Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 8

Story by FoxSkunkDeer99 on SoFurry


(Cut to Monty Max and his gang in the middle of the town, holding guns.)

Monty: Let's settle this once and fer all! Or ain't you got the guts?

Tranquility: *Pulls out the photo and sees that it now reads: "Here Lies Scarlet Johansson".* *Cue comedic gulp* Actually, I'm not feelin' up fer this today, so I'm gonna call this off!

Monty: Well, ye know what I think? I think yer a gutless yellow... Beaver! I'll give ye to the count of ten! One!

Tranquility: Come on Lexi! *Slaps her some more*

Monty: Two!

Random Guys: Just do it! We've been sittin' here with green rectangles in our keesters all mornin' to see ye kick his.... Keester!

Monty: Three! Four!

Random Guy #3: If ye don't get out there...

Monty: Five!

Tranquility: What?

Monty: Six!

RG3: You're...

Monty: Seven!

RG3: A...

Monty: Eight!

RG3: Coward!

Monty: Nine!

(Cut to the bartender sliding a gun across the counter to Tranquility.)

Monty: Ten! Hear that? That's ten, ye.... Yellow beaver!

Tranquility: ....... He's a Mystical Mr. Anipat.

(Cut to two human males, one in a grey jacket and blue shirt, and the other with a tan jacket, orange hat, and white cone around his neck.)

Human Male #1: Oh, well. I get that all the... WELL **** YOU THEN!

Human Male #2: Get 'er!

(Camera then topples over as the two males lunge towards Tranquility, yet we get a glimpse of the director in his chair.)

Director: *Sigh* I knew I shouldn't have let the joke overstay it's welcome...

(He then pulls out a copy of "The Emoji Movie" as the two males immediately kneel before him, hyperventilating in a canine manner, before tossing it back, prompting the humans to dash after it presumably into the sunset.)

Take 2!

(Cut to Lexi suddenly awakening.)

Lexi: What a headache...

Tranquility: Come on, Lex... Let's go... *Starts dragging Lexi to the back of the saloon*

(Cut to Monty and his gang.)

Goon # 3: *Notices Tranquility and Lexi exiting* I see 'em!

(Cut to Lexi and Tranquility racing away, as the music swells up into a tension-building crescendo, before cutting to a random guy firing a rifle, which echoes throughout the whole town.)

*Cue color bars*

(Cut to Pepe on the train.)

Random Passenger: I tell ya... That bunny chick was both the hottest, and most d'pressed gal I ever screwed. And the only gal I ever screwed. She was goin' on and on 'bout 'er breakin' up with a skunk...

Pepe: *Suddenly has an epiphany*

(Cut to Tranquility watching from the saloon as Lexi is held captive by Monty's goons.)

Monty: Listen up, Johansson! I intend to 'ammer in mah asshole-personality, and I promised it'd be t'day! But since yer such a yella gal, it'll 'ave to be yer bookshop friend 'ere! Ye got one minute to decide!

Lexi: Save yourself! Or just shoot the guy, I don't know.

(Cut back to the train.)

RP: Think 'is name was Pee-Pee somethin'...

Pepe: Excuse moi, was zis lagomorph blond and stylistic-looking with fleshed-out eyes?

RP: E'yup. Looked like somethin' cooked up from a desperate attempt for media attention.

Pepe: *Grabs one of those train-halting cords*

(Cut back to Lexi and Tranquility.)

Monty: Time's up! *Points gun at Lexi* Prepare to meet yer maker, Bunny...

Tranquility (Offscreen): Right here, Monty!

(Cut to her in the middle of the town square.)

Monty: Draw!

Tranquility: No. *Drops belt with gun, which accidentally tears her skirt off in the process* (Quietly) Shit. (Normal) Thought we could settle this like men, or women.

Monty: Ye thought wrong. *Fires gun, which releases a mini cream pie, hitting Tranquility, and turning her face into one of those "Sorry-About-That-Youtube" faces*

(Cut to Monty walking up to the hybrid, laughing dickishly, before he is then disarmed by a pair of heels knocked fresh off Tranquility's feet, who then tears off the top of her gown to reveal a paper with the text "First Amendment" inked on. Cut to Monty racing his fist towards Tranquility, only to cut his fingers from the paper. Tranquility then proceeds to rapidly punch Monty in the face, before waving her open hand in front of him, and poking him in the eyes, sending him into a cart of dung with the words "Rehashed Jokes For Sale!")

