Swap Meat

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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I wrote this story over a month, mostly in response to several (in my opinion) less than intelligent responses to a picture depicting partner swapping. What I really enjoyed about it was the fact that I was able to do it over a month, to a goal that I had set myself. Sometimes my inspiration is less than pure for my tastes, but I'm glad that this story came out because of it.


Picture cropped from Mammal Watching

Swap Meat by pj wolf

"How many glasses of wine have you had?"

"Two," said Luis, starting to drink his third. His girlfriend grabbed it out of his hand before he could get a taste, rolling her eyes at him.

"Why are you so nervous?" the otter asked, folding her arms.

"Because we have friends coming over."

"We have them over all the time!"

"--who we are going to have sex with," the fox continued, making a grab for the glass of wine.

"If things go well." Evelyn took a step back, removing the glass out of Luis' immediate range, then draining the glass herself. "Which it won't if you're drunk before they even get here."

"I just need something to calm my nerves."

"You've had several somethings to calm your nerves."

"Yes, but--"

"I don't understand how you could be so nervous about something you proposed in the first place."

Luis closed his eyes, taking a breath. "It's the difference between proposing something and actually having it happening in... what, 5 minutes? Besides, you and Polly did all the heavy lifting of actually agreeing."

Evelyn made a non-committal noise, leaning against a wall. "Polly thinks you're hot, and I think Craig's hot, so we figured since we were both in relationships for a while, we'd get a little crazy with it." The otter shot him a look, her gaze challenging. "So if you don't think Polly is hot, you'd better say something now."

The fox flinched. "I don't know how to answer that."

Grinning, Evelyn's face softened as she cross the distance to her boyfriend, draping her arms over her shoulders while looking down at him. "Luis. Fofinho. When have I ever been angry that you've found somebody attractive?"

"Your aunt," came the ready reply.

Evelyn thought about that. "Well, she's a special case. But more to the point, we're probably going to be having sex in the same room, just not with each other. So long as you're okay with that. Are you okay with that?"

There was still a bit of wine on Luis' breath as the fox laughed. "It's less being okay with it and more coming to terms with it."

"You said the same thing twice," said the otter with a grin.

"Yes, well." Luis thought about it, loosely hugging his giant river otter. "I never thought that this would happen and you'd be okay with it."

"So you've been intending to cheat on me this entire time?"

As soon as the fox looked into his girlfriend's face, he knew she was just kidding. The smirk was unmistakable that way. Still, he felt he had to clarify. "N-no, nothing like that! It's just..." His thumbs played along her lower back, causing a little shift in her. "It's... kinda been a fantasy of mine, being involved in this sort of thing, and I'd always expected that to be an unrealistic fantasy."

Hands slid down his shoulders to his hips, then his butt. Evelyn squeezed and grinned. "Maybe you shoulda said something earlier, then."

"Would... you have wanted to?"

"Maybe," she whispered, then pressed him into a kiss. It lasted right until the doorbell rung.


"--And that is exactly why I told him not to mess with people like that!" Polly had been saying, to the raucous laughter of everyone else present. The story probably wasn't that funny, but Luis finally had his third glass of wine and the pleasant burn in his belly had him feeling loose. Besides, he could sympathize with Craig, since he might have done the same thing in the red fox's situation.

Of course, Craig was laughing just as hard as anybody else. In fact, the fox was wiping his eyes as tears were squeezed from them. "I don't know if I'll ever stop doing that, though, it's too hard to restrain myself!"

"I guess I'll just have more stories to tell then, won't I?" Polly told him, the river otter grinning impudently. She then leaned back into the couch and sipped from her wine glass, her first. "You should be glad that elephant lady didn't smack you, that probably woulda hurt."

"Yes, but I'm good at dodging."

"Uh huh." Polly took another sip as the laughter subsided. "Guess that's the fox I'm dating."

"That's the fox you're engaged to," Craig returned, and laid his hand over hers. The otter squeezed, then leaned in for a kiss, their whiskers meshing slightly as her short muzzle met his longer one.

They did start to kiss more enthusiastically, and Luis didn't know whether it was the wine, the story, or the closeness that had them making out almost like horny teenagers. But then the pampas fox saw Polly's eye open, looking directly at him. The kiss separated.

"Craig? Honey fox?"

"Yes, baby?"

"Is it okay if I go check my theory that all foxes are really good with their tongues?"

Both foxes' ears perked. Craig's face, however, split into a smile. "Sure."

