To the Victors Go the Spoils!

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#1 of To The Victor Go The Spoils!

To The Victors Go The Spoils!

Winning is great. People say it isn't everything, but when you're riding the high of a hard battle won, and you're celebrating with your Pokémon, well, winning is everything.

Andrew peered at his team, ranged about as they were, around a roaring fire in a log cabin high in the mountains. It was a getaway of sorts, complete with tennis court, currently iced over and unusable, a games room, not currently occupied, and even a hot spa.

And they had it all to themselves at the moment. With the snow storms of late, everyone had retreated from the vacation house to escape being snowed in. Andrew didn't mind one bit. His team, and he, needed a rest, after beating the Elite four challenge!

There was Sasha, his Lucario, a little under five feet tall, sitting with her back to the fire, playing with the spikes on her gloves, who had beaten an impossibly hard bug Pokémon to secure a win against the first opponent.

Kin, his Espeon, her name short for 'Kinesis', had effortlessly beaten down a Mankey to secure their second victory. She was curled directly in front of the fire in a feline fashion, twin-tipped tail slowly twitching.

Fyre, his Flareon, was almost in the fire, purring contentedly to herself, tailtip slowly swaying. She had won a battle against a Glaceon to help win their way through a tough opponent.

Andrew's water Pokémon was River, the Vaporeon, who had beaten up a Blaziken to pass them through to the last battle.

His Zangoose, Vanessa, was lounging in a chair, playing with her claws, testing their sharpness, to the detriment of the couch arms. She had been his main battler against opponents his other Pokémon didn't have a good type advantage against. She was dangerous.

And last but not least, his Luxray, Statica. She was the largest of them all, weight-wise, and her Thunder was a move to contend with. She had won the last battle effortlessly, sinking an Azumarill's hopes with a single slash of electrically charged claws.

All six of his team lay ranged about the fire, lazing, happy, content. He had promised them anything they wanted for the entire day, as his way of saying thanks. Already, Fyre had made the fireplace a roaring epicentre of heat, while River had gone swimming in the hot spa, carefully left to cool for hours beforehand, to the perfect temperature for her. The rest had settled for just rest, and lazing about happily in the plush armchairs, with the getaway all to themselves until the snow abated.

Andrew was just a little tipsy, having consumed a quarter bottle of wine that he found in the cellar, quite content with the world at that moment, glass sitting besides him on a desk that sat next to the chair he was reclining in.

Little did he know that his Pokémon had certain plans for their little bargain. They could have anything they wanted, and being an all-female team...well, there were certain things they couldn't get easily, and the promise of anything? It was just too tempting.

Especially after Kin had told the others what she'd found in an upstairs bedroom...a bottle of Viagra. Sasha could read enough to figure out what it was...obviously left there by accident by a previous tennant.

They had decided what to do. Theyd spike his drink, and take advantage of his willing form. But not all at once. Six was far too many at once. They decided on something more managable...

They'd go in pairs!

The order had already been decided. Kin and Vanessa would have first shot, since they'd be the ones performing the act of daring that got them their 'prize'.

Andrew yawned faintly, and was on the verge of curling up, when a fluffy ball of Zangoose landed flat in his lap, making him give an 'oof' of surprise and flail a moment, almost spilling his drink.

Vanessa smirked, and nuzzled at her trainers neck happily, fluffy tail swirling back and forth, ears perking at him, before splaying flat, nosing at his cheek.

He couldn't help but smile at her antics, and kissed her nose happily, hugging her tightly.

Behind him, Kin was narrowing her eyes, a pair of blue pills seeming just float along by themselves towards his cup, before dropping neatly into them. They began to fizz in the wine, and then the water stirred itself rapidly, swirling around in a circle, while Kin watched it with a mischeivous expression.

Andrew pressed his face to the Zangoose's a moment, and smiling a little, before drawing back. "Go on, go laze by the fire." he said, shooing her gently. "I'm gonna get some sleep." he declared, picking up his wine glass, and downing the remainder in one gulp. It was only morning, but the combination of cold weather, warm fire, and wine had made him sleepy.

