Living Legends: I hate you, I love you

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#2 of Living Legends: Mew

Living legend: chapter 2: I hate you, I love you Gift for Firebug The next day * * *

After climbing through the tunnel once more, Ryan was dirty, and tired, stretching and arching his back as he slid out into the open area that was Mew's home, stretching slowly and watching the odd petals falling from the ceiling, a faint, dusty blue now, their glow muted, almost faded, as if whatever was spawning them was running out of energy. Finishing his little stretch with the sound of ligaments popping back into place, Ryan peered about, and smiled faintly. Mew was sprawled out on her side, chest rising and falling in time with her breathing, tail flailed out behind her, head resting on a paw, insanely cute in that pose. He snuck over closer, and then sat down near her, laying out on his side gently, next to her, smiling and laying his head in line with hers, watching her sleep, lifting a hand and lightly trailing his fingertips over the mews cheek. She shifted, and the petals falling around them flared with light a moment, before dimming again. Her eyes slowly opened, and she blinked sleepily at him, before smiling and snuggling in close to his chest, laying her nose against his neck, cuddling up to him. "You came back" she said with a pleased purr. "Alone, I take it?" Ryan nodded firmly, and stroked up and down her back with a hand, trailing his fingertips through her soft, pink fur. "I wouldn't tell anyone about you." he said with a smile. "I'm glad." she said, peering up at him, and then leaning close, licking his nose affectionately. "So..." he asked, trailing off awkwardly, not sure what to ask. Mew giggled, and put a paw over his lips gently. "Shhh, Ryan. Just lay here...let's just enjoy this." she said with a firm nod, closing her eyes and snuggling closer. Ryan smile, and wrapped an arm about her smaller form, holding her in close, watching the vibrant petals of yellow dancing all about them. * * * Ryan was awoken rather rudely by a loud intense, insanely loud explosive sound, followed by a concussive blast. It was so loud! He tried to stand, to scrabble to his feet, but the moment he did, the world spun crazily on at lest seven different axi's, and he fell to his knees, and then flt on his stomach, trying to will the world to stop spinning so crazily. As he managed to climb to his knees, shaking his head, he became aware of dark shapes moving about, pouring out from the tunnel, one of them stalking over to him as the rest of them converged on Mew, starting to grab her and haul her away while she was still disorientated. "Thanks for the help, Kid. We could never have found her without you." the figure standing in front of him said, drawing a wicked-looking dagger from inside his clothing. Ryan caught a glimpse of the Mew as he looked past the figures hand, and that eye-grabbing knife, as she was carried away, the falling petals flaring with light as her wide, surprised, and slightly-scared eyes narrowed on his own, the petals themselves turning crimson, the colour of freshly-spilled blood. "You betrayed me!" she snarled, struggling at her captives grasps, her expression bestial, angry beyong compare. The person in front of Ryan took a step forwards, and angled the dagger to ram it into his chest, but Mew acted quicker, her eyes glowing, red this time, with black shadows of malevolent energy forming at the edges of the red glow, a massive force sweeping Ryan off his feet and across the gap between island and wall, slamming against the onyx-studded wall with shocking impact, bouncing off and starting to fall into the large shaft. An echoing cry of "I hate you!" echoed after him, filled with anger, hate, and malice. No doubt she meant every word. * * * The figure looked down into the shaft where he assumed Ryan had dissapeared, giving a thin smile, turning back in time to see a white cloth placed over the Mew's nose. Her eyes widening, and began to glow...but it started to dissipate before she managed to focus her powers, eyes slowly drifting closed, her struggles ceasing. "Get her out of here, quickly! She'll be powerless outside of her sanctuary." he said with a faint sneer, taking one last look down into the shaft, eyes narrowed, contemptuous, before he turned and swept away. * * * Ryan sobbed, bawled his eyes out. It wasn't from rejection, it was from the vicious, numbing pain in his back, skull, arms, legs, hands, everywhere. Everywhere hurt. Especially his arm. He had thrown it out as he fell, catching a spire of rock as he went, grimly holding on, jarring his arm almost out of its socket. Thankfully, it was numb now...but he could see the frayed flesh of his fingertips. That was going to hurt in the morning. If tomorrow ever came from him. ... He was stuck. ... His shoulder had hit the wall on the way down, and it was numb, unfeeling, weak...his grip was failing, slowly, but surely. And he didn't have enough strength to heave his dangling left arm up to a height where he could grab on. Her works echoed in his mind. 