Murry Yiffmas!

Story by Vachir on SoFurry

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#7 of The Misadventures of Valentine

Murry Yiffmas to all and too all a.. well.. you might not like the ending, fair warning!

It felt so good. I was laying on my back with my legs spread wide and that warm silky tongue sliding up and down the lips of my sex. I let out a passionate moan and suddenly opened my eyes, blinking in confusion as I woke myself up. What a dream I thought for a brief moment, until I realized the sensations hadn't stopped. I wiped my eyes with one paw and carefully lifted the blanket with the other to see Angie's sparkling blue eyes gleaming up at me. Seeming pleased that I was awake and without giving me half a moment to object she quickly thrust one of her large lupine paw digits into my unprepared cunny and went to work on my pierced clit with her tongue, causing me to gasp sharply and toss my head back, releasing the blanket and lifting my hips to her muzzle as my body responded to her attention exactly how she knew it would. It wasn't long before I was crying out in ecstasy as Angie buried her muzzle between my legs, gasping for breath as my orgasm washed over me. "Mmmmurry Yiffmas" Angie smiled as she slid up along my body and licked my nose. "Umm.. Murry Yiffmas" I answered back, still trembling as I watched Angie's naked body slowly came into full view from under the blanket. "Your turn" Angie said with a smile as she moved to straddle my face and slowly lowered herself down while I looked up at her blushing.

How long had Angie and I been sleeping together now, weeks? It was hard to think straight so early, especially with my roommate riding my muzzle. The sex had been going on far longer of course, in fact since the first night I had moved in, but it was only recently we had finally given up on keeping to our separate beds pretty much every night as neither of us exactly had a mate at present. Whatever had happened to Tom? I had wondered since that night the strange wolfess had appeared and whisked him away. Angie had been unwilling to say a word about it since, but I was sure she knew. Wolves all seemed to know about those sorts of things though no fur else seemed to. I normally found it best to just leave the silly wolfy things to the silly wolfies and not concern myself with them, but I'd never had a wolf for a real friend before. Not that wolves were all that uncommon, in fact quite the opposite, they just weren't what I'd normally think of as all that friendly. Of course the males were more than friendly once they got a girl's tail lifted, but that was about it unless she was a wolf. Female wolves it seemed were always a bit standoffish as well, leading to quite a stereotype. Angie on the other paw was just the opposite, she didn't act the part of a wolf at all. If anything she seemed reluctant to even acknowledge the practices of other wolves, though I could never get her to explain why. It must have had a lot to do with what had happened with Tom I thought, but now was definitely not the time to ask as Angie reached down to stroke my fennec ears drawing my attention up to her. "Take a deep breath" she instructed, lifting up for a moment and licking her lips. Knowing by now exactly what she had in mind I breathed in as she said and soon felt warmth surrounding my muzzle as she pressed down and took it deep into her soaking cunny.

I squirmed and rubbed my thighs together as Angie rocked her hips using my muzzle for her pleasure. There was little else I could do in my position pinned beneath her, not that she needed much more from me as her voice quickly picked up. Her paw slid between her legs just in front of my eyes and quickly started moving back and forth, and I could feel her getting close as she clenched around my muzzle and pressed down hard, making it quite difficult for me to breathe from the sides of my mouth. Luckily Angie seemed to be in quite a hurry and managed to bring herself to climax before suffocating me, her loud uninhibited moans no doubt being carried out to the street if anyone around were listening. "Mmm, I love your muzzle" Angie said, still panting softly as she lifted up and laid herself down beside me on top of the covers. I breathed in Angie's scent deeply and laid back, closing my eyes again and trying to relax myself. "Oh no you don't" Angie said, giving my large fennec ear a nibble "you have to get up or you'll make us late again." I sighed and opened my eyes, gently tugging my ear away from her to look over at the bedside clock. "But it's still early" I whimpered, snuggling further under the blanket. "Up!" Angie insisted, tugging the blanket from my naked body and sitting up to help me to my footpaws. I grudgingly complied and wobbled my way into the bathroom, turning back to look at Angie as I got there. "Shower?" I asked, wondering if she planned to join me. "Not unless you want to be really late" Angie giggled with a swish of her tail as she got onto all fours and crawled to the foot of the bed. "I already had one, just get yourself ready and I'll pick you out an outfit" she added with a suggestive smile as I closed the bathroom door behind me and went to turn on the shower.

The warm water helped to wake me up, and though it felt nice running through my fur I couldn't help but become uneasy at the prospect of what was to come today. I had never been especially fond of holidays, Yiffmas in particular being my least favorite except for Breeding Day which fortunately wasn't for several more months. As tradition had it, Yiffmas was the day on which celebration of sex was practically universal, meaning anyone who offered a yiffmas greeting to anyone else was expected to consummate the greeting, or be considered shamefully impolite which was often met with a range of potential consequences. Where I had grown up the practice wasn't taken very seriously, and was mostly a matter of teasing and suggestive behavior, though no doubt more sex happened by far than on any normal day. Since I had moved here and began living with Angie however I discovered that holidays were taken far more seriously than where I was from. Angie had convinced me that today would be best spent attending a Yiffmas party with her than staying home, due to the custom of groups of males roaming about visiting houses to offer Yiffmas greetings. Acceptance meant being used by the entire group in any way that they liked, and attempts at refusal were met with punishments I preferred not to even think about. Angie's parties of course weren't exactly an ideal way to avoid holiday festivities as I by now knew all too well. After each one I swore I wouldn't let her talk me into going next time, but here I was again asking myself how I got into this mess as I thoroughly shampooed my fur and tried not to stimulate myself any more than I had to in order to get clean after being awakened rather lasciviously.

As I washed out the last of the soap bubbles and turned off the water Angie opened the door and came bounding in with a clothes hangar in each paw. I looked up at her puzzled as I hesitated to turn on the blustery full body fur dryer next to the shower, quite confused by her choice of outfits. Angie herself was wearing a thick matching set of red arm and leg warmers and a red underbust corset, with nothing more than what looked like a white two piece bikini bathing suit that was almost invisible against her white fur. In her paws she held up for me a purple and pink horizontally striped skirt and halter top in one paw, and a thin looking white sleeveless blouse and a tight looking red pencil skirt trimmed with white fluff in the other. "You know its winter right?" I asked her, picking up a towel and starting to dry myself a bit. "They won't last long anyway silly" she teased, wiggling her hips. "I have warmies for you too, but which one?" she asked, holding them closer for me to see. I weighed my choices and sighed, apparently it wouldn't matter much given what day it was, but I still didn't want to look too inviting. "Umm.. this one" I said, pointing to the white blouse. "Okies, get dry and then get dressed, I'll be downstairs" Angie said, bounding back out of the room and leaving me to finish getting ready. I wasn't in any hurry to involve myself, but it seemed I had little choice at this rate I thought as I turned on the blustery dryer and rubbed my paws through my damp fur.

Once I was dry I discovered the rest of the outfit Angie had laid out for me on the bed, which included long thick red arm and leg warmers much like she had worn, and a matching sort of wrap which I fitted around my midsection somewhat like a corset so that the blouse would fit over it. Angie had neglected to leave me a bra or panties as usual, but I picked them out anyway, deciding to go a bit more conservative but also with white so as not to show too much or attract extra attention. Though I managed to get the bra on with a bit of work when it came to the blouse I had quite a bit of trouble getting the buttons fastened. Ever since the incident I had been subjected to on Stuffing Day my breasts had been uncomfortably enlarged, making it difficult to fit into most of the tops I had. I kept hoping they would return to normal as I was reluctant to buy new clothes, not to mention being stuck with breasts nearly two full sizes larger than I was accustomed to. They weren't as large as my sister's, or my mother's for that matter, but I still found them quite troublesome, in more ways than one. Not only did they get in the way and make clothing difficult to fit, but the extra attention they seemed to attract had already gotten me into trouble on several occasions, so I was quite looking forward to my bust size returning to normal, though I had no idea at this point how long that might take. My nipples being pierced of course wasn't helping either as my sensitivity seemed to have increased quite a bit, to spite my best efforts to ignore it. This, in addition to pure modesty, was more than enough reason for me to add a bra to Angie's suggested outfit, even if I was at risk of losing it before the day was over.

Eventually I simply gave up on my top and left the top three buttons undone, resolving to get today over with as best I could manage. After a brief look in the mirror, I headed downstairs to find out what was in store for me. Angie was waiting on the sofa talking on the phone as I wandered over and sat down next to her, listening in curiously. "Sure, you don't have to worry about her.. Yeah.. Ok, we'll be right over.. We'll try, but you know how things are today.. Ok.. Ok bye." I looked over Angie curiously as she put the phone down. "Ooh that's cute" she said with a smile, bouncing up from the sofa. "So where are we going?" I asked with a sigh, resolving to yet again allow myself to be subjected to whatever Angie had in mind. "Well, it's kinda hard to explain, probably easiest if I show you" she said, taking my paw and starting to drag me behind her toward the door.

Just as we reached the steps that led down to the front door there was a knock. I gasped and Angie sighed, shaking her head. "Now we really are going to be late" she said, releasing my paw and stepping down the stairs. I moved off to the side and peaked around the door as Angie opened it to reveal a group of males standing just outside. "Murry Yiffmas!" a tall buck said enthusiastically, not even waiting for a response before pushing the door the rest of the way open and letting himself in. "Guys, we're really in a hurry, so if you could just.." Angie began, only to be cut off as the buck pressed her against the wall and began loosening his pants. "I said Murry Yiffmas, slut" the buck repeated insistently, dropping his pants to reveal his state of arousal. Angie gulped as she looked down at his impressive length and then back up to meet his gaze as he stared expectantly at her with a smile. "Murry Yiffmas" she answered, and with that he pulled the ties to either side of her bikini bottoms, letting them drop to the floor before lifting one of her legs over his arm and guiding his shaft to her sex. I was so surprised by how quickly Angie had found herself taken by a total stranger and was so transfixed by the scene that I hardly noticed the remaining furs as they entered and approached up the steps toward me. "Well what do we have here?" Asked a gray lynx as he noticed me peeking down at Angie. I shook my head and looked over to him blushing as I began to realize I should have kept out of sight. "Murry Yiffmas" he said, placing a paw on my head as he and two other males, an attractive brown squirrel and young looking lion moved to crowd around me. "Umm, Murry Yiffmas" I said nervously, looking from face to face. "Those tits look nice" said the lion as he reached out to give them a grope followed by the lynx who then began unbuttoning my top the rest of the way. "I think there's a lot about her I want to see" the lynx said as he finished unbuttoning my top and pulled it open. I squirmed helplessly as three sets of paws roamed over my body, rubbing and tugging my clothes, finally getting my top to slide down my arms and allowing them to get at the clasp of my bra.

I blushed and whimpered in embarrassment as I felt my bra go loose about my shoulders, listening to Angie's body banging against the wall nearby along with the sound of panting as my breasts were exposed, knowing I would soon be in a very similar situation. "Wow, you were really holding those in" said the lynx with a smile as his paw digits started to squeeze one of my nipples. I looked away and tucked my tail down, trying to stay still to keep from pulling my sensitive flesh from his grip. "I think this girl needs some decoration, don't you?" he asked the others as he released my nipple and placed his paw on my head, pushing me down to my knees. They each seemed to nod in agreement and crowded around in front of me, lowering their pants and guiding my paws and muzzle to begin giving them the attention they more than obviously desired. The squirrel was the only one who seemed a bit reluctant for some reason, but the two felines looked on lustfully as I submitted to their wishes, stroking their lengths with my paws and moving my muzzle back and forth between them, taking each male's shaft into my mouth and bobbing up and down his length until a paw guided me to the next. It was hard not to notice the clear difference in size from my position, as it turned out, the squirrel was huge. Not to an unrealistic extent but the size of his shaft was surprising to say the least. No doubt he would even have put a lot of wolves to shame. "Guys.. I'm not sure about this" the squirrel who had been silent up until this point said in an unsteady tone as I ran my tongue along his massive length. "Go ahead and take her from behind then and we'll keep up this end" said the lynx, who eagerly took my muzzle and guided it to his waiting shaft.

