Turning Pink

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Taro the cute little snow leopard gets himself into a bit of trouble.

Turning Pink


"You'll see if you lose" the cute young vixen said, leaning close and licking her lips with a lustful smile. I gasped softly and held my breath, freezing in place as I struggled to understand. "But.. I don't know how" I nearly whispered, after taking a nervous shallow breath and looking down again between the girl's spread legs. I hadn't ever actually seen a girl naked down there this close before, and I could hardly believe what I was seeing now as she sat next to me on the floor, so close with one knee pulled up by her side to lift her short white skirt and reveal her lack of panties. "Oh its easy" she nearly giggled, scooting herself closer and placing her paw on my leg, "you stick your tongue in my mouth and I stick mine in yours, and the first one to pull back loses." I looked about the crowded room, wrapping my long spotted feline tail around myself nervously, unable to believe what I was hearing. The gymnasium was practically full since the whole school was in attendance, the students sitting in rows on the floor by class as the presenter up on the raised stage droned on about a subject I had by this point completely forgotten. Even with so many furs the room was nearly silent except for the presenter's voice, and I could see all eyes were turned up to the stage, paying much more close attention than I was to what was going on. All eyes that was, except for those eyes of the girl sitting so close, still staring intently at me, slowly rocking her body back and forth ever so suggestively as she waited for my response. Her eyes were pale blue I remember, contrasted by her orange fur and long black hair she had tossed back over her shoulders with a turn of her head, as she arched her back and thrust her chest out toward me.

"But we.. can't do that here.. now" I whispered worriedly, keeping as still as possible, certain any motion would draw the attention of everyone around us. "Sure we can" she replied with a little wiggle, and without hesitation, she kissed me. My eyes went wide with shock, and my mouth must have too because I immediately felt her tongue against mine as her head tilted slightly to the side with her muzzle tightly pressed to mine. She murred passionately and I could only whimper as she guided my tongue into her mouth as well, playing with it with obvious experience I was completely lacking. Suddenly I was aware of another feeling as her body brushed against mine, while her paw had somehow found my wrist and had guided my paw pads to caress her tender sex. I couldn't believe this was happening. I knew she was new in school, but she had never even talked to me before and now this? Her wetness seemed to almost immediately cover my paw, and without me even moving it she moaned into the kiss, causing me to tremble as the sudden sound in the otherwise nearly silent room. I knew we shouldn't be doing this, some part of me was screaming to make her stop, but I was too terrified to even move, and it just felt so good.

Suddenly I heard another passionate moan that, I couldn't believe was my own voice. All at once I was overcome by a powerful sensation, that had caused me to toss my head back and cry out. The girl's paw had found its way to my belt, and after loosening, it slipped down into the front of my bulging pants. I had never felt anything like it before, and with only a gentle squeeze of her paw it became too much and my feline length began to twitch in her paw as my body spasmed. Almost as soon as this happened I felt the firm grip of a large paw around my arm, dragging me up to my footpaws. I looked up with fright to see the stern face of the principal, a large powerful buck, with his long antlers seeming ever more threatening due to his expression as he dragged me along with the young vixen down the row of students gawking up at us and out of the gymnasium. It was all I could do to hold my loose pants up as I walked and was half dragged along, though my new 'friend' seemed to be having no trouble keeping up as I looked over to her fearfully for some support. She seemed to be quite distressed too by her pouting expression, her eyes staring at the tiled floor and her tail tucked down as we were briskly taken by the principal to his office, where he loudly slammed the door behind us with excessive force.

"Just what do you think you were doing in there?" He practically shouted, depositing each of us onto an uncomfortable green plastic chair in front of his large wooden desk. "You know the rules about disrupting an assembly, this behavior is totally unacceptable!" he added without waiting for a response. "I.. I'm sorry" came the vixen's timid voice while I was still too much in a state of shock to think of what to say. "I just.. I got scared.. he started touching me and made me touch his.. umm.." she trailed off, still looking down at the floor and rocking back and forth in her chair. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and shrunk down in the chair as I looked up to the principal, shaking my head nervously as I watched his expression visibly grow even more angry. "Let me see" he practically growled to her, his gaze still fixed on me as she slowly got up and walked over to him. He picked her up and bent her over his desk in front of me, her small stockinged footpaws dangling a considerable height above the worn linoleum floor. I wondered for a brief moment where her shoes had gone, but only very briefly as the principal immediately yanked up the back of the girl's short skirt and peered between her spread legs.

To my shock her inner thighs were coated in cum, my cum, while her sex I had felt completely soaked moments ago appeared totally dry. "I see.. clearly she didn't want you touching her, and only in second grade no less" he said slowly, dragging a large digit along the length of her sex, before touching a patch of wet fur a little further down her leg. All I could do was stare in disbelief, this wasn't what I remembered happening at all, but how could I possibly explain? I didn't have long to consider however as the principal continued. "This doesn't excuse your behavior" he said with a hard slap to the vixen's upturned rear, causing her to yip. "As for you, Taro," he said turning back momentarily to glower in my direction, "I think we'll hold off on your punishment until after corrections is done with you." "W.. what? No please.." I stammered, barely able to speak. "That's enough out of you!" he shouted, leaning down toward me, causing me to press myself against the back of the chair as far as I could. "You're going to sit there and watch, and you'd better pay attention. You're going to need to know all about this soon enough," he said ominously as he turned back to the girl squirming on his desk.

His khaki pants and plaid boxer shorts soon fell to the floor around his hooves, and I found myself looking up between his powerful thighs from where I sat, low in the uncomfortable chair as he guided his hardening length to the young girl's small pink slit. She cried out sharply as he started to press forward, his thickness stretching the lips of her sex. "Shh, take it like a good girl," he said in a slightly more gentle tone as her tiny footpaws kicked helplessly behind her. I hugged my tail as I watched the powerful buck take the girl by the hips and slowly work his long thick shaft into her, causing her obvious pain from the tone of her cries, though her sex soon seemed as wet as I remembered from earlier. The principal grunted as he started to take longer strokes, his shaft seeming to stretch her all over again each time he would pull back and rock forward. I squirmed uncomfortably, but found myself unable to look away as the bulge in my pants throbbed needfully while I watched the erotic act so close. The scent too was doing nothing for my nervous state of arousal, as each breath through my sensitive feline nose seemed to make me tremble. I found it harder and harder not to let my paw slip down inside my pants, the way the girl on the desk had done what must have only been a few minutes ago. Time seemed to pass in slow motion now however, each thrust of the principal's powerful body against the vixen's tiny form bent over the desk seeming to last forever, though I could tell his pace was rapidly increasing.

The young vixen's voice was now nearly constant as she moaned and cried with each breath, writhing uncontrollably on the desk, seemingly only held in place by the principal's powerful grip on her hips as his hard thrusting grew increasingly rapid. Soon his voice joined hers, and I could see his surprisingly large balls draw up and begin to pulse, as he emptied them into the tiny girl. She couldn't take it all and soon the sticky white fluid gushed out around his throbbing length, running down along her inner thighs over the tops of her thigh high stockings, from which a small white cloth fell along with the last of the principal's powerful thrusts. It caught my eye a moment, and as I looked down I could tell it had been soaked through. The splattering sound of liquid drew my attention away as the large buck pulled back with a long groan, causing much more of his cum to drip from the girl's sex to the floor between her legs. Turning back toward me he stepped out of his pants and leaned forward to press a button on the wall next to the door connected to a small speaker. "Miss L, could you send Officer Garl to my office to pick up Taro for reassignment? I'll be keeping Seri a little longer for.. further discipline." His still hard shaft twitched nearly touching my nose as he said this, and soon a voice replied "Right away Sir," as he thankfully stepped back again and lifted the vixen down from his desk. "Now, go wait outside!" he shouted to me sternly, starting to unbutton his shirt and turning to walk to the big chair behind his desk. I quickly obeyed slipping down off of the chair, clumsily tugging my belt tight to keep my pants from falling off with one paw, as the other pulled open the door allowing me to hobble through it. The vixen followed after me and while the principal's back was turned, she flashed me a quick smile and a wink before pushing the door closed behind me.

I blinked with confusion, and stood facing the closed door until I heard the sound of her moaning voice again from the other side, and slowly slinked over to sit myself down at one of the similarly uncomfortable waiting chairs in the hall outside the principal's office. Before long two of my friends from my class emerged from around the corner and hurried up to me, looking around nervously to make sure nobody was coming. "What did you do that for?" asked Thistle, a short gray wolf. "I didn't.. it was her she just started.. doing stuff, " I tried to answer. "Taro that's Seril, she's been tryin to get everyone in trouble since she got back," interrupted Aster, a scrawny white lynx with much of his fur dyed a bright blue. "Seril? I thought he moved away!" I said a bit too loudly, causing all of us to fold our ears down. "Yeah," continued Aster more quietly, "he got sent to corrections for mounting Lizzy from first in the bathroom." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, how could he, or rather she, do something like this? "But.. why?" was all I could manage, growing ever more nervous at what I was hearing. "I thought everyone knew," Thistle said, looking around again to make sure nobody was coming "didn't you notice Cam was gone the day after she got back?" I thought about it a moment. Cam was another of our friends who had been gone now a couple weeks, but I just assumed his family was on vacation or something. I always seem to be the last to know these things. "You mean she.. got him in trouble too?" I asked worriedly. "Yeah," Aster answered "behind the snack booth after a game." I shook my head with disbelief. "But I didn't do anything!" I insisted in a shouted whisper.

Just then a large imposing lion in a police uniform came around the corner, and my two friends scampered to the nearby bathroom. He glared after them as they quickly disappeared from sight, Aster mouthing "Sorry!" to me before turning the corner into the bathroom. "Come on then," Officer Garl said, placing his large paw on my shoulder and guiding me to stand up. I wanted to object, but thought better of it as I looked up to him to see the way he stared down at me, and so I only whimpered and looked away again as he walked me down the hall and out the front door of the school. It didn't even occur to me to try and get away as he opened the car door and guided me to sit down, my mind was so jumbled I could barely see straight as he closed the door behind me and moved to get in on the other side. "You're going to enjoy this more than you think" he said, looking me over to see my obvious distress as he turned on the car and pulled out of the parking lot. "Please.. I didn't do anything" I said softly, trying not to cry. "Doesn't matter now" he said with a soft chuckle, keeping his eyes on the road. I shook my head and hugged my tail, my whole body trembling with nervousness.

The ride was thankfully short, and before I knew it we were parked in the clinic parking lot, where Officer Garl was opening the car door for me and guiding me to get out. "Just do everything you're told, and do your best to try and relax," he said as we walked up to the pristine sliding glass double doors of the large white building. On either side of the entry a row of perfectly round pruned bushes grew, with curious tiny green and red leaves, set in white planters edged by tiny yellow flowers. Inside the facility lobby was nearly all white as well, with large glassy backlit squares making up the floor and ceiling, while the walls were largely rounded off with no corners, and seemed to be covered with tightly stretched cloth. There were several plush white chairs, around the edges of the room, only a few of which were occupied by furs of varying ages, along with a few metal T shaped structures sticking from the floor near a door in the far wall away from the entrance. The one nearest to the door was occupied by by a black male feline, with cuffs around his wrists attached to the T so that his arms remained outstretched. He was several years older than me I thought, and his expression looked none too happy from what I could tell with his eyes closed and his head bowed down toward the floor. His gray t-shirt appeared torn and the rest of his clothes were completely missing, leaving him naked from the waist down which caused me to hesitate a little when I first saw him.

"Come along," Officer Garl insisted as he felt me start to pull back, and guided me over to a small counter along the side wall, with a window into an office space beyond. "Here's another from the school," he said to the brown male rabbit behind the counter. "Ooh, looks like we've got two new pussies today!" he said with a laugh as he leaned over the counter and looked down at me. "Just leave him and get back, we've got an opening pretty soon to get them both started," the rabbit said, holding up a digital tablet which the officer pressed his pawpad against to check me in. The lion took a pair of cuffs from the rabbit and guided me over to the metal T next to the other feline, slipping them around my wrists as he adjusted its height and chained me up the same way, with my arms outstretched. "Be good," the lion said, and turned with a wave to the rabbit as he walked back out the way he had come, leaving me restrained standing beside the brooding black feline. I could definitely pick up the scent now that I was so close to him, and as I looked over I could see the wet patches of fur along the dark fur of the felines face, and under his tail where more wetness was still dripping down onto the floor under him.

I blushed and turned to look away. This was all too much for me. I still couldn't believe any of this was happening. I had never been in any kind of real trouble before, and still none of this made any sense. I didn't belong here like this, there had to be some kind of way to convince them to let me go and I could just be back in class with my friends. I didn't have long to think however, as soon a distinguished looking wolf emerged from the door, and turned to look down over the two of us. He was dressed in a long white lab coat, and had what looked like a loose turquoise jumpsuit on under it, with a belt around his waist from which hung several small strange sorts of tools of a sort I had never seen before. "Well then just you two this afternoon? Looks like we'll have time to pay extra attention to you both," he said with a smile, looking back and forth between us. "Now, do you both promise to be on your best behavior for me today?" he asked gently, leaning down close between us. I folded my ears down and nodded as best I could, too nervous to say anything. The other feline however declined to answer, and turned his head away, keeping his eyes closed. "Come on now, that won't do," the wolf said with a smile, raising a paw to lift the black feline's chin. "Get away from me, let me go!" the feline snarled angrily, kicking at the wolf with his footpaws. "I see" said the wolf, taking a small step back and waving a paw to the bunny at the counter. Soon a large tiger came out from the door, with a long stick with set of short needles on the end of it. The black feline continued to struggle but soon the needles had sunk into the fur of his arm, causing him to quickly relax as the tiger set the pole aside and unchained him, fixing the cuffs behind his back. He then added two more cuffs around the feline's ankles, and a collar around his neck before picking him up and carrying him through the door into the facility proper. "Now then, we won't have any such problems with you, will we?" the wolf asked, moving back up close to me. "Umm.. no Sir," answered nervously with a gulp, folding my ears down and tucking my tail between my legs. "Very good then" he said, unchaining me from the T and removing the cuffs, offering them back to the rabbit behind the counter before guiding me through the door as well.

Inside was a long dimly lit hallway with several glass sliding double doors to either side, and what looked like an elevator at the far end. The wolf guided me into the first door we came to, where inside there was a long room with several tall padded tables laid out, with gray metal sinks and cabinets near each one. The black feline, now completely naked and seeming to be still unconscious, was laid out face up on the nearest table, his wrist and ankle cuffs chained to the four corners of it. "He will be fine," the wolf said reassuringly, as he guided me to the next table and helped to lift me up to sit on it. "Now then, do you know why you are here?" he asked in a calming tone, taking a small step back and looking over me, placing his paws in the pockets of his coat. I didn't answer. I didn't want to think about that, and I was still trying to think of some way to explain what had happened. "I haven't seen a snow leopard in a while, but don't worry, its easier the younger you are," he said, taking his paws out from his pockets and reaching out to feel over my ears. "Your records say you don't take any medications or have any allergies. Is there anything I should know about before we begin?" he asked, his paws working down over my neck and shoulders. I shook my head a little, not exactly sure why he was asking, and not sure I wanted to know. He briefly examined every part of me, even removing my shoes when he reached my footpaws to look them over as well, and when he was satisfied he then nodded in approval. "Very good, I'm going to start with your friend here, and you can ask any questions you might have while I work. Just stay right there and don't touch anything, this won't take long at all." He turned to the other table and started feeling his way over the other feline's body in much the same way.

I watched nervously and soon the wolf was rummaging about in a nearby cabinet, and had taken out a series of syringes, and two strangely contoured concave devices with heavy mesh straps. He placed everything on the edge of the table beside the feline, and one by one, took the syringes and injected them into specific places along his body, leaning in close and feeling around to carefully position each needle, before pressing it into the feline's flesh and depositing the contents of the syringe. I squirmed uncomfortably as I watched, and with trepidation ventured to ask "does.. that hurt?" The wolf turned to me briefly and shook his head. "Not much," he answered, "I'll give you something for that too since you're conscious. There's really nothing to worry about." After he emptied the last of the syringes which he deposited in the nearby sink, he took up one of the strange devices and attached it around the feline's chest, with two large cups protruding out from his body, one to either side. Once this was done, he attached the other device between the feline's legs somewhat like an oversized pair of plastic underwear, sticking out much further in the front than seemed necessary.

"See? Nothing to worry about" the wolf said, checking over his work before turning back to me. "I.. really don't think.." I started nervously, but the wolf shook his head and held his paw up to me. "Now then, none of that, you promised to be on your best behavior remember? Here, we'll start with something easy." I gulped and hugged my tail as he rummaged around in the cabinet next to my table, but he returned only with a set of pink cuffs and a collar. "Here were are, I think pink will be just right don't you?" he said, slipping the collar around my neck, followed by a cuff for each of my wrists and ankles. "These are just to help you keep still," he explained as the last of the cuffs were locked in place. "Pink?" I asked confused, lifting up one of my paws to look at the cuff around my wrist more closely. "Oh yes," he said with a smile. "I think pink will be your color, but there will be time for that later. For now lets get you out of those clothes so we can get started." He went back to the cabinet and returned with a large pill and a cup of water. I hadn't moved, but he seemed not to mind, placing the pill and the cup in my paws and watching as I placed the pill in my mouth and drank the water to swallow it. It wasn't water at all as it turned out, and the taste was awful. I swallowed it quickly to get it out of my mouth, and rubbed my tongue against the roof of my mouth to try and make the taste go away. I must have looked quite silly as the doctor chuckled softly, and moved to help pull my blue and white T-shirt off over my head. He next unfastened my belt, and I helped by steadying myself with my paws against the table to lift my hips as he pulled my pants and underwear down my legs and off, leaving me naked.

"Now, just lay back and raise your arms for me and you can relax," said the wolf as he helped to guide me to lay down on the table. The surface was thankfully soft and I tucked my tail between my legs, blushing as my arms and legs were spread wide apart and attached to the corners of the table by my pink cuffs. Everything felt heavy, and for some reason I started getting very warm as the wolf returned from the cabinet again, holding the things he had brought to the table for the other feline before me. "This will only hurt a little" he said, his voice seeming watery and far away as he took the first syringe and injected it into my arm. He was right, I barely noticed, and as he moved around my body giving me injections. The only times it really hurt were the ones between my legs, which made me tug at the restraints as they continued to burn for a long time after. "What a good girl," he said, causing me to whimper with confusion as he withdrew the last needle from my sheath, and placed it with the others in the sink. "Now just try to relax," he said as he took up the first device and placed it over my chest, attaching the straps over my shoulders and slipping one behind my back to come back around and attach in the front to hold it in place. The padding along the edges where it touched me was thick and felt sticky with some sort of gel, and inside it felt like it was rubbing against my burning chest, vibrating slightly with a soft hum.

When the wolf gently guided my tail out of the way and attached the other device I cried out a little, trying to close my legs to make it stop. Somehow I had become highly aroused through all of this, and as the device was attached, I could feel the same vibrating and rubbing between my legs and under my tail, burning painfully as the wolf attached the straps tightly from back to front, fixing it in place. "Shh, you'll get used to it," he said as he looked over his work and took a step back, observing my writhing form. "Doctor, you're needed in observation 2," came the voice of the rabbit from earlier, who I hadn't even notice enter the room. "Oh of course, I'll be right there. Have these two prepped for conditioning and I'll be back to check on them afterwards." The wolf replied as he hurried out of the room. I couldn't keep my eyes open any more after that, and with the humming vibrating devices attached to my otherwise naked body I passed out.

When I woke up I was on all fours, with some kind of padded support under me holding me in this position. I was alone now as far as I could tell, but the clear sound of voices seemed to be coming from all around me. As I tried to move I found that my wrists and ankles were once again restrained, and my head too seemed unable to move or turn very far in any direction. In front of me was a giant curved screen, taking up my entire view. On the screen some kind of movie was playing, but it was being acted out as if it was from first person, where I was seeing through the eyes of one of the characters. The character was female apparently, and was going shopping, looking through isles of clothes and chatting back and forth with someone about which things she should pick out. Her voice seemed familiar at first, but since I couldn't get a look at her I couldn't tell if it was someone I would recognize from another movie. I liked watching a lot of movies after all, and could usually pick out a famous actor or actress. This movie didn't seem all that interesting to me though, and I was confused at why I would be stuck here watching it. Maybe they just needed to kill time for a while until the doctor got back? Since I had little choice in the matter, I watched as the girl picked out clothes with her friend, a very attractive husky with bright red and black dyed fur and huge breasts that her tiny white halter top could barely contain. The husky whose name seemed to be Carly, was also wearing an incredibly short red skirt that flipped up from time to time as she bounced around and playfully bent over, showing that she wore nothing underneath.

"Come on, lets go and try this stuff on," Carly said with a giggle, guiding her friend whose eyes I was looking through back to a changing booth with a pawful of clothes. As the two girls stepped inside, I saw in the full length mirror the image of the character I was looking out from for the first time. To my surprise she was a snow leopard, just like me! Her tail was long and fluffy, and her fur was dyed pink around her dark spots, with the fur along her neck and down her exposed tummy left white. She had on a short brown pleated white skirt, and a black v-neck tank top that came down just below her ample breasts. Her friend who had come into the booth with her, hung the clothes she had brought on a nearby hook and started undressing, which didn't take long given how little she was wearing. The leopard in the mirror undressed too, her top coming up covering my view for a moment as she pulled it off over her head, before wiggling out of her tiny skirt as well, like her friend showing she wore nothing under it.

The two girls giggled and teased each other back and forth as they tried on one outfit after another, each building a 'yes' pile and a 'no' pile on the bench against the wall opposite the mirror. "We're gonna have so much fun tonight" Carly said, giving the leopardess a teasing slap on her naked rear. As this happened I gasped sharply in surprise. Somehow I felt the slap, my own rear mostly exposed except for the device fitted something like a thong between my legs around the back. Had something behind me moved? I couldn't turn my head far enough to look, but now I was growing a little concerned. The leopardess on the screen just giggled and wiggled her hips playfully at her friend, voicing her agreement as she tried on another skirt, this one lacy pink and almost transparent in the front to match the lace tube top she had put on, which barely covered her nipples, clearly showing their dark circles standing out from her white fur through it. "Perfect!" Carly exclaimed, herself having found a red ribbon-like top that wrapped around behind her neck and over her breasts and tied around her back just beneath them, along with a skirt that seemed to be little more than a few strips of red cloth dangling down in front and back half way to her knees from a thin cord, that wrapped around her waist with a giant red bow at either side along her hips.

While the girls took up different poses, giggling and looking at themselves in the mirror I noticed I was feeling very hot. I never saw girls dress and act this way. The few I ever saw at school were pretty skittish, and never really seemed to want to even talk to me, that is, until today. The video soon faded to black, and when it came back again the girls were somewhere else. It looked like some kind of dance, with colorful lights and throbbing music, and all sorts of furs bouncing up and down to the beat in a darkened room. Carly I could see between two large males, a horse and what I thought was some sort of canine. Her tiny outfit leaving little to the imagination as they sandwiched her between them. The leopardess too I could tell was dancing along with her, her head bobbing and turning side to side making me a little dizzy, so I tried to bob my own head a little to lessen the effect.

Though there were many males around, none seemed to be paying much attention to the leopardess, though I caught more than a few sideways glances looking up and down her body from those nearby, who were eagerly groping and grinding against the other females they were dancing with. Eventually a very attractive looking white male snow leopard approached, wearing a white tank top and a pair of tight black latex shorts that showed off the form of his athletic body. "Hey, you're really hot" he purred as he leaned in close. "Thanks," the leopardess said in a low sultry voice. To my surprise, I also said "thanks" along with her, finding myself shocked that I had done so. "Come on," he said, taking her paw in his and leading her away through the crowd. As the leopardess looked over to her friend, Carly waved teasingly, with a little smile and a wink that reminded me of something, though at the time I couldn't think of what.

Leading the leopardess through the crowd, the male soon made his way to a free standing spiral staircase, which they both ascended to what must have been the second floor of the building. Once there I blinked in surprise at the scene before me. The two were now in a large room, with a mirrored ceiling and walls, and a thick red plush carpet and ornate sofas and piles of cushions scattered about. There were already several couples present in various states of undress, cuddling and fondling one another on the floor or on the furniture. The Leopardess was led to one of the nearby sofas, and sat down at one end with her new male friend, across from another couple, a small female raccoon and a large lynx. She was already naked, with her clothes scattered about on the floor, and the lynx was shirtless with his head between her legs, eagerly lapping at her sex. The two snow leopards watched together for a moment, the male starting to grope at the female's breast as I could see by looking at the nearby mirror. I could hear her breaths grow heavier, and I could almost feel her heart beat as a pleasurable sensation washed over me, almost as if I could feel my body being touched.

This lasted for what seemed like a long while, the male snow leopard sometimes kissing the female, letting his paws roam up and down her scantily clad body, making me feel relaxed and incredibly aroused. "Help me out of these clothes," the male snow leopard whispered in my ear. I could hear his voice so close, and almost feel the heat of his breath as he spoke. On the screen the female helped to slide his shirt up and off over his head, then knelt down on all fours as he got up on his knees in front of her, letting her carefully work the latex shorts down his legs. As she revealed his bulging sheath on the screen I took in a deep breath of an amazingly strong scent. His arousal clearly showing as his length extended right before my eyes. Suddenly felt something warm bump my muzzle, but I couldn't look down to see what it was. On the screen the male's tummy fur filled the front of my view, while glancing off to the side I could see in the mirror that his shaft was buried deep in her mouth. I felt it again, and this time it pushed my mouth open slightly, and I found it quickly expanding and pressing to the back of my throat. I tugged at the restraints at first, worried that it would choke me, but it didn't push in too far before it pulled back and slowly started to slide back and forth inside my mouth. The taste was strange, but somehow pleasant, and made me feel even more aroused as I watched the scene unfold on the screen, and listened to the wet sound of her sucking, which I myself started unconsciously to emulate. She would moan, and I would moan with her, and the pace of whatever was in my mouth would speed up and slow down just like the image on the screen.

Again time seemed to slow down, and the act being performed went on for enough time that my jaw started to ache from being stretched open for so long. I hardly minded though, I was feeling so good, and so in need of something, though at the time I didn't know what. Eventually the male's pace quickened, and with a passionate growl I felt a flood of warm liquid filling my mouth. I had no choice but to swallow, and as he pulled back on the screen the object withdrew from my mouth and continued squirting the hot thick fluid over my face. "Mmm, good girl" the male snow leopard said on the screen, pulling his shorts back up and giving the leopardess' ear a playful bite, which I also felt, before picking up his discarded shirt and wandering away. I found myself growing sleepy once again, the strong scent now sinking into my fur as I looked over the leopardess on the screen, laying with her face covered in cum as she watched the nearby couple who now were pressed close together, with the now naked male lynx between the female raccoon's spread legs, thrusting his shaft in and out of her stretched rear entrance.

I must have passed out again not long after that, because I don't remember what happened next, but I woke up on my back on a table again, my groin burning from what must have been another set of injections. The devices attached to me were back in place now however, and my arms and legs were still outstretched, attached to the four corners of the table. "Oh good, you're awake," came the familiar voice of the wolf doctor as he stepped over looking down at me. "I'm sorry I had to wake you, but I need you to tell me how you're feeling." I took a deep breath and blinked a little from the light as I looked up at him. "Do you remember where you are?" he asked, looking down at me curiously. I couldn't remember for a moment. The store, the mirrors, school, but eventually I nodded. "The umm.. place.. Officer Garl brought me," I said, unsure how else to answer. "Yes very good, so you remember how you got here, do you remember your name?" The wolf asked, poking at a digital tablet with interest. "Taro," I said, trying to stretch as I more fully woke up. "Very good Tara," he said in reply, "How many digits am I holding up?" He held up his paw in front of my face with three digits, which I counted more than once to be extra sure, and answered "Three" back to him. "Very good, and are you a boy or a girl Tara?" he asked, poking at his tablet again. I hesitated for a moment again, my mind was still foggy from all that I had been through.

"I'm.. a boy," I said with a little hesitation. "Hmm, I see," said the wolf, poking again at his tablet. "Alright then, that will be fine, your little friend needed a bit of something extra too, but we'll get you all sorted out straight away. Does anything hurt I should know about?" I nodded a little with a soft whimper. "Umm.. between my legs," I said timidly, watching as the doctor moved down and looked over the lower device. "Its alright, you'll get used to that," he said, moving back up to my chest, "Any up here?" I shook my head, the only feeling a tingling sensation from my chest along with the strange rubbing and vibrating I had felt since the devices were put on. "Let me see then," he said as he looked me over. "We'll just bump that up a bit and set your next round of conditioning to level.. four," he said with a nod, entering something into his pad before moving to the next table. On the table he walked over to I could see a young raccoon, who looked very familiar to me somehow. The doctor was talking softly and looking her over as well and, I strained to overhear what he was saying. "Very good," I heard him say "You did very well at level three and it looks like these are about ready to come off. I'll schedule your observation session for tomorrow afternoon." The doctor then went on to the next table, where I could see the black feline I had arrived with similarly restrained. I couldn't hear anything that was said, but the doctor seemed less pleased with him, and returned before long to give me one more injection in the arm and release me from the table.

"There now, ready for your next round of conditioning, and then you'll get to watch this nice little girl over here have her observation session. Enjoy yourself!" he said with a smile, as he helped me down off of the table and guided me to the waiting tiger who ushered me gently out of the room and down the hall to a dark room at the far end. This must have been similar to the room where I watched the movie before, I thought as we stepped inside, or it could even be the same room? There was an adjustable padded support in the center of the circular room, with various articulated metal arms with different attachments protruding from the nearby floor. I was guided to the support by the tiger, who attached the cuffs at my wrists and ankles, and my collar to it, this time in somewhat of a standing position, with my legs spread a little apart, and tilted back slightly so that I leaned back against the padding. He then stepped away out of my view placed what looked like a pair of glasses over my eyes and a movie began, appearing to be projected somehow all around me, filling the hemispherical ceiling of the room. I heard the door open and close again as the scene began, leaving me alone with another movie to keep me entertained.

This time there were several girls all gathered around a long row of vanity tables, each one dressed in what could barely be called a swimsuit, with colorful tassels dangling from long necklaces and arm and leg bands for extra decoration. They all seemed to be busily grooming themselves getting ready for something, though I wasn't sure quite what until I heard a roar of applause from somewhere nearby, and heard a voice call out "Tara, you're on!" The pink female snow leopard took one more close look in the mirror, showing herself to me through her eyes as she adjusted her blue bikini top with gold trim and matching bottom. The cloth was so thin and tight, that I could see the clear outline of her nipples, which were hard and protruding, and the curve of her sex between her legs already showing what looked like a wet spot along her slit. "Coming!" called her familiar voice, as she hurried to the side of the room and around a curtain out onto a stage. I gasped when I saw what was before her. It was a room much like the previous one where she had been dancing, only now there was a stage with a long catwalk, leading to a dance pole on a raised circular platform out in the middle of the dark room. The pounding music started up, and the leopardess slowly stepped out onto the stage, much to the delight of the mostly male audience as they cheered her on. I blushed at the thought of what I was doing, or what she was doing, as the dance pole moved closer and closer to me on the screen. I could almost reach out and touch it, which is exactly what she did as her paw reached out to begin her stepping and swinging about the pole.