'I hate you!', and he grit his teeth, giving a snarl of anger. It wasn't his fault! He hadn't brought them to her! He'd prove her wrong!. With an almost bestial snarl of determined anger, he tightened his grip on the rock face, ignoring the tears of pain squeezing out of his eyes and blurring his vision, heaving himself up and scrabbling for a grip, finding it, ignoring the scraping, raw sensations of his fingertips and arms as they scraped against the unyeilding rock, starting to claw his way upwards with determined tenacity. * * * By the time Ryan reached the top, Mew was long gone, and the people had left, taking her with them, from what he could surmise. But he was too tired to notice, heaving himself up onto the island with the last of his strength and sprawling out on his back, staring up at the ceiling, watching the ash-grey petals falling all around, dissolving before they even reached the ground, trailing into mist. Ryan slept. * * * Time was subjetive in the tunnel. There was constant light from the falling petals, dim though it was now, and he had his flashlight, but he didn't know what time it was he woke up. His watch had smashed on the way down the rift, or when he hit the wall, he wasn't quite sure. Point was, it didn't work now. He heaved himself to his feet, and winced heavily as aching muscles protested his movement, almost throwing up all over the floor, dropping to his knees and pausing, taking it slow this time as he stood up once more, and hobbled towards the tunnel entrance. Thankfully, they hadn't blocked it off, and he carefully got down on his knees before it, giving a faint groan of despair at the thought of crawling, and almost giving up right there. But he grit his teeth, got down on his stomach, and started to grimly crawl. * * * Sunlight greeted his squinting eyes, and he threw up a sore arm tosheild his sensitive eyes to the light, blinking rapidly. The forest was in chaos, Pokémon were running everywhere as if a forest fire were approaching, trumpeting loudly in their confusion. It couldn't all be becaue Mew had been taken, could it? His thought process was interrupted as he started walking, and was immediately set upon by a bewildered, scared Slakoth, which swept him aside with all the grace of a delivery van hitting a wayward bicycle. Ryan groaned faintly, and tried to get up, arms shaking, head spinning with the new impact. A growl greeted him as he lifted his head, and he saw a Houndoom standing on the other side of the trees, eyes glowing with evil intent. But then his arms failed him and he slumped heavily onto the grass. It was so cool, and so soft...and he was so tired. He let the darkness take him again as he saw one of the Houndoom's feet land besides his face. * * * This time, it was a faint whine, and an almost impossibly hot tongue dragging over his cheek that awoke him, and he shuddered once, rolling away from whatever it was, eyes going wide as he bumped against a tree and could go no further, staring at the Houndoom. She stalked over closer to him, and then shifted to stand besides him, whining uncertainly once more, nudging his shoulder, and then making pointed motions with her nose towards the edge of the forest. "Hey girl." he said clearly, peering about the forest a moment, listen to the uproar the Pokémon were creating in their panic and confusion. his expression bemused. "Fun day, huh?" he asked with a sardonic raise of his eyebrows. The Houndoom whined at him, and then bit his shoulder, hard, drawing blood, making him yelp and scramble away. "What the hell?!" he asked of her, eyes narrowing and brows furrowing, casting about for something to defend himself with. A faint growl greeted his action, and the Houndoom tossed her head impatiently, turning away and motioning for him to follow. "Little Timmy fell down the well?" he asked blankly, before giving a faint harrumph and limping after her. * * * The town itself was in chaos as well, as rampaging Pokémon damaged buildings and put people in danger. Officer Jenny was trying to direct rescue efforts for the collapsed Gym. An Onix had gone on a rampage and knocked it down, and people were trapped inside. Ryan stalked right up to her, almost getting taken out by a sprinting Blastoise moving to put out a fire caused by a panicky Flareon, stopping in front of her, the Houndoom cautiously staying a few paces back away from him. "Get inside!" Jenny ordered. "We can't guarantee your safety out here!" she paused a moment, and peered at him closely for the first time, frowning, "You need the pokecentre." she said bluntly. He just shook his head. "Where are the local bad guys?" he asked flatly. "Bad...guys?" she saked blankly. "look kid, this isn't a cartoon. People get hurt." "People will get hurt." Ryan said darkly. "Where are they?" "There are no bad guys!" Jenny protested, turning away a moment to shout an order to one of the rescue crews. "Look, just head to the pokecentre until all of this is over." Ryan shook his head again. "No. You know something, spill it." he said flatly. Jenny gritted her teeth a moment, and waved an arm. "Look, we've been hearing rumours about the Glass Tower for ages now. We never found any proof." she said, turning away, dismissing him. He nodded once, and then turned to the Houndoom, eyes narrowed, asking rather bluntly, "You in?" The Houndoom peered up at him for a moment, eyes wide, peering about at the general chaos and confusiong as Pokémon everywhere went crazy, and then she nodded. Ryan waved a hand impatiently, and without pause, started down the road. * * * The Glass tower was a giant edifice of technology, stainless steel mixed with plate glass, rising from the hillsides and into the sky, like an admonishing finger on the horizon, shiny and foreign. Ryan made his way directly towards it, ignoring the rampaging Pokémon at the roadsides. He passed a lake, the surface of it writhing and seething as serpentine Pokémon wound