Endangered Species, Chapter 2

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

** Endangered Species, Chapter 2**

** By William W. Kelso**

Felicity was more than pleased with the way things had turned out for her project to repopulate the endangered species of the world. Her state of the art facility the "Endangered Species Conservation and Breeding Compound" had been up and running for over five years without a hitch. It's remote location in the Florida everglades; and low public profile, had kept it from attracting too much attention. It was even turning a nice profit even though it was a "non-profit" organization, but that money was put back into the facility to help it expand and continue what its founder considered a vital project. The basic mission of the facility was to breed endangered species to be used to rebuild the wild populations back to a point they would be viable again and could be removed from the endangered watch list. To date their success had been spectacular.

Felicity Kendall was a true genius in every sense of the word, but like many geniuses she was also probably at least partially crazy, though insane would probably be too harsh a word. Due to a rather unusual upbringing in a hippie commune; which included being used for sex by the male members starting at a very young age, Felicity had some mental problems. She was smart enough to realize this, but didn't care. Some of those problems included her sexual interests and desires; she was very much into BDSM and bestiality. She enjoyed being sexually "tortured", and liked to do the same to her "lovers", however it had to be consensual. Part of the facility open only to certain "employees" included a very modern and elaborate dungeon where she and her followers played out their elaborate fantasies. No one was ever forced as she drew the line at nonconsensual torture. This happened to fit in very nicely with what she was totally dedicated to doing.

To call her a Green Peace or ASPCA fanatic was totally wrong, but she did believe to some degree in conservation and preserving natural resources. But she did not run around with signs, set lab animals free, or throw blood on people (unless they wanted her too). Her passion was endangered species, more specifically the saving of said species, which she did with great success. The problem was the way she went about it. She acquired most of her breeding stock by transforming human beings into the various endangered species and then breeding them. They were kept in a state of perpetual rut, and their young were released back into the wild. Only a very few people knew what was really going on, the rest thought she was a saint and she had friends in very high, and very low, places. The main problem was most of her "volunteers" were NOT voluntary; the "volunteers" were mostly people who would not be missed. Runaways, hookers, poor "trash", etc. People with few friends, no money; and most importantly, no connections, in other words, people no one gave a damn about. From her point of view she took them, and gave them, "new meaningful productive lives", thought it's doubtful many of them felt the same way about those new lives. But since none of them can talk anymore there's no way ask them.

*She achieved these modern scientific "miracles" through the use of a truly amazing transmogrification virus initially discovered by her former partner, who was now a very happy lizard with numerous mates. Unfortunately he had not shared her vision, so had become the first human-to-animal transformation "volunteer". She kept Sam in her office in a large terrarium with his mates and enjoyed watching them copulate as she kept them, along with the other transforme's, in perpetual rut to speed up "production" of offspring. Sam seemed to have adjusted to his new life quite well, and no longer seemed to bear her any animosity. The virus was amazingly simple; once it was imprinted with the DNA of a donor animal it would transform any "infected" host into an exact duplicate of the donor. It could also be modified to produce partial transformations, heal certain diseases and genetic defects, and perform other medical "miracles". It didn't matter if the host was the opposite sex, a woman infected with the virus imprinted with the DNA of a male would also become male. The change took a fair amount of time, but was speeded up with "booster" shots. The duration largely depended on the species the "volunteer" was becoming. Mammal to mammal could take as little as two weeks, from mammal to reptile longer, from mammal to say, insect or mollusk, much longer. *

Felicity had quickly realized the potential of the virus was endless, and was constantly experimenting with new applications with the help of an almost sentient mainframe computer and assistants totally dedicated to her cause. Without the computer it would have been impossible as the virus had to be custom "designed" for each transformation based on many different factors. A virus that would work on one person would only make another person sick, or even kill them. Fortunately the virus; being 100% artificial, was not contagious or viable outside the hosts body, and when the transformation had run its course the virus died and left no identifiable traces. Once someone had been transformed there was no way to tell they had ever been human. To her surprise she had some real volunteers who actually wanted to become animals, but she talked them out of it as she needed their help to run the facility, but as a "consolation prize" she gave them partial transformations. These were usually limited to a tail and some fur, and often the donor animals genitals, which made for some very interesting sex as most of her assistants were also her "lovers". She promised to transform them all of the way at later dates into the animals of their choice. In addition to adapting the virus to perform these partial transformations she found other uses as well, she was finding out new and interesting uses on a regular basis. For one she developed a change inhibitor that would temporarily halt the transformation of "volunteers" infected with a full change strain of virus. She kept some at various stages of change as her sexual partners until she tired of them and then stopped giving them the inhibitor to allow the transformation to proceed. If she wasn't sure of the loyalty of an assistant; or felt they might be wavering in their dedication, she gave them the full change virus, and then ensured their loyalty by giving them regular injections of the inhibitor. If she withheld the inhibitor they would rapidly start to change again. She would find out what kind of species they hated, feared, or were the most revolted by before injecting them. Since the virus forms she injected them with were usually fairly undesirable ones, such as rats, snakes, insects, etc, it worked amazingly well. To make it impossible for them to make the inhibitor on their own she based it on her own blood, so there was no way it could be synthesized or replicated, and if anything happened to her they were out of luck. This helped to insure they made sure nothing happened to her, or her project. They carried constant reminders of their reason for remaining loyal, rat tails, scales, chitin covered backs, etc. It was a hell of an incentive to stay loyal in order to keep from becoming a giant cockroach or slug.

