What It Takes to Be a Star!!

Story by Kooshmeister on SoFurry

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Boony invites two friendly females into the back room of a club he frequents and makes them an enticing offer.

Boony got out of his car and walked into the club. He was tall and lanky, with light gray fur and dark gray hair that fell luxuriously down over his forehead, just about hiding his right green eye from view; his other eye was reddish, for the lupine clubgoer had a condition known as heterochromia, eyes of different colors. It aided him well in his romantic life; chicks seemed to dig it, finding it exotic to sleep with a guy with eyes that were two different colors. For clothing he was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and loosefitting slacks. The waistband of the pants hung a little low, letting it be seen, thanks to the shirt riding up a bit, that his underwear was a particularly enticing-looking thong.

As he sauntered up to the entrance, he observed the usual crowd of hopefuls trying to get in. He wondered why they came. It was a simple fact of life that if you weren't on the list, or if you didn't know anyone who worked there, you didn't get into what was one of the most exclusive clubs in town. Didn't these people have anything better to do? With a few perfunctory "Excuse me"s and "Pardon"s, Boony worked his way through the crowd towards the roped-off front door. As he did so, he observed two of the more attractive-looking hopefuls, a female fox and her companion, a red female dragon, both wearing extraordinarily skimpy clubbing outfits. The wolf's tongue did a circuit of his chops. Oh, my, he thought, those two look like they'd be loads of fun. He'd originally just come to dance and drink, but something about these two had caught his eye.

The bouncer, a huge rhino in a see-through mesh shirt, nodded to him and unclipped the rope, admitting him. The tall gray wolf was a well-known customer at this particular establishment. He wasn't on the guest list that was attached to the clipboard in the bouncer's hands, but the owner was a good friend of his. As he passed the bouncer, he laid a hand on the rhino's arm. "Those two," he said quietly enough that only the rhino could hear, indicating with a jerk of his head to the fox and the dragon behind him, "let them in for me, okay?"

"Sure thing, Boony," the big bouncer said, and Boony headed inside, hands stuffed into his pants pockets, grinning like that cat who'd eaten the canary... or perhaps the wolf who'd soon be eating the fox and the dragon!

Entering the club proper, Boony's senses were immediately assaulted by flashing colored lights and pounding, thumping music of the generic "oontz oontz" variety, the kind that seemed to lack a beginning or an end and was easy to dance to. It was packed. Most of the customers were on the strobelit dancefloor, swaying and bobbing to the oontz-oontz of the beat in avarious states of undress. The wolf was sure he spotted at least a few individuals who were completely buckass naked. Ah, he did so love these places. But as fun as the dancefloor looked, his destination was the bar, a high counter ringed in neon with an enormous mirror behind it, allowing Boony to see the entire club interior behind him as he eased onto a stool.

"The usual?" asked the perky bartender, a petite goth mouse girl with a nose ring.

"Sure thing, Sue," said Boony with a smile, winking.

Sue was the regular bartender and he liked her a lot. A shortish mouse around college age, she was wearing a fishnet top that left her perky little breasts practically on display and a pair of daisy dukes so high and tight he hesitated to call them shorts. Her form was also accentuated with a variety of chains and spiked bands, and her hair was dyed an unnatural shade of black, streaked with bright blues and pinks, and spiked up with a truly titanic amount of hairspray and other styling products. Nodding, she went and got Boony his drink. As he waited, the wolf looked in the mirror and saw the reflection of the girls from outside coming in. Pausing just inside the front entrance, they looked around as if in awe of what they beheld. It was obvious to Boony the two were virgins to this kind of scene.

Sue returned with his drink soon enough, sliding it down the bartop to him. Nodding his thanks, he sipped gingerly at the rim of the glass as he watched the fox and dragon spot him and start through the legion of swaying, undulating forms towards the bar. Towards him. He smirked.

"Hi!" said the fox as she and her friend got to the bar and occupied two stools opposite Boony.

"Oh," said Boony, pretending to be surprised, "hi."

"The guy outside said we have you to thank for us getting in," said the dragon.

Boony's smirk deepened. "Yep," he said. "I noticed you two the minute I came up." That wasn't a lie. "I know raw talent when I see it." That was a lie. At least insofar as it opened up the door to his impending sales pitch to persuade these two to come with him into one of the club's back rooms.