All six Pokémon watched him, eyes narrowed, seeming to smile secretive little smiles at eachother...

Andrew woke up slowly, to find the rest of the Pokémon apparently asleep, and a raging hard on in his pants. This was no morning wood. This was morning steel!

Glancing around, he made sure his Pokémon were asleep, and then staggered to his feet, holding a hand to his head. It was still dark, he couldn't have been sleeping long, and he was still tipsy. Not quite at the hangover stage yet.

Clumsily making his way towards the rear of the large building, he found the door to the cellar, and proceeded to almost trip down it, being as quiet as he could, and then sprawling out in the shadowy recesses of the cellar, quickly starting to tug his clothes off.

He needed releif. It was like being a teenager again, running off to have a wank wherever he could when the urge took him. But this, this was different somehow. but he was too tipsy, and far too horny to even care, taking ahold of the rod of flesh and started to furiously stroke at it.

But then, he heard the faint sound of footsteps. A pair of footsteps, and swallowed hard, trying to be still. He was completely naked, with his rock hard dick in his hand, and some of his Pokémon were coming down there with him! Or, even worse, other people!

As the Espeon and Zangoose came into view, he held his breath, carefully not moving his body, trying vainly to hide his budding erection with his hands should he be found, his clothes too far away, and too noisy to get on in time.

Kin nodded towards him, and seemed to smile mischeivously, bounding down the stairs and making straight for him, while Vanessa followed her line of movement, eyes narrowing slowly as she caught sight of him.

Andrew gave a low moan. He was caught. Caught with an aching erection that he couldn't tend to beause his Pokémon were right there. Naughty thoughts chased themselves through his head at that...things that he could do to his Pokémon, things he could do with them...but he quickly chased them out with a quick shake of his head. They were his Pokémon, his friends. Doing that with them would be wrong, wouldn't it?

But then Kin was at his ankles, casually stepping up into his lap and grinning at him, twin-pronged tail swirling back and forth behind her as large purple ears perked at him.

Soft forepaws prised apart his hands, and he blinked down at the Espeon rapidly, head canting to one side in confusion, not quite understanding what she wanted, Vanessa standing behind her, watching with narrowed eyes.

A loud gasp escaped him as Kin leant in, and gave the tip of his cock a slow, gentle lap with her soft, moist tongue, her tailtip flicking against his ankles, forepaws moving to hold him steady as she delivered another firm lick, swirling her tongue gently across the head, grinning.

Andrew's eyes rolled back, and he shuddered hard, starting to pant softly, staring down at the Espeon a moment, only to let out a muttered oath as Vanessa settled down besides her and added her tongue to the mix, soft, warm Zangoose tongue swirling across the glans of his eager cock, while the soft, heavenly Espeon tongue lapped at his tip.

Both Pokémon paused then, peering up at him, as if for approval, tongues pausing in their lovely journeys, making him buck and moan in frustration. Fuck that felt awesome!

They both shared a mischeivous glance, and a pair of paws came up to gently play with his balls, squeezing and toying with them gently, while he gasped and spread out further, eyes widening as he watched Vanessa open her maw and press dowards, Kin drawing back to watch the Zangoose slide inch after inch of eager human cock into her maw.

Kin's paws lightly played with his base, and his balls, as the Zangoose drew back slightly, and started to suck eagerly at his cock, soft tongue rolling around and around his tip, her muzzle stuffed with it.

But then she drew back slowly, drawing her tongue delicately along his tip as she withdrew him, before Kin quickly pulled his cocktip towards her maw with her paws, and then pressed it into her mouth, rubbing her tongue against it furiously, purring deeply.

Andrew started to gasp, whole body shuddering, watching this delightful scene, eager length starting to throb rapidly, precum spilling from his tip.