*Other uses included cures for genetic defects and other disorders, the virus simply rewrote the inflicted persons DNA and removed the damaged or undesirable genes. Felicity very carefully patented these "cures" and only let them be used on cases she approved herself. Mostly they were approved for use by children's hospitals, cancer treatment centers, and similar applications. For all her faults Felicity was not a truly cruel or greedy individual; to her money was only a means to accomplish her goals, her treatments cured thousands of terminally ill or severely retarded or crippled individuals, with no one turned away due to social or monetary status. The major stipulations of these treatments were that they were free, and their source would not be revealed. Felicity did not want the attention these miraculous cures would bring, and in fact would have been embarrassed. She kept a large stable of crack lawyers and legal teams to block any inquiries, they would deny and involvement vehemently. Plus any hospital or center leaking any information would be cut off, period. She covered her tracks well, there was no way the "miracle" cures could be traced back to her. *

*As word of their "miraculous" work in saving endangered species spread donations poured in, and she was able to greatly expand the facility and its capabilities. The original Transformation Laboratory, or "Translab", where the "volunteers" underwent their transformations was renovated, expanded, and greatly improved, and could now accommodate up to sixty "volunteers" undergoing transformations at any one time in a large variety of environmentally controlled habitats. For security reasons it was camouflaged as a grounds maintenance building; much of it being underground, and many of her "special" assistants were listed on the payroll as "grounds maintenance and custodial" workers. Fact was most were brilliant, many fellow scientists she had rescued from lame menial jobs where their talents were wasted. Others were students who showed promise, or ardent conservationists who shared her dream of repopulating the earth with endangered species, true zealots and as such very useful. Since their near religious zeal coincided with her own plans they made a good team. She also had a few brilliant research scientists whose work had been ridiculed by the mainstream elite; as had her own, and under her employment they were allowed to pursue their own interests no matter how "bizarre" they might seem. It was starting to pay off as one had developed a feasible anti-gravity system, and another had a working model of an engine that really did run on water. All the facilities lawnmowers had been fitted with prototype engines, and you just used the water hose to refuel them. They were quiet, efficient, produced no pollutants, and never wore out. He had one for automobiles in the works. *

Once a "volunteer" had been processed and completed their transformation they were taken to the regular breeding facilities and put to work. The males probably enjoyed it more than the females. Once they had changed there was no more need for secrecy as far as the new animals were concerned, and they were kept in plain view as those parts of the facility were open to public tours by appointment. After all there was no way they could tell anyone what had happened to them, and many had suffered mental degradation to various degrees depending on several factors. They even had complete life "histories" fabricated to go with each "volunteer". There were NO records of any kind kept concerning the "volunteers' when they were still human, nothing to show they had ever existed or been at the facility. It was surprisingly easy, and the supply of "volunteers" was no problem thanks to her "collection teams". Some of her assistants would find perfect candidates from the large "underworld" population of Miami or other large cities, and others were snatched by a small group of very professional, very good, mercenaries that Felicity employed on "retainers" as "security consultants". They were the kind of men who asked no questions as long as the pay was good, and it was very good. They were used mainly to obtain "volunteers" who would undergo what Felicity thought of as 'punitive' transformations as punishment for "crimes against nature and the human race". In those cases the defendants were often rich and/or powerful people, so they had to be taken with no chance of being traced. It was not done often, and was always executed very carefully. Her mercenaries were the best, and so far none of those she judged "guilty" were ever seen or heard from again, but they were all alive and well serving out their life "sentences". Their cages were kept nice and clean and they were well cared for and they had very active sex lives.

Two recent arrivals who had been tried and found guilty of extreme cruelty to animals by Felicity and a "jury" of her assistants were the president and a CEO of a certain beauty products company. They had gotten in trouble before for their companies research practices, but had always had the money and influence to get off the hook. However that money and power would be useless in this case, Felicity could not be bribed or bought. They had both been kidnapped from a golf course as they played their regular routine Sunday morning round. The police were "baffled" by the "mysterious" circumstances of the disappearances of two such "upstanding" members of the business community who had "no known enemies". The disappearances of a few top level scientists from their company's research lab attracted less attention.

Their company had performed cruel; and in Felicities' eyes, totally unnecessary experiments on various animals, the majority being lab rats. So Felicity had decided that the punishment of the two men should be appropriate to their crime. So they would become lab rats, one male, and one female, a breeding pair. Felicity checked her schedule and saw that it was time to have the two new rodents brought to her for a very special occasion. While Felicity was not particularity vindictive she did have a nasty streak of drama and showmanship. The two men, now male and female rats, had just finished the last stage of their transformations. The first two weeks had been the physical change from Homo Sapiens to Rattus Norvegicus, then had come the "size adjustment" stage in which the two new rats had spent most of their time voiding huge quantities of a thick clear mucus as they shed body mass to assume their correct size. They could have been left as giant rats, but it would have served no purpose and would definitely have attracted unwanted attention if they were seen, or got loose. The mucus was collected and mixed into feed as it was almost pure protein and vitamins. Right on time Felicity heard a knock on the door, and when she yelled "come" an assistant, the one who partly a rabbit now, entered carrying two small cages, each one containing a very excited and frantic rat. Felicity told the assistant,

"I want to be left alone with our two little friends for awhile, make sure I'm not disturbed."

