Black and White - Part 1

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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Cindy was still on a high from the day's excitement. She'd just turned sixteen and her parents had thrown her a grand party that spanned the better part of the day. Friends, family and even a couple of the neighbors that they'd met only in passing had dropped by for the event. There were presents, games, food and even a water fight to pass the time. But even though the day was almost over, the white rabbit still brimmed with energy. She sat on her bed in a light pink night-shirt that reached half way down her thighs. Cross-legged, she rested her hands in her lap, pushing the front of her shirt down into her lap while the back was pulled up, leaving her naked rear exposed.

Micky was a year younger than her sister but the two siblings looked very much like twins. Both sisters had equally voluptuous bodies with well defined curves, a trim waist, wide hips, supple DD breasts and thick thighs. The most prominent way to tell the rabbits apart was their hair. Cindy usually kept her hair just below the shoulders while Micky allowed hers to grow quite a bit longer. At a young age the sisters bonded closely and that strong bond only grew stronger as they grew older. On the rare occasions that they actually fought, the fighting was lucky to last for more than five minutes. Almost as if they were one mind with two bodies, the sisters were greatly in tune with each other, thinking alike, acting alike and rarely seen more than a handful of meters apart.

Micky walked into the bedroom and closed the door gently behind her before crawling onto the large queen sized bed she'd shared with her sister since they were six and seven years old. She had on a loose, light blue tank top with a pair of white panties. Kneeling on the bed, the younger rabbit looked her sister over.

"You look like you're on drugs." Micky joked.

"I'm still so wound up from today." Cindy said. She fiddled with the bottom of her shirt, not caring that it was giving her sister a full view of her plump folds. Micky didn't even notice. The siblings shared the same room, slept together and spent almost as much time together as twins that were joined at the hips; they were well accustomed to seeing each others' naked body.

"Wow." Micky watched as her sister's hands fidgeted restlessly. "I'm not going to get any sleep with you like this, so I guess I'll stay up with you for a while."

"It'll probably hit me like a sack of bricks." Cindy said. She took in a deep breath that made her shirt stretch. Her nipples made themselves known under the fabric of her shirt and Micky couldn't help but giggle. "What?" Cindy inquired.

"You could poke someone's eyes out with those things." Micky said pointing to her sister's bust. Cindy looked down and giggled as well when she saw her nipples sticking out like someone had hidden small stones under her shirt. She lifted her breasts up and pointed them towards her sister. "Tell me where you hid the treasure or else." The older rabbit said in a gruff voice. Laughing, Micky quickly got off the bed and ran around the room in mock panic. Cindy followed her, laughing as she continued to hold her breasts outwards as if they were some deadly weapon. When Micky fumbled and fell on top of the bed instead of climbing over it, Cindy fell on top of her and the two sisters rolled around laughing hysterically.

When the fit of laughter finally subsided, Cindy crawled up onto the bed, moved the pillows away from the head and lay on her back with her legs leaning up against the wall. Micky crawled onto the bed and lay on her side just above her sister's head. They remained still for a few minutes before Cindy finally moved. Her legs slid down the wall making a wide V and her right hand gradually made it's way down between her legs. Neither Cindy nor Micky was bothered by masturbating in front of each other, they often did it and usually ended up masturbating together.

Micky continued to lay on her side and started running her fingers through the pink hair on top of her sister's head. Cindy closed her eyes and rubbed herself casually until she grew uncomfortable in her current position. She rolled over and as her sister sat up as well, Cindy knelt on the bed with her legs apart and put her right hand back between her legs. Micky knelt on the bed as well and watched as her sister closed her eyes and let her mind drift off to some sexual fantasy. A moment passed and Cindy opened her eyes again when she heard her sister giggle.

"What?" Cindy inquired. She looked at her sister curiously as she sat with her hand between her legs, a single finger inserted between her folds.

"Nothing, just the faces you were making." Micky said as she continued to giggle.

Before either of the sisters knew what was happening, Cindy quickly leaned forward and planted a small kiss on her sister's lips. Both rabbits looked at each other, stunned. Cindy was as baffled by the sudden action as Micky was, the older rabbit had no idea why she'd suddenly kissed her sister like that.

"Why did..." Micky started.

"I don't know." Cindy said quickly. They continued to look into each others' eyes as if searching for an answer to the unexpected turn of events. A couple of minutes passed before they two siblings relaxed a little and managed to draw their gaze away from each other. They looked around the room, not really sure what to say or do.