At the faint saltiness of his precum, Kin gave an exclamation of delight, tonguing against his tip rapidly, before drawing back and offering the stiff shaft of flesh to the Zangoose, who eagerly took it into her maw, likewise making a sound of delight and lapping rapidly at him.

And then, both Pokémon, sensing the throbbing of blood through his length, drew back, and pressed their cheeks together, sliding their noses in close and beginning to lap rapidly at his tip, their paws stroking up and down his length rapidly, jerking him off, directing his cock towards their open mouths.

Twin pink tongues filled his attention span, and he started to pant and arch, gasping hard, hands clenching into fists as two soft tongues toyed with his glans.

His flesh started to throb rapidly, and both Pokémon redoubled their efforts, maws opening wide, tongues lolling free, exclamations of delight escaping them as hot spurts of cum suddenly started to spill from him.

Kin and Vanessa opened their mouths wide as warm, thick spurts of cum splattered across their maws, ribbons of the creamy fluid jetting over their cheeks, noses, and muzzles, and then up over their faces, before lessening in intensity, starting to pool in the open muzzles presented to the cock, rapidly coating their tongues in warm, gooey spunk.

Both Espeon and Zangoose smiled up at him, tongues lolling free, dripping with his liquid, their muzzles coated in warm mess, neither of them having swallowed at all, content to let it pool in their open mouths and spill across their tongues, his chemically-induced arousal copious in its intensity.

Kin and Vanessa exchanged glances, and Andrew almost fainted as they turned to eachother, tongues drawing into their muzzles, lips meeting against the others, heads tilting faintly to let them lock their muzzles together in a rough approximation of a lustful kiss, tongues sallying forth, still coated in white liquid, meeting and coiling with eachother as both Pokémon purred faintly, dribbles of cum starting to drip from their mingling muzzles and tongues.

And then, their tongues were back on him, eagerly cleaning up his mess, and, somehow, keeping him hard, and eager for more, both Pokémon swallowing rapidly at his mess, eager to get more of his taste. It wasn't that it tasted too good...rather, it was something naughty, something oh-so-dirty they could do. And it was awesome, to all three of them.

Andrew panted down at them both, looking back and forth between them, reeling a little as he watched them perform such a lustful little show for him, his legs twitching with each flick of soft tongues over his aching cock, cleaning him, keeping him hard and eager for them.

In some small, shadowy corner of his mind, he was amazed that he was doing this with his Pokémon...but...why the hell not? It was his life, if he enjoyed it, then that was his right. After all, it was them that came onto him! Not the other way around!

He panted softly, and stared, as the two Pokémon paused, peered at eachother, and exchanged a short, sharp burst of communication in pokespeak, Vanessa quickly sidling away, to drop down onto her back, head pointed in their direction, tailtip swaying between her spread legs. He could see her sex, lightly moist, a sliver of pink amid her white fur.

Before he could move towards her though, Kin had bounced over top of her, in a sixty-nine position, both noses inches from the others eagers cunts.

Andrew gulped audibly as he watched them bend to the task, a hand subconsciously sliding down to his throbbing meat and starting to stroke at it rapidly as he started at the tableu of decadent arousal set out before him.

Kin had her nose buried between Vanessa's spread thighs, large ears splayed backwards, tailtips swishing gently as she began to lap her soft tongue eagerly at the hot cunt before her nose, forepaws kneading at the white-furred expanse of the zangoose's lower belly.

Vanessa, meanwhile, was doing much the same, dextrous forepaws lifted to spread open the soft lips of Kin's cunt, muzzle angling to press her nose just under the spread sex, tongue sliding out slowly, curling across the bulbous little nub of the Espeon's clit, all of this revealed to Andrew as the Espeon slowly coiled her tail upwards, an invitation.

Swallowing once, Andrew slid forwards, onto his knees, carefully shifting to put his knees behind his Espeon's rear, without putting them on Vanessa's ears as she lapped more eagerly at Kin's cunt, tailtip swishing back and forth a little faster now.