Out in the audience I could pick out just a few females, seeming to wear the tasseled bands much like Tara and the other girls back stage, but they now had nothing else on, leaving them completely naked for the groping paws of the many males surrounding them. Some were even on their knees, pleasing nearby males with their paws and muzzles, while others had been bent over the stage and were being mounted from behind. I blushed even more at the thought, but to spite my embarrassment, Tara was putting on quite a show, wrapping her leg around the pole and sliding down it, getting on her knees near the edge of the stage and looking down her body as a male would press his nose against her sex through the thin cloth. She would always return to the pole though, and the feeling of arousal was once again sweeping over me as I helplessly watched. After quite a while of this I started picking out voices now and then from the crowd, calling things like "Take it off!" or "Show us your tits!" motivating Tara to rub her paws over her large breasts and shimmy back and forth, making them jiggle in her top. This drew more cheers from the audience, and after a little more teasing, I saw her paws go behind her back and, when they returned to view, she was holding up her top which she flung out into the audience, shaking her breasts for them again.

"More!" and "Take it off!" they called, clearly eager for the leopardess to fully expose herself. At this point I was practically panting. Though I wasn't the one dancing I could feel her exertion, her heat, and her arousal. She didn't make them wait long, as she stepped to the edge of the stage again, laid herself back and looked down between her legs, giving me a perfect view as she pulled the ties to either side and carelessly tossed her bikini bottoms into the cheering crowd. I could see she was already soaked down there, and I could feel the heat between my own legs as her paw reached down and spread the lips of her sex, as she lifted up her hips with her legs spread wide for the audience. By the time she returned to the pole again the music had stopped, and a male voice boomed from the speaker "Lets hear it for Tara!" More cheers filled the room, and I could see the leopardess paw waving out to the many males still staring up at her naked body. "Lets start the bidding at two hundred!" called the voice from the speaker. Suddenly I was confused, as the number 200 appeared at the back of the stage on a large screen. Many of the males I noticed had taken to pressing buttons on their phones or tablets, and as Tara looked back the number swiftly started to climb, and had soon passed 300 and 400 and even 500. It slowed down quite a bit at that point, and finally stopped at a total of 575, and started flashing as a loud buzzer sounded. "Congratulations!" called the voice from the speaker "Next up, say hello to Narlisa!"

I watched as I a group of males approached, one with the screen of his phone flashing red, taking the leopardess by the paw and leading her just as before up the free standing spiral staircase to the second floor. This time things seemed to be much different. The scenery was the same, but instead of couples making out and gentle groping, each girl seemed to be surrounded by a group of males. All were naked, and those who weren't stroking themselves were presenting their shafts for the girl's attention. The males the leopardess was with quickly found an empty pile of cushions and guided Tara to lay down on them, where she seemed to wait expectantly as all the males who had come with her stripped off everything they were wearing. At this point I noticed the support I was attached to started leaning back, just as Tara's view did where she lay, looking up at the group of naked males as they closed in around her. Their paws started groping her body, and she moaned just as I did, as I too felt the sensation of warm touching all over my body. I soon found something slick and hot pressing into each of my paws, as the leopardess on the screen reached out and started to stroke some of the many male shafts now close within her reach. As another soon filled her mouth, I found my mouth filled as well, just as before, the heavy scent of sex once again returning to my nose, causing me to whimper softly and suck at the intruding appendage with need.

Without much warning, one of the males I thought looked like a puma knelt between Tara's legs, and thrust his shaft into her waiting sex. I cried out in surprise at the sensation along with Tara's voice on the screen, as I suddenly felt a sharp jolt of pain between the legs. The male slowly pulled back and I whimpered with soreness as my body throbbed heavily. He then slowly pressed back inside, making me tense in anticipation, but instead, though I was still a little sore, it also felt good. I tried to open my legs further, finding the support stand moving to accommodate me, and a strange full feeling started slowly rubbing me. As my legs spread I glanced at a nearby mirrored wall to see my body, Tara's body laid out on the cushions surrounded by naked males, with her paws and mouth busy pleasuring them, while the feline was slowly thrusting into her needful sex. I moaned and squirmed just as the leopardess did, surrounded by so many males, hearing them, smelling them, feeling them, tasting them. A short while later a male red panda on the screen decided to try something new, laying himself down on the cushions beside me and guiding me still facing upward into his lap. I felt my tail being raised, and whimpered nervously for a moment as something warm and slick started to press up under it. "Take it like a good girl," came a voice near my ear, followed by long slow thrust which caused me to cry out along with Tara, the stretching sensation surprising and slightly painful though nowhere near as much as before, as the red panda buried his length inside her body. Soon the puma once again positioned himself between her legs, and filled her soaking sex along with her rear entrance. The feeling was indescribable, and the other males nearby showed no sign of slowing down, as they continued to pleasure themselves with all parts of my body.

I couldn't tell how long this went on. When one male would climax I would feel the warmth inside and outside of my body, only to be replaced by another soon after, starting the whole process over again. I lost consciousness more than once, the pleasure becoming too much for me as I collapsed against the support with exhaustion from the strain. Each time I would awaken nothing seemed to have changed, the male bodies surrounding me still taking me in every way, in a seemingly endless cycle just as they did to those other girls scattered about the room, each with a crowd of males surrounding them. "Good girl," they kept saying when they would pull away, and every time they said it a little wave of pleasure seemed to ripple through my body, which was now starting to ache all over from the endless stimulation.

After what seemed like an eternity I woke up to find myself no longer in the room of glass walls and mirrors being used by a group of males, but instead kneeling on the floor behind a pane of glass through which I could see into a small gray room, furnished only with a bed with pink sheets and a purple comforter and pillows. It seemed quite out of place to me alone in the small room with a spotlight shining down on it, but looking to either side of me, I could see I was positioned along a long row of other furs, each restrained much as I was in a kneeling position with my wrist and ankle cuffs secured to the floor behind my back. There were quite a few of us I noticed, though I couldn't think clearly enough to count. Most were wearing the strange devices like me, but a few females at the far end I noted were not. The black feline from before I noticed stationed next to me, and seeming just as displeased as the day we had been brought here. The day.. how long had it been? Days? A week? Only a few hours? I couldn't say, but it seemed like forever. I hadn't eaten anything but I did manage to 'drink' quite a bit if it could be called that, and I didn't feel hungry or thirsty at all. I did feel exhausted however, and my chest and groin still burned, along with my muscles which ached from my previous encounter. As I was looking around I saw the door to the small gray room open, as the now familiar large male tiger guided inside a naked young raccoon girl, gray cuffs around her wrists and ankles along with a collar around her neck. She was wearing a strange set of glasses I noticed as she peered about the room while the tiger exited and quietly closed the door behind him, leaving her alone with the bed. She looked confused and quite nervous, wrapping her tail around herself and stepping timidly closer to the bed, peering up at the bright spotlight which illuminated the room from somewhere high above.

"Pick up the toy from the bed and use it" came the familiar voice of the doctor over a speaker, apparently watching from another room. The girl approached the bed, and looking around soon found what looked like a large red canine sex toy nestled between the pillows. She looked it over for a moment and sat down on the bed, following the instructions obediently as she opened her legs and slipped it down between them. At this point I found myself feeling quite hot, and noticed some squirming and whimpers from the other furs nearby too as they watched what was about to happen. The little raccoon girl struggled with the toy a bit, laying back and opening her legs wider as she slowly worked it into herself up to the knot. She was getting wet too I could tell, the pink sheets clearly showing a damp spot between her legs as the large toy disappeared into her tiny sex. She really seemed to be getting into it I thought, as I watched the way her body writhed, her free paw moving up to squeeze her breast as the other worked the toy in and out of her.

"Go on and take the knot," came the doctor's voice again with an encouraging tone, making me blush and squirm some more as I watched her effort increase to fit the rest of the shaft inside herself. I could almost feel it pressing between my own legs, and winced with sympathy as she tried again and again to fit it inside of her. "Take it like a good girl," the doctor added, causing her to press harder again, until she finally got up on her knees to lower her weight down onto the toy, gasping sharply as the knot finally sank in, burying the toy inside of her to the base. "Keep going girl, you're almost there," the doctor said with greater enthusiasm as she hesitated. The raccoon girl took a deep breath and moaned, starting to slowly bounce up and down on the toy, with one of her paws moving to her clit while the other squeezed her breast. After a long while of riding the toy her body seemed to grow tense, and she suddenly began to cry out over and over, her whole body seeming to convulse until finally she collapsed down against the bed panting. "Good girl," the doctor said over the speaker, and with that the door opened and the tiger returned, withdrawing the toy with a now deflated knot from the girl's sex, causing an excessive amount of sticky white fluid to leak out from between her legs. The tiger helped her to stand, and on wobbly legs, still dripping fluid down her inner thighs and onto the floor, he guided her back through the door and out of the room.

A rabbit and an ocelot stepped into the room with the bed to change the sheets, as the wolf doctor arrived from a door at the end of the row, and walked down in front of us, stopping at each restrained fur and poking at his tablet. He smiled as he stepped in front of me, and looked me over, making a few quick taps to his tablet before continuing on down the line. Soon after the tiger arrived with the young raccoon girl, guiding her to kneel at an open space near me where her restraints were chained to the floor facing the room with the rest of us. The tiger then unfastened the restraints of another of the naked girls, a slender otter with very large breasts, leading her out the door followed by the doctor. Soon she appeared in the small room on the other side of the glass also wearing the strange glasses like the raccoon girl before now I noticed, but instead a toy, the doctor himself had followed along and guided her to the bed. He then undressed himself and climbed onto the bed with her, telling her how well she was doing and how much he was going to enjoy her. He was obviously getting very aroused this whole time, his large wolf length emerging from his sheath, which he then pressed between the otter girl's spread legs, sinking into her sex and beginning to thrust.

My eyes had gone wide with surprise. I certainly had not expected this to happen, and though I was still feeling very hot myself, I wasn't sure how I felt with the doctor who had been taking care of me 'taking care' of one of his other patients in this way. The raccoon girl whimpered softly, and I looked over to her with concern, she was rocking her hips and tugging at her restraints, evidently trying to touch herself as she knelt unable to move facing the glass. Something about her seemed very familiar, and I focused on her face a while trying to think. Now that the strange glasses were off and I could really see how she looked, I recognized her almost immediately, but couldn't recall quite from where. All of a sudden I remembered. "Cam!" I called out, looking over to the raccoon and causing everyone to look back at me in surprise.

Cam looked too, and I rocked back and forth and called back "Its me, Tara, erm.. Taro, are you ok?" She only folded her ears down in response and looked down again at the floor in front of her. I didn't get what was wrong. Surely she.. he.. she.. would be glad to see me? Maybe she couldn't remember. Would I forget about my friends too? I suddenly felt very worried, though I couldn't seem to focus or continue thinking about it all too much. The scene in front of me soon drew my attention once again, the wolf doctor having moved to take the otter girl from behind, and now thrusting into her rear entrance with her tail raised high, his paws gripping her hips and pulling her back hard against his every thrust. I could nearly feel this too somehow, and my tail raised on its own as I watched them, my breathing growing heavier as I rocked back and forth as much as my restraints would let me. There was an especially sharp pain I was sure that I felt the moment he tied with her, with her own paw all the while rubbing over her sex as she too cried out from the sensation and apparent pleasure. It didn't take him much longer to climax, but it did take him quite a while to withdraw from her, adding to the wetness soaking the sheets as his cum slowly ran down her thighs from under her tail.

This continued for a quite some time, with several other girls. Some using toys, and some being used either gently or roughly by one or more of the staff, only some of whom I had seen before since my arrival. Once it seemed they had finished for the day, we were released one by one, and led away to other parts of the building. I found myself yet again in a dark empty room, restrained to a support where, much to my surprise, I was made to relive the earlier display, though this time through the eyes of each of the girls who had been made to perform on the bed. I could feel practically every sensation, every moan from every thrust. The only thing I couldn't seem to feel was their climax. It did make me incredibly hot though. My body felt like it was going to explode, but when those moments came, where they each cried out and shuddered with pleasure, I couldn't quite make it happen, no matter how hard I rocked and struggled. When I thought the show was finished, with the last girl laying panting on the bed, I found the display only started again from the beginning with the raccoon girl, making me whimper helplessly as I continued to watch her scene for the third time that day. At some point I fell asleep again, and though I was awakened often by the feeling of another male thrusting into me, I managed to get a little rest now and then, and eventually found myself waking up, yet again, back on one of the tables with my arms and legs spread to each of its corners.

"So then, how are you feeling?" the doctor asked with a smile, as he looked down over me once again. "You've had a pretty rough night it seems, but I bet you enjoyed that" he mused, poking at his tablet as he stepped slowly around the table. "You're going to be a very good girl for me aren't you Tara" he asked, reaching a paw down to stroke my ears. I nodded without thinking, drawing another smile from him as he looked down at me. "Your 'friend' it seems, is going to be a very naughty girl today. She hasn't been cooperating, so I think we'll just move her up to level.. eight, what do you think? Shall we make it nine?" I looked up at him confused. "Nine it is then," he smiled, poking his tablet again. "Yes how very naughty she is going to be for the next few days. As for you, I think we can leave you at level four for now. You did enjoy it didn't you?" he asked, licking his lips as he looked again up and down my body. I blushed and looked away shyly, clearly remembering my ordeal. "Now, none of that, we'll just turn you up to level five and see how that goes." I gasped as he poked his tablet again before running a paw along the edge of each device. "Are you feeling any pain I should know about?" he asked. I thought for a moment, and shook my head. "Umm.. no," I answered softly, hearing my own high sensual voice sound a bit strange to my ears. "Very good then, I think we can bump these up a bit more here, you can manage I'm sure, and you'll be sure to look irresistible as they keep on growing along with you." He said with another few taps to his tablet before putting it away and starting to release my restraints.

"You only have a little more to go," he said as he gave me another injection and released the cuffs to help me to stand. "You do know that most females have gone through this don't you? Hardly any are natural born, and even though males still outnumber females by far, the vast majority became good girls like you just this way. Don't worry, you'll be finished very soon. Now go on and enjoy your conditioning!" My chest began to feel an intense burning sensation again, much stronger than before, making me whimper as I puzzled over the doctor's words. The now familiar large male tiger soon arrived, and took me back to the dark round room again. This time I was placed in a sort of crouched position, with my knees apart to either side of me and my arms raised above my head. The tiger placed the glasses over my eyes and left me again as the room went dark.

I'm not sure how long it stayed that way, but suddenly it was as if a blindfold was pulled from my eyes and I blinked with discomfort at the sudden brightness. "Good she's awake," came a voice from behind me, causing me to struggle to try and turn my head and look back. It was no use, I was barely able to look around, but the voice soon moved in front of me, showing that it belonged to a large imposing chocolate brown equine dressed in a black vinyl vest and pants. "She doesn't look like she can take it," he said with a disturbing half smile, as I could feel him run his huge hand down along my arm and across my chest. "She's a naughty girl, aren't you, slut?" came another voice from a dark furred bull, leaning up against the far wall of what appeared to be an empty warehouse, with a few bright lights and to my shock, a movie camera sitting out in front of me. I gasped in surprise along with Tara, suddenly realizing I was about to be recorded. It wasn't me of course being recorded, it was her, I was just watching through her eyes, but in that moment I lost my connection to myself. I was her, she was me, this was really happening.

The horse chuckled ominously as his hand pressed up between my legs. On the screen they were bound too, tied in such a way that I couldn't close them with my knees up by my sides. "Naughty girl huh? Are you getting wet for me naughty girl?" he asked, rubbing me suggestively. "Yes Sir," I heard myself answer, and trembled at the sound of my voice. "No point in waiting to find out," The bull said, who I could see was similarly dressed as he stood up straight and starting to walk toward me, calling to the horse "Lets strip her." The horse gripped the white t-shirt I was wearing and ripped it open to find I wasn't wearing a bra, leaving my huge breasts exposed to his hands. The bull wasn't far behind, and with a short flick of a knife he produced from his pocket, the remnants of my skirt fell to the floor. "Now then, how shall we start?" the horse asked, shaking his black mane, darker in contrast to his brown fur. "Lets start with this," the bull said, stepping behind me and returning with a flogger in his huge hand. I gasped and shook my head, struggling against my restraints as the horse stepped aside, allowing the bull to bring the flogger down, starting to strike one breast and then the other with stroke after stroke of the harsh flogger. I cried out with Tara's voice, and struggled as hard as I could, feeling the sting of each stroke, and hearing the tails of the flogger whip through the air. They both chuckled as the bull stopped, giving me a tiny bit of relief, before moving behind me and starting to give my unprotected rear the same treatment.

I cried out all the louder, as the strokes seem to become harder and harder, but then without warning they stopped, and the two stayed nearly silent aside from their breathing for a long while. Suddenly the whip rushed through the air again, and I felt a sharp sting right between my spread legs. I practically screamed, and struggled to bring my legs together, but I couldn't move, and the flogger came up over and over again, striking my unprotected sex and causing me to struggle and cry out frantically to make it stop. When it finally did stop I was in tears. I could hear Tara crying, just as I was crying too. Her voice was my voice, and I felt it just like she did. "It looks like she likes that," said the horse, as his hand slid across the soaking wet lips of my sex, making me cry out again at the pain of his touch against my sore sensitive flesh. He brought his hand up to my nose, and I could see it was wet. I could also smell a female scent, my scent as he pressed the wetness against my nose, smearing it over my face. "Lets get the slut nice and stretched out," said the bull, his gray and brown fur now exposed as he returned to my view without his clothes. "My favorite part," said the horse as he stepped up behind me, starting to rub something wet up under my tail.

I struggled again at the restraints, but they held me tightly as the bull stepped up with his growing shaft and inserted two of his large digits into my sore sex. I cried out, and soon felt the same from behind, as the pair of huge furs started to stretch me with their hands. I could feel my body actually stretching, painfully at first, as gradually the digits sunk deeper and more seemed to fill me. How many was that, three, four? I couldn't tell, I felt so full, and there was nothing I could do but take it.. take it like a good girl I thought to myself. After what seemed a very long time, the two large furs pulled away and positioned themselves in front and behind me, slowly sinking their immense shafts into my helpless body. I cried out loudly again, practically losing my voice as they stretched me beyond my imagination. My body was screaming and my muscles were so tense I started to cramp up. The two males only laughed at me, giving a short hard thrust now and then as they worked their way deeper. "Look at the slut take it, she must be loving this," said the horse, slapping my rear hard with his huge hand, making me spasm. "She'll be loving this even more once I'm balls deep in this cunt," the bull said, giving another short thrust and making me cry out from the painful stretching. Eventually I felt the heat from their bodies pressing up against mine. Their hot breaths on my neck, and the hard lengths leaving me completely full. Together in unison, they started thrusting, not in a slow gentle way, but hard and fast, making me nearly scream all over again. As they pulled out and pressed forward, I felt their fluids gushing inside of me along with my own, leaking out and dripping with a splattering sound to the floor below. Practically to my horror, I eventually started to enjoy it. I never imagined anything like this before, but my body was responding, my hips rocking on their own as the two males penetrated me to the fullest.

Was this where I belonged? Was this what I needed? It felt so good, I wanted it so much. Maybe I was a slut, my ass and cunt for their huge cocks to fill. A naughty girl who needed to be tied up and whipped and used like this.. just.. like.. this. "Yes!" I heard myself cry out "Oh yes.. please.. harder," I whimpered. The two males were only too pleaseed to oblige, quickening their pace and making me moan. Then they really told me what I was. "You total slut," "You love this, you need it," "Your holes are for pounding," "You love being stripped and mounted," "Smile for the camera, all your friends are gonna love this." "Yes.. yes yes," was all I could say. I didn't care, I couldn't think. I could only feel, and it just felt so good. I couldn't do anything but feel it, love it, let it take me, let them take me. It seemed to last forever, or even longer, I lost track. I only know that when they eventually decided to cum, they made me beg for it, and there was nothing in the world I wanted more. "Yes.. yes please.. fill me, do it," I cried, looking down between my legs at the bull's hard thrusting shaft as he buried it inside of me. "Here it comes slut, this is what you're for!" he yelled as he pulled his body tight to mine and flooded me with warmth. At the same time I felt the horse behind me grow tense, and start release his immense spurts of cum inside under my tail. I arched my back and cried out in ecstasy, not reaching orgasm, but feeling somehow perfectly fulfilled, like a good girl. They each withdrew from me before they stopped cumming, spraying me all the way up to my face and all over my body as they stroked themselves in front and behind me.

"I wonder what we should do with her next," said the naked stallion as he stepped back around in front of me, still stroking the huge leaking shaft I could not believe had fit inside of me. "I think its time for some more decoration," the bull said, stepping back around behind me and out of sight. "You're going to love this," the horse said, wiping some of his friend's wetness from my eyes, clearing my view again for what was to happen next. The bull soon returned, holding a strange set of tools and preparing to use them on me. "Hold her still" he said to his friend, who stepped around behind me and held me tightly by the waist. With one of the tools he grabbed my nipple, pinching it hard and making me cry out, then with the other he reached up, and drove a sharp needle through it, piercing me and nearly making me scream. "That's one!" The bull said, finishing the job with a heavy metal ring. He was soon at my other nipple and I clenched my teeth as he pinched it, crying out just as loudly as it was pierced, followed by attaching a ring to match the first. "That's two!" he said, giving the rings each a little tug that made me whimper. The bull smiled as he watched me tremble, holding up another ring before my eyes. "Guess where this one's going, Slut" he said, before kneeling down in front of me. "No!" I cried out as I saw what he was doing, but my legs were still spread and the stallion held me firmly in place as the tool pinched my sensitive clit. The pain that followed was extreme, I could barely see straight as the needle tore through along with the heavy ring that soon followed. I hung my head, panting heavily as the three piercings throbbed, the weight of them making me constantly aware of the slightest movement.

"That's three," the bull said with a smile as he stood back up in front of me. "Open" he added, holding up the tool. I didn't quite understand and opened my mouth to ask, but that was all he needed and he quickly reached the tool inside my mouth and pulled my tongue out, followed by a quick thrust of the needle, piercing through it from top to bottom. I cried out but couldn't have moved if I wanted to as the bull carefully fed a thick bar through the hole and let me pull my tongue back into my mouth. "And that's four" he said as he stepped back to put the tools away, leaving me to feel the strange bar inside my mouth through my throbbing tongue. I didn't know what was going on for a long while, until suddenly I felt a sharp pain on one side of my rear that made me scream. I soon felt the same on the other side, and there was a strange scent as the bull stepped back out in front of me holding a pair of strange looking rods with a curiously coiled piece of glowing metal on the ends. "Just another little something to help you have some more fun," he explained, twirling the rods in his hands. "Want to see what they say?" he asked with a smile. I gulped and nodded a little, and with that he thrust one of the rods against my right inner thigh followed by my left, causing me to cry out again each time as the bits of metal on the end of each rod glowed hot, burning away the fur and leaving an impression on my skin. To my horror "SLUT" was written in large capital letters right along my left inner thigh, and "CUM" was written similarly on my right, with an arrow pointing up between my legs. "Like it, Slut? Now you come with instructions," the bull said with a laugh, as he again stepped behind me to put the tools down.

As he disappeared from my view I found myself being let down from my suspended position by the stallion, and placed on my back on the hard warehouse floor. At first I didn't understand, as he stepped over to adjust the camera, but a few moments later with the two males standing over me, my eyes went wide with shock as they began to mark me. They chuckled all the while and I squirmed about helplessly as my body became covered in their hot heavy scent, completely soaking through my fur and stinging my new 'decorations', even getting into my mouth as I struggled to breathe. Once their marking had subsided, they nodded to one another and walked away to a door at the far side of the room. I thought at first they were just going to leave me like this, but they paused at the door and called back to me. "Just in case you thought you were done," the bull said with a smirk, "welcome to your encore."And with that he threw open the door, and more furs started flooding into the room.

They were all male of course, and soon started to undress for what I already knew was coming. Taking discarded towels from a nearby pile, they dried me off a bit and then pulled me to a slightly cleaner spot on the floor as they started to grope at me. Paws were all over my body, squeezing, slapping, tugging at my piercings, and pressing inside anywhere that they could. I started to resist, but soon found my paws busy and my mouth filled, and soon I was straddling the lap of one male, riding his shaft while another lifted my tail and penetrated me from behind. The padded support had moved to simulate this, but I hadn't noticed, feeling completely immersed in the situation as if it were real, the strong scent of the marking soaked through my fur, the moans all around me, the hard thrusting as I was taken. I moaned again, taking a brief glance up to the red light of the video camera before closing my eyes and losing myself to the sensations. I have no idea how long it lasted. It could have been weeks for all I knew. I would wake up being used, pass out from exhaustion, only to wake up later in another position to more of the same. Sometimes they spanked me, sometimes they whipped me, sometimes they pulled at my piercings, and sometimes they just mounted me, in front and behind. Always I could hear their voices, when I was awake, when I was asleep, calling me a slut, a naughty girl who needed to bend over and lift her tail any time, all the time. I couldn't stand it, I knew I needed it. This was what I wanted, what I was for.

When I finally awoke to a scene other than the one I had been engaged by for untold days or weeks, I became frantic. My arms and legs were again outstretched as I was laid on my back along the table. The wolf doctor was looking down at me, gently stroking my ears to try and calm me down. "Shh, you're ok, everything is ok, just relax and be a good girl ok?" he said, giving me a moment to try and recover from the shock. Who was I? Where was I? Why wasn't anyone using me? I whimpered and lifted my hips a little, unsure of why this should be happening. "There was a bit of a mixup you see," the wolf continued, stepping around the table and looking me over, "you were only supposed to move up to level five, while your friend who had been so much trouble was moved up to level nine to help correct her behavior. Instead you both moved up to level nine and, well, five, nine, you see how these things can be confusing sometimes." He smiled down at me again and stepped around to give me another injection in my arm. "This should help," he said as he stuck the needle in and emptied its contents. I felt more relaxed right away, and as he withdrew the needle and placed it in the sink, I let out a needful sigh and arched my back against the table.

"Did it feel good?" the doctor asked me. I quickly nodded, blushing a little and writhing against the padded table. "Do you remember your name?" he asked me. "Tara" I slowly answered, surprised to find my tongue piercing missing. "Does anything hurt Tara?" he asked me as he poked at his tablet. I shook my head but whimpered softly, trying to thrust my hips up toward him. "Oh yes, these will be coming off very soon," he said, touching the device attached to my chest, "then you'll finally get to have some real fun, won't that be nice?" he asked me smiling. I nodded again and added "Please," to my surprise. "Oh?" he answered back questioningly. "What can you tell me about yourself Tara?" he asked, putting away his tablet. "I'm a naughty girl," I answered blushing again, "I'm.. a slut." I felt filthy. I needed a shower. I hadn't had one in quite some time I thought. Did they wash me while I slept here? I didn't know. The doctor looked me over again and sighed. "After this little mixup it seems that's about right, Slut" he leaned down and whispered the word by my ear, making me shiver. "I could set you back down a few levels again or.. I can set you up with something extra special, and make sure you're a really total slut by the time you walk out of here. What do you say?" "More.. please" I answered without even thinking, desperate to get back to what I had been feeling. "Well then, if you're sure," he said teasingly, taking out his tablet and leaning in close to my ear.

Then to my surprise he growled at me. I felt a wave of pleasure shiver through my body, and my mouth hung open as I turned to look over at him to listen. "I wouldn't normally do this, Slut," he said, calling me that again and making me ever more needy, "After a mixup like this I should just try and ease you back down so you can be a normal good little girl by the time you leave here, but the truth is, I want to have some more fun with you. You'll be such a cute little slut getting pounded by any male that wants you. I'll make sure you get what you need." And with that he stood back up, took out his tablet with a smile and poked it a few more times before taking out another two syringes and injecting them into my arm. I felt warm inside, even hot. I felt a need between my legs and my chest again started to start to burn. He casually tossed the syringes in the sink and unfastened my cuffs, taking me down from the table and guiding me himself out into one of the round rooms where I eagerly took my place on the support, back up in a standing position as the doctor made a few adjustments. "Enjoy yourself, Slut" he said with a smile as he placed the glasses on my muzzle and stepped out of view.

As I heard the door open and close the light came up, and I found myself on a sidewalk, near a park maybe? I wasn't quite sure. There were the sounds of cars and other furs walking past. I wasn't sure quite what was happening. Was this real? Had I been let out? How did I get here? "Nice tits" called the voice of a male hyena nearby, followed by a laugh. To my surprise I reached down and lifted my pink t-shirt, exposing my bare breasts to him with no bra underneath. He paused and stared with disbelief for a moment, along with several other passersby who stopped what they were doing, shocked by my display. The hyena sauntered closer, reaching a paw up to squeeze one of my breasts, tugging gently at my nipple piercing. "Very nice, Slut" he said, stepping around me admiring my body. "What else have you got hidden under those clothes?" He smirked, licking his lips. Again without thinking my top was quickly pulled up over my head and off and dropped to the sidewalk, and my skirt soon followed, leaving me naked except for a pair of little pink shoes and thigh high white stockings. "Very nice," he commented, slipping a paw between my legs and rubbing along my wet sex. "Bend over, Slut" he said, growling as he stepped behind me and pushed my legs apart with his footpaw. Obediently I leaned forward and lifted my tail, placing my paws on my knees. I heard him unfastening his pants, and then suddenly felt his hard shaft thrust deep into me, causing me to gasp. Somehow I was already soaked and he slid in easily, making me feel much more pleasure and contentment than pain as he grabbed my hips with his paws and started pounding me hard.

It felt so good. I looked around at the other furs nearby who had been walking up and down the sidewalk, driving in their cars. Most of them had stopped to watch as I was fully exposed and being mounted right here in public. They could all see me, and it just felt so very good. I was a total slut, I needed this so badly. I don't know how I could live without it. The first male that talked to me now had his shaft buried in my sex. How many more could I take? How would I get them all to use me like this? He didn't last nearly long enough, and soon I felt him flooding me with warmth, which ran down my thighs and over my stockings and dripped down to the sidewalk below. "Thanks for the ride, Slut" he said with a swat to my naked rear as he pulled out, fastened his pants back up, and casually walked off, along with most of those furs who had been watching, who slowly turned and continued on their way. I gathered my clothes up, and went ahead and put them back on "More fun to strip them off again later," I giggled to myself as I finished redressing, and headed off down the sidewalk again to wherever I thought I might have been going.

Things went on like that for quite a while, being stopped sometimes, or 'accidentally' groped at a busy crosswalk, followed soon after by offering myself to any male I saw, and none of them seemed to refuse. I lost track of how many had used me. Sometimes they were gentle, sometimes they were rough. I got called a good girl, a bad girl, a slut, it didn't matter. I always begged for more, and males it seemed were always happy to oblige. I didn't mind being spanked or stretched, or even marked by their scent. One male even fit his entire paw inside of my soaking sex as his friend looked on and recorded me on his phone. When it got dark and I would find someone to take me home, where he would use my body any way he liked before he let me sleep. I often woke up to him mounting me again, or having invited some friends over to share me with. It didn't matter. It all felt so good, and as soon as they were done I found myself off in search of more. I lost all sense of time as things continued. Sometimes I seemed to skip forward by days or weeks. I had a job where my boss and coworkers used me, and an apartment where my roommates and neighbors used me. I made friends and went to parties where I performed in front of an audience, a camera, anything. I had to take birth control to keep me from going into heat, and felt the added constant arousal that came with it. All the while I was acting like a total uninhibited slut, and I loved it.