about themselves in the depths, crying their pain mutely into the muffling water, while Magikarp flopped uselessly, dying in the shallows of asphyxiation. The front door of the building was guarded, two black-clothed figured barring the way. "I want in." Ryan said bluntly, and tried to push past them. The two men pushed him back, hard, sending him sprawling, and the Houndoom gave a faint growl behind him as they pulled out a pokeball each. "Sure you wanna roll with this, kid?" one of them asked with a snear. "Oh I'm sure." he said, eyes narrowing, taking another step forwards, towards the one on the left. He moved to stop him, arm coming up in a shove, but this time, Ryan ducked under it, and delivered a swift, hard blow to his stomach with his left hand, and then a massive, bouncing uppercut with his right, sending the first guard flailing backwards, pokeball leaving his grasp and rolling across the ground. The second guard started to release his Pokémon, but a giant, meaty smack! from a Houndoom's right paw made him reconsider that, and also reconsider staying conscious, slumping down the wall and then sliding sideways. Ryan carefully stepped over the two unconscious guards, and pushed open the front doors. They hadn't even gotten their Pokémon out * * * The first floor was deserted. A ghost building. Machines were still on, whirring quietly as they went about their work, quietly doing whatever it was they did when people weren't tending to them. There was a tense expectation in the air, and Ryan frowned, heading for the elevators, finding them locked down, inaccessable. With a harrumph, he took the stairs instead, staring the long climb upwards, huffing faintly already, the Houdoom following behind. * * * They were halfway up when the first door slammed open next to them, and three guards came pelting out of it, holding nightsticks, swinging them with deadly intent. But they were too close. Ryan blocked with his arm automatically as the first one took a swing at him, and the baton slid off his left elbow, jarring the arm utterly as it glanced off that super-sensitive point, the 'funny bone'. Funny sure, if it wasn't your bone that got hit. The nightstick then slammed against his hip, a bruise, but no worse. He snarled faintly, and gripped the guards wrists firmly with his hand, before slamming his elbow into his face with as much force as he could, snapping his head backwards. the nightstick falling from loose hands. Ryan had it in his hand in an instant, swinging at the next guard as heavily as he could, noticing out of the corner of his eye, the second guard sprawled aross the steps, having fallen victim to the Houndoom's heavy paw swipes. The guard ducked, and Ryan's swing went wide, and quickly, the guard swung his nightstick up into his exposed ribs, knocking the wind out of him innocently. He pulled back a moment, twirled the nightstick to build momentum, and then gave Ryan a vicious uppercut with the very tip, sending him reeling backwards, losing his footing and rolling hard down a single flight of steps, hitting the wall at the bottom with hard force, winded, his purloined nightstick bouncing downwards, far out of reach. Ryan groaned faintly and tried to get to his feet, on his hands and knees as a heavy kick was delivered to his stomach, the guard raising his nightstick high above him, ready to bring it down... But the Houndoom was faster, tackling him hard from behind, sending all three of them tumbling down another flight of stairs. Ryan sprawled at the base of his staircase, coughing hard and trying not to throw up, while the guard and the Houndoom wrestles, rolling over and over on the ground. Eventually, the guard got the upper hand, and straddled the Houndoom's waist, delivering a hard blow to her side with the nightstick, raising it again, bringing it down hard as Ryan reached out impotently to try stop him. With a snarl, Houndoom teeth sank into the guards wrist, halting his blow, and she rolled hard, twisting her entire body, feet kicking him hard, pushing him off her, and sending him bouncing down the next set of stairs. He bounced halfway, hit near the base, and went airborn, flying backwards, back-first, into the hard wall, body slamming against the unyeilding surface. He stopped then, and slowly slid down the wall, collapsing forwards onto his stomach, where he lay unmoving. "No fucking way am I doing that again..." he muttered resentfully, cradling his useleft left arm against his stomach and retreiving one of the nightsticks, starting his ponderous way back up the stairs again. He wanted the top floor. He wasn't sure why, he just felt that what he wanted was up there. * * * After fourty five flights of stairs, dead tired, and panting for breath, they both reached the top floor, the penthouse, the last stop, as it were. Ryan had to pause and lean on a wall to catch his breath, while the Houndoom radiated with heat from the exertions, both of them pausing, holding their breaths as they pushed open the door. Inside, was bright, the spire-point being here, all glass and metal, a single desk sitting in the middle of the room, with a security monitor and an intercom gracing its surface, and nothing else. Behind the desk, was the man. The one who had been ready to kill him in Mew's sactuary. But Mew was nowhere to be found. "Ahh, Ryan. Please, join me." he said cordially, getting up from his seat and bowing, smiling, though the smile didn't reach his cold, narrowed eyes. Ryan frowned, and tightened his grip on the nightstick, stepping