The timid squirrel nodded and moved around behind me, kneeling down and fumbling with my skirt for a moment, finally resolving to lift it up around my waist. I could tell he was struggling with my panties as I knelt with my legs wide apart between the three male furs. Apparently the others could tell too as the lion called out "just rip em off" while he took his turn thrusting into my muzzle. A few painful tugs later my ruined panties dropped to the floor and I felt the reluctant squirrel pushing his massive length between my legs. I trembled in anticipation, unable to really object as I felt him prepare to take me. "Sorry about this" the squirrel whispered in my ear as he pressed up close behind me, and to my surprise guided the tip of his shaft from the wetness of my sex up under my tail. I opened my eyes wide and struggled to try and pull away, but the three males held me firmly in place and suddenly his huge shaft was thrust into me, causing me to cry out around the feline length deep in my muzzle. The squirrel moaned and pulled back before thrusting forward again, taking several thrusts to finally hilt himself inside of me. My voice joined his as I felt his hips press up against mine, moaning out from the mixture of pain and pleasure of being stretched. He left me no time to adjust and soon he was rapidly taking me with long swift thrusts. It was about that time that the intense stretching and overly full feeling made me remember that I hadn't used the toilet since being woken up early. I whimpered and moved to my muzzle faster up and down the lion's shaft, hoping to hurry things along and avoid a rather embarrassing accident. He didn't seem to mind of course, and rocked his hips faster along with my muzzle, pressing his length to the back of my throat and making it hard for me to breathe. "I can't wait to find out what her cunt feels like" said the lynx as he watched and waited while enjoying my paw stroking him. I looked up at him nervously and folded my ears down, struggling to control myself as my body grew ever more tense and sensitive. "We.. really do have to go" said Angie who was now being taken from behind by the buck as she leaned up against the wall. "What you have to do, is take this" panted the buck as he picked up the pace, eliciting another moan from her.

"Almost" said the squirrel who by now was pounding me so hard I could barely hold back. Just then he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed, thrusting his hips forward hard and crying out as his huge shaft pulsed with warmth inside of me. Unfortunately that was too much and I arched my back and cried out, pulling my muzzle back from the felines and closing my eyes as I finally lost control and began to wet myself. The two of them looked down in surprise at first but then started to laugh as I soaked the floor beneath me. The squirrel of course didn't even seem to notice at first but slowed and eventually pulled back, giving my ears a gentle stroke before refastening his pants and joining his friends. As I slowly ventured to open my eyes whimpering from embarrassment, I saw the two felines quickly stroking themselves as they stood just in front of me. As I realized what was about to happen I opened my mouth to try and object, just as the lion roared out and began spraying my face with his cum. I closed my eyes again and whimpered, unable to do anything but accept what they were doing to me as the lynx finished soon after, helping to cover my face and chest with feline cum.

Angie at this point I could tell was also getting close. I could see her breasts were now bare as well and she was rocking back to meet the buck's thrusts as he moaned out lustfully. The two felines seemed to be enjoying the show as they stood to either side of me, turning to watch as well while stroking themselves. It wasn't long before they were both ready for more and I found myself lifted to my footpaws and sandwiched between them facing the lynx who placed my arms around his neck and picked me up with his arms under the backs of my knees, spreading my soaked thighs around his body as his barbed shaft slowly penetrated my well lubricated sex. "Wow, you really stretched her out" came the lion's voice from behind me as he groped my rear with his paws and slowly began easing his length into my well used rear entrance. I was feeling a little sore by now but the stretching at least made it not too painful as the lion and lynx both took advantage of my exposed body, holding me up between them as they bounced me up and down in their embrace.

I heard Angie's voice cry out and looked down at her again to see her start to climax, her whole body seeming to spasm with her cries as the buck held her tightly and drove his shaft deep into her sex, moaning out loudly as well as he reached his orgasm along with her. "You're the best slut I've had today" smirked the buck, giving Angie's rear a slap before stepping back from her and refastening his pants. Angie stayed propped against the wall panting, taking a moment to recover as the buck stepped out the door and was gone without another word, with the well-endowed squirrel following shortly after him. As Angie slowly returned to her senses, she looked up to see what was going on with me and sighed. "Guys, we're really late, you can come along and take her in the car if you want, but we have to leave now" she said insistently while looking around and picking up her discarded clothes. The lynx seemed to smile at the idea and with a few more hard bounces, reluctantly withdrew and set me down as the lion behind me pulled away also. "Let's go" Angie said, opening the door again as she finished retying her bikini top and bottom. "Wait, I need to clean up and change" I said uncomfortably, looking down over myself and the floor. My face and chest were matted with cum, and my thighs and leggings were soaked from my earlier accident, not to mention my bra and panties which were now soaking in a wet puddle where I had been kneeling. "We don't have time, now come on!" Angie said, bounding out to the car.

"My top!" I whimpered as the two felines began guiding me down the stairs. The lion took a few steps back to retrieve it, but neglected to give it to me so that I could put it back on as I felt the chill of the winter air blowing in from outside. The heat of my body was a sharp contrast to the cold as I was pushed topless toward the open door. I did my best to push my skirt down and cover my chest with my paws as I looked nervously out at the busy neighborhood. Angie was already opening the car door by the time I had stepped outside with the two males. The lion closed the door behind us and we quickly followed Angie's lead, the pair of felines guiding me to get into the back of the car along with them rather than letting me sit up front with Angie as I normally would have. From a short distance away I heard a sharp cry of distress and paused to look over worriedly. A male fox it seemed had caught a young tabby feline girl by the back of the neck, and was groping at her body and making her watch as her mother nearby was being stripped of her clothes by a large black and white husky. "Say it" the fox said with a growl as he brought his paw up between her flailing legs. "Murry... Yiffmas" the young girl whimpered, struggling to pull away. "No! You can't, she's too young" the older feline cried as she was pushed down to all fours on top of her pile of clothes. The husky paid no attention to her words and immediately mounted her, causing her to cry out at the sudden violation. The fox tilted his head as he looked over the young girl, moving his free paw from between her legs to lift up her shirt, exposing her young braless chest. "She looks old enough to me, pussy" he said lustfully as he looked over her smooth flat chest. "But there's only one way to be sure" he added, and with that yanked the girls pants down her narrow hips to her ankles, causing her to shriek again. Her pink thong soon followed, exposing her tiny slit as the fox pushed her down and lowered his own pants as he prepared to take her. "Get in!" Angie called, and I found myself pushed the rest of the way into the car, the closing of the door blocking out most of the young girl's scream as her virginity was taken. How young had I been, her age, younger? I wondered as we pulled away and I lost sight of the girl.

It didn't take long before I had other things to worry about as my skirt was pulled up around my waist and the two felines again held me between them, my legs spread around the lynx as the lion thrust in under my tail. The drive was unfortunately quite long, though the attention of the two felines meant I didn't have much chance to look around with the exception of the few times we got stuck in traffic where a female driver had been stopped and was being yiffed right in the middle of the street. It even happened to Angie once when we stopped at a light, an otter crossing the street noticed she was a female and came up to knock on her window. Angie sighed and rolled it down, interrupting him before he could say anything. "Listen, we're in a hurry, I really don't have time for this" she said, to which he only replied "Murry Yiffmas!" Angie shook her head and opened the door, untying her bikini bottoms and bending over the hood of the car with her tail raised, telling him he'd better hurry up. The lion climaxed as he watched Angie being taken again, mentioning something about taking a turn with her later as he sat back down to recover. The otter obliged Angie's wishes and didn't take long to cum, simply refastening his pants and continuing across the street when he was done with her, leaving her none too pleased at the delay, short though it was, as she got back into the car.

The remainder of the trip was fairly uneventful, though I was much too distracted to notice much as the Lynx got me to a point of such frequent climax between his barbed shaft and the embarrassment of being used like this in a moving car with other furs all around able to look in and see. When the car did finally come to a stop at least I knew he noticed, because he picked up his pace and without much more effort, flooded my already soaked cunny with his warmth. "Mmm, what about your friend here?" The lynx asked as he let me up to get out and looked up to Angie who was putting her now well soaked bikini bottoms back on. "We.. have to go" I stammered, taking my top and getting out of the car on wobbly legs to put it on away from the two males. They got out as well and had clearly resolved to come along with us as Angie had offered, though I myself still didn't know where exactly it was we were going. The area seemed unfamiliar to me as I took a moment to look around. We had parked in busy a parking garage below street level, and there were elevators which clearly must go up into the buildings above, though I had little idea of what buildings they might be. As I struggled with the buttons of my top again Angie took me by the paw and led me to a nearby elevator, the two felines following close behind expectantly. Once inside and on our way up I managed to button at least a few buttons, though my lack of a bra was now clearly evident as the wetness of my fur dampened the thin white shirt and showed through a lot more than I would have liked. Still we had arrived at least, and maybe now I would get a chance to clean myself up a bit.

I didn't have long to wait as the elevator door soon opened, leading to what seemed like a lobby for some sort of office. The floor was white tile and the walls were a sort of dull beige, with nude pictures of pinup girls adorning them making me none too confident. There was a reception desk located in front of a pair of glass doors with a silky looking mink seated behind it, looking up to us as we approached. Her outfit was what most caught my attention. She was very well dressed in what looked like a tuxedo, with a jacket and bow tie, but her chest was uncovered, leaving her breasts bare. Likewise when I could see over the desk, I could tell her pants were more like chaps, leaving her completely exposed, yet at the same time completely dressed in a way that seemed presentable. "Welcome" she said in a voice every bit as smooth and silky as she looked, "Name please?" "Angie" my roommate replied, seeming to sigh in relief at finally having made it. "Let me see, Angie and Valentine is it?" she asked turning to me. "Yes" I answered nervously, unaware that Angie had given my name. "Hmm, well you are a bit late" the mink replied, seeming unconcerned with my bedraggled appearance, "just hurry through and to the right and someone will help take care of you." She pressed a button on the desk and the glass doors slid open with a soft chime and Angie took my paw again and began leading me inside. "Thank you" I added, trying to be polite as Angie dragged me off. "What about us?" The lion asked, seeming about as confused as I was by what was going on. "Oh umm, do you have a couple more seats?" Angie asked, turning back to the mink. "Hurry along and I'll see what I can do" she said with a gentle wave of her paw, not turning her gaze from her computer screen. "Thanks Tish" Angie called back as the doors closed behind us, moving along down a dark narrow hallway and taking the first turn to the right.

Thankfully we found ourselves in what looked like a bathroom with a rubbery mesh mat on the floor and a glass shower enclosure with several showers in the center of the room. "You only have seventeen minutes, so you'd better hurry" came a voice from a chocolate brown bunny girl who hurried over, wrapped in a towel and carrying a tray of soaps and brushes. Angie and I each took what we needed and undressed ourselves, placing our clothes in a nearby container to keep them safe and dry before getting into the showers. I tried to rinse off as best I could, though I would have liked much more time as I still had to dry and dress myself once I was clean. Still I did the best that I could and soon was standing in front of a fur dryer, trying to keep my face away from the noisy blowing air. I was so focused on the annoyance of the dryer that I hadn't noticed a large black wolf slip into the room through a side door. I gasped in surprise as I saw him looking Angie and I over, covering myself with my paws and blushing reflexively, though feeling kind of silly given what I had already been through today. "May I help you?" asked the bunny, walking up to him with her tray. "Just looking for a little preview" he said with a smile, giving Angie a long look. "These girls can't be late, and you should go and find your seat, its only three minutes to show time." The bunny said as she moved over to turn off the dryers. "Hurry up girls, your outfits are in the next room" she said, pointing to the door on the far wall. "Maybe they can't be late, but I don't mind taking a little longer" rumbled the wolf as he stepped up to the comparatively small bunny. "Murry Yiffmas" he said, looking down at her and folding his arms across his chest. "The bunny turned her ears down submissively and nodded, bending down to set her tray aside before standing up straight and unwrapping her towel, letting it fall to the floor leaving her naked before him. "Murry Yiffmas" she replied as he placed his paw on her shoulder and pulled her close to him.