The attendant replied "Yes, Miss Kendall", and left shutting the door behind her.

Felicity looked at the two rats and thought about how much she was going to enjoy this. She had seen secretly recorded films of what happened to lab rats in the former human's so-called research facility. Certain kinds of research she could condone and understand the necessity for; even if she didn't like it, but not what was done to hundreds of rats a year in this case. "They were just rats" was the argument, and most people didn't care one way or another, but in this case the rats had a champion who DID care. She took a larger cage out of a closet in her room and put it on her desk. Then she grabbed the female rat who had once been a very rich and powerful man named Doug. The little animal kicked and squeaked frantically, still unable to believe what had happened to him/her. Very carefully, and gently, she injected a dose of a powerful combination fertility and aphrodisiac drug into the squealing rats neck, then put it in the larger cage. The drug would induce full estrus and extreme lust within minutes, it was the same one used on the other "volunteers", tailored to their physiologies of course. Next she gave the same injection to the male rat, formerly a rich powerful man named Roger. Then she put him in the cage with the female rat and settled down to watch the fun, resting her head on her folded arms so her head was level with the cage.

*For a couple of minutes nothing happened, the two rats stayed as far away from her; and each other, as they could as they clawed at the bars of the cage trying to escape. Then the male suddenly paused, and reared up sniffing the air, his nose and whiskers quivering. He seemed confused, but when he spied the female he stared at her fixedly and Felicity could see his penis slide from its sheath as the drug kicked in and he became more and more aroused, the scent of the female rat's heat adding to his confused lust. The female also scented the male, and seeing his obvious arousal and intentions, tried to escape at first, him/her still thinking of herself as a human male, but also confused by the strange new feelings and needs. But the female rat wasn't able to resist the male for very long; or her own growing lust and need to mate. Felicity watched with a smile as the male mounted the female with a squeal of lust, and started humping her energetically. Felicity knew the show would go on for some time as she had also laced the injections with an orgasm inhibitor. No matter how hard they tried to climax the two rats wouldn't be able to reach release for quite some time. The female was squealing now too, and from the sounds they were at least enjoying themselves. She smiled an even bigger smile as she watched the males hindquarters thrusting as he humped the female. The female was squealing softly, the male's eyes half shut and his mouth open as he gasped and thrust, desperately trying to reach orgasm. She watched for about fifteen minutes, if the rats were aware they had an audience they made no indication of it, their attention was riveted on one another. Time for a little fun, thought Felicity, she tapped on the bars of the cage, and in a voice that would be quite loud to the rats, said, *

"Yoo hoo, Doug, Roger, over here!" They were so lost in their lust and pleasure they didn't respond at first, so she banged on the cage and repeated herself in a louder voice. Both rats, their mouths open and gasping, eyes glazed from lust, turned their heads to look at her, and the male didn't miss a stroke.

*"Hi Doug, Hi Roger, having fun?" She asked. The male, Roger, suddenly seemed to understand what she had said, and looked down in, what?, horror as his "mate". "That's right Roger, you're fucking your old golfing buddy Doug, he makes one sexy female rat, doesn't he, I mean she? Is she a good fuck?" *

Now Doug, the female rat, seemed to understand what was going on, and squealing briefly struggled, but then surrendered again to the incredible pleasure the male rat was giving her. They couldn't stop now; they were totally committed to the act of coupling, too far gone in their lust and need. The male turned his attention back to his 'mate' to concentrate on what he was doing, his thrusts speeding up as he finally began to near his orgasm. Time for the last fun bit, Felicity thought. She banged the cage again, and said,

*"Oh boys, I mean girl and boy, one last thing!" The two breathless rats turned their heads to look at her again, their eyes half closed, mouths opened as they squealed in pleasure as they rapidly neared orgasm. "The process used to transform you is amazing, isn't it? Did you know it's reversible? I could change you back into your human forms." *

Both rat's eyes flew open and she could sense their sudden hope. Felicity, she thought, you can be so mean sometimes. She watched as the male rat suddenly shuddered and began to speed up his thrusts even more, and said,

"Well, that is until you're successfully mated and had an orgasm, you see the release of sexual pheromones and other bodily changes brought on by sexual pleasure and climax cements the change and makes it permanent."

Both rats eyes flew wide open as they squealed in ecstasy as their long overdue orgasms racked their straining bodies, but they were squeals of horror as well as they heard, and understood, what their captor had said. The male dismounted and looked at the cum still dribbling from the tip of his penis, then looked at Felicity in horrified disbelief. The female ran to a corner and huddled with her head down.

"Well, don't be too upset, Felicity said. You'll be well taken care of, and you'll get to fuck as much as you want as we'll use you to breed lab rats for or own research. And Roger, you're lucky, you'll be mating with lots of eager ladies every day while Doug is pregnant, or nursing her young, until she's ready to breed again. You'll also live a good long while, your life span will be the same as your human ones would have been, didn't want to cheat you out of that."