into the room after carefully checking there was no one else in the room, no more doors, nothing else to cause any problems. "Who the hell are you?" he asked, eyes narrowed. "Give me back Mew, or I'll make life a living hell for you." he said bluntly. The man laughed faintly. "I am merely a knight in this game of chess." he said calmly, moving away from behind the desk, drawing his knife from inside his clothes again, carelessly twirling it across his palm. "And you are less than the merest of pawns, and thus, must be removed." he stated carelessly, lunging at him. Ryan leapt backwards, arms coming up, removing himself from the line of the slash, though it still nicked through his shift effortlessly, parting the fabric. He wasn't so lucky on the next slash, which caught him across the shoulder, slicing a deep gash into the flesh there. A roar of pain left him, and a delicate, evil laugh issued from the sneering man, qickly twirling the knife. "Shouldn't we be fighting with Pokémon?" Ryan asked weakly, as he felt blood start to seep from between his fingers. "This isn't a game, kid. This is real life." he stated, and then lunged again, lighting-fast, to jab the blade into Ryan's chest, but Ryan was ready for it. He quickly whipped the nightstick around and sidestepped, catching the mans lunging fist right on the knuckles, sending him spinning away, gripping his hand and giving a yell of pain, knife clattering to the floor. Ryan quicly pressed his advantage as the Houndoom started to circle around the man, trying to get behind him, her mouth flaring with heat, ready to singe him. The man waited, patiently, until Ryan was close, and then lunged for the dropped knife. Ryan moved to intercept, swinging the nightstick hard into his side as he dove, stretching out with his left hand, but the other got there too fast. With an almost casual flick of his wrist, he reversed the blade, and slammed it down onto Ryan's outstretched hand, through the palm, and a half-inch into the floor underneath it, pinning it there. Ryan gave a roar of pain, again, and struggled, eyes going wide, the nightstick kicked out of his unresponsive hand as he tried not to move his immocilsed left hand, gasping with pain, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. "Ohfuckohfuckohfuck..." he breathed, pained, trying not to break down, red gathering at the corners of his vision as unconsciousness threatened. A snarl resounded, and the Houndoom sent a flare of fire towards the man, which he dodged, quickly rolling out of the way. Growling, she bounded after him, swiping with her paws, aiming to catch him across the face or chest, but he blocked and dodged each one. Almost easily, he gripped the Houndoom's paws, and then rolled backwards, kicking her over his head, sending her crashing against the glass at the side of the room, cracking it, sending splinters of jagged cracks cascading all through it. She got back to her feet, unsteadily, seeming slightly dazed, shaking her head a few times, and snarling at the man. Ryan was still pinned to the ground, trying to wrench the knife free, but just subsiding into pained moans every time he even touched the hilt, just lying there, wimpering impotently, unable to bring himself to cause the kind of pain required to yank the knife free. But from where he was, he could see the security monitor. It was a windowless room, stark white, like a lab, and he could see Mew in a glass bulb, filled with eletricity, zapping her, torturing her repeatedly for a full minute, before a poke ball snapped down atop her head, and ensnared her. It was only a matter of seconds before she was out again, back to the torture, her eyes wide, puffy, and her mouth open, body convulsing. It was a horrible image, and it sparked a fire in Ryan's core. Rage. The battle raged behind him, and he waited, eyes narrowing, upper lip curling, teeth gritting, his breathing starting to increase, adrenaline pumping through him, his pain forgotten, both hands tensing, fingertips working slowly. The Houndoom snarled, and leaped at the man, teeth bared, paws flashing, but he caught her in mid air, and twisted her body, lifting a foot, using her momentum against her, and sending her crashing into the desk, shattering it into wood chips, the computer shattering in an amazing cascade of sparks and spraying glass, while the Houndoom lay unconscious in the wreckage. She had done all she could do. The man harrumped, and stalked over to Ryan, peering down at him, that grin in place again, evil, emotionless. "Bet you wanna kill me right now, don't you?" he asked calmly, sneering at him. "But you're weak. And the weak must fall on the wayside so that the strongest may survive." he intoned flatly, leaning down. "I'll take that back." he said, reaching for the dagger. Ryan's eyes narrowing, and he started to laugh faintly, causing the man to pause a moment, a single eyebrow raising slowly. "It's funny, you know." he said calmly, peering at the dagger impaled in his hand, raising a brow at the man casually. "I was...just thinking the same fucking thing!" he snarled. With a quick twists of both hands, he yanked the dagger out of the ground, still impaled in his hand and spun, backhanding the man hard in the chest with it, causing the inch or so of blade that jutted from the back of his hand to dig into his flesh, causing his teeth to bare, and his eyes to bulge a moment in surprise. "Take this, you sick fuck." Ryan snarled, and splayed his fingers wide against the others chest, hand