Luis had seen that look on Polly's face before. The two couples did double dates a few times, since they'd all gotten along once Polly had introduced the two foxes to each other. Evelyn and Polly met through the sorority they'd been in, and Evelyn had helped Polly get the job at Evelyn's company. But the pampas fox never expected that smoldering look would be turned on him, or that it would actually turn him on that it was. Polly rose, all otter nimbleness and grace as she crossed the distance to where he and his girlfriend sat. Luis glanced at Evelyn, but the giant otter was no help at all as she leaned back into the couch and faced him, a leg folding on the cushion.

"Evelyn, you don't mind, do you?" Polly's words drew Luis' attention back to the river otter, who was presently straddling his lap with her knees on the couch cushions. She was looking straight at Luis.

"Not at all," Luis heard Evelyn say. He wanted to turn his head but was transfixed by Polly's proximity. "I wanna watch." And then Polly's hands held his face forward, her lips pressing to his.

Polly wasn't as aggressive as he thought she was going to be, having made the first, bold move like she did. However, she was certainly assertive, her tongue licking at his lips and slipping within, almost coaxing his tongue to join hers. She did, however, grab one of Luis' hands and place it firmly on her butt. Luis' eyes again went to his girlfriend, who grinned wider and nodded. Well, this was what they were here for, wasn't it?

With a little sigh, he settled backward, trying to get comfortable with the fact that he was kissing one of his girlfriend's best friends with his girlfriend sitting not two feet away from him. It was hard to do, but Polly's insistence made it considerably easier. What made it extra weird was that Polly smelled a little like Evelyn. It wasn't just that they were around each other a lot. It had more to do with the otter-y, water scent they had on them, even though the kinds of waters were different. And then there was the fact that Polly was shorter than Evelyn, her head level with his as opposed to tilting up at Evelyn whenever the giant otter made out with him this way.

When Polly pulled back, Luis was surprised at how involved the kiss had been. He'd felt himself get into it in the last few moments, and the otter's face still smoldered as she looked him over. "I guess I shoulda asked you, too, if it was okay for me to do this." Her fingers traced down his cheek. "I've... been pretty eager to do this for a while now. I was so nervous. And, uh, a lot of the time when I'm nervous--"

"You just do things and see how they turn out later, right?" Evelyn spoke up, drawing the two's attention. She had her third wine glass and was sipping from it. The bottle was probably empty by now. "I'm actually surprised you asked me and Craig before you did."

Polly bit her lip, but hid her face in Luis' neck, pushing the pampas fox's chin up. "I hope you don't mind," she said quietly.

"It's..." Luis looked over at his Evelyn, who rolled her eyes, smiling. He smiled back. "It's alright. Just, uh, just a bit weird. You kinda smell like Evie, but distinctly not, and, uh. I've never made out with a girl with my girlfriend watching."

Polly sighed, and surprised Luis by licking up his neck. The unexpectedly intimate gesture made certain parts of him surge while his toes curled. "I've never made out with another boy with my boyfriend watching. Or rub myself against another boy with my boyfriend watching." The river otter had put words to action about the same time, and it hit Luis that she smelled about as aroused as she felt. Again, Luis looked at Evelyn.

"Luis. Fofinho. Are you gonna kiss her or not?" Evelyn said, giving him That Look.

"Yeah, fofinho. You gonna kiss me or not?"

The fox laughed suddenly, looking over Polly. She was an otter, too, but most definitely wasn't Evelyn. Still, she was quite pretty in her own right, and he had been quite curious as to how she would be in bed. Licking over his lips, he studied her face while stroking over her back. "I think I will," he said, moving in to kiss to her.


Watching Luis kiss one of her best friends was... odd.

There was a part of Evelyn that thought "How dare he" even as it was immediately tamped down by the fact that she'd agreed to this and that another part of her was really turned on by watching her fox make out with Polly. Now that he'd gotten the green light, he was quite aggressive, meeting her lip smack for lip smack while his hands slipped under her shirt, though not venturing further than her belly and lower back.

"Wanna join me?" said a voice, and the giant otter abruptly remembered that she wasn't alone in the room with the kissing couple.

Craig was... well, he was certainly cute. Slightly taller than Luis, but sharing a bit of the same foxy air, the almost disturbingly relaxed red fox beckoned her over. After one last look, she slid from that couch to sit next to Craig, resisting the temptation to fan herself. How many wine glasses had she had?

One retrospect, Evelyn was also glad that Craig didn't choose that moment to make a move on her, physically. She wasn't sure how she would have reacted had he done so, what with the new feelings roiling though her, along with the acknowledgment that the dominant feeling was that it was turning her on.

