Meet Me at the Ferris Wheel (Patreon Extreme)

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Every summer there came more and more carnivals all around the state, but there was always one that out shined all the rest. It was a great big attraction, huge amusement machines were set up around the grounds with all manner of rides and carnival games to be had. At night it was particularly dazzling, as every machine had multi colored lights and enjoyable music playing over loud speakers.

At the very center of the carnival was a massive Ferris wheel. The thing was so high it wasn't at all difficult to see the rest of the carnival grounds and even the entirety of the city that expanded beyond all of the attractions and booths. Chime heavy music played loudly, and waiting right at the entrance booth for the Ferris wheel was a small ferret boy that had been standing there for a good twenty minutes. His name was Perri, and for the most part he looked rather unassuming.

He gave a light sigh and glanced down at the phone that he kept balanced on his palm. This was turning out to be a fruitless endeavor, he told himself as he frowned. It was easy to see that he was young, though most might not realize he was younger than he looked. Being about nine years old, he was actually kind of tall for his age, and he seemed to be more mature than others in his grade. He was thin and rather cute looking, he wore a pair of short shorts that clung to his upper thighs, and a thin, white t-shirt was all there was that covered his torso. Many might have even confused him for a little girl, though he didn't take it personally. There was a very good reason he was looking like this.

From a short distance away, Perri spotted a husky making his way towards the Ferris wheel. The ferret grumbled to himself and slipped the cellphone into his pocket. Took him long enough, he thought to himself bitterly. The approaching canine looked nervous, and for good reason. He was older, perhaps in his early twenties, thin and average looking for the most part. He wore a pair of blue jeans and as much of an unassuming shirt as the young boy.

Perri gave a wave of his paw and the dog trotted up with a shy smile on his face. "Hey there, Kyle," the ferret greeted.

"Uh, hey," the dog mumbled and cleared his throat. "How are you doing, Perri?"

"I'm doing fine. You're very late you know," the young boy snapped and put both paws on his hips.

"S-sorry, I had to ditch my friends an-"

"I don't care," Perri grumbled and folded his arms over his small chest. Kyle laid his ears back against his ears.

" you not want to do it now?" he asked sheepishly.

"Shhh!" the boy hissed and glanced around before stepping closer. "Of course I do. Now shut up and follow me," he snapped and quickly trotted off. The husky followed and glanced around a bit as well, not realizing that anyone could have been listening. Luckily it seemed as though everyone was off in their own worlds doing other things. So far the two hadn't called any attention to themselves.

They approached the back of the short line leading to the Ferris wheel entrance. They waited for their turn, passengers coming off and getting on one pod at a time. When it came time for them, Perri slipped two tickets from his pocket and handed them over to a man in the booth, who had so little interest in anything that was going on. He took them absent mindedly and then gestured to the open container on the ground. It was a large metal cage with a single door on it and a window facing out. A bench on either side could seat two, but it took the two of them for the time being. Once they had gotten on and closed the door, the ride began and they were lifted into the air.

Kyle settled onto one side and the ferret went to the other. Once they were alone, Perri's mood immediately changed from irritated to horny. Perhaps it was just his arousal that had made him so frustrated, but away from all the prying eyes of the public, there was nothing keeping the two boys away from each other.

To the husky's surprise, no time was wasted on the boy's part. They had barely gotten off the ground before Perri had slipped down on to his knees and began to attack the front of Kyle's pants. The dog gave a startled bark as the front zipper and button were undone and the article became tugged down to his mid thigh, underwear and all.

Perri admired the gorgeous sheath that became exposed to him. He always had from the first day that had decided to have fun together. It was perfectly sized for the ferret and well groomed. It had an inviting, musky scent that caused the young boy to lean in and push his nose into that dark fur. The husky gasped and settled both paws on either side of his lover's cheeks, holding him there as he felt Perri's mouth push around the opening of his sheath. Fur eased back and out slipped an inch or so of pink, canid flesh, which Perri eagerly sucked into his mouth.

Kyle wasn't unaccustomed to the young boy's aggressive advances, but it wasn't like they were completely safe from prying eyes. The metal grate that made up the sides of the pod still allowed for people to see in, but under the cover of the night, they were mostly safe. The husky clamped a paw over his moth to muffle a moan as he felt his cock begin to get gingerly licked and sucked. Blood was quick to flow between his legs and his member swelled rapidly.

Meet Me at the Elevator (Patreon)

Fuck Mondays. Just fuck them. These were the thoughts that were running through a zebra's mind as he stood near the elevators of the office building that he worked at. Despite downing an energy drink on his way there, he was still barely able to keep...

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Meet Me at the Throne (Patreon Extreme)

The streets of Rawrstokka were common with horses and carts, various citizens pulling hauls to their shops from the field or simply going about their business and walking on the street. It was a large, stonework city that many often viewed as the...

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Meet Me at the Club (Patreon Extreme)

Troy was a dragon that mostly kept to himself and was never eccentric enough to break any sort of social new ground. Though certainly wealthy and having lived a good life, there was something always missing, a piece of unfulfillment that was always...

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