Kin peered back at him over her shoulder, and seemed to smile mischeivous, poking her tongue out at him, which was moist, shiny wet...but not with her saliva, with the copious liquids seeping from between Vanessa's thighs, before she turned back to her task, lapping eagerly along the exposed, spread lips of the Zangoose's cunt.

Panting with unbearable anticipation, Andrew gripped Kin's sides with his hands, and started to edge forwards, trying to line up the tip of his achingly hard cock with the Espeon's dribbling lips, rubbing against her once, making him give a faint moan and hump his hips, pressing against her ineffectually.

But then a fuzzy paw wrapped about the base of his cock, and he realised that Vanessa was helping guide him in, even as he felt her toungue slide from the Espeon's cunt, over to his tip, laving against it, before trailing down the underside of it to his balls, her free paw spreading Kin's body for him, lining him up perfectly.

Andrew gave a triumphant cry, and sank himself forwards, eyes widenin and body going rigid as he felt the soft, firm lips of his Espeon's slick cunt spread for his entry, pressing her open around his cock, sliding his sensitive flesh against her own, her body arching, forepaws tightening on Vanessa's stomach as her body gripped him eagerly the moment his tip spread her wide enough to sink in all the way.

Hot, needy Espeon flesh viced down on him as he pressed in, closing up around him tightly, only grudgingly giving access, the slick, fleshy surfaces of her tight cunt smoothly sliding all around his too-sensitive cock, threatening to push him over the edge with the over-stimulating gripping of her flesh.

He panted hard down at the pink Pokémon, and shuddered once, barely a few inches inside, Kin pushing back at him eagerly, inner muscles convulsing and sliding all around his aching cock, while Vanessa lapped at them both eagerly, sliding her soft tongue from the Espeon's clit, up around where the humans cock was buried in her, stretching her body wide around him, only to trail downards to his balls and lap at them heatedly, earning her a loud groan from her trainer.

Andrew shuddered once, and gripped Kin tighter, pressing forwards as hard as he could, sinking inch, after inch of rigid cock into the smaller Pokémon, making her arch and convulse, all of her muscles tensing, but none more so than the ones inside her tight, gripping cunt, working rhythmically around his cock in a heated, wet embrace.

As soon as he was in her all the way, he drew back, and started to fuck her with short, eager motions, just barely sliding his cock in and out of her little body, listening to her convulsive cries of pleasure and loving the way her tight, warm body flexed and tightened about him with each motion.

With a sharp cry of 'Esp!', Kin pressed her nose in against Vanessa's hot cunt, lapping at it roughly, suckling heatedly at the Zangoose's clit, causing her to shudder and arch beneath them, a slight splash of liquids spilling from within her body as her legs kicked, tongue redoubling its efforts on both of their eager sexes.

As Andrew started to hump harder and with longer strokes into the tight, accepting body of the Espeon, Vanessa smirked, her expression turning mischeivous, reaching up with a paw and gripping around the base of his cock on a backstroke, angling to take it into her mouth, maw popping open, tongue lolling out lustfully.

But before she could pull him towards her muzzle, he thrust on reflex, sinking every inch of his eager cock into her mouth.

Vanessa's eyes widened, and she almost gagged as several inches of rigid human cock were thrust into her throat with no warning, paws spasming a moment, tongue working around him as she swallowed rapidly, reflexively, only increasing the sensations of tightness on the humans sensitive flesh.

Andrew groaned faintly at the odd, insanely pleasureable sensations, and automatically started humping his hips again, thrusting his eager cock in and out of his Zangoose's maw and throat, fucking her muzzle.

Vanessa shuddered hard, and 'Mmmmf!'ed around his cock as Kin lapped at her more pointedly, her thighs spreading wide and back arching, the unique sensations of being used like that, and having a soft, warm tongue against her cunt, sending her over the edge again, eyes clenching shut and a heated cry of lust muffled against the humans thrusting cock, eyes rolling backwards as she tried to stay conscious, convulsing and writhing under them both.