"You okay with this?" the fox asked in a low voice, and again Evelyn had to tear her eyes away from the spectacle.

She uttered a quick laugh. "I think so. It's just..."

"--confusing to watch your significant other kiss somebody else with such gusto in front of you?"

"Yeah. That. Um." Again, the giant otter laughed, trying to get comfortable on the couch, the sounds of the make out session invading her ears even as she tried to pay attention to Craig.

"Distracting, isn't it?"

This time, the otter threw a quizzical glance at the fox. "Either you're a mind reader or you're just really good at putting words to everything going on in my head."

The fox grinned, something that was at once impudent and innocent. "Mostly the latter, but sometimes ya never know," he said, wiggling his fingers at her. He did, however, take up the rest of his wine glass and drain it. "I guess I thought I was prepared for what it was going to be like, but I really wasn't."

Evelyn's face softened in sympathy. "Bad or good?"

"Yes. I, uh, think that I need a distraction. And, uh," and here he did make a move, putting his hand on hers and squeezing it, "I so happen to have a very pretty otter right next to me."

The lame attempt at flattery struck home perhaps because of its cheesiness. "You know, I wouldn't mind testing Polly's theory, either." The otter turned her hand in his, squeezing back at him.

Evelyn saw a flash of surprise that faded into a grin. "I didn't expect that would work," Craig said.

The otter leaned into him, cupping his cheek with her free hand. "Maybe you should quit while you're ahead."

"What, you don't like corny pick up lines?"

She pulled herself closer, her muzzle now inches away from the fox's, close enough that she could feel the tickle of his breath on her whiskers. "Maybe a little." She kissed him then, at first with some hesitance, then later with some enthusiasm as he kissed her back. With her eyes closed, she felt and tasted him, his arm slipping around to tug her closer. He was... forward. More forward than perhaps she was expecting, but then this was new ground anyway. Pulling back, the giant otter found herself flush and... turned on.

Still. "Um, Polly, is it--" she began, turning.

Polly, however, was still firmly engrossed in Luis, with his hand up her shirt and groping at her breasts. Evidently she heard the question Evelyn was about to ask, and replied by tossing a middle finger back at them. Craig chuckled.

"I think that means it's cool." The fox's grin was assuring, but he must have sensed her reticence when he stroked down her arm. "If you don't wanna, that's fine, too."

Did she? She took a moment, steeled herself, then pressed another kiss to Craig's lips. It felt right, even when the giant otter reminded herself that she was kissing her best friend's boyfriend, and the shame and disgust she should be feeling particularly when he was kissing her back. But somehow, she wasn't feeling that except distantly. It probably had to do with the not-her-boyfriend fox kissing her, because the longer that seemed to go on, the warmer she felt and the less she was bothered that this fox was not her boyfriend.


Luis found himself enjoying the smaller bodied otter on his lap, her breasts more petite than the almost over-flowing handholds he typically held. There was still plenty to hold onto, and there was this sense of discovery that he hadn't really felt in a while. Not to say that Evelyn wasn't responsive to his advances, but if he was honest with himself, he'd already developed a sort of cheat code to his girlfriend and had more or less committed to doing those particular steps to arouse her.

With Polly, however, he wasn't quite sure where or how to begin. So he tried a bit of everything, finding the otter responding to some things. For instance, she seemed to quite like it when his thumbs ran over her nipples, and even liked it when he twisted them. The pampas fox tried it again and found the otter breaking from the kiss they had been indulging in, a moan pulled from her as she pushed into the attention.

When her gaze returned to him, he found it unexpectedly full of heat. In an instant, she pulled off her blouse, dropping the fabric on the floor. Though he had his hands under there not a moment before, the escalation had him shocked for a moment before he met her implied challenge, popping one of her nipples into his mouth and biting on it. Polly hissed, then gave him a hotter, quieter moan as he brought his tongue into play, her nails digging into his shoulders.

"Tug on her nipples with your teeth."

Hearing Craig speak, and directly to him, broke Luis from the kind of horny reverie he'd been involved in. His gaze snapped to the other couple to find them intertwined, but not quite as much as himself and the smaller river otter were. But more to the point, they were both looking at him and Polly, and the pampas fox felt almost embarrassed by the attention. Less so, however, that the pair seemed to be enjoying it and the passion was setting them off. It was almost as if he had his hand caught in the cookie jar, but the people who caught him not only encouraged him to take one, but share some with them.

