It'll be ok."
I shook my head, without looking at her, "He really hates me. He said a lot of things to me out of hate and anger, and he's pretty right on a lot of them. He's dead set on not speaking to me again. Heck, this morning, he's still mad at me. I....Kinda wonder if he'll forgive me for everything."
"Things will be fine. If he's mad, then he needs some space. I'm sure when he's ready, he'll let you talk to him." I slowly turned my gaze from the ground to her and she smiled at me, "I know he'll give you a chance. When you think he's ready, find him." She leaned her head a bit closer to mine and said in a whisper, "I know he can forgive you." And with that, he pressed her lips to my cheek and gave me a sweet kiss. I blushed a bit at that. She...Gave me a kiss.
Gabby pulled her face away from me and didn't say a word as silence passed between us. Then she said with a hopeful look in her eyes, "He'll come around. I promise. Family is important to everybody."
With those words, she started to get up from the bench and I asked her, "Where are you going?"
She turned to me and responded, "I'm hungry right now, so I'm going to the pizza place and have pizza."
I smiled at her and made a crack, "Better not have a lot of slices. It'll be bad for your figure."
She rolled her eyes, "I'll be fine. I'm good at watching my eating habits."
I nodded at her, "I'm sure you are."
Gabby said, "Just remember, he'll come around." I gave her another nod and she made one step away from me, almost bumping into an elderly woman with a cane, "And can I talk to you later? I'll tell you about my family, if you want."
I said with a bit of uncertainty in my eyes, "Sure. But won't your boyfriend get jealous?"
She let out a sigh, "He'll just have to put his jealousy aside and control his temper. I'm only talking to you as a friend, nothing more. And besides that, I'm only hanging with you until the trip's over. You deserve it that much. After what happened before." She waved a hand, "Don't worry, I won't let another fight happen."
I looked into her eyes, seeing that she won't let it happen again. I nodded at her and smiled, "Well...Alright, sure. And I'll tell you more about my family too."
She beamed, "That'll be great." She waved at me, "See you around, Mike."
I waved back, "Bye Gabby." Gabby started to turn and walk away from me, disappearing through a door that has her enter the ship. I was still sitting around, pondering on what she'd said. I think she's right. Scott will come around.
With that hope, he'll come around and he'll listen to me. And...He'll forgive me.
I won't give up that hope.
And as for Gabby...I'll admit, I did think that I wasn't interested in her anymore, but that's not true. A part of me still does. And I wish she wasn't with Barry. She does look pretty cute....Not to mention beautiful. And too bad she doesn't live in Ft. Lauderdale, like I do....We would've been close.
I'm watching the moon shining on the ocean, as the cruise ship's still moving for it's destination. The cool breeze blew at me a bit. My arms laid on the banister that prevents me from falling off the ship as I was intently watching it beautiful shining. I let out a calm sigh. In all honesty...I was angry all morning and all day. Angry at Rick for keeping me away from Emily....Angry at Mike most of all. God, I really hated him. Hated him so much...I wanted to punch him, till he was knocked out. He really screwed things up! Totally screwed up my trip with Emily and screwed up winning over her father, is Mike really an idiot? He really is, judging by everything he did. Throughout the whole day, I've avoided Mike, because of what he did, and I've avoided Rick too, because I know for sure that he hates me now and doesn't want to listen to me. I haven't seen Emily all day though. I think, I was too angry to speak to anybody. I do wonder if she'd convinced Rick that I'm not a bad guy and I'm not a bad boyfriend. I doubt that he'll listen to her though. He's just so pissed off. Well I was pissed off too...Maybe more than him.
I hung my head, staring down over the side of the ship. The cruise ship was making little waves while it was grazing through it. Joshua...I wish it was you who was here, instead of Mike. I wished it was. This was a big mistake bringing him here. I've told you more than once that Mike would ruin everything and he fucking did.
He fucking ruined everything.