With a heated huff of eagerness, Andrew shifted backwards, and crammed his slick cock back into his Espeon's needy, gripping cunt, so that Vanessa could breath, hips starting to rapidly bump against Kin's rear as his motions grew more erratic, breath coming to him in gasps.

Kin shuddered hard all over, and her tail flicked upwards, spasming rapidly, body going rigid as hot liquids started to seep from deep inside her body, dribbling out around the rapidly moving cock inside her tight pink body.

Vanessa, recovering from her orgasm, panted hard, and began to lap eagerly at the dribbling liquids, letting them splash over her tongue and muzzle, slicking her white muzzle, her ears laying back and tongue pressing against them both in heated encouragement.

Andrew's motions became more jerky, hips thudding against Kin's as he felt her tight, gripping depths tighten even more about him, driving him wild with the soft, slick friction, burying his cock as deep as it would go with a roar of triumph, thick, warm spurts of his seed starting to pump into the espeon's depths, rapidly splashing against her deepest barrier, dashing themselves across her tight insides, her squeezing, convulsing cunt just starting to force his creamy white load to splash out around their union.

Vanessa, seeing this, narrowed her eyes, and pressed her nose directly underneath the convulsing, gripping cunt of the Espeon, her maw opening as wide as it could go, tongue coiling in her open muzzle as she whined faintly, almost begging for her gift.

And a moment later, it came.

The overflow of warm, thick fluid, that started to gush from around the still-thrusting cock, collecting in a stream at the Espeon's clit and dribbling directly into the Zangoose's maw.

Andrew continued to thrust into the Espeon, teeth bared and eyes clenched closed, body almost completely rigid with pleasure as he pumped load after load of eager spunk into her tight cunt.

Vanessa gurgled with delight as the warm liquid gushed and fell into her maw, not trying to swallow with her head at this angle, instead giving a hummed note of absolute approval as it filled the available space, and started to dribble from the corners of her muzzle slowly, trailing twin lines down her cheeks as she closed her mouth and turned her head, letting the excess cum splatter from inside her mouth and onto the floor, dribbling from between her teeth and over her tongue as she swallowed eagerly, the last remaining dribbles of overflow dribbling messily over her face and maw, slicking her fur even more.

All three of them collapsed into a heap, the human panting hard at the delightful sensation of hot, filled Espeon cunt around his cock, the Espeon shuddering at the sensations of warm, gooey liquid seeping slowly from her used body, and the still-hard cock buried inside it, while the Zangoose purred and gurgled happily at the salty taste in her maw, and the feeling of warm, gooey, messy spurts splattered over her face, liberally painting her features.

Little did Andrew know that they weren't finished with him...

A soft, furry paw wrapped about the base of his length, and he blinked once, gasping slightly as he was withdrawn from the Espeon's tight body, a slight dribble of liquid accompanying his exit, Vanessa's firm paw around his cock, starting to stroke at it eagerly.

He gasped aloud as the Zangoose's soft tongue found the tip of his cock, laving against it heatedly, his Espeon panting softly to herself, before rising on shaky legs and turning about, adding her tongue into the mix, forepaws kneading at his balls encouragingly.

Amazingly, he felt himself getting hard again, and Vanessa's seemed to smile up at him mischeivously, laving her tongue against his cock, and then sliding it into her maw, opening her mouth as wide as she could and coiling her tongue against him, shuddering once as she slipped it into her throat eagerly.

Almost instantly, he was hard and throbbing again, panting down at his Pokémon heatedly, cheeks flushed and a hand lifting to stroke at Vanessa's cheek encouragingly, groaning a soft murmur of consent to her actions.

Vanessa purred around his length, further stimulating him, until she drew back slowly, giving the tip of his cock a heated french kiss, laving her tongue firmly against it, and nuzzling her cheek against it slowly, ears perking up at him.

And then, the Zangoose began to slowly crawl up his body, pressing her form close, letting the silky soft fur of her underside drag over his stiff cock in passing, keeping him interested, making him twitch just a little.