"She loves it when I do that," Craig continued, nuzzling into Evelyn's neck. It felt so weird to see someone else be so intimate with his girlfriend, and now that Luis had a moment to reflect on it, he felt bad that his hands were currently groping Polly's ass. Sort of. Of course, Craig was nibbling on his girlfriend's neck, his hands on her sides, and Evelyn had her hand not just between his legs but down his pants as well. There was a little hitch in the red fox's voice as he spoke again. "Don't stop, though." Whether he was speaking to Luis or Evelyn was unknown, but the pampas fox didn't let that stop him, switching breasts to bathe it in his attention.

He heard a hot moan, but it didn't come from Polly. The river otter was biting her lip, hands balled into fists on her thighs. No, the moan was coming from Evelyn, who was pausing from rummaging around Craig's pants while the red fox bit again to her neck. So, Luis put a hand on Polly's stomach and moved a bit downward while he gave a bit of advice in return to Craig.


Being still in the room, Evelyn of course heard the two foxes talk to each other about their respective otter's hot spots. But then, the giant otter's ears went sideways when Luis revealed something he'd stumbled upon by accident, and exploited ever since: her ears. They were sensitive in one of the worst ways, and whenever Luis put his teeth or tongue (or both) on her ears, she melted. Hard. It was enough that blowing on them was enough to get her to blush.

It was extra weird that a foreign, if foxy muzzle was currently brushing about her ears, a tongue coming out to swipe at the back of one. It was a burst of warm and wet that seemed to hit her at her core, but Evelyn managed to not moan. Initially, anyway. Craig was just too persistent with this new trigger, and before long if she wasn't aroused before, she certainly was after the red fox's continued attentions. In this semi-private environment, she ended up making strangled moans than the fuller ones she gave Luis in private company. With it came the knowledge that she was probably going to sleep with Craig tonight.

It was an odd sort of realization. That was sort of the intent of this gathering, but she hadn't quite made peace with it until about now. That her boyfriend was probably going to sleep with Craig's fiance, and quite possibly both events happening in the same room made Evelyn shockingly comfortable with it. With that in mind, the giant otter pried her ear away from Craig's eager attentions, tossing off her own shirt, then undoing her bra and letting that slide forward on her arms.

She saw the fox's eyes widen at this escalation, but she took it even further, digging her hands under the fox's shirt and pulling up with that. Those mischievous hands were removed from her body for as long as it took for him to divest, and she personally took the shirt from him to toss over her shoulder, moving in for another kiss. This one she gave herself to fully, able to mentally reconcile the weirdness as newness, pressing her hand back down Craig's pants.

Evelyn thought, on her initial inspection, that Craig was maybe bigger than Luis. While she never had cause to complain about her boyfriend's size in that department, dealing with something bigger might be an interesting challenge. Still, it was hard and full, and she finally brought it into the open as she ended another deep kiss which left her panting.

A look down ended in a coo. Craig's cock was very similar to Luis', so she had a good idea of how to treat it. She went after the fox's neck, laying a trail of small bites and nibbles, even as she stroked the warm rod, getting a better feel for it now that it and her hand weren't restricted by the fox's pants. A little squeeze around the base... and there was the little dribble of pre which was soon spread over the rest of the fox cock. Though it seemed like Craig was a bit more sensitive, judging by the deep shudder running through his body. Or perhaps it was her making her way down his body by her biting and licking.

Slowly, she slipped down the fox's body, picking up his more unique scent the lower she went. Though typically, the giant otter almost never got to do this. Luis was lovely, and getting eaten out wasn't exactly a bad thing (particularly with how skilled he'd gotten), but she almost never got to give to her boyfriend. So, Evelyn resolved to take advantage of this fox-like opportunity, pressing her nose against the stiff shaft and inhaling, then licking around the base and upward. Breathing over the tip, she took hold of Craig's cock and enveloped that tip in her muzzle, swirling her tongue around it.

For a brief moment the giant otter looked upward and immediately blushed. Craig was looking down at her, but there was such heat in his gaze that it was transfixing. "Don't stop," he said, and she realized that she had and corrected that error. Now, she was gently bobbing along the inch or so that she didn't hold, but the memory of that gaze had her blushing. Did this happen often with Polly? With a breath, she put it out of her mind and more of Craig into her mouth. She heard a groan from above: "Oh wow... does Luis get this all the time?"


Ordinarily, Luis would have heard that remark. But he was a little busy at the moment. After all, otter legs and fur had a bit of a sound dampening quality, and he wasn't about to let Polly go to better hear what else was going on around him. Had he the wherewithal to reply, though, he would have said that no, he doesn't, if only because getting a blowjob to him felt selfish.

That, and eating out a woman was so much fun.