I clenched my fist tightly, anger boiling me over again. I have been swimming only once today...Went to one of the comedy shows inside the ship...Went to eat at the seafood buffet again....And I'm still angry. I mean, what Rick pretty much did, telling Emily to stay away from me, it was like a part of me was separated from me.
I really loved Emily.
I know that I have been with other girls in my life, but Emily...She's pretty special. So special, and it makes me not want to lose her. She's smart, she's beautiful...Knows how to make me laugh. I was pretty happy that we've met in school and we went out not long after that. The new girl who came to my school last year...And we've hit it off.
I can remember how we did hit it off pretty well. I can up to this day.
My moment of anger came to me again, when I was thinking about Mike again. I was putting on a fierce glare, both of my hands clenched pretty tight. Fuck you, Mike.
I just wish that you weren't my brother. You've ruined my life time and time again! You tend to screw me over, screw Joshua over, screw our family over, screw everything with each step you take! You're a menace, Mike!
I wish you weren't my brother. I....I wish that you were DEAD!
Then my face went wide at the thought. And then I held a sorrowful look shone in my eyes. My mother's image came to me now. God...I hated Mike, but...I never wanted him dead. I mean, I know that he's a menace and all, but....God. Mom wouldn't want me to think that. Joshua was right, she would've wanted us to be brothers again. But...With Mike it's just so hard. I'll admit it...A part of me actually loves Mike, because I can remember all the fun things we both did together, before mom died. Mike was pretty different and wasn't a lying bastard. That the Mike back then, wouldn't got himself in a lot of trouble back then.
Then I remembered his face last night, that he denied having to start a fight with that dude. That he never did anything. I remember that look in his eyes that he...Seemed to be telling me the truth. But...I just wasn't sure if he was good at giving me that look and he's lying, or if he was really telling me the truth. I just don't know if I can trust him. I thought I could trust him yesterday, before night came about, but...I don't know anymore. Mike apparently wasn't acting like a jerk when we got aboard the ship before, but now...I'm not so sure.
Can I trust him? Can I? I...Sorta love him still, but can I really trust him?
I looked ahead at the scenery of the dark ocean. Thinking about mom now. Mom....What am I supposed to do?
Do you know that Mike's telling me the truth? Do you?
I let out a sigh. Mom....I wish that you weren't dead while sailing out at sea. I wish...You came back years ago. If you did, Mike wouldn't have behaved the way he did back then. And...I love you and I miss you.
You would've loved Emily, mother. You would've. She's the most special girl that I've went out with.
That's when I heard her voice next to me, "There you are." I yelped a bit and turned to face her. She giggled at my startled reaction and said, "Goodness, sorry about that. I thought you heard me coming." She shrugged her hands, "Guess not?"
I took a deep breath and a smile formed on me, "Yep, guess not is right. You scared me to death! Didn't hear a footstep."
She was trying to stifle a giggle with her hand, "I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to."
I waved her off, "No, I'm good now." I was looking at her face and pretty much started to feel like my own happy self now. Not the fuming, pissed off Scott self. I muttered with a shy look, "I was...Starting to wonder if I would talk to you again during the trip. Your father was dead set on separating us."
Emily shook her head, "No one, not even my father could keep us separated." She shrugged her shoulders, "If he has a problem with you, so be it. I'm growing up, and he'll just have to deal with that for the rest of the trip. Or at the least for the rest of my life."
I let out a sigh, "Look um....I'm sorry for everything." She tilted her head, looking confused, and I explained, "For what happened last night, for not speaking to you all day long. I was just pissed off at your dad and Mike the whole day and didn't want to talk or anything."
Emily was giving me a teasing look, "You're talking to me now."
I nodded in agreement, "True, that's because I'm better now....Sorta."
Emily held her hands behind her back and lowered her gaze to the deck, "Well, I'm pretty much sorry for my father's behavior and for not speaking to you all day either." She giggled, "I guess, I was pissed off too, like you."