One day I woke up to a strange white light above me. I couldn't move my arms and legs, and everything felt so strange. I lifted my head a little to look over my body and became scared. It was no surprise that I was naked, but my breasts seemed a little smaller and my nipple rings were missing. My whole body in fact seemed.. smaller somehow. I lifted my pink fluffy snow leopard tail to check on it, and suddenly a strange wolf appeared. He looked down at me curiously and seemed quite familiar somehow. "Now then, how are you feeling Tara?" he asked me. "Umm.. fine," I answered, slightly confused but already starting to feel hot, restrained naked with a large male looking me over. I expected him to start taking off his clothes and climb up onto the table with me, but instead he just stood there poking at his tablet. "Do you know where you are?" he asked next, smiling a little as he watched me start to squirm. I hesitated a moment and then shook my head. I actually didn't remember, it seemed I had been living a life outside for so long that I couldn't even remember anything before that. I didn't feel too concerned though, since it wasn't that unusual for me to wake up in strange situations like this, tied up in one position or another with one or more males using my body. I was definitely ready for that I thought, as I felt myself start to get wet.

"Well that is alright, you've just tested a very new conditioning program meant for.. special cases. I'm sure you thoroughly enjoyed it," he said with a smile, looking down between my legs as I tried to raise my hips. "Not to worry, it will all come back to you," he noted, poking at his tablet. "Other than that it looks like everything went very well." He then reached down and squeezed my breasts one after the other with his paw, pinching my nipples a little and causing me to gasp with pleasure. It felt.. different somehow. Maybe it was because my nipple rings were missing, but I couldn't be sure. I definitely liked it though, and tried to show him I wanted more by arching my back. He then slid his paw down over my tummy and to my sex. I moaned needfully and tried to move my hips, but he only laughed softly and inserted a paw digit and started moving it around inside. My eyes went wide with surprise and I cried out at the sensation. This wasn't like what I had been feeling this whole time at all. The feeling was so strong I squirmed helplessly and tossed my head back and forth, feeling far more sensitive than I ever felt before. His paw withdrew and left me panting heavily. I had never experienced anything like that, but I definitely wanted more. "Don't worry, we'll get to your observation session in just a moment. I've got some new arrivals to take care of and then we'll get you all set up alright?" His words confused me but I nodded agreeably. I was ready to do just about anything to get some more of that feeling.

As I watched he moved over to the table next to mine and began examining a young male squirrel, whose amazing bushy tail I felt quite envious of. There were three others I saw further down the row, and the wolf in his white coat went down the line of tables one after the other, eventually giving each male a series of injections and attaching strange devices to them he had taken from the nearby cabinets. This was what started bringing my memory back. I had worn those devices too, but I wasn't anymore. There had been some reason, but I couldn't remember what it was. I was still very confused, and distracted by the desperate need I felt between my legs. It seemed to take forever for the wolf to attend to every table, but eventually he returned to me, gave me another injection in my arm, and released the chains attaching cute pink cuffs around my wrists and ankles to the corners of the table. I tried to hop down to the floor, but the table was very high so the doctor helped me down. It was at this point I realized that he must be incredibly tall, or that I was incredibly short. I barely came up past his waist, and though this would have been the perfect height for using my mouth, he soon guided me over to a large male tiger who escorted me out of the room and down a long hallway.

The hallway and the tiger too seemed familiar. I was sure I had been here a long time ago, but it was like trying to remember a dream. It wasn't all that important though at the moment, as the large tiger soon brought me to a long room where a row of furs were set kneeling facing a large glass window into another smaller room, empty except for a bed with pink sheets and a purple blanket and pillows. I had definitely been here before, I thought as the tiger guided me to kneel in one of the empty spaces and attached my cuffs to the floor with my arms behind my back. I looked down the row for any other furs I might recognize, but the only one that seemed familiar was a black feline female right next to me, who seemed less than pleased to be here. Her fur looked silky smooth, and her impressive breasts stood out from her chest proudly to match her exquisitely curved hips as she knelt beside me. I thought it best not to say anything to her in her present state, and continued looking around. There were several other naked girls, and a few who had the strange devices attached to them, like those I had seen earlier. What could those things be for? I didn't know. We must all be here for some kind of a show I thought, and soon my thought proved correct, as a young bunny girl was led in by the large male tiger. She was naked too, except for a strange pair of glasses, a white collar and cuffs around her wrists and ankles. She seemed a bit confused, but I heard the wolf's voice through a speaker soon after instructing her.

"Pick up the toy from the bed, and use it" he said, making me smile a little as I noticed the large red canine toy placed partially under the blanket. The bunny girl timidly walked over to the bed and picked it up with a curious expression, making me feel as if I had seen this all before. My mind drifted off as the scene continued. I had been in this room before, watching this scene before. Had I done that, used that toy on myself? I couldn't be sure. So much had happened that it all became so tangled I couldn't seem to unravel it. The bunny on the bed was working the toy in and out of her sex, moaning passionately and putting on quite a show, but I looked down the row of kneeling furs again still struggling to remember. "Now, go ahead and take the knot," came the wolf's voice again, encouraging the girl to fit the rest of the shaft into her tiny slit. She tried but it was clearly too big for her, as she lifted her legs and spread them wide, trying with both paws to somehow squeeze the knot inside. Eventually she collapsed back against the bed, panting heavily and letting the toy slip out.

"Its alright, we'll make it fit" came the wolf's voice in an almost teasing tone, and with that the door to the small room opened, and in walked a large black and white male husky. He was naked, and his impressive shaft was already fully extended from his sheath as he approached the little bunny with a smile. She looked terrified and froze in place on the bed as the husky climbed up onto it with her, positioning himself between her legs. He must be even bigger than the toy, I thought as he thrust into the small girl up to the knot, causing her to cry out at the sudden penetration. He seemed a lot more determined than she did to make the knot fit, as he lifted her legs over his shoulders and slammed it against her tiny sex over and over, making her burst into tears and causing me to grow a little concerned. Eventually though, his effort paid off, and with a long hard push, his knot popped in, tying with her with a satisfied growl. He wasn't remotely close to finished with her though it seemed, as he now picked up the pace with short hard thrusts, pounding his knot inside of her and clearly enjoying every minute of it. Slowly the tone of her voice changed, and eventually she was moaning pleasurably along with him, her body rocking up to meet his until finally at virtually the same instant, they both visibly shuddered, and with a loud cry in unison collapsed together on the bed.

It was quite some time before they were able to separate, and I could tell the 'audience' around me were clearly feeling a bit impatient, based on their squirming and the heavy female scent in the air. Once they did manage to pull apart, the large male tiger brought the wobbly bunny out of the room with the bed and into the one where I had been watching from. Her inner thighs were soaked, and though she was made to kneel some distance away in an open space, I could still pick up the wonderful scent of the male who had used her. I was getting quite turned on as well I noticed, feeling desperate to let someone use me that way. My desperation would have to wait however, as the tiger unbound another of the girls, a tall thin lemur, and led her out of the room and into the room with the bed. This continued for quite a while, each girl taking a turn either with a toy, or with one or more males who came in to enjoy their bodies. Most of the girls seemed to enjoy themselves quite a bit too I thought, though once in a while one would really struggle and resist. It was that way with the black feline who had knelt next to me, that seemed the most familiar of the group as best I could remember. I couldn't figure out why she was fighting it, since it had been obvious to me how wet she was, but it took the three males a lot of effort to hold her down and eventually have their way with her. They forced her to climax more than once, penetrating both her sex and rear entrance, and eventually leaving her exhausted enough that she stopped resisting and let them continue using her without a fight.

Once they had finished with her it was finally my turn, and I couldn't help but feel very excited as the tiger released the chains from my cuffs and helped me to stand. He led me out the door at the end of the row, a short distance down the hallway to the door leading into the small room with the bed. I wasn't sure what to do at first as he placed a set of glasses on me and ushered me inside, closing the door behind me. I felt very exposed as I stood naked and alone under the bright light shining down at me in the small room. I took a few steps closer to the bed and could tell that by now the sheets had been well used, showing stains from the fluids of so many sexual encounters. As I looked up I could see there were long windows along the walls, each one opaque from this side so that I could not see who all was watching me through them. I turned myself around looking for some clue as to what was going to happen, and soon I heard the wolf's voice coming from the speaker. "Pick up the toy from the bed and use it" he said, a little to my disappointment as it meant a male would not be joining me. I did as I was told though, and found that another big red canine sex toy had been placed in the center of the bed for me, glistening with some form of lubricant, not that I needed any.

I hopped onto the bed and sat down, pushing back the blanket a little and picking up the toy. It was much heavier than I thought it would be, and even though I was quite ready, I took my time in positioning it between my spread legs and slowly letting the tip sink into my throbbing sex. The sensation was overwhelming. I had a lot of sex before now, I thought, so why did this feel so different? I eased the tip in and out a little and couldn't help but tremble with pleasure. I needed more, and I didn't want to keep everyone I knew was watching waiting, so I began working more and more of the toy inside, increasing the pleasurable pressure as it sank into my depths. Once I felt the knot against my nether lips I lifted my head and looked down between my legs. I had taken huge shafts from wolves, horses, and many other males of enormous size so why was this so hard? I applied a little more pressure and felt a strong and painful stretching that made me immediately back off. There was no way this was going to fit I thought, as the wolf's voice came over the speaker instructing me to take it.

I tried another position, lying face down with one knee bent and pulled up beside me while I reached down between my legs with my paws to try and pull the toy up into me. I pressed hard and relaxed as much as I could, over and over again and felt it slowly working its way in, but it was very slow going, and I had to take a rest between attempts. Eventually I heard the wolf's voice again over the speaker. "Don't worry, we'll help you take it," he said suggestively. I paused a moment and looked around confused, when suddenly the door opened and in stepped the wolf. He was already naked, and his he was stroking his huge shaft with one paw as he slowly stepped over to me on the bed. "I've been looking forward to this," he whispered next to my ear, as he climbed onto the bed with me and withdrew the canine toy from my sex. I whimpered as he pulled it away, but soon it was replaced by the wolf's shaft, which he sank into me up to his knot in one hard thrust. I tossed my head back and cried out. I never felt anything like this. It was hot, I could feel his pulse inside me, and the way his hips moved pressed inside in a way that felt so good. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and held on tight. "Such a good little slut," he growled as he began rocking his hips, pushing my entrance with his knot harder and harder with each thrust.

That pushed me over the edge. I as I started to climax my whole body convulsed, and I cried out as loud as I could, writhing helplessly against the bed as the Wolf's shaft kept pounding me. As long as I had remembered, through all the encounters I had experienced, I had never once had an orgasm, and this release was so overwhelming I think I must have blacked out for a while. The next thing I knew the wolf was sinking his knot into me, and with a gasp I felt it pop inside. My body felt so full, so fulfilled, so perfect I started to cry. I needed this so badly, I wanted him so much. His pace quickened with short hard thrusts deep inside of me, and I rocked back up against him as best I could, trying to pull him even deeper as the fur of his sheath pressed against my sensitive flesh, massaging my clit and adding even more pleasure to the encounter. I knew when he was about to climax from the way his voice changed, the way his thrusting changed, the way his body grew tense. All at once he cried out in practically a howl as he flooded me with pulse after pulse of his warmth. I climaxed again along with him, and spasming and exhausted, we both collapsed together on the bed. I may have fallen asleep after that. I remember him holding me close, calling me a good girl, and stroking my breasts with his paws while his knot stayed buried inside me, which seemed to last practically forever. Eventually though he managed to pull out, and as I felt the wetness slowly leaking out of me, he got himself up and helped me to stand before taking me along to exit the room.

He brought me down the hallway to a dark round room, with a support in the center of it that I by now had started to remember. He bound me to it by my cuffs in a reclining position, and told me I was a good girl again, before starting a video and withdrawing from the room. On the screen I could see through the eyes of the bunny girl as she stepped into the room to find a fresh clean bed, and a waiting canine toy for her to use. When she started pressing it to her sex, I felt it too. It was now the same strong feeling as when I had tried it for myself earlier. It was stronger than before I now remembered, when I had still been wearing the strange devices on my body. I enjoyed the feelings greatly, as the time passed, showing the encounters of one girl after another, including myself as I tried the toy and then was made to take the knot of the large wolf. Once the images on the screen had played all the way through they simply started up again with the bunny girl, which was when I knew I was going to be here for a long while.

Between brief periods of sleep and intense moments of climax I again lost all track of time, until eventually I found myself back on the table with my wrists and ankles bound to the corners and the wolf, once again dressed in his lab coat, looking down at me. "How are you feeling today Tara?" he asked me as he looked over my still naked body. I somehow felt a little strange. I didn't recognize it at first, but eventually I managed to answer. "I.. think I have to go to the bathroom," I said, blushing a little. "Very good," he said, not sounding unsurprised, "We'll take you in just a moment," he added as he looked back to his tablet. I squirmed back and forth a little, remembering very clearly the last time I saw him. "Are you experiencing any other problems I should know about?" he asked, as he noticed my movement. "I.. umm.. maybe," I said, with even more of a blush as I felt myself getting very wet. "Well you can take care of that while you have a nice shower too, and then we'll find some nice clothes for you to wear, won't that be fun?" he asked with a smile. I nodded, though I was a little disappointed he didn't intend to take advantage of my bound state right there and then. He stepped away for a moment and when he returned he was holding a strange device. It looked something like a giant syringe with a rubber tapered tip that was clearly slick with lubricant. "I wouldn't normally leave a girl as young as you with one of these, but I have a feeling it will help you adjust," he said, positioning the syringe between my legs. I gasped as I felt it sink into my sex, and winced as I felt it push in very far and stretch to deposit something through the tight ring of my cervix. "There now," he said, withdrawing the syringe, "that should keep you extra motivated for the next few weeks. I'm sure one of two of your friends will appreciate it as well," he added, smiling and setting the large syringe aside in the sink.

I wasn't sure quite what he meant at first, but I started feeling the effects very soon. I felt warmer inside, and I even though I was already wet from the way he looked at me and the penetration of the syringe, I felt my wetness increase dramatically. My nipples too felt hard and a feeling of warmth washed over my chest. He gave me another injection in my arm which relaxed me a little, and helped me down off of the table after releasing my cuffs. I found my legs a little wobbly as he eased me down to the floor and he helped steady me to stand. "Just take it easy," he said, looking me over and gently stroking my ears. "It will feel better in a moment, and soon it will be almost like none of this ever happened," said the wolf as he guided me to the door where a male rabbit was waiting to escort me out of the room. I looked back over my shoulder to the wolf, who was still watching me with a smile as I stepped out the door. I lifted my tail with a little whimper, wishing he would reconsider, but the door soon closed behind me as the rabbit led me from the room. "Looks like you're going home today," he said, as I held onto his arm and wobbled along unsteadily with him down the hallway. Home? I had forgotten about home. Where did I live? "Don't worry," he said with a smile as he noticed me looking up at him with concern, "there will be a final conditioning program to make sure you're all set before being discharged." It made me feel a little better, but I was still very confused as I was led to a room at the end of the hall I had never been to before.

Inside, the room was covered in square ceramic tiles in varying shades of blue with white mortar between them, giving the whole room a curious sort of pattern. There was a row of showers along one wall, and a row of toilets and sinks with tall mirrors along the other, and in the center of the room there were benches situated around a table covered in soaps and clean white towels. There were a few other girls present, most of which were washing themselves or standing in front of a blustry full body fur drier which was placed along the wall next to the entrance. "Hold on," the rabbit said, as I stepped further into the room, kneeling down and starting to paw at my ankle cuffs. He took them off, followed by the cuffs at my wrists and finally my collar, which made me a little sad though I couldn't say why. "Go on then, I'll wait here for you," he said with a little smile, gesturing me to make use of the facilities. I started with the toilet, and then moved on to the shower, which provided an incredible relaxing feeling of warmth after everything I had been through. I found a pleasant flowery smelling shampoo, and took great pleasure in massaging it through my fur head to toe, giving myself a thorough looking over for the first time in quite a while as I rinsed it off. My chest and tummy were white of course, and my sides were a soft pastel shade of pink, that darkened toward the center of my back. My black spots were still in place, but had my fur always been pink? It looked very cute and I couldn't complain, but something from my memory again made me feel uncertain. I didn't think on this for long, as I was feeling good otherwise, enjoying the warm splashy water. It also felt good when I rubbed my pawpads over my hard nipples, and along the lips of my sex and my clit between my legs. I moaned a little to myself and would have lingered longer, but I knew the rabbit was waiting on me, and decided it could wait for later as I stepped out of the water with a sigh.

After finishing with the shower I went over to the benches and picked up a towel, drying myself as best I could as I looked around at the other girls still washing themselves and coming and going. The black feline I had remembered also arrived as I was drying myself, escorted by the large male tiger, who kept a close eye on her as she used the toilet and moved over to the shower. Seeming dissatisfied with her as she balked at properly washing herself, the tiger removed his clothes, and went under the shower with her, rubbing the bubbly shampoo into her slick black fur all over, and making sure every part of her body was clean. This quickly escalated, and in no time at all the tiger had pinned the girl up against the wall and was mounting her from behind, making her moan to spite herself as he rapidly thrust into her. I was still wet between the legs and this scene certainly wasn't helping, as my paw had slid down without even my noticing as I stood partly wrapped in a towel staring at the two felines passionately rocking together against the wall under the shower. The rabbit coughed and I shook my head to try and focus on what I was supposed to do, hurrying over to the dryer near the wall where he was still waiting and watching. He took the towel from me and placed it in a nearby bin, then watched as I stood naked in front of the dryer, letting the hot air blow through my thick fur.

"Need anything else?" he asked me as I turned the dryer off and stepped up to him, smoothing my fur down with my paws. "Well.." I said, looking back to the pair of felines and then up to the tall rabbit blushing. "It would be a shame to get you all messy after we just got you clean," he said with a laugh, reaching out to give one of my hard nipples a pinch. I moaned a little and he looked around the room for a moment, shaking his head at the black feline female before leaning close to my ear. "Some girls never do quite accept what they're given, but I can see you're not one of those. Get on your knees and lift your tail," he whispered, making me shudder with excitement. I quickly did as he directed, sinking down to all fours on the floor with my legs wide apart and my fluffy pink tail raised, looking back up over my shoulder at him needfully. He got down behind me, and after lowering his pants, thrused his already hard length deep into my slick cunny. I cried out with passion, drawing eyes from all around the room, but I didn't care as the rabbit started up a rapid pace, filling my need perfectly as I rocked back and forth along with him. It didn't take long with him going so hard and fast, and soon I felt his climax, as he thrust in deeply and then withdrew, spurting some of his warmth inside me, and the rest out over my upturned rear and thighs. "Very nice" he said, pulling his pants back up and moving to stand up behind me. I still needed more, and moving my paw between my legs I continued to rock my hips, rubbing my pawpads over my sensitive clit until finally I made myself climax, my whole body trembling and adding to the wetness already leaking down my thighs. "You are quite the little slut," the rabbit commented as he helped me to stand and looked me over with a smile. "I think this look suits you" he added, and escorted me out the door again without allowing me another chance to get myself cleaned up.

The next room we entered was some kind of a wardrobe, with various items of clothing hanging from each wall, and a large full length mirror set next to the door. "Go ahead and pick something out," the rabbit instructed, stepping into the room behind me. There were an awful lot of choices I thought, as I slowly started to look around, not quite sure where I should start. The items generally reminded me of things I had worn in the past, or at least what I thought was the past I remembered. Mostly there were short skirts, and small tops leaving various degrees of cleavage exposed, some even seeming quite sheer with the nipples barely covered. I started with a skirt, taking care to find one that would be comfortably short. I was a few sizes smaller than I seemed to recall, but I was in no way complaining as I picked out a pink plaid skirt with black trim and a cute pink bow in the front, that was barely the length of my paw. I looked at myself in the mirror from every angle, making the rabbit chuckle as I bent forward to show how easy it was to peek under. With that out of the way I looked around for a top, eventually settling on one that tied around the back of my neck and the center of my back, in matching pink to go with my fur and the skirt I had chosen. It fit snugly around my breasts, which I now started to notice while smaller than I recalled, were still quite oversized for the rest of my body. I found if I tied the top too tightly the stretchy fabric became see through, so much that my nipples clearly showed as I looked at myself again in the mirror. I retied the top a few times to get it just the right amount of transparency and looked up to the rabbit for curiously.

He nodded toward a rack of shoes, and I went over curiously to try some of them on. Socks were important first, and I picked out a pair of white thigh high stockings, which seemed to be in abundant supply, followed by a cute pair of black boots that came up to my ankles. It took me a little getting used to walking in them, but I liked how I looked as I checked in the mirror, and the rabbit who had been escorting me nodded a little in approval as well. "That should do nicely," he said, running his paw over my breast and briefly under my skirt. I whimpered at him softly, but he only laughed and guided me back out of the room, and down the hall yet again to the round room with the waiting support. The support this time had folded itself simply into the shape of a chair, and all of its arms had withdrawn completely into the floor. "Have a seat" the rabbit said as he gestured to the chair, and I went to sit down, looking around confusedly as he stepped out of the room without giving me the glasses.

After a few moments of darkness, a movie started, projected on the hemispherical ceiling. This one clearly wasn't like the others as the perspective was disembodied, which I found disorienting at first after having become accustom to having a view through my own eyes on the screen. I soon got used to it however, and the image started off at the beach, where couples in swimwear were curled up together on towels, walking together on the sand, and splashing each other in the water. Soon a female voice began to speak. "Welcome to the start of a new day," it began in a soothing pleasant tone, "Now that you're ready to return home, here are some important things to remember." The scene then shifted to a busy dance club that seemed a bit familiar, though I couldn't remember having actually been to that sort of a place. Not that I would mind I thought, judging by the crowd dancing and rubbing against each other. I smiled and continued to watch as the movie continued on. "Increased sexual desire is normal and should be explored safely and responsibly. Subjects of younger ages may experience a greater severity of these desires, and should use caution when engaging in sexual activity. In some cases subjects who do not exhibit sufficient sexual desire may be implanted with a cervical hormone amplifier to help ensure receptive behavior in response to sexual advances. Additionally, oral supplements may be prescribed, to be taken as needed to help boost sexual desire when the time is right." On the screen I could now see each of the females who had been dancing was now rocking against a male, either from in front of her with one of her legs lifted, or from behind, or sometimes both. Each of the males opened his pants, pulled up a female skirt, and soon one or two hard shafts was pumping in and out of each of the girl's bodies. Several moans and growls of passion could be heard as the scene faded away, to be replaced this time with a scene of two casually dressed foxes, a male and female, holding paws and walking through the grass in a park while several other furs young and old, lay about or stood around talking nearby.

The voice continued. "Please remember to always stay hydrated, and return to enjoying your daily life as soon as possible. Your friends and family will be happy to see you again, and you will feel much more like yourself with their support." The couple on the screen paused and turned to kiss one another as the voice went on. "If you experience vertigo, excessive drowsiness, reduced appetite, or lack of sexual desire, please contact your doctor. Our staff will contact you within the next forty-eight hours to schedule your follow up appointment for sometime within the next three weeks. We look forward to your next visit, and wish you all the best in getting back to enjoying your life!" The couple by this time had fallen down in the grass, with the female's sun dress up around her waist with her legs wrapped around the male, who was still kissing her with his pants down as well, slowly sinking forward and tying her with his knot.

The scene faded out and the room lit up a little as the rabbit stepped back inside. "All ready to go?" he asked me as I sat blinking a little at the brightness. I slowly got up, and he smiled looking back to where I had been sitting. I turned to look too and blushed as I saw clearly a large wet spot on the top of the support where I had been. "One more quickie for the road" he said, pushing me back onto the support and swiftly moving between my legs. Before I could react his pants were open and I felt his him bury his hard shaft inside of me. I gasped, feeling my soaking cunny clench tightly around him as my already aroused body responded intensely to the feeling. "Actually, I think I'll try your other hole," the rabbit said with a smirk, before withdrawing himself and then lifting my legs and shoving right back in to the hilt up under my tail. I cried out at the sudden stretching of unprepared rear entrance. He felt huge as he thrust into me, and I had no time to adjust as he kept up a rapid pace, my wet slit continuing to drip wetness down over his thrusting shaft. The initial pain faded quickly and I was soon moaning, the pleasure still incredibly strong and the feeling of being used still turning me on. "That's it, cum for me little pussy" he nearly growled. A strange sound for a rabbit I thought, but I had almost no control over my mind at this point, my body overly hot and already starting to spasm, and with just a touch as his paw began to rub my clit I completely lost control.

He responded immediately as I cried out in pleasure, his shaft within me pulsing a few times before he withdrew, and to my surprise lifted it up to my face. I didn't know what to do, so I just closed my eyes as I felt spurt after spurt of warm wetness cover my face and fill my panting mouth, while also leaking out from under my tail. As the pulses subsided I slowly opened my eyes, still breathing heavily and trembling as I looked up at the rabbit, who had taken a step back and was fixing his pants. "What a perfect little pussy you are," he said with a smile, offering his paw which I took to then help me to stand. "Now, lets go meet your parents!" he said enthusiastically, making me gasp as he half dragged me from the room. My parents? How had I forgotten my parents? Suddenly I felt extremely embarrassed. I couldn't let them see me like this! "Wait.. no stop I can't!" I tried to say, but his pace was quite hurried and in just moments I was pushed through the door at the end of the hallway back into the lobby.

My parents were there waiting, and I froze on the spot, not taking one more step forward as the rabbit gave them both a smile. "Your daughter Tara is ready to come home now. We've taken care of everything you should need, so just call us if you have any problems." He said, reaching out and shaking my father's paw. My mother was the first to approach me, looking a bit quizzical at my appearance, though I couldn't tell if it was because of the wet state of my fur, or maybe what I was wearing. She had on a skirt too, as was usual I remembered, though hers was a dark purple and considerably longer than mine. Her gray top buttoned nearly to the neck, and I could clearly see she was wearing a bra under it, which made me quite curious if she wore panties to go along with it. I thought better of asking as she gave me a hug and then took my paw in hers to lead me outside. My father followed along too, and I saw the rabbit wave as I turned to look behind me, noticing a young nude male cheetah chained up to a metal T near the door behind him. I shook my head and turned away again, and didn't give it another thought as we stepped out into the cool air. It was dark outside, and I had no idea what time it was. When we got into the car my father suggested we go out for pizza, which was always my favorite, and I got quite excited, suddenly realizing I was in fact quite hungry.

The rest of the night was uneventful, as we ate and talked. My parents didn't seem the least bit interested in my ordeal, but reassured me that everything would be ok now. My mother even offered to take me shopping for some new clothes soon, and my father said he would help redecorate my room over the weekend, both of which pleased me very much. Everything seemed to make me feel very happy. I even got a glance or two from some of the males at nearby tables and teased them a little by spreading my legs as I sat in my short skirt, though I really paid them little attention as I was so happy to be back again with my parents. When we got home and I got to sleep in my own bed with fresh pink sheets and a purple blanket, I felt so contented I passed out practically as soon as my head hit the pillow. My dreams that night were strange though, seeming to jump from one place to the next, sometimes with furs I knew, and sometimes with those I didn't. I was nearly always naked though, and males used me again and again in place after place, in every way I could imagine.


I woke up the next morning to the awful buzzing sound of my alarm, still feeling exhausted. Had it all just been a dream? I could barely remember any of the previous day, or any other day for that matter. I only barely seemed to know who I was at all. I lifted my blanket and slowly looked beneath it. I had slept naked it seemed, and my sheets were completely soaked from below my waist. At first I felt embarrassed as I thought maybe I wet the bed, but as my paw reached between my legs I shuddered and felt the source of my wetness, starting to partly recall some aspects of the dreams I had all night. Timidly I got up and looked in the mirror, inspecting myself as if for the first time. The first thing I noticed was that I was female. Was that right? Had I always been female.. and so pink? Of course I had. What a strange thing to even think about first thing in the morning. My breasts were quite large, especially for a fur my age, but of course I didn't mind. I also still felt incredibly turned on, but decided it must have been from my dreams as I yawned and blinked the sleepiness from my eyes.

After I stumbled to the bathroom to use the toilet, my shower took a little longer than usual. I took extra time to clean myself thoroughly, moaning out with surprise when I placed the showerhead between my legs at how good it felt. As I was working my other paw over my clit while enjoying the water from the shower, my father banged on the door, yelling I was going to be late for school. I gasped at the sudden shock and nearly fell over, but managed to keep my balance, and called back to him that I would be right there as I turned off the water and stepped over to pick up a towel. I toweled myself off and dried myself with the fur dryer, giving myself a quick brushing as I tried to get ready. I brushed my teeth, and even rubbed some of the sweet scented oil my mother liked into my fur, before wandering back to my bedroom to put on some clothes. My father saw me in the hallway and gave me quite a surprised look. I paused for a moment confused, but after staring at me a minute he quickly turned and walked away, maybe even seeming a little embarrassed. I had become so used to walking around naked while nobody had seeming to mind, that it did not occur to me that he would even notice. I thought nothing of it of course, and continued to my room. When I got there I discovered that my dresser and closer were empty, but an outfit had been laid out on the chair by my desk, which I managed to put on without too much trouble.

The shoes I seemed to remember, which were a bit worn and not particularly cute. I looked outside my window to see it wasn't raining, and decided that since most other furs would have their footpaws bare on an average day like this I could do without them. The outfit also did not include any cute stockings, which I very much would have liked, though I couldn't say why. The top of the outfit was a white halter type, which rested quite low on my chest, with a hem that came down well below my waist. It wasn't until I had it on that I noticed there was a bra with it too, which seemed a little silly to me at first, but I figured I could at least give it a try. After slipping the thick padded white bra on under the top, I found it about as uncomfortable as it looked, and considered taking it back off again. There was a strange clip with it though, which it took me a while to figure out, but once I did I could see the difference in the mirror, as it hid the straps away behind my back, and pushed out my large breasts, making them look much more pronounced as I turned and pushed my chest out, admiring my reflection. A pleated yellow skirt came next, which was much longer than I was used to, though it also sat higher on my hips, above my tail which it let through an opening under a strap in the back where it fastened. It wasn't too uncomfortable, and I liked the way it twirled a little when I spun myself around, giggling at my reflection in the mirror. There were panties on the chair too, and I really considered leaving them as well, but for the sake of experimentation I tried slipping them on. I was already starting to feel wet again I noticed, as I pulled them up my legs and gave my hips a wiggle as I worked them all the way up. This wasn't going to make going back to school easy I thought, as I lifted up my skirt and bent over to look at myself in the mirror. The panties were pink, which was cute, but they were also quite large, and thickly padded in the center, which was starting to seem like a good thing. They weren't all that uncomfortable really, and though I preferred the free feeling without them, I decided to go ahead and keep them on, at least for today.

Once I was ready I bounced down the stairs and out to the kitchen, where my father was waiting for me with a breakfast bar and juice ready on the table. There were a pair of small pink pills too which I looked over curiously as I sat down, opening up the breakfast bar and taking a bite of it. "Oh, be sure you take those," my father said as he looked over his phone, "your doctor said you should only have one normally if you need it, but to start off with two for your first day back." I gulped and looked over them again, a little more nervously as I thought back to what the video had said about supplements. "And hurry up, or you're really going to be late," he added, putting his phone away and getting up to move to the door. I gave up and tossed the pills in my mouth, taking a drink of juice in order to swallow them, and taking the rest of my breakfast bar with me to eat in the car.