With a loud, eager purr, she settled herself against his lap, starting to grind her eager cunt against the exposed flesh of his length, sliding up and down it, quickly slicking it with her own internal lubrication.

Sliding forwards, giving a soft groan, Vanessa shuddered, and arched her back, letting his cock press her open as she allowed gravity to drag her down it, inch by inch, slowly delving into her eager, heated body, spreading her slick, welcoming depths about it, sliding it almost half way into her eagerly accepting body.

Forepaws resting on his chest, kneading slowly, she started to shift, grinding back and forth, which caused a contraction of tight, heatedly gripping muscles inside her body, quivering around him in reflexive squeezing, only making him gasp and arch upwards, sliding himself deeper inside.

Vanessa gave a low moan, and shuddered hard, cheeks flushing deeply as a gush of hot liquids spilled around his embedded cock, her inner contractions growing stronger for a moment, tensing and convulsing about him.

Kin gave a faint sound, and nudged her nose in underneath the Zangoose's tail, starting to lap at the flow of liquids eagerly, nuzzling her moist nose against his balls a moment, making him gasp and arch.

Vanessa purred and licked his nose once, eyes narrowing and ears splaying back as her expression turned micheivous, tailtip swirling slowly against his body as she delicately started to lift herself, rising up until her gripping cunt lips relinquished their hold on his slickened cock, and she could shift her position.

Almost casually, she slew about, bending over a moment, and perking her tail into the air, giving him a delicious view of her wet inner lips, forepaws resting on his calves, tailtip swirling faintly in the air.

And then, she lowered her tail, and gripped his cock with a paw, leaning backwards slowly, tail brushing against his chest as her free paw rested next to it for balance, sliding his tip delicately against her and spreading her legs wide, slipping it in against her undertail, and then sinking down onto it.

Vanessa's body arched, and convulsed faintly as he threw her head back, body tensing unnaturally hard, paw gripping at his chest reflexively as she bore down with more pressure, forcing his tip to spread the oddly tight entrance to her body and sink into her an inch.

Andrew was confused. This new position made her so deliciously tight...and hot? How could it make her hotter?

And then he realised, as Kin stepped up and stood between the Zangoose's spread thighs, muzzle dipping in to tongue heatedly at her cunt.

Vanessa wasn't sliding him into her sex...

He groaned aloud as the Zangoose shifted her tail further out of the way, and sink him another heated, impossibly tight inch into her eager, impossibly tight tailhole, body spasming, and inner muscles squeezing around him as Kin lapped at her cunt heatedly, delicately pressing her soft tongue to Vanessa's clit, lapping at her liquids happily.

Vanessa shuddered hard atop him, and then growled faintly, arching back further, to give herself a better angle, a paw swirling against her dribbling cunt, and collecting some of the liquids there, before gripping around the base of his cock, working up and down, just making him more moist, more slippery...and then, with a triumphant growl, she bared her teeth, and pressed down as hard as she could, gasping aloud and giving a loud groan as she felt his rigid cock seemingly pop through her resistance, right down to the very base.

A stream of poke-speak left her lips, and Andrew knew, that if he could understand her, then she would be shouting out lustful cries of 'deeper', or 'harder', and judging from the twin blushes slowly blooming on both Pokémons cheeks, a lot dirtier words were being uttered.

"Ohfuck!" Andrew gasped himself, a hand gripping the zangoose tightly, arm wrapping about her as he started to reflexively hump up into her tight ass, the liquids collected along his cock helping him to move, spreading her gripping tailhole around his eager cock.

Vanessa gasped and panted hard, and then yowled out loud as the Espeon gave her clit a few quick flicks of her soft tongue, inner muscles working around him rapidly as she orgasmed once more, sending a messy spash of her liquids spilling from her cunt, which was gripping and tightening around a non-existant object as her ass was spread wide by her trainers rigid cock.

With a loud snarl of lust, the Zangoose started to bounce hard up and down on his lap, both paws behind her on his chest, thighs spread wide, giving the Espeon a perfect view of her wet cunt and spread tailhole as she moved, obviously loving this form of fucking, tailtip spasming against his chest repeatedly as she started to tense again.