Angie and I hurried along to the next room, leaving the pair of furs to their Yiffmas festivities. The room was fairly bare, with not much besides plushy carpeting, green walls, and a few mirrors and racks of clothing. A few of the girls standing around were already dressed in a sort of strange uniform with more of the attendants dressed like the mink outside in their tuxedo outfits busying themselves with organizing them and seemingly giving out instructions. "Good, you made it" came the voice of a familiar female lynx who hurried over and ushered us toward a rack of the curious uniforms. "Dalia?" I asked, looking her over somewhat in disbelief, and taking note of the cum leaking from her exposed sex. "Yeah, hi! Hey isn't this great? I'd love to chat but we're on in just a minute, quick put these on and we'll get you in at the back of the line ok? Better get dressed, you don't want to start the show naked!" She giggled and hurried off to talk to some of the other tuxedo clad girls, leaving me blinking in confusion. "Thanks Dal" Angie called after her, looking through the rack for something that would fit. "You know her?" I asked Angie, still confused. "Sure, she usually works at that mall I like to go to." Angie said as she pulled on one of the outfits, which looked somewhat like a green cheerleader uniform with a glowing belt and collar, decorated with tiny jingling bells between which two thick strips of cloth ran down the front to cover the breasts. A sort of multi-panel pleated skirt hung down from the belt about mid-thigh length with a built-in red thong fixed to the belt between the front and back. As Angie offered me one she thought would fit, I timidly stepped into it and fastened the collar and belt, securing it around my body. As I had discovered already, the mix of large breasts and a small frame never seemed to work out well when it came to clothes, and it was difficult to hold my bosom in as tight as the top was across my chest. Still I eventually got it to work just as Angie and I both found ourselves ushered along at the back of a line of identically dressed girls out a side door and into a large black room.

"And with that, let's bring out tonight's hopeful contestants." An announcer's voice boomed from a brightly lit stage at the front of the room, followed by a round of enthusiastic applause. It was clearly too late to protest as we were ushered forward in a line along the back of the stage under the bright lights, each of our bells jingling in our skimpy outfits in full view of what sounded like a rather large crowd. As we took our places on the stage I looked up to Angie nervously, but she was simply looking out over the audience and smiling. As I could see by peering down the line of girls, some of them had taken up rather provocative poses and were enticing the appreciation of the crowd, who were still clapping their paws and shouting various words of encouragement. The announcer, a handsome looking raccoon walked up and down the stage in front of us, giving each girl a thorough looking over. "Well it looks like we've got quite a show in store for you tonight, are you ready girls?" he asked somewhat rhetorically as only a few girls clapped and cheered. "Is everyone out there ready?" he turned and asked the audience, drawing another round of eager applause. "Well then, let's get started with this special Yiffmas edition of.. " he held up his arms expectantly, the audience loudly shouting their response of "Wheel, Of, Yiffing!" I gulped and tucked my tail down, what had Angie gotten us into this time?

As the cheers died down a large circular cover surrounded by a railing at the front of the stage pulled back, revealing a large colorful chance wheel set horizontally into the floor, marked with a range of outcomes. Most seemed to involve 'unwrapping' which I could assume the meaning of based on the name of the game, but a few others I hesitated to guess at including those marked 'Mystery Surprise!' and 'Audience Participation'. What especially worried me however was a section simply labeled 'Murry Yiffmas!' which based on what I'd already been through today, was no doubt something I would be best off avoiding. While I was busy looking over the wheel the announcer had made his way over to the first girl, a rather young looking tan bunny, and was escorting her up to a small raised platform in the center of the stage. "So then contestant number one, what brings you here tonight?" he asked as he offered her his paw to help her step up onto the platform. "I umm.. my friends brought me. They said it would be a surprise." Her voice trembled as she answered and I could tell she must be even more nervous than I was up there at center stage in such a skimpy outfit. She was obviously older than the young feline girl I had seen taken earlier, her young breasts clearly showing through the fabric of her top, but I couldn't help wondering if her 'friends' had come up with a creative way to get her to lose her virginity. A few subtle laughs came from the audience, who overall seemed unimpressed by her display as she fidgeted nervously on the platform for their inspection. "Alright audience" continued the raccoon, "our first contestant sure does look surprised, so put in those votes and let's see what the wheel has in store for her!" A large screen lit up above me and I tried to look and see what it was showing, but the angle was too sharp and I couldn't read it since it was obviously placed more for the benefit of the audience, who now seemed to be busying themselves with voting.

After a few moments a chime sounded and the announcer resumed. "Oh that's too bad contestant number one, it looks like three spins of the wheel for you. Let's head on down and see how lucky you are." With that he took the girl by the paw again as she stepped off the platform and escorted her down a walkway around the wheel to a small opening in the railing at the front center of the stage, where she had to turn her back to the audience to give the wheel a spin. I was somewhat puzzled by this until I saw how she had to kneel down. The wheel was set slightly a slight distance from the walkway so the girl was forced to kneel on a pair of cushions placed closer to it, setting her legs wide apart while bending forward to give the large wheel a spin. The view of her young upturned rear the audience must be getting made me blush as I watched the young girl reach out her paw and start the wheel spinning. To spite its size she didn't seem to have any trouble with it, and soon the wheel was turning rapidly in a clockwise direction while a small ticker in front of the kneeling cushions lit up each passing section. The audience applauded, seeming quite eager to see the result as they watched on the large screen above the stage while no doubt also enjoying the view of the young kneeling bunny squirming nervously before them. The wheel slowed and finally came to a stop with the bunny looking up at the raccoon uncomfortably as he read out the result. "Unwrap one! That's a good start, take your next spin and let's see if your luck holds up." the raccoon said encouragingly, holding out his paw to prompt her next spin. The next time the wheel stopped it landed on a 'Free Pass' which was met with a groan of disappointment from the audience and an enthusiastic congratulation from the announcer. "You've sure got luck on your side tonight girl" he said with a clap of his paws, "just one more and your first turn is over." With that she started the wheel spinning again, which as luck would have it ended up on another 'unwrap one' drawing feeble applause from the audience as she stood up and followed the raccoon back to the platform.

"That was a pretty lucky start contestant number one, now then let's get your unwrapping done and move on to our next contestant." The audience cheered again as the lights on the bunny girl's collar and belt pulsed briefly and then went out, as two strips of cloth fell from the girl's body. I looked closely and saw that the outer side panels of her skirt had fallen away, exposing a short under layer contrastingly red in color which reached only a few short inches below the belt. I considered what had just happened for a moment as the bunny returned to her place, and a beautiful fluffy collie was led up to take her place on the platform. The audience was obviously expected to vote on a contestant's performance, but I had no idea what their votes were based on at this point. No doubt being late had made us miss some of the instructions for how to play this game. The collie seemed much more confident and swished her fluffy tail as she stood arching her back and showing herself off to the crowd. The votes for her came back with only two spins which gave me some clue as to what I was going to have to perform when my turn came. The collie's first spin resulted in an 'Unwrap One' just as before, but her second spin was met with enthusiastic cheers as the wheel stopped itself on 'Audience Participation'. "Well it looks like our latest contestant is going to be starting off the fun tonight" teased the announcer as two tuxedo clad girls wheeled a curious restraining device out onto the far side of the stage. They fixed the device in place while the collie was led grudgingly back up to the platform where the back panel of her skirt dropped from her outfit. The raccoon then led her over to the device where a line of audience members was already forming up a small staircase leading up to the stage. The collie was forced to kneel with her knees wide and her wrists and ankles cuffed to a post behind her back, forcing her to sit straight up and accept whatever was about to happen. "Well now don't you look pretty all bound and tied?" the raccoon asked rhetorically with a smile and stroke to her ears. "Are you ready to please our Wheel of Yiffing audience?" He asked, drawing only a nervous whimper from her as the first male, a slender spotted leopard stepped up and began lowering his pants. "That's a good girl" the raccoon said as the feline's growing length disappeared between the collie's lips. "Now then lets vote for our next contestant" the announcer said with a smile, moving back to lead a young female raccoon up onto the platform.

"So then Maia, I mean.. contestant number three" The raccoon started off, drawing a laugh from the audience "show our lovely audience what you've got and lets find out how they're going to vote!" The girl looked up at the older male raccoon seeming confused as the audience again busied themselves voting. I couldn't help but wonder if the two were related as the chime tolled to indicate the end of the voting, and the male raccoon again announced the result of three spins. I took a brief glance over to the collie who seemed to be having no trouble servicing one audience member after another, while the small raccoon girl took her place with her rear end lifted toward the crowd while making her first spin. Her first result was again the common 'Unwrap One', but on her second try the wheel slowed to a stop just barely indicating the section for 'Mystery Surprise!'. This was met with boisterous cheers from the audience as the girl turned to look up in surprise, seemingly as unware as I was of what had just happened. "Congratulations" the announcer nearly shouted, giving her rear a firm swat causing her to yip. "Looks like you've won one of our famous mystery surprises, but before we find out what it is, you've still got one more spin, let's make it a good one!" With that he stepped back and let the girl spin the wheel yet again, this time landing on 'Unwrap One, and Spin Again' which drew more applause from the anxious audience. Luckily the next spin for the young girl landed on 'Pass It On' which earned her more enthusiastic applause and laughter. "Unbelievable" the announcer gasped, lifting the tiny girl almost off the floor as he helped her up. "That was about the luckiest spin you could have made sweetheart" he added, guiding her back to her place in line. "Now let's just see if contestant number four gets to be the recipient of one of our famous mystery surprises!"

At that a confident looking vixen stepped forward, swaying her curvaceous hips as she took her place on the platform, sliding her paws up and down her barely covered body. The announcer folded his arms, giving her no introduction as the audience clapped for her, showing their obvious appreciation as she flicked her tail, turning side to side and bending forward for them to provide a view of every angle of her scantily clad body. "Well I think I can safely guess how the votes are going to go for that" the raccoon chuckled, "but let's find out anyway, lock in your votes and let's see how this lovely lady takes the wheel. Remember, she already has one spin from contestant number three, plus two unwrappings and of course one of our mystery surprises coming to her." The audience laughed, seeming pleased and soon the chime sounded indicating an end to the voting. As I had expected from the announcer's tone, the audience had only voted her one additional spin, which she confidently strode down to make, being sure to lift her tail and wiggle her hips suggestively as she knelt down and bent over to make her spins. Her first result was 'Unwrap One, and Spin Again' upping her total spins to three to spite her vote of only one. This was followed by another 'Unwrap One' and finally the wheel came to rest yet again on the popular 'Audience Participation'. The audience cheered again and the vixen stood and turned around to them, licking her lips suggestively before following the raccoon back up to the platform to be 'unwrapped'. "Well it seems our next contestant is off to quite a start, let's take care of her unwrapping and see what our mystery surprise has in store for her!" With that the vixen's collar and belt lights started to pulse, and she opened her legs wide with her paws on her hips expectantly waiting for pieces of her outfit to come free.

She didn't have long to wait and I watched nervously as four pieces of her outfit came floating down to the floor. Three were from her skirt, leaving the only long green section remaining on the back under her tail, while the final green piece of cloth dropped from her top, leaving only the narrow red strip beneath it left to cover her right breast. The audience was ecstatic as a restraining device like the one the collie still occupied was rolled out onto the side of the stage nearest to me. Dalia winked to me as she and another girl set it up, but everyone else's attention was on the vixen. "You're looking quite lovely my dear, I'm sure our audience can hardly wait to enjoy their chance at a little participation with you." The raccoon teased, but she only smiled enticingly and swayed her hips, seeming about as anxious as the line of males already forming along the steps up to the stage near me. "Before we get to that though, let's find out about your mystery surprise!" As the announcer spoke the audience applauded again, seeming quite enthusiastic about whatever these mystery surprises were. I couldn't see the screen from where I stood, but the announcer cleared up my ignorance as he read it for the crowd. "It looks like lucky contestant number four is set to undergo extensive scent enhancement. More than the scent of being in heat, this procedure will make you irresistible to males wherever you go all day every day. And when you do go into heat watch out, because your new scent is going to make you smell so good you'll end up with a bellyful of kits in no time thanks to our sponsor." I found it not at all surprising that the sponsor was not explicitly named, since the direct advertisement of products was subject to an extensive range of legal limitations. Presentations like these were a way of skirting the rules, allowing sponsors to provide products with easily recognizable names which those who were curious could easily look up and tie back to the unnamed sponsor in question as they liked. This did however suggest to me that the show I found myself a part of, was intended for a much larger audience than I had thought.

