Endangered Species, Chapter 1

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This is the start of a new series; the basic idea is a brilliant research scientist has discovered a process by which one animal can be transmogrified into another one by viral transduction whereas foreign DNA is introduced into; and transforms, the host animals cells to conform to the new DNA template. The scientist also happens to be an ardent "naturalist" and decides to repopulate endangered and/or extinct species using human "volunteers" for breeding stock since it's the "least" they can do for mans "crimes against nature". She uses what she considers to be "useless" people or those who have committed "crimes" against nature. In order to control some "volunteer" workers she transforms them partway, then stops the process through injections they must receive on a regular basis or they will start to change again. Surprisingly she has some real volunteers.

** "Endangered Species", Chapter 1**

** By William W. Kelso**

Felicity pushed herself back from the PC terminal and gave a tired, but satisfied, sigh. It was going perfectly, a few more test runs and she'd be ready to try out the process on more advanced life forms. The experiment that had just reached its conclusion had been a complete success. The spider's transformation into a cockroach had gone smoothly with no complications. Next she intended to try the process on a lab rat and transform it into a guinea pig. If the process continued to work she would move on to the higher life forms. She was also planning on trying more complicated changes, such as mammal to reptile, mammal to avian, etc. The possibilities were endless.

Quickly she finished typing out a report to give to her "partner" Dr. Samuel Perkins, the much maligned genius who had been the main "brains" behind the development of the transmogrification virus capable of causing such advanced physical changes in "infected" cells. The scientific community had called him a "crackpot nutjob" and destroyed his reputation, but she had read his papers and had instantly seen the brilliance in his theories. She herself was a true genius, but never really thought of herself that way. She had contacted him, they had talked, met, and the partnership had been formed. And it had taken six years of constant research, experimentation, failures, disappointments, and borderline starvation as funds grew low. But enough donations had come in to keep the project going. They had rented a small former blood bank for the refrigeration and lab facilities, set up and gone to work. And now, finally, success! She knew he was preparing to release the news of the monumental breakthrough after a few more test runs just to make sure and double check, but she had no intention of letting that happen. She had other plans for the use of this scientific miracle. A much more appropriate use as far as she was concerned. The medical industry would just use in to make more money, and God knows what the military would do with it.

Felicity Kendall had been born during the height of the "Age of Aquarius" to a hippie mother living in a commune. It was quite possible she had been conceived during Woodstock, but no way to know for sure, but the timing was right. Her mother, a farmer's daughter from Indiana named June Smith, had run away during the "Summer of Love". She had quickly adopted the hippie life style as only an ardent convert could, and embraced it totally. She believed in "free love", loved sex, and probably had more "lovers" then a professional call girl, the main difference being she didn't get paid for it. And "Moon Baby" was the seventh of eight children. As she grew older June became "bummed out" form having so many kids around, so had given up her younger children for adoption. "Moon Baby" had been adopted by a doctor and his wife who were unable to have children of their own. She would always be grateful to them for giving her a real home and their love, and best of all a new name as she had hated her old one. So "Moon Baby Smith" became Felicity Rachel Kendall. Her adoptive parents had been delighted with the new addition to their family, and the fact the child was brilliant had been a nice plus. She had lived a fairly normal life style, gone to school, met friends, and gone to MIT on a scholarship and with the help of her parents. In six years she had earned Majors in Biology, Biogenetics, and Zoology with several minors in related subjects. After four years of grad student work she was earning a very good living working for a large genetics research company doing stem cell and related subjects research. She had been enraged when the govt. shut down the research on "moral" grounds. It had showed such promise. She had retained her job, the company didn't want to lose such a brilliant scientists, but her new job was boring and as far as she was concerned nonproductive.

*Shortly after graduation her father had developed an inherited genetic disorder and died fairly quickly, and her mother had died shortly afterwards from grief. Felicity was left alone, but fairly rich as her step-parents had saved every penny and made wise investments. But she was deeply saddened by their loss as she had loved them and always saw them as her "real" parents. She hadn't heard from her "natural" mother since she was given away, and frankly hoped she never would. Her memories of her "hippie life" bordered on nightmares, she had lost her virginity at age eight to one of her mother's lovers, had been raped repeatedly with her mother's consent as it had been "beautiful man". Frankly she hoped her real mother caught AIDS, died horribly, and went to Hell, and not necessarily in that order. *

*Felicity was a very good looking woman, and knew it. Her natural mother had been of "Aryan" stock, big and blonde with large breasts and wide hips, and her natural "father" had evidently been Italian or Latin. As a result she had her mother's body and her father's sensuality. She had full, firm breasts, great hips and ass, and was voluptuous. But despite that she was a true "nerd" in that she put intellectual pursuits ahead of "boys" and most other female interests which she considered "juvenile drivel". That didn't mean she didn't like sex, she did, a lot. However she didn't care for the "dating" game at all. When it came to sex she was definitely a "pervert" as she preferred fairly rough almost painful sex, and was very much into BDSM as a Dominatrix. She very much liked her "lovers" helpless and at her mercy. She preferred male partners, but occasionally would play with a willing female. One of her major turn-on's was controlling two "slaves" at the same time and having them fuck one another in the creative ways she told them too. She had reputation in the local BDSM community as a rather demanding, but very satisfying, mistress. She had no lack of "volunteers", but seldom used the same partner more than a few times as she grew bored with them. She had many offers of "lifetime slaves", but always said no. She even branched out into Zoo and had more than one animal partner, and also arranged to have animals perform with some of her "slaves", often without them knowing ahead of time which just made it funnier to watch. She loved to see the expression on a girls face when she found out her "lover" would be a Ram or donkey. She found the bestiality was incredibly erotic to her, and the intensity of the sex was incredible, probably because it was so frowned upon by society. She was able to help manipulate animals into being willing compliant mates by the use of her knowledge of pheromones and other chemical stimulation. But she drew the line at permanent physical injury or blood sports. However she kept her "private" life totally separate from her professional one. Her scientific colleagues would have been shocked if they had found out about her "extra circular activities". She blamed her obsession with sex on the way her natural mother had "introduced" her to the "joys of making love", she knew being raped as a child had warped her, but didn't care. *