The pampas fox did see a bit of the escalation that Evelyn committed to, but he was shortly distracted by Polly pushing him down on the couch and taking off her dress in one fell swoop. He didn't get to see her braless, though, as she pulled her panties off and wrapped her legs around his head, sitting down on him. "Eat up," she said, and he did, with a will.

Perhaps it would have bothered him, the difference in taste between Polly and Evelyn, once again hammering home that he was not having sex with his girlfriend, but the smaller otter unleashing this very assertive side of her both surprised and turned him on hard. Luis had his hands fastened on her rump, squeezing and pulling her in as his tongue lashed her sex, then wriggled within while his teeth grazed her pubis. He would pull back for the occasional breather, but she never let him take much of one, and so much of his world was so filled with otter pussy and slight oxygen deprivation that it was hard to care about much else.

The small shiver he felt from her as she clenched down on his tongue was gratifying. Luis wasn't sure whether it was a full blown orgasm or not, but it was definitely a sign that he was doing something right. The fox's fingers dug into her rump, which got her tail to slap down on his stomach, then curl as he nibbled at her lower lips. She squirmed while he tugged at them, her little claws digging into his head where she held his ears.

It was after another shudder that she finally wrenched herself away from him, falling back against the other end of the couch and panting. "Oh my god," she said, and that was pretty much it for a while, her chest rising and falling while she regained her breath. Luis grinned and, while she looked down to watch him, theatrically licked his lips. Polly laughed and shook her head. "Okay. You... you gotta give Craig some pointers, okay, because... wow."

Those words had the dual effect of making him grin further and reminding him that Craig and Evelyn were still in the room. And when he looked over, he felt that prior conflict, but a bit stronger. There was the red fox and his giant otter girlfriend, and she was eagerly blowing him while he looked like he was having trouble staving off climax.

Luis jumped, because he felt a hand on his cock. His very hard cock. Almost literally leaking. But the hand wasn't Evelyn's, obviously, because it was smaller, a shade more delicate. The ottery face looking up at him from between his legs wasn't Evelyn, either, because Evelyn had her face in the other fox's crotch. Polly gave him a shy smile, as if she just realized that she was blushing, even with her hand stroking over his insistently hard cock. "Feels a bit weird, right?" she said in a low voice. "Like, that's the hottest thing you've ever seen your lover do but it's not with you, so that almost feels wrong."

"It's, uh. It's very strange," he said.

Polly hadn't taken her hand off his cock, and in fact squeezed it by the base before stroking it. She shimmied herself up further, and Luis had to wonder if it was intentional that she was framing her breasts with her arms like that, almost as if she was offering that to him. "But you also know that they're having fun, a lotta fun, and that turns you on, too. And they're not doing it behind your back, but right there in front of you." She'd gotten closer to his cock, her lips almost dangerously close, enough that he could feel her breath. "It's kinda like even though you're not getting any direct stimulation, they're almost having sex with you, too."

The pampas fox swallowed, even as he heard a sucking of breath from the red fox a couch over. He was both near and far away. "Yeah."

The smaller otter's tongue spilled out and lapped slowly up Luis' shaft. He flinched when he felt her carry up a bead of pre that had spilled over. "You're not mad at them. You just feel like you should be taking a more direct role. But you aren't, and that's okay, too."


Whatever he was going to say was lost as he bit his lower lip. Polly swirled her tongue around his shaft again, then pulled off, her eyes still on his. "Or at least, you want it to be. You really, really want it to be." The otter leaned in, rubbing her nose against the fox's shaft, her breathing soft and delicate and cool against the pulsing heat. "The only reason I'm not really, really drunk right now is that I have to drive. I burned off the buzz. I wanna-- Craig and I have been talking about this for a while, and I'm pretty sure you and Evelyn have too." She moved up, her hand staying on his cock until it couldn't anymore, pressing her chest to his, her nose to his chin as she licked it. "I don't love Craig less. I'm sure you don't love Evelyn less. But I wanna... see how this is gonna go. So I'm kinda cheating to get you to keep going."

She wasn't wrong. The otter was pressed against him. Her pants had disappeared at some point, and she was grinding something wet and hot against his cock, and the smell of her, god. Luis hadn't been around an otter this horny since...

"Luis." The pampas fox blinked, finding Polly looking directly into his eyes, her hands holding his face. "With me?" A nod, and Polly grinned. "Craig does the same thing, sometimes. Gets really lost in a scent. But if you're gonna do that, I'd like it if you did it after we start."


"Yeah. You start taking care of this." The otter lifted a finger from between her legs, and Luis could smell it before she smeared it all his nose. "You caused that too, you know. So, you gonna finish what you started?"