"Talent?" asked the dragon, tilting her head.

"Yeah," said Boony, taking another sip of his drink, "I'm kind of a talent scout of sorts for some movie studios. You girls seem like you fit the bill." He flashed a big-toothed my-what-big-teeth-you-have grin, adding, "Would you girls like an, um, private audition?"

"Would we?!" cried the fox, bouncing excitedly, causing her tits to move up and down hypnotically. Boony felt his loins beginning to stir slightly.

"I dunno..." said the dragon uncertainly.

"Oh, come on, Ka'Din," said her companion, the fox, beaming, "even if this guy is bullshitting us, it'll make for a fun story later."

"That's the spirit!" said Boony, and he upended his glass, chugging the remainder of his drink, and slammed the vessel back down onto the bar. Gesturing for the two females to follow, he got off of his stool and led the way through the throngs of dancing customers towards the back of the establishment. The followed, the fox a little more eagerly than the dragon, who seemed uncertain about the whole thing. The three went through a door marked "Private" into a hallway lined with closed doors. It was dimly-lit and reminded Boony of the dressing rooms at some high end boutique. Most of the doors had little do-not-disturb signs hanging from the doorknob featuring a coy, scantily-clad female cat winking and putting a finger to her lips. Behind these doors, Boony and his newfound companions could hear the unmistakable sounds of unbridled passion, and their sensitive noses could also detect the whiff of sexual odors. The very last door didn't have a sign on its knob, and Boony smiled. Ah, a vacancy! He jiggled the knob, just to be sure; sometimes people got so wrapped up in their amorous adventures they forgot to hang the sign out. It was unlocked. Gesturing for the females to wait a moment, he gently eased the door open and peered inside; sometimes they forgot to lock the door, too. But, to his delight, the room was unoccupied.

"Okay, ladies, here we go," he said, and opened the door fully, gesturing for them to enter.

They went in. The room was neat and well-kept. There was a large bed that looked like it could hold up to ten people, a simple wooden chair, and a video camera mounted on a tripod, currently aimed at the bed. On the floor there was a box of blank VHS tapes. All of the rooms came equipped with these. It allowed customers to make their own little "home movies" if they wanted. Entering after the girls, Bonny hung the do-not-disturb sign on the doorknob, then shut and locked the door with a "click." Ah, at last, they were alone. He could feel how eager his maleness was, already beginning to grow and tent his pants. He groped himself and moaned.

"So, uh, what're your names?" he asked conversationaly. He looked at the dragon. "Ka'Din, right?"

"Yeah," she said, "and this is Vera." She was still a little nervous.

"Well," said Boony, "what say we get started...?"

Kneeling down, Boony got a blank tape from the box and inserted it into the camera, then pivoted it around to face the chair and not the bed. What he was going to make the two females do was explicitly sexual, but he figured they'd be more at ease, less inclined to refuse, if the bed wasn't involved. It was all psychological; when asking for sexual favors in return for something, which the wolf did frequently, mischievous scamp that he was, he'd discovered that people tended to back out if they suspected actual fucking was going to be involved. But by having everything take place with him sitting in the chair instead, he was ensuring that they'd see what was about to transpire less as sex and more like a transaction of sorts.

Realizing that up until now, he hadn't actually told either of the girls exactly what they were doing back here, the wolf decided he ought to explain things to them. It was a gamble, but one he was reasonably sure would pay off. Peering through the camera's eyepiece to ensure he had a good shot lined up, he said, "Now, girls, I'm not gonna lie... this little uh, audition, I guess you could call it, is going to be for an adult movie." He took his eye from the camera and look at Vera and Ka'Din. The fox beamed, excited, already starting to finger the buttons on her thin shirt. The dragon, however, seemed as skeptical as ever. "So if you guys aren't up to being seen naked and performing a few naughty acts for the camera, then I suggest you leave," he added as politely as he could.

"Oh, wow," said Vera, "this sounds so cool!"

"I dunno," said Ka'Din, "it seems a little fishy..."

"Oh, come on," her friend pooh-poohed, giving her a playful little shove, "you've been acting like a party pooper ever since we met this guy!" She laid a hand across her breasts, affecting an air of arrogance and entitlement. "I don't care what I have to do to get started in films. This is a big opportunity for me. For both of us. I won't let you ruin it."