"Your mother will pick you up after school," my father said as we got in the car and started off. "She wants to spend a little time with you and go shopping before the game." Of course, the game! I had almost forgotten. "Umm.. what day is it again?" I asked, a little uncomfortably. "It's the fourteenth," he said, seeming unsurprised by my question. "Its Friday. Sorry you missed the last few games. I know its your first day back, but I didn't think you'd want to miss this one." By this time I was starting to feel the effect of the pills. My body grew hotter, and I started squirming uncomfortably in my seat and whimpering a little, prompting my father to ask if I was ok. "Oh.. yeah of course!" I answered nervously, hoping he couldn't tell just how I was feeling. "Umm.. sure, right the game." I had always liked sportball I started to remember, and my dad would always let me watch it with him on TV over the weekend. We even went to the stadium to see a city league game live sometimes. I played at recess with my friends practically every day when the weather was nice, and I always looked forward to going to watch the varsity games at school. I couldn't believe that somehow I had practically forgotten all this. "Maybe we can even talk your mother into staying with us this time," he said with a smile and a laugh, and I giggled nervously too, squeezing my legs together. Not many females seemed to really like sportball for some reason, though I always had. I guessed it was because there weren't that many female players, and games with them sometimes got a little out of control. Still I really liked it, and still wanted to play on the school team someday, maybe even in the city league if I could get good enough. We chatted a little more about the game as we drove along, while I tried to try and distract myself with the conversation. We talked about which players were having a good season, and scores of the games I had missed, but I couldn't keep still in my seat, and kept rocking back and forth with need. It was hard to believe I had been away so long, and that all this was really happening. I wondered what all I had missed at school, but was too bothered worry about it too much until we got there.

I didn't have long to wait, as it was only a short drive from home to the school. My dad dropped me off at the curb, giving me a wave and reminding me he would see me at the game. There were other students all around as I stepped out of the car and closed the door behind me, several peering with interest in my direction. Probably it was because they hadn't seen me in a while, rather than because they could tell how I was feeling I hoped. I hurried off to the front door, just as the second bell sounded, indicating that it was time for students to get to their classrooms. Inside everything was just how I remembered it. Students from every class were hurrying about, getting to the right rooms as the teachers stood by their doors and watched, making sure none of us caused any trouble. I made my way to the second grade classroom, where my teacher Mr. P, an old white tiger was looking me over sternly. I folded my ears down and hugged my tail, shrinking down a little as I tried to hurry past him. "Welcome back Tara" he said, placing his huge paw on my shoulder. I gulped and trembled at the sound of his voice, and the feel of his touch, looking up at him nervously. "The principal wanted to see you in his office first thing" he said, slowly turning me around. "But I.. umm" I tried to argue, but he gave me a gentle push, and as the third bell rang, stepped into the classroom, pulling the door closed behind him.

The hallway was empty now as I slowly started to walk back the way I had come. I wasn't looking forward to seeing the principal again, but it didn't seem like I had much choice, though I delayed it as long as possible making my way slowly along toward his office. When I finally got there I was about to knock on the door when I heard the sounds of panting and moaning from inside, and decided I had better sit down and wait instead. I listened to the sounds for quite a while, sitting in the chair quite uncomfortably as I tried unsuccessfully to think about something other than what was going on in that office. Eventually the sounds got louder and then stopped abruptly, leaving a strained silence. A short while later the door creaked open, revealing a familiar raccoon girl in a very tight little black skirt, with one of the straps of her shortly cropped white halter top slipping down off of her shoulder. "Cam?" I asked, standing up and looking over her in surprise. She paused a moment and looked at me, and then looked back down at the floor and hurried off to the bathroom without answering. I looked on after her and noticed she was leaving a trail of wetness on the floor behind her, and that the fur was noticeably soaked under her tail with the short skirt riding up in the back.

"There you are Tara," came the principal's voice from the other side of the door. I gulped and turned back around to see him sitting in his chair on the far side of his desk. "What took you so long?" he asked, as I slowly moved to step inside, pulling the door closed behind me. "I umm.. you.. sounded busy," I answered, as I looked up to see the familiar face of a young vixen. She was sitting sideways on the edge of the large desk, with one leg dangling off the side while the other knee was bent, with her footpaw up on the desk. "Next time you had better not keep me waiting," the principal said with frustration as I nervously looked around. "Wow, you look perfect!" Seri said, smiling at me and licking her lips. "Do have a seat Tara," the principal said, pulling up close to the large desk and resting his elbows on it. I nervously climbed up onto one of the uncomfortable chairs on the other side of the desk, and sat with my legs squeezed tightly together looking back up at him. "Now that you're back at school, I have some good news for you," he began, smiling broadly along with Seri. "It seems the varsity sportball team is in need of a new assistant, and I've heard you might be interested in volunteering." I blinked in surprise. This was the last thing I was expecting. My mood suddenly changed to excitement and I found myself nodding quickly. "Oh wow! Yes pick me!" I exclaimed happily, bouncing a little in my seat. "Very good," he said, gesturing to the vixen, "You'll be expected to help out at the game tonight. Seri will be there to help get you started." I looked up to Seri still smiling, and she smiled back at me, seeming quite pleased.

"Now if you would just come over here," he said, sliding back a little way from his desk. Quickly I hopped down from my chair and hurried over around the large desk, only to freeze in place when I got there. The large buck had nothing on below the waist, and was clearly fully aroused as he sat beckoning me to come closer. "You do remember the penalty you owed me, don't you Tara?" he asked as he stood to take hold of me and bend me over his desk. I whimpered as I felt my skirt being lifted, and tried to tuck my tail down, only to find it firmly held in his large hand. "This won't do at all," he said, and with that yanked my panties down and off of my footpaws, tossing them in the trash bin next to his desk. I then felt him lifting up the back of my top, and after pawing for a moment, my bra came loose around my shoulders. "I don't want to catch you wearing anything like these again, do you understand?" He asked sternly with a slap to my now naked rear, making me cry out as Seri helped to work my bra off the rest of the way from under my top. "Yes Sir" I whimpered timidly with a shiver, as my bra likewise was tossed into the trash by the vixen. I whimpered as I started to feel the buck's large shaft rub along my wet sex. I should have hated it, but something seemed strange. "Looks like you're more than ready" he chuckled, making me blush. I knew he was right, but I could only cry out in response as I felt him position himself and starting to press inside. Seri was clearly enjoying the show, with one paw under her white lace skirt, while the other lifted her top above her slight breasts.

I cried out softly and winced as the buck's thick shaft pushed in further and really started to stretch me. "Shh, take it like a good girl," he said, and grabbed my hips as he continued pushing forward. I tossed my head back and forth and breathed in gasps. It only hurt a little, but I felt so full with his huge shaft buried deep inside of me that I was afraid I would split in two. Eventually I felt his sheath finally press up to the lips of my sex, followed by his powerful hips against mine. "That's a good little pussy," he whispered, as he leaned down over me and began slowly rocking his hips. I squirmed about against the desk, opening my legs a little wider and lifting my footpaws up behind me as the force of his thrusts started to increase. "Let me feel that tongue, Pussy," Seri said, sliding over in front of me and slipping her paws around the back of my head to press my muzzle between her legs. My eyes went wide in surprise, followed by my mouth as the principal gave a hard thrust from behind, pressing my open mouth firmly against the vixen's ready sex. "That's a good girl," she said with a giggle, starting to rock her hips as she held my head in place. The principal seemed to like that, as he quickly picked up his pace, his thrusting rubbing my muzzle against the vixen's sex whether I liked it or not. Still I couldn't stop myself from moaning. I needed this, I wanted it. Was this what I was like now? I knew it wasn't going to take much to set me off at this rate, the pleasure quickly building beyond my control and causing me to spasm heavily and struggle for breath as I climaxed. The two furs seemed in no hurry however, and they both continued using me, Seri practically riding my muzzle as the buck's huge shaft filled my tiny sex completely again and again.

Seri was the next to climax rocking her hips against my mouth and tongue, while her paws worked over her tiny breasts and her hard little nipples showing through her brilliant white chest fur. She totally soaked my muzzle much to my surprise, and practically kept me from breathing until she was satisfied and laid herself back with a contented sigh, her legs still spread to either side of me. Quite some time after at long last the principal's groans of passion started to grow stronger, his pounding intensifying as his pace got even more rapid, again causing my arousal to quickly build along with his. When he finally did thrust in hard and hold his pulsing shaft deep inside of me, I climaxed again as well, squeezing my little legs back around him and crying out sharply as my whole body convulsed in an incredibly powerful orgasm, that left me exhausted and completely out of breath. "I can see you're clearly going to need a lot more 'discipline' in the near future Tara," he said with a deep rumble as he pulled out, making me shudder before sitting back down. "I told you I'd find another good one," Seri said with a smirk as she pulled her top and skirt back down and she sat herself back up with her legs crossed. "Well we had better not keep the two of you out of class much longer for now," the principal said, looking over to check the clock. "Its almost time for your recess. Just be sure you're at the game on time tonight, and see if you can't find something a bit more revealing to wear," he said to me, helping me down off the desk and looking me over once again.

I nodded nervously, and as Seri hopped down as well, went and opened the door for us to head back out to the hallway. Seri gave me a playful slap on the rear as I walked by her, making me tuck my tail down and turn back to glare at her as she closed the door behind us with a smile. "That's some tongue you've got, Pretty Pussy," Seri teased with a swish of her tail. I scowled and tried to think of what to say to answer, but just then the bell rang and classroom doors started to open, with students flooding out into the hallway around us. "Wanna hit the showers?" she asked with a wink, looking me up and down suggestively with another little smile. My face was still soaked, as were my inner thighs after what had just happened. I could definitely use to get cleaned up I thought, and was about to hesitantly agree, when two furs bounded up and started calling to me. "Taro? Taro is that you?" came a familiar voice as I saw a blue and white Lynx hurry over waving his paws at me. Aster was quickly followed by Thistle, the wolf roughly elbowing him as he managed to catch up. "Don't worry, you'll be licking me again later," Seri whispered in my ear, giving it a little nibble before walking off to the bathroom, swaying her hips and tail. "Its Tara," Thistle insisted, pushing Aster to the side and looking over me, confused by my appearance.

I blushed at their attention, and pressed my wet thighs together, doing my best to try and wipe my face with my paws. "I umm.. yeah.. hey guys! How have things been?" I asked, happy at least to see my friends again. "Not the same without you!" Aster said smiling and poking me in the tummy laughing. "Hey, don't do that," Thistle said, pushing him away again. I giggled and pushed thistle, making him wobble a bit unsteadily. "And why not?" I asked, turning my nose up, "I'm still stronger than both of you." Thistle looked at me a bit confused, but Aster practically pounced on me, and we wrestled a bit back and forth. "Outside!" called a teacher from nearby, and we all started laughing and hurried down the side hall and out the door to the field.

It was a nice day outside. It had rained the night before, leaving the field a bit muddy in places, but that was nothing new. For now at least there were only a few clouds visible in the sky, and it looked like it would be a perfect night for some sportball. "I can hardly wait for the game tonight" I said as we all three ran together out to catch up with the other students. "Yeah!" Aster shouted, "Its probably gonna be the best one of the whole season!" "You always say that!" I yelled back with a giggle as we arrived at the edge of the field where two of the older furs were already picking their teams. Aster and Thistle lined up with the others, and I followed them bouncing happily. "Are.. you sure you want to play?" Thistle asked me, looking me over again. "Uhh.. we always play" I said confused, tilting my head to the side. "I mean.. you might get dirty.. or you might get hurt" he said, seeming quite concerned. "Well you might get dirty too!" I giggled, giving him another push and making him bump into Aster who pushed him back. "Oh fine," he said, a little dejectedly while shaking his head. I was puzzled by this too, but soon he got picked and went over to stand with his team. The choosing of teams continued until everyone had a team, but for some reason much to my disappointment, I was the one chosen last. It was second through fourth grades that got to have recess together, so usually it was the younger furs of my class who got picked last. Everyone thought I was pretty good though, and I had never got chosen last before. I would have to remind them I thought, as someone grabbed the ball and we all hurried through the gate in the high mesh barrier which ran all the way around the field, to get to our starting places.

It wasn't like being small mattered all that much really, I thought as I stopped near the far side barrier up close to the center line, making sure I was well spaced out with the other players on my team. The older furs were stronger and most were faster, but they still had a hard time catching me if I managed to get my paws on the ball. Besides, I was pretty good at kicking the ball, so I didn't get tackled very often. Someone started counting down from ten, and we all joined in, shouting louder as the count got lower. When the count got down to zero, a fur from our team tossed the oblong ball into play in the center of the field, as furs from both teams hurried to chase after it. I moved closer to the middle of the field and backed up a bit to see where the ball would go. It turned out the other team managed to get it first, and started advancing down toward the opposite side, passing the ball back and forth between them.

I noticed I felt a little strange for some reason. Maybe it was still the effects of my medication, or maybe I was just a bit out of practice, but running around I kept getting distracted looking at the other players. All of them were male, and I watched them intently as they darted back and forth, tackling each other to get at the ball, and pushing each other around as the ball moved down the field. I almost forgot I was supposed to be playing for a minute, until the ball came tumbling in my direction and a coyote from the other team jumped up and grabbed it. He seemed to pay no attention to me as he tried to run past me and back around toward the opposite side of the field. He was running pretty fast, but I jumped and was able to catch him by the legs, making him lose his footing and fall to the ground. He seemed quite surprised I thought, as he let go of the ball only to have Aster, who was on my team, run by and pick it up. A couple of my other teammates had stopped behind me, looking down at us. At first I thought they were making sure I was ok, but then I quickly realized my skirt had flown up in the fall. I let go of the coyote and tucked my tail down blushing, quickly getting myself back up to try and end the distraction and continue on. The coyote looked back and shot a scowl over at me, so I giggled and stuck my tongue out back at him, and then turned to try and catch back up with the ball.

I would have to try and be a little more careful I decided, as I looked around at the other players nearby, several of which were paying more attention to me than to the ball. Aster had passed the ball off now and was hurrying down the field after it as it had been kicked by another player, and was now quite a ways down the other team's side of the field. I ran as fast as I could to catch up with him, but found it especially difficult as my breasts bounced heavily, making it much harder to move just how I wanted. I wrapped my arms around my chest to try and keep them under control, as I hurried along after the ball now really starting to blush. Our team managed to score before I caught up, and I sighed in relief, glad for a bit of a rest as we all set back up. Aster looked at me curiously, taking up a place nearby, but I just smiled back at him, trying to let him know everything was ok. Everything was ok after all wasn't it? This seemed to be a lot more difficult than I remembered. Maybe I was just out of practice. Tomorrow I decided I would bring a change of clothes just for recess to help make things a little bit easier, if I could find something out shopping later on. I was very glad to be out running around again though, after what had seemed like forever while I'd been away.

My momentary distractions didn't last long, as the ball was soon back in play, and players from both teams were scrambling to follow after it. Possession passed back and forth between teams a few times, with some missed passes and tackles, and a kick from our side when the ball got too near to our goal. I got near the play again and someone passed me the ball, and just as I checked for the next teammate down the line I could pass it to I was hit from my other side. I passed the ball on as I fell, and landed hard down on my back with another fur falling heavily on top of me, taking my breath away for a moment. I must have closed my eyes too, because when I opened them I saw Thistle, who had been picked by the other team, staring down at me wide eyed. I blinked a moment confused, and then noticed his paws were on my breasts, as he lay on top of me, with my legs spread around him. "Get off!" came Aster's voice with a playful laugh as he ran over and gave Thistle a shove, rolling him right into a nearby mud puddle. We both burst out laughing, as Thistle fell with a wet squish, and dragged himself back up all covered in mud. Thistle growled and tackled Aster, which was not exactly following the rules of the game since he didn't have the ball, but was still quite funny as the two muddy furs rolled in the grass. We all got back up eventually and got back to the game, which had continued on down the field, though the play it seemed was now back to moving this way.

I chased after the ball as it fell loose after a missed pass, but only ended up on the bottom of a big furpile, as players from both teams jumped up on each other with the ball lost somewhere in the middle. Even once the ball was wrestled free, it seemed to take an especially long time to get out, and I felt more than a little groping with paws and arms and legs rubbing all over my body. I moaned a little inadvertently, but I did my best to try and keep my legs together, and keep wandering paws away as I squirmed in the mess of bodies and struggled a bit to get free. This situation felt familiar to me somehow. Not so much because it happened so often in past games, but from something else, though I couldn't quite picture it. I felt one player's legs wrap around my head with his hips slowly rocking, while something else seemed pressing up under my tail and prying my unprotected rear apart. I let out a whimper, reaching out with my paws to try and drag myself away, and eventually enough bodies cleared that I was able to succeed. My fur now was a mess, and I took a moment to smooth it down and straighten my clothes back out, before turning my attention back to the game. This was strange I thought, as I realized what I was doing. I would never have bothered to care about how I looked before in the middle of a game. Still I couldn't very well play with my top half way to slipping off and my skirt bunched up around my waist, so I made sure I was well sorted back out before checking on the location of the ball.

The other team had scored as it turned out, so there was no harm in preening myself a bit more as all the players wandered back to take their places to restart the game. A few quick passes after the game had restarted the ball was back in my paws, and with no teammates near to pass it on to I ran with it away from the nearest opposing players back toward the center of the field. Coming from that way though was the coyote I had managed to tackle earlier, running fast right toward me. I tried to kick the ball away but he got to me too fast, and my kick was quite short, as he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me roughly to the ground. Unfortunately the center of the field was where it was the most muddy, due to how much more action it saw than the rest of the field during a game, and we fell right into a puddle, splashing down together in a muddy mess. I lifted my head back with a gasp as I felt the water soak through my clothes and fur, only to feel my head pushed down into the mud again a moment later by the coyote behind me. I lifted myself up again when he let go, and wiped the mud from my face with my paw to see the muddy coyote looking down at me, sticking his tongue out before he jogged off. I sighed again and shook my head, struggling to get myself back up and look around, only to discover that my failed kick had led the other team to score again, and that everyone was now moving back to their starting places.

Before we could restart the game though, the bell rang, and we all hurried off, back to line up with our class to be counted before heading back inside. "You three, go shower!" Mr. P called to my two friends and I, as we lined up, looking quite bedraggled after the game. We all voiced our agreement, and together went inside to make our way to the bathroom. "That was a great game!" Aster said enthusiastically, wrapping his arm around me as we made our way through the door. "Hehe umm.. yeah, sorry about that at the end," I said, feeling like a bit of a letdown. "Well it was still fun," he said, letting go to push me into Thistle. I looked over to the wolf after I bumped him. He was being strangely quiet and not really even looking at me, not at all like his usual self, which made me a bit concerned. "And what about you?" I asked Thistle, pushing his shoulder with my paw, "Your team won, did you have fun?" "Uhh.. yeah I guess," he answered, stepping back as I pushed him and not pushing me back. "Did I miss a lot in class while I was gone?" I asked Aster, turning back to him. "Well not really," he said, giving Thistle a strange look, "not that I remember anyway." "I'm not sure if that makes me feel any better," I teased, rubbing up against him playfully as we walked.

We soon entered the bathroom together, a long narrow room with typical boring fixtures with many of the aging gray tiles obviously having needed to be replaced recently. As we stepped inside we went over to the nearby sinks together to wash out our clothes. This was far from the first time we had to do this after a game at recess, and Aster and I quickly stripped off what we were wearing and stuffed our clothes in a sink, scrubbing the mud out as best we could with some soap. Thistle lagged behind though, moving a few sinks away before slowly undressing himself. Once our clothes were mostly clean and we had wrung out as much of the water as we were able, we moved over to the showers. The shower area was in the back corner of the room past the sinks, opposite the toilets along the other wall, with several shower heads fixed to the walls and over a slightly lowered section of floor with a drain in the middle. As I stepped up to one of the showers I heard another fur enter, and looked back to see the coyote who had tackled me, still covered in mud as he slunk over to the sinks and started to peel off his clothes. I smiled a little, it served him right for knocking me in the mud after all, but I paid no more attention as I went over to the nearby dispensary pillar and got some shampoo in my paws. Aster did too, and we giggled and splashed each other a little as we washed ourselves together. Thistle though picked the showerhead furthest away, and kept his back turned to us as he slowly took his own shower. "What's wrong with him?" I asked Aster in a whisper, giving him a curious poke on the arm. The lynx just shrugged poking, me back playfully in the tummy and shaking himself to splash water at me. I sighed and shook my head. I was starting to get really worried and kept looking over at Thistle.

I thought of going over to him, but as he turned around to the dispenser, I started blushing profusely. Thistle's wolf length was fully extended from his sheath, though he was doing his best to hide it as he quickly turned away again to shampoo his fur. I froze for a moment, not quite sure what to do. This had never happened before, and I didn't know if I should try and comfort him, or just leave him alone. As it turned out I didn't have time to decide, as a muddy coyote took me by surprise, stepping up behind me and shoving me face first against the wall. "Lets see how much you like this tackle, Bitch," he growled as he yanked up my tail and took me by the hips. He was much bigger than me, probably in fourth grade, and I didn't even have time to cry out before he thrust forward, stretching my rear entrance as he buried his shaft under my tail. I let out a shocked whimper, and Aster looked on in surprise as the larger young coyote pounded his hips against mine with my face and chest pressed up against the wall under the shower right beside him. "Hey, stop that!" Thistle yelled as he ran over, growling angrily and showing his teeth. The coyote let out a soft chuckle, and I felt the pain growing as the pressure steadily increased. He held my hips firmly, and suddenly with a pop, I felt him tie with me, his knot locking our bodies together. I let out a sharp gasp as I felt it fit in, but couldn't help moaning a little as I exhaled, the feeling of being filled like this taking hold of me. "Only one way to stop now," he said with a smirk in his voice, removing his paws from my hips and placing them on my shoulders.

"What.. are you doing?" Aster asked confusedly, looking us rocking together and the obvious pleasure in our expressions. "Lets show the little kitty," the coyote growled at me, kicking my legs apart and slipping one of his paws down between my legs. I threw my head back and moaned out louder, the sudden sensation of his wet pawpads on my hot and tender sex making my body already start to tremble. "Are you.. ok?" Aster asked, reaching out a paw to timidly touch me on the arm. "Yes.. Yes!.. Oh yes!" I moaned out, trying to answer but getting a little carried away as the coyote's paw quickly moved back and forth over my clit, as his thrusting grew harder and faster, making me start rocking my hips back to meet him. Aster leaned down in front of me, looking up between my legs, and then turned and leaned down behind the coyote, who lifted his tail out of the way to show off, as my friend watched me being taken by him. Thistle just stood tense and growling, not moving an inch as he stared at the coyote. I moaned again and shook my head. I wanted to tell him it was ok. I wanted to tell him how good it felt. I was just too lost in the experience to communicate, and getting more aroused by the second as I felt my body quickly approaching climax.

"That's it, cum for me you slut!" the coyote shouted, and without any further warning, he howled and thrust forward, holding himself deep inside as his pulsing shaft filled me with warmth. I moaned out along with him, and shuddered as my body responded in kind, making me lose complete control as the rough mounting along with his paw forced me to orgasm for him. "Meet me here after school so I can try out your pussy," he said smoothly, leaning over me to give my ear a lick. I shivered and sank down to the floor with him, as his shaft stayed firmly inside of me. I was worried how long we would be stuck like this, but looking up at my friends I became more concerned with how embarrassed I was by what had just happened. "I umm.. I'm sorry," I said softly, looking up at them blushing. Aster looked back still confused, but Thistle softened his gaze and slowly knelt down by me. He was still hard I noticed, and even Aster was too by now, though I could hardly be surprised after what both of them had just watched.

After far longer than I would have liked, the coyote started to pull back, and with a bit more painful stretching, managed to pull his shrinking knot free, splattering his across the floor, and down my thighs from under my tail. "See you later, Slut," he said with a laugh and a swat to my rear, as he got himself up and went to put on his clothes. The full body fur dryer by the door soon came on soon after as my friends both helped me to stand. I blushed and tried to go back to cleaning myself, washing my intimate parts they continued to stare. "Are you.. sure you're ok?" Thistle asked eventually, and I gave him a little nod. "Yeah.. umm.. I.. yes," I answered, blushing and taking a quick glance over my two naked friends bodies again. "That.. looked like it felt good," said Aster, giving me a little smile and taking a step closer. My blushing deepened and I looked away shyly. I was still highly aroused, after being roughly taken and forced to orgasm right in front of my friends, and now here I was standing here right in front of them, both naked and still watching my fully exposed body. "Can I try it?" Asked Aster after a brief pause, making me gasp in surprise. We had all been friends a long time, but this was a first. We had played together a lot, even showered together and stuff, but this was all somehow very different. I couldn't help but get even more turned on at the thought though. Whether I liked it or not I was definitely feeling ready for more, and unable to resist. He was my friend too after all, and if I was going to let some random coyote take me, why not him? I turned back to say yes, when I noticed that Aster hadn't been talking to me.

The Lynx had turned to face Thistle, who was staring back at him confused. I didn't get why he needed Thistle's permission, and clearly Thistle didn't understand either as he stood blinking and not knowing how to respond. Then Aster turned and took a step toward the wall, pressing his paws against it. He slowly leaned himself forward, press his chest to the wall as he looked back over his shoulder at Thistle and lifted his little bobtail. Thistle now looked even more surprised, and I had to admit I was too. "You.. want me to do that?" Thistle asked, somewhat in disbelief. "Well.. yeah.. think you can?" Aster asked, smiling a little and wiggling his butt. Now Thistle started to blush, the inside of his ears going red as he reached his paws out Aster's hips to stop his wiggling. "I umm.. I don't know.." Thistle said, trailing off and looking back over to me. "Its ok," I said, in case he worried I might object after what had been done to me. I stepped closer as well and reached a paw out to stroke his shoulder. His shaft was still hard and twitching, and I could see it was slick with his arousal dripping from the tip. Thistle stepped a little closer to aster, and I watched as he took his shaft in his paw, and slowly guided it up under Aster's tail.

Aster and Thistle both gasped when the two of them touched, and I smiled a little, still feeling my own well stretched tailhole throbbing from my experience just minutes before. They seemed to have a hard time getting it in, but with the two of them wiggling and rocking against each other, I looked on as little by little the canine shaft disappeared under Aster's tail. "Oh wow," Thistle panted, holding onto Aster by the hips, instinctively starting to thrust in order to work himself in deeper. Aster at this point was only moaning, his own barbed feline shaft dripping onto the floor as it bobbed between his legs with each movement. Without even having realized it, I noticed my paw had now slipped back down between my legs. I was standing right next to Thistle and practically breathing down his neck as I watched the way he pumped his length into Aster's clenching rear. I started wondering if he would do that to me if I asked him to, or if he would be doing it right now if I had been the one to ask him first. My clit felt hard against my pawpads as I worked them side to side, reaching a little further down now and then to keep them slick from my sex as I pleasured myself while I watched. Thistle was thrusting in up to his knot now, and seemed to be going harder than before, slamming it up against the feline's rear more and more forcefully.

Aster was crying out somewhat painfully each time Thistle thrust forward, making me a little worried for him as his hips were pulled back by the wolf's paws. Without thinking I stepped around to his side, and bent forward, nuzzling his neck and reaching down between his legs to grip his bouncing shaft in my paw. He gasped sharply and arched his back, moaning loudly as his shaft began to pulse in my paw. That seemed like all the encouragement Thistle needed as he thrust very hard forward, and buried his knot in the moaning feline. Thistle moaned with pleasure as well and quickly picked up the pace in short hard thrusts, staring at me all the while. With my one paw stroking Aster through his Climax the other continued to work between my legs. I was getting very close as well. Watching my two friends while being watched by them as well had made me much more turned on than I had would have imagined. I opened my mouth and let out a moan, spreading my legs a little wider and inserting two digits into my sex, rocking my body back and forth as I rubbed myself, causing my naked breasts to bounce before Thistle's eyes. As I leaned forward to Aster little by little our mouths nearly touched, when suddenly Thistle tossed his head back and howled, his body clearly spasming as his blunt claws dug into Aster's hips. That was more than I could take, and I moaned out as well, bringing myself to another orgasm and sinking down to my knees.

I closed my eyes for a while, and Thistle and Aster joined me on the floor as we all sat panting with the two males still tied together. After a while I opened my eyes tiredly to see Thistle still staring at me, though he quickly looked away when he noticed me looking back. "Oh.. wow.." Aster eventually said, turning on his side a little and looking over to me, making Thistle gasp from the movement. "Hey.. careful," Thistle whimpered, taking hold of one of Aster's white and blue thighs to keep him held close. "Are.. you guys ok?" I asked, blushing a little as I looked back and forth between them. They both nodded a little, looking at each other and back up to me blushing. "I.. think we're gonna be late to class," I said finally, unsure what else to say. We all giggled a little, and I got up to turn off the showers and get us all our clothes.

It was only then I noticed we weren't alone. Several other furs it seemed had also come in to use the bathroom, and though a couple were washing their paws and leaving, there were more just standing around. There were males of all ages, from different classes around the school. A couple even had their pants down and were stroking themselves, who it took all my effort to avoid propositioning as I timidly walked over to the sink where we had all left our wet clothes. I gathered all the clothes up and a few more of those watching turned and departed as I got myself dressed, not taking long at all to slip on my top and my skirt. I then brought the shorts, pants, underwear, and two t-shirts back over to my friends. They were now trying to separate, with Aster whimpering as Thistle pulled back away. It took a little while longer, but eventually with a sharp cry from the feline, Thistle finally pulled out, splattering his wetness all over Aster's rear. I blushed again, knowing the feeling well, kneeling down outside the shower on the floor as the two rinsed themselves off again. I couldn't help but lick my lips as I watched, but when I reached up to wipe my mouth with my paw, I found it was still a mess from helping Aster before. Blushing a little and smiling up at him I began to lick his cum from my paw. Even the taste made me wet, and watching them both now I don't know how I never realized how good they looked, but I knew I couldn't start things back up again right now. We already had to be terribly late already as it was.

When they had both finished I gave them their clothes, and we all went over to the large blustery full body fur dryer to get ourselves all dried out. The bathroom was empty by now, and I finished drying myself pretty quickly, having not had to wash myself again, but kept turning myself about in front of it, watching the way it blew my skirt up and teasing at my friends as we wiggled about, bumping each other now and then. When all three of us were dry we slowly made our way out from the bathroom, each of us smoothing down our frazzled fur as we made our way back to our classroom. Our teacher looked to us sternly as we opened the door and snuck in, pointing us back toward the back table, where supplies had been laid out for whatever exercise we were supposed to be doing. Everyone else was already hard at work it seemed, so the three of us decided to work together as we read over the supply checklist posted on the table, and gathered up everything we would need before finding a place to set up on the floor.

The exercise it seemed, had to do with setting up a small notched wooden tower, in which inclined tracks of various lengths could be set at different angles to the floor. Once a track was in place, we were to set a marble at the top, and let it roll down the track and out along the floor, and mark with tape where it stopped. Using different tracks at different angles, and marbles of different sizes, we were to measure and mark down how far each one went on a digital pad, and write a conclusion at the end. The result of this assignment it seemed, was classmates scurrying about all over the room, chasing stray marbles in quite a silly way. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves, so my friends and I joined in, soon sending marbles rolling off into other groups and getting them lost into corners and under beanbag chairs. Somehow I was nominated to be the one chasing after the marbles, and Thistle and Aster both seemed to enjoy watching me crawling off after them in my skirt, which sometimes got lifted a bit too far as I bent down to see where a marble went. I swished my tail back at them and giggled, blushing a little when I noticed other wide eyed class mates looking back at me also. This made me wonder where the other girls were, both of whom had much shorter skirts than me today. Seri and Cam were the only other girls in our class, which was actually a lot for a class of only a couple dozen furs. Most of the classes were all male, and were lucky to have even one female among them. Neither of the other girls were present at the moment though, which I found quite strange since I had seen them both earlier. I shrugged and went back to the assignment though. Maybe they had some other assignment, or were off helping one of the other classes, which girls often got to do for some reason, though I couldn't remember ever having been given any special assignments myself at the time.