*The one thing Felicity had inherited from her natural mother was a love of nature and the "natural order" of things. She was a lifetime member of the Audubon Society, and also involved in PETA and Greenpeace, but mainly through donations. She loved animals, not only physically. While she didn't see the human race as a "scourge" as many radical naturalists did, she was very much disappointed how greed and stupidity was doing so much damage. While she had no problem with using animals for productive research that would benefit everybody (this did NOT include research for luxuries such as perfume, make-up, etc.), but did have major problems with slaughtering animals because of overpopulation thanks to human indifference or hunting for "fun". But her main area of concern was endangered species, and she devoted a great deal of her time and resources helping to prevent extinctions. She felt allowing a species to cease to exist through inactivity or any other reason was the greatest crime possible. It didn't matter if it was a bug or a more highly evolved life form. She truly believed that these extinctions would have an eventual unstoppable effect on the environment and even the human race. So she saw was she planned on doing as being necessary and right, even noble. The fact that most of her "volunteers" wouldn't see it her way made no difference. After all no one cared much about what lab rats thought. *

*That had been over five years ago, and finally she was ready to begin her crusade to save the endangered species of the world. The tests had progressed rapidly as the transmogrification process was perfected. She had to perform some definitely criminal activities in order to achieve her goals, but her brilliance made it quite easy. The hardest has been making her "partner" disappear. That was accomplished when his car went off a bridge into deep water during a winter storm and his body was never found. So sad, but no one much noticed as he had no family and had been academically ridiculed. But she had not killed him; to her to take life was an obscenity. She found a much better solution to the problem. A few weeks after Dr. Perkins "disappearance" there was a chemical fire at the lab, the whole place went up. Everything was lost, all the research records when the computer melted, all the specimens and test subjects, everything. It was a horrible loss, so sad, and the investors were most disappointed. Felicity was so "traumatized" the "poor woman" went into self imposed seclusion. No, she couldn't recreate the experiments as Dr. Perkins had been the brains; she was just a "helper". In fact she had been more influential in developing the virus once he'd made the initial breakthrough, and she didn't need him anymore. He didn't agree with her "vision", so he had to go. *

The process for complete transmogrification from one form to another was not as complicated as one would think, especially if you were a genius or a talented biogenetic engineer. The basics had been around for years, transduction was an established process, but so far had been limited to simple organisms such as viruses and bacteria. She just took it several levels higher. One of the initial mistakes they had made was trying to make the transformation a continuous process, but that had resulted in too much physical and mental trauma and most test subjects had died. The major breakthrough had been to do the change by steps, or "stages". This took longer or course, but gave the subject time to "adapt" to the ongoing changes. The process took longer in some cases depending on the degree of the change. From mammal to mammal could take as little as two weeks, from mammal to reptile or others as long as six weeks, from mammal to insect or lower life form took much longer. The subjects didn't suffer much as they were kept mildly drugged to reduce the physical pain involved and help keep them as docile a possible.

*When she had first met Dr. Perkins the small mousy little man had not much impressed her, at least physically. But mentally was it was a different story. Within minutes of meeting him she knew he was a true genius, a visionary. As they had talked and gotten to know each other he had finally invited her to his small apartment. She had expected a "seduction" attempt as she had that effect on most men, but to her approval his relationship with her was strictly professional, he apparently had little interest in sex, or was gay. His apartment was a typical bachelor pad, a messy jumble, but cleaner than most. His only companion had turned out to be a Blue Iguana (Cyclura lewisi) named Hubert, a critically endangered species. She had been enraged at first; until she found out he had no idea what species the Iguana was. The Iguana had been a gift from a friend and he had basically kept it as he didn't know what else to do. And he had done a good job as the iguana had a large terrarium, good ground cover and live plants, and an ample supply of food so was quite healthy and as happy as a caged pet can be. What the iguana thought who knows. He'd had Hubert for about ten years, and Felicity guessed it was about fifteen years old, and Hubert was a female. Dr. Perkins like to carry Hubert draped around his neck and the large iguana seemed to enjoy it. It was kind of sad in a way, here was a man with a brilliant mind, but the only girlfriend he'd ever had was an Iguana. While most women were chasing around after over muscled brain dead jocks and drug dealers this brilliant mans genes would probably die with him and be lost to the gene pool. The morons bred like crazy, the intellectuals went celibate. So for her first human transmogrification she felt it appropriate that Dr. Perkins become a mate for the only female who had ever loved him. She would change him into a male Blue Iguana as the first of her endangered species breeding projects. *

First she had drugged him and taken him to an isolated location she had prepared in advance. He had been truly shocked at what she intended, and had of course been rather upset. He had woken up strapped to a hospital bed as she had just been starting the first "stage" injections. The first injections were fairly extensive as the subject's body needed to "saturated" with the virus which had been "programmed" with the Iguana's DNA. This required a rather large infusion of the viral serum. The subsequent stages were easier as they were basically booster shots to continue the progress of the transformation. The "booster" shots would be continued at approx 5 to 7 day intervals until the transmogrification was completed. As smart as he was he'd realized what was happening right away, and had said,

"Felicity, my God, what are you doing?"

"Just relax Sam, she'd replied, this should be a very interesting experience for both of us. The very first human to animal transmogrification in history, the first of many to come, you'll be making history."

*"But, but why?" he'd asked in puzzlement as he stared at the fluids being injected into his body, he could feel them entering him as they were cooler then body temperature and burned and tingled mildly. *

"I'm truly sorry Sam, but I just couldn't let our discovery be taken over and marketed by greedy commercially oriented companies. Or, heaven forbid, the military industrial complex. Can you imagine what they'd do?"

"But the medical benefits, the cures for almost every know genetic disorder or disease! The other benefits to man!" he pleaded.

"So the rich could live longer, the poor and stupid continue to breed the truly productive out of existence? I don't think so Sam. You know my concerns about the environment, how overpopulation, greed, and stupidity are destroying the planet. No, I have other much more needed uses planned for our miracle. Don't get me wrong, I'll release some variants of the virus to be used to cure certain childhood disease and cancers, but only on very limited controlled basis to deserving people."

"But that's playing God, he said, you can't make those kind of decisions!"