I rolled up my eyes, "Jesus, I guess everyone's pissed off during the trip." I remarked, "Guess we should be named, 'the most pissed off people aboard the ship'."
She let out a laugh and replied, "We're not pissed now. Well, dad probably is still, but we're not now." Then she took a step toward me, "Can I enjoy the view with you? Looks like a beautiful night."
I nodded and stared out at the ocean again, leaning myself against the banister, "Sure." Emily joined me when she did the same thing. Joining my gaze at the dark, moonlit water. We both shared sigh, as all the pleasantness came to the both of us. I'm just glad she came and talked to me again. I was starting to miss her. I hung my head and said, "Emily...I'm still very sorry...For what Mike did."
Emily turned her eyes to me and said, "Oh, you really don't have to apologize about that. And...I know that you're angry at him." Then she added with a roll of her eyes, "Well VERY angry."
Then I turned my gaze at her and asked with a small smile, "Let me guess, you heard me shouting at Mike down the hall?" She nodded and then I let out an embarrassed sigh, "Yeah, I was pretty pissed at him. Said a lot of hurtful, but truthful things at him. I mean, its just that I don't think he cares. I don't think he listens to me, or anyone at all. Heck, he's not really the trustworthy type either. He just keeps letting me down, and-"
She stopped me before I would ramble on with a smile, "Oh, you shouldn't hate Mike. He loves you. I can see that he does."
I groaned a bit and asked her, "If he did love me, he would've stopped himself from starting that fight. I mean, that's all he does is start fights. He starts something and doesn't quit. Mike...I thought he was starting to change his attitude, but he keeps acting like a child and doesn't take responsibility for his actions. That's Mike for ya. Doesn't want to change his life and attitude."
But Emily, begs to differ with a shake of her head, "Maybe the reason why he couldn't walk away from it, is because he didn't start that fight. That the other guy did, and it drove your brother over the edge." I gave her a quizzical look and she nodded at me, "I think your brother was telling us the truth that he didn't start that fight. I don't think he wanted to fight at all, but the other guy kept pushing him further and further, until he fought back. I don't think he really did it. Why? Because of the look he was giving us."
So she's seen that look he gave us too. I let out a breath and said, "Well...I've seen it too, but I just don't know what to believe anymore. I just...Don't trust Mike."
Emily wrapped her arm around me and laid her head onto my shoulder, "Mike's not really a bad guy. In a big way, he's just like you. Kind and caring, he even has that charm like you." I only let out a hum in response, and she said, "Look, Scott. I...I think you should give Mike, one more chance. I mean, you shouldn't hate him forever. He's still your brother. I mean, it's like me, I shouldn't hate my father forever either. He's still my father. And Mike's...Only your brother and he, despite everything, he really loves you."
I chuckled in my throat deeply and laid my head onto hers, "You're really optimistic about him, are you?"
She giggled in return and held me tighter, "I always am. Scott...I think you should give him a chance. At least...Forgive him just this once. I'm sure that nothing like that will happen again real soon. I can feel it."
I remarked, "Well, your feeling could be wrong. You just don't know Mike like I do." I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, wrapping my arm around her waist, "Maybe...I'll give it another chance. It really isn't easy trusting him, you know?"
Emily said with a hopeful tone, "Things will get better in the end. I promise."
I giggled internally. Gee, she and her optimism. That's another reason why I like her. Maybe...I should give Mike another chance. But it won't be easy. I'll...Probably feel a bit apprehensive about it. But maybe I should listen to Emily and give it another shot. Heck, maybe all the words I've said to Mike last night, made him finally open his eyes. Either that, or the thing he said that he was trying to change and it was hard, was probably the truth. Or maybe it's both. But I'll try to give him a chance. I still love him after all. Me and Emily were both held this way for a long time, staring at the ocean still. I sighed at myself and Emily turned her head and asked me, "Still thinking about Mike?"