Felicity punched a button on the intercom, and when the rabbit attendant opened the door; her name was Tina, she said,

"Tina dear, take these two rats to the lab and put them to work, but they're to be used only for breeding, not experiments, the female too. Put all the females ready to breed in with the male, and rotate the female with different males until she's pregnant."

"Yes Ma'am" the girl said, and carried the frantically squealing rats away.

*Well, that felt good, Felicity thought. We'll get a good twenty or thirty years of breeding out of those two lowlifes. They'll make better rats then they did people. Shame they'll probably forget who they used to be in a few months to a year. One problem that had been encountered; but it really wasn't that much of a problem as far as Felicity was concerned; at least in most cases, was the retention of human intelligence and awareness in transforme's. It was mainly affected by species and size. A man who became a horse would most likely retain almost all of his self awareness and intelligence, and so it was for all larger mammals. In larger reptiles it varied, lizards retaining more than snakes, but the smaller the size, the more the loss over time, even in mammals. The smaller more simple brains just couldn't retain all the memories and intelligence of a human sized brain and nervous system. But even in small sized mammals and reptiles, avian, and some other forms there was always some awareness remaining; some memory of having once been something else, but in insects and other more primitive or different forms the loss was almost total as the nervous systems and "brains" were just too alien. It was one thing to become a tiger, but a totally different thing to become a mollusk. But that was probably a blessing an otherwise insanity would surely have developed in response to a human mind being trapped in such totally different forms. But those types of transformations were rare, and reserved for "criminals". Doug and Roger had actually been pretty lucky; they could have ended up as slugs or bugs as their punishment. The three so-called scientists from the Cosmetic Company's research lab where well on their way to becoming 'Limax Maximus', or Leopard Slugs. Later she'd go watch the huge slugs slithering around in their slime and mucus as they underwent "size adjustment". They would be kept in a special terrarium along with others who had undergone 'punitive' transformations, mostly into other primitive life forms. She hoped they'd retain enough human memory to understand what had happened to them, and why. She always made sure to let them know what was happening to them, and the reason. *

Felicity now turned her attention back to her computer as she worked out arrangements to have three female Antiguan Racers, or 'Alsophis antiguae', the world's rarest snake, delivered for breeding. She had a male "volunteer" that would be ready for the ladies by the time they arrived. It had taken some finely tuned negotiating with the Antiguan Government to get them to agree to "loan" her the three snakes for an "indefinite" period based on regular "donations", IE bribes, to certain officials. Hmmm, Felicity thought, I wonder how those greedy bastards would like being snakes? She'd have her "acquisitions" team look into it for her. There was a knock on the door, and she said "come", and then looked up as Bruce walked in with a big smile on his face waving a folder. Felicity smiled too, she knew what that smile meant.

"Come in Bruce, good to see you. Lock the door and make yourself more comfortable. Is that what I think it is?"

*Bruce was one of her oldest, and most dedicated, assistants. He was also not quite human anymore as he was one of the real volunteers for partial transformation. He was part black panther. With a happy sigh he slipped off his pants; no underwear, and draped them over a chair. Most of his waist and legs down to the knees, including his rear and groin, were covered in fine black fur liked crushed velvet, a long tail hanging down and slowly curling and uncurling behind him. His genitals were also feline, his penis out of sight in its sheath. He stretched and gave a moan; that was almost a purr, of pleasure. *

"Thanks Miss Kendall, those pants are a pain. And yes, the report just came in from our lab in Denver, I think you'll be very pleased!"

*"Bruce, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Felicity, we're old friends and colleagues. Good grief, you make me feel like some old school Marm." *

Bruce, and all the other partial transforme's, had to wear clothes everywhere they went, except in their own quarters or the Translab. They also had to agree to live at the facility in a special compound, and could only leave on rare occasions. That was one reason why the changes were limited to parts of their bodies that could easily be covered. Having them run around with muzzles full of fangs would be noticed. The human race was not yet ready for that, at least the majority. She knew the transforme's longed for the changes to be taken further, but they also knew the reason it wasn't possible yet. She had been thinking seriously thinking about having herself changed to some extent as well, but just couldn't decide on a form. Eventually she would give them the partial changes they wanted, or full transformations into animals. One wanted to be a type of endangered shark, now that would be interesting!

*Eagerly Felicity grabbed the folder from Bruce who; laughing, snatched it out of reach a couple of times, before handing it to her with a bow. She scanned the report and let out a loud "YES!", and pumped a fist. What had started out as nothing more than a "what if" conversation with some of the staff was soon to be reality now. During a weekly "jam session" in which her assistants and other staff were encouraged to come up with ideas, or suggestions; no matter how bizarre or whacko, a junior assistant had said. "Too bad we can't' go back in time to save species that have already become extinct." Another assistant, a kit fox transforme named Patricia had let out an excited bark like yelp, and said "But we DO have some of their DNA!!" There had been total silence for a few seconds, and then all Hell had broken loose. It was so very simple, why no one had thought of it beggared the imagination. There had been a mind block she guessed, if it was extinct it was "gone for good". But since the virus needed only the DNA of a donor to transform a host, what matter if the DNA came from a living, or a DEAD donor??? DNA was DNA, living or dead, the virus couldn't tell the difference. The new assistant, a bright young kid named Bernard; or Bernie as he preferred to be called, and Patricia both got big bonuses; as in several thousand dollars, in their next pay checks as Felicity rewarded good ideas, it helped to stimulate the old cerebral juices. The meeting had broken up on an intellectual high, every one excited and worked up. *