Francis And The Townsfolk: *Chuckles*

Goon #1: He's gonna get arrested. Let's get outta here.

Goon #2: Don't you think we should do somethin'?

G1: Nah, we need a vacation in Paris...

Lexi: Tranquility! Look! *Signals to an inexplicably-broken-tombstone, before pulling out the photo, where said grave has vanished*

Tranquility: YES!

*Cue train whistle*

Lexi: The train!

Tranquility: Gotta go! *Suddenly notices a young male skunk handing her gun and belt back* Thanks. *Takes the weapon, only to toss it to Francis La-Fume* 12 bucks, never been used!

Francis: Merci! Sure ees nice to live in a world where children handing guns over is a sign of cute innocence, razer zen adult fear!

(Cut to Tranquility and Lexi, now wearing bandannas, barging into the locomotive with guns. Our heroes, everyone!)

T+L: Freeze! This is a science experiment!

(Cut to Tranquility inside the BAN, that's now inexplicably on the tracks, ripping off her plain-white undergarments, then spreading her vagina.)

Tranquility: *Signals with her hand to Lexi, who is now holding the engineer at gunpoint.*

Lexi: Detract the train from the passenger cars! *Tosses colored firewood into the boiler as the engineer follows the order*

Tranquility (Now with her walkie-talkie, yes she's kept that throughout this whole film without using it.): Ready!

Pepe (Offscreen): LEXI!

Lexi: Time circuits on?

Tranquility: Check! *Inputs date for 7/28/2017 on the cash register* Let's start with a simple 25 miles and degrees.

Lexi: *Tosses another colored log into the boiler* Got it. Hopefully we'll bump it up to 88 before the needle reaches "Climatic Explosion Level".

Tranquility: Now at thirty... *Suddenly finds the train grill tip sticking inside her temple* Five...

Pepe: Lexi!

*Cue explosion within the boiler blowing Lexi away, as we see Pepe rise from his horse, and reach into the driver's car*

Pepe: Lexi!

Lexi: Pepe!

Pepe: I love you!

Lexi: I know!

Tranquility (On walkie-talkie): We're at 50! What's happening?!

Lexi: It's Pepe! He's in the cab! I'm gonna go get him!

Tranquility: We just passed the town sign and we're at 60! We'll never make it!

Lexi: We'll just have to take her with us! Keep me tuned on the speed, will ya? *Signals to Pepe to climb out of the cab, to which he responds to by timidly emerging from the back door* Come on! Just a bit further!

(Cut to Pepe reaching for Lexi in the front train car.)

Pepe: Guess who's ze coward now?!

Tranquility: SEVENTY!

(Cut to a sudden explosion within the boiler, blowing Pepe out of the train, where his pants are caught on the edge, and his head is comedically hit by a series of various objects, from cacti to tumbleweeds to the rumps of scrawny coyotes.)

Tranquility: *Notices the hoverboard, don't ask, before grabbing it*

Lexi: Watch out!

(Cut to the BAN crashing through a "road-not-finished" sign, before cutting to the hoverboard being flung outside, which Lexi then steps on as she lifts Pepe off the train.)

Tranquility: YES!

Lexi: Yeah, we did it!


(Cut to the BAN vanishing in a square of fire, before the train races off the tracks, and crashes into the canyon, where we then see a male coyote gazing above, before holding up a sign with the text: "I hope you people at the very least appreciate my dedication...")


Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 7

(Cut to the next morning, where we see Tranquility strolling through Acme Acres, gun and belt secured on her waist.) Random Guy: Mornin', Ms. Johansson! Tranquility: Morning. Random Guy 2: Good luck t'morrow, Ms. Johansson! Tranquility: Thanks....


Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 6

(Cut to the Acme Acres center, where everyone is gathered before the clock.) Mayor: As mayor of Acme Acres, I'm proud to dedicate this here clock to the people of... Acme County, I guess. May it remain functional forever and not be struck by lightning...


Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 5

(Cut to Tranquility fitting into an late-19th-century gown, while Lexi looks at the photo of her tombstone, inside the BAN.) Lexi: \*EXACT DATE WITHHELD\*? That's in...! \*Cue clip of that guy who says "CHOCOLATE!" shouting "THREE DAYS!"\* Oh, I wish...