"And why not? Felicity replied, who else should, and who's qualified? The owners of big corporations whose only motive is profit for their stock holders? Politicians, generals, governments? Who Sam? Why not someone whose only concern is what's best for the whole world, including mankind? Don't worry Sam; I won't use it to kill or anything like that. I won't even try to "take over" like some crackpot mad scientist; though I guess many would see me that way. No, I'll use the virus to help, not hurt."

*"What, what are you, you, um, changing me into?" Sam asked in horrified fascination. *

*He knew what was going to happen to him, and while he was terrified the scientist in him was also fascinated. It would be an, interesting, experience. He wondered if he would retain his sense of self awareness, there was a lot they didn't know yet. He didn't know if that would be truly desirable though, to be trapped in the body of an animal with a human mind. *

*"Sam, you will have the great honor of becoming a male "Cyclura lewisi ", or to the uninformed, a Blue Iguana. You'll be a mate for Hubert, who is a girl by the way. You'll help to repopulate the species by breeding with her." *

Of course he pleaded and begged her not to, but Felicity's mind was made up, besides it was too late now. He would be well cared for and lead a simple productive life. His legacy; in addition to his their amazing discovery, would be to help repopulate an endangered species.

*The transformation took almost five weeks and was amazing to watch. The first changes were internal and not readily visible. When the external ones started to take place it became much more obvious what was happening. She had seen it numerous times on animal to animal, but seeing a human to reptile transformation was incredible, and she also found it strangely arousing. He was able to speak up through the end of third week, but his words became more and more slurred until they were unrecognizable squeals and hisses, which was a relief because even mildly sedated he had begged and pleaded. First he grew scattered spots of rough bluish tinted skin which spread to cover his whole body, spines pushed out from his back as his spine lengthened into a tail, his head flattened as his jaws pushed out, his arms became legs and his legs changed shape until he could no longer walk upright and had to lay on his stomach, his penis changed shape and disappeared as a cloaca formed, and one of the last things to change was his eyes. The last week was spent in shedding body mass via thick ooze excreted from all his body orifices. Body mass had been a problem, but it had been solved by introducing a temporary "infection" causing a body to lose mass by excreting a whitish opaque fluid resembling semen, but composed of the excess mass which was broken down into a nutritious "soup" of proteins, vitamins, and the other elements that make up a body. It was messy, but necessary. And the "soup" had many uses, one of which was a nutritional supplement. During the change she had slowly changed his food intake to the natural foods of the species he became, it was expensive to have the proper food imported, but well worth it. When it was over the 178 pound man had become a 20 pound Iguana with nothing human remaining. *

She had immediately run some intelligence tests and was glad to see he retained part of his human intelligence, but also seemed to have developed the natural instincts of his new form. And the way he hissed at her and tried to bite indicated he did not appreciate his unique opportunity, but he settled down after awhile. They had found that the process was reversible up to the point the transformed subject mated successfully, something in the release of sexual pheromones and the joined of male and female bodily fluids triggered the final change and made it permanent. So when she put him in with Hubert she had injected Hubert with a fertility inducer to make her sexually receptive, and Dr. Perkins; or "Sam" as she now called the male Blue Iguana, had resisted the urge to mate at first as he knew the consequences, but finally he had unable to resist any longer and had given in to the urges and needs of his new existence and had mounted Hubert several times, and she laid her first clutch of eggs a couple of weeks later, and all were fertile. Felicity had been delighted when she had reviewed the surveillance tape and seen them mate for the first time. Felicity carefully removed the eggs from the terrarium, much to Hubert's distress, and put them in an incubator. As soon as they hatched she had arranged for the hatchlings to be cared for at a center that would release them into their native habitats as soon as they were older and healthy enough. She'd told Sam "good job", but had no idea what he thought as he'd just stared at her with his expressionless lizard eyes. She kept Hubert constantly receptive, and Sam no longer hesitated to do his "husbandly" duties, in fact he seemed to enjoy it immensely. One difference from natural Iguana's that she noticed was Sam mounted Hubert far more frequently, and took much longer to satisfy himself. Hubert didn't seem to mind the extra attention. And they produced large clutches of healthy eggs, which was the main thing.

Sam watched as his former "partner" left the room, and then turned his attention to his beautiful mate. He had resigned himself to his new life, and knew it was permanent after he had finally given in to his urge to respond to her sexual signals. And it had felt so good, he had never been with a woman before, so losing his virginity to a lizard was a little weird, but it felt absolutely wonderful and right to him now. He approached her and bobbed his head to let her know his intention, and circling her he rubbed his head against her scales and she gave a soft hiss of affection. The "foreplay" over he mounted her and bit her neck to keep her cooperative, and positioning himself he pushed her tail out of the way and joined with her. He could have reached release quickly, but instead took his time and enjoyed the intense pleasure. His mate closed her eyes, her body shuddering from her own pleasure and he hissed his love for her. When he finally reached his release she shuddered too and he gave a deeper hiss of pleasure as he climaxed, which she echoed. Afterwards they lay sleepily side by side, each very satisfied with their mate. Sam found he no longer hated Felicity for what she had done to him. The horror, disorientation, and confusion had faded to be replaced by, maybe not contentment, but acceptance. He knew his outlook on life had changed and was now; despite his human intelligence, somewhat limited by the instincts and needs of his new body, but he just didn't care anymore. He tenderly rubbed his snout against his beautiful mate and they both moved over to the heated rock their keeper had provided and had a nice nap. Later would be feeding time, and they both looked forward to that.