Luis licked his nose. It tasted as good as it smelled, and he licked over his lips again. He could hear panting from the other couch, definitely feminine panting. "Yeah," he said, and Polly grinned, grabbing his shaft and aiming it.

"Just what I wanted to hear," she said, then sank down.


Evelyn found herself both disappointed and immensely prideful when Craig pulled her up. She was reasonably certain that the fox had been about to cum several times, and she enjoyed playing with him, bringing him back from the brink, then working him back up again. It also allowed the giant otter to give her jaw a rest, because as much fun as it was blowing Craig, she felt almost out of practice. She resolved to make sure to wake up early and start giving Luis oral in the morning on the regular; the few times she had done that, it either led to a sixty nine and sex or just sex. But as soon as the thought entered her head, she found herself struck by the guilty feeling of having her mouth around someone else's dick, which she was distracted from by a deep kiss from Craig.

"You are huge," he said breathlessly as the kiss ended, a smile tugging around his features. The fox's hands settled by her hips, and he tugged her up to a straddle.

His giddiness must have affected her as well, because Evelyn only chuckled back. "So?"

"I've just... never been with someone as tall as you before. It's weird and cool, having to look up to you like this."

"Luis does it all the time," she said, kissing him again. The kiss held, the otter sucking on his lower lip before she pulled back to add "I think he likes it."

Craig was definitely giddy, and only a little bit drunk, going by the taste of alcohol on him. "Heh. He should. He's really lucky."

"So's Polly," she said, tucking her chin down to lick at the hollow of his neck. "Very."


Both fox and giant otter turned to look at the other couch. Polly seemed like she had her eyes closed with her ears splayed, her hips moving in a heavy grind against Luis' crotch. Evelyn was pretty sure that she'd hopped on him, and was struck by how fast Polly seemed to be enjoying it. By the lusty look in her fox's eyes was warming her as well, particularly when he said "Finger her."

Crap. Another thing that Luis discovered, and the otter barely had time to react before the red fox's fingers were inside her, sending spiraling pleasure through her body again. Luis told Craig to go faster, and she ended up digging her blunt claws into the back of the couch while the fox went to town on her. It usually was the direct contact that got her near uncontrollable in terms of worked up, and Craig seemed to realize that pretty swiftly. And then she found herself letting go.

"Oh, shit!" she heard the red fox say. Her body had clenched in on herself, and there was a rush of pleasure, and next thing she knew, Craig was, if at all possible, giddier that she'd squirted on him. There was a moment of shocked silence between the two that was broken by a curse from Polly. Evelyn went to look, then find herself upended as she was pushed down into the couch. It got worse (or more likely a whole hell of a lot better) when he'd shoved himself inside her, and the giant otter grabbed Craig by his shoulders.

While Evelyn wished she'd gotten some warning as to what was going to transpire, she was more willing to forgive that oversight of this was going to be the result. And the result was a hard, hungry rutting, the couch almost protesting at the force Craig put into each thrust. He'd also lunged and grabbed the otter by the neck in his teeth, biting down in a way that hurt and had her toes curling.

When he let go, it was a relief and a disappointment. Of course, there were a variety of things happening at the time, or at least it seemed like that to Evelyn. The rough pace was almost unlike anything she'd ever been subjected to; it's not like she hadn't had rough sex before, but almost never was she the recipient of it, usually leading the pace. Before, the boys she'd been with were either too intimidated by her size or expected her to take the lead, and here was Craig just sorta taking it. What part of her mind she could spare to idle thoughts really wanted more of this sort of sex. The other parts were catapulting over a waterfall, with her saying stuff she wasn't processing while her body seized.

While her body was still coming down, Craig was apparently rising to that point himself. Now that she could hear over the blood rushing through her body, the red fox was panting and almost snarling, getting more vocal until he started cumming in the middle of a thrust and pounded the rest of his orgasm into her, a delightful thrill that poised on the painful. When he came to a stop, they both spent a few moments panting, Evelyn feeling giddy and naughty and used and so, so desired. An idle thought flittered out of the ether and perched on her: was this the best sex she'd ever had?


Watching Craig take Evelyn like that did things to Luis. There was a brief burst of anger that died around the first pleasured moan that came from the giant otter. When that was gone, all the pampas fox had left was lust, disappointment, and confusion that his feelings weren't entirely one of the first two. Fortunately, Polly was there to keep him from dwelling too much on these.

