Trouble in the Park

Story by Vachir on SoFurry

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What happens when two little troubleakers get caught disturbing the peace?

"Enough!" a voice nearby shouted. The two young foxes who had been loudly arguing stopped abruptly, and turned to look as a tall doberman dressed in a police uniform stepped out of the small crowd that had gathered around them. She took off her reflective sunglasses and let them hang from a strap around her neck as she glared down at the troublemakers. Both of the foxes slunk down and backed away from her, their heated argument seemingly forgotten. Without further hesitation, the officer reached down, took each fox by the wrist, and started dragging them off. The park was quite busy, as it often was on cool autumn afternoons with the leaves turning shades of orange and gold, blowing in the gentle breeze as they fell and tumbled across the cement walkways. The officer was no stranger to navigating a crowd, and she quickly made her way down one of the busy paths, other furs stepping aside out of respect for her uniform to let her through. The foxes were each struggling to keep up, too afraid to really resist as they were half led, half dragged along, with many adult eyes staring down at them in disapproval.

In no time at all the foxes found themselves standing in one of the small plazas of the park, with a spherical bronze water fountain in its center, surrounded by intricate wrought iron benches and tables. Many furs were sitting and enjoying a meal or standing around talking together, while others were lazing about on the grass nearby. These surroundings were hardly noticed by the two young foxes however, as they came to a stop in front of the police holding cells. Knowing they weren't likely to get away if they tried to run, the officer hadn't even bothered restraining the two foxes, and let go of their wrists to hold her ID card up to the electronic scanner, unlocking the cells. As the officer started speaking some jargon into a small radio clipped to a strap at her shoulder, she looked over the nervous kits. The female had started crying, and was holding her face in her paws, while the male just squirmed about nervously, still seeming to be in shock. She smiled a little.

"Strip!" The officer ordered once she was finished with her radio. The male fox's mouth hung open as if to object, while the female stopped crying and looked up with her eyes wide. "Now!" she barked, stomping a heavy black boot on the cement. Neither of them could believe what they were hearing. The officer's voice was now drawing a lot of attention and she wanted them out of their clothes? The doberman growled and took half a step forward, and both of the foxes' paws got to work. The male fox slipped off his gray tshirt, and with a twinge of embarrassment, turned his back to the officer as he dropped it to the ground and started unfastening the belt of his pants. The female fox had a harder time. She was wearing a ruffled pink top, slightly sheer with a pink and purple flower pattern, tying behind her neck and crisscrossing over her body, leaving her white belly fur exposed. She also wore a short black velvet skirt with a braided white cord for a belt, tied in a long bow that came almost down to her knees. Having a hard time deciding which one would be least embarrassing to lose, she looked up to the officer, but found no comfort in her threatening scowl. She quickly decided on the skirt.

The male worked his pants and boxer shorts down together, and slowly stepped out of them to turn back around. He was already standing naked with his paws in front of himself by the time the female's skirt hit the ground. He glanced over at her and felt his fur bristle, the anger of their argument quickly returning. The girl's top came next, leaving her chest bare for all to see. It seemed to her like everyone was looking at her, judging her. Her body felt hot as she tried to cover her tiny breasts, now standing in nothing but a tiny pink thong as she frantically glanced about the busy plaza. Another growl from the officer reminded her that she wasn't done yet, and with a whimper she reached her paws down and slowly started to slip off her thong. The male fox growled a little too as he found himself still watching. It angered him that she couldn't even undress herself without being so dramatic. Still he felt his sheath bulge as he watched her slowly undress, leaving her naked body as fully on display as his. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and turned to look down at his footpaws.

"In here", the officer ordered, stepping to the side and pulling open the door to the cell nearest to the young male fox. He sighed heavily and turned to step inside the small empty cell, the sticky rubber floor feeling uncomfortable under his footpaw pads as he peered out through the metal bars. "You too!" the officer shouted at the young female fox with a sharp gesture of her free paw. The vixen had been waiting for the officer to open up the next cell. The concept of being stuck in the same cell as the male made her wince. "Hurry up!" The officer snarled, making the young vixen yip in surprise and quickly move to follow the instruction, slipping in past the male and over to the far corner of the cell.