*That first human to animal transmogrification had taken place over five years ago and Sam and Hubert were still happily producing new clutches of eggs on a regular basis, and thanks largely to their "efforts" the Blue Iguana had been removed from the critically endangered list. Felicity had even acquired another female for Sam, and he seemed quite pleased with his "harem" and kept both females pregnant, and they didn't seem to mind sharing his attentions. Since they were all young and healthy they had another good thirty or forty years of productive breeding ahead of them. *

*Felicity had looked for a proper location for her "project", and after two years of inspecting, and rejecting, numerous sites she had found one almost by accident. She had read an article about a "wildlife park" in the Florida everglades that was closing down due to the current economy. It was put up for auction by creditors, and after a quick look she had bought the place, and the sellers had been delighted to get the "white elephant" off their hands. It had been basically abandoned for over a year, but not long enough to suffer any major weather or environmental damage. It was isolated, covered a large area, had numerous cages, pens, stables, tanks, and a large reptile house. It wasn't perfect, but was pretty darn close. She had moved in right away and started major renovations, repairs, and additions. She had the money, her parents and the results of her own labors and smart investments had made her quite wealthy. She had all the existing facilities carefully repaired and improved, added state of the art surveillance and security systems run by a custom build mainframe computer with its own power supply (in fact the whole facility was independent and self sufficient). She had new buildings with special "cells" built that could be individually temperature and humidity controlled, and made numerous other special improvements and additions. She created a state of the art animal breeding facility capable of handling animals and other creatures of any kind or species. Reptile, amphibian, avian, mammal, insect, aquatic, etc. Each would be housed in a cage, tank, stall, pen, or other holding cell matching their "natural" habitat as closely as possible. She already had a small dedicated group of volunteers to help her, mostly similarly dedicated naturalists she had known from her college days, or had met through preservation and other organizations of which they were both members. She trusted them all, and they all knew; and approved, of what she would be doing. A few even volunteered to become "changelings", but she held off on that for now as they were more useful as assistants, but promised to make them animals of their choice at a later date once things "were up and running". But she needed more, so very carefully screened applicants for the "jobs" she had available. She preferred young idealistic smart people with a minimum of family ties, and didn't care what their education level was as long as they were dedicated and competent. Ones that didn't work out became "volunteers". *

She divided her employees into three basic categories. Professional full time assistants who knew what they were doing and were totally dedicated, full time employees to fill positions she didn't have properly qualified assistants for that did NOT know the "source" of most of the endangered species they were breeding, and outside contacts such as suppliers of hard to find food, specimens, and other supplies. Plus she hired an ex-mercenary who put together a crack security and "acquisitions" team, men who didn't care what they did as long as it paid well. And of course she needed "volunteers".

It proved easier to acquire "volunteers" then she had thought. Thousands of people disappear without a trace every year, usually "low lives", runaways, etc. People that mostly aren't missed much. She had "scouts" who found suitable "volunteers" and either kidnapped them, or lured them to the facility with promises of drugs, sex, or whatever it took. They were cleaned up, detoxed if drunks or addicts, and then underwent transmogrification into new forms to finally lead useful productive lives. Of course most resisted; at least at first, and while some never fully adapted or accepted their new lives they had no choice but to breed anyway, but most settled down and seemed to accept it after awhile. Occasionally if she thought at assistant was feeling too much sympathy, or a regular employee was becoming too suspicious, they in turn became new "volunteers".

*Then there were the "special volunteers". These were those whom she felt deserved to be punished. Those who had been directly involved in damaging the environment or otherwise causing irreversible damage. CEO's and other executives, politicians, engineers, etc. Both foreign and "domestic". She was very careful in whom she chose, and her special "roundup" team only struck if there was no way of tracing the missing person to her facility. Of course even if they did they wouldn't find the missing person, at least not in a recognizable form, and the changeling would certainly be unable to communicate who they had been. *

*She called her facility the "Endangered Species Conservation and Breeding Compound". It was not open to the public, strictly by appointment only for tours. It was entirely private and did not issue stock, but had more than enough in the way of donations to remain fully operational. It was soon the number one center for saving endangered species, and its success was amazing. With advance notice potential donors and customers were given a full tour of the impressive facility. Soon the facility was making a respectful "profit" and the investors and donors were quite pleased and impressed. Felicity also made a tidy sum by selling drugs and special treatments for various medical conditions. She protected these by the aggressive us of patents and sole-production rights. Any other company that tried to copy or produces a "generic" version of the drug was promptly sued by a team of crack lawyers. And the reputation of the facility and its imposing head scientist was immaculate, no one suspected a thing. I mean, if you told the authorities the place was changing humans into animals they'd laugh in your face. *

*The only building not open to the "public" was a well hidden and isolated bunker like rundown looking building that had the sign "Grounds Maintenance" at the entrance to the parking lot. And an outbuilding did contain mowers and other equipment used for that purpose. There were no guards (that could be seen) or security fences that might draw attention. This was the state of the art lab where the "volunteers" underwent the transmogrification process. Small battered unremarkable vans made irregular stops at the building day and night, offloading "volunteers" for processing, and picking up the "finished products". All the "volunteers" were kept at the facility to be bred, but many of the breeding stock were natural animals sent to them from around the world as gifts or temporarily on loan. The "volunteers" didn't seem to care if their mates were fellow changelings (how could they even know for sure anyway?) or natural animals. It was a very efficient operation, and only a total of about fifteen people knew what was going on in its entirety. These were the only ones would had excess to the "Grounds Maintenance" building. *

*And much to her surprised delight the transmogrification process gave Facility the chance to indulge her sexual fantasies and exploits in ways never before possible, especially her bestiality fetish. What better way to have sex then with animals with human intelligence, or even better yet, "volunteers" only partway through the process that were still part human AND animal? And the majority of the time they were quite willing partners, thanks to the right stimulation and/or drug induced rut. And some of those who pleasured her best she allowed to remain partially human for longer periods until she tired of them, then the process was resumed and they joined the regular breeding stock. And when she found out some of her assistants had similar "interests" she allowed them to indulge their sexual fantasies as well, under her supervision of course. It was sexual paradise. *

*Then there came a new development, one that came as a complete surprise, and one that Felicity could not understand why she hadn't thought of it before. Permanent partial transformations into anthro-animals! She already knew the process could be temporarily slowed by not giving the "volunteer" the booster shots, and even halted indefinitely, but what if an assistant actually WANTED a partially animal body? Some had already offered to knowingly and willingly undergo the process. What if she offered them partial transformation? The idea was brought up in casual conversation while she was "raping" one of her assistants named Tad who was also into BDSM and Zoo. *

She had him strapped to a rack in the "special storage room" only she and a few "select" assistants had access too. It was a well equipped "dungeon", but the rest of the staff thought it was a storage room. It had no windows and soundproof walls. She had taken the afternoon off to put Tad through several hours of delicious orgasm denial which was a favorite sexual "torture" of his. And since he was well endowed she enjoyed "raping" him to his heart's content. She would ride him and bring him to the brink, then slack off and let him "recover" for a while until she would mount him again, in between "rapes" she made him eat her pussy, which he did enthusiastically, and boy did he know how to use his tongue! She'd been playing with him for almost four hours and had already had five lovely orgasms of her own, but he had yet to come though he remained rock hard all the time. He wasn't particularly bright, but was a good hard loyal worker and she liked him a lot. She was riding him again, moving slow and steady up and down his throbbing cock while he moaned, when suddenly he said,

*"Mistress, it's too bad I can't fuck you with a horse cock, that would be fantastic!" *

Then he gave a loud shriek of agonized pleasure as she finally let him come, and as he was pumping her full of his cum as she ground down on him she thought to herself, Why not?