completely flat, slamming his right palm hard against the bae of the dagger, slamming through his hand and into his enemies chest. Without even wincing, he yanked his hand, dagger and all, free, and then kicked the man as hard as he could, in the chest, sending him flailing backwards, arms pinwheeling, hitting the cracked pane of glass and slamming through it, falling from the top of the tower in a magnificient display of twinkling, broken glass, arms outstretched, his yell of pain and surprise following him all the way down to the ground, where it ended with a hard, sickening thud! * * * It turned out that the lab was on the bottom floor, so it wasn't the top floor he had wanted. After careful examination of the controls, he managed to unlock the elevators, waking the Houndoom, and limping with her into the lift, slumping against the wall, cradling his hand, still with the dagger buried in it, the base flush with his palm, dripping blood. He looked like hell, bruised, hurt, bloody, and looking like he'd just clawed his way out of hell only to go toe-to-toe with a raging Rhydon. The elevators pinged as they reached the basement floor, and Ryan limped slowly out of them as they slid open. A hushed silence fell on the room as the many scientists inside took in his appearance. The blood, the wounds, the knife still buried in his hand, the Houndoom behind him, looking very much like she wanted to tear them apart and gnaw their bones. Ryan gritted his teeth, and waved his injured hand at them. "Get in my way, and I will fucking kill you." he said flatly, his eyes narrowing. There was no doubt in any of their minds that he was serious in his threat. The crowd parted slowly before him, and he made his slow, painful way over to dome capsule Mew was in, laying his hands on it, smearing it with blood, his vision starting to go dark at the edges. The mew snapped out of her pokeball again, panting and gasping for breath, before screaming mutely at the sound-proof glass as electricity coarsed through her body once more, looking exhausted, tortured, and pained. His hands fumbled on the glass as he looked for the release, and her eyes opened and widened, staring at him, clouded with tears and pain, but unwaveringly on him. Ryan smiled faintly, and found the button, pressing it in, causing the capsule to hiss open, rising up and out of the way. He dropped to his knees, head barely high enough to see over the base of the bench she had been on, swaying gently back and forth. "I rescued you." he said with a weak laugh. "Oh, Ryan!" she exclaimed, stumbling into his arms and nuzzling up to his cheek, whining faintly with worry. "Ryan?" she asked. He made a found sound in return, but his eyelids were getting heavy, and the world was getting darker, and he was so tired. "Ryan! she said sharply, her voice sounding like it was coming from far off. "You have to stay awake, Ryan!" she said, and he felt her paws against his cheeks, shaking him gently. Why did she want him to stay awake. Now that he was drifting off to sleep, even the pain in his hand was receding into a dull throbbing, and it was nice... "I'm sorry, Ryan," she whispered against his ears, nuzzling him furiously, hugging him tight to her form. "I don't hate you, Ryan!" she assured, and he felt her paws slap across his cheeks, but he also didn't feel them, like it was happening to someone else. "Ryan, stay awake...please...?" she begged, "Ryan, I love you..." And that was the last thing he heard before the inevitable darkness took him down into its welcoming depths. * * * A dull quiet fell upon the town, the kind of quiet that follows an earthquake or a tsunami, as if nature were holding its breath, waiting to see the outcome of its destructive ations, like a kid having accidentally broken a vase. That night, there were no howls from the Pokémon, only the eerie quiet as people went picking about the wreckage caused by the breif spate of insanity that gripped most of the Pokémon, while the Pokémon themselves tried not to get in the way, ashamed at their actions. The pokecentre had remained largely unharmed, but for some overturned tables and chairs in the main lobby. A defiant Pidgey broke the rule of thumb, and chirped, perched upon the windowsill, spreading its wings and flaring its tailfeathers a moment, crying out its joyous, out-of-place chorus. The Houndoom in the room grumbled faintly under her breath and shooed it with a flick of her tail, before laying her head back besides Ryan's knee, carefully keeping quiet, letting him sleep. * * * A faint chirping intruded on Ryan's consciousness, and he made a faint sound, trying to lift an arm up and cover his face to block out the light he was suddeny aware of over his face, only to find that it was too heavy. His whole body felt heavy, like his bones were made of metal, and his skin were stone. The merest movement taxed him, and with the advent of consciousness, came the awareness of just how many bruises, wounds, and scapes he'd aquired. His left hand hurt, throbbing dully in time with his heartbeat. His eyelids strained to rise, quivering in their straining effort to let him see the room he was in, and a faint whine greeted him as his right eye opened a sliver, the Houndoom bouncing up and licking at his cheek happily. "You're awake!" she stated happily, laying her head on his stomach. "W-...wah?" he croaked, throat sore and dry. " now...too?" The Houndoom shook her head vigorously. "No, Ryan. It's me." she said innocently, grinning at him. "Mew?" he asked, peering