The door clanged shut behind them, and an electronic chirp confirmed the lock was secured. The officer gathered up the foxes' discarded clothes and stuffed them in a gray metal locker beside the cell. "When the time is up, you can leave" the officer said, pointing up to a digital timer between the bars near the ceiling of the cell, which was already counting down from fifteen minutes. "I'll be watching" she warned, gesturing to a camera near the clock looking down at the cell's interior. Seeming satisfied, the doberman officer put back on her sunglasses, turned, and briskly walked off.

The young male fox sighed as he took a long look around. The female kept her back to him, and slumped down in the corner, curling herself up into a ball with her arms crossed in front of her and knees up to her chest, her tail wrapped tightly about her legs. She had started crying again and the male growled at her. "Why do you have to be such a bitch?" he asked rhetorically, twisting his footpaw against the sticky floor. "Shut up, just shut up!" she snapped back at a harsh whisper, not even turning to look back at him. He looked up at the camera and huffed. He didn't want to bring the officer back and get into even more trouble. This was only for fifteen ... fourteen more minutes he noted as he glanced at the timer, even if he did have to spend it stuck in here with her. He turned his back to her as well, and tried to think about something else. Sportball, homework, video games, he just couldn't focus on anything but how mad he still was at her for getting him into this mess. He sighed again.

The vixen sat sobbing a little, struggling to calm herself down. She hadn't seen any faces she recognized while she had been made to undress. Maybe if she just kept herself curled up nobody would recognize her and word of this wouldn't get out. There was a slim chance someone wouldn't talk though she knew, and it would be hard to deny this if the story ever made it to her friends at school, or worse her parents. How had she let this happen? She couldn't just let that grubby fox get away with what he said as he'd walked passed her. Who did he think he was anyway? She had sure put him in his place before that cop showed up. Now she was stuck in here, naked, humiliated, with him. She didn't know for how much longer, but she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of seeing her turn to look up to the timer. Normally she wouldn't let herself be caught in the same room as someone like him, except at school where she didn't have a choice. Now she was just going to sit like this until the timer ran out, and then wait for him to leave.

The young female fox squirmed in place a little. Something felt weird. She was still uncomfortably warm from the ordeal, but it wasn't just that. Something about the strange floor she was sitting on maybe, or the idea of everyone seeing her this way, naked, exposed. She found she couldn't keep herself still. This did not go unnoticed by the male fox behind her. Only a couple of steps away, though facing the opposite direction and still standing. His ears swiveled back as he heard the soft sounds of her squirming. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Knock it off!" he growled softly, still very much aware of the camera. "Shut up!" she repeated, followed by a soft whimper.

The male fox turned back around and glared at her. She was rocking back and forth now, slowly, her back still turned to him as she sat curled up in the corner. He took a deep breath and sighed, shaking his head and wondering what could possibly be wrong with her now. He paused for a moment and took another deep breath through his nose. He could smell her perfume, and thought about how perfect she always thought everything had to be. She probably spent hours keeping her fur that fluffy. It was a lighter shade of than his, though still orange along her back, growing slightly darker toward her spine. Perfect fur, perfect clothes, perfect everything, she thought it made her better than everybody else. Now she was stuck in here naked just like he was. He was starting to enjoy it.

"Stupid slut" he murmured, repeating the comment that had started their argument as he had happened to be walking past her earlier. She pinned her ears back and wrapped her arms tighter around herself. "No I'm not" she hissed between her teeth, shuddering as her body continued to rock. He took another deep breath, taking in the strong scent of her perfume, or was it something else? He looked down and to his surprise, realized he had been rubbing his sheath. The red of his throbbing length was clearly showing, and his anger toward the young vixen quickly turned to something else.