After she had undone his cuffs and was helping him clean up she decided to ask him a question. He'd been one of the ones who had offered to undergo the process, and she knew he was serious, so she asked him,

"Tad, about what you said earlier. How would you like to really fuck me with a horse's cock?"

"What do you mean?" he replied.

"Well, you know about the process, you've seen the results and the partially completed changelings. I could modify the virus to change mainly your genitalia and then you really could fuck me with a horse's cock. Then later, if you still want to, we could finish the process and you could become that stallion you've always wanted to be." She finished saying with a smile of anticipation.

Tad almost fell over at the thought. He was a "Furry", and his alter ego or "anthro avatar" had been a horse, a stallion. And now he was being offered to become a REAL anthro-horse, and eventually an actual horse. Felicity was the best "lover" he'd ever had, and she not only let him indulge in his bondage fantasies but his bestiality ones as well. He was completely and totally loyal and in love with her, and this was too good to be true, he'd always fantasized about it. So of course he readily agreed. One thing she required was that he move in to the compound, and could only leave under strict conditions. But he readily agreed with this in order to fulfill his deepest desires.

Felicity supervised the partial change herself. She had the super computer custom modify the virus to perform limited physical changes instead of full body transmogrification. She put up Tad in one of the visiting VIP cottages to perform the process in privacy. As he was an eager participant there was no need for security or special precautions. The process took approx. one week and they were both very pleased with the results. Tad now had a very impressive, very equine, set of genitals AND a fully formed tail, long and black, that he had full control over, and he loved to swish it back and forth. His penis, erect, was a good twelve inches long and fully equine with its mushroom like head, and his balls were, impressive. When flaccid his penis pulled mostly back into his sheath. She had told him when it was done, that,

*"Tad, you know that if you have sex now the process can't be reversed, you'll have an equine tail and genitals for the rest of your life. We can start the process again and change you to full equine form, but never back to human. And you'll need regular shots to keep the change from continuing anyway, only more slowly. Do you really want this?" *

Tad looked down at his large semi-erect penis and hefted his large balls, several times the size of his old human ones. He smiled, and said,

"Oh yeah, more than anything I've ever wanted before!"

"Well then, said Felicity, let's try out that impressive new cock of yours!"

*Felicity knelt down in front of the now rampant horse-man and fondled his large shiny black balls, and could feel the heat coming off of them. As she examined, and then started licking, his huge cock she couldn't believe she hadn't thought of this before! She slowly swallowed as much of his cock as she could, and sucked him until suddenly he gave a very deep guttural grunt and exploded in her mouth, and he came so hard his cum squirted out of her nose and from around his shaft and her lips. She almost choked on his huge wad, but working her throat swallowed most of it. It was thick and salty. She was a little disappointed he'd come so soon, but while he tended to come fairly quickly now she was pleased; and so was Tad, to find out he was virtually insatiable. It was a perfect balance of animal capability and human lust. Over an hour later Felicity lay bent over the edge of the bed as Tad fucked her like he was servicing a mare. He grunted and snorted as he humped her, his noises more animal then human, and it was fantastic. She had never been fucked so well before, and had already orgasmed at least three times, and he had at least four of his own. And still he kept fucking her. At first he hadn't fit in all the way, but she had been well stretched over the years so it wasn't too uncomfortable or painful; and after awhile he finally hilted as she felt him push into her cervix and fill her womb with his horse cum. And after they finally finished, at least temporarily, they had laid in the bed and talked about broaching the idea to the other assistants who had offered to undergo transmogrification. Maybe they're like anthro-animal forms as well. She got hot again just thinking about it, and soon they were fucking again and it was better than anything she'd ever thought possible. She drummed her heels against his back and screamed in pleasure as he lunged into her. *

*Within a couple of more days she had four more assistants agree to undergo partial transformations into anthros. The forms weren't endangered species, she let them chose their species, but since they weren't going to be used for breeding that was acceptable. In all they ended up with three males and two females. Tad the stallion, Bruce the panther, Roger the Ram, Patricia the kit fox, and Madeline the lioness. Each ended up with fully transformed sexual organs, partial fur, and full or partial tails. They were still able to easily pass as "regular" humans when wearing clothes with their tails tucked inside, but Tad and Roger had to wear specially ordered "XXL" jock straps and baggy pants to hide their new "equipment." As with Tad part of the agreement was they had all move into the compound and could only rarely leave. None had a problem with that as everything they wanted was right there. Felicity put them in charge of the "Trans-lab" as they called it, and they often went nude while on duty as none of them liked wearing clothes much anymore, and they quite often had sex with one another and/or "volunteers" undergoing processing. Felicity made it a habit to visit the lab fairly often to "indulge" along with her willing followers. She even considered a partial transformation herself, but couldn't decide on a form. But there was no hurry. Several other assistants who had initially passed on her offer changed their minds after sexual encounters with the new anthros, who were, if anything, quite prolific and seldom turned down a partner. So soon she added three more anthros to their little group. Buddy the wolf, Tanya the rabbit, and Jocelyn the mountain goat-much to Roger's delight even though he was technically a sheep. Bruce and Madeline were pretty much considered a "mated pair" after awhile, their feline forms drawing them together. *