We didn't manage to get through the whole sheet before our teacher said we were out of time, so we just filled out the conclusion and turned in what we had after putting our supplies away. We then went and found some beanbags to sit on along with the other students, and listened to our teacher tell us how we all did such a good job until the bell rang, meaning it was time for lunch. We happily got up and hurried out the door, back into the hallway which was now once again filling with students all hurrying toward the cafeteria. I got in line and picked out a lunch pack and a juice when I reached the front, and wandered off to my usual spot in the middle of the second grade table, which was near the back of the large room. The tables were arranged in rows, with simple long benches on both sides rather like a picnic table, so that many furs could crowd around and fit close together as we all squeezed in to eat our lunch. I sat next to Aster, with Thistle on the other side right in front of me, and Rilo, a black skunk with his white fur dyed teal next to Thistle. We usually all ate as quickly as we could so we could go and play outside, but we were all pretty tired it seemed, and took a bit longer than usual to finish our lunches.

"Do you.. think we could do that again?" Aster asked, leaning close to half whisper in my ear. I blushed and nodded a little, giving him a little smile. "You really want to?" I asked hopefully, rubbing up against his shoulder. "Umm.. yeah.. I really do!" Aster said a bit too loudly, making Thistle growl at him as he blushed as well. "What about you?" I asked Thistle, kicking his footpaw teasingly under the table. The wolf looked around nervously before leaning over the table to answer back softly. "Umm.. I don't know.. that was really.. umm.." he trailed off, seeming very unsure what to say. I found it quite funny, and giggled at him, making him blush more and turn to look away. "Aww, its ok" I said, hoping I hadn't upset him. He was still acting really weird about this, and I wasn't sure why, so to encourage him I slid my footpaw up the inside of his leg under the table. "Maybe you could try with me next time" I suggested, quite surprising myself and blushing a little. "Umm.. really?" Thistle said, looking back over at me with a shiver, no longer even touching his lunch. I nodded and sunk down in my seat, sliding my footpaw up further between his legs. Thistle grabbed the edge of the table with his paws, and took in a sharp breath through his teeth as I began to rub my pawpads up and down against his shorts. I was smiling, and Aster looked back and forth between us confused, bumping my shoulder a little to get my attention. I looked up and down at him still smiling, and noticing his confusion, I slowly slid one paw under the table, placing it in the feline's lap. He purred and smiled a little too, and to my surprise did the same to me, as I quickly found Aster's paw lifting my skirt and rubbing over my naked sex.

It was about this time that I noticed Rilo glancing back and forth between the three of us, with a look of total bewilderment on his face. I started to giggle uncontrollably and my two friends looked over at him and joined me, drawing the attention of other furs from around the table wondering what joke they all had missed. I then looked right at Rilo and let out a long soft moan, followed by sensuously licking my lips. "You want to have some fun too?" I asked with a little wiggle of my shoulders. He froze, and his eyes went even wider. After a brief moment he shook his head and slowly got up, picking up his lunch to quickly move down to sit at the far end of the table. I giggled again, and so did my friends, still rocking ourselves slowly and rubbing at each other. "Looks like its just us then," I said with another smile, "wanna get started?" Now Thistle and Aster looked back at me surprised, then looked at each other not quite sure what to do. "Umm.. what do you mean?" Thistle asked, squirming back and forth against my footpaw. "Shall I get up and bend over this table for you?" I asked, a little louder, reaching my free paw up to squeeze one of my breasts. "But.. right here?" Thistle asked nervously, looking back and forth with a worried expression. The room was packed with students, though there were also a few teachers on duty to make sure we didn't get into any trouble. I clearly didn't care, I was uncontrollably turned on again and more than ready.

As I started to get up, I suddenly felt a paw on my shoulder. I gasped in surprise, and looked up to see Seri standing there with a pouty look on her face. "Sorry boys, can I borrow Tara for just a minute?" She asked them, not waiting for a response before grabbing me by the arm and dragging me to get up to lead me to the back corner of the busy room. "Listen," she started when we got there, "you have to be at the game tonight. By the time the game ends, you have to come to the home locker room, understand?" She seemed quite in a huff, and I looked up at her confused. "Umm.. ok I guess?" I said questioningly, hoping she would have more to explain. "Good," she said simply, and pulled me close to whisper in my ear. "And once you're done assisting the team, you'll be assisting me for a while longer before I let you off for the night." She gave my ear a bite, which made me wince, before stepping back with a smile.

Just then I noticed Cam slowly sneaking into the cafeteria. The fur along her thighs looked like it was soaked again as the little raccoon girl went to the counter to get her lunch, before slowly making her way to the end of the second grade table and sitting down by herself. "What is wrong with her?" I asked Seri, gesturing over toward the sad looking girl. "Camy?" Seri asked with surprise? "Oh, well she gets to help out with the school newspaper now, and the robotics lab, and the bio-science lab, and a few others. We keep her pretty busy around here now," Seri said smiling with a paw on her hip, looking out over the poor girl. I looked back at the vixen with concern. Cam.. or Camy had been my friend a long time too, and I didn't like to see her sad. "Maybe you can help her out sometime," Seri said, looking back to me with a smirk. "What do you mean, who keeps her busy?" I asked slowly. "Oh, the principal and me," Seri said, reaching up and giving me a playful poke on the nose with her paw. "You see, I make sure he gets all the girls he needs to.. take care of things around here, and he make sure I get.. well.. pretty much whatever I want, other than keeping his huge cock from pounding me every time he calls me to his office." She scowled at the last part and folded her arms. "Still," she said, perking back up a bit, "you lost our little game, and you're gonna keep up your end of the bet." "Umm.. bet?" I asked, blinking confusedly. "At the assembly," she continued without missing a beat, "you pulled your tongue out of my mouth before I pulled mine out of yours, which means now.. you're my slave!" she laughed and swished her tail, seeming quite pleased with herself. I opened my eyes wide and took a step back from her. "Wait.. what?!" I said in disbelief, a bit louder than I intended. "I bet you if you won, that you would get to have sex with me, but if I won, you would have to be my slave, until you were able to convince me to let you mount me," she explained, reaching a paw down and lifting up the front of my skirt. I gasped and stepped up close to her, hoping nobody else would notice. "Looks like you won't be sticking your cock in me any time soon," she said with a laugh, "I guess you're just gonna have to be my slave forever."

She let go of my skirt and I started to panic, looking around frantically, unable to believe what I was hearing. "What? But.. I.. I'm a girl I don't.. you can't.. umm.." I stammered, starting to pant with nervousness. She tilted her head to the side with a sigh, shaking her head at me. "Yeah Tara, you used to be a boy, and so did I. In fact, you're the reason I lost my cock, so I thought it was only fair that you lose yours too. Now to make up for it, you get to end up filled by cock instead. Every.. single.. day." With the last words she took three more steps toward me, making me back away from her with fear, bringing us out from the corner of the large room. I couldn't remember what she was talking about, but it didn't seem to matter as she continued on. "In fact," she said with a wide grin as she started to take a black bracelet off her left wrist, "I think its about time we showed everyone that you're my slave." I gasped in surprise again and quickly started to shake my head. "What? No please.. you can't do this," I whimpered in disbelief. The bracelet unraveled into a long strip of rubber, with a pawprint lock at one end and a long metal tag attached by a thick reinforced band at the center of it. Seri held it up close to my eyes, and my mouth fell open when I saw what the inscription said. On one side of the reversible tag, in big white letters it said "PROPERTY OF SERI" with a large white heart, and when she flipped it over, I could see on the other side it said "YIFF ME" with white splatter marks to either side.

Before I could react she had clipped the collar around my neck, prompting me to reach up my paws frantically to try and pull it off. "You won't be able to get it off like that," Seri giggled, swishing her tail happily. "It should be quite strong, and anyway if I ever saw you without it you'd be in real trouble," she said, giving me an ominous smile. "But.. but you can't!" I protested, still tugging at the collar. "The principal says I can, so really I can," Seri explained, looking over my new collar with approval. "Now," she added, leaning up close to my ear, "strip!" I gasped again with another shake of my head. "What?" I struggled to ask, looking around the crowded room nervously. I could feel the wetness between my legs and shivered uncontrollably. I wasn't so sure now that I really would have gone through with what I was feeling at the table before, but now it seemed I wasn't going to have any choice. "I said strip, Slut!" she practically barked, reaching around and giving my rear a slap with her paw. I heard some murmurs nearby, and turned to see several furs at a nearby table looking over in our direction.

Seri stepped up behind me, facing me toward them and wrapped her arms around me from behind. "Lift your arms," she half growled, taking hold of the bottom of my shirt with her paws. I gulped nervously and obeyed, slowly raising my paws above my head. I could see lots of other furs looking over now, as Seri rubbed herself against me, working my shirt up and exposing my tummy fur. "Looks like someone's about to be topless," she teased, wiggling my shirt back and forth in her paws as she pulled it up right under my breasts. My nipples were incredibly hard and sticking out through the light fabric, and I started to pant heavily, still shaking my head. The vixen started to work my top up my breasts, until I felt the tightly pulled cloth rubbing right up against my nipples. "How does it feel, knowing they're all about to see these big tits naked?" She asked, nuzzling from one side of my neck to the other. "Don't... please," I whimpered, but she kept right on lifting until my top was bunched up around my neck. "Too late," She said smoothly, and with that pulled my shirt the rest of the way up over my head and off, before tossing it away against the wall. I gasped, and tried to reach down to cover myself, but Seri growled again and pulled my paws back up. "And now for part two," She whispered, groping my exposed breasts a minute, before sliding her paws down to my waist.

I couldn't help but moan at her touch. My nipples felt so sensitive that I arched my back and even half way closed my eyes. I couldn't believe this was happening. Half the school could see me topless. I could look out and see them all staring at me. I could feel their eyes as if they were touching me. I felt like I could climax any second. Suddenly I felt my skirt go loose around my hips and quickly stepped my legs apart to keep it from falling off. Seri had undone the strap that went over my tail in the back, and was now tugging with her paws at one side and then the other, slowly working the yellow skirt down and off my hips. "Time to show off that pretty pink pussy," Seri teased, as I felt the fabric slip down off my butt. "I bet this is making you wet, you slut. I bet you can't wait for them all to see you fully naked. I guess I better not keep them waiting." And with that she let go, allowing my skirt to fall to the floor around my footpaws, leaving me completely exposed in front of everyone. I blushed intensely, looking around the busy room. Practically all eyes were on me it seemed, dozens of males, even one of two females, staring at my naked body and barely saying a word. Even the teachers I saw were just standing there indifferent to what Seri was doing. I wanted to cover up, I wanted to run down the hall and hide in the bathroom, but I just stood there, with my paws behind my head, totally naked as Seri slid a paw down between my legs and started to rub me there.

"My, you are soaked," she teased, spreading my sex with her pawpads and starting to rub my clit directly, causing me to cry out and tremble in her embrace. "You must be close," she murred, speeding up her paw. "Do it Slut, cum for me right here in front of everyone!" she said excitedly. I tried to hold back but it was no use, my body practically exploded, convulsing so heavily Seri had to hold me up. I moaned out and gasped for breath, completely losing control as she forced me to climax, trembling in her arms until she let me slump down in a naked heap to the floor. The voices picked back up from all around the room, and there were even some shouts and applause. I blushed and wished I was somewhere else. Seri was not done with me though. "Lick my toes" she said, bending down and turning me toward the wall to face her. I could barely comprehend what she was saying, but she pressed her footpaw to my muzzle and repeated her instruction "Lick!" I did as she said, and extended my tongue a little as she wiggled her toes, licking along each one for her as she looked down with a smile. "Lift that butt and raise that tail!" she instructed, so loudly I was sure everyone heard. With a soft whimper I did as she said, getting up on my knees and with my legs apart, raising my pink fluffy tail over my back. "I do love that tongue" she mused, offering me her other footpaw which I continued licking softly.

"Very good, Slut," she said after a short time, seeming satisfied. "I can see we're going to have a lot of fun together," she teased, as she turned to walk away. "And don't forget about the game!" called back, before rounding the corner and walking off down the hall. It took me a moment to remember that I was still naked on the floor of the cafeteria in front of practically half the school, and once I did I quickly gathered up my skirt and top, slipping them on and getting up to hurry off toward the nearest bathroom. Once I got there I sighed in relief, finding it empty as I took a few more difficult steps to the nearest sink and turned on the water to wipe on my face with my paws. Unfortunately I hadn't realized my show had attracted some followers, as soon several other students walked into the bathroom behind me, and came and crowded around my sink. I looked up to see them in the mirror once I heard them, and then turned around nervously, looking each of them over. They were all bigger than me, and only a couple I recognized, either from recess or maybe elsewhere around school. The school was pretty big after all, and it would be very hard to know everyone. "What'd you bother getting dressed for? You're only gonna have to take those off again," said a nearby tawny lion in a tight black shirt and jeans with an obvious bulge in them, who began tugging at my top. I sighed heavily and stepped into the middle of them as more paws joined his, soon stripping me and guiding me down to the gray tiled floor between them. I was in no position to object after all, and deep down, in some way this felt right.

Quite a long while later, with all of the males satisfied, and after another long shower, I managed to make my way back to my classroom. The teacher shook his head at me as I stepped inside, and pointed me toward the reading tablets on the shelves at the back of the room. I walked, somewhat gingerly over to take one out, and curled myself up on a beanbag chair to try and get through the reading. I was much too distracted though, with images of the day rolling one after another through my mind. To spite my already excessive amount of sexual activity, I was still at a greatly heightened state of arousal, and I couldn't think of any way to stop it. Fortunately there had only been a dozen or so this time I thought, cautiously slipping a paw beneath my skirt and taking some of the wetness up to my muzzle. As I licked my paw pads I kept right on thinking about it. Just thinking of those canines with their thick knots made me get soaked all over again. Felines were quite nice too, I decided, the thought of barbs dragging along inside of me making me shiver in my chair as my tongue cleaned up some of their taste. Aster and Thistle were both here, distracted and reading, though both had waved a little when I walked in. I wondered what each of them would feel like, and I could hardly wait to find out. Camy was here too, though she had paid no attention to me at first. I noticed now looking over at her that she seemed to be quite distracted also, and was squirming a little, looking off into space rather than reading from her tablet. I thought about going over to her, but the teacher was walking around keeping an eye on us, so I did my best to pretend I was still reading, even though actually doing so at this point was pretty much out of the question.

This all had just been so overwhelming. I could barely comprehend that this was actually real. Had things like this happened to me before? Why did I get so turned on? I would never have dreamed about any of this before, would I? What was Seri talking about? Why did this feeling keep getting stronger the more I let things happen? Was this really what I wanted? Was this what I was for? I pawed at the collar absently, and looked at my other classmates around the room. Would they all want to do this stuff with me, to me? I wondered if I walked up to any one of them right then and spread my legs, what would they do? I thought about my friends again at lunch, about what I almost did until Seri stopped me. Would I really have done that? Is that who I was now, a slut like Seri said? I shook my head. Maybe I needed a break, maybe I needed, I didn't know.

The bell rang, suddenly distracting me from my thoughts. Looking up at the clock I could hardly believe it had gotten so late already, though with everything that had happened today I should hardly have been so surprised. I wobbled unsteadily up to stand and put my reading tablet away with the rest of my classmates, and slowly made my way out the door of the classroom and down the hall to head outside. On leaving the building, I saw Camy heading off by herself and decided to follow her. She seemed in no particular hurry, walking off with her head down and eventually slipping around the corner of the building. I peeked around the corner to see her sit down on the ground, with her back to the wall and her face hidden by her paws. I timidly approached her and knelt down, saddened to see her like this. We had been friends since we started school together, and I had never known her to be like this before. "Camy?" I asked softly, causing her to lift her head and look up with surprise at seeing me there. "Go away," she said sourly, wiping her eyes with her paw. "Come on, it can't be that bad," I said, turning and sitting down against the wall beside her. She pulled her knees up, curling up into a ball with her bushy raccoon tail wrapped protectively around herself. "Did she send you?" Camy asked, looking over at my new collar. I reached my paw up to it and shook my head as I answered. "Seri? No.. of course not, I was just worried about you." Camy looked away with a sigh, wrapping her arms around her legs and rocking back and forth.

"It isn't supposed to be like this," she said with a whimper. "What happened?" I asked, reaching out to lightly touch her arm with my paw. "They.. make me do things.. for the school paper, for all of them," she answered back, squirming a little. "They started this whole section.. 'Camy's Cunt'. Everyone in the school sees it." I opened my eyes wide in shock, shaking my head. "Oh wow.. I'm sorry, can't you tell someone, do something?" I asked seeing how clearly distressed she was. She turned to look me over more closely, as if studying me. "None of the teachers even care," she said with a sniffle and a long sigh. "Well what about your parents then?" I asked, hopeful of finding a solution. "My parents?" she said, seeming confused. "They.. always wanted a girl.. and my dad he.." she started to cry again and pulled her arm away from me. "Why did you have to get Seril in trouble?" She asked exasperatedly, raising her voice. "What are you talking about?" I asked, blinking confusedly as I looked around, making extra sure Seri was nowhere to be found.

"You.. still don't remember?" Camy asked, calming back down a little. I shook my head in response, curious what it was I might have forgotten. "He was.. umm.. he was mounting Fyra, that arctic fox vixen from first grade. She was crying when we walked in on them in the bathroom, and she had blood coming from.. umm.. from down there. You ran out to get a teacher and umm.. that's when they took him away." I listened intently to her words as she spoke, straining to try and remember. It did all sound familiar somehow, but my mind felt very foggy. It seemed like she was telling the truth, but I still couldn't quite remember. "And when Seri got back that.. umm.. that was when she tricked me and got them to take me away, and I guess she tricked you too." I blushed and nodded my head a little, though it still didn't quite seem real. That part at least agreed with what Seri had told me, and likewise it seemed after that I had heard it I started to remember. As some more memories of events from my past resurfaced, it made me start to wonder what else I had forgotten.

"Wow.. I guess we just.. have to try and get used to this somehow," I said after a long pause, scooting closer to lean against Camy's shoulder. She didn't move away this time, but still shook her head. "I just.. can't.. I'm not like this," she said with a whimper. "Its.. not so bad," I said, trying to sound encouraging. "But I.. I still like girls," she finally continued, looking away and starting to blush a little. "Oh.. well me too," I said with a smile, snuggling gently against her." "No I mean.. I.." she trailed off, looking back to me a moment, and then slowly reached a paw out and placed it on my breast. I blinked a moment in surprise as she slowly leaned over gave me a quick kiss. "Sorry," she said nervously after she pulled back away, curling herself back up with another sigh. "I umm.. its ok," I said, blushing a little myself. Camy was very cute in her tiny outfit, the tight black skirt hugging her hips, and hiding very little with her legs drawn up to her chest. Her breasts were barely covered by an extremely short white halter top, which left the underside of her perky breasts exposed, and showed the outline of her hard nipples through it. "I wish boys would just leave me alone," she added, thankfully not noticing me staring at her body. There was little chance of that, I thought to myself, after everything that I had been through already that day. "Not all boys are bad," I said, trying to cheer her back up. "Hey, remember Thistle and Aster? I bet they'd love for us to go play with them!" I suggested, slowly getting myself up. "Umm.. I don't know," Camy said, seeming hesitant to move. "Come on, they're still our friends, we always have fun together, nothing bad will happen," I said, smiling and reaching down my paw to her. Slowly she reached up and took my paw, and after helping her stand I bounced along with her tailing behind out to the playground.

Afternoon recess was shorter than morning recess, so rather than playing sportball we usually played tag or just ran around playing on the equipment in the playground. Sure enough Aster soon came bounding over, and gave Camy a huge hug. "Camy! You're back! I missed youuuuu!" he shouted, giggling and bouncing up and down. Camy seemed taken aback, but I giggled too at her expression and eventually helped her to get Aster to let her go. Thistle came over too, and before long we were running about playing on the playground again, just like always. The rest of recess passed far too quickly, and soon the bell rang telling us it was time to head over and line back up. Our teacher counted us along the line, and then we followed him back inside to our classroom to start the next lesson of the day. Unfortunately it was math, which I was never very fond of, and once inside the classroom the teacher had us each pick up a digital workpad from his desk and find a place to sit down and work on it. I found a beanbag chair near Camy, deciding it would be a good idea to keep her company, though she already seemed much happier than she had earlier.

Math was just silly, I sighed, looking over the mess of numbers and symbols with my usual amount of confusion. I poked at the workpad a bit, but quickly found myself distracted, looking around at the room. I caught Thistle looking back at me and smiled at him, before quickly realizing I should probably close my legs. He looked away with a blush when I did, and momentarily went back to working on his worksheet. This didn't last long though as he slowly peaked up back over it to look at me. He had been looking at me quite a lot actually I'd noticed, and acting a little weird pretty much the entire day. Each time I would look back at him he would quickly go back to working, until eventually he stopped entirely and went up to see the teacher. Mr P. was sitting up at his desk as Thistle approached him and asked quietly if he could use the bathroom. The teacher waved his large paw, and Thistle hurried out the door. I thought for a brief moment, and then got up myself, also going up to the white tiger sitting at his desk. He was looking at the screen of his computer when I walked up, and curiously leaned to peak around it. To my surprise on the screen I could see images of naked bodies, those that looked like young girls, my age or even younger, surrounded by several adult males and sandwiched in between them in different poses.

"Do you need something Tara?" Came the teacher's voice much to my surprise, as he reached up to turn the monitor away from me. "I umm.. can I go to the bathroom?" I asked blushing and folding my ears down. "No, go sit back down," he said, shaking his head. "But.. I really gotta," I whimpered, squeezing my legs together and bending forward as I wiggled back and forth on my footpaws. The teacher rolled his eyes and sighed, gesturing to the door with his paw. "Alright go on, but come right back understand?" he half growled for emphasis. I nodded and hurried off, trying to quickly catch up with Thistle.

I didn't find my friend in the hall, and as I reached the bathroom I perked my ears at the sound of panting from inside. Timidly I stepped inside, through the open entryway and around the privacy wall that kept anyone in the hallway from seeing inside, and blushed as I saw Thistle. He was sitting on one of the toilets with his shorts around his ankles, stroking his hard wolf shaft with both paws. He didn't hear me come in at first, and I stood in the entry watching him, with a little smile as I started to feel myself getting wet. I'm not sure if I made a noise, or if he managed to pick up my scent, but in a short while Thistle noticed me, and gasped in shock, quickly trying to pull up his shorts. "Umm, sorry," I said nervously, stepping into the bathroom and slowly walking over to him as he stood up. "No I.. its.. I was just.." he stammered, struggling to adjust his shorts in a way that his sizable bulge wouldn't show. "I.. its ok I just.. wanted to talk to you," I explained, looking away to try and be polite. "Well, what about?" he asked nervously, still squirming a little. "It just seems like you've been acting.. a little weird around me since I got back." I said, not quite sure how to explain. "Sorry," he said again, looking down at the floor and folding his arms in front of him. "I just.. this is really weird, with you being back here.. like this," explained, looking me up and down as he spoke, still blushing noticeably around the ears. "Yeah," I agreed with a little sigh, "but it will be ok right? I mean, we're still friends and everything aren't we?" "I don't know," he answered solemnly, making me whimper a little in disappointment. "Camy came back so different, and so did you.." he trailed off, seeming to grow more uncomfortable as he shifted back and forth in place. "Different?" I asked nervously, not sure I really wanted to hear what he was going to say. "Well.. you're a female and everything and I'm a male so.." he said softly, trailing off again. I stood staring back at him for a moment before trying to respond. "You mean.." "Yeah," he answered quickly, shaking his head, "Its stupid, I just.. I can't help it, the way you look now and everything its just, wow." I blushed, pulling my tail up and hugging it for comfort.

"I umm.. I like you too you know." I said blushing as I looked up at him. This time he didn't look away, so I gave him a little smile and reached out to squeeze his paw with mine. "Its really different for me too, but I.." I started, but he cut me off with a kiss, much to my surprise. Slowly my eyes closed as felt the warmth of his tongue against mine. This feeling was very different. I practically melted in his arms as he wrapped them around me, supporting me, making me warm and safe. I reached up and stroked my paws along the soft fur of his cheeks as we kissed, enjoying the feeling of his body tightly pressed against mine as I became lost in the wonderful experience. His paws slid down my back, and gripped my rear, pulling my hips against his as he started to rub himself against me. I sighed contentedly, enjoying the feeling of his body, somehow imagining being far away from here, just the two of us together, with nothing else to think of or worry about. I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that, his paws stroking up and down my body as our tongues danced about back and forth between our two mouths. Eventually he pulled back from the kiss and moved his head to the side to nuzzle my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly, pressing my breasts against his chest.

"I want you so much," he whispered, and slowly started easing me down to the floor with him. I was as ready as he was, maybe even more so. I lay myself back and moaned as he eased me down to the floor, letting my legs wrap around him. To my surprise he kissed me on the nose, and then started to slide down against my body, until his head was between my legs. He bunched my skirt up around my waist with his paws, and then I felt a long slow lick moving up the length of my slit. I arched my back and let out a moan, letting my legs spread wide for him as his tongue continued in long slow motions along my sensitive flesh. The feeling was new and exciting, and I didn't know how to express it, so I just moaned and writhed on the floor while he pleasured me with his long wolf tongue. It was so soft and warm, so gentle. He was so wonderful to do this for me. My moans grew louder as his tongue slipped inside me, his paws also helping to spread my sex and lightly stroke me around his tongue. "More.. please!" I cried out, my body going completely out of my control as I squirmed and trembled for him. I felt his paw digits pressing inside me, and his lips gently wrapped around my clit with his tongue moving quickly over it. And then he growled. My eyes shot wide open and I gasped, the vibrations coursing through me and immediately pushing me over the edge. My whole body spasmed over and over, but somehow he kept ahold of me, not even slowing down as I became lost in my orgasm.

When I had recovered a little I felt his body on top of mine, his paw at my breast. "Please.. take me," I whispered, reaching up my arms to pull him close. I watched with anticipation as he slid a paw down and lowered his shorts, exposing his full red wolf shaft once again, which he guided slowly between my legs. "I love you," he whispered back, and I gasped as I felt his tip spreading my nether lips, the heat alone making me tremble with need. I lifted my legs up and wrapped them around his back as he smoothly eased forward, moaning along with me when his knot reached my sex. He kissed me again, and slowly we started rocking together, my legs tightening around him to pull my hips up to meet his. Slowly I let my eyes close. I could feel the pounding of his heart, the warmth of his body, it was I like I was experiencing everything about him, becoming part of me. Was this why I had wanted to let him take me in the cafeteria? To let everyone see that I was his? I was his, he could take me anywhere, any way that he wanted. I moaned again and pressed harder into the kiss, squeezing harder with my legs and feeling his knot start to stretch me. His thrusting was growing faster, harder, and more desperate. I could tell he was getting close, and I was close again too, the pleasure quickly building beyond what my body could possibly contain. Each thrust pounded his knot against me and I felt it starting to slip in.

"Wait" I whimpered softly, breaking the kiss and looking up at him. He slowed and looked down at me, seeming quite concerned as if maybe he had hurt me. I smiled to reassure him and let go of him. "Here, stand up" I said, pulling myself up to my knees with him. He slowly did as I asked, and soon his slick throbbing shaft was presented right before my waiting muzzle. I looked up at him as I slowly took it into my mouth, blushing a little at the sound of his moaning voice as I took as much of it as I could. He watched me as I worked up and down along his length, my rough tongue moving along against it, tasting my own wetness along with his, which continued to fill my mouth making me murr with pleasure. He was still very close, and it didn't take long before his hips started to rock, and his voice again grew louder, the passion of his desire escalating to its peak. I withdrew his shaft from my mouth, quickly continuing to stroke it with my paw. "I love you," I said softly, and opened my mouth and closed my eyes. Thistle howled out loudly, his shaft pulsing in my paw, and I could feel the warmth of his climax splashing over my face and chest. I tasted him in my mouth as well, and after what seemed a very long while when the pulsing subsided, I took his shaft in my mouth again, gently sucking him as his body relaxed.

"Wow..." was all he could say for a long while, looking a bit wobbly as I wiped my eyes enough to open them and looked up at him, blushing as the sticky wetness soaked into my fur and clothes. As I knelt there before him, something strange crossed my mind. Something I seemed to partly remember. Something I needed. "Make me yours," I softly whispered, remaining on my knees looking up at him timidly. At first he didn't seem to understand, tilting his head to the side and looking me over. I slipped a paw down between my legs and started rubbing myself, leaning back and pushing out my chest as I let out another moan. He took a step closer to me, and I closed my eyes. A moment later I felt the warmth splashing over my face and running down over my body. I tilted my head back and moaned louder, moving my pawpads faster over my clit, taking in a deep breath of his scent. It was so good I couldn't hold back anymore, and I started to climax, my whole body convulsing as I cried out, letting his amazing scent overpower me.

He stood there watching me for what seemed a long while, as I basked in the experience, my body radiating with his dominance over me. I was completely and totally his, and it just felt so good. "Are.. you ok?" he asked eventually, offering his paw to help me stand. I nodded a little, blushing as I gave him my paw to help me up. I turned to look over at one of the mirrors and smiled a little at my reflection. My face was covered in his cum, as well as soaked along with most of the rest of my body with how he'd marked me. My clothes were damp as well and sticking to my body, which made me consider cleaning myself, but I couldn't bring myself to try and wash away his scent. "We should really get back to class," he said, slowly pulling his shorts back up. I turned back to him and nodded. "Just.. let me use the toilet first," I said, walking over and lifting my skirt to sit down. I blushed a little as he watched me use the toilet, but even this made me feel hot somehow. "Aren't you.. going to clean up?" he asked confused as I got up and walked back toward the entryway. "I feel good just like this," I said, purring a little and stepping back to give his nose a lick. "But.. everyone will see," he said, seeming nervous, "they'll know what we.. umm.." I giggled a little as he trailed off, and then I turned and walked back out to the hallway swishing my tail.

Thistle followed closely after me, and we walked together back to our classroom, where it seemed our long absence had not gone unnoticed by our teacher. I blushed and folded my ears down as he looked the two of us over, shaking his head. "You two see me after class," he said, gesturing for us to get back to our assignments as he turned back to his computer screen. I sighed as I picked back up the math assignment, curling up on the floor instead of one of the beanbag chairs, so as not to make quite such a mess since I was still quite damp. The scent was still intoxicating, and for the rest of the class I could hardly take my eyes off of Thistle, who kept peeking over at me as well. Unfortunately Seri had come back, and she was taking sideways glances at me too, which didn't make me the least bit happy. Class didn't last too much longer, we had taken quite a long time in the bathroom, so it was almost time for school to be out by the time we had returned. I filled in as much of the math as I could manage, and when the bell rang I got up with the rest of my classmates to turn it in at the teacher's desk. Thistle and I both waited as everyone else filtered out of the room, nervously standing there until we were alone with the teacher to find out just how much trouble we were in. Camy and Aster both looked concerned, and maybe a bit surprised as they passed us by, whether because of my appearance or the fact that we were being kept after class though I couldn't be sure.

"You two know the rules," the teacher started with a huff, getting up to stand in front of us once everyone else was gone. "You are to focus on your school work while you are in class. If your grades start to slip, there will be consequences." I gulped and hugged my tail, and I could see Thistle was squirming too. "Girls are not to become a distraction," he continued, looking back and forth between us both before focusing on Thistle. "You can do whatever you like with them outside of this class, but while you are here, you are going to pay attention to your assignments, is that understood?" He leaned down close to Thistle, who tucked his tail and ears down and leaned back away. "But.. I.." he started, but the teacher interrupted. "No!" he practically shouted, turning to point at me. "This one is going to be nothing but trouble, and you're going to stand there and see why." I shivered and looked up at him. He was very mad. I had never gotten him this mad before, even when we had made a huge mess splashing each other with paint in the art room. "You have not finished a single one of your assignments today Tara. I can already tell this is going to continue. If you want that to change, you're going to have a lot of work ahead of you, otherwise this is what you have to look forward to from now on." As he finished he took me by the arm and dragged me over to his desk, bending me over it and lifting my skirt. I gasped in surprise, turning my head to look up at him, just as his huge paw came down and slapped my exposed butt. I cried out, and tried to tuck my tail down, but he pulled it up and out of the way and kept spanking me, alternating from one side of my rear to the other.

