Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 6

Story by FoxSkunkDeer99 on SoFurry

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(Cut to the Acme Acres center, where everyone is gathered before the clock.)

Mayor: As mayor of Acme Acres, I'm proud to dedicate this here clock to the people of... Acme County, I guess. May it remain functional forever and not be struck by lightning in a few decades!

(The clock starts, while fireworks are shot in the sky, before we see Lexi and Tranquility arrive at the festivities.)

Tranquility: Hey, let's get a picture by that same clock we used to... Wait, that was in the original source material... Oh, screw it, let's do it anyway.

(Cut to the a blinding flash of light, where we then see the two females beside the device. Cut to Lexi greeting Pepe as the townsfolk start dancing to an early-20th-century band.)

Lexi: Care to, uh...?

Pepe: Don't mind if I do... *Walks with Lexi towards the dancing area*

(Cut to Tranquility participating in a gun demonstration, where she's demolished practically every cardboard cut-out of stereotypical western villains.)

Host: Where'd you learn to shoot like THAT?

Tranquility: *Insert first-person-shooter-video-game-title here*

Offscreen Male Voice: You're still in 1917!

Tranquility: Damn it!

(Cut to Monty and his gang arriving at the event.)

Goon #3: You sure she'll be 'ere tonight?

Monty: Of course. The plot says so...

Male Rabbit: Hold it right there, gents... You check yer firearms? *Cocks his own rifle at them*

Monty: Marshall Bunny! I didn't know you were back in town!

MR: 'Course I am! After all, this film's gotta have another call-back SOMEhow! Now you gonna dispose of yer weapons?

Monty: *Gives up his gun and knife, as do his gang members, before entering the festival*

Marshall: (To a younger grey male rabbit with fleshed-out eyes.) See Bugs? THAT'S how ye show 'em who's boss. Fight fire WITH fire.

(Cut to Lexi and Pepe, still dancing, before Lexi finds herself with a gun barrel (don't ask me how or where they got it) pointed against her back.)

Monty: Told ya to watch yer back!


Monty: Can't kill ya now, but this bullet'll do ya in 2 days by supper. *Notices Pepe* What do we have 'ere? *Back to Lexi* Tell ye what. You live, he b'comes mah new winter accessory...

Lexi: ..... No. Just kill me.

Pepe: Never mind her. I've been known to make a lovely scarf of my tail. Wouldn't you agree, monsieur...

Monty: Max.

Pepe: Max! *Wraps tail around the human, intentionally releasing a cloud of musk*

Monty: Think I found a use fer mah ol' tomater juice!

Pepe: *Tail droops at the statement, before eventually thinking "screw it", and kicking Monty in the groin*

Monty: Ooohhh..... *Takes deep breaths while holding his crotch for half-a-minute, before aiming his gun at Lexi* Damn you! Damn you all to Hell!

Offscreen Voice: *Sigh* Wrong movie...

Monty: *Fires bullet, which is then reflected off a flying silver plate, soaring into the hand of Tranquility*

Tranquility: ....... Lighten up jerk! *Points hand to her head and imitates a gunshot*

Monty: You man, or woman, enough to use more than just a mundane tool used as some futuristic toy?

Tranquility: Just leave my friends alone!

Monty: What'sa matter? You yellow?

(Cut to Tranquility ceasing in her walking-away at the word.)

Monty: Yeah, that's yer new trigger-word now, yellow.

Tranquility: Nobody... Calls me... Yellow. Or... *Notices the director* White.

Monty: Then let's finish it. Right here, rig... *Notices the male rabbit from earlier giving a dirty look* Right by the clock, tomorrow.

Goon #2: We're robbin' a bank t'mmorow.

(Cut to a group of people outside a bank, who then prepare themselves with rifles and pistols.)

Monty: Thanks lots. Alright, MONDAY! Seven o'clock! You game, Johansson?

Lexi: *Whispering to Tranquility* We've already established that we've got until Monday to take you to 2017, and this character-developing movement isn't helping!

Tranquility: Seven o'clock, Monday. Got it.

Monty: If ye try to run off, Coyote Season'll start early this year...

(Cut to Monty and his gang racing off.)

Lexi: *Whispering again* What're you doin'?!

Tranquility: Don't worry, I got this under control. Just like when I tried to take that magazine back to twenty-seve... Oooh...

Pepe: I'm just about ready to take a, how you say, break, from my, how you say, horniness. *Looks at the director*

D: Hey, I'm not the history expert.

Lexi: We'll discuss this tomorrow.

Random Guy: Well, glad someone's finally standin' up to that sonovabitch! 'Ere's a free gun and bullet case!

(Cut to Tranquility coming across Francis and Fiona La-Fume.)

Francis: Just HAD to, how you say, accept ze challenge, no? Couldn't just trot away and forget all zis.

Tranquility: Hey, I said I've got this under control.

Francis: Oui-pui. Zat's what my brozer, *Insert french-male-name-starting-with-"f" here* said...

Tranquility: .....................

Francis: Always let such petite issues burn up inside him. Took part in stereotypical western showdowns to avoid cowardice. Ended up with a blade in his... We'll just let ze audience guess...

Fiona: Hope you're considering your future.

*Alarm sound-effects make themselves heard, as the following text appears:*


(Cut to Lexi and Pepe reading the Kama Sutra from earlier inside the BAN.)

Pepe: "Scissoring: When ze two partners stand on all fours by zeir behinds, spread zeir legs, and unite zeir reproductive tools." I feel like I'm teaching school.

Lexi: No, no! Please continue! You know, I never thought sexual positions could be so... Fascinating...

Pepe: When I was just a kit, I had *insert curable disease here*, and I missed un important lecture. So moi pere bought me un contraceptive, and took un photo of ze, how you say, apple of my eye, undressing, and taught me himself... You zink toons will be ever able to copulate for un living?

Lexi: Definitely, but not for another 73 years, and not with cameras or film... We'll have futuristic hangout without even having to interact with one-another, which'll spark some controversy from mostly old-fashioned prunes, and acts that seem taboo today, will be just another Tuesday by...

Pepe: ... 2017. Just un deviner...

Lexi: I've never been with someone like you before...

Pepe: I've never been with un real woman before... Zough I'll probably come across un petite feline zat I'll mistake for un skunk...


Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 7

(Cut to the next morning, where we see Tranquility strolling through Acme Acres, gun and belt secured on her waist.) Random Guy: Mornin', Ms. Johansson! Tranquility: Morning. Random Guy 2: Good luck t'morrow, Ms. Johansson! Tranquility: Thanks....


Serenifi: Great Scott! Part III: Scene 5

(Cut to Tranquility fitting into an late-19th-century gown, while Lexi looks at the photo of her tombstone, inside the BAN.) Lexi: \*EXACT DATE WITHHELD\*? That's in...! \*Cue clip of that guy who says "CHOCOLATE!" shouting "THREE DAYS!"\* Oh, I wish...

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