at her closely, brow furrowing. "Did something with your hair?" A faint giggle was the response to his words, "No, silly. I'm pretending to be a Houndoom so Nurse Joy doesn't have a fit at seeing a Mew in her pokecentre." she said calmly, and then leapt up onto the bed with him, carefully not standing on any part of his body, rubbing her cheek against his. "You came for me." she murmured, her voice smug, satisfied. "Of course I did." he said with a nod, throwing his uninjured arm around the Houndoom's back and pulling her close. "Thank you." she whispered against his ear, and nuzzled it gently, her tailtip flicking back and forth. "I can't stay here understand?" she asked hopefully, licking his nose. He nodded once, and sighed faintly. "In case someone finds you?" She nodded in return once, and nosed his cheek again. "I'll come get you when you get out of here." she reassured, licking his chin a moment, before sliding off the bed and starting to bound away. "And Mew?" he called after her softly. She paused in the doorway, peering at him over her shoulder. "I love you too." he said with a grin, and he was sure he saw a hint of a blush on her cheek as she turned and dissapeared through the doorway. * * * It was a full week before Nurse Joy would let him out of the pokecentre, and let him return to his life. The drama had quietened down, and everything was back the way it was. He had a few scars from his ordeal, and he would never forget that mans eyes as he had plunged that dagger through his own hand and into his chest...but he didn't regret his actions. If he could go back, he'd do it all again. And now that it was over, now he just had to deal with the memories. And memories of pain faded quickly. He was heading home, when a Pidgey swooped him, tweeting happily, making him duck and curse a moment, shaking a fist at it, before he frowned faintly, eyes narrowing. The Pidgey perched upon a signpost, and peered at him, smiling smugly, and Ryan just shook his head. "Mew." he stated. The Pidgey nodded, and swooped in to perch on his shoulder and nibble lovingly at one of his ears. "Follow me, I'll show you my new home." * * * Ryan followed the Mew-Pidgey to the oldest part of town, where old, derelict buildings rose out of overgrown lots. She led him into the old Bowling Alley, long since deserted, but still rather clean. The owners had passed away of old age, and the building had lain dormant ever since. The front door was locked, and he had to climb in a high window, carefully dropping down, and peering about in wonder. It had been converted, completely. The alleyways had been cleared, the tables brushed aside, bowling balls stacked haphazardly to the side, counters cleared off, banners removed, and in their place, what looked like half a disco floor had been thrown in. Feathers feel from somewhere near the ceiling, like the petals from in Mew's previous sanctuary, glittering with inner light, drifting gently to the ground. Disco balls were hung everywhere, endlessly reflecting the light from the feathers back and forth, creating a glittery lightshow of breathtaking complexity and beauty. This time, the feathers were a golden, vibrant colour, putting him in mind of open feilds, wildflowers, He was still standing there, mouth open, eyes wide, when he heard a gentle click from somewhere in the back of the room, and a long-disused jukebox kicked into life, with the slow, seductive tune of 'I wanna get freaky with you'. Ryan laughed as he saw Mew float elegantly towards him through the lightshow, blue eyes narrowed on him, drifting in close and wrapping her arms about him, gently swaying her tail and hips in time with the flow of the music. "Tis' quite a setup." Ryan state, kissing her nose once. "I had nothing better to do." Mew replied with a faint giggle, licking his cheek in return, purring faintly in her throat. "And the choice of music?" he asked, perking a brow at her and wrapping an arm around her body, enjoying the feel of her fur against him. "A subliminal message." she said, straight-faced, ears perking at him, eyes sparkling with mischeivousness. Ryan didn't reply, and just hugged her, gently rubbing his cheek against her own. "Brave warriors deserve rewards for their work." Mew stated firmly, leaning in to bite gently at his ear lobe, purring deep in her chest, pressing close to him. "I'm not a warrior." he murmured against her ear, rotating her gently around the impromptu dance-floor. "You are to me." she murmured huskily in his ear, nipping it gently again, her long tail coiling lightly about his thigh. "You're not going to deny me, are you? I don't need rope or drugs to make you give me what I want...and what you want." she whispered mischeivously in his ear. "How do you know what I want?" he asked, raising a brow down at her. "I might just wanna go sleep somewhere..." Mew giggled, and pressed close again, slipping lower on his body to lightly rub her haunch against the bulge in his pants, making him swallow audibly. "Your body isn't as adept at lying as your voice is." she said sweetly, sliding back up him and nosing at his cheek gently. "So, take the clothes off. Or I'll make you." she said bluntly, nudging him. Ryan laughed faintly, and stroked her side gently with his fingertips a moment, before he started to slide his shirt off, stumbling a moment as Mew became impatient and roughly started to tug his pants off of him, drawing them down to his ankles, and then pushing him over onto his butt, tangled in his clothes. "Told you I