*Tad and Madeline were both "Furries"; now for "real", and had told Felicity that she could make a fortune by making the process available to the Furry community, but though disappointed had understood why she refused. For now utmost secrecy was essential. But later, who knew? She could see the possibilities. How much would someone pay for a tail, ears, genitals, fur, or? She might even be able to eventually stop using "volunteers" in her breeding operation. Enough humans might be willing volunteers. But she knew that was far in the future. The main problem would be all the moral and theological outrage and posturing from major religions and other intolerant groups, politicians wanting their share of the power and profits, governments and militaries wanting to control it, etc. But in the meantime, if she did find some willing volunteers, why not? It would be better, and safer, then their current method of acquiring "volunteers". They could sign consent forms to become animals to show they had willingly given up their humanity. And thinking about "volunteers" she decided to visit one of her favorites currently undergoing the process. He was about halfway along, and she had stopped the process for now as he had proven to be a rather satisfying sexual partner at his current stage of change. *

Mike woke up and gave a soft moaning hiss of horror as he remembered where he was. With a sob he pushed and dragged himself over to his water bowl and took a long drink. He couldn't stand upright anymore, hadn't been able to for weeks. He checked the food bowl, and gave a disappointed grunt when it was empty. He was hungry all the time. He dragged himself back over to his sleeping pad and settled down to stare at the wall; or the one-way glass where one of his captors might be looking at him even now. He just couldn't understand what was happening to him, or why, it was insane. But it was real, horribly real. He was slowly changing into some kind of, of, lizard or crocodile or something. He looked over his shoulder at this body, or what used to be his body. His skin had been replaced by a tough hide with little pebbled bumps over most of it, but smoother on his belly. There was a low ridge down his spine to his tail which was about two feet long, he whipped it back and forth and watched, still not quite believing that it was his. His legs, or more correctly what were now his hind legs, were splayed out to his sides and also covered with the same bumpy hide or scales which were loose in places to allow easy movement. He scrabbled one of his "feet" which now had longer toes ending in nasty claws which his captors kept trimmed. He looked at one of his hands which also had started to develop claws and had a scattering of the pebbled hide. His shoulders and head where still fairly human but much of his hair had fallen out and he now had a forked tongue and it was hard to talk without lisping sibilantly. He ran his tongue over sharp teeth and tasted the air. For some reason the sadists had put a mirror in his cell, or cage, so he could see himself. He squeezed his eyes shut and gave another sad hiss. He was a monster. This was so wrong, he felt so strange. He had run away from home for good after his step-dad had beaten him up one too many times, and for awhile had lived in Miami making a living doing odd jobs. Then he'd met a nice girl named Mary, who had talked him to coming with her to visit this really "nice place" where she worked that might have a job for him. He'd been in love with her, and they had been fucking for several days. She'd introduced him to a lady named Felicity who ran the place, she'd been nice and given him a glass of tea and things went dark after he had drank some, and he had woken up naked and strapped to a bed with IV's in his arms and legs. And several days later after what was happening had started to be apparent they had taken him to this cell or whatever it was, chained him to the wall, and left him naked. It was soon evident why, what he was becoming didn't need clothes. He had been horribly hurt when it was evident Mary had betrayed him. He really wanted to ask her "why?", but he hadn't seen her since the tea knocked him out. One of the bastards hadn't come to give him a shot in awhile and the change had slowed, but there had been a new development that he had mixed feelings about. The lady in charge, a bitch named Felicity, had been coming to visit him almost every day, for sex. At first he just hadn't been that interested. It wasn't that she wasn't a beautiful woman; she was, very much so, every young man's wet dream. But for some reason, while he recognized her beauty, he just wasn't interested. She didn't, well, smell right. That's the only way he could explain his lack of interest. But after she gave him a shot in the neck a wave of incredible lust would wash over him and he had no choice to but energetically fuck her as many times as he could, he would have fucked any female he could get his hands, claws, on. He rolled partially over and looked at his smooth belly, and crotch, the only thing visible was a kind of fold or slit. He couldn't see his dick and balls anymore, but could feel them, could feel BOTH his penises, because he had two of them now, both fully functional because as soon as he finished with one he used the other for the next coupling. And they were weird looking, but did the job, and she certainly seemed to enjoy it. And it felt good, so good, and God help him he enjoyed the sex, and looked forward to it now. He hoped she'd pay him a visit again soon and give him another one of those shots that set him off. But he was hungry too, and gave a loud hiss of hunger.

One would almost think Mike had ESP as that was exactly what Felicity had on her mind as she approached the Trans-lab. As she punched in the entry code on the hidden keypad she was watched by an equally hidden camera, more than one. But the computer recognized her and allowed access, you couldn't get in just knowing the code. She stepped from a grungy unwashed entrance way into an antiseptically clean room where she put on a white lab coat with her name embroidered on it, then she entered the small front office were Madeline was on duty and smiled at the anthro-lioness. As usual Madeline had taken her clothes off and her small firm breasts nipples were hard from the cool air and she gave off a pleasant animal musk. The girl looked at her and smiled, then said,

"Hello Felicity, how are you? Here to check up on the changelings? They've been quiet, no new developments."

"Hello Madeline, Felicity replied, yes I'm going to take a look around, but I'm also planning on a little alone time Specimen "R-12".

*She of course meant Mike, but that wasn't how he was known anymore, as far as the facility records were concerned they'd never heard that name. Once a "volunteer" arrived they were assigned a code based on the type of form they would become. It was based on Kingdom, Phylum, Class, etc. and a record number. So Mike became; for short, "Reptilia-12", or the twelfth human to undergo transmogrification to a reptilian form. They even created a false "life history" for him. He was ten years old, was hatched in a legal breeding facility, and they even had a "bill of sale". At no time, anywhere, was a human name mentioned. His full code was "Animalia, Chordata, Reptilia, Squamata, Scleroglossa, Varanidae, Varanus, Species V. komodoensis, Male, Specimen R-12." In short Mike was well on his way to becoming a Komodo Dragon; but he didn't know that. Unless someone told him he probably never would. *