The announcer's product explanation showed the first sign of hesitation in the vixen who was looking around the room seeming somewhat concerned. The crowd was still applauding as a trio of tuxedo clad attendants walked out to the platform and took hold of her. One of the girls, a surprisingly attractive coyote held in her paws a device of some sort which looked like a cross between some kind of high tech weapon and a sex toy. The vixen only struggled a little as the other two assistants bent her forward while the third lowered her skirt to her knees and prepared the device. The vixen cried out sharply and jerked in their grip as the device was thrust forward, penetrating her deeply and what looked also painfully given the size of it. She only whimpered a few more moments as the visible end of the device began to glow in the cotoye's grip, followed by an audible click that made her wince before the device was finally withdrawn. The attendants pulled her skirt back up and made sure she was able to stand before hurrying off stage, followed by more applause. The vixen still looked a bit wobbly to me as the raccoon escorted her over to the restraining device where Dalia and her companion helped to bind her just like the collie, who was still busy with the line on the other side of the room. "Now then, you might notice your scent is a bit too strong for the first few days so I'd recommend going right home and staying inside unless you want your clothes ripped off. Unfortunately you won't have that luxury for a while as we've got plenty more in store for you and our other contestants!" The announcer concluded, and moved on to the next girl while a red male fox stepped up and dropped his pants before the bound vixen, thrusting his already erect shaft into her waiting muzzle.

Next up was a timid young doe, who hunched forward and kept her arms wrapped about her as she was led up to stand on the platform by the raccoon. "Well contestant number five that was quite a show from contestant number four, let's see what you've got before we send you down to spin that wheel!" The raccoon stepped back, taking a quick glance between the two already bound contestants as the audience submitted their next round of votes for the girl who seemed frozen in place awaiting their decisions. The chime soon sounded again, and the raccoon offered her his paw shaking his head. "Sorry contestant number five, it looks like we're going to need three spins from you, but don't worry, we've been having some pretty lucky spins so far so keep up that lucky streak!" The doe nodded and followed the railing around the wheel, kneeling down and inadvertently showing off the white underside of her tail and upturned rear as she bent forward to spin the wheel. 'Unwrap Two' was the first result the wheel showed her, indicating that maybe luck wasn't exactly on her side. She managed to turn things around however as her next spins came up with 'Free Pass' and then finally 'Pass It On', absolving her of any penalties for the round, much to the disappointment of the audience. "It looks like we're in for a close game tonight!" announced the raccoon, trying to recover some of the excitement. "Let's see what you think of our next beautiful contestant who has been ready and waiting to show her stuff since she first stepped on stage. Contestant number six?"

With that the busty tigress stepped forward, showing her claws and teeth provocatively as she took her place on the platform. The doe stepped far out to the side of her as she returned to her place in line, but the tigress paid her no attention, groping her breasts through the skimpy top of her outfit and rocking her hips suggestively as she waited for her votes. Without any further instruction the chime rang out indicating that the voting was finished and the raccoon clapped his paws in approval. "Wow we haven't had a show like that in quite some time, I can hardly wait to see what she has in store for us next round. But before we get to that, we need one spin from the vote, and one more for the previous pass it on, contestant number six." She sauntered down to the front of the stage, her long tail swishing behind her as she knelt down and reached out to give the wheel a spin. 'Unwrap One, and Spin Again' the wheel read on her first try, drawing a scowl on her face visible only to the other contestants as the audience instead had their view occupied by her barely covered rear. Her next spin stopped in the 'Audience Participation' section, followed by a rather unfortunate result of 'Unwrap 3'. Her demeanor was much less enticing as she got up and made her way back to the platform without the aid of the raccoon as another restraining device was rolled out, again from the far side of the stage. "Well that really is too bad contestant number six, but I'm sure our audience won't mind!" announced the raccoon, and with that her collar and belt started pulsing with light, ending with a large portion of her outfit suddenly coming loose and sliding down to the floor. I watched squirming in place as the outer layer of her skirt was fully unwrapped from her, followed by the green strip covering her right breast revealing a much narrower red one barely covering her nipple. Finally the short under layer section from the front of her skirt fell away, fully exposing her tiny thong to anyone standing in front of her. She seemed displeased by the result as the raccoon directed her to the restraining device where the attendants helped to bind her so that she too could be used by the audience.

Angie gave me a wink as the announcer returned to center stage and called her number, prompting her to do her best wiggle walk up to the platform to try and sway votes in her favor. "It sure looks like we might be in for a heated competition tonight" said the raccoon as he watched Angie move. "Every vote is definitely going to count, so show contestant number seven how much you like her looks!" As the raccoon finished Angie turned her back to the audience and bent forward wagging her tail and reaching a paw back to slap her rear. I felt nervous watching her as I knew my turn would be soon, and I didn't imagine I could put on quite that much of a show. As Angie turned back around and groped her breasts for the audience the chime sounded, and the announcer smiled as he gave her another looking over before explaining the results. "Alright beautiful, we need one spin for you and we're almost done with this round." Angie bounced down from the platform, making the bells on her outfit jingle as she wandered over to kneel down and give the wheel a spin. Her one spin ended up costing her two unwrappings as the wheel came to rest on 'Unwrap Two'. Angie got up and returned to the platform, flaunting herself as one piece from her skirt and one from her top fell to the floor.

Angie bounced down from the platform again and returned to her place with a smile as the raccoon called out to me. "Alright last but not least, contestant number eight, let's see what you've got!" I gulped and took a deep breath, trying to display confidence as I stepped forward and up onto the platform under the bright blinding lights. I couldn't see any individual furs out in the audience due to the lighting, but I knew they were there, staring at me from the darkness in my skimpy little outfit. I couldn't help but blush as I posed myself, one leg bent at the knee and turned slightly outward and my arms up with both paws behind my head to try and show off as much as I dare to. I soon heard the familiar chime signaling the end of the voting and turned to look back at the screen which from here was all too visible. "Looks like two spins for you contestant number eight, let's find out how lucky you are" said the raccoon as he offered me his paw to step down and directed me to the front of the stage. I gulped as I accepted his help and followed the railing around to the opening at the front center of the stage, growing more nervous at the position I was about to take. I first knelt down and inched forward onto the pads, their squishy soft surface tilting me forward and forcing me to bend down and use one paw to prop myself up while reaching down to spin the wheel. I heard a murmuring of voices behind me as the audience got a full view of my barely covered rear, the thong attached to the belt pulling tightly between my legs as I bent forward. It was then I noticed the screen now displayed not only the wheel for the sake of the audience who did not have such a good view of it, but an image of a camera positioned directly under and behind me, showing the stretched thong nearly sheer with a small wet spot already clearly outlining my slit. I whimpered to myself and tried to tuck my tail down, but it was no use with where the camera was placed, so I resolved to simply get the spins over with as quickly as possible. Unfortunately in my hurry I spun the wheel a little too hard, and it seemed to take forever to come to a stop on my first 'Unwrap One'. My second spin wasn't as kind and yielded 'Unwrap Two!' for a total of three pieces of my outfit I knew I was soon to lose, to the brief applause of the audience.

"Up here contestant number eight" called the raccoon, who was no doubt anxious for the next round to start. I nervously complied, standing myself up and returning to the platform and looking down over myself as my pulsing belt signaled my impending unwrapping. I gasped when I felt the clothing come loose, one piece from my top and two from the front and back of my skirt. I instinctively pressed my legs together as the audience applauded, taking note of the considerably thinner under layer remaining over my right breast barely covering my hard pierced nipple as I stood in full view of the audience. The raccoon offered me his paw again and I stepped back down, thankfully returning to my place, at least relieved I hadn't ended up bound for the pleasure of the audience like some of the other girls. "And that concludes our first round" The raccoon said, seeming quite pleased as the audience voiced their approval. "Now as you all know, the stakes start going up! It won't be long now before some of our pretty presents are unwrapped and ready to use more than just their muzzles" announced the raccoon as he made his way back up to the far end of the line while several sections of the wheel flashed and changed their wording. "Contestant number one, you're up again!" he called, raising his paw to direct her up to the platform. As I looked I noticed that a long metal pole had raised up from the center of the platform, giving me a clear idea of what this next round would involve.

"I hope you like pole dancing my dear" said the raccoon as the bunny looked over the pole with uncertainty. She looked back to him and he nodded and raised his paw for her to give it a try. The young bunny carefully touched the pole with her paw, clearly unsure what she was supposed to do with it. Fortunately the audience didn't make her wonder long as a chime soon rang indicating that voting was over. "Aww, that's too bad contestant number one, looks like three more spins for you" said the raccoon as he helped the girl down and again directed her to the front of the stage. She hurried along this time, clearly anxious for her turn to be over with, but it seemed in her lack of careful planning her first spin did not turn out very well. Her first spin landed on 'Audience Participation' while the following two yielded a 'Free Pass' and an 'Unwrap Two', but she seemed quite preoccupied with her first result which by far drew the most applause. She lifted herself to her footpaws and nervously returned to the platform where the outer layer of the front of her skirt fell away, along with a piece from the right side of her top. She seemed too distracted to notice however as another restraining device was rolled out to the side of the stage nearest to me, this one shaped somewhat differently with a sort of table surface with cuffs at each corner. The raccoon escorted her to the attendants who made quick work of binding her to the table on her back with her head facing toward the line of males anxiously awaiting their turns. "Tell me little girl, have you ever sucked a male off before?" Asked the raccoon who knelt beside her head which tilted back off the edge of the table. "Umm.. no" came her soft nervous voice as she watched a lion step up to her and lower his pants right in front of her face. "Well there's no time like the present to learn!" announced the raccoon enthusiastically as the lion guided the tip of his growing shaft into the bound girl's mouth.

"And with that it's time we checked on contestant number two!" said the raccoon as he walked back to the far side of the stage where the collie was having her muzzle used rather roughly by a slender antelope. Two attendants emerged onto the stage and began unfastening her just as the male pulled back and began rapidly stroking his shaft as it spurted his cum over her face which by now was already quite damp and sticky. One of the attendants used a cloth to wipe her face as they helped her to stand and escorted her out to the center platform before removing the now empty restraining device from the stage. "After all that I bet the audience can't wait to see how you handle a dance pole, so get to it and we'll get that voting started!" came the raccoon's voice as the still unsteady collie took the pole in her paws and began uneasily swaying side to side. She didn't do a bad job I thought, as her long fur rippled with her movement as she did her best to try and avoid taking any more spins than she had to. Unfortunately the audience was unimpressed and following the chime the raccoon again instructed three more spins, leaving the disappointed and exhausted collie to make her way once again to the front of the stage. Her spin first spin this time around resulted in 'Unwrap Two' followed by 'Unwrap Three', but her final spin showed exactly what I myself was afraid of, the section marked 'Murry Yiffmas!'.

The audience cheered loudly and the poor girl looked up with confusion as the whole wheel began to glow, the sections changing substantially and resulting in all kinds of strange sounding titles I did not completely understand. "Aww, sorry to see that so early contestant number two" the raccoon exclaimed in what seemed like mock sympathy, "but don't worry, you've only got one more spin to make now, and make it a good one because you're gonna be enjoying it for quite some time!" She bent down again and one more time gave the wheel a spin, and the room went nearly silent as the wheel slowed and came to a stop. The section selected read 'Aphrodisiac Slut!' leading to another round of enthusiastic cheers from the audience and a rather puzzled look from the collie. "Congratulations!" said the ever ecstatic raccoon as he helped her to stand and led her back to the center platform. This special Yiffmas present means you'll be more than ready to wish everyone you meet a very Murry Yiffmas, as soon as we've implanted you with our sponsor's latest unlimited aphrodisiac stimulators!" This time five attendants, all identically dressed in their rather exposing tuxedoes approached from the opposite side of the stage, three of which were carrying devices similar to the one I had seen used earlier. The collie watched wide eyed as the raccoon continued to explain. "These stimulators will make you so unbelievably turned on at all hours of the day that you won't be able to keep your paws to yourself, unless you count pawing yourself off! Your mouth will water for a long round of licking and sucking, your sex will ache with need, and your tail will lift without even a thought all on its own thanks to these new and improved little wonders. Once you have these you won't be able to go more than a few hours without an orgasm and you won't be content unless all three of your holes are put to use. For your convenience we've even included an extra undertail lubricator to make sure you're nice and ready to be taken anytime, anywhere, and by anyone you drop your panties for, whether you realize you're doing it or not! All this and a few other little surprises you'll get to discover all on your own, thanks to the gracious generosity of our sponsor." The announcement was followed by more applause as the attendants stepped up to the collie, making sure to hold her in place.