Calls and requests had gone out to every museum, university, medical college, and even private collectors, around the world asking about the availability of usable DNA from extinct species from any period in history. The results had been staggering. It was amazing how many species had gone extinct in just recorded history as mankind had mucked about around the world and screwed things up. The number of samples from pre-historical extinctions was also mind boggling. The main question was; which to choose to try out first? Jurassic Park eat your heart out! The list in Felicity's hand listed viable DNA samples from over 1000 extinct species dating back even farther than the Jurassic period!

Felicity grabbed Bruce and they danced around in glee, then they stopped and she gave him a long, very intimate, kiss, and he returned it eagerly. He tasted more like an animal then a man, and gave a deep rumble in his chest. As they broke their embrace Felicity said in a husky voice,

"You know Bruce; this calls for a little celebration." Then she smiled as his penis came sliding out of his sheath. "Here kitty, kitty, kitty" she said as she started undressing.

*Bent over her desk Facility gasped in pleasure as the panther anthro mounted her with a grunt and thrust his strangely shaped penis into her until he hilted, then started fucking her with deep rapid thrusts. His guttural grunts and not-quite snarls excited her as it was more animal then human sex. She arched herself to spread herself further for him, and he growled in appreciation as he slid a little deeper into her hot slick sex. It was quick, intense, and she had to keep from screaming as they both climaxed, her mate giving deep growling grunts of lust and pleasure. She wished they had time for another two, or three, couplings, but unfortunately they both needed to get back to work as there was a lot to be done before the weekend when so many places shut down. She got down in front of him and licked his cock and told him how it was 'too bad they didn't have more time', but he did growl softly with a big smile when she promised to make it up to him in the "playroom" over the weekend, and 'to bring some friends'. It would be quite a party, they'd also bring some of the trained animals, many former 'volunteers' who retained enough human awareness to enjoy mating with humans for mutual pleasure. *

*Now arrangements had to be made to acquire the DNA samples, and a new lab would be built that was totally dedicated to extracting useable samples from bones, teeth, and other remains. In some recently extinct species in which skins, preserved specimens, and non-fossilized bones were available it would be fairly easy. With fossils it was a different story. So Felicity made arrangements to have a state of the art lab built with all the latest equipment, and also hired some of the top experts in the field, including promising grad students and non-accredited self-taught experts, to staff it by offering lavish salaries and perks. Felicity put more store in performance then how many pieces of paper you had hanging on the wall. It would take approx. four months to get things up and running. The first transformations would be limited to insects and small animals, but hopefully soon they could be applied to "volunteers", either real volunteers or non-voluntary. *

As the facility had grown, and "production" levels began to peak they had started using regular animals in the place of "volunteers" in some cases, mainly as they now needed so many they didn't want to get careless by making too many people "disappear", so human "volunteers" were used mainly for large mammalian or reptilian forms. They still used "criminals" for less desirable forms though. And Felicity began experimenting in another area as well. It would be interesting to see if an animal could have its intelligence increased to the level of humans, or even be physically changed into more human anthro-forms, or maybe even completely into humans. It would be interesting to see how a cow would respond to becoming human. But since these were mainly "curiosity" experiments with no real applications they were kept to a minimum. But they did have possibilities. One experiment in particular became Felicities' personal "pet project".

She had been coming to work one day and had stumbled across a garter snake in the process of swallowing a Green Anole tail first. The little lizard had been desperately struggling for its life, and the snake, startled by Felicity's sudden appearance, had spit out the lizard in order to make a quicker escape. She'd almost kept on going, but the poor little lizard; stunned by its narrow avoidance of a truly horrible death, had touched her somehow, and feeling sorry for it she had carefully picked up the bright green little reptile and taken it to her office. She had put it in the palm of her hand and gently rubbed and stroked its little body until it had recovered, and it had run up her arm to her shoulder and stayed there all day. She set up a little terrarium for the Anole next to Sam's larger one, the blue iguana watching her as she set it up. When she worked she would let the little lizard run around on her shoulders and head, or explore her desk. Its antics and curiosity made her laugh, and the little creature seemed totally devoted to her and she came to love the little lizard. It loved to just sit on her shoulder, and would often spend the whole day there. The simple little pet came to mean a great deal to her as she had never had much time for pets, so when it began to get old she worried about it. She knew that was stupid and unprofessional, it was just a lizard, but she couldn't help herself. Despite the best care she knew it probably wouldn't live more then another year or two at the most. So she had decided to use it for a new kind of experiment, which if successful would lengthen its life span considerably, and also open up other interesting possibilities.

