Conserving utilities (Part 1)

Story by Kitsu-senpai on SoFurry

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#4 of Short Stories/Collabs

Ok so as the recessions have apparently been won over and over came i thought i'd write something with a little relevence for once. Enjoy guys!


'Are you getting in or what?' Seb shouted down the hallway. 'Cuz I ain't wait'n any longer for you to get you're but naked and get in here!'

'Geez- Would you be a little more patient? For god sake all I'm doing is getting my shorts off and I'll be there in a jiff.' Replied Art in a harassed tone. 'Besides I know why you want to shower together and it isn't happening we've done that twice today and we have somewhere to be tonight.'

'Aaaaaw- and here's me thinking I could get a cheeky squeeze before we had to get ready!' Replied Seb coyly. 'I know why we're doing this showering together thing- it's to save on water bills considering the rates are soooo high and the Electric is sooo expensive and the Gas is really not that cheap anymore' came a robotic reply from the bathroom.

All Art could hear was some sort of sarcasm coming from the bathroom, which if he was honest was cute but still annoying. It was practical to shower together and since he and his nicely toned husky boyfriend lived together now, there was very little point to doing separately when they've pretty much seen everything on one another.

Art walked down the hall towel in hand with just his pants on, his bulge taking up a fair bit of room in his boxers. He opened the door to the bathroom, steam issuing out, went in closing and locking the door behind him.

'Thank God! I thought you'd never get in here!' Came a shout form behind shut cubicle door. 'You know if we're gunna do this together from now on you're getting undressed first then letting me know so I can at least whack one out whilst you're getting changed.'

'That's a course thing to say- besides what's the problem if I take my time if it drives you nuts for me anyway' Art retorted with a coy smirk on his face.

'Oh so this is just another one of your little acts is it? Yet again you fail to surprise me with those bloody games of yours!' Seb came back a little irritated- 'Now will you get in here and sex me up for fuck sake- my balls are aching for a bit of husky lovin!'

Art cocked his eyebrow at his lover- the athletic looking cheetah was always too quick with everything and it often spurred the husky to drag things out so that the little guy could get a bit more irritated and frisky. Art dropped his hands down to his undies turning around so as to taunt Seb further, lowering his boxers slowly revealing his well formed butt and tight thigh muscles. It occurred to him often that making a bit of a show helped him get his horn on as his lover was so horny the vast majority of the time. Orgasm denial was his specialty and often liked to work it into games he liked to play when they had sex-anything from light bondage to pumping himself slowly in and out of Seb's well chiselled rump, games it seemed were what Art like the most and today's third round match in the shower was going to be no exception.

Having spent so long getting ready the Husky had had time to look at certain sites and find out something new he wanted to try on his needy boyfriend. It was going to be different but it was something Art had wanted to try the moment he lay eyes on the toned cheetah's body.

'So I think it's time we had a little fun now don't you think my little pussy cat?' Art asked as he stepped into the shower cubicle closing the little door behind him, getting more then up close and personal with the randy cheetah. The pair's chests heaved against one another heavily as lust began to take over both their bodies and minds. Seb leaned in for a kiss only for Art to pull away slightly so he missed and caught his neck.

'What dya do tha for?' Seb asked with a mouth full of water. 'I wanted to kick things off nicely for once' A little mystified at the Husky's retraction from him Seb began to pout, sticking out his bottom lip.

'Now now pussy cat, I said I wanted to try something out this time and I would like to know if you are going to be ok with it?' Art replied in a cool deep voice.

'For god sake I don't care what you do to me as long as you make me cum! We don't have time for any of those long drawn out games you like to play Art.'

'Alright, alright-I was only checking. Now that you're good to go then I guess I'll kick things off. Turn around pussy cat this husky wants to visit your south pole whilst giving your artic circle a good explore.' Silence gripped the pair as only the sound of the shower could be heard throughout the apartment. Seb stood looking at the husky with a face like a smacked child at what Art had just said. His mouth agape, he closed his eyes raised a paw to his forehead and slapped himself shaking it from side to side wondering how he had ended up hearing that.

'Don't ever say that again-if you do I will be making sure nobody ever visits you arctic circle or south pole ever.' As he said this Art looked bemused as if he had made some sort of joke. He looked back at the cheetah bewildered.


'You can't do sex talk Art- and to be honest you don't need to try' With that Seb turned round lifting his slinky ringed tail revealing his rump glistening in the running water. 'Take me Husky before you make anymore poor chat up lines' winking he turned and braced himself against the tiled wall.

Still slightly bewildered, Art pressed his naked, muscular body against Seb's back grinding his now erect 12 inches against Seb's rump. The big cat moaned as he felt his own cock dance against the wet tiles and the warmth of Art's rubbing up his butt.

Art manoeuvred his left hand around to the front of Seb's toned torso, gripping his cock firmly and beginning to pump It made his partner groan even more. Art knew if he had told Seb what he was about to do earlier then the cat would have point blank refused. But because the husky had worked his little feline into a sexual frenzy throughout the day and before getting into the shower, he could perform whatever he wanted on the little beast as long as he could get his rocks off. Seb's favourite thing was to cum, the euphoria that arrived in the mind when he did, the release of stress, pressure and anger made him putty in anyone's hands after a few rounds and Art was incredibly skilled at making his little kitty putty after a few long awaited orgasms.

Art continued to pump the cheetah's cock slowly and rhythmically- both fur's bodies soaked and showing off their chiselled, broadly muscular physiques in the running water. His other hand moved up towards the shower nozzle, adeptly removing it from the holder and working it down over both their bodies; each groaned as the warm running water trickled and pooled in the grooves of their muscles tickling their sensitive spots as each shuddered in lustful delight. Their bodies touching so closely, the warmth of the water and the skilful sexual play left Seb lost in his own pleasure-Art was ready to take complete control of the proceedings.

The shower head in Art's hand moved south, travelling between his cock and Seb's rump making him shudder at the sensations of the pulsing shower water tickled his cock head. Seb moaned again pleadingly rubbing his tail hole against Art's throbbing shaft, his needy body ready receive the husky's plump package. With the water flowing and his boyfriend more the ready to receive him, Art bent down to face Seb's tail hole placing both hands (one still holding the shower head) on the cheetah's hips and his muzzle close to the cats pucker. An adept tongue lolled out and lapped at the big cat's opening, pressing in ever so slightly to get it used to the invading force. The warmth over his pucker sent shudders throughout Seb's body, his orgasm so close but still denied from the lack his desired contact.

'Please wou-wouldya hurryeee uup Ahhhrt. I neeed to cuum sooo badd' He moaned through gritted teeth, the sensations he felt blinding him to the Husky's ulterior motive.

'Not a problem my little pussy cat- I'm just going to make sure you're ready to receive what I'm about to give you'

'Please quit the games AAAhhhrt- it isn't faiiiirr or fuhunnnn...nnn...eyy.' Seb pleaded, again through gritted teeth as his cock danced whilst the spray of the shower blasted his right ball with warm tingles.

'Ok, ok pussy cat here I go'.


Apologies first- this is not the end but it is for this part. There will only be two but for now you deviants will have to wonder what is to come in part two. It shouldn't be quite as long awaited as perhaps my other series but keep watching!

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