"How do we even know he's telling the truth?" asked Ka'Din.

Grumbling, Boony was beginning to wish he'd had the foresight to leave Ka'Din out of this. Vera was right, she was a party pooper, and she was threatening to ruin everything. But fortunately peer pressure was going to come to the rescue.

"Oh, come on, what are you?" asked Vera. "Chicken?" She smirked.

Ka'Din sighed. "Fiiiiine!"

"Then it's settled!" said Boony with a grin. "Both of you, strip naked, and do exactly what I tell you, okay?"

There were some mumbles in responses and the two females hurriedly undressed. It didn't take long. Neither of them was wearing much anyway. Soon, they both stood nude before the wolf, who smiled and followed suit with his pants, unzipping them and pushing them down and off of himself along with his underwear, allowing his cock to spring forth. The lupine penis was larger than average, and, much to its owner's satisfaction, was getting larger by the moment. It swelled and grew before the wide eyes of the two females, becoming several feet long, with his balls likewise engorging, swelling outwards until they were the size of beanbag chairs. The thick, pulsing meat of his cock bobbed and swayed in the warm air of the room, leaking precum from the tip, a thin bead winking out and dribbling slowly down off of the head.

"Wow," said Vera.

Even Ka'Din was amazed. "Is that thing for real...?"

"It is indeed!" said Boony, giving the pulsing shaft a pat. He went to the chair and eased himself into it, spreading his thighs to make himself more comfortable. Time for the fun to begin. He beckoned with a finger, grinning. "Vera, dear... why don't you come and show me just how much you want to be a star?"

The fox approached the seated wolf, smirking confidently. Boony looked forward to wiping that smug look off of her face in just a minute. Her companion hung back a bit, still uncertain. "Well, ladies," Booony asked, more for the benefit of the camera than anything else, "have you ever seen a cock like this before?"

Vera took that as her cue. "It's so big!" she cried, a little too loudly and a little too dramatically. She was "acting," Boony realized. Cute. "I wonder how it tastes?" she said, and, with some effort, gripped the sides of the mammoth member's head and lifted it to her mouth. Her tongue slid out and licked along the tip of the head, earning a deep groan from its owner. Behind her, Ka'Din, her curiosity and budding arousal beginning to overpower her better judgment, inched forwards a bit to peer over the fox's shoulder.

Boony struck. Grunting and thrusting forwards, his urethra parting and engulfing Vera's startled face, he said, "But to get a really good taste, you have to go all the way to the source!"

Vera screamed, the sounds muffled by the thick flesh of the cock, as her entire head was slurped in, spreading the opening but minimally. She grabbed at the fleshy sides and tried to pull herself free, but it was no use; the suction from within the lupine member was too powerful, and soon, with a sudden lurch, her shoulders were drawn in. She released the cock as her arms became pinned to her sides, her heavy breasts swinging in the air as she struggled, pert nipples aimed down at the floor. Boony leaned his head back and loosed another long moan.

Ka'Din watched this happen in stunned silence for a moment before springing into action. She dashed forward and grabbed her friend's legs, squeezing her eyes shut and gritting her teeth, tugging. "Hey!" she cried. "Let her go!" She pulled and pulled, but Vera was steadily drawn inside nonetheless. Despite her demonstrable failure to even slightly help her friend, the dragon squeaked out a pathetic reassurance. "I'll get you out!"

But she didn't get her out. No matter how hard the dragon tugged, her fox friend slid deeper and deeper until with a greedy "glurp," Vera was completely sucked in, her wriggling toes and the precum-saturated tip of her tail sliding in last of all, the thick hills of Boony's cockhead sealing after them. He leaned his head back and groaned out as the nubile female form of the vulpine undulated down his shaft's interior towards what would soon be her final resting place, his balls. And she wasn't going to be alone for long, either. As Boony grunted and gasped, Ka'Din, who'd committed the fatal error of holding onto Vera until the very last, was unable to release her friend in time to pull away, and her arms were swallowed into the cock right after Vera's legs.

"Hey!" she cried, eyes wide, wild and terrified. "Let us go, you bastard!"

Leaning his head forward again, Boony simply smirked at her. "You're just a cock snack, now," he said. "Deal with it."