"First things first though, for a very Murry Yiffmas you definitely won't be needing what's left of that outfit so say goodbye to your clothes beautiful!" The collie looked around frantically seeming to disbelieve what the raccoon had just said, but the lights on her collar and belt were pulsing and a few seconds later her outfit disintegrated, leaving her naked except for the belt and collar which now glowed a bright red. Taking their cue, the gathered attendants took hold of the naked canine and began positioning the devices to penetrate her. As she struggled helplessly two were pressed into her from behind while one sank deep into her mouth to the point where it seemed to be almost down her throat. I was concerned for a moment that she might not be able to breathe, but I could see her panting and realized the application device must have accounted for such a need as it began to glow along with the other two, each one pressed deeply into the exposed girl's body. After a familiar set of clicks from each device they each slowly slid out, leaving the poor girl leaning on the attendants for support. "Now those might take a few minutes to kick in, why don't you go and have a seat in the front row and we'll check on you a little later" the raccoon offered as two of the attendants led the exhausted collie down the steps at the side of the stage and out into the audience as they applauded for her.

"Well that was certainly eventful!" announced the raccoon as the remaining attendants withdrew. "Next up, contestant number three, it's time for you to dance!" The small raccoon girl approached the platform, looking up to it nervously for a moment before the larger male offered her his paw and helped her up toward the pole. "Get to it sweetheart, I'm sure the nice audience will enjoy your dancing." The little raccoon girl nodded, seeming quite a bit more confident this time around as she took the pole in her paws and swung herself around it, her bushy ringed tail flowing behind her leaving no doubt she had done this quite a bit, which was unsurprising to me given the older raccoon's affection for her. It wasn't long again before the chime signaled the end of the voting and two spins were announced for the small girl, who no doubt had a harder time impressing the audience than some of the more voluptuous participants. I sighed at myself as I considered that description likely included me too at this point, as I looked down again over my enlarged breasts. I looked up again as she was making her spins, the first luckily landing on 'Pass It On', leaving her again still fully clothed. The audience applauded her luck and laughed and she looked around curiously as the older male raccoon gestured her back to her place in line. "Wow that was quite something, the pressure is really on for contestant number four, let's check and see how she's doing."

The vixen by this time was quite a mess much like the collie, in fact even more so as her new scent seemed to be exceptionally motivational for her audience participation. There were quite a few disappointed looks as the attendants came to release her, and help to clean her up at least a little. "And how was that my dear?" the raccoon asked her as she was helped to stand. "Umm, wow" was all she answered as she stood panting to catch her breath after her long ordeal. "Well now it's time to do some dancing, and I know our audience won't be able to resist that so let's get to it!" The raccoon did his best to encourage the well-used girl who sensuously stepped up to the platform and wrapped herself around the pole. Much to my surprise she seemed to take to it quite easily to spite her condition. She must be a professional I decided as she bent backward and extended her arms out, holding onto the pole only with her legs as she turned herself about. The audience was of course cheering loudly the entire time, leaving no doubt to me that she would only be earning herself one extra spin. I turned out to be right and after the chime sounded the raccoon reminded her of the two additional spins passed on to her by the raccoon, leaving her with a total of three. She again approached the front of the stage and bent down, drawing some very appreciative vocalizations from the nearby crowd as her rear was lifted into their full view. Her very first spin landed on the recently uncovered 'Unwrap Four' much to the approval of the audience, followed by another round of 'Audience Participation' and finally an additional 'Unwrap Two'. The vixen swished her tail teasingly and smiled to the audience as she got up, stepping back up to the platform in front of the pole and leaning back against it with her back arched, and her legs spread as the lights on her belt and collar began to pulse.

Six more pieces of the vixen's outfit came falling to the floor as the audience cheered again, most significantly the entire rest of her top, leaving her ample breasts exposed while the skirt had the side panels fall away. "Looks like we'll be seeing the rest of that sexy body very soon" added the raccoon as he looked over what little remained of her clothing, "but before we get to that, let's get you back to your audience!" The crowd seemed to be growing ever more enthusiastic as they cheered for the topless vixen, who was again being led to the side of the stage where a new device of the type the bunny was bound to replaced the post that had held her previously. The vixen's breasts were now on full display as she was bound on her back to the table, with her arms and legs spread wide and her head tilted back to see the first male in line, a familiar black wolf step up to her and begin to work his thick shaft into her muzzle while he groped at her exposed breasts. "Well that is quite a sight" the raccoon said as he gave the vixen a last look before turning to the next contestant and offering her his paw. The doe timidly accepted and walked with him up to the center platform where she tried her best to dance as she had seen, but her gait was too unsteady and she nearly lost her balance several times, earning her three more spins of the wheel. "Let's see if we contestant number five is going to lose the first of her clothing" the raccoon smiled as she approached the front of the stage and bent down to make her spins. As if by design her very first spin landed on 'Unwrap Four', causing her to visibly become more nervous as she spun again. Fortunately she either by careful planning or pure luck, managed to land her next spin on 'Pass It On', to the sighs and groans of the audience who were evidently eager to see the doe's body exposed. She looked up and smiled a little as she returned to her place in line, prompting the attendants to return to the stage and release the tigress from her restraints.

The striped feline seemed a bit more exhausted than the vixen had been, and her face desperately needed cleaning as the attendants helped her up and wiped her off with a cloth. The raccoon kept his distance and only had to gesture her to the pole to get her moving as she shrugged off the attendants' busy paws and made her way up to the center platform. Much like the vixen this tigress seemed quite experienced at pole dancing, her body moving sensuously to an imaginary beat as she swayed and turned about the pole. Her show too met with the approval of the audience and they gave her again only one more spin, leaving her with a total of three due to the doe's lucky spin. Luck really didn't seem to be going her way as her first spin landed on 'Unwrap Two, and Spin Again', followed by 'Unwrap Three' and 'Unwrap Two' which ended her turn with the same fanfare as the collie. "Aww that's too bad" the raccoon said mockingly "one more spin girl and we'll see what parting gift we have in store for you!" She resentfully made her last spin to an almost silent room, with the exception of the sounds of passion coming from where the contestants were locked in audience participation. The section the wheel stopped on was curiously labeled 'Electrogasm' which the raccoon took the time to explain.

"You're going to absolutely love this one. Our sponsor has cleverly developed a brand new set of devices that can turn any frigid female into an insatiable sex machine, not to mention what it's about to do for a girl like yourself." The raccoon paused and the audience laughed briefly as the tigress reluctantly stood up and returned to the center platform, looking none too happy as the lights on her clothing started flashing. Seconds later she found herself stripped naked with her belt and collar turned red, much to the approval of the audience. As the attendants approached her the raccoon continued. "These special devices sense the act of penetration, and begin providing constant electrical stimulation to induce a constant state of orgasm for as long as your cunt is being filled. In controlled tests using bound subjects and average sized sex toys, these orgasms have lasted up to several hours. They've been designed only to be disabled upon withdrawal, or on loss of consciousness, whichever comes first!" The tigress at this point was being bent over by two attendants while a third knelt behind her and thrust a familiar looking device into her vulnerable cunny. "But wait, there's more!" the raccoon continued. "While average sized sex toys produce average strength orgasms, the larger the insertion, the stronger those orgasms will be! This feature is especially popular with our canine lovers as taking a knot will never feel quite the same again, and those orgasms won't stop until your partner is able to pull out. With those constant orgasms you'll be experiencing milking him dry, don't expect that to happen any time soon!" The tigress shook her head in disbelief as the device clicked inside of her and was removed. Like the collie, she too was helped down from the platform and escorted by the attendants out to a seat in the audience to the sound of their applause.

I could hardly believe what I had just heard either, surely no such thing with claims like that could really exist. There were very creative toys of course, those that could be temporarily inserted to provide similar stimulation, but I had never heard of implants, or anything that would produce that level of effect before. If these were the kinds of things girls leaving the show early were bound to receive, I shuddered to think what would happen if I didn't manage to start impressing the audience more soon. While I was busy daydreaming, Angie had made her way up to the platform and was now doing her best stripper impersonation as she danced her way around the pole. I almost giggled at her overly dramatic display, knowing just how silly Angie always thought pole dancing was, and the way she had always playfully poked fun at them when given the chance. Still the audience didn't seem to notice, and she managed to also earn herself only one additional spin. Angie bounded along out to the front of the stage again, kneeling down with her tail raised high as she wiggled back and forth a moment before making her spin. The wheel turned for a long while, gradually slowing until it came to rest on the rather worrying 'Mystery Surprise!'. The audience applauded loudly and Angie looked up almost in shock as the raccoon came to fetch her, taking her paw and leading her back to the center platform to receive her surprise.

"Oh my, I don't think we've ever given out two of these in one night before, this is turning out to be quite a show for all of you out there!" the announcer boomed enthusiastically. "We've got just the thing to help a pretty girl like you, whether you're ready for it or not!" the raccoon added as three more attendants emerged from the side of the stage nearest me, one of which was Dalia, holding a new very familiar insertion device. "Our sponsors have generously come up with a new revolutionary treatment for chronic birth control use. That's right, this new implant is just what a fertile young female needs when it's time for a good breeding, whether she wants it or not. All common forms of birth control will considerately be nullified, leaving you to your natural heat cycle with no way to avoid it. Not only that, but from now on your heat cycle is going to feel stronger than ever. Our sponsor even added a little something extra to increase the chance of fertilization by up to two hundred percent!" Angie now was showing real concern as her skirt was lowered and the device was poised to penetrate her. Clearly from all the potential results she must have been aware of when deciding to appear in this game, this mystery surprise was not on her list. As Dalia penetrated her deeply with the device she yipped in surprise, not from discomfort I was sure as I'd seen quite frequently just what my roommate was capable of taking, but she was no doubt terrified by the prospect of impending pregnancy, as I well knew she had no plans for it ever in her life. After a familiar click was heard the device was removed and Angie was allowed to stand back up as the attendants steadied her and pulled her skirt back up to cover her once again. "And I should also mention girl, that your new heat begins tonight. We'll be finding out later if we'll be helping you do something about that, but for now, on to contestant number eight!"

I gasped as I was called, nervously walking past Angie who slowly stepped into line, wobbling slightly from the clearly uncomfortable implant. "Let's see what kind of dancing our next lovely can do!" said the raccoon with a smile as he held out his paw to assist me up to the platform. I had done very little dancing of any sort, finding myself quite uncoordinated and easily dizzied by spinning, so I was very uneasy at the prospect of pole dancing. Still I did the best I could, swaying my fluffy tail and doing my best to accentuate my large breasts as I bent forward and leaned back, trying to emulate some of what I had seen earlier. It apparently wasn't all bad as I heard a few shouts of approval, but when the votes came in I discovered I had two more spins of the wheel to make before I was done with this round. I took a deep breath as I took the raccoon's paw again and stepped down from the platform, nervously approaching the front of the stage, knowing that by now my wetness would show through even more than earlier due to the intensely erotic nature of my situation. I was right of course as I looked up at the screen once I had knelt down, my sex was clearly visible through the thin tight fabric, and every male here would know I was more than ready to be taken the moment the game gave them the chance. I tried not to think about it and instead carefully spun the wheel in the attempt to get it to land on a free pass. Unfortunately my judgment was not very good and I was off by several spaces, leading to 'Unwrap Two, and Spin Again', leaving me soon to be less clothed and no closer to ending my turn. My next attempt I didn't bother to try for a specific result and just got the wheel spinning hoping chance would be kinder to me. Unfortunately this was not the case and the exact same result came up for me again, increasing my total number of spins to at least four, causing me to become increasingly nervous. I had better luck on my next spin with only 'Unwrap Two' with no spin again, but my last spin ended up on 'Unwrap 4' drawing a nervous whimper from me as the audience applauded.