I shook my head and murmured, "No...I was thinking about mom."
Emily replied with a pity look, "Oh...Still miss her?"
"Dearly." I let out a sigh and giggled, "You know something else? Me and Mike have never been out on the ocean before. Mom never had a chance to take us out here. Too overprotective of us, I think." I was chuckling again, "I think she's like your dad, too overprotective."
Emily rolled her eyes, "Well, she's not telling you that your boyfriend's no good to you, there's a difference between dad and your mom."
I chuckled deeply, "Good point." I went on with my tale, "Mom never really did give us that chance. And...I'm still sorry that she was gone. I mean...It feels like it was yesterday that she's left the world." I shook my head, "I just don't understand it. The authorities never found her boat and never found her body. They all think she's really dead. They think that her boat sank and mom died later after that. I thought mom was smarter than that. I thought she knew what she was doing out here." Then I was giggling to myself, "And now, here are me and Mike now, out on a cruise on the ocean, for the first time. And I'm holding my girlfriend in my grasp." I turned to her and said, "Mom would've liked you. Might find us adorable."
Emily turned to me too, with a small giggle, "You did tell me that before."
"But I always did mean it." I was smiling at her, "I always did."
Her eyes were now a bit closed, looking at me with that love in her eyes, "I know."
We both looked at each other for a second, until we both turned ourselves to face each other, my hands holding her hips, and her arms wrapped around my head. Then without anything to distract us, we slowly started to lean in and pressed our mouths together. Sharing our kiss. I feel Emily's tongue pressed against my mouth and I decided to open it, letting it in there. We were giggling into each others mouths, both of us feeling warm. I reached up with one hand and brushed several strands of her hair away, as we still shared our passionate deep kiss.
But we could continue to kiss some more, a man, probably in his fifties, came out of nowhere and talked to us, with a shocked look, "Hey guys."
I groaned a bit in her mouth, frustrated that we had to stop our tender moment. I stopped locking lips with Emily and turned to the guy with a narrowed look and so did Emily, "What?"
The man pointed out off the ship, at the direction of the ocean, "Look." We both followed his gaze and then we both had our eyes widened when we saw what he wanted us to look at.
There was a strange green light in the far away distance. It didn't appear to move at all, just floating around over the ocean's surface. I frowned at the sight. What's that? A lighthouse? I don't think it is. We're not even near land. So...What is that? And...Why am I getting a weird feeling about this?
Emily turned her head and asked, "Scott...What is that?" Soon several more people joined in on watching what we've saw. All with surprised, and curious looks on their faces.
I shook my head, not taking my eyes off the mysterious light, "I don't know."
Emily wrapped her arms around me, held herself close to me, having fear within her eyes now, "Scott...I'm scared."
I have to admit it...I'm scared too.
I opened up the door to my bathroom, after taking a very warm shower. I let out a breath of satisfaction, while rubbing my partly dry hair with a towel. I wandered out of there and back into my cabin room. Then while I looked out of the balcony window, I saw to my shock that there was something floating out above the ocean, something that I haven't seen before.
There was a green light out there, and it looked....Mysterious.
I was squinting at it with my eyes full of curiosity. What's that light out there? My first thought that it's a lighthouse, but I doubt it. I sorta thought that it was some kind of flare that was shot up in the air, but I don't think that's the case too. And...Why am I getting a bad feeling about it? I don't like the look of this. I better find Scott, Emily and Rick.
So with that thought, I ran to the suitcase and pulled out a fresh pair of clothes. I put them on real fast like, not wanting to waste anymore time. I needed to find the others and find out what's going on outside. I put them all on and ran out of my room, shutting the door behind me. I saw that several other people that were supposed to sleep for the night, were starting to come out of their rooms and into the hallway like me. With a bunch of looks of feeling nervous, mixed with curiosity. I know how they feel. I walked up to Rick's room, shoving myself past several people while I was at it. I knocked on Rick's door repeatedly, but he didn't answer. He was probably not in there. I sighed and then I decided to run to Scott's door now, I knocked and he didn't answer it either. Damn it. He's not in there either.