didn't need rope..." she said smugly, as she took advantage of his tangled state by gripping his semi-hard cock in her paws and delivering a swift, eager lick to the tip. Ryan gave a faint groan and ceased trying to get his clothes off properly, back arching a little as he sprawled out, breathing rate increasing exponentially, length quickly flooding with blood, hardening rapidly as a second, and third lick were soon delivered. Mew purred faintly, and grinned up at him, giggling faintly as she tilted her head to the side and very deliberately pressed her tongue tight to the glans, drawing it oh-so-slowly around, and around his cocktip, making him gasp and shudder. Her soft paws gripped the sides of his length, and started to stroke at it gently, up and down, up and down, squeezing it deliberately as she closed her lips and pressed her muzzle firmly to his tip, letting it part her lips, spreading them and slipping into her maw, where it rubbed delightfully against her tongue. She purred around him, and gripped him tightly, pressing him as deep as he could get, until the tip was pressing against the back of her throat, threatening to choke her, eyes narrowed on the portion of flesh not in her muzzle, drawing back so she could shift to an angle that would allow her to get a better chance of taking him all. Mew decided, after a moment, to sit on his chest, and lean over his stomach to get at him, pressing him back into her maw and sliding as far down him as she could, pausing a moment, grinning back at him, starting to purr deeply as she mastered her gag reflex, and pressing his tip into her throat, groaning sensually around his tip, making Ryan gasp and arch hard under her, trying in vain not to shift his hips towards the wonderful sensation. A long gasp of surprise was muffled against his cock as Mew squirmed, feeling a fingertip tracing her tail, sliding down over her body to trail across her rump, and then between her legs, exploring her moist flesh, already glistening with her moisture, not that Ryan could see it, tangled in his clothes as he was, working by feel until her found her entrance, and then began to worm a fingertip into her, distractedly. Shudders passed over the pink Pokémon's form, and her ears laid back, a wanton moan leaving her as she felt the fingertip part her tight, tight cunt and slip partway into her body, her insides squeezing around it intimaately, a herald of what would happen when he actually put his cock inside her, her tail swishing and swaying in time with the delicate exploration of her squeezing depths. Her tongue found the tip of his length again, and she almost gave a lustful growl, eyes narrowing to slits as she drew in air, and then dove, pressing him into her throat to the very base, shuddering at the erotic sensation of taking him all in her tiny maw. Ryan panted faintly and stroked at her back with a free hand, and pressed his fingertip deeper, sliding it into her, trying not to shudder too hard as she went to work on his eager length, tending to it with slow, sensual strokes, in time with the beat of the music. There was a click as the song finished, and the Jukebox laboured to bring on the next track, spinning up 'Let's get married' from Jagged Edge, which made Ryan snuffled a laugh. "You have odd tastes in music, Mew." he said calmly, before his face screwed up and he gave a moan as her motions increased in pace in time with the music. Struggling out of his shirt finally, he tossed it aside, and then gave a lustful growl, wrapping his hands about Mew's hips, dragging her backwards, away from his length, which she flailed to stay in contact with, huffing. "Hey, what's the big id-Ohgod!" The Pokémon's rebuke was cut off as Ryan pulled her back onto his chest, and pressed his mouth to her sex, drawing his tongue eagerly over the shiny, moist flesh amid the pink fur, caressing her sensitive flesh with his soft tongue, making her moan, gasp, and shudder, convulsing atop him and letting out an oath of suprise and pleasure. Ryan smiled in triumph, and lifted his fingertips, holding her open and lapping at the exposed flesh lovingly, exulting in the taste of her was odd, almost like cinnamon and sweet like candy-cane, an explosive mix of decadent scents and tastes that mingled on his tongue like liquid ambrosia, igniting his lust and inflaming his desire for her tight, gripping body. A faint shudder passed over Mews form, and her tight body spasmed, depths convulsing against his tongue a dribble of her liquids spilling from her to cascades over his tongue and chin, his eyes widening at her. "Did you...?" he asked, brows raising. A rosy blush passed over Mew's form, and she swallowed once, nodding. "'s been a while..." she panted breathlessly,turning around on his chest while he was distracted, and laying a deep kiss on his lips, uncaring of the own liquids slicking his tongue and lips, pressing her tongue heatedly to his own. Gasping faintly, his fingertips tensed up on Mew's side, his body bucking faintly as he felt her warm, wet cunt suddenly rubbing at the tip of his cock, as she quite amorously worked herself over him. "What does my warrior want?" she whispered heatedly down at him, pressing against him firmly, but not letting it press her open and slide inwards, not yet, teasing him with her soft, pliable, and yet firmly resisting flesh. "I'm not a warrior..." he murmured up at her defiantly, making her giggle faintly and give another firm rub, making his shudder and gasp. "I can do this all day, Ryan." she