Meet Me in the Veterinary Clinic (Patreon Extreme)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#7 of Meet Me (Extreme)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

A woman is in dire need of quelling her dog's horniness, something that the local veterinary doctor is capable of helping out with.

Read the full story here:

The day had been like any other, clients came in and out all day long in a constantly rotating catalog of pet ailments and services. Doctor Sherri Toldair had been running this particular veterinary clinic for five years and she had quite the reputation for being one of the best in the state. Her prices were fair and it was obvious that she had an unshakable care for the animals that were admitted to her establishment. She was even known to do house calls for the various farms in the area, in the case that some large animal needed some care.

Sherri was an unmistakable attractive leopard. She had a healthy, mature form, wide hips and a modest bust accentuated an hour glass form. A regular diet and a consistent work out regimen had her turning heads left and right for any time that she was out in public. A pair of thick glasses settled on her nose and with her golden hair pulled back in a bun, she often came off as an incredible cute nerd. Combined with the flow white lab coat that she always had on in her job and it was unmistakable why so many men easily lost their hearts for her.

Dark brown rings followed the yellow undercoat, a jaguar by her many traits. It had crossed into the afternoon and she was looking forward to getting home for some well deserved relaxation. It was Friday after all, and a night cuddled up on her couch while watching Netflix was all she had been thinking about. Sherri had been filling out a lab report at her desk in the main lobby when the front door of her establishment came open.

She turned her eyes up from her computer screen and gave a friendly beam as a young, female doberman came trotting in. Clutched in her paw was a leash and attached to it was a feral German Shepherd that walked in dutifully by her side.

"Hello, how are you?" Sherri asked pleasantly and turned towards the new comer in her swivel chair.

"Oh hi! I'm looking for Doctor Toldair?" the doberman asked as she came up to the desk.

"Yup, that's me! How can I help you?" the jaguar explained and stood up from her spot. Her eyes had since gone down to the quadruped dog that had sat back on its haunches as its owner spoke.

"Oh! I'm Dee, we had spoken earlier on the phone?" the doberman explained and tilted her head a bit.

"Oh yes, Dee! I remember," she giggled and leaned over her desk. "That must mean this is Max, right?"

"Yup, this is my baby," Dee laughed and reached down to scratch the dog between his ears. "Such a good boy."

"Aww. So can you explain to me again the issues you were having with Max?" Sherri asked as she came around to the other side of her desk. She too reached down and gave the dog a pet over his muzzle and cheek.

"Well, he's matured quite a bit since I've got him, and I guess he's been kind of...horny? He humps a lot of stuff and he'll get erections pretty frequently," the doberman explained with a slight blush developing on her cheek. "I can't ever be around him when I get out of the shower or when I'm dressing, he tries to knock me over and mount me. It's scary sometimes."

"Oh yes, we often see this behavior with males that aren't neutered. It's pretty common and the fix for their horniness is pretty simple," the jaguar said and put her paw on her hip as she regarded the shepherd.

"That's a relief!" Dee sighed.

"It's a very simple procedure, if you don't mind coming back with me I can demonstrate it for you with Max so you'll know how to do it on your own next time," Sherri explained as she began to walk back towards where her operating office and kennels were. A couple of the cages were occupied with either sleeping or drowsy pets waiting for their owners to show up to take them home. Max and Dee didn't pay any of them much attention as they passed by.

When the two girls got to the far back, Sherri closed the door and cleared her throat. "It's a very simple procedure, but it does take some practice. I wouldn't expect you to get the hang of it right away so if you need to come in for another demonstration I am happy to oblige," the jaguar explained with a friendly smile as her paws went to the front of her pants and began to undo them.

Dee blinked as she watched the vet unclasp her belt and then unzip her bottoms. In one, casual motion she hooked her thumbs into the hem of her pants and underwear and pushed them all the way down to her ankles. The doberman gasped at the display, but more of surprise than horror. It suddenly clicked in her mind what the doctor was intending to do.

"Is this really the best way to take care of his horniness?" the canine asked as she peered a bit closer.

"Afraid so, unless you want to neuter him. This is far more humane in my professional opinion," Sherri explained as she stood back up. With her pussy fully exposed and the strong scent of it filling the air, Max began to go nuts. He jumped at the end of his leash and tugged hard. Dee had to grasp the tether with both paws and dig her heels into the ground to keep him from doing anything before the big cat was ready.

"Oh my, he is very excitable! Just one moment, big guy, let me get ready," Sherri giggled as she leaned over to a nearby counter and opened a drawer. It was in her bent over and turned away state that Dee saw the most shocking part of all about the veterinarian. Lodged deep inside of the jaguar's ass was one of the largest buttplugs the doberman had ever seen. It's round surface was so wide it splayed open the woman's buttcheeks to the point that the dog was very surprised she hadn't noticed it before.

"Jeez!" Dee gasped as her eyes became fixated on the ebony toy.

Read the full story here:

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