She gave him a quick, light slap that didn't hurt so much as startle, then rose up and slammed down on his hips, drawing a grunt. "I figured this might happen," she said in a low voice, one that was still quite warm. "Craig can get really forceful. I've teased this outta him more than once." The smaller otter bit on Luis' ear, making him shiver even as he was conscious of the loud fornication going on not very far away. Equally as pressing, however, was the otter grinding on his lap, the bursts of pleasure enough to keep him off balance. "It's so hot watching him do this to someone else, though. Look at him. It's like he's gone feral."

Luis looked once at Craig and Evelyn, then back up at Polly. "Is that what you want from me?"

She shook her head. "What I want from you is what I'm getting. Evelyn has been tellin' me about how gentle a lover you are, and that's what I want." She ground on him again, hard, shuddering and exhaling as she settled in, curling her arms around his shoulders. "I can get rough any old time."

With an exhale, that's exactly what she did. For the first few moments, Luis had his hands on her hips as she stirred him within her, something that kept him on edge but did little to push him toward orgasm. It was a delightful sort of torture that she controlled, riding her on the gentlest of inclines towards what he knew would be a steep drop.

Apparently the torture went both ways, as she abruptly grabbed the pampas fox's hands and put them on her breasts, squeezing herself through him. He got the message, and began groping the otter so that she could relocate her hands by his sides, starting to bounce on him, her rudder tail squirming over his legs. "Yes," she hissed, her head rolling around before lolling forward.

While he wouldn't mistake Polly for Evelyn, as the former was too short as the most obvious difference, he liked that Polly was assertive like Evelyn usually was in bed. It was a weird sort of feeling that Luis was having, thinking of his girlfriend while her close friend was riding him, but then a spare moan from Evelyn wafted over, amplifying the sort of pleasurable wrongness in him.

"Hey. Focus." Polly drew his attention back to her, cupping his cheeks as she went back to grinding on him. "Hey. You want this, right?"

Did he? The pampas fox nodded, but his ears were back, and again his attention started to stray before Polly bit his ear.

"She's not going anywhere." The whisper jolted Luis, as much as it embarrassed him to find that secret thought exposed so starkly. "And if she does," Polly continued, "I'm gonna kick her ass." The otter paired that with a wicked grin and went on, louder. "Now, are you going to fuck me or not?"

For a moment, Luis looked at the secret, now-exposed thought: Evelyn might leave him because she can get the sex she might want from someone else. But then, as Polly was showing him, sex was only one part of their relationship, though an emotionally fraught aspect. It was a risk to have sex with other people, but Craig wasn't trying to 'steal his girl,' and neither was he trying to steal Polly. They were just sharing that experience of not having sex with their respective significant others. Which, now that he'd thought about it, was something the pampas fox should really get back to.

As his hands slipped down the lithe otter's body, Luis concluded that he really did want to fuck Polly, if only because he found her attractive. It was only upon admitting that he found her attractive when cornered by the two of them did this little ball get set into motion, and now he was in a situation where he was buried inside the otter's sex and squeezing her butt, her body tensing and pushing into his hands. And the only reason he was here, doing this right now was because of the long conversations that he'd had with his girlfriend as to whether they were really okay with doing this. Conceptually, he had been, and in reality, he didn't know it'd be so hard to be okay with it.

But, the pampas fox had an otter to please. Not his otter, his lovely, almost Amazonian beauty, but a smaller, cuter one, slightly more devious in her machinations. Holding firmly to Polly's butt, he started to thrust, a move that startled her initially, but then she wrapped her arms around him tighter, panting and moaning past his ear.


As she got her breathing under control, Evelyn felt languid. It had definitely been good sex, but to rank it in the state she was in seemed both counterproductive and beyond her current mental capability. Better to just enjoy the feeling with it just past than try to put it among some pantheon she hadn't bothered to organize in the first place. Craig had been such a fierce lover, and his body and scent were so new and fascinating. The fox, in the meantime, had settled in the valley of her breasts, pretty pleased to be there if the almost-drunk expression on his face was anything to go by.

"Are you feeling alright?" she asked him in a low voice, and got a nod in response. It took a moment for him to refocus and speak.

"Sorry. You, uh. When you squirted on me, I just... reacted. Barely knew what I was doing aside of wanting you."

Evelyn grinned, feeling her face flush. "That's fine by me. It's not often than I'm flipped over like that."

Craig's ears went further sideways. "Again, sorry."

The giant otter put her finger on his lips. "Don't apologize. Besides, Polly told me that you like to get rough with her." Unable to resist, she grinned further. "Didn't expect for it to come so sudden, though."