I was crying by the time he stopped, and I thought he would finally let me go, but instead I felt his weight against me. Blinking through my tears I turned to look back at him again, and suddenly felt his huge feline shaft thrust into my still wet sex. Was I still wet from before, or had all this spanking actually turned me on? I couldn't be sure, and I was in no state to think about it as he started thrusting hard in long powerful strokes, causing me to continue to cry out and struggle helplessly against the desk. "These girls are just sluts," he growled as he pounded away at me. "They just want their cunts filled, they don't care about anything else." The teaches words made me even more turned on, as for the second time that day I was taken by another male in front of Thistle. I could tell he was upset as I looked over at him, but there was absolutely nothing I could do, and worst yet, I loved it. The teacher's huge shaft and his large feline barbs were rubbing me inside, making my body cry out for more. Was I really just a slut? I was getting so hot, almost as if I did just need someone, anyone, to fill me like this. I started moaning to spite myself, and soon I could feel the wetness running down my inner thighs. "That's it, Slut," the tiger taunted, "show your little friend you'll cum for any male that wants to put his cock in you." I blushed and shook my head but I knew he was right, I couldn't help myself. The hard pounding shaft deep inside of me, being bent over and mounted by a big strong male. The already strong scent of a male filling my nose with every breath. It was just too much. I arched my back and cried out, spasming in orgasm, as the teacher kept up his pace. "See what I mean," the tiger growled again, keeping on thrusting into me. "Just a needy little pussy, ready to spread her legs for any male who comes along." He growled again as he said this, and slapped my sore rear again, making me cry out even louder.

I don't know how long he mounted me. I climaxed twice more, and was completely exhausted by the time he was done with me. Finally I felt his shaft start to pulse inside of me, causing my legs to shiver with each spurt, but then pulled out and continued, covering my exposed rear and thighs with a huge amount of his cum. "Now get out of here you two," he said, pulling back from me and adjusting his clothes to cover himself again, before moving to sit back down in his chair behind his desk. Thistle helped me down, and held my arm as I wobbled unsteadily to the door with him and out into the hall. The hallway was fortunately pretty empty since we had been kept so long, and it was pretty slow going with how sore I was from the hard spanking, to say nothing of the rough mounting that had followed it. I was not as sore as I would have thought with as much as I had been through, but I attributed that possibly to the drugs I had taken, or some other side effect of the process I had undergone, which I still only vaguely recalled.

"You better be careful so that doesn't happen again" Thistle told me as he helped me down the hall. "It.. wasn't so bad," I said, blushing as I still felt the teacher's wetness running down my legs. "Tara!" Thistle said, starting to sound a bit angry. I smiled at him teasingly a moment, but I had to stop as I could tell he was quite serious. "You shouldn't let that stuff happen to you," he said sternly, squeezing my arm with his paws. It hurt a little and I started to feel concerned. "I.. don't understand" I whimpered, pressing my paw to his to get him to let go. He released his grip and I took a small step away from him as we walked the rest of the way to the bathroom for me to get cleaned up before I met my mom. "Its just.. there are a lot of things you really shouldn't do." He said, shaking his head. "Things like what?" I asked, narrowing my eyes with concern. "Like.. letting someone else do that to you," he answered, "or.. like sportball. You're a girl now and.." "Sportball!?" I interrupted loudly, unable to believe what I was hearing. "Well.. yeah" he said, seeming puzzled by my response. I shook my head and folded my arms in front of myself. How could he expect me to give up sportball? And just because I was a girl? True not many girls played, but I sure wouldn't be the only one.

We had finally reached the bathroom, but just as we stepped inside, we were greeted by the sight of several more male students. "Well well, so she did show up," said a tall blue and white canine as an all too familiar coyote sauntered over and looked me up and down. "Yep, looks like we're gonna have some fun after all," he said, as a few of the others pushed Thistle and I further into the room and stood behind us so that we couldn't leave. I looked around at them and rubbed my wet thighs together, shivering in anticipation. Thistle looked around and growled at them, staying close to me. "Aww, is your little boyfriend jealous?" the coyote said, taking a sniff of me. "Maybe we'll let him have some fun too then, just to be nice," he added with a broad smile, to the murmuring laughs of the others. "You can't!" Thistle objected angrily, showing his teeth as he continued to growl. "It will be ok" I said to Thistle softly, placing my paw on his shoulder to try and get him to calm down. I couldn't bring myself to tell him how hot it made me, how badly I was starting to want to let them all have their way with me. Thistle tried to keep backing away, but found paws reaching out for us from all directions, and soon we were both pushed down to the floor and held there on all fours, as other boys started to tug at our clothes. I felt my top lifted, causing my breasts to bounce free as it was pulled off over my head, followed by my skirt which slid down my legs, leaving me naked yet again. To my surprise Thistle had his clothes removed too, as the husky got behind him and started to lick at him under his tail. Thistle seemed shocked, and gasped sharply as he felt the husky's tongue. "Looks like he's starting to like it," the cotoye said, as he stepped around behind me and unfastened his pants. I lifted my tail without him so much as even asking, and blushed when I felt the tip of his shaft starting to slide along my dripping sex. "Tell your boyfriend you want me to mount you," said the coyote, as he leaned over my back still teasing me with his tip. "Please," I whimpered softly, causing thistle to turn and look at me surprised. "Please what? Slut," the coyote said, sliding the tip of his shaft over my clit. "Please.. take me!" I cried out, rocking my hips back, desperate to feel the hot canine length filling me. The coyote didn't waste any more time, and in one hard thrust, buried himself up to the knot in my wet throbbing sex. I tossed my head back and moaned, finally feeling the sensation I so badly needed, and knowing that with so many other boys present, this would only be the beginning.

The husky now had moved up into a similar position behind Thistle, and with his shorts down around his knees, was pressing his impressive length up under the wolf's tail. "Time to make you into a girl," said the husky, pressing forward and slowly sinking his shaft into Thistle's exposed rear. Thistle whined softly and squired back and forth as he struggled. The other males were undressing now too, and I started to get that familiar feeling. Somehow this seemed so very familiar. It was what I wanted, what I needed. They could all see me being mounted, and they were all going to get their turns. I couldn't stop them if I wanted to, and there was no way I was going to even try. I wasn't sure at first whether Thistle would feel the same way, but as I looked over, I could see he was panting heavily with his eyes closed. The husky had pressed in up to his knot, and was now pounding him as hard as the coyote behind me, causing Thistle's own shaft to extend from his sheath and bounce between his legs as his body was rocked by the thrusting.

"I'm not gonna wait anymore," said a slender cheetah, who knelt down in front of me, presenting his shaft to my mouth. Without resistance I parted my lips and let him press it into my muzzle, allowing his deliciously barbed length to rub against my rough tongue. "What a good idea" said the coyote, who waved to one of his friends, an arctic fox who, to my surprise, moved up in front of thistle the same way, and pressed the tip of his growing shaft to the wolf's muzzle. Thistle had clearly stopped resisting, as the vulpine shaft quickly disappeared into his waiting mouth, as the two males in front of behind him worked up a rhythm of rocking him back and forth between them.

The cheetah, not seeming very experienced, climaxed almost right away and pulled out of my mouth, splattering my face with more male wetness. This left my mouth to be filled by a huge equine length, that barely fit into my wide open mouth, and could get less than half way inside before pushing the back of my throat. I choked a little and struggled to breathe, coyote building up a speed and starting to stretch me with his knot. "My, look what we have here," said a female voice, causing everyone pause and look in her direction. Seri stepped into the room with a big smile, swishing her tail behind her as she walked right up to me. "You were right Zellar" she said, nudging the coyote under me with her footpaw, "looks like someone's even more of a slut than I thought." Thistle whimpered softly around the shaft in his mouth as he looked up at her. "Another little friend of yours Tara?" she smiled, looking over Thistle, "soon he'll be able to enjoy this just as much as you, though it looks like maybe he already is," she said, reaching her paw down between his legs and giving his hard shaft a couple slow strokes. I finally realized what the husky had meant earlier and blushed. I couldn't let this happen to Thistle too, could I?

"Maybe we should have some fun with her too," said a silver and black ferret as he moved closer to Seri licking his lips. "If you touch me you'll end up like her!" Seri snarled, pointing down at me on the floor. "You learned the hard way didn't you, Slut?" she asked me, but as much more of a statement than a question. Not that I could have answered anyway, as I was still trying to pull free of the much larger equine, a roan stallion who must have been several grades above me. The ferret hesitated and stepped back, impatiently going back to waiting his turn. "As for you," Seri said, sitting down next to thistle, and slowly sliding under him. "Do you like that?" Seri teased, I saw her reach up and start to tease his shaft with her paw. "Maybe if you can control yourself I won't get all messy and go show a teacher what you did to me." I heard Thistle whimper, and the other males started to pick things up again, causing Thistle and I both to moan.

Seri started rubbing herself with one of her paws under her tiny skirt. She was clearly enjoying this, and I couldn't stand what she was planning, but there was nothing I could do now but watch, trapped as I was and barely able to think straight with my body being used this way. In only a few minutes I heard the husky's voice again. "Aah.. he's.. he's so tight.." he whimpered, pounding his knot hard against Thistle's tight rear. The coyote behind me was in a similar state with me, but his knot much more easily slit in, causing me to cry out and clench around it as he tied with me. This only served to encourage the stallion, who pulled back from me, allowing me to gasp for breath, when suddenly a torrent of warmth flooded over my face, with a deep rumbling moan from the horse as pulse after heavy pulse of his hot cum flooded over me. His shaft was soon replaced by another in my mouth, though I kept my eyes closed and couldn't see whose it was as my face was completely covered in sticky wetness.

"Take it like a good girl," I heard Seri tease, as thistle's muffled cries became louder, followed by a sharp gasp from the husky who had obviously just tied with him. It sounded lie that was nearly all the wolf could take, by the tone of his voice as he continued to be pounded hard with the thick knot buried inside of him. Soon after I heard Seri moaning softly. "Cum for me, you know you like it. You know you want to be a girl just like Tara over there," she whispered sensuously to him, causing Thistles voice to grow louder. The husky's pace seemed to be really picking up, just as the coyote was with me, when all at once I heard a howl, and Thistle's voice cried out as well, and there was laughter from all around the room. "What a good girl" I heard Seri say as she moved herself out from under him and got up. It was too much for me, and I felt my own climax wash over me as well, my sex clenching around the coyote's knot as he continued thrusting hard against me. He soon flooded me with his warmth, and lay panting against my back.

By the time the male using my mouth finished as well and I was able to wipe my eyes, I didn't see Seri anymore, which made me worry. Thistle was still tied with the husky, with the arctic fox using his muzzle, so I became more the center of attention as the coyote let me move to straddle his lap, as the males crowded around for me to use my mouth and paws to pleasure them. Eventually I was able to pull free, as was Thistle, who lay exhausted on the floor as the arctic fox finished by stroking himself over the wolf's waiting muzzle. Almost as soon as I had managed to separate from the coyote I found myself mounted again, while my paws and mouth were still kept busy, just the way I knew I liked it.

When Seri returned the principal was with her, and she pointed out Thistle to him, covered in cum and practically unconscious on the floor. "Looks like another case for corrections," he said disapprovingly. "At least our newest girl seems to be getting along well so far," he added, looking down at me as he pulled Thistle up by the arm to stand, and started leading him out of the room still naked with the buck's pants clearly bulging. I hated to see him go but maybe he did feel the way I did about this after all. Either way, I was now sure this wouldn't be the last time we ended up being mounted together, which I found myself already starting to look forward to. Seri stood over me, smiling and quite proud of herself, making me blush as she began to lift her skirt to present her sex to my tongue. "Come along Seri," Called the principal as he stepped out of the bathroom. Seri folded her ears down and whimpered, tucking her tail between her legs and slowly turning to follow along. "Have fun lifting your tail!" called the ferret who had wanted to use her earlier, laughing as she walked away looking back at him with a scowl.

The remaining males gathered around and started taking their turns with me again, but they didn't last long, and I soon found myself a sticky mess lying on the floor of the bathroom alone. It was difficult getting up, but eventually I did and manage to get myself under the shower, where I leaned against the wall for support as the hot steamy water washed over my tired body. I cleaned myself as best I could in my exhausted state, and stood by the fur dryer just long enough to no longer be dripping wet, before redressing myself and finally making my way out of the bathroom, and back out to the hall. I was unsurprised to find the school empty when I got there, though I did hear the sound of muffled female cries as I passed by the principal's office. I hesitated a moment, wondering if Thistle was still in there, but since the main office was closed, Officer Gar had no doubt already taken him for reassignment. I wondered if it would go as well for him as it did for me, but there was nothing I could do about it now I realized, as I turned with a sigh and headed out to the parking lot.


"Where have you been? I've been waiting over an hour," My mother said as I walked up and opened the passenger door of her car to get in. "Sorry," I said, whimpering a little as I closed the door behind me and put on my seatbelt, barely looking at her. "Aww, what's wrong Honey?" she asked me, placing her paw on my shoulder and softening her tone. "I just.. a friend of mine he umm.. got in trouble, and the corrections officer took him away," I said, looking up to her, blushing and hugging my tail. "Oh I see," she said, seeming quite surprised. "Well his behavior must have been quite disturbing to be punished like that. I hope you weren't a bad influence on him," she said, smiling at me a little to let me know she was trying to make a joke. I didn't find it very funny, and turned to look away again, thinking about Thistle. "Aww Sweety, it will be ok. Hey, we've got some shopping to do for you right? And maybe when your friend gets back you can help her do some shopping too, won't that be nice?" She continued on like that for a while as she pulled out of the parking lot and out onto the road, but I had stopped listening. What would it be like when Thistle got back? How could I tell her about him? Did she feel that way about dad? This was still all so unfamiliar to me, I didn't even understand myself anymore. I looked out the window and remained silent, lost in my thoughts until we reached the mall.

"We're going to have lots of fun, you'll see" My mother said, trying to cheer me up after parking the car and opening the door to step out. "We just.. have to be a little careful, but I'll keep an eye on you ok?" she said as I got out of the car too. She looked me over, tilting her head and touching my collar with her paw. "Who is Seri?" she asked, her expression growing concerned. "Oh umm.. its just a sort of game at school," I said, trying to somehow explain it away. "Ok well, lets see what we can find," she said, and with that we set off from the parking area to the mall's main entrance.

This mall wasn't actually very big. There was a larger one quite a bit further from school where my mother usually shopped that I would have preferred to go to, especially given the events of earlier in the day. This one was close enough that students from the higher grades often walked here after school, and I wasn't at all hoping to run into any of them around my mother. Not that it was a bad place though, it had a little movie theater and a few stores I had visited now and then, but I hadn't ever come here clothing shopping with my mother before. The other mall she said was 'too adult', whatever that meant. Sure there were more young furs at this one because it was close to the school, but most clothing stores had things for all ages, aside from a few that focused on weird stuff that I never really understood the use of. The main entrance led directly to the food court, which was busy as usual given the time of day, with a constant din of noise echoing about the large space. Furs of all ages were seated at round white tables eating, and standing in line for the small restaurants dotted around the food court, talking and enjoyed themselves. There were few females among them of course, and I shrunk behind my mother a little as I saw a number of male students from school, trying to avoid their attention if at all I could. She noticed of course and gave me an odd look, but we kept right on walking around the edge of the foot court and past the security desk and bathroom, toward the main thoroughfare where most of the clothing stores were located.

We passed by the stores closest to the food court, much to my relief, and started with one at the farthest end, near the back door. Outside was a smaller parking area beyond a stone path, through a grassy area where many furs liked to sit outside on nice days. I wouldn't have minded a longer rest out there myself after the day I had, but I tried not to show any sign of weakness as I did my best to keep up with my mother, and prevent the thoughts about earlier from overwhelming me. As we stepped inside the store a male abyssinian feline, dressed in black shorts and a deep blue collared shirt with a nametag that read "Kiff" stepped up to greet us. "And what can I help you two lovely ladies with today? He asked with a wide inviting smile. I took a small step back from him, but my mother placed her paw on my shoulder reassuringly. "Oh, just looking for now thank you," she told him, smiling back as she walked past him with me toward a display of clothes. "The changing pods are at the back if you'd like to try anything on. Let me know if I can be of any assistance," he said, eyeing me a bit more closely before turning back to the display he was reorganizing.

Was I just imagining things? Maybe the overly sensual day I was having was starting to get to me. Still it wasn't like other girls my age looked like me. My breasts were practically already the size of my mother's, which was clearly not likely to have been a natural occurrence. Also, the naturally gray parts of my fur having been dyed pink clearly made me stand out. I wondered how often I would have to dye it if I wanted to keep it this way. It was kind of cute after all, but right now I definitely didn't need the added attention. I knew adult males often paid extra attention to younger girls as well. Whether this was because they were seen as easier to have their way with, or for some other reason I didn't know, but it definitely seemed I was attracting more looks than any of the other girls around, including my mother. She was very pretty, I had always thought, looking up at her as she started pawing through a rack of blouses. She was wearing a blue denim vest, and tight matching skirt that was slit up the sides to her hips, and came down less than half way to her knees. Much longer than what I was expected to wear to school if today was any indication I thought, as I looked around at another nearby display for anything that might qualify as something the principal would be likely to approve of.

My mother held up one thing after another to my body for sizing as we made our way around the store, starting to keep a few items draped over her arm as she found something that would agree with her. At first I just went along with it, hoping to get this over with so I could go home and rest some before dinner and the game tonight. I became increasingly concerned however that nothing my mother was selecting would be anything I could wear to school, at least if I didn't want to be in any more trouble with the principal. "Lets have you try some of these on," she said eventually, leading me back to the changing pods. I followed along to the back of the store, where four free standing cylindrical pods were set in a row. Each one had a door, which was marked either empty or occupied by a small sign above it, and at each end of the row was a sort of kiosk, with a brightly lit display screen on top of a thin pedestal. There were customers lined up at each pedestal, curiously all male, while only one of the pods was marked occupied. Even more curiously the males waiting by the kiosks didn't seem to be holding any clothes they wanted to try on, so the purpose of the kiosks was beyond my ability to guess. Still it was good not all the pods were occupied, as we didn't have to wait as I walked with my mother up to one, opening the door and stepping inside with her.

The interior of the pod was not very large, but was certainly enough to get changed in with both myself and my mother present. All along the interior wall, including the door were flat panels of mirror, so that any way I looked I could see myself. This was quite clever I thought, as I looked side to side at my reflection from every angle. There were even triangular mirrors at the top and bottom corners, so that I could look up or down at myself from above or below. Possibly showing a bit too much I thought, as the bottom mirror showed quite clearly up my skirt. I pressed my legs together and looked up to my mother as she offered me a white button up shirt, with short cuffed sleeves and a split collar. "Go ahead Sweety," she said with a smile, as I held the shirt out in front of me in my paws to look it over. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light, causing my mother and me both to blink and look around confused. Neither of us said anything, and so I just held the shirt over one arm while slipping off my top and setting it aside. The bright light flashed again, now starting to really confuse me as I stood back up, getting ready to try the top on. "What is that?" I asked my mother, who also looked quite bewildered. "I'm not sure," she said, shrugging at me and stepping back to let me get changed. The light flashed twice more as I got the shirt on, though I was unable to button it all the way up due to the size of my breasts, leaving the last button I could fasten just above my tummy. My mother looked at me disapprovingly as the lights flashed again. "Hmm, you're going to be a difficult size," she said, stepping around me and looking me over. I could have told her that, I thought as I started unbuttoning the top to give it back to her.

I tried on several more tops, most of them not quite fitting, although I did enjoy a gray cardigan that was surprisingly comfortable, and so stretchy so that I had no problem fitting into it. "Alright, try this," said my mother, placing an olive green skirt in my paws. "Umm.. ok," I said nervously, slipping the top I had tried last off, and putting my own back on as the light continued to flash. As I unfastened and lowered my skirt, my mother looked at me in shock. "What happened to your panties?" she asked me sternly. She had said nothing of my bra previously I considered, though perhaps she had not even realized I had been wearing it this morning. "I.. umm.. they got torn at recess," I answered back, trying to get the green skirt on as quickly as I could. "Well do try and be more careful," she said as the light flashed again. "I'm not really sure these are the best clothes for me," I objected, pulling the skirt up which came down all the way to my knees. She sighed and gave me another one, in light blue and slightly shorter. As I got the green skirt off there was a knock at the door, followed by the door quickly being pushed open. I gasped and hid behind my tail, as the feline from earlier stepped inside. "And how are we finding everything?" he asked with a familiar smile, quite obviously directed at me. I couldn't help starting to get wet. "Fine thank you," my mother said, stepping up to him to let me hide behind her. "Alright, let me know if you need anything," he said, stepping back out of the pod. My mother closed the door, and shortly after I heard a knock at another door, followed by the muffled voice of the feline as he apparently checked on the next pod over. Sometime later, as I continued trying skirts on between flashes of the lights, I started to hear the sounds of moaning through the walls. This didn't do anything to help how I was starting to feel, and I tried to hurry through trying on the rest of the clothes.

Once I had finished trying everything on, and changed back to the clothes I had started with, we exited the pod together and made our way up to the front desk to check out. I looked back to see an increased number of males crowded around the kiosks, seeming even more interested than before. A male fox was attending the front of the store now, who smiled at me as my mother picked up some bras and panties for me, in addition to a few of the items that had fit the best. "That should be enough to get you started," she said as we exited the store back out into the main part of the mall. "Could we look at some of the other stores?" I asked, still hoping to find some more school appropriate clothes. "Are you sure you want to?" she asked me, giving me a confused look. "Well... yeah" I said, looking back confused at why she would be confused. "Its just, you've never really liked shopping for clothes before," she said with a smile. She led me into another nearby store, but it was quite similar in style to the one we had just been in. While my mother tried to pick out a few more things, I told her none of them were really interesting to me. A bit frustrated, she walked with me back out of the store and on back toward the food court.

"What about that one?" I asked, pointing to an unfamiliar store. It seemed quite new, as I had not seen it before, and remembered its space being empty the last time I had visited the mall, though it had been quite a while ago I thought. "Oh, well I don't know," said my mother hesitantly as she looked it over. If anything this encouraged me, so I turned to walk inside, my mother following along behind. Inside the store was quite unusual. Rather than the typical clothing displays and racks to choose from, there were rows of large digital screens, with small images of models wearing various items of clothing on them. I stepped up to one and touched it, and the image became larger and started slowly rotating, much to my surprise. Instructions also appeared at the corner of the screen, directing me to touch a small pawpad scanner if I would like to add the item to my shopping list. There were lots of choices, far more than the other stores, but I was still not sure how to actually get the clothes I saw on the screen. Fortunately in the center of the store was a large help button, with a three dimensional projector hanging from the ceiling above. I walked up and pressed it, and a female otter in a long sparkly evening dress appeared in front of me. "Welcome to Visions," she said in a soft silky voice. "First, please make your selections from one of the many available displays. Then use one of our state of the art simulation pods to try on your selections. Once you are happy with your selections, return to the front of the store to finalize your choices and place your order. Your new clothes will be shipped directly to your home in two to three business days. Next day rush shipping is available for an additional charge." Once it was finished speaking, the image faded away. I was quite impressed, and so was my mother it seemed as she stepped up to me.

"Quite a place," she said, looking up at the projector. "Yeah.. is it ok to try it out?" I asked, turning to her hopefully. "I guess so," she said, still sounding a bit unsure, "Lets just be careful." Bouncing happily I turned and went back to try and pick out some clothes. Due to the number of choices, I found it relatively easy to pick things out, though my mother made sure to follow along close behind me, constantly trying to point out things that were some of the least revealing. Once we had made it all the way back to the back of the store near the changing pods, I found one that was unoccupied and went to step inside. My mother again followed me, but a large screen inside displayed an error, stating "One Occupant Only!" "I'll be right outside" my mother said, slowly backing out of the pod and closing the door behind her. Once I was left alone the error cleared, and instructions prompted me to scan my pawpad at a similar scanner to the ones outside at the display screens. Once my pawprint had been taken, the selections I had made started to scroll across the screen, with instructions that had changed to "Please Remove All Clothing!" I did as the words said, and setting my clothes aside, soon found myself standing naked before the screen, which now displayed the gray outline of a female form, standing with her feet together and her arms at her sides. "Please Match The Indicated Pose!" read the instructions, and so I followed them again, standing up straight with my arms at my sides. Once I was standing properly, beams of light from all around me waved up and down my body and then disappeared. For a moment the female form on the screen turned green and, then switched to another position, this time with her arms above her head and her legs farther apart.

Again I followed along with the image, and again the lights scanned up and down my body. This went on for a few minutes, starting with fairly obvious poses, but then continuing to more curious ones, having me crouch down, kneel, or bend over. It even had me even open my mouth to stick out my tongue, and lift my tail and spread the lips of my sex with my paw. This must be a rather detailed program I decided, as finally the sequence finished. To my surprise, my own image appeared on the screen, dressed in a skirt and top I had chosen. I was amazed as I found myself turning and moving, though still naked in the pod, to see my fully clothed image moving on the screen in exactly the same way. Some additional options appeared on the screen, letting me scroll through tops and bottoms, and even change the colors and materials of some of the items. A few of the cloth types I noticed were very sheer, and showed my body completely through them, which was even more revealing than I had planned on. A few pieces had some choice in sizing, allowing me to choose just how tight or loose, or how long or short a skirt or top was, or how deep the front of a top plunged down over my breasts. It seemed to have no problem even going so far down as to leave my entire breasts completely exposed I noticed, as if any girl would want to wear a top that didn't even cover her chest. I discovered however that the screen also let me mix and match different layers, so if I wanted a sweater I could wear it over another shirt. Even if one left me exposed, I could combine it in a way that didn't let anything show. I played with the settings for quite a while, approving some choices and cancelling others, even sometimes picking the same item in different colors or fabrics, and once or twice in different sizes. For a few choices at least I decided I should try being very adventurous. I picked a few tops that were sheer or left my nipples uncovered, and a couple of skirts that were as short as possible, practically exposing me even at eye level. It made me wet thinking about going to school in them, knowing I wouldn't be wearing a bra or panties.

The best part was that the clothes would be shipped in the mail. I wouldn't have to let my mother see. Maybe I could even get the package without my parents looking inside, and even if I couldn't actually wear some of the outfits out of the house, I could bring a bag along and maybe make a quick change of clothes when I first got to school. When I was finished I opened the door and stepped back outside of the pod, looking around for my mother. She was up by the front of the store, touching one of the displays, maybe picking something out herself I thought, though I hoped if she did her items would ship separately. I was about to go and talk to her when I noticed something else. A male antelope passed me by, walking quickly to the back of the store behind the changing pods, and through a curtained doorway into another room. I looked after him with interest, and a moment later followed along, pulling the curtain aside and peeking into the back room.

Inside was a whole other set of digital screens, and I stepped inside to check them out. This time however the models had no clothing, and were standing neutral poses as their images slowly rotated on the screens. I noticed when I touched one that I could change her pose, and scan my pawpad to make a selection just as before. There were male models too, naked as well, and I blushed when I saw their clear states of arousal in some of the positions that they offered. I was getting more than a little aroused by the situation, and it didn't help that there were several males in the back part of the store along with me, all going about making selections, before making their way to a row of kiosks at the back of the room. My curiosity got the better of me, and I followed one of the males along to one of the kiosks, and watched as he scrolled through what seemed to be a number of different locations choices. There were bedrooms, bathrooms, a park, even a school classroom, and each one had gray character outlines, similar to the one I had seen to pose with in the changing pod. One by one the male selected each of the gray figures, and replaced it with one of the naked models. Once all the selections were made, he confirmed his selection, and did the same with several more scenes, each with a different location and set of models, before departing back through the curtain to the front of the store.

I just had to try this I thought, and looked around for some attractive models, at last settling on a male and female snow leopard. I thought that would do, but as I walked back to the kiosks a dark stallion caught my eye. He looked magnificent with his long flowing mane, and sharp black eyes, and the heavy orbs below his thick sheath looked almost too large for me to believe. I selected him as well, figuring why not, and then went back to the kiosk, opting for a simple bedroom location, in what looked like a nice upscale apartment lit by candles with fancy furniture and decorations. I filled in all three characters, and confirmed my selection, blushing as my choices earned smiles from a few of the nearby males, who I had no doubt would have gladly acted out that scene with me if given the chance. This suspicion was quite shockingly confirmed, as I happened to glance over at one of the other nearby kiosks to see my own image filled in as one of the models, surrounded by those of several large males on a scene that looked like some sort of performance stage. I blushed and quickly hurried out of the room.

As I walked back through the curtain, I saw my mother stepping out from one of the changing pods. I smiled as I walked up, and she straitened her clothing and blushed a little as I approached her. "Oh, hi Sweety," she said, picking up her shopping bag from the previous store and closing the pod door behind her, "Are you all set?" I nodded, and we headed together up to the front of the store, where another row of kiosks waited to help us complete our orders. "Did you find some things too?" I asked her as I pressed my pawpad to the screen to confirm my selections. "I did, this little shop does have some rather nice things," she answered, smiling back as she finished her order. I wondered if she realized her image was likely on display in the back room as well, and I wondered if any males would be picking it out and using it soon. I decided not to mention it as I placed my order, fortunately not requiring my mother to look through my choices, as I only had to get her pawprint at the final confirmation step for payment. "Wow, you must have really like this store," she said, seeing the price on my order. I nodded, giggling a little, and we both headed out of the store together back out into the main part of the mall.

I figured we had done enough shopping for the day, and it seemed my mother agreed as we set off back toward the food court. When we got close though one other store caught my eye. It was the last store before the bathroom, and closest to the food court, which I imagined would have meant it probably saw the most traffic of any store in the mall. The round white sign said "Lascivious Indulgence Boutique" in pink cursive lettering, and the displays at the front of the store held up some very revealing looking pieces that appeared to be either underwear, or extremely risqué outerwear. "Can we look in here?" I asked my mother, who paused a moment looking over to the store with concern. "Oh, I'm not sure you'd like that store Honey," she said shaking her head. If anything this made me even more curious, and I took a few small steps toward the entrance. "I just wanna look a little ok?" I asked, looking back over my shoulder at her. "Well, just to look," she said, and came following along close behind me.

I walked inside the store and was surprised at its interior. The entry was fairly plain in the foyer, with white walls and polished floor, and two separate archways into the main part of the store, marked as Male and Female. I stepped into the female side, around a privacy wall to find the walls inside were black, with pink and white striped trim along the ceiling and floor, and thick pink carpeting comfortably under my footpaws. There were large pictures of scantily clad females evenly spaced all along each wall, each in black and white, posed provocatively in ways that made me blush. Between the pictures were clothing displays, including the outfits shown in the pictures, as well as some others that appeared similar. There were classic thongs and strapless bras, little sheer poofy skirts with long stockings and tiny tube tops, crotchless panties and cupless bras, and many other items that I found far more extreme than what I had even expected I should wear to school.