At first I thought they were just pleased I would be losing that much more of my outfit, but then I saw the wheel before me changing and suddenly realized what had just happened. "Aww, tough luck contestant number eight" came the raccoon's all too enthusiastic voice. "Looks like you just ran yourself out of clothes, but don't worry, one more spin and you'll have yourself a lovely parting gift thanks to our sponsor!" I gulped, looking over the newly replaced words around the wheel trying to make sense of them, but I was unable to guess which would be the least undesirable based on their descriptions. As the camera on the screen seemed to zoom in on my dampening panties I gave up on putting it off, taking a deep breath and giving the wheel one more spin. I spun the wheel a bit harder than I had intended, possibly subconsciously trying to delay what I knew was in store for me as long as possible, but eventually it slowed, passing by several very worryingly phrased sections until finally coming to rest on something labeled 'Sensuality Enhancers'. I looked up to the raccoon who was gesturing me back up to center stage and trembled nervously. I slowly stood myself back up and slowly made my way back around the wheel up to the platform, growing more and more uncomfortable with each step. As I took the raccoon's paw and once more stepped up onto the platform, he again began his explanation. "What a perfect choice for our lovely contestant. These amazing new sensuality enhancers are going to expose her to a whole new world of sensations she could never have experienced before. In fact, our sponsor has just announced a new one hundred percent improvement in their erotic sensation amplification which, along with a greatly improved internal communications network, will ensure a constant feeling of intense sensitivity throughout her entire body. Soon one touch will be all it takes make her ready to be yiffed long and hard any time, any place." I whimpered and watched helplessly as the light on my belt began to pulse, starting to pant and feeling my body grow hot as the realization I was about to be stripped in front of a huge crowd became all too real.

"But wait, there's more!" the raccon continued as he stepped up onto the platform beside me, holding out his paw toward my body just as my outfit fully disintegrated, leaving me standing completely naked before the boisterously applauding audience. I blushed in embarrassment and tried to close my legs, only to find myself already surrounded by attendants, busying themselves with making sure I couldn't move as they positioned their devices to implant me. "As you can see our lovely contestant has already kindly had herself pierced in her most intimate places so as an added bonus, our sponsor has generously added a set of new enhanced sensitivity intensifier piercings! These innocent looking piercings are not only fashionable and heavy enough to show through tight clothing, they also connect themselves to the sensuality enhancer network, cranking up the intensity to unbelievable levels whenever they sense the touch of another fur's flesh. That means our girl here won't just be kept hot and ready between yiffs through casual touch now and then, but whenever she gets her bare piercings touched by another fur, her stimulation will kick into overdrive, making every touch so intense that she won't be able to help cumming again and again."

I started to panic, looking back and forth at the attendants bending me forward and holding me in place. It took several of them for what was in store for me, and I trembled as I saw attachments for their implantation devices, unlike those I had seen before. "Open your mouth," came Dalia's soft voice as I was bent over to see one of the devices places just in front of my muzzle. I squirmed a bit, finding it useless to resist and slowly complied, parting my lips as I felt pressure also applied to my breasts and between my legs as well. I tried to look back behind me but was unable to turn my head as I felt another device start to sink in under my tail, made easy by an abundant amount of lubrication along with the stretching I had already endured earlier. Just then I felt a pinch on my tongue and gasped, trying to pull back away instinctively, but I was held firmly in place and after a quick jolt of pain the device was removed from my mouth leaving me panting with a newly pierced tongue. I didn't have time to complain though as a strong vibrating sensation began around my breasts, along with a sharp sudden pain as my nipples felt like they were being pierced all over again. I tried to look down at what was going on, but all I could see were two devices placed over my breasts which seemed to be humming as they did their work. Almost immediately after I felt a similar sharp pain deep inside me, as the devices between my legs deposited the unwelcome sensitivity enhancers. A few audible clicks later all of the devices were pulled away and the attendants finished the process by changing out the nipple and clit rings I had been wearing. The new ones which were larger and thicker, and ring shaped compared to the bars I had previously worn, making me much more aware of their weight as I moved with them. I always hated the strange sensations of taking out my piercings to be sure and keep clean of infection, but these it seemed had no way of detaching as the rings were pushed through and fused together. I later discovered that infection prevention treatment was part of the new technology, but that was the least of my worries at the time as I was helped to stand back up and displayed once more before the audience.

"Now then go and have a seat in the audience, and we'll check on you later, in the meantime let's move on to round three!" said the raccoon as two of the attendants took me by the arms and helped me walk unsteadily down off of the stage. It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the darkness as we stepped down onto the floor of the large auditorium in which the show was taking place. It seemed to be even bigger than I expected, with a very large crowd well over a hundred I thought, with several cameras from different angles pointed toward the stage. Was this show actually being broadcast? I wondered nervously as the attendants hurried me along down the front row to where the collie and tigress were already waiting. As we reached the center of the front row, I saw what was going on and started to struggle again. The front row of seats weren't exactly normal chairs, they were carefully constructed restraints which positioned each girl bent forward slightly without any actual seat beneath her, leaving her exposed to any male who walked up from behind. The collie and tigress were already being mounted, their wrists and ankles bound to the sides of the chairlike frame holding them in place, though at this point neither looked like they had any desire to stop what was happening to them. I noticed that gags in their mouths were keeping them quiet enough for the show to continue, and soon found one placed in my own mouth by one of the attendants as well as I was placed into an empty seat beside the tigress. The attendant who had gagged me, a tall curvy husky smiled down at me, her exposed sex inches from my nose, forcing me to breathe in the scent of her obvious arousal as she gave my ears a stroke. "Enjoy yourself pretty" she said with a giggle as I felt something warm rubbing along the lips of my sex from behind, followed by a sudden thrust which made me cry out into the gag. The raccoon wasn't kidding, the intensity was beyond anything I had experienced before and I couldn't help but clench around the male length penetrating me as I struggled against the restraints to push back for more. "I'll be back for you later" the attendant said with a wink and hurried off back up to the stage, leaving me to be used along with the other previously eliminated contestants. Before she could reach the stairs back up onto the stage however a male canine approached her, wishing her a Murry Yiffmas which she returned somewhat hesitantly as she was bent over and mounted on the spot.

Although I had been almost completely oblivious to anything beyond my own predicament, the game on stage had been proceeding along without me. I first thought to look back up at the stage when a groan of disappointment broke out all around me due to a rather fortunate spin of the wheel. The bunny who was no longer bound for the pleasure of the audience had obviously finished with her next turn and was taking her spins at the wheel, the most recent of which had resulted in 'Pass It On' which made the young raccoon girl who was now next in line visibly more than a little nervous. "Well now that certainly was an unexpected turn of luck" the announcer exclaimed, "Let's see if our next contestant is just as lucky after she takes her turn showing us just how passionate she can be!" With that he stepped over and took her by the paw, leading her up to the central platform where the dance pole had been replaced by what looked like a bicycle seat on a slender pole sticking right up out of the floor. The shape was a little different and the height took some adjusting as she positioned herself over it, but it soon became apparent what its intended purpose was as the young girl started to whimper and gasp. The male behind me picked up his pace and I couldn't help but cry out along with her as the seat stimulated her barely covered sex. Again a chime was heard before long and from my new perspective I could see the chart up on the screen that showed more than fifty percent of the audience voted for three more spins for the young girl. "Alright sweetheart" the older male raccoon said affectionately as he helped her off of the seat "it looks like you'll be in for a total of four spins. Oh, and try not to lose too many clothes, the unwrapping count is already up to six thanks to what our lovely contestant number one has passed on to you!" He seemed a little too pleased to me at the impending stripping of the young girl as she stepped down to begin spinning the wheel again. Her panties now were completely soaked through, making them appear even more sheer as they pulled tight across her slit when she bent down to give the wheel a spin. I could tell the audience was enjoying the view from their murmuring vocalizations, including the moans of those nearby as the hyena who had been mounting the tigress next to me reached his climax and stepped back, only to be quickly replaced by a large black bear.

I couldn't help myself as I felt my orgasm wash over me too, causing me to writhe helplessly in the restraints, obviously greatly stimulating the male behind me as I felt a knot start to stretch my soaking sex with each thrust. As my body uncontrollable spasms slowed I looked up to the screen to see the young raccoon's spin land first on 'Mystery Surprise!', then on 'Audience Participation', and with another extreme stroke of luck, on yet another 'Pass It On'. The audience responded with mixed approval as the threateningly increasing pool of penalties was again passed on to the next contestant, this time the voluptuous vixen who by now was soaked in cum and likely completely unaware I thought of what she was about to endure. "Unbelievable!" exclaimed the announcer as the young raccoon girl returned from the wheel and walked back to her place in line. "Three mystery surprises in one show, and two passes with a total of six unwrappings and two extra spins! It's up to you now contestant number four, we can't wait to see what you can do up here!" Attendants again appeared on stage to release the vixen, just as the last male finished cumming over her exposed breasts. They cleaned her face as best they could and helped her to approach the center platform, swaying her hips and swishing her tail ever so enticingly as she was positioned above the seat, which the raccoon carefully adjusted up to meet her barely covered sex. She began sensuously moaning almost immediately, which I thought was probably fake, but the audience didn't seem to catch on if the rapid thrusting of the male behind me was any indication. She groped her naked breasts and rocked back and forth, making sure to put on a good show as those of us in the audience looked up at her. I felt my whole body tremble as the male inside me climaxed, his warmth filling me causing me to cry out lustfully into the gag in response. It was quite a while before he withdrew, and by then I could see the vixen's upturned rear on the screen as she prepared to spin the wheel. The options on the wheel had changed again since the last round I noticed as I took a closer look up at the screen, showing even larger numbers for the unwrapping segments, and a few new spaces with even more explicit sounding results. At this point the unwrapping she already had passed on to her would leave the vixen naked, meaning she would soon be out here bound with the rest of us, but as she spun the wheel she managed twice to have it stop on 'Unwrap Three, and Spin Again' giving her a few more chances to get out of her predicament. It would have been smarter of her I considered, if she had decided to earn as many spins as possible from the audience's voting rather than putting on such a good show, but then again maybe she really couldn't help herself after so much audience participation based on how soaked her tiny thong looked. When the vixen finally made her fifth and final spin, the audience gave a collective gasps and cheer as the marker stopped just on the very edge of the section marked 'Pass It On'.

The announcer at this point was practically speechless, clapping his paws in congratulations as the vixen picked herself up smiling and leaned over to kiss his cheek as she made her way back to her place in line, giving a sly wink to the petrified doe next to her. "Well now I've never seen our show play out quite like this before. You had to see this to believe it, I'm just not sure what else to say, but let's get our next contestant up here and see if all these piled up spins finally stop somewhere." The audience applauded for the timid doe as she nervously stepped forward, her arms folded in front of her protectively. The raccoon helped her up onto the platform and positioned her above the seat, adjusting it for her so it pressed up firmly between her legs before stepping back as her eyes went wide in obvious surprise from the sensations. To spite her nervousness it only took a few moments before the doe had arched her back and was crying out in pleasure, rocking her hips against the seat as she pressed down hard against it. The votes were close between one and two, but right near the end the doe tossed her head back and moaned in an obvious climax which drew the voting to a close earning her only one additional spin. "That sure was something little girl" the raccoon teased as he offered her a paw to help her off of the seat. "Now let's see what the wheel has in store for you, remember you've already got a mystery surprise, and.. oh my, enough unwrapping to strip you completely naked!" The audience laughed and cheered for the doe again, who became very self-conscious as she followed the railing around the wheel to kneel in front of it. The screen showed just how soaked she was after her ride, the thin cloth of her thong stretched tightly between the folds of her sex as she bent forward and gave the wheel a spin. It was becoming increasingly hard for me to pay attention to what was happening on stage by the time the first male behind me pulled out and was immediately replaced by another, but I definitely couldn't miss the roaring applause which prompted me to look up at the screen where the wheel had once again stopped on the ominous 'Murry Yiffmas!' section.