I had a feeling that they're already out on the deck, joining with everyone else, so I decided to do the same thing. I walked in the same pace with everybody in the corridor. Feeling a pit forming in my stomach. I don't know why that light was making me feel nervous. But it is. Something really doesn't feel right about it. But still...Why really?
Along with the group of people, we all ended up outside on the deck, all of us, including me, gazing at the distant green light. The light appeared to have not disappeared, or anything. It was still floating around in the same spot. The people around me were mumbling in question to themselves and to their friends and family. I looked around in the crowd, looking for anybody that I know. From a distance, near the barrier that'll prevent you from falling off the ship, I can see Scott and Emily holding themselves close together. I smiled at them. Well, at least they're not far away.
Then I felt a tap to my shoulder and whirled around to see Gabby behind me, with a fearful look. I smiled at her, "Gabby? You're here too."
She nodded, "Looks like it." She was rubbing her arms together, looking at the light too, "What is that thing?" I shook my head, giving her an silent answer. She turned to me and asked, "Have you seen Barry? He hasn't gone back to our room and he's out here somewhere."
I shook my head again, "No, but I have seen my brother out here." I pointed at where he's at, "He's way over there with his girlfriend. I haven't see her father though."
Then to my shock, she wrapped her arms around my body, feeling pretty scared by this, "Mike...I'm scared."
I felt total pity for the girl, so I wrapped my arms around her, saying to her in a comforting voice, "Don't worry, everything's going to be okay."
I can hear one person asking a guard nearby this, "What is that? Should we be worried?"
The guard replied with a shake of his head, "I don't know. But you have to remain calm."
"Remain calm? I'm getting a bad feeling about this!"
Then another person from the crowd argued, "Where's the captain? We need to speak to the captain!"
I groaned a bit. Crap, now we're going to have a panic in our hands. Me and Gabby need to get to Scott and Emily. While the crowd was shouting in argument at the guard, all of sudden, the whole ship went dark. And all of us screamed in terror. Except for me, I just gasped. What the? What's going on? Now the lights have all went out. We all stared back at the light again, still floating in the air. What is that really? And...Why is it here?
Then it started to shoot up toward the sky and exploded into a big blast of green light that illuminated in the dark night sky. The light became bright, I had to cover my eyes with one arm. Gabby and everyone else did too. I had to shut my eyes too, just in case. God, it was bright! I barely opened my eyes to see that the light in the sky was starting to dim away. The dark sky returning to normal, with the moon and the stars above us. I glared curiously at it. Now what was that all about? The crowd of people were muttering in shock and surprise.
I can hear one person shouting to all of us, "Hey, there's land up ahead!" My brain clicked at that. What? There can't be land now! We couldn't be near the Bahamas....Could we?
I grabbed Gabby's hand and held onto it, trying to get to the banister, to see if I can see this land that man was talking about. Gabby asked with a look full of curiosity, "What did he mean by land? Are we at the Bahamas?"
I answered back over my shoulder, while we were pushing past several people, "I don't know." We made it to the banister and tried to look and see any land ahead. And that guy was right, there is land ahead. I frowned at the sight. I can see a beach, and the land beyond the beach was filled with trees. What is this place? And where are we? I'm getting a strange feeling that we're not in the Bahamas. I think, we're too early to reach that far.
I can hear a woman shouting at the guard, "Where's the captain?!"
I looked over my shoulder and Gabby did too, to see the guard trying his best to calmly respond the crowd to calm them down, "Calm down, everybody. Calm down."
Then suddenly a hard shove came to me and I was gazing at Barry now with a worried look, "Gabby!"