"What can I help you find little lady?" came a sudden voice from behind me, which startled me and made me quickly turn around. I looked up to see a smiling female husky, with purple and white fur, dressed in a short two piece maid outfit, along with black stockings and high gloves. Her white lace skirt was tiny, barely covering her sex, with only a tie reaching around behind her and fastening in a bow above her tail, making it clear she wasn't wearing any panties. Her matching white lace top cupped her huge breasts tightly, only just barely covering her nipples with a single piece around her chest, and tying in a bow around her back. This caused her to show an incredible amount of cleavage as she leaned forward and bent down toward me. "We're just looking," my mother answered for me, placing her free paw on my shoulder while the other held the shopping bag. "Oh I see, well I think I have just the thing, here let me show you," she said, turning and walking with her hips and tail swaying toward the back of the store. "Maybe we should go," my mother suggested, keeping her paw on my shoulder. "Mom, lets just look ok?" I pleaded, pulling my shoulder away and following along after the husky. She sighed, but didn't object as I walked quickly to catch up. I soon found myself at one of the displays, with pictures on either side of young girls, one of which, much to my surprise, had quite large breasts. Maybe this was a good idea after all I thought, considering how hard it had been to find things in my size earlier. "I think you'll look sensational in this," said the husky, selecting an outfit from the display and holding it up in front of me. Each outfit it seemed came complete as a set it seemed, rather than letting me pick out different tops and bottoms to put together how I wanted. I realized this was because of how everything matched as I inspected the outfit closer.

It seemed to be made from a set of rings, which straps and laces held together to form some kind of outfit. It was all black like my spots, and there were clearly shiny thigh high stockings and elbow length gloves that came with it, making me wonder just how the whole thing went together. "It can also help to restrain you," the buxom husky said, taking two of the rings and pressing them together, showing that they then refused to come apart. I blinked in surprise, and inspected the rings closer. I couldn't tell quite how they worked, but she twisted them in her paws in opposite directions and eventually they came apart again, leading me to give her a puzzled look. "Would you like to give it a try?" she asked as my mother caught up. "I really don't think so," she said, placing her paw on my shoulder again. "Mom..." I said, whining up at her. "Come on Sweety, lets get going," she said more insistently.

I wouldn't have minded leaving. To tell the truth this outfit wasn't what I was looking for, and though I might have asked to ask to see another if given the chance, her insisting I leave instead of try this one on made me feel stubborn to resist her. "You can get up to a fifty percent discount today if you try it on," the husky continued, holding the outfit out to me on a hanger with one paw, while gesturing to a row of doors along the side wall just behind her with the other. Without another word I took the outfit from the husky and pulled away from my mother's paw on my shoulder, walking over to the nearest door that was marked as available, opening it, and stepping up a small ramp inside without looking back. "Tara!" my mother's voice called after me, but it was too late, I closed the door and heard it lock behind me. The door handle rattled briefly and then was silent, and I sighed in relief, looking around the tiny room. There was a spotlight directly above me, and otherwise the walls were black, except for a large red button on a cylindrical pillar standing up from the floor in front of me marked "Start". Above and behind the button was a small screen with a long scrolling list labeled "Terms of Use". I sighed, still mad and impatient, and simply pushed the button to see what would happen. Nothing happened at all at first, but then I noticed a hook on the near side of the pillar with a small arrow pointing down to it and an icon indicating a set of clothes. I hung the outfit I had brought on the hook and the red button started to glow, so I pressed it again.

This time something happened immediately, and I felt something slip around my ankles. Looking down I noticed metal arms had come from small slits in the side walls, that had somehow taken ahold of my ankles, though they didn't seem to be doing anything more at the moment. Then as I was still looking at the floor, I felt the same thing at my wrists, and gasped in surprise to find similar arms now holding them as well. Their grip wasn't very tight, as the hands at the end of the arms were padded with something soft, but I couldn't pry them apart when I tried. Then slowly the arms started pulling apart, and I whimpered a little as I found my arms and legs spread out to my sides, while a padded back rest slid down from the ceiling to support me leaning against it. Then as I watched, additional arms extended from the walls, and began tugging at my clothes. It wasn't long before I noticed that my clothes were not just being tugged at, but cut, as tiny scissors with rounded points worked along my top and skirt, separating the fabric as they went. I cried out and struggled against the arms, but it was no use, and soon my clothing was cut completely through and fell to the floor beneath me.

Now that I was naked, the cutting arms pulled away, and were replaced by another set that picked up the outfit piece by piece, and started to dress me in it. On the one paw this was quite useful, as I wasn't sure I would have figured out how to actually put it on by myself, but on the other paw I wasn't sure I wanted the help of mechanical arms, especially ones that had just destroyed the outfit I had worn in here. I quickly gave up fighting them though, as they showed no signs of weakening or letting go as I tugged and wiggled about, before finally giving up and relaxing to let them finish. The gloves I discovered came nearly to my shoulders as they released and regripped my wrists to slip them on, and were secured by straps that crossed behind my back, and went over and under my breasts in the front. The stockings likewise were strapped to a sort of thick V-shaped belt, that hugged my hips with straps running down to high points on the stockings to the outsides of my legs. There were a bra and panties too, of a sort, the bra mainly consisting of wide vertical straps between rings on the straps that connected my sleeves, which were placed over my breasts in such a way that they covered my nipples. The panties likewise were little more than a narrow strap between my legs, which connected rings at the low points of the V of the belt front to back, and covered very little. On top of these thankfully, was a short shiny vest, which laced up over my shoulders and along my sides, with a wide open neck line that plunged down quite far in front, still leaving most of my white chest fur and cleavage exposed, and a pair of matching short shorts following the same shape as the belt, covering it almost completely and similarly lacing up the sides.

The pedestal with the start button slid down into the floor out of sight, and the arms aside from those still holding my wrists and ankles pulled away, as the wall in front of me seemed to become reflective, showing me how I looked. This outfit wasn't nearly as bad as I'd thought. The inner lining of the shiny outer fabric seemed soft, and it had no problem stretching even with my arms and legs out to my sides like this. Though it hardly felt like it, most of my body was actually covered, though the straps were still visible here and there connecting the outfit together. After looking myself up and down for a while, something else happened. The wall in front of me that had become a mirror, then started to become transparent, starting from the ceiling and slowly shifting downward to the floor. The mechanical arms pulled me forward, and soon my nose was nearly touching the glass. When the transparent section extended down below my eye level, to my surprise I found I could see through it to the opposite side of the store.

The pod I was in seemed to be at a slightly raised level compared to the other half of the store, as I could see out above the heads of the customers that this store was quite popular with males. It seemed very crowded, with lots of males walking around checking out the many displays, although most seemed to be just standing around looking at the wall. The pictures on the walls to either side of the displays I immediately noticed, were quite different from those on the female side. Instead of a single figure modeling an outfit, each of these pictures showed both males and females together, in all manner of positions. The females were still wearing parts many of the same outfits I had already seen, and were being restrained and taken in various ways by one or more males. The males in the pictures were not entirely naked either, and so I imagined the pieces of clothing they were wearing, which were opened and pulled aside in these pictures, were what was being sold on their side of the store. More to my immediate concern though were the males in the store not doing any clothing shopping, several of which seemed to be stepping closer and looking me over.

I could see that some were speaking, but there was no sound through the glass. Their comments probably would have made me blush anyway I thought, squirming in place a little as the mechanical arms held me in place. After a short time of various males stopping to look at me before turning and going back to their shopping, one stepped forward, a smiling red fox wearing nothing but a bright blue thong and bow tie. He started touching something on the wall off to the side of the glass, and to my surprise the arms started moving. I soon found myself turned around so that my back was to the glass with my arms and legs still outstretched, becoming ever more nervous about my situation. I looked over my shoulder and saw him touch the wall some more, and the arms holding my wrists slowly pulled me forward, until I was bent over with my shiny butt fully on display. He seemed satisfied by this and wandered off, leaving the other males still looking me over to enjoy the view. Something else caught my eye and as I looked up back toward the door through which I had entered, I could see red numbers on a display, that appeared to be a timer counting down which was now around 9 minutes remaining. Under the timer was written "0% Discount!" in large red lettering, making me start to wish I had read more of the terms before pressing the start button.

Suddenly the arms started to move again, and I looked back to find that while I had been distracted, a male leopard dressed casually in a gray T-shirt and blue jeans had stepped up to the glass and was touching it just as the fox had, with a smile on his face as he looked over at me. I soon found myself back standing upright facing the glass, so close to where he stood on the other side that I would have been able to feel his breath as he looked up at me without the glass between us. I blushed and turned to look away, but it seemed he wasn't done with me yet, as more arms appeared and slowly reached out toward my top. I squirmed uneasily as I felt them tugging at the lacing, and soon much to my dismay, the halves of the short shiny top separated, slipping off of my body and leaving my breasts covered by nothing but the narrow straps. I looked back over to see him smiling at me with a nod of approval, as his paw reached out and touched the wall again. As the mechanical arms slowly turned me around again, I looked around through the window to the other store, noticing an increasing number of males were now watching me displayed in such a way. I wondered how many other pods were in use, and how many other girls were willing to be subjected to this to get a discount on their clothes.

Once I had been turned around I was bent over once again, followed by the arms going to work on the lacing of my shorts. This would be a very dangerous outfit to actually wear I decided, as with a few quick tugs the lacing came loose, and the shiny black shorts fell away, leaving only the thin strap between my legs covering me. As I started to feel myself being turned back around I checked the display, which had just passed 7 minutes remaining, and showed a 10% discount. It would just be a little longer, I thought to myself, trying to think how I could get through this. Even more males were looking me over as I was turned back around, still in the long dark stockings and gloves, but with only a belt and a few straps over the rest of my body. The leopard at the glass was now looking at me quite intently along with the others, licking his lips and adjusting the noticeable bulge in his jeans with one paw, as the other slowly reached out back over to the wall. The extra arms started to move again, and I looked back and forth between them nervously, unsure what they would try and do to me this time. As I watched, I saw them carefully start to unhook some of the straps, making me try and squirm away from them. I was only able to delay them slightly, as soon enough they had managed to do what the male leopard had instructed, and three shiny black straps fell away from my body to the floor.

Looking down at myself I could see that the outer straps over my breasts and between my legs had been released, and that under them was another layer of bright pink silky fabric, that was slightly sheer much to my embarrassment. I squirmed against the grip of the arms again and blushed. This explained why the outfit had felt so comfortable, but I certainly didn't want to be left on display like this for everyone in the store to see. How much time could be left on the timer? I felt like I had been in here forever, though I knew it must only have been a few minutes. The male leopard was openly rubbing the bulge in his jeans now, standing very close to the glass and making it very hard not to watch him. I felt myself getting wet, and blushed even more knowing he would immediately be able to tell with my legs spread wide right in front of him, my wetness making the narrow strip of light silky cloth even more transparent.

As he rubbed himself, I saw his other paw start to rise to the wall again. At this point I had a pretty good guess what this would mean, and my jaw dropped as I quickly shook my head to try and convince him not to do it. The male nodded slowly back to me in response, smiling broadly as his paw touched the wall, bringing the arms to life once again. I struggled as much as I could manage as the arms again reached out to me, hoping I could somehow put them off long enough to keep them from finishing. It was no use however, and one by one the silky pink straps fell away, leaving me completely exposed to all the watching males on the other side of the glass. I was really getting turned on now to spite myself, and I could feel my wetness dripping between my spread legs, as my nard nipples stood out throbbing from my exposed chest. This had to be nearly over I thought, slowly rocking in place as I looked out at all the eyes watching me through the glass. I was quite wrong however, as the leopard at the glass touched the wall again, and to my surprise two additional arms emerged from the wall, each one holding some sort of thick red tapered cylinder. All too soon I realized what these were for, as they were positioned between my spread legs, and pressed upward against my body. My eyes went wide and I cried out, as the two toys started to vibrate, though thankfully I knew I wouldn't be heard through the glass and draw even more attention to myself. They were squirting some sort of hot slippery liquid too, and were both soon able to sink inside of me, one at my sex and the other under my tail.

The sensation was so intense that I writhed back and forth in the grip of the mechanical arms. Their grip was the only thing that kept me standing, so I was grateful as the back support returned to allow me to lean my weight back against it. So many males now were watching me being used like this, and the leopard at the glass I saw had even opened his pants, and was now openly stroking his feline length in his paw. He was so close to me I was sure that if the glass wasn't there I would be feeling it instead of seeing it, and I found myself wanting it as I stared at him, the vibrators buzzing away as they slowly started to thrust. I felt myself already getting close, and started to moan with each breath, rocking my hips as best I could against the penetrating vibrators as they pressed deeper and deeper into me. And then all at once just as my body was starting to tremble it stopped. The vibrators stopped their buzzing and slowly withdrew, and the mechanical arms holding me let go and pulled away, leaving me wobbling unsteadily as the window faded back to a mirror in front of me. The last thing I saw as the transparency faded was the leopard's quickly moving paw, as he spurted his cum against the glass. The back support I had been leaning against slowly withdrew as well, leaving me in the now empty pod, surrounded by bits of discarded clothing on the floor.

While taking long deep breaths to calm myself down I started gathering up the pieces of the outfit I was wearing to put it back together. My previous outfit had been cut through, and there was no way I was going to get it back on, so my only choice was to try and figure out how to get this outfit back on and wear it out of the store. I wasn't looking forward to my mother seeing me in it, but it didn't seem I had any other choice. I went about clipping the detached straps back into place, and lacing back up the shiny top and shorts, making sure to check myself from all angles in the mirror before turning back to open the door. As I reached out to the door handle, I noticed the display screen now read "50% Discount!" making me blush a little as I slowly opened the door.

Stepping down the small ramp and through the door I saw my mother standing only a few steps away, with her arms folded in front of her giving me a displeased look. I folded my ears down and hugged my tail as I nervously approached her. "We're going home," she said, and with that turned and started walking back to the front of the store. I followed along, unable to think of anything to say to her, and still feeling very uncomfortably aroused from earlier, the strips of silky feeling cloth seemingly to rub my sensitive bits with each step. Apparently having little choice at this point, my mother bought the outfit for me, and we walked back out through the archway from the female half of the store on our way back to the main part of the mall.

Just as we returned to the shared front of the store, much to my surprise, the leopard who had been watching me stepped out from the male archway, giving me a lustful smile before noticing my mother and nonchalantly looking away. I blushed and let go of my tail, swishing it a bit toward him and looking back over my shoulder as I turned to walk away, keeping up with my mother who it seemed was in quite a hurry to leave. I was paying no attention to where I was going, and suddenly bumped into someone. I gasped as I stepped back, looking up to see a large dark furred bull, dressed in an open black vest with three chains crossing the exposed fur of his chest, and a pair of tight black short shorts with a zipper that ran down the front over his massive bulge and all the way up the back under his tail. He looked down at me, seeming surprised as well, and then started to smile as he looked over my outfit. I timidly stepped around him, looking around to see he was with a large stallion, who was dressed similarly, and a familiar looking black female feline between them. She was dressed quite scantily, in a white lace wrap that barely concealed her large breasts, and a tightly fitted matching short white lace skirt hugging her hips. As the horse guided her into the female part of the store, he gave her a swat to the rear with his huge hand. I blinked in surprise at noticing as she stepped inside that the fur of her rear had been shaved to spell out the word "SLUT" in clear capital letters where he had slapped it. The two large males then turned and walked into the male part of the store, making me feel a strange sense of déjà vu.

I shook my head and hurried to catch up with my mother, who was now quite a ways ahead of me, not even turning to look back as she headed for the main entrance. The leopard also followed along, and waved to me to make sure I noticed him as he slipped into the bathroom. I blushed as I watched him, suddenly feeling myself flush with heat. "I.. need to go to the bathroom," I said to my mother, looking up at her with my ears folded down. "Wait until we get home," she said, continuing her brisk pace and not even turning to look at me. "But.." I whimpered, remembering the male leopard's cock, imagining stepping into the bathroom with him, how he would pull my clothes off and fill me with it. How many more males would be in there, waiting their turns, or not even waiting? I looked down at the floor and blushed, shaking my head. What was going on with me? I couldn't even control myself. My mother was right, I really needed to get home, but somehow I knew I would be back to this mall soon, and that I would get exactly what I wanted.

The drive home was silent, and when we got inside I hurried upstairs to undress and shower, finally able to let the hot steamy water wash away some of my tension. My mother had set the shopping bag on my bed for when I was done, and I picked out another outfit, a modest dark blue pleated skirt, and a white long sleeved blouse that I buttoned up just below my breasts. It was quite obvious I wasn't wearing a bra I noticed as I looked in the mirror, but for some reason I liked how I looked this way, and decided to leave both a bra and panties off as I set about putting away the rest of the clothes I had come home with. I was more interested in the clothes that would be arriving by mail soon, but for now this would do, especially since I wasn't sure what kinds of things I would be expected to do to help the team at the game tonight.

I lay sprawled out on my bed to relax a while, thinking back through the events of the day, and I must have dozed off, because I soon heard the voice of my mother calling me for dinner. I yawned as I got up, and wandered out to the table where she had already set out a plate for me with some of her mixed casserole. "I know this is hard for you," she said as she sat down at the table with me, "but you're going through a lot of changes right now, and you have to try and be extra careful." I didn't answer, keeping my mouth full so as not to have to. "It will get easier I promise," she said, trying to comfort me. "I was a little older than you are now when it happened for me, but I still remember struggling to get myself back under control. It wasn't easy at first, but then I met your father and.. just trust me, it will be alright," she said, taking my paw in hers and giving me a little smile. I tilted my head, looking up to her. I had never heard the story of how my parents met, and I found myself suddenly curious. I thought better of asking for the moment though, looking up to the clock to check the time, and hurrying to finish my food so there would be enough time to get back to school for the start of the game. My mother had a bit to eat too, for which I was glad, as even if I was still a bit upset from earlier, I never liked it when she refused to eat.

Once we had both finished eating, my mother drove me back to school so that we could meet up with my father and watch the game. She pulled into the parking lot and like usual stopped by the curb. "You're not coming?" I asked, looking up to her. Not that she ever came and watched the games with me and my dad, but somehow I thought maybe today would be different. "Go on Sweety, I'll see you when you get home," she said with a little smile. I sighed and got out of the car, waving to her a little sadly as I headed off to find my dad. As usual he was waiting by the gate to the stadium, still dressed in his suit from work, and poking at his phone while he waited for me. Almost instantly my concerns of the day were gone, and I bounded up to him happily, excited to get to watch the game with him.

"Oh hey Kiddo" he said with a smile, "I barely recognized you! That pink fur sure is going to take some getting used to." I folded my ears down and blushed, looking around as many other furs, both parents and students headed in to find their seats. "Dad.." I whimpered, hugging my tail and folding my ears down. "Ok come on," he said with a laugh, "Go and find us a seat and I'll pick up some snacks." Smiling again and letting go of my tail, I hurried into the stadium ahead of him and looked around for a good spot to sit down. After looking around a bit, I was able to find us a spot about a third of the way down the bleachers near the center line. I sat down and looked back toward the concession stand for my dad, standing and waving my paw to him when I saw him appear. He saw me, and soon made his way over and sat down, giving me a box of caramel corn and a raspberry slushy, both of which he knew I greatly enjoyed. I snuggled up to him and enjoyed the snacks, waiting for the game to start.

The sun had just gone down, and it was just now getting dark. The stadium lights were on and I loved the way the field looked with the lines all fresh and white and the grass freshly cut. It was much nicer than the practice field my friends and I played on during recess. We weren't allowed to play in here in order to keep the field nice, but I always dreamed of playing here, and running out onto that field wearing a uniform with my school team.

The stadium continued to fill up, and I noticed Camy with her dad come walking down the aisle nearby. I waved to her but she didn't wave back, even though I was sure she saw me. She had on a long gray T-shirt, and a dark red skirt so short it barely showed from under her top, making her look as if the shirt was all she wore. Camy and her dad sat down not far from us, and I considered getting up to go say hi and making sure everything was alright, but just then the announcer's voice came over the loudspeaker. "On behalf of Sunny Rock Primary School it is my pleasure to welcome you all to the seventh game of our sportball season! Tonight's match will be against the Silvertail Springs Thunderbolts!" And with that a line of players started jogging out from one of the locker rooms in a small building at the far side of the field. The starting players ran through the gate in the far side barrier, while the rest filed along the outside to where benches were set up, along with large water tanks and a medical cabinet for the visiting team.

I looked over each player closely as the announcer continued about the coaching staff and their sponsorship. It looked like a pretty tough lineup, with a good mix of smaller and larger players, all dressed in crisp black and gold uniforms, with jagged lines around the trim in the likeness of lightning. Two players in particular I noticed, a tough looking ram with a scar across his nose, and a very limber red fox, who looked somewhat familiar as he stretched in his short shorts facing toward the bleachers. It was clear I wasn't the only girl in the crowd looking him over, as I heard a few appreciative female voices and saw paws pointing in his direction accompanied by playful giggles as he spread his legs wide, showing off a sizable bulge in his shorts. Those two were probably graduating this year I imagined, and guessing just by their warmups they would probably go on to play in the city league, which I still dreamed of doing someday myself. The announcer's voice grew louder as he started to introduce our school team, causing me to look up excitedly as the players started running out from their locker room. "And now, coming into this game with a five and two record, your Sunny Rock Crushers!" The crowd applauded and many stood up, including me so that I could see the players come out dressed in their gray, blue and orange uniforms.

I knew every one of them from always coming to their games. Not that any of them would even notice me in the hallways at school, but I always stopped to smile at them any time I saw a member of the team. There was Talaran the large tiger forward, Zarid the cheetah at flanker, Lita, Aster's big sister at wing. Lita was the only girl on the field tonight as usual, and my attention strayed to her for a moment. The tips of her lynx ears and the fur above her eyes was dyed blue, standing out from her otherwise white and gray fur covered in small dark spots. I sat back down and thought about how much more difficult for her it must be as the only girl, as after my recess game earlier, I now realized the difficulties girls had more than ever. I sighed and shook my head. If she could do it then so could I, no matter what Thistle thought. Maybe by the time he came back he, or rather she would change her mind. And where was Aster anyway? I looked around but didn't see him. His whole family always came out to watch Lita, and we often tried to sit close to each other to watch the game. I had gotten here a little bit late tonight though, so I would have to wait to find him until after the game. I also noticed that a couple of our team's normal starting players were out injured, and when I asked my dad he told me the last game had been particularly rough, ending in a narrow loss. I hoped this wouldn't hurt the team too much tonight as the referees stepped out onto the field to get the game underway.

I wiggled in my seat excitedly as the players got set, and with the blowing of a whistle the referee tossed the ball into play and the game began. Things started off pretty well for our team, and play soon moved to the visiting team's side of the field. As I was watching, I noticed something strange from where Camy was sitting, and looked over to her. She had moved into her father's lap, with her legs straddling his as they both faced out toward the field to watch the game. I could see his paws holding her by the hips, and slowly sliding her short skirt up, as he rocked her back and forth against him. This was seeming to distract Camy from the game, and I could see her gasp now and then, though it was so loud with the cheering all around us that I couldn't tell what was really going on. The visiting team managed to steal the ball away and clear it back down the field with a kick, which quickly drew my attention back to the match. One of the backs picked up the ball, immediately tossing it to Lita to avoid being tackled, as two opposing players ran in his direction. She took off in the opposite direction, drawing a lot of attention from the other team, and was able to reverse back around, and pitch the ball the other way to a teammate, who got off a good run back down the field with so many players of the other team running in the wrong direction.

I looked up to my dad smiling, and he looked back down to me, ruffling my headfur with his paw. Maybe mom was right after all, dad was great, I loved hanging out with him, and he always worked so hard to make sure I had a good time. Meeting someone like that would really be quite something I thought, sighing at the thought of what had happened to Thistle earlier. Things couldn't be the same once he, or rather she got back, but I resolved to help her as best I could. We were friends no matter what, and nothing was going to change that. My dad noticed how distracted I was and put his arm around me, squeezing me warmly against him. I let out a long sigh and rested my head against him, enjoying his gentle attention as he began to stroke my ears.

I stayed lost in my thoughts a while as the game went on, each team putting a few points on the board now and then, and keeping things rather close. At one point Lita got tackled hard against the near side barrier, causing many furs in the crowd to stand up and look. I couldn't see what was happening, but the struggle for the ball went on for quite a while, with players from both teams joining in. Eventually one of our players was able to work it free, though multiple opposing players hadn't seemed to notice and were still wrestling about on the ground. By the time they all got up, Lita was looking quite mauled. Her left ear was bleeding, and her uniform was partly ripped and pulled out of place. Our team managed to run the ball in for a score as a result of the play, but I was still worried for her as she jogged back toward her starting position, straightening her short skirt and limping slightly.

With the last two scores going over to our team, we were now firmly in the lead, and with time running down it would be difficult for the other team to make a comeback. Lita I noticed was getting a lot more attention than it would have seemed necessary. Maybe the other team knew she was hurt and wanted to put extra pressure on her, but she didn't sub out and kept right on going, even making a couple of good tackles when an opposing play with the ball would try and slip by her. "Tara! Hey, come on!" a familiar female voice called out, distracting me from the game. Seri was standing at the bottom of the bleachers waving her paw at me. I blinked in surprise having almost forgotten and looked up to my dad. "I umm.. I gotta go. I get to be the team assistant now! I have to help clean up and stuff after the game," I said with a big smile. "Wow is that so?" he asked, wide eyed and smiling. I nodded back and moved to get up. "Well congrats then Tara. Go on and I'll wait here for you to get done." "Thanks dad!" I exclaimed happily, giving him a big hug and hurrying down to meet Seri.

As I passed by Camy I slowed down, and gave a sidelong glance in her direction. She was now being bounced in her father's lap, with her eyes closed and her head back, panting heavily. I decided it was best not to interrupt, and with an uncomfortable sigh continued on my way down to Seri. "Hurry up already," she called as I made my way down to her. She was dressed in a cheer uniform, and didn't look the least bit happy about it. It looked cute on her, and I wondered why briefly until I noticed the streaks of wet fur running down along her inner thighs. "Did.. the principal have you wear that?" I asked when I got to her. "Yeah.." she huffed, looking down at herself, "and I don't want to hear another word about it, come on." I followed as she hurried off along the outside of the barrier, making her way around the field to the locker rooms. I looked up to the cheering crowd, unused to seeing things from this perspective. It was much closer to what the players saw from inside the field, and I smiled a little as I started to imagine it. What surprised me though was that while most fans were cheering and watching the game, a good portion of the females in the crowd seemed quite distracted by.. other matters. Several had their heads in the laps of the males next to them, and were bobbing up and down, while a few were even bent over on the bleachers as they were taken from behind. I had never noticed this sort of thing at a game before, but then I had always focused on watching the game, and hadn't really thought to look closely at what all else was going on before.

When we reached the locker room building on the other side of the field from the bleachers, Seri opened the door to our team's half of the locker room, and waved for me to follow her inside. I had never been in the locker room before, as it wasn't allowed. It was kept locked most of the time, except for on game days and after practices. I excitedly looked around, finding it was much bigger than I had expected. There were massage tables, whirlpool baths, a steamy enclosed sauna with glass walls, some cabinets marked as medical supplies, a row of sinks and toilets, a large shower alcove, and of course the lockers, which were arranged in a U-shape with a broad wooden bench in between them. The tiles along the floor and part way up the walls were the alternating gray, blue, and orange colors of the team, and there was a large "Go Crushers" banner all along the back wall.

"So the coach's office is in there," Seri said, pointing to a closed door behind us on the wall adjacent to the entrance. There was a large window beside it, but it was dark on the other side since the coach was obviously still outside on the field. "He'll tell you what to do normally, make sure the room is clean and all the lockers have fresh towels, stuff like that," she went on, walking over to one of the cabinets and swinging the metal door open. "Here, put this on," she said, tossing me some clothes. I caught the bundle of cloth and unrolled it in my paws. It was a team uniform! I bounced a little as I looked it over. It was just like the ones the players wore, though it looked quite small even me, and it even had "ASSISTANT" written on the back where a name would go, with only "X" in place of a number. Happily I stepped over to the nearby bench to change into it. As I slipped out of my clothes, I noticed Seri watching me licking her lips. I started to blush, turning my back to her as I slid my top off and then wiggled out of my skirt.

As I tried to get it on, the uniform clung to my body, though its stretchy quality meant it was able to accommodate the size of my breasts, even if it was still quite a tight fit. It was clearly intended for a female from the way it was contoured, and I found it quite comfortable at first. I soon discovered however, that the V-neck was so wide that I had a hard time pulling it toward the center of my chest. The short, tight, stretchy sleeves that barely went past my shoulders held the wide neck opening across my chest apart, so that every time I tried to pull it close to cover my breasts, the stretchy fabric slid back outward until the neckline rested on the outsides of my breasts, pushing them up and squeezing them together slightly but leaving them bare. "And here's your skirt," Seri whispered softly, as she stepped up behind me and wrapped it around my waist. I gasped as I felt her, and hesitated with fixing my top as I watched the very short skirt pull tightly around my waist above my hips. Seri fastened the skirt with a buckle, above my tail rather than below it, which made it sit very high, and given the short length it was clear it would not cover me at all like this. I reached down and tried to stretch the skirt lower, but each time the fabric would shrink back into place. "I don't think this is the right size" I whimpered nervously, turning back to look at Seri, covering myself with my paws. "Oh? I hadn't noticed," she smirked, moving my paws aside with hers and looking me up and down. "Oh well.. too late now," she added with a laugh, snatching up the outfit I had worn and stuffing it in the cabinet, before pulling something else out and turning back to me.

"Now then, lets get you ready," she said, holding up a long blue ribbon. I tilted my head to the side confused. "We've got to make sure you're properly presented to the team for your first day," she explained, taking me by the paw and turning me around to face the bench again. She took both my wrists in front of me and started wrapping the ribbon around them, and before I could object she had pulled the ribbon tight with my arms extended out in front of me. Seri pulled me forward, bending me over the as she wrapped the ribbon a few times around the legs supporting it. She then stepped back behind me, and I felt her wrapping the ribbon around my ankles, pulling them apart to opposite sides of the bench, and then finally wrapping the ribbon a few times around my tail and tucking it into the back of my collar, making me raise it high over my back and holding it there so that I couldn't lower it. "Wait umm.. what.. are you doing?" I whimpered, squirming helplessly against the bench as she tied off the loose ends of the ribbon. "Oh just one more thing," Seri said, reaching down to my neck and flipping the tag on my collar. "YIFF ME" was the last thing I wanted it to say right now, as I shook my head frantically and tried to get up. "No no, you just stay right there," Seri said, giving my upturned rear a slap with her paw. "Enjoy your first night as the team ASS-istant, and I'll see you in class tomorrow" she teased, whirling herself about and sauntering back out through the door.

I was left alone. The room was strangely silent aside from the sound of my breathing and the pounding of my heart in my ears. This couldn't be happening. I idolized our school team, they couldn't see me this way. How could I have let this happen? How was Seri allowed to do this to me? I whimpered and tossed my head side to side, struggling at the ribbon again, but it was no use. A short while later I started to hear voices outside, and my breathing grew heavier, I wanted somehow to hide, to become invisible, but there was nothing I could do.

The door swung open, slamming hard against the stop as it hit the adjacent wall. "Whoo! Six and two! That's already better than last year," came a voice, followed by a rousing cheer. "Yeah no thanks to you Cyro, you could barely keep your eyes on the ball out there," came another, followed by a laugh. "Ain't my fault with Lita struttin' around like that," the first voice answered gruffly, as I heard many footsteps filling the room behind me. "Yeah yeah, well it works pretty well doesn't it? Only its supposed to work on their team not ours," came Lita's voice. I recognized it from hanging out with Aster, though she had never really spoken to me before. Plus she was the only girl on the team, so it was pretty easy to guess it was her. "Works pretty well on us to," came a third voice, "now come over here an' lift that tail for me girl. I feel like a good hard rut before I hit the showers." "Get off!" Lita snapped back, followed by a thud against what sounded like one of the metal cabinets. "If your face spent any more time munchin' grass with your butt up in the air out there, I'd think it was your ass that needs poundin'," she teased back with a laugh. I turned my head enough to see them now, and gasped as a male silver fox who went by Fiz, stepped right up behind me with a wide smile on his face.