With a smile Madeline got up and opened the inner security door, since she was on "reception" duty only she knew the code as it was changed by every new shift. Even Felicity couldn't enter without the receptionist admitting her. Felicity looked at Madeline's furry rump and long elegant tail as she got up to open the door, and when the tail swished to one side she caught a glimpse of dark pink lips. Hmmm, a feline form would be interesting. Something to think about. She closed the door after her, nodded to Roger, also nude, who was making the feeding rounds, asked him for the food for Specimen R-12, and walked down the corridor, then through another door to the reptile and amphibian branch of the lab. As she passed one holding cell a large brilliant green female lizard suddenly reared up against the glass, almost as if it sensed her, and startled, Felicity jumped back a step, but quickly recovered. The lizard stared blankly at the one-way glass for a few seconds, and then dropped back down onto its belly. It was in a "tank" room which helped to collect the nutrient rich mucus the lizard was excreting from its mouth and cloaca as it underwent the final part of its change, mass loss. In a week the lizard would be the normal size for its new species, and then it would be taken to the reptile house to meet its mate and start egg production. It was an "** Abronia graminea"or Arboreal Alligator Lizard, very rare. The "volunteer" had originally been male, but was now female as that was the sex needed, they already had a male. The lizard settled back into the partially filled tub and coughed up more globs of thick mucus and gave a despairing hiss. The mucus was collected and added to the feed given to the others undergoing the process as it was pure protein which they needed as the transformation burned up a lot of calories. The lizard remembered, knew what it had been, but as its size shrank it could feel that knowledge slipping away, it would always remember but it would come to seem like more like a dream to its new simpler mind, but it would always be much more intelligent than a "natural" lizard. Felicity kept on going until she came to the door to a holding cell with "R-12" written on the card in the holder, and opening the door she entered.**

Mike looked up when the woman, Felicity he remembered, entered his cell. He looked at her and hissed, he knew what she was here for and while he wanted the pleasure part of him was still revolted that he'd have no choice but to give her what she wanted once she'd drugged him. But he knew it was useless to try and resist. That only brought pain and made the degradation worse. He did appreciate the food she gave him though, he'd never thought that large chunks of raw meat could be so delicious and eagerly snapped up the pieces she gave him and wolfed them down whole because he had trouble chewing now, his jaws only opened up and down now.

*Felicity entered the cell and R-12 hissed at her, but otherwise made no other acknowledgement of her presence, but his interest picked up when he smelled and saw the food she had for him. He was quite happy with the pieces of raw meat she threw to him. Though he still had noticeable human physical characteristics his intestinal track was entirely that of a carnivores reptile now, and he would have no trouble digesting the raw meat. While he was still occupied with his meal she bent over and gave him an injection in the soft skin on the back of his neck. He froze for a second, and then went back to finishing his meal. Felicity took her clothes off and hung them on a hook by the door, then turned her attention back to her "lover". By now the drug would be taking effect and he would be going into full blown rut. The injection had been designed to bring a male Komodo Dragon into a state of extreme sexual arousal to the point it wouldn't care what it mated with as long as it was female. He would have no choice but to give her what she wanted. She squatted down beside him and began to stroke his rough pebbled hide. *

Mike stopped eating for a second as he felt the sharp pain of the needle as it injected the drug into him, but he was still hungry so kept feeding. As he was finishing the last of his meal he felt the now familiar feeling of warmth and desire washing over him, and felt a pleasurable stirring in his vent. He could feel not one, but both, of his penises beginning to stir as the need to mate built up in him. He gave a soft hiss when he felt his "mate" start to gently stroke his back. He knew there wouldn't be much foreplay as he had no interest in her breasts, he was only interested in the relief she could give him, the growing need she could satisfy. He had never experienced such lust before; it took over and controlled his every thought, that aching need for release.

Felicity stroked the dragon for awhile longer, enjoying the texture of his pebbly rough hide. She could feel his muscles rippling under the skin as he responded to her touch, and then with a loud hiss he pulled away and started to circle behind her. He's ready, she thought, good! She dropped on to all fours and looked over her shoulder as the huge lizard reared up behind her and began to climb onto her. She lowered her head and moaned as his weight moved up her body and he grasped her with his powerful front legs. It took him a few tries to get the angle right as she was after all from a different species, but he was determined and driven by lust, and when he finally penetrated her she gasped in pleasure. It felt strange, different, but oh so good! She felt one of his hemipenes penetrate her, and the other rubbed against her thighs as he serviced her with deep moans and hisses of pleasure, the sounds both human and reptilian. He humped her with strong steady thrusts, but it took him quite some time to climax as the drug she injected also included an orgasm inhibitor which increased her pleasure, but forced him to really have to work and strain to reach release. She had already cum several times before he gave a guttural squeal and she felt him spurt deep inside of her, and as soon as he was through he dismounted and lay gasping for breath. But they weren't done yet, and he knew it.

Mike felt his lust rising and the hand stroking his back felt very nice, and with a hiss he moved behind the woman and she dropped to all fours and presented herself to him. With a grunt he climbed up on her, and finding the right position her mounted her and felt one of his penises penetrate her. And it felt so good, so much pleasure. He grunted and hissed as he fucked her, and oh God why was it taking so long?? He could hardly stand the building need, the growing pleasure, it was almost unbearable. He could feel his heard pounding and his vision grew blurred before he finally climaxed in a massive orgasm that rocked his whole body. Oh Gooooddddd, it felt so GOOD! With a gasp he dismounted sliding back to the floor to rest on his belly. It had been so good, so intense, and he wanted more. His other penis still ached for release. He looked at her, and asked,

"Pleezzsss, why are you doing thisss to messs? HisssSsss?"

Felicity reached over and stroked his hide, and replied,

"Because you're a good fuck my friend, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did."

"SSssss! Nooo, why are doing THISSSS!" and he waved a front leg at his reptilian body. "Why, hisssss, am I a monssster?"

"Well I guess it won't hurt to tell you, replied Felicity. You're going to help to repopulate an endangered species my fine male. You will be taken care of the rest of your life, and will have a harem of eager willing mates."

"But, what AM Iss, Hisssssss?" Mike asked.

"You have the rare honor of becoming a Komodo Dragon, the largest land lizard in the world, and the next best thing to a dinosaur. A recent disease outbreak decimated the natural population, and you will help to replenish it. A noble endeavor, don't you think? I actually envy you."