The doe looked up as if in disbelief to the raccoon who was grinning widely as the wheel began to flash and change. "Well it looks like someone's getting more than she bargained for out of tonight's game for sure!" he said stepping up to the railing to look over the wheel. "Just one more spin contestant number five, you'll be leaving with not only one of our mystery surprises, but also an extra special Murry Yiffmas gift!" The audience l applauded and I thought I could even see the wetness growing between her legs as she bent down slowly to make her final spin. The options on the wheel had changed again to those for the special Murry Yiffmas results and the doe seemed to hesitate to consider the labels, squirming back and forth for the camera. I moaned into my gag again and heard almost a purr over my shoulder as the wheel began to spin. I was of course no stranger to feline males but the increased sensitivity was driving me crazy as his barbs dragged along the inner walls of my cunny, with my body bound and helpless, unable to rock back to meet his torturously slow grinding thrusts. The wheel finally again came to rest on a section curiously marked 'Super Squirter!', drawing laughter from the audience as the raccoon made his way down to help the clearly frightened doe to stand. "Well done contestant number five" he said as he escorted her back up to the central platform. "Our sponsor has been positively inundated with orders for this product since the new Super Squirter was first announced, and here tonight, you get to be the first lucky lady to experience why!" As she stepped up onto the platform she was immediately approached by several attendants, ready and waiting with their implantation devices for the nervous girl to be stripped. As she squirmed uneasily the raccoon continued his explanation, allowing the crowd to enjoy her apprehension as he continued to explain what her body was soon to undergo. "This new product has been designed especially to give lovely ladies the strongest wet squirting orgasms they can enjoy. Our lovely contestant here will soon find her bed absolutely soaked whenever she reaches her climax, and that's not all, because the strength of her orgasms is going through the roof thanks to the Super Squirter's amazing new orgasm amplifier technology! To complement this special Yiffmas gift perfectly, our lovely contestant will also be enjoying as her mystery surprise, our sponsor's classic Orgazmatron! The amazing implant that triggers amazing spontaneous orgasms any time, any place! Do you ladies out there love that feeling of constant risk in public places? Would any of you males enjoy a little extra humiliation for your mate? With our sponsor's new spectacular combination of the Orgazmatron and the new Super Squirter, any girl is bound to enjoy countless experiences of unexpectedly doubling over in pleasure, and squirting herself soaked!"

I swished my tail needfully and my feline partner obliged, picking up his pace and finally pushing me over the edge, as the very thought of such a thing and my greatly increased sensitivity would not allow me to hold back anymore. I could feel his warmth soon filling me as well as I clenched me teeth around the gag, feeling his barbs flare out and dig into my overly sensitive flesh. Not that I would want to be subjected to something like that I had to remind myself as the shaft inside of me slowly withdrew. Still I couldn't help watching lustfully while my sensitive cunny was penetrated once again by a male behind me as the timid doe's belt and collar began to pulse, signaling her impending very public stripping. She knew it was coming but still looked down in shock as her clothing suddenly fell piece by piece, leaving her standing completely naked and exposed in front of a cheering crowd, not to mention the cameras which I now knew were recording every second. She didn't have long to stand and feel embarrassed however, as the attendants soon had her bent over and had their devices positioning to implant her. She cried out as one was thrust into her clearly soaked sex while two more slipped over her modest breasts and went to work. After the first device made a resounding click and pulled out of her now gaping cunny a second was thrust into her, drawing much less reaction as she was held tightly by the surrounding attendants who were hurriedly finishing their work. As the remaining devices clicked and pulled back Dalia and the coyote attendant I had taken special note of before stood her up to be again displayed to the audience, before backing away to leave her standing alone on the platform. The raccoon smiled, giving her another looking over while she glanced about herself confused. "I should mention at this point, that to ensure proper operation, though you normally never know when the Orgazmatron might activate, we always make sure to give it a startup test right about.. now." The doe's eyes went wide and the crowd quieted down as nearly everything went silent for a moment when suddenly her knees buckled and she fell down on all fours, letting out a surprising cry of pleasure. The audience cheered as she rocked back and forth, her head tossing side to side uncontrollably. One of the cameras zoomed in and the large screen showed a close up of her pretty face, eyes closed and mouth wide open as she moaned and gasped for breath while her whole body spasmed, causing her to soak the platform beneath her with her cum. I, along with what seemed a large portion of the audience were amazed by the sight, and they applauded generously as the trembling naked girl was again helped to stand, and escorted down off of the stage.

"Well we're now down to our final four" the raccoon announced in a provocative tone as the doe was led over and bound and gagged in a chair beside me. "We've got only one more contestant until we enter our final round, so contestant number seven, come on up and let's see what kind of show you can put on for our wonderful audience!" Angie once again stepped up to the platform, still seeming a bit put off by what had happened to her on her last turn as she positioned herself over the seat, while two attendants busily wiped towels across the platform to dry it. The announcer adjusted the seat height and soon Angie was moaning and gyrating her hips in a way I was by now very familiar with. She even leaned back and showed her panties from under the short panel in front of the skirt as she rode the seat, clearly enjoying herself though I could tell not trying as hard to fake it as I'd seen the vixen do earlier. The crowd did not seem as pleased however and the voting showed a clear bias towards two spins as the chime sounded and the seat seemed to stop its function, somewhat to Angie's disappointment I guessed by her expression. "Well then contestant number seven, we've had quite a bit of luck both ways when it comes to the wheel tonight, let's see what you can do with it!" The raccoon finished his announcement and took Angie's paw as she bounced down off of the platform with a jingle and made her way around to the front of the wheel. She was definitely getting off from this I thought as she lifted her tail and wiggled her rear, showing her wet panties to the unseen camera which displayed their large image up on the screen for the audience to see. I watched as both of her spins resulted in "Unwrap Three!" which at this point didn't seem like much given how much she was still wearing and how far the game had gone for other contestants. Angie bounced up to her footpaws and followed the railing back up to the center platform, taking a rather erotic stance as the lights on her outfit pulsed and several pieces of her outfit fell away, leaving her topless in only a now greatly shortened skirt and thong, along with her belt and collar.

"Well it looks like we've come to our final round ladies" the raccoon began as he extended his paw back to the other girls. "If the rest of you would all join me up here at center stage." The three remaining girls approached, gathering around together on the platform as the seat descended back down to the floor, leaving the space open. "We've teased you enough, and now it's time to really heat things up, time to drop those panties!" The announcer turned to the girls with a smile, and with that all four of the remaining contestants' belts and collars pulsed briefly, followed by the thin slips of cloth falling from between each of their legs. The younger girls visibly gasped in surprise, pressing their legs together and squirming as the explanation of the next round continued. "And now for Wheel of Yiffing to live up to its name we've enlisted the generous help of several members of our audience, who have offered their assistance while the final voting takes place. Also as a very special Yiffmas surprise, I myself will even be helping with our lovely contestant number three here, who will be experiencing her very first time here on the show. The audience applauded as the older male raccoon stepped behind the much younger female, placing his paws on her shoulders. "Murry Yiffmas Maia" he said with a smile as she tilted her head back and looked up at him. "Now then, let's get to yiffing!" As the raccoon finished several more males stepped onto the stage, each one naked and clearly aroused, evident that they had been kept that way by the show's attendants for this moment as they approached the platform. As I looked them over I noticed their species each matched the girl they were intended to yiff, with three for each one except for the raccoon girl, who only needed two additional partners as she was already being pulled down to the floor by the now naked announcer.

It was just then I noticed Angie. The three wolves were approaching her smiling predatorially as they slowly stalked around her. Angie's fur was bristling, and her muzzle showed signs of a growl and I became quite worried for her as I recalled the state she must be in after what had just been implanted in her. It was now that I realized what the announcer had meant earlier, but there was nothing I could do but watch as the three male wolves closed in on her. The two young girls weren't taking it well either as the males got ahold of them. The virgin bunny girl cried out in obvious pain when she was forced down and unceremoniously mounted by the first of three male rabbits with two more close behind while the poor little raccoon girl was calling "Daddy please no!" over and over as he quietly tried to comfort her, while positioning her straddling his hips as he prepared to take her virginity as well. The vixen however was more than willing to take what her three young vulpine partners had in mind. She stepped over to meet them, dropping to her knees and letting them gather around to give her tongue a turn along each of their throbbing shafts before turning herself around and lifting her tail to present herself to them. As the male foxes moved themselves into position the young raccoon girl screamed out loudly, a second male raccoon positioned behind her now beginning to rock his hips, forcing her to bounce up and down between the two males. Her cries didn't last long however as the third raccoon soon positioned himself by her mouth, and used his length to quiet her cries while pleasuring himself with her young muzzle.

Angie and the three male wolves were still circling one another, her obvious resentment clearly giving them pause to carry out the yiffing they had been promised. The male behind me, whose species I was unable to guess, was obviously excited by the show and soon I felt his warmth spreading inside of me, again throwing me into an orgasm as my amazingly sensitive flesh responded to the pleasure. As his shaft pulled out and was replaced by another much larger one which made me gasp, I saw one of the wolves catch Angie by the wrist. She lashed out at him but found her other arm captured by another of the three and with the help of the third they finally pulled her down to her knees. I struggled against my restraints helplessly, wishing I could so something but the pleasure was too much, and the restraints were much too secure for me to even hope to pull away. Angie snarled and flashed her teeth, crying out "No!" but they soon had her face down on the floor, two of them holding her down while the third, a large black wolf who I know recognized from the shower got between her kicking legs and reached a paw down to lift her tucked in tail. Through the microphones that amplified the entire stage, every moan and growl and cry was heard with perfect clarity, the auditorium filled with the sounds of sex as up on the screen the votes started to show up, indicating that the vixen who was now taking all three of the male foxes at once was in the clear lead. "I've wanted you since the moment you walked in here bitch" the large wolf said as he ran a paw along Angie's exposed sex "even better now that you've been put into heat for me." "Don't you dare!" Angie snarled, clenching her paws and pulling against the grip of the other two males holding her down. "Your cunt is mine whether you like it or not, bitch" he said, ignoring her resistance as he leaned down over her back, positioning the tip of his thick lupine shaft between the lips of her unprotected sex. "And you're going to be mine too, with your belly full of my pups." With that he thrust forward, burying himself in Angie's body which tensed and thrashed uselessly with the three males pinning her down to the floor. All she could do was toss her head back and cry out in resentment as her body was taken, the large male laughing at her cries as he began to slowly thrust.

I looked over at the other girls, hopeful of some sign the game would end before the wolves had finished, but it seemed this round would go on as long as they wanted it to, the votes on the screen slowly going up and at times shifting from one contestant to another. The young bunny girl by this point was now on her back between two of the three males, the third taking advantage of her now well used mouth as she seemed to be growing more accepting of what was happening to her. The even younger raccoon girl however was crying at this point, and no amount of consolation it seemed could reduce the effect of what she was enduring. Still, her display was earning a substantial amount of votes, many males of course harboring a special desire for young virgin females, even if not normally given the chance to indulge it. The beautiful vixen however was still well ahead in the votes, putting on a show that had me wondering just how much time she had spent performing this type of entertainment. Angie however was not earning herself many votes. Even the two wolves holding her down as she was raped seemed indecisive about what they were doing. The third however was passionately fucking her, mounting her, breeding her. He wasn't just using her to get himself off, he was making her feel it. I could hardly imagine what Angie must be going through. I of course had my own scares about pregnancy on a few occasions as did most every female, but she seemed completely hysterical. I had never seen her like this before, if anything I was the timid one always fighting not to allow my demanding libido to get the better of me, but she was still snarling and shouting, trying somehow to pull away. I knew though how her body had to be responding, the same way I had watched it respond on countless occasions when my roommate and her former mate were together.

My own body was growing hot again as I was taken, growing tense and starting to tremble whether I liked it or not. My concern for my friend evaporated for a moment as I felt a paw reach under my tail and touch something I had not realized was even there. Another piercing had been added just under my tail, in a position where it could easily be reached and activated by the male behind me in this position. True to the announcer's words the sensations immediately grew in intensity, and my eyes went wide with shock as I suddenly found myself climaxing hard around the huge shaft that by now was rapidly thrusting into my soaking cunny. The male using me thankfully moved his paw away as my body trembled in pleasure, but he wasn't through with me yet and repositioned his shaft under my tail before thrusting hard forward and spreading my rear entrance wide open. I cried out into the gag and tugged hard against the restraints, unable to resist in the slightest as the male's large body pressed forward until I could feel it against my upturned rear, his hard thrusting resuming while my sensitive flesh clenched around his massive length.

I don't know how much longer it was before I felt the male inside me cum and withdraw from me again, but I had hardly noticed what had taken place up on the stage as my body was so overwhelmed by the intense sensations. A few of the males seemed to have finished and were now standing by watching as their partners continued with their performance, whether they were enjoying it or not. Two of the male foxes were now standing beside the luscious vixen as she bounced in the lap of the third, with cum running down her thighs as she seemed to nearly take his knot as he thrust up under her tail. The announcer had finished with his daughter, and was now standing by watching as the other raccoon who had been using her mouth took a turn pounding her no longer virgin sex, leaving her free to cry softly. The rabbits it seemed had all changed positions, and were now on what must be their second or even third round judging by the amount of cum covering the young girl. She didn't seem to mind by this point however, and her moans could be clearly heard around the shaft pumping in and out of her mouth as her body rocked back to meet the other two. Angie I could tell was now in real trouble, her snarling had died down to a low growl and her head was bowed down as her hips moved back to meet the thrusts of the large dark furred male. She was no longer struggling, but the two wolves were still holding her in place, seeming to become more aroused by her acceptance as her body was unable to resist her natural instincts. I perked my ears as I heard the large male begin to talk to her again. "It's all up to you bitch, you just have to cum and I'll tie you and give you my pups. If you don't want that cunt filled you'd better stop moaning and rocking those hips" he said with a smirk, pausing briefly and bending over her back to lick her neck as her body continued to move under him. She snarled at him again and stopped herself moving as she realized what she was doing. "Get off!" she shouted angrily, kicking her legs to try and push him away. "Mmm, you're almost there bitch" he growled, "I've got just what you need and all you have to do is cum." I thought I heard her whimper as he began to pick up his pace, thrusting harder and faster into her.