She heard him moving around, but tried to ignore him. Once she was out of here she was never speaking to him again, she decided. Besides, she had more important things to worry about, like why she was feeling so strange. She yipped in surprise when she felt something touch her, breaking her focus and causing her to spin around angrily. "Get aw..ay.." She started to shout, but then trailed off as she turned to find the male's exposed shaft right in front of her nose. She had seen one before of course, but never this close. She was so taken by surprise that she froze, staring wide eyed at it unable to move. The male slowly inched forward again, touching the tip to her lips. Without thinking she started taking deep breaths of his scent, and slowly nuzzling down the male's shaft to his furry sheath. His fur was rough and coarse compared to hers. Clearly he didn't spend nearly enough time grooming himself, but she was far too distracted at the moment as the strange feeling she had been experiencing greatly intensified.

To her surprise, the male reached down, with one paw and gently began stroking her ears. How could she be letting him touch her? She wondered, but made no objection. Instead she extended her tongue and sensuously licked her lips. The male moved so her tongue began moving over his shaft, and soon began letting the tip slide into her waiting mouth. He barely knew what was happening, but it felt so good he wasn't about to stop. More and more of his vulpine length disappeared into the female's muzzle, and her rocking continued, letting it slide up and down along her tongue in her mouth.

As he looked down, he saw one of her paws slip between her legs, while the other moved back and forth over her young breasts. He bent down slightly and reached a paw to hers, causing her to pull back and look up at him confused. She was about to start objecting as her senses returned to her for a moment, but found herself gasping as his paws replaced hers rubbing over her body. The male knelt down as he explored her, following the motions she had been making and following her scent down between her spread legs. When his tongue touched the folds of her sex she cried out, making him pull back a moment and drawing attention from nearby furs, some of whom had already been watching. She had practically forgotten all about them though, and slowly let herself lay back on the squishy floor, allowing the male bury his muzzle between her legs, quickly sending her body into convulsions.

Before she could recover enough to realize what was happening, she felt his weight on top of her. She looked up to see his blue eyes staring down into hers, while something hot and slick spread the folds of her sex. "W.. wait!" she tried to say, but with a sudden thrust she found herself crying out sharply instead, her arms and legs wrapping tightly around his body. It was so painful at first that she couldn't think, but it slowly subsided and allowed her to relax slightly. Her head fell back and she blushed as she looked out to see just how many furs were now watching what was going on in the cell. Some had stayed where they were, others had moved closer to get a better look. A few couples out in the grass she noticed, were even engaged in similar activities. This was how she was losing her virginity she realized, as the hard thrusts continued, making her moan with each breath.

Without thinking about what he was doing, the male fox kept on rocking his hips, thrusting into the female below him faster as the pleasure quickly overshadowed any other thoughts. Along with the sensations, his knot also started to fill out, making him thrust harder with desire as he tried to force it into the female's sex. She cried out each time she felt him thrust, letting her legs spread wider and arching her back, until finally it sunk into her, causing both foxes to gasp together as their hips met. The vixen clenched around her partner's knot, and felt the pleasure quickly building once again. His thrusting became faster and harder, his knot tugging at her body each time he pulled back, causing him to moan along with her. It quickly became too much for the pair of foxes, and their shared climax soon left them collapsed together, panting in exhaustion.

The female doberman laughed as she watched the final seconds of the timer count down on the monitor, with the two foxes already collapsed panting on the floor of the cell, still tied together. "Damnit" came a voice from behind her. She turned in her chair to face the wolf and stood up, withdrawing a wet paw from inside her unfastened pants as she gave the male officer a big smile. "Told ya" she said with a wink, pulling her pants the rest of the way down and off. "I can't believe it" he said, shaking his head. "A bet's a bet" she said, stepping up to him giving her pawpads a lick. "Now, get on your knees, bitch", she smirked. "Damnit" he said again, slowly sinking down as her paw guided his head to bury his muzzle between her legs.

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