"But, but, pleeezzzz, I don't wantsss to be dragon! Hissss. Pleezzz ssstop it, make me man again, hisssss. Pleezzz. How can you do thisss?"

She kept stroking his hide, and said, "I'm sorry my dear, it's a one way trip. Once you've had a successful mating the transformation becomes permanent. It can proceed, but can't be reversed. Now, enough talk, I want you again."

This time Felicity rolled over on her back and spread her legs, and her partner moved to mount her again. If she saw the tears in his eyes she didn't care. He climbed on top of her and with a lunging thrust penetrated her again with a hiss of pain and pleasure, and she gasped. He started thrusting, and she wrapped her legs around his narrow waist in front of his hind legs. He was quite a large animal, over six feet long and weighing almost 200 pounds. She enjoyed his weight on her body and the way his rough textured hide rubbed against her nipples as he fucked her was lovely. He hissed and ran his long forked tongue over her face as he serviced her, and she spread herself as wide as she could for him so he could penetrate her as deeply as possible, and the feeling of his other penis rubbing against her belly was erotic as hell. She moaned as he picked up the speed of his thrusts as he desperately tried to reach release, but it would be quite awhile yet as the second time always took longer. He fucked her for over another half hour before finally rearing up on his front legs and giving a shrieking hiss as he climaxed, and it was perfect timing as she had her fourth orgasm even as he was filling her. He lay on top of her for awhile gasping and sobbing until she finally gently pushed him off to one side after she felt his penis withdraw from her and back into his vent. He was spent, and she was satisfied. Perfect.

*Ohhh, uggghhh! It hurts so good! Why can't I come?? Mike thought, as he mated with her again. He thrust and thrust, and every time thought he'd reach climax, but it just went on and on. He should have reached release within a few minutes and the pleasure was just as much pain when he finally did come for the second time. He threw his head back and screeched at the unbelievable agonizing pleasure. Then he collapsed; weak and spent, and felt himself slide back into his vent. The woman pushed him off and he lay gasping as he came down from his induced rut. And now that his lust was satisfied the shame and horror returned again. He knew he'd had no choice but to mate with her, and it felt so good, but was so degrading as he'd wanted her as an animal, not a man. *

Felicity got up and used a towel clean off some of the male dragons copious amounts of cum that was leaking out of her. She'd use the lab shower to clean herself off better and douse before going back to the main complex. As she opened the door to leave the dragon spoke to her again, but she ignored him.

*"Pleeezzz, said Mike, don't leave me like thissss. I feel ssso, sssoo ssstrange, and it hurtsss sometimes. Pleeezzz, I don want to beesss an animal! I don want be like thissss, hiissss! Pleeezzz, I'm a man, not a lizzzard!" *

But she had heard him, and as she left the facility she told Tad, who had receptionist duty now, to:

"Start up the process on R-12, we need to get him to work in the breeding pens. We just got in another female Komodo today."

So in a way she gave him what he asked for, he wouldn't be part human and part reptile for much longer. One more booster shot and the process would complete itself. She was growing tired of him anyway, and his whining was getting on her nerves, she preferred her partners nice and quiet. That didn't mean she wouldn't enjoy mating with him again, the drug would induce rut in a fully transformed Komodo Dragon as well, and then all he could do was hiss at her.

Mike looked up as one of the attendants, who smelled strange-more like another animal then a human, entered the cell. When Mike saw the tray of syringes the part human/part Ram was carrying he knew what it meant and panicked, but the heavy collar around his neck kept him from putting up much of a struggle. He begged, but the attendant ignored him. The attendant knew what he was doing and had soon injected Mike with several shots in various parts of his body. Then the attendant left.

By the next day Mike could feel the changes starting again. His jaws started to push out more as his head changed shape, his front arms became more like legs as his fingers and claws lengthened and thick pads formed. The pebbled scaly hide crept forward to finish covering his face and upper body, and his shoulders changed shape as his arms finished becoming legs. He screamed and begged as long as he could, his words becoming more and more slurred until there were unintelligible grunts and squeals, and finally more and more hisses and snarling roars. But as the change slowly finished he stopped and just stayed with his head in the corner so he wouldn't have to look at himself in the mirror, wouldn't have to see the scaly snout his face had become, and the dark expressionless emotionless eyes no human had ever had, with vision that was strangely different at first until he grew used to it.

*The assistants were glad when the sounds from R-12's cell finally stopped. It had been audible even through the thick walls. Some of the "volunteers" took what was happening to them much harder than others, or at least expressed their discontent more vocally. So they were relieved when R-12 finally shut up and accepted it as he had no choice. On the day the process was complete two of them took him a large meal of fresh raw meat, then led him to the back of a van for the short ride to his new home at the reptile house. He came docilely enough, walking with slow ponderous steps hissing sadly. He seemed to cheer up some when they released him into the nice large habitat prepared for him and he met his mates for the first time. They would be back later to give him and his harem fertility shots to induce mating. Then they went back to the Trans-lab to clean the cell and prepare it for the next "volunteer". *

*Oh, oh, it feels so good! Mike thought as he mounted another female. She had fought him a little, and he'd had to subdue her and now had her pinned by biting her on the back of the head as he mounted her, but that just made the coupling even more enjoyable as it meant she was a strong desirable mate, the fighting really turned him on as it was the closest thing to "foreplay" his new species had. But he did like to rub his chin and scratch on the back of his mates as well, to feel their lovely hide and help smell them better, and they seemed to like the attention. He gave a guttural hiss of pleasure as he thrust into her, and she closed her eyes and hissed in pleasure too. This might not be so bad after all, he thought. It feels so GOOD! And he had four other females to mate with as well. *

Felicity smiled as she watched the coupling dragons on the observation camera's screen, as with all the other changelings they were monitored 24/7. R-12 had turned out to be quite an amorous lizard once he'd adjusted to his new life. Already four of his five mates had laid clutches of eggs and the other was gravid, and he was well on the way to filling their bellies with more eggs. As she watched the reptiles mate she decided she'd pay him a visit tomorrow and see if he could pleasure her as much in his new form as he had before. It should be most enjoyable.

** The End**

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A Chocobo's Life, Chapter 2

**My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!** ** ...

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