Transforming the Anole had been a challenge, and Felicity had made sure to be extremely careful as she didn't want to unintentionally harm the dear little creature. So far 're-sequencing' a mammal's DNA with reptilian had worked quite well, but to do the reverse was a new concept. But what made it even more difficult was she didn't want to do a full transformation from lizard to human, but only a partial. To do this required a very carefully tailored virus instead of the usual full-transformation strains. She wanted the Anole to stay a reptile, but to have human characteristics as well, but most importantly increased intelligence. She spent four months working on the project and running computer simulations. She initiated the process sooner then she desired because the little lizard was clearly dying of old age. She had sat holding it in her hand for over an hour; gently stroking its stomach like it loved, the little lizard sleeping happily, before she made her decision. To her great satisfaction the experiment was a complete success. He was now bipedal, weighed approx. 175lbs, and had other modifications that had proven to be rather....interesting. She kept him in his own custom designed terrarium that only she and a few assistants had access too. It had been a long day, but a good one, so she decided to spend an hour or two of "quality" time with her custom designed Pet. She knew he would be glad to see her as well.

Felicity let herself into the Translab using her passcard, password, and the security computer also ID'd her visually. The rusty beat up metal door was deceiving; it was really a full fledged security door that would have done a bank vault proud. In fact the whole building was built like a bunker. Once in she signed in at the reception desk, saying hello to Tad who was on duty. As usual the transforme was nude, all the partials went nude in the Translab building as there was no danger of them being seen as it had no windows and only one entrance; at least that were apparent, the emergency exit was well camouflaged and came out some distance from the compound. Only Felicity and a few chosen assistants knew about it and the hidden entrances in the various facility buildings. In an emergency they would be able to escape. Tad had chosen a stallion for his eventual animal form, and was rather well endowed. He was one of many of her part time lovers, so she told him about the "party" in the playroom later that weekend. All her assistants were invited of course; it would be quite the fun little orgy. She liked to "supervise" and tell the assistants what to do to one another, and the trained animals. Loads of fun for everyone. She told Tad,

"If anyone needs me I'll be visiting Specimen SP-1, but only disturb me if it's an emergency, as in a Police Raid or alien invasion or something."

Tad grinned, and just replied "Yes, Miss Kendall, have fun."

"Oh, I will." Felicity said.

*Tad got up and used his password to open the second security door, and Felicity changed into a white lab coat, tennis shoes, and nothing else in the airlock like antechamber. The Lab was of course kept as sterile as possible and had she handled any of viral agents she would have gone through detox on the way out, just to be safe. Maybe it was overkill, but accidently getting infected with a viral agent would be rather unpleasant. Even though they were custom tailored for each "volunteer" you just never knew. Viruses could be tricky little things, so extreme caution and sanitary measures were the norm. She walked down the row of cells looking through the shatter proof one way viewing windows at the occupants. Each cell contained one "volunteer" in various stages of transmogrification. Some were still mostly human, others in the last stages of change. This section contained the mammal to mammal tranforme's, she was heading for the reptilian section. A couple transforme's were evidently in distress, so she called Tad on the intercom to have him tell whomever had the cell duty to give them something to calm them down. At times the ongoing transformation could be painful, but more likely they were freaking out mentally. Some found it harder to accept what was happening to them than others. Amazingly a few seemed to actually enjoy it and were fascinated. She would sometimes give them detailed descriptions of what was happening, curious to see their reactions. *

She let herself through another airlock like door into the Reptilian and Amphibian section. She slowed to look in some of the cells; no matter how often she saw it the changes were still fascinating. The Antiguan Racer was coming along nicely, his lower limbs had fused into a well developed tail and the upper limbs were now vestigial. The rather plain mostly grey colored snake lifted it's still partially human head, forked tongue flicking out, and seemed to be trying to stand up, but flopped back down again, it's withered arms spasming uselessly. Felicity figured about another week and the physical change would be through, and the snake would enter the "size adjustment" stage as it shrank down to the correct size. By then the females would have arrived for breeding. Finally she stopped in front of a door with the label "Special Project Specimen SPS-1, Animalia, Chordata, Sauropsida, Squamata, Colubridae, Alsophis, antiguae, Binomial: Alsophis antiguae sapien", and another sign said "LIMITED ACCESS, AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY".

When they had been enlarging and improving the Lab Felicity had several oversize terrariums built to house special projects that would not; and could not, be allowed to be seen by the public. Her Pet was one of them. She looked in the observation window at the large reptile. He was lying on what appeared to be his favorite rock near the pool of water fed by a small waterfall, the overflow draining out through a filtered grate in the bottom of the pool. The terrarium was climate controlled, warm and humid, and the plants were real, rooted in the thick layer of rich soil covering the floor to a depth of several feet. He must had just been fed as he was eating raw chunks of meat out of a metal bowl he held in his hands, his tongue scooping up the chunks one at a time. As she watched he ate the last chunk, then set the bowl down, and after cleaning himself up flopped down on his stomach with a contented look on his snout.

The Anole was quite happy with its meal; the meat was fresh and bloody, delicious. He sucked on each chunk for a bit before swallowing so he could savor the taste. One of the strange animals he considered friends had brought it to him. He'd taken the overflowing bowl with a hiss of thanks and settled down to eat. He stared around his home, it was nice, but he did wish it was a little bigger. He pulled his tail around and cleaned the tip of some dirt as he groomed himself, licked his snout clean, and settled down to take a nap. He wasn't really sure exactly who, or what, he was. He stood upright like the animals that cared for him, but could go on all fours with ease if he wanted. So far as he knew he'd spent his whole life here, but did have confused memories of another time, but didn't understand them. There was a lot he didn't understand, such as why he was so different from the other animals. He did know he was lonely a lot. He rested his head on his folded arms and gave a contented; but sad, sigh. He missed his mate.