Gabby came to him with a hug, "Barry!"
But a second after Gabby gave him a hug, Barry only pushed her slightly away and snarled at me with a fierce glare, "What the hell are you doing with her? Stay away from Gabby!"
I knew he's not keeping his temper and jealousy in check. I shot a glare back at him, "Listen you dipshit, something weird is going on and we-" Then he shoved me hard against my chest and I sneered in anger back at him, "Are you serious?! Something strange is going on and you're doing this now!"
Gabby pounded her hands into Barry's chest, "Barry, just stop this already!" Barry however just glared away and I did too.
Then before anything else could happen, we can all hear something that was unexpected. We can all hear a earth shaking loud roar, and we all just quieted down. My blood turned cold with fear. What the fuck was that? It sounded like a...Dinosaur.
That's crazy! There are no dinosaurs!
One person looked up at the sky and pointed up, "Look! Up there!" We all followed the person's gaze and to my shock, we all saw something big, and scaly flying above the ship. Flapping it's wings repeatedly. My thought immediately clicked at the sight of the creature up there. Wait a second....Is that a....Dragon? My mind went back to my dreams from before....The one with a dragon in it. No way....No freakin way. I'm dreaming of all this. I'm sleeping in my room and I'm dreaming of this.
But I can feel that it's real. This isn't a dream.
While watching the creature flying around in the sky, then we saw another one joining in. Crap, there's two of them! Then there were three of them, then four....Then five. Holy crap, they're all coming from the land! I can see that they all have black scales. I can tell from all the way down here. My instincts were telling me that we need to get back in the ship right now.
I shouted for Scott and Emily, as the fear was clawing away in me, and my heart began to pound, "Scott! Emily!" I can see them, but they can't hear me over the mumbling of so many people.
Barry was comforting Gabby right in front of me and muttered to her with a kiss to the forehead, "Lets go back in the ship. Come on, baby."
Then a big flash of light came forth across the deck and several people with shocked faces back away in an instant. Making a circle around the light, that faded about a second after that. Then in the circle of people, something was standing there. On two feet, wearing a hood that concealed the face. My eyes went wide. Now what? Where did that come from? That's...Crazy! From a distance, I can see Scott and Emily having the same look as I am. First flying dragons, and now...A person appearing in a flash of white light out of nowhere. This is weird. Gabby and Barry were surprised about this as I am.
The person in the hood stood up straight and then removed the hood, to reveal not a human, but....A cheetah? What?! A cheetah standing on two feet, wearing a robe?! What the hell?!
The cheetah person was staring back at everyone in the crowd, it didn't have any yellow fur with spots, like a four legged cheetah. But this thing has black fur and you can barely see the spots, and that thing...Has glowing red eyes. They weren't normal at all. People were backing away in fear, while several other people were looking up at the sky to watch the dragons still flying in circles. I don't like this. I don't like this, at all.
The cheetah person began to growl at all of us, and then it held out a hand toward us. Then it began to grow claws from the fingers, long ones much to our shock. They looked long enough to be blades, kinda like a sword! It's other hand was doing the same thing.
One of the guards was making everyone make way for him and he pulled out his gun and pointed at the cheetah person. It's eyes were now locked onto the guard, glaring furiously. One innocent passenger was shouting at the guard, "Shoot it!"
The guard was shouting at the creature, ignoring the passenger, "Stay where you are! Get on your knees and lie face down!" But the cheetah person didn't comply and then with a sharp swipe, it's blades went right through the guard's leg, slicing it in half. The guard screamed as blood gushed out of the man's wound and he sprawled out on the ground with only one leg now. Screaming in agony. The other guards already pulled out their guns and fired their rounds into the creature, it went down after taking several shots to the chest, and it just laid there, dead.