said sweetly, licking his cheek once. "Say it, and I'll give us what we both want...say it!" she purred in his ear, biting down on his ear lobe lustfully and striking up a hard, firm rubbing motion with her hips, which had the soft lips of her eager cunt pressed tight to his tip, quite needily stroking him with flesh that offered itself, and yet held itself back at the same time. He grit his teeth, his breath starting to come harder, shallower, opening his mouth to reply, but all that came out was a faint sound. "Go on, say it!" she cajoled him in a whisper, paws on his chest, rubbing herself eagerly over his cock, slicking it with her liquids, "Admit that you're my warrior so I can fuck you until you spill your hot, creamy load in my needy cunt, Ryan..." she murmured heatedly into his ear, grinding herself hard against him. "Fuck!" he panted, his cheeks reddening at her words, hips pressing up at her, "I'm your warrior! I'll be your knight in shining armour!" he cried out desperately, and then his eyes snapped open wide, and his back arched fully as she shifted her angle, and buried his eager cock inside her hot, gripping body in a single motion. The pink Pokémon shuddered and gasped atop him, paws on his chest, her rump flush with his hips, mouth open wide and ears laid back, tail spasming as her tight, gripping body convulsed around him, squeezing and tugging at his flesh, almost making him lose it right there, gritting his teeth in an effort not to just cum and fill her tight body that instant. With a long, hard shudder, she groaned, and started to gently shift, just an inch, back and forth, back and forth, slowly rocking her hips, trying to get used to it. To her smaller body, he was huge, and god, did she love it! "Ohfuck!" she whimpered heatedly into his ear, gripping his chest tightly with her paws, a complete change from the innocent, giggling creature of minutes before. "Fuck me Ryan!" she gasped at him, her tone lustful, heated, her tight depths rippling around him. He started to gasp and pant harder, spilling precum deep into her squeezing depths, feeling her soft, pliable flesh tightening around him like a moist, velvet glove, caressing his body with each shift of her hips. Mew gave a long shudder, and her depths tightened on him to the point where she couldn't move any more due to the insane squeezing inside her little body, paws gripping his chest tight, shuddering long and hard against him as she came around his cock, drooling hot liquids out onto his thighs, moistening his intrusion, making it slippery, easier to move. With a list lustful groan, she started to bounce properly, grinding herself down onto him on the downstroke, panting hotly against his cheek as she moaned repeatedly, lustfully egging him on with a stream of enouraging words, cajoling him with words of pure filth. "Fill me, Ryan! Overflow me with your essence! I want to feel your hot spunk dribbling out of my cunt!" her tone was needy, desperate, her tight body growing even more so, squeezing, rippling around him eagerly, her hips meeting his with a thudding sound as she moved, head arched back and mouth open, nearing her final, explosive climax, a twitching starting deep in her body, reflexive spasms of the muscles so intimately locked about his aching cock sending him wild, coaxing him to give up his load as she moaned in his ear desperately for him to give it to her. A roaring, ehoing sound encompassed his hearing, almost drowing out Mew's cries of "Ohfuck-coming!" as she drove down on him as deep as she could get and held herself there, her body tightening on him impossibly hard, rippling and squeezing, coaxing his load from his aching length. It throbbed deep inside her, and then the first burst of creamy, viscous cum jetted against her deepest barrier, splattering inside her, making her shudder and cry out lustfully. "Fuck!" she swore, grinding herself against him lustfully, trying to milk him of his liquid, "Fuck, I can feel it, Ryan!" she cried out, estatic, overjoyed, in the grips of her orgasm still as she shuddered and twitched with each burst of gooey, rich cum splattering into her body. "That's it Ryan! Fuck! Fill me! Fill me! make it dribble out of my hot cunt! Fill me! _ Ryan could only do as ordered, gripping her tight around the middle with his arms and humping up into her reflexively, teeth bared and face screwed up as he he emptied himself inside her, crying out his completion as he felt the hot liquids spurting so copiously inside her mix with her own orgasmic fluids and start dribbling out around their conjoined bodies, the pink Pokémon tensing up atop him, shuddering hard at the sensation, before she fell across his chest, sprawled out, chest heaving as their mutual orgasms came to a finish, leaving them with the euphoric afterglow to contend with. "_Ohgodohfuckoh god!" Mew murmured over and over, shuddering still atop him, trying not to shift any, which would cause his embedded cock to grate against her insides, which were painfully sensitive now. "G-good boy." she managed, and kissed him desperately, paws gripping his cheeks. "I love you, Ryan." she murmured, laying her head on his chest and giving a contented sigh, still panting hard. "I love you, too, Mew." she heard in reply, before she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, content in the arms of her beloved.

Living Legend: Our Little Secret

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An Extra-Ordinary Story!

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