"Well now what've we got here?" he said more as a statement than a question, reaching a paw down to stroke my exposed rear. I shivered at his touch, and could only whimper softly, feeling my heart beat faster as the rest of the team crowded around. "Looks like we finally got a new ASS-istant," said Talaran, stepping up beside me and looking down into my eyes. He looked even more enormous from here, and all I could do was stare at him as he stepped up close beside me, the huge bulge in his shorts seeming to expand before my eyes. "Cute too," came another voice from behind me, "what was the last one's name again? Lari, Dari, something?" "I thought it was Lita," another voice came from somewhere in the huddled furs. "I thought it was, fuck you!" came Lita's voice yelling back at him. Everyone laughed and I noticed a few players moving to their lockers and starting to undress while the rest stayed staring down at me.

"So who wants to go first?" someone asked, as I felt a paw from behind me tracing up the underside of my tail. "I could use a turn" came the voice I assumed to by Cyro, a scruffy looking tawny kangaroo, who I soon saw step up behind me and start to lower his shorts. "I wouldn't mind going a round with you, Sexy" came another voice from further back, as Zarid stepped up behind Lita, who was digging through the medical cabinet, and groped her breasts from behind. "Paws off!" she snapped, batting his paws away. He laughed and shook his head, reaching out to take a white cotton ball and bottle from her. "Here, let me," he said as she grudgingly released the bottle, and let him begin tending to her still bleeding ear.

My attention quickly returned to my own situation, as I felt something hot and slick pressing up against the folds of my sex. Cyro was on his knees behind me and was taking ahold of my hips as he slowly eased forward, causing me to tremble as his length slid into me. I realized I had been extremely tense. I hadn't expected him to be so gentle, but as soon as I felt his hips against mine he started to pick up the pace, thrusting steadily harder and groaning with pleasure. Talaran had slipped out of his clothes, and then straddled the bench, standing in front of me with my outstretched arms extended under him between his legs. "See somethin' ya like?" he said with a smile, as I turned back to look up at him, pressing his sizable feline shaft against my nose. I moaned softly and let my mouth fall open as he lowered himself down slightly, and began pressing his barbed feline length into my waiting mouth. As the two males worked me between them, I found myself feeling incredibly aroused. I just couldn't help it. As much as I had wanted to somehow escape this, I now just felt so good that I only wanted more. My body practically ached with need as I struggled to move against the heavy thrusting, the sensations overpowering me, and not just that. I was being seen, exposed, surrounded by males I adored who wanted to use my body. It was just what I needed, what I wanted, what I was for. Hadn't I just thought how nice it would be to meet a guy like my dad? A mate, just one special fur who meant the world to me? But that wasn't me, this was me, tied down, legs spread, and so needing to be used just like this.

I moaned louder and started to tense up. I could feel the male behind me starting to get close too, his rapid thrusting growing harder, pounding against my body as he buried his length over and over again deep inside me. With another loud groan I felt his warmth pulsing inside me, seeming to spread throughout my body as I started to spasm, my wetness adding to the slickness of his shaft as I felt him slow and finally withdraw with a satisfied sigh. "I think you're ready for this now," Talaran said as he pulled out of my mouth and moved to step behind me. "Coming to shower Lita?" asked a naked orange fox with dyed blue stripes down his sides and over his muzzle, and a clearly bulging sheath. I cried out as I felt the tiger thrust hard into my dripping sex, burring himself to the fullest and scraping my inner walls with his barbs. Lita glanced over at me and shook her head. "Not quite yet," she called to him, stepping over by me to a locker, slipping her uniform top up and off over her head. To my surprise she was wearing a heavy padded sport bra under it, which she also removed with a heavy sigh before tossing it back into her locker. "You doin' ok kid?" she asked, removing her skirt to show she had nothing under it and reaching a paw down to stroke my ear. The tiger behind me seemed to take this as encouragement and gave a hard thrust that made me cry out a little. "Easy there! Ya don't wanna break her on the first day," she scolded him, moving to straddle the bench and then pulling her knees up along either side of me. I looked up with surprise as the naked lynx crept closer to me, smiling all the while. "They like it when we put on a show," she said in a whisper, before leaning back and pressing her sex to my muzzle. I extended my tongue, not wanting to resist her, and along with the forced rocking back and forth from the tiger, worked my tongue up and down the outer lips of her sex.

We were clearly drawing a lot of attention, from the laughs and words of encouragement from those standing around who hadn't yet wandered off to the showers. "Damn, how come ya never let me do that with my tongue Lita?" asked the fox, who had stepped up closer to watch and was now stroking himself right beside me. "Aah, 'cause ya don't have a tongue like hers," Lita answered with a lustful murr, placing one paw gently on my head while gyrating her hips slowly against my muzzle. "I do!" called out Zarid hopefully. "Mmm, yeah but yer no good it," she teased, smiling down at me with a wink. I blushed, and did my best to keep on moving my tongue, letting the motion of her hips do most of the work as she obviously started to get worked up, the hot lips of her sex spreading around my tongue. It was more than a little hard to concentrate on what my tongue was doing though, with the large tiger pounding his thick barbed shaft into me. He had to be getting close by now from the speed at which he was thrusting, letting out low rumbling growls with each breath. Then to my surprise, he leaned over my back and sunk his teeth into my shoulder, causing me to cry out as I clenched around his throbbing length, which started gushing with warmth inside of me. After holding me tightly against the bench for a moment, he slowly released the grip of his jaws and eased back away, dragging the barbs of his shaft out of my sex and making me shiver.

Lita was now showing signs of getting close to her climax too, her paws rubbing her perky breasts as her voice grew into passionate moans, with her head tilted back as her sex grinded against my mouth. It was practically all I could do to keep breathing, as finally I felt her body spasm, and her wetness running over my face as she curled forward and squeezed her thighs around my head. She sank back on her hocks and sighed heavily, her body visibly trembling as she slowly relaxed. "Wow Lita, think you're ready for me now?" the fox teased, stepping closer to her and presenting his hard shaft. "You wish!" she said in a sultry voice, reaching out and giving the center of his chest a shove back away with her paw as she stood herself back up around the opposite side of the bench from him. "Aww c'mon," he pleaded, stepping around the bench behind me and up close to her. Another male, a pure white rabbit took me by surprise, mounting me without so much as a word and starting to thrust hard and fast at my dripping sex. "Ya know you shouldn't be asking me that," Lita said, swaying her hips and wiggling her shoulders, "after all yer the only one in here who's got a girlfriend ta get back to." "Hey, I've got a girlfriend!" called a voice from over in the showers. "Yeah? What's her name?!" called back Lita. "Uhh.. I'll ask her tonight," the voice replied, drawing laughs from all around the room. The fox stepped up closer to her, pressing his body to hers with a soft growl. "I said no!" Lita said, taking a step back on her hurt leg and wincing. He took another step but she extended her claws and held a bristling paw out toward him, making him hesitate. "Why don't you give our new friend a proper welcome," she said, looking back down to me and swiping at the ribbon, cutting through it with her claws. I felt the tension on my arms finally loosen, allowing me to rest my shoulders, though it was obvious I still wasn't going anywhere. "Now I'm gonna have a shower, ya play nice," she said, patting me on the head and giving a playful stroke to the fox's tail as she stepped around him and wandered off.

"Turn her around for me," the fox said, and the rabbit slowly pulled back from me, unraveling the rest of the ribbon and helping me to turn around as the fox took a seat on the bench. "Just lay back girl, just like that," he said, pressing up behind me. I felt my hips being lifted and then slowly eased back down as the fox's tip started pressing up under my tail. I cried out softly at first, but he was so slick after pawing himself so long that he slid in rather easily until I reached his knot. The rabbit took this as a signal to continue, and climbed up on the bench to lay on top of me between my legs, sinking his length back into my spread sex. The combined feeling of them both working me between them was so full, so complete, I moaned out intensely, now freely able to rock my body along with them as both males picked up a rapid pace, seeming quite worked up from having already watched for so long. I climaxed again, wrapping my arms around the rabbit and pressing my face into the pure white fur of his chest. The clenching and relaxing of my spasms, allowed the fox under me to work in his knot, which suddenly popped in under my tail and made both of us gasp in unison. It didn't take either of them long to climax after that, almost at the same time with my body being rocked hard between their two penetrating shafts. The rabbit of course was able to pull out, but I was tied with the fox under my tail, leaving my sex and mouth free to be used by any other male who might wish.

After a few more rounds with various members of the team, the fox managed to pull out and they helped me into the shower, pulling off my completely immodest uniform in the process. Being in the shower didn't seem to change much, except that I was so short I had to be picked up. It seemed no problem for several of the muscular males, who lifted me off my footpaws and with my arms and legs wrapped around them as best I could, had me ride their shafts, being bounced up and down against their bodies under the steamy water. Slowly a few of the team dried off, got themselves dressed, and filtered out of the locker room, though most seemed content to use me, or stand around and watch, stroking themselves and waiting their turns. Lita it seemed was no exception, as I looked over to see her leaning against the wall of the shower, with one knee bent and one paw between her legs while the other squeezed at her breast. "Need a little help with that?" Talaran asked her, moving to lean up against the wall at her side, stroking his feline length. She smiled up at him and nuzzled up to his side, reaching a paw over to grip his shaft, while he moved his to between her legs. "C'mon, let me lift that little tail of yours" he growled, pressing his paw digits into her and making her gasp, "you know you love it." "Can't," she said, almost at a whimper, "I.. aah.. I got a date tonight." "A date? Who with?" the tiger asked, pausing what he was doing and seeming quite surprised. "Mmm, wouldn't ya like to know," she murred, rocking her hips against the tiger's large paw. The tiger looked over at me to see I was still quite occupied, being held up and sandwiched between two of his teammates as their shafts pumped hard up into my well stretched body, quickly bringing me up to orgasm yet again.

"Just give me your muzzle then, I wanna feel that tongue of yours," he purred back to her. Lita nodded and slowly sank down to her knees, wasting no time taking the large tiger's shaft into her mouth. It didn't take her long to get him panting, with one of her paws gripping the base of his shaft as the other seemed to be rubbing him up between his legs. It was making me so hot just watching them, as I felt many of the eyes in the room shift from me over to her, as she put on quite a show, purring and moaning as her naked body rocked with the bobbing of her head along the large feline's shaft. In no time he threw his head back and let out a lustful roar, pulling her head close with his paw as he was brought to a clearly intense climax. She held his length in her mouth a long while, and then gently lifted his paw from her head and pulled back, letting his shaft slip out of her mouth and licking her lips as she stood back up, still limping a little on one foot. "Wow Lita, that was.. you're real good at that," he said, rubbing his face with his paw. "Maybe if ya can keep yer paws on the ball next game I'll show ya another trick er two," she said with a wink and a shake of her hips.

"Ready to give me a turn now, Sexy?" the fox asked again, clearly having already regained his full arousal. "Tell ya what," she started after a moment's consideration. "I'll give ya a turn if you let me fuck yer girlfriend." The fox was obviously quite surprised, and tilted his head not sure if she was serious. "You wanna do what now?" he asked, seeming a bit less sure of himself. "Simple," she said with a smile, "I'll suck ya off like that right now, but then ya owe me a night with yer girl, and I'm gonna make sure she can't sit for a week. Oh, and yer not invited." She added with a laugh. "I.. don't think she'd be into that," the fox said nervously, looking around the room and squirming in place a little. "Her loss," Lita said, extending her paw and beckoning the cheetah to come closer. He stepped over to her and she wrapped herself around his back, pressing her body close up against him while wrapping one arm around him to start pumping up and down his hard shaft. Looking over at the fox with a smile, she then licked and sucked the pawpads of her other paw a minute, before slipping that paw down underneath the cheetah's tail, and starting to work her digits into him. Zarid moaned, and started rocking his hips, and she started rocking right along with him, building a rhythm between her paws and her body as she thrusted her hips up against the feline's rear while she penetrated him with her paw digits from behind. His arousal soon piqued, and with a passionate cry his throbbing shaft started to spurt cum quite a ways in the fox's direction, causing him to hop back away comically.

The cheetah slowly relaxed in Lita's arms and turned around to embrace her, letting her nuzzle up to his dampened chest fur under the shower a while before finally letting go and taking a step back. "Thanks Lita," he said softly with a blush and a lick to her cheek, as he squeezed her paw in his one more time before turning to go back to the lockers. "Any time, Slut" she teased, swatting him on the rear as he turned. "So, ya want some too?" Lita said holding up her paw with two digits raised together to the fox, who was still staring at her a bit in shock. "Umm.. no thanks," he said, stepping back and somewhat nervously stepping out of the shower area as well. Not long after that I was set down, the last of the males who had seemed interested in me having climaxed deep inside my already flooded sex, leaving me panting on the floor of the shower under the steaming water.

I could hear a few members of the team still getting dressed, and was curling myself up to sit against the wall waiting for them to leave, when strangely I started to hear the sounds of panting and soft moans from somewhere over by the lockers. Looking over, I saw that the orange and blue striped fox now had the cheetah pinned up against the far wall and was taking him from behind. I blushed and hugged my legs to my chest, my body still throbbing and tingling in the aftermath of being 'welcomed' so thoroughly. "Seriously?!" came Lita's voice as she walked up to them, still naked and waving her paws. "Ya know what's gonna happen if ya get caught doin' that in here," she scolded. "Yeah but.. aah.." the cheetah moaned as he rocked his hips back against the vulpine's thrusting. "You change your mind?" the fox growled back to Lita, continuing to thrust hard into the feline. "Just don't tie him," she said with a sigh, and walked back off. Just then I heard the outer door open followed by heavy footsteps. "Oh hey coach," came Lita's voice a moment later, sounding a bit nervous. "Hey, can I umm.. talk to you a minute?" she asked, followed by the sound of a door opening and closing again. The fox's thrusting sped up, and he reached his paw down to his knot, squeezing it to keep from tying as he panted and let out a needful moan as his body visibly started to spasm. The two males quickly separated, and set off to put on some clothes, before noisily making their way out of the locker room, leaving me alone.

I was feeling so conflicted. While all this was happening it made me feel so good, so complete, but now I just felt empty, like I had been cast aside after serving my purpose. I wanted to cry, I wanted to sleep, I wanted to.. I didn't know. While I was lost in my thoughts the door to the coach's office opened and closed again, leaving the room once again silent. I dragged myself out of the shower still dripping wet, and began looking around to find a clean towel. As I stepped back into the locker room I nearly bumped into Lita, still naked, wrapping a bandage around her leg. "Hey there kid," she said with a casual wave of her paw as she finished wrapping the bandage. "Sorry if I startled ya. This leg sure isn't feelin too great. I'll likely come in and stop by the nurse tomorrow," she added, wincing a little as she tugged at the bandage. "Will you.. be alright?" I asked nervously, standing wet and naked in front of her. "Oh sure, it's a rough sport ya know. Hate to think I might miss a game. Who knows how long it'd be 'til some guy tries to.. Hey, are you ok?" she asked, pausing as she noticed my nervous bedraggled look. "Come on over here," she said, tying off her bandage and opening her arms up to me. I took a couple steps toward her, when suddenly she held up her paws to stop me. "Wait! Hmm.." she looked around a minute and grabbed an unused towel out of one of the lockers, unfolding it and holding it up to me. I stepped up and let her wrap it around me, and set me down on the bench next to her, hugging me gently. "So uhh.. welcome to the team huh?" she said with a half-smile. "Umm.. yeah.. thanks," I said, feeling very unsure of myself. "So, how long has it been?" she asked, brushing my headfur back with her paw and looking over me with her head slightly tilted. I gave her a confused look, at first having no idea what she meant. "That you've been a girl," she added bluntly, pulling her leg up onto the bench and resting her chin on her knee while I took another moment to try and figure out how to answer.

"Umm.. a while.. I guess? I just got back to school today." I said, still fuzzy on the exact timing and even nature of what had happened to me. "That's it?" She exclaimed, lifting her head and seeming quite surprised. "Damn they work fast around here. But it ain't all bad as ya can tell, just gotta learn to show em who the alpha bitch is." I squirmed a bit uncomfortably, not sure quite how to respond. "How umm.. how long have you?" I asked, unsure if this was an impolite question. "Me?" she blinked in surprise at my question. "Well I'm one of the lucky ones, if ya can call it that, born this way. Means I had a lot of time to practice." I sighed a bit sadly and hugged the towel around myself.

"Hey, I don't really gotta be anywhere for a while, come on," Lita said, perking up a bit and standing herself up. She took me by the paw and half dragged me over to the sauna, stepping inside with me through the sliding glass door, and tapping the control panel a few times to start the steam going before finding a place to sit down. I closed the door behind us and sat down close by her, trying to avoid staring at her naked form while keeping myself wrapped in the towel. "Thing is," she started back up, leaning back against the wall and stretching her legs out in front of her, "guys are pretty easy to figure out. They just wanna lift yer tail, but you don't gotta let em if ya don't want." She smiled and stretched her arms out above her head with a long relaxed sigh. "Take Zar for instance" she went on, "he'd never cut it as a girl. I mean, I love the guy, but he'd end up pounded by every throbbing piece of meat he saw. Hehe, practically already happens now, and he ain't even got a cunt. Anyway he'd be off the team for sure, so I try and cover for him best I can." "Aster umm.. kinda.. seems to like that too," I said, blushing a little, but managing to start to relax in the soothing heat. "That's all I need" she said, rolling her eyes and shaking her head, and then turning to look hard at me. "Hey, yeah I thought I recognized ya, yer in my brother's class aren't ya? Its Tara now right?" she asked, leaning close with a smile. I nodded a little in response, and she started to laugh. "Hehe, wow pink is good on ya," she said, reaching over and tugging my towel down a little with her paw. I gasped and pulled back away, which seemed to surprise her. "Aww its ok kid. Listen, yer really cute, but ya gotta learn to relax. I'm not gonna hurt ya, and even if I was I'd make sure ya liked it," she said with a teasing wink, leaning back again. "I umm.. I know," I answered back with a soft sigh.

Relaxing with all that had gone on was much harder than it sounded. I didn't know why I had become so jumpy, I wouldn't normally have been like this before. I took a deep breath and slowly let the towel down, leaving me as exposed as she was. "That goes for the rest of the guys on the team too," she went on, hardly seeming to notice. "Sure they can get a bit grabby now and then, but that's guys for ya. They won't push it too far though, and outside a' here they'll be lookin' out for ya, and so will I." She obviously noticed my confused expression as she spoke. "Yer a part of the team now girl," she said, giving my shoulder a playful shove with her paw. "We're gonna look out for ya," she explained. "Sure the guys on the team are gonna wanna have their fun with ya, in here and at school, but they'll be real polite about it, or else ya give em a swift kick in the balls. Besides that, if ya got any problems, we'll be sure and take care of em for ya." I hesitated a moment, letting her words sink in. "What about Seri?" I asked, shivering a little as I spoke. "Seri?" Lita repeated, tilting her head to the side. I reached up to my collar and turned the tag over, rubbing my pawpad over the engraving that said "PROPERTY OF SERI". "Hmm.." she said, leaning forward and looking over the collar, "not sure, but if she's a problem we'll get her straightened out." "But the principal.." I whimpered, folding my ears down and curling my legs up to my chest. "Hey now," Lita said, scooting closer and placing her paw on my shoulder, "he's a rough case for sure, but he knows this team is the biggest thing goin' for this school. If we tell him its what the team wants, not like he can say no." I was quite surprised to say the least. "Umm, really?" I asked, sounding slightly hopeful. "Yep." Lita said with a wide smile, "Ya want that collar off, we'll take care a' that tomorrow. Just make sure ya keep takin' good care of the guys, and they'll take real good care of ya." Lita slipped a paw down between her legs and spread her sex for emphasis, making me blush and squirm in place a little.

"Speakin' o' that," she smiled, getting on all fours on the bench beside me and leaning in close, "Are ya feelin' like a little more fun tonight, or did all that action wear ya out?" I blushed at what she was suggesting, looking back to her somewhat in shock. "Here, lay back," she instructed, guiding me to turn to face her and lean backwards against the bench seat, lifting my legs up to either side of her. She sucked on her paw digits a moment, and then lowered her head down between my legs, nuzzling softly at first with the damp fur of her muzzle along my inner thighs, while exhaling in long deep breaths that blew over the sensitive flesh of my sex. The sensation as incredible, and I found myself moaning, and letting my eyes slowly close from only barely being touched. The next thing I felt were her paws, one slipping up under my tail, while the other gently pulled the lips of my sex apart. I let my legs fall open wider, and soon felt the lynx' lips caressing my sex, her long slow breaths making me shiver. I was expecting her to go further, but for a long while she just held me that way, her pawpads rubbing gently under my tail without trying to penetrate me, as her closed mouth rubbed up and down along the folds of my sex. When I did feel her tongue the sensation was electric, I gasped sharply in surprise, and shook so hard I thought I might be having an orgasm. The roughness of her tongue ever so slowly moved directly across my exposed clit, followed by the tip teasing me as her tongue flicked lightly up and down. With each long slow stroke of her tongue I would moan, and each time I would be left shivering, practically losing consciousness as my body seemed to melt away leaving me floating softly in empty space.

When I felt her paw digits slipping into my sex I completely lost control, arching my back and crying out loudly as the pleasure shot through my body. I felt them curl upward inside me, and her pawpads started to rub me in a way I had never experienced before. It wasn't what I would call gentle. The pressure was intense, but the movement was so slow that I was able to fully experience it, time almost standing still for me as she expertly manipulated my body. Somehow I had managed to relax enough that her digits had slipped in under my tail as well, and I could feel the tight gripping of my rear entrance around the slight penetration each time the rough part of her tongue ran over my clit along with the firm pressure of her pawpad inside my throbbing sex. Then suddenly I felt something else, her teeth. She took my clit inside of her mouth and gently pressed back the hood of my clit with her teeth, and lightly slid their dull points along my most sensitive spot. Her tongue kept moving as well, faster now as the tip moved in small circles inside of her mouth, which was more than I could stand. I climaxed harder than I had even imagined possible, my whole body convulsing as my voice cried out, with even my toes curling and my tummy contractions causing my body to curl upward from the bench. She rode out my convulsions, slowly easing off and eventually withdrawing completely from my sensitive areas and sliding up between my legs to lay her head against my chest.

I wrapped my arms and legs around her and just held her there a while as I slowly came back down, once again becoming conscious of my body, and who and where I was. "Feeling better?" she asked with a smile when she finally saw me opening my eyes. "Umm.. yeah" was all I could manage, blushing a little and slowly releasing my arms and legs so she could get up. "It gets better ya know," she teased, giving one of my nipples a gentle bite that made me gasp before sitting back up. "Ya just gotta know how to use it," she said. "When things aren't goin' yer way, sex can help ya get what ya need, but even when yer doin' ok, they're still gonna expect sex from ya, so may as well learn to get good at it, 'cause we end up fucked either way." Somehow this didn't make me feel any better, but she just sat up and smiled at me again, giving her own clearly wet slit a rub with her paw. "Not that ya can't enjoy it. Like me, I'm lookin' forward to my date tonight 'cause there's only one way that's gonna end." She smiled and licked her lips, withdrawing her paw from between her legs and giving it a slow lick as well. "How did you umm.. learn?" I asked timidly, slowly sitting myself back up. "Practice," she said with a laugh, "maybe watch some porn, read a thing or two, and get some tips from friends like me, and you'll be a top notch slut in no time!" I blushed at her answer, but I was definitely feeling better.

"Do you think you could maybe help me learn to get good at sportball too?" I asked her. At first she really did seem surprised, but then she laughed. "Yeah sure, if yer really up for it. No better place for it after all. Ain't gonna be easy of course, but since you'll be helpin' us out at practice anyway, I think we can show ya a thing er two." I smiled a little and Lita smiled back, reaching her paw out to me. "C'mon, lets get outa here," she said, standing up and taking my paw to help me stand as well. I grabbed my towel, but didn't bother trying to cover myself anymore, as we both walked naked back out toward the lockers. I started straightening things up while Lita got dressed, tossing all the used towels and discarded uniforms in the wash bin, along with my own, which I made note to request a more appropriate size for before next week's game. Lita pulled on a short dark red t-shirt and blue jeans that mostly covered her ankle bandage, and stayed to look after me until I had finished, and pulled my original outfit back out from the cabinet where Seri had stuffed it in order to put it back in. Once we were both ready we walked together out toward the door, but Lita paused a moment at the coach's office where the light was still on. "So.. remember what I told ya," Lita said, "Coach is kinda rough, but he knows how to run a team, and its best to try and get on his good side. I've really gotta get goin' but why don't ya go on in and introduce yerself. I'm sure he'll be real glad to meet ya." "Thanks Lita" I said, with a little smile. "Any time kid," she said, ruffling my headfur with her paw before turning and stepping out the door.

With a deep breath I turned and knocked on the door. "Come in," came a gruff voice from the other side. I reached up to turn the label on my collar around, then slowly pulled the door open and stepped inside, much to the surprise of the old badger seated at his desk working at his computer. "I'm Tara," I said, trying to sound sure of myself as I put my paws behind my back and pushed my chest out, "the new assistant!" "Is that right?" he asked, looking me up and down. "Well its about time we got a replacement. What can I do for you Tara?" he asked. I smiled at him, and with all the confidence I could manage I slowly unbuttoned my top, letting it fall from my shoulders and slide down to the floor, followed by unfastening my skirt and swaying my hips as I worked it down my legs, and stepped out of it. Then without a word I climbed up onto his desk in front of him beside his computer, laid back and spread my legs.

When I finally walked back out of the locker room, still panting a bit with a great deal of wetness running down my inner thighs, everything felt right. I took a long deep breath and sighed, feeling the cool air gently blowing through my slightly damp fur, smiling as I made my way back around the field to meet my father, who was practically the only one left in the stadium. "What took you so long?" he asked, sounding a little concerned at how frazzled I looked. "Just.. helping the team," I said, smiling and blushing slightly, hoping he didn't notice exactly how I had been helping. Whether he did or not I couldn't tell, but he got up and walked with me out to the parking lot holding my paw. As he drove us home he told me about how he was going to try and spend with me, to make sure everything was going ok. I smiled at this, feeling for the first time that day that things really were looking like they could turn out ok.

That night when I slipped out of my clothes and curled up warmly in bed, I had a hard time falling asleep, thinking back through all the things that happened that day. As I squirmed about under the covers trying to get comfortable, I heard a strange sound like something thumping at my window. I listened, and after a brief pause I heard it again. I slowly got up and crept over to the window, looking out to see what was going on. It was dark, and I didn't see anything at first, and then it happened again, a loud thump as something bounced off of the glass, making me jump back in surprise. I couldn't tell what it was, so I opened the window up and leaned out to see. Suddenly, a pinecone came flying through the air and hit me in the nose, bouncing onto the floor. I cried out in surprise more than anything, reaching my paw up to rub my nose as looked down at it on the floor, confused at why pinecones would be flying into my window. "Tara!" came a shouted whisper from outside. I poked my head back out the window and looked down to see Aster, standing under the tree next to the house waving at me. "Wait!" I called back as quietly as I could, before closing the window and peeking out my bedroom door. Fortunately my parents were asleep, so I slowly crept downstairs to the front door.

What could Aster possibly be doing here? Sure he came over to play often enough during the day, he only lived a few blocks away after all, but he couldn't wait to see me at school tomorrow? We were both supposed to be asleep. I opened the front door as quietly as I could, and peeked out to see him standing there in his blue pajamas smiling back at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked at a whisper, wide eyed and still unable to believe he was here. "Lita just got home," he whispered back with a smile, "she says that you.." "Hold on," I interrupted him, stepping outside and starting to close the door behind me to keep the noise down. "Uhh, your clothes," Aster said with a giggle as he saw me step out naked. "Oh.. right.. come on then," I said, blushing a little and inviting him inside. Quietly I closed the door and we both snuck together up to my room, where I sat down on my bed with him to talk. "Lita says you're the new team assistant!" he said in an excited whisper. "Umm.. yeah.." I answered quietly, still a bit confused. "That's so cool!" he exclaimed, still trying to keep his voice down. "That's what you came here for?" I asked him flabbergasted. "Umm.. well yeah, congratulations!" he whispered with a big smile." "And you couldn't just wait until tomorrow at school?" I asked. "Umm.. oh," he said, apparently not having thought of that. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "You're ridiculous" I said, giving his shoulder a shove.

He shoved me back, and I let myself fall backward down onto my bed as he pounced on me. We started to wrestle around, but I shook my head. "Wait wait.. we have to go to sleep." I said with a sigh. "Oh.. yeah I guess so," he said, slowly sitting back up. I looked at him. He looked very different somehow, here with me on my bed with the light of the moon shining in from the window in his cute pajamas. I smiled up at him, and he looked down at me confused. Without another word I slowly let my legs spread apart, looking up into his eyes. "What are you doing?" he asked, looking over my naked body. "I want to show you something," I whispered, reaching my arms up to him. "Here, give me a hug." Never being one to refuse a hug, Aster lay down on top of me between my legs and hugged me tightly, purring happily as I rubbed up against him. I took his pajama top in my paws and slowly lifted it over his head, dropping it to the floor beside the bed before reaching down to his pants. He watched as I slid them down, and helped me to get them off his legs, also setting them aside to lay back down against me again, with nothing between the fur of our two bodies. It felt so good, so right here in my own bed, with one of my best friends.

I slid a paw down between his legs and began to stroke his furry sheath, sliding it back to start to expose is growing length as our bodies rubbed together. Slowly I guided it between my legs, and Aster lowered his hips to mine, gasping along with me as he started to slip into my throbbing sex. "Oh yes," I whispered, hugging him close as we slowly began moving together. "You feel so good," he purred, nuzzling the side of my neck. I wrapped my legs around him too, wanting all of him inside me. Though I had been taken by many much larger males already today, he still felt wonderful, even more so from the special connection we had that was more than I could put into words. Our passion seemed to last for hours, slow and sensual, rubbing and grinding against one another, licking, kissing, and whispering sweetly back and forth, until finally we both climaxed, doing our best to be as quiet as we could, panting and gasping out in release as our wetness mixed together.

"Can we do that again?" he whispered after managing to catch his breath. "Oh yes," I whispered back, licking the edge of his ear, "but.. tomorrow," I added, realizing it must now be very late. He slowly got up and got dressed, and I walked him down the stairs and out the front door, where I stepped outside again, ignoring my nakedness to give him a long affectionate hug. When we separated he smiled his big silly smile to me, and hurried off back toward his house. I went back inside and once I was safely in my bed I quickly fell right to sleep, completely contented and fulfilled.

A History Lesson, Part 1

Prologue My name is Lucius, and I was a member of expedition 14 out into the great desert. These expeditions have been largely kept secret, so as to avoid inconvenient questions and unwanted attention. Our goal was the same as all of those who had...

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The Choice

I whimpered to myself as I slowly opened my eyes, blinking sleepily as I looked around the still lit living room for what had woken me up. I felt stiff and uncomfortable, partially from falling asleep on the sofa, and partially from what I had endured...

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Murry Yiffmas!

It felt so good. I was laying on my back with my legs spread wide and that warm silky tongue sliding up and down the lips of my sex. I let out a passionate moan and suddenly opened my eyes, blinking in confusion as I woke myself up. What a dream I...

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