Wurry Burry

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Jackie Lope gets a special performance from his favorite star.

Alvin Seville and his brothers finished performing, and then walked off the stage to the deafening cheers of their fans. Backstage, Alvin went into his dressing room and changed into a leather jacket with a sleeveless undershirt on, low, hip-hugging jeans and a