Craig moved her finger out of the way with his muzzle. "Yeah, but I'm usually not this rough with people this early--"

"--in having sex with them?" Evelyn finished. She moved her hand to stroke over the fox's head. "Again, it's okay. I liked it. Particularly since it happened after I basically peed on you." The fox's ears had been lifting, but they splayed again at that admission. "Maybe foxes really like that kinda thing, because ever since he discovered I could do it, Luis wants it all the time."

"That's because it smells incredible."

Evelyn perked up. "It does?"

The fox nodded as best as he could between her breasts, then shifted himself up to a sitting position. "Yeah. It's like, well, I'm guessing that Luis can pretty much always tell when you're hot, right?"

The giant otter blushed again. "He does seem to have a nose for it, yes."

"Now picture a concentrated burst of that, and it hits you." Craig shook himself, tail flicking outward for a moment. "I don't know about Luis, but it gets me harder than a rock and I just want to roll around in it. Or do something-- I, I don't know what. I couldn't stop myself because I don't think I've ever felt an urge that hard and before I knew it--"

"You were railing me. I know. I was there." Evelyn pulled the fox upward, their hips aligning somewhat. "I get the feeling that it's something you'd like to do again."

Craig smiled back, his ears still to the side. "How'd you guess?" he said, grinding himself against her.


Evelyn and Luis lay on their shared bed, recovering. It was late. A lot later than they thought it would be when they were done with this sort of thing. For her part, the giant otter squirmed a bit as she remembered the kinds of things she had done, wrapping the arm around Luis' body tighter.

"Jeeze... after all this, you're still ready to go?" the pampas fox complained, smiling up at her.

Evelyn grinned back. "No, no. I'm good, honest." She paused, then looked down at her boyfriend. "What's on your mind?"


"I wanna know what you're thinking about."

"My dick hurts."

The otter burst out laughing at that. "Well it certainly saw plenty of use." She drew a finger over the small of his back, thinking about how he looked fucking Polly. "But I meant in terms of what just happened?"

"The whatever-hour orgy we just had? That ran late enough that Craig and Polly are sleeping on our fold out?"

"Yes, that."

"Well, I'm still surprised the foldout could hold all of us moving so vigorously. And my dick still hurts."

Evelyn couldn't resist a smile, but she disciplined herself enough to be more direct. "I mean, was that a good experience or not?"

"The orgy?"

"Yes, the orgy," she said, rolling her eyes.

Luis was silent for a moment, a hand idly tracing patterns in her stomach. "So, uh. I have a confession to make."

"What is it?"

He hesitated only for a moment more. "I thought I might lose you tonight."

"You what?"

"I know, I know. It's ridiculous. It felt ridiculous thinking it. I still thought it. I thought I was better than that, because, I mean, yeah, we've been together for a long time and we've had many conversations talking about this up to just before they came over. But it still felt really weird, watching you have fun in that way with someone else, regardless of who it was." He paused, and looked up at her. "You did have fun, right?"

"Well, yeah, but--"

"Okay, good." The fox sighed, his finger stroking over her stomach. "But, uh, Polly told me that if you left me, she'd kick your ass, and that was comforting."

A smile tugged at Evelyn's muzzle. "That does sound like Polly, yeah."

"Yeah." Luis took a breath. "It was also really hot. Probably why, uh, that lasted so long."

"Probably helped that Polly and I got a little lesbian."

The pampas fox squirmed against his girlfriend, his hand splaying on the giant otter's stomach. "That was really hot."

"I thought you were straight, too."

"Giving another guy a handjob while getting one yourself isn't exactly gay, you know."

"It's not exactly straight, either."

Luis chuckled. "No, probably not."

"You still haven't answered my question." She stroked over the fox's back, then squeezed on him. "Would you wanna do that again?"

Grinning, the fox answered. "Not for a month, at least. I need time to heal."

Camerawork part 2

Kappy belongs to Kappy All other characters belong to Leon Husky All characters used with permission "Your sister wants to film us?" Kappy glanced over at Leon, then back to the road. Leon nodded, swallowing. "Y-yeah. She, uh, has this...

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Camerawork part 1

Kappy belongs to Kappy All other characters belong to Leon Husky All characters used with permission The door slammed open, followed by a near scream of frustration. There was stomping, and the door slammed shut. The husky who'd entered struggled...

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Rough Ride

Kappy belongs to Kappy. Used with permission. The feeling of liquid hitting her face jolted Kappy awake. The skunk coughed and sputtered, then reeled as she tasted piss. "Thatch! What the fuck is wrong with you?" somebody said, and the stream...

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