"Too bad you're not in heat" came a voice from behind me as I felt another male's length sink into my cum soaked cunny. I turned my ears back and couldn't help but wonder. It was definitely a fox from the way he felt, but fennecs were extremely rare as the overall population went, though I supposed in a room this size there were bound to be one or two. He didn't say anything else but he felt so good inside of me that I wished I could have seen him. As it was I already had a hard enough time focusing on what was happening to my friend, and a male that filled me in just the right way with these new increased sensations was almost more than I could stand. I must have had at least three more orgasms by the time he was done with me, sights and sounds all blurring together as my body reached a state of near constant spasming. He even tied with me before he finished, leaving our bodies stuck together, for which I was somewhat thankful as I enjoyed the warm full feeling and finally had a small chance to rest, unlike the other contestants around me who I noted were still being used quite roughly from their muffled cries.

Suddenly I heard a cry from up on the stage, from a voice I immediately recognized to be Angie. I looked up worriedly and saw she was again becoming frantic, struggling against the wolves holding her down while the one who was mounting her had reached an incredible pace, pounding her hard with his thick shaft as she helplessly struggled. "Stop.. No.. Stop!" she cried between growls, her voice becoming shaky as her body showed signs I myself knew all too well. The male behind her pushed her legs apart and placed his paws on her hips, lifting her rear to meet his thrusts with her chest pressed down against the floor. "No.. No.. Ah.. Ah.. Aaaaaah!" Angie's voice cried, her head lifting and her eyes going wide as her body tensed. The male behind her let go of her hips, letting them move on their own without his help as the white wolfess rocked back against him. He savored her pleasure and leaned down over her back, reaching his paws down to squeeze her breasts as she writhed beneath him. He let her rock hips rock back against him a few more times before suddenly thrusting forward to meet her, arching his back and howling as he sank his knot into her climaxing body, his large lupine balls drawing up as the camera zoomed in, showing them pulse heavily as he released his cum deep inside of her fertile body. Angie soon broke down crying, her resistance completely given out as she was forced to give in to the breeding. I wished there was something I could do to comfort her as the other wolves moved in and repositioned her to be used, her snarling muzzle no longer a threat as she allowed the first male to approach and slowly sink his shaft into her mouth while the other turned her around to allow him to thrust into her under her tail.

It hardly seemed to matter after that though I thought as I looked over my dejected friend. She had gone limp and it seemed she hardly noticed the male wolves still using her body as things seemed to be slowing down across the rest of the stage as well. Many of the furs on stage were sitting or lying exhausted after one or more rounds of yiffing for the sake of the show. Finally the announcer, not bothering to get dressed stood up and read off the results of the final voting as the chime again sounded. "What a fantastic show we've had tonight. It's hard to name a winner after all of that, but those votes have all come in and it looks like contestant number four!" The audience applauded enthusiastically as the vixen stood herself up from where she was seated teasing the three exhausted male foxes, seeming hardly even flushed from all the action. "Our lovely winner will be invited become part of our sponsor's exclusive test program, receiving free early releases of every new product before it's available to the public. She will even be available to you all night, starting right now over in the shower room, where you can join her to get a closer look, and maybe more." An attendant approached the smiling vixen and escorted her back off the stage as she blew a kiss with her paw out toward the audience. "For our other wonderful finalists, we've got one more spin of the wheel and a lovely parting gift" the announcer continued, "if we could have one of our lovely attendants to make their spins, as I don't think any of these girls will be walking straight for a few days after tonight." Dalia stepped out onto the stage with a smile and made her way to the front of the wheel, kneeling down as her short bobtail swished teasingly above her exposed sex.

When Dalia's first spin came to a stop a section marked 'Orgasmic Breast Enlargers' lit up, which the raccoon began to explain as two attendants with implantation devices approached her from the nearest side of the stage. "It looks like our lucky contestant here will be receiving the rare treat of controlling the exact size of her breasts, thanks to our sponsor's latest Orgasmic Breast Enlargers! I know many of you out there have wished your mate had larger breasts, and with these amazing implants she will! These implants stimulate breast growth with every orgasm, but don't worry, their size and the necessary orgasm frequency naturally stabilizes over time, so all you have to do is find that perfect size and keep her cumming on a regular basis, and she will have the perfect sized tits for you to enjoy. Of course if you really want to have some fun with her, dress her up in some nice tight clothes and make her cum a few more times than normal, and watch her breasts rip right through her top! These Orgasmic Breast Enlargers offer nearly unlimited possibilities as I'm sure we'll see tonight!" Surprisingly the young bunny didn't show any signs of objecting as her clothing fell away from her body, whether she truly didn't mind or was just too exhausted though I couldn't tell. As she was implanted by the attendants, Dalia's next spin resulted in something called 'Perfect Fit Stretchers' which the announcer proudly explained. "What a perfect spin! Our very lucky little contestant number three is going to be enjoying one of our sponsor's most popular products, the Perfect Fit Stretcher. Just like those top sex performers you know and love, your mate too can now have the perfect cunt and tailhole for a tight fit, while easily stretching enough to accommodate even an equine! These implants help the body naturally stretch well beyond a female's normal limits and through electrical impulses still provide that amazing tightness I've had the pleasure of experiencing here tonight!" A few laughs were heard around the audience, but the young raccoon girl only curled up and shivered. "Our young contestant here will be receiving a pair of these, leaving both her holes ready for anything, which you in our audience will be able to test for yourselves very soon." The raccoon finished his sales pitch, giving his daughter's headfur a ruffle as the lighting on her clothing stopped pulsing and caused her clothing to fall away, leaving her naked for the attendants as he turned back to watch Dalia make the final spin.

The wheel's last spin came to rest on a section labeled 'Anal Pleasure Enhancer' for Angie. Angie by now was still tied, and being used by the remaining two wolves who hardly seemed to care about the game as they pleasured themselves with her body. She was clearly getting turned on again I thought as she was no longer crying, but starting to move a bit again while still tied with the first of the three males as the other two penetrated her mouth and tailhole. "I can tell you're going to get a lot of use out of this!" the raccoon teased as he looked over to Angie in her current state. "Our sponsor has come up with something every girl has wished for and now can have! This little implant detects the sensory impulses from anal sex and triggers the corresponding stimulation signals you would normally experience from vaginal sex, making sure taking it under your tail is going to feel just as good as feeling it in your cunt!" There was a brief pause from the wolves as the remainder of Angie's outfit fell away, leaving her only in her belt and collar which now glowed red like the rest of us. One attendant gently helped the male to pull out from under her tail, stroking his shaft with one paw and squeezing his knot with the other which caused him to cum all over Angie's exposed rear before stepping away and letting the implantation device take his place, sinking deep in under Angie's tail. She hardly seemed to whimper, but wrapped her arms around the wolf in front of her for support as the device glowed and eventually clicked its completion before being withdrawn and leaving her to continue sucking him. "And now that we've wrapped up the last of our prizes, let's take one more look at our lovely contestants" said the raccoon who was now stepping up in the center of the middle platform looking out over the audience. Suddenly the lights came on all around me and I could see my image up on the screen with those of the other bound contestants, each one being taken from behind by one of the males from the audience. "These girls are sure doing their part, and they'll be available all night just in case you want to try out any of the lovely products we've given out here tonight!" I whimpered into the gag as the audience cheered around me, the attendants helping to gather up the other girls and bring them down to be bound for the audience's use as well. Angie was the last one to get up, the last of the wolves having finished by cumming all over her face before allowing her to finally pull free of the large dark furred male's knot. Two attendants had to help her out to where she was bound a few seats away from me, before being gagged and soon mounted by another male from behind.

I lost track of time after that. I had countless orgasms and so did the other girls from what I could tell. The screen changed to a view of the shower room we had used when we had first arrived where the vixen who had won the game was busily pleasuring several of the males who had decided to join her in the showers, though it didn't look like she really had much choice either from what I could see. Eventually the attendants joined us out among the audience, helping to see to the desires of any male who had attended the show as they slowly fulfilled their needs and left the auditorium. The husky even made good on her promise, coming over and removing my muzzle to have me lick her well used sex to climax, which my new tongue piercing made exceptionally stimulating for us both, if still a bit painful, before finally loosening the restraints and helping me up. Angie refused to look at me, or even speak as we were helped to dress and return to the elevator. I took the chance to drive seeing that Angie had a much rougher night than I did given her melancholy demeanor. It was extremely unlike her which made me worry all the more. Her usual bubbly carefree attitude was completely absent so I knew there was something very seriously wrong. When we finally got home I parked the car, sighing in relief at putting a stop to the vibrations that had me soaking my seat all the way home. I went to help Angie inside but she refused, shrugging off my touch and going up to her own room without a word and closing it behind her. We hadn't slept separately in quite a while, and Angie's door was almost never closed even when she refused to dress herself with guests over. I was at a total loss, nothing like this had ever happened before, and I couldn't think of anything I could possibly do. I didn't really know any other wolves, none I could trust with something like this, but there was one fur I thought of who might know something about them and what might be going on. I found Angie's phone lying on the sofa and started looking through it. Most of the names I didn't recognize, I was curious but I wasn't poking around to pry as I looked for one name in particular. When I found it I nervously dialed it up, waiting as it rang a few times. "Well what a surprise, is it that time already you sexy slut?" came a familiar voice. "Umm.. its Valentine" I said uncomfortably, quite taken aback by the greeting. "Valentine? Is something wrong? Are you alright?" he asked, sounding genuinely concerned. "Yes, I mean no, I mean.. I'm fine but Angie umm.. Something happened tonight, and I don't know who I can ask. She isn't hurt or anything its just.. Look Max, can I umm.. talk to you?" "Its alright Valentine, Is she there with you?" he asked, reassuringly. "Umm, yes.. I think she's sleeping, she doesn't know I called you, I just don't know who to ask." I said with a sigh, curling up into a ball on the sofa. "Alright, everything will be fine. Just leave her alone and take care of yourself ok? I will be there in one hour. Do you need anything?" I shook my head, then realized I was talking on the phone and answered properly "Umm.. no, thank you I umm.. I will be fine, I'm just really worried." "Everything will be fine" he repeated "just relax and try not to worry, when I get there everything will be fine." "Max?" I asked timidly "..Yes?" he answered softly after a brief pause, letting me know he was still there. "What happened to Tom?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly. "When I get there" he said "but now I've got to put down the phone, I will see you soon ok?" "Ok.. thank you" I said with another sigh and turned off the phone. As I laid back against the sofa exhausted I could still feel my extra sensitive flesh tingling as more wetness leaked from my overused body. I dragged myself up to clean the mess I had left on the floor earlier and to get a clean towel to sit on before collapsing back down on the sofa and closing my eyes. Exhausted, I drifted off to a troubled sleep, trying to clear my mind of Yiffmas and all the experiences that had been a part of it.

Stuffing Day

"Happy Stuffing Day!" my roommate Angie called as she flung the door of my room open and bounded inside. "Mmf" I complained at being woken up so early, and so loudly. I lifted the blanket over my head hiding from the noise, wishing she would just let...

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Strip or Treat

"Come on, don't be such a prude," Angie teased "you had such a great time last year." Angie turned around with a flick of her white wolfy tail, showing off her ridiculously skimpy black latex outfit with a skirt little more than a belt and an underbust...

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Club Hybrid

"Oh come on Ev, it'll be fun" Lisha insisted, pushing her friend's shoulder playfully with her paw. "Besides, I bet Ty will be there" she added with a wink and a knowing smile. "He umm.. he will? How do you know?" Everleigh answered timidly, blushing...

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