Then soon after that, one of the dragons in the sky let out a roar and it shook everyone to their core. That's when the guards decided to point up their weapons and started firing at them, "Fire, fire!" They were shooting their rounds up at the sky, but it didn't look like the bullets were hitting them. To my fear, one dragon swooped down from the sky and flew down at all of us. It roared and grabbed one guard off the deck and he screamed in terror at being carried off by the dragon. I let out a gasp at this. Shit!
The other guards that weren't swopped off the ground, were firing at the dragon kidnapping one of their pals, but the shots didn't hit it. Then all of a sudden, more bright white lights popped up around the ship and it turned out in a matter of seconds, that they're more of these cheetah people! I sucked in a breath, and so did Barry and Gabby. One of those monsters, already grew out it's claws out of it's fingers, making them long like the other one had. Then without hesitation, it sliced through one of the guard's neck, cutting his head off in an instant. The guard's body slumped down to the ground, dropping the gun from his hand, the crimson red spurting out of the headless corpse. Everyone screamed their heads off and tried to run away as fast as they can. Several cheetah people were attacking several people, a lot of people were being knocked to the ground, not killing them at all.
I looked around for Scott and Emily, and saw that they're running away too. I need to get out of here! I hollered to Barry and Gabby, "We need to go now!" I saw another cheetah person, killing another guard with stabs to the gut. The guard took those wounds with a groan and lied down on the ground, dead like his pals are.
But Barry had a narrowed look and said, "They need our help!" He shoved Gabby away, "Get out of here, baby!" Then he ran at the cheetah people to help fight them.
Gabby shrieked, "BARRY!!!"
We can hear Barry shouting in antagonizing action, "Hey assholes!" Then he made a slug at one of them, punching one of them in the furred face. I saw another cheetah coming after Barry, swinging those long claws at him. Barry was stumbling away, dodging at each strike that monster made.
I grasped Gabby's shoulders and told her straight to her face, screaming at her through the roars of screaming people, "Get out of here!"
She had terror filled eyes, "What about Barry?!"
"I'll save him, now go!" I shoved Gabby away, and without stopping myself I ran to help Barry. I know that he was an asshole, but I better help him anyways. I realize that some people need my help, because there are others who are fighting against the cheetahs as well. While I was running past some people still running away, one dragon flew down to us and plucked two people off the ground. I screamed at this, shocked still at what's happening. The dragon made another flap of it's wings and took off with those people. They were screaming in horror. I pushed past several more people, just in time to see Barry getting killed by two cheetah people, by having a stab through his abdomen and another through his back. He cried out in pain, and then blood started coming out of his mouth. Both the cheetahs pulled their long claws sharply out of him and Barry laid there on the deck, bleeding to death. Damn it, I was too late!
I snarled at them, "Hey you!" The cheetahs saw me and I jumped and made a sharp punch at one of them, right in the face, and knocking it off it's feet. I landed smoothly on my feet and the other cheetah was trying to strike me down with it's claws. But I was backing away, dodging those strikes. I accidentally tripped on one of the guard's dead bodies and fell backwards over it. Falling on my butt. The cheetah person was getting ready to swipe me again, but I saw a gun near me and picked it up with one hand. Pointing at the monster and fired three shots into it's chest, just in time before it could give me a killing blow. All three shots hit it and it died when fell to the ground.
I was breathing heavily, as the screams of other people screamed nearby. Holy shit. I never held a gun before. But...I didn't have much of a choice. I got up off the ground and whirled around to see Scott protecting Emily from one of those monsters. About three of them surrounded my brother and his girlfriend. Emily was screaming in horror at this. My eyes widened and I gasped. No! Scott! Emily! I've got to help them!
But before I could move at all, something hit me in the back of the head and I cried out as pain burned at my skull. I fell forward on the ground, my vision becoming blurry from the pain. I shifted around and looked up at my attacker. It was another cheetah person and it was the one who hit me. While I can hear Emily screaming still in the background, I couldn't move, as I was feeling dizzy. My vision became more blurry and everything became dark.