"Can I lick your nipple?" Cindy did it again. Her body seemed to be acting of it's own accord without consulting her mind first. "I..." Cindy began to speak but could think of nothing to say. Micky looked at her sister with an odd mixture of curiosity and interest.

"Well it is your birthday, I guess you can." Micky said. The sisters had never actually touched each other sexually before and never found themselves aroused by each others' bodies. Micky actually gave no thought to the matter, it was as though she'd been asked for a loan of her hair-brush. Cindy was a little stunned by Micky's approval and just looked at her; she wasn't exactly sure what she should do but as before, her body seemed to have it's own plans.

Cindy leaned forward and pulled on the top of Micky's tank top. She pulled it towards her and down a little, revealing more of her sister's large breast and poked her tongue down between breast and shirt to find the pink nipple inside. Micky looked down at her sister, pushing her chest forward a little and Cindy looked up at her sister as her tongue found it's target. The older sister's tongue pressed against the bare skin of the younger sister's breast then flicked upwards firmly. As Cindy sat back, she let go of Micky's shirt and blushed a little as she looked at her sister.

Before the sisters could say anything, there was a brief knock on their bedroom door and a moment later, their father walked in. Unlike his daughters, Peter was black and stood only a couple of inches taller at 5'7". Practically forgetting what had just happened between her and her sister, Micky got off the bed and pranced over to her father.

"Hi Dad."

"Hey." Peter said. He put his arm around his younger daughter, planting his hand squarely on her round rear and squeezing her tightly against himself.

"Dad!" Micky exclaimed as he released her. Though surprised by his overly friendly touch, she didn't seem to mind being grabbed by her father that way. She could smell the wine on his breath and quickly realized the reason for his unusual behavior; he wasn't overly drunk, just... loose.

"You're turning into quite a lovely young lady aren't you." Peter said. "Let me see that delicious body of yours." The black rabbit said as he pulled a nearby chair over and sat down on it. Micky paused for a moment then rolled her eyes.

"Alright." She said, a subtle provocative tone in her voice. Like her sister, Micky's father had never acted sexually towards her before but once again, it didn't seem to bother her in the least. First she pushed down her panties, wiggling her hips as she did, then she lifted her shirt over her head. Standing naked before her father, the younger white rabbit started to move her body in sensual ways, posing to show off her gorgeous body; she even turned around and bent over, giving her father a clear view of the plump folds between her thighs.

When Micky stood upright and faced her father once more, Peter quickly leaned forward and pushed his hand between his daughter's legs. The fifteen year old rabbit gave a small cry and giggled as she grabbed her father's wrist with both hands and clamped her thighs together, trapping his hand where it was. As he pushed his fingers up between Micky's folds, she gave a small moan and closed her eyes as her father began to let his fingers explore her body. She quickly grew wet and even started to buck her hips a little as her father's fingers teased her pussy and made her feel good all over.

Opening her eyes, Micky let go of her father's wrist and leaned forward. She grabbed the front of his pants, undid them then pulled out his hard cock before pulling his hand away from her lap and straddling her father's. Without hesitation, the white rabbit lowered herself onto the black's erection, swallowing it with ease.

"You naughty little girl." Peter said to his daughter as he realized there was no resistance inside her body. When they were twelve and thirteen, the girls had spent a few hours alone with two cute buys from school. Though Cindy could not muster the courage to go all the way, her sister had eagerly given away her virginity barely a few inches to Cindy's right.

Micky just smiled at her father as she began to ride him. She unbuttoned his shirt as she moved her hips with a steady pace. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Micky then pressed her bust against her father's bare chest and rubbed herself against him with little thought about what she was actually doing. White fur moved amongst black as the younger sister's nipples brushed against the skin of her father's chest. He wasn't over-weight, but he had a small belly that had developed gradually over the years of reduced exercise.

Peter's cock reached deep into his daughter's body as she moved back and forth on his lap. Her body heat felt like fire wrapped around his shaft. Pleasure surged through the black rabbit as his mind barely realized what the rest of his body was doing; the only thought on Peter's mind was fucking this gorgeous female. His hands moved up and down Micky's sides smoothly as she rubbed herself against his body, her inner walls massaging his cock without a second thought.