With a grunt from the wolf and schlurping and schlicking noises from his still-hungry cock, Ka'Din was sucked in deeper.

Ka'Din screamed piercingly and shook her head from side to side, tossing her long red hair this way and that, as if she were trying to deny what was happening to her, as if she could save herself by simply pretending this wasn't real. Cute, thought Boony. Everyone reacted to being swallowed differently, and this female dragon's response, indignation and denial, was making his cock all the harder, and that much more eager to completely consume her. With a schlick, the oozing urethra yawned and gulped its way up Ka'Din's arms, and Boony watched with intense interest as the female hunched her shoulders up alongside her head, as though they should protect her, the fire in her eyes vanishing completely now, replaced with raw panic, as the slit enveloped her upper half completely, tits popping in with a luscious, wet slurp.

Ah, yeah, thought Boony, this was a good meal. "God, I love how lizards slip in so smoothly." Her friend the fox had felt amazing, too, of course.

He moaned, panting, and flexed his cock so the shaft actually physically lifted the dragon up into the air, her tail lashing wildly, legs kicking, the ravenous member bobbing awkwardly, almost comically, up and down with swallowing motions, lurching the unfortunate female up and in, more and more of her vanishing down the insatiable black tunnel just as her friend had been. She was still fighting, struggling, and the wolf smirked as he could hear muffled curses coming from within the flesh Ka'Din was encased in. Boony's tongue did a slow circuit of his chops as he watched her going down further and further. Suddenly he heard Vera's voice from within his balls.

"Let us out, you fucker!" she screamed, muffled by his nuts.

Boony ignored her. The cock heaved and bucked, the wolf's tongue lolling as he panted, the dragon's legs and tail being thrown up into the air, the tip of her tail hitting the ceiling. With Ka'Din vertical now it was smooth sailing from here on in. Gravity became the dragon's executioner as her weakly twitching legs and limp tail slipped down and out of sight, with her flexing toes the last things to completely vanish. Boony stroked along his swollen member, feeling the lovely bulge Ka'Din made as her squirming form was moved slowly down and finally squeezed past the base of the monstrous member and deposited into his nuts with a muffled, slimy-sounding splash. His testicles began to churn and gurgle, signalling digestion, and the beginning of the end for the two girls. You should've been more careful, he though, continuing to stroke along his now finally sated cock. Cursing and screaming came from inside his balls, and Boony smirked, stroking and playing over his sensitive dick harder and faster.

"Next scene for y'all will be all over the wall!" he declared, chuckling.

More gurgling and churning followed. He kept panting, rubbing and stroking, his massive dick tensing and swelling, ready to pop. No, he thought, I've got to hold off. I don't wanna shoot them out only half-done. In his balls, the screams and protests slowly ebbed away into inarticulate groaning and gurgling until nothing but slimy squelches and glorps issued forth from those enormous orbs. Ahhh, he though, sighing, and squeezed both hands around his thick flesh as much as he could, jackhammering them up and down as he masturbated in carnal joy.

And then it hit him.

The rush.

It began as a weird little tingle tickling up his spinal column, and as his brain exploded with pure pleasure, a pleasant itch began at the base of his balls and expanded rapidly into a full-blown orgasmic burst of delight, and his cock shuddered wildly, breaking free of even his grip like a bucking bronco, the chair he was sitting in creaking, threatening to collapse under the increased strain, and, as the wolf tilted his head back and howled up at the ceiling, the tip of that dick opened and promptly gushed forth a whitish liquid mass that had the appearance and consistency of slightly runny yogurt, but was anything but. No, it was wolf cum. The finest. Leaning his head back up, Boony watched through slitted eyes, licking his lips, as his pulsing and wildly bucking dick firehosed wave after wave of his jizz, splattering it all over the ceiling. It began raining down in slimy rivulets and drops to cover everything in the room.

When it was finally over, the wolf was left sitting in the chair, which had amazingly not broken underneath him, dripping in his own seed, a look of extreme satisfaction on his cute mug. He licked his lips again. Ah, thanks, you two, he thought. Eyeing the video camera, he smirked and jerked his hips to one side, and the slowly softening dick swung 'round and hit it, knocking it against the wall and breaking it, shutting it off. Oh, what a mess he'd made. This was definitely getting him charged extra for using the room, he thought. But, oh, was it ever worth it!

The End.

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