Her head tilted back, and she shuddered hard atop him as hot liquids started to seep from between her legs again, a delighted, enlongated, 'Zan!' leaving her lips, as tight, hot muscles squeezed around his cock head, her entire form shaking, before going limp on his chest.

Andrew blinked at her, hugging around her chest and kissing her cheek as her soft, furry head rested alongside his own, in giggling to herself and slipping to the side to let her recover, curling up.

"Zannnnn...." Came Vanessa's soft call as she lapped heatedly at his cheek, trying in vain to shift her hips against him, only succeeding in grinding his hot cock inside her body impotently.

"You want me to fuck you?" he asked, breathlessly, eyes narrowing on her own.

"Zan...Zan-zan!" she replied enthusiastically, tailtip quivering against his stomach a moment, trapped between them.

Andrew grinned, and slid a hand down her body, rubbing it along her slick entrance, slowly sliding his middle finger into her eagerly accepting cunt as he kissed her cheek. "As you request." he murmured into one of her ears, started to lightly buck up into her tight ass.

Vanessa gave a heated moan and shuddered atop him, muscles reflexively squeezing down on him as he started to thrust, the ones in her cunt working around his finger in tandem as he explored her tight depths with his fingertip, quickly adding a second to her, working them both in and out.

"Z-z....z-zan!" she murmured convulsively, jaw quivering and eyes clenching shut, back arching hard against him and tailtip starting to flick harder back and forth, heated body tightening around him helplessly.

Andrew huffed against her ear a moment, and then rolled her sideways, so they were both on their sides, holding her tight to his stomach with an arm around her middle, and the hand with fingertips buried in her eager, warm cunt, hips pressing against her rapidly, sliding his cock in and out of her tight, warm tailhole, feeling her muscles started to convulse and tighten around him once more, getting close himself.

"Ohfuck...gonna...g-gonna c-cum..." he panted into her ear, and her cheeks flushed a rosy red, her body starting to shift back at him eagerly, pressing towards him with each motion, grinding her hips against him.

With a loud growl of lust, he rolled her over onto her stomach, and gripped her sides with his hands, knees on either side of her own and cock buried under her eagerly raised tail, her thighs spreading and forepaws gripping at the ground as she taken hard up the ass.

Andrew started to grunt against her neck as he drove himself into her over and over again, ravaging her tight, gripping body with lustful, intense strokes, face screwing up as he started to huff hard against her, groaning.

Vanessa gave a loud cry, and arched her back hard, forepaws clawing at the ground rapidly as she bared her teeth and shuddered hard, her insanely tight tailhole cinching down on him tighter, holding him in place as he shuddered and ground himself the merest amount back and forth, the final straw being the delicate touch of an Espeon's tongue against his balls, sending him over the edge with a loud cry.

The Zangoose shuddered and snarled under him lustfully as she felt the warm spurts of her trainers cum throbbing and spurting into her tight rear, her tailtip spasming with each warm, gooey splatter of the seed splashing over her tight insides.

Andrew groaned against her neck and held her tight as he emptied himself out into her warm, gripping ass, spilling spurt after heated spurt of the sticky, viscous substance into her tailhole, until it overflowed and started to seep out of her convulsing rear, spilling in slow dribbles down her inner thighs and across the slick lips of her cunt.

With a loud cry of satisfaction, he dropped to the side, pulling Vanessa with him, hugging her tight around the middle, cock still buried in her tight ass, reeling at the insanely pleasurable sensations chasing themselves through his head.

"Zaaaannnn..." came the utterly contented Zangoose's cry as she snuggled up to him happily, pressing her back to his stomach.

Andrew was aware of the warm weight of Kin against his naked back, and he gave a faint, content sigh, closing his eyes. And that was the last thing he remembered of that little scene...

But little did he know that he still had four Pokémon to please...and they had plans of their own.

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