Still kneeling on the bed, Cindy watched quietly as her sister humped her father. The older rabbit's right hand was buried once more between her own legs while she sucked on her left thumb like a baby. Like Micky, Cindy's mind gave no thought to the current scene. The atmosphere in the room was almost like a dream, everyone just went with the flow as though their actions were nothing more than thoughts in their minds.

Micky's hair began to flop about as she started to bounce with increased vigor. The younger sister was nearing her peak as she held her father closely, pressing her bust against him and bounced up and down on his cock merrily. Peter had wrapped his arms around her back and held her tightly as his own body flooded with bliss. Small whimpers of ecstasy left Micky's maw as she closed her eyes and bounced her way into an orgasm. Peter could feel her muscles flexing in response to the intense pleasure his daughter was experiencing and it only served to pull him towards his own orgasm. Placing his hands on Micky's hips, Peter pushed her down onto his shaft harder and in a moment, he erupted like a volcano inside her.

Warmth filled Micky's insides as her father held her down, pushing his shaft deep inside her. A feeling of love and contentedness washed over the fifteen year old rabbit as her father filled her depths with his seed. She pressed her body against his as pleasure flooded over her and after a moment, their bodies relaxed. Micky remained seated on her father's lap, his cock buried in her pussy.

"Mmm, that was fun." Micky said softly as she lay against her father, her full breasts pressed against his chest. Peter's mind hadn't even registered that he'd just screwed and unloaded inside his own teenage daughter. He took her by the shoulders and sat her up, looking at her with fatherly love. She looked back at him, her arms still around his neck and Peter looked down at her full body, admiring her rack as rest against his own body.

"A lovely young lady indeed." Peter said before turning his attention to his older daughter. "Cindy, why don't you take that top off."

Cindy casually took hold of the bottom of her night-wear and lifted it over her head without a second thought. She set her clothing aside and remained kneeling on the bed, totally naked and still sucking her thumb. Not even thinking about it, she placed her right hand back between her legs and continued casually rubbing her pussy.

"Go and please your sister." Peter whispered into Micky's ear. The younger rabbit giggled before turning around to look at the nakedness kneeling and masturbating on the bed behind her.

"Alright." Micky said playfully as she turned back to face her father. She pressed her body against his once more then stood up. The black rabbit's body was still hard and stood up straight as it slid out of the pussy of the curvy white bunny.

Micky walked over to her sister with a spring in her step, her breasts bouncing as she moved. Cindy just watched, not really sure what she should do. Micky took charge of the situation and crawled up onto the bed before pushing Cindy backwards. Peter was given a gorgeous view as his oldest daughter lay on her back with her legs bent up and parted, her right hand still gently rubbing her plump, wet folds. The black stood up and pushed down his pants then removed his shirt before sitting once more and taking hold of his erection.

Cindy placed her left hand on the back of her sister's head as Micky kissed her on the lips then giggled again. With her sister's hand still on the back of her head, Micky lay on her stomach on the bed and started suckling on Cindy's left nipple. The sixteen year old rabbit let out a small moan and lifted her hips as her fingers found a sweet spot between her legs.

Peter watched the scene play out as he gently stroked his erection. He paid particular attention to Cindy's right hand as she rubbed her folds. Juices flowed from her body, soaking her fur as well as the bed covers. After a moment Micky kissed her sister on the lips once more, passionately this time. The sisters' tongues twisted around one another as Micky slipped her left hand down to assist Cindy's right.

The kiss eventually ended and Micky lifted herself up to get off the bed. She moved to the bed's side, standing in front of her sister, and leaned over so she lay between Cindy's legs. With her ass in the air, Peter saw his daughter's plump pussy once more, sticking out from between her thighs as his seed oozed out of her folds. As her father stared with lust at the sight of his cum seeping out of his own daughter's cunt, Micky moved her sister's hand and began to suck on her folds.

Cindy's back arched as she moaned with pleasure. She lifted her legs up and wrapped them around Micky's neck. The older rabbit placed her hand atop the younger rabbit's head and moaned again as Micky pushed her tongue into her sister's body, coaxing yet more juices from her. Cindy was already close to an orgasm so when Micky suckled on her clit she sent the moaning bunny over the edge. Warm juices spilled forth, drenching fur and bed covers alike. Micky eagerly drank what she could and continued to lick her sister's still pure hole. Cindy cried out in euphoria as her back arched and her entire body twitched.

"You are both wonderful girls." Peter said as he stood up and walked over to the bed.

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