Felicity keyed the entrypad on the door to the terrarium, and entering it closed and sealed the door behind her. The large reptile had instantly noticed her entry, and sat up with his dewlap inflated in greeting, he was obviously very glad to see her, and gave a long slow hiss. As she approached him he jumped down off his rock; and standing upright, came to meet her. She looked at him as he approached, the sight never growing old. He was one of her best successes. His head came up to about her shoulder as he walked with his neck a little bent over, but he could raise it to the level of her head if he straightened up. He looked pretty much like an upright Anole, but his hips and hind legs were designed for a bipedal stance, being larger and stronger. His feet and toes had been modified as well. His upper limbs and paws were pretty much the same with the exception of opposable thumbs. His rough hide was a brilliant green with some blue tints mixed in, especially around his eyes, fading to white on his underside. His toes and fingers looked delicate and were pink tinted, but she knew they were very strong and the large claws could be deadly, and the tip of his long tail brushed the ground as he walked. His head had a larger brain case for his more evolved mind and it was here that the human DNA was most evidence as he had the equivalent intellect of a human. In other words he was smart, very smart. Had he vocal cords capable of it he would have been able to talk. Felicity had hoped to work those into the modifications, but time had prevented it, so his sounds were limited to those of a reptile. He hissed and bobbed his head as he approached her, his purplish-red tinted dewlap inflated as he was also courting her for he saw her as his mate, and she encouraged that as he was most definitely a very special lover. As they met she took his paws and held them and rubbed her face against his snout, and he did the same. His musky scent was rather pleasant, his soft hisses of affection sweet to her ears. He truly loved her, and in her own way she loved him too. She kissed him on the tip of his snout, and said,

*"Hello my pretty, did you miss me? I'm sorry I can't come more often, I do miss you my love. We have plenty of time today though." *

He raised his head when he heard the door his open, and inflated his dewlap in pleasure when he saw it was the female he mated with on a regular basis. Indeed he thought of her as his mate, though normally his kind merely mated with a female and then never saw her again, but of course he was not a normal Anole, not anymore. He displayed for her as he approached, her female scent exciting him. He knew she was different from him, and it had taken some time getting used to her as a mate, but now he loved nothing better than to couple with her. She was a demanding mate, and the pleasure he experienced when he serviced her was intense. She took his paws and he grasped hers and rubbed his snout against her strange flat face and hissed in affection, and he understood what she said perfectly, but wished he could answer her. He didn't really understand why he couldn't make those kinds of sounds too. Some of the animals had also been showing him how to make symbols that also conveyed information, and he was slowing learning to read and write; the concept fascinated him. But he knew the female wasn't here for that, he knew what she wanted, and he wanted it too, very much.

Felicity gave the large lizard another kiss, then took out a small injection kit and removed a syringe. It contained an orgasm inhibitor as otherwise he'd reach release much too quickly for her purposes as she enjoyed nice long couplings. She gently injected him in his neck, and though he closed his eyes at the sting he didn't complain as he was used to it. Then while it took effect she moved over to the wall and hung up her lab coat on a hook, and nude turned to face her strange and wonderful lover. She was quite a beautiful woman, what you would call statuesque and "stacked". She kept herself in good shape; everything was firm, by regular work outs and lots of sex, often combining the two. She wasn't really a nympho, she just loved the pleasure a male could give her. She knew she had issues, but that didn't' bother her as she had so much fun indulging her "perversions". It would have shocked most of her "colleagues" as she came across in public life as being rather frigid. But that was far from the case once she was interested in a male as a sexual partner, then it was screw the dating routine lets fuck, and she was seldom turned down. That didn't mean she was picky, she was, very much so. Her lovers had to be healthy, smart, and as depraved as she was, or could be taught to be. They also had to be intelligent; she hated the muscle bound jock types. She loved nothing better than to break in a new lover and remove all their inhibitions.

She turned back to the Anole and they "kissed" again, and he gently cupped and fondled her breasts and the feel of the smooth pads of his paws against her nipples and breasts was lovely, and he was careful with his claws but when one did occasionally lightly scratch her that was a nice feeling as well. It amazed her how they could be so dry and smooth. She knew he did it because he knew she liked it; she had trained him, as otherwise he wouldn't have paid much attention to her tits as they were not a reptile 'turn on'. She dropped down into a squat and he held her head in his paws, shuddering while she stroked his vent and helped to increase his growing lust while coaxing his twin hemipenes out. As they began to emerge she gently licked and sucked the two rapidly growing organs. Another modification was that his penises; both of them, now resembled a human males as much as a reptiles, more pointed then a humans, but not hooked or barbed like most reptiles, but his testicles were still internal. She had also repositioned them so one penis was above the other instead of side by side; this allowed him to mount her with both at the same time, which was most enjoyable. Each was about ten inches long and quite thick, and she loved to lick and suck them, his pre sweet and thick, and from his shudders and loud hisses of pleasure he enjoyed it as much as she did, if not more. Unable to wait any longer she turned around and dropped to all fours and he mounted her right way, his weight settling on her back as he penetrated her vaginally and anally, the double penetration felt incredible. He shifted for the best position, hooked a leg over one of hers to pin her, and began to hump her energetically, his paws gripping her shoulders and his head tilted to bite her gently on the neck, his eyes closed as he hissed his lust. She moaned and gasped as he serviced her, both his large penises sliding deep into her with every thrust, she could feel them rubbing against one another through the thin skin separating them, and oh God it felt so incredibly good. She adjusted her stance a little to spread herself more, gasping as he pushed al little deeper into her, moaning as her strange and wonderful lover fucked her.

*He hissed in pleasure as the female rubbed his soft belly, then licked and caressed his twin sexes as they emerged from his vent, her lips and tongue marvelously warm and wet. He enjoyed what the female was doing, but it was not really necessary. He would mate with her whether she stimulated him like that or not, but still, it was very nice. He hissed softly as she sucked the tips of his penises and squeezed and stroked the shafts, ohhh, it was wonderful. When she turned and presented herself he did not hesitate to mount her, grunting and hissing in pleasure as he penetrated her in both openings as he had been trained to do. Sometimes she had him service her with one penis, then the other, but most of the time she preferred this way. He had to admit servicing her with both his penises at the same time was quite pleasurable and the double orgasms almost unbearable in the ecstasy they gave. The pleasure was so intense he closed his eyes as he bit the back of her neck, hissing softly as he thrust into her with rapid steady strokes, her warm smooth tan flesh felt good as it rubbed against his belly. Though he was not human, and unlike most of her "volunteers" never had been, his intelligence was much more than that of the simple lizard he had once been, and in his own way he loved her very much. Not only for the pleasure he gave her, but also for the way she cared for him. He didn't remember much from "before", but he did remember one thing, she had always been there, even before she became his mate. His oldest memories were of her scent and warm body, her love for him. He kept servicing her as his thrusts slowly speeded up, his need for release reaching a level of almost unbelievable pleasure, and finally even the drug was unable to prevent his reaching climax, and he gave a loud squealing hiss of pleasure as his twin penises strained and throbbed as they pumped his seed into her, and she gave a deep moaning gasp of pleasure of her own. *

Felicity gasped as the Anole's thrusts began frenzied, the lizard hissing in desperation as he serviced her as fast as he could, his hide thwacking her rump with a steady smacking sound. Finally he shuddered, giving a high pitched squeal of release, and Felicity gasped again and moaned as a deliciously powerful orgasm exploded in her own sex, radiating out to wash over her in waves of pleasure. He released her neck a minute later and dismounted, standing behind her with his mouth open, panting, a very pleased and contented look on his reptilian face. Then he crouched down next to her and gently licked the sweat off her face, and she turned her head to kiss his snout and let his tongue enter her mouth.

*Who would have ever thought a small lizard could be such a fantastic lover Felicity thought. She knew they were just getting started; the Anole had never failed to service her as many times as she wanted, and she could want quite a bit. She took the happy creatures paw/hand and led him to his favorite rock. She leaned with her back against it and spread her legs, and as the lizard lunged into her she wrapped her legs around its waist above its legs and leaned back and let it fuck her as long as it wanted. The lizard hissed in pleasure as she writhed and moaned at the feeling of the two large penises inside of her. When they both reached orgasm again sometime later they had to rest awhile before their next coupling. *

She lay down next to the lizard on the soft mulch covered floor and ran her fingertips over his soft white belly and rougher bright green sides and back, and he ran his own paws/hands over her own body, his tail stroking her legs. He is so very beautiful, she thought, so gentle. She much preferred fur, hide, or scales, over soft defenseless pink skin. She had always felt humans looked like they'd been shaved, or their fur had all fallen out. His penises were still extended, but had gone semi-rigid, but she soon stroked and sucked them back to full hardness. Another modification had been a greatly increased sex drive, and in addition to greatly increased sexual capability he also had the desire for mating as often as possible, there was no 'season' for him anymore. Like a human he was ready to mate at any given time. She gently rolled the lizard over onto his back, and then straddling him lowered herself onto him as he hissed in pleasure, his head turned so he could watch her ride him. And she rode him a long time until bringing the increasingly desperate lizard; and herself, to very long and explosive orgasms that took minutes to fade. Then she kissed his snout as he licked her face, and with a gasp of pleasure let his penises slide from her body. She took a warm damp rag and cleaned him; and herself, and then gave him a final kiss before getting dressed and leaving the terrarium. They 'kissed' one last time before she left. One day, she thought, hearing his sad hiss, I'll be able to take you with me my love. One day.

** The End**

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Endangered Species, Chapter 3

**My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!** ** Endangered Species,...

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A Familiar for a Familiar, The Second Hand Suit

**My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!! This is a shorter series related to the "A Familiar for a Familiar"...

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The Seeker, Chapter 21

**My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This one may be a little extreme for some as Pet takes Lydia on a "tour" of some of the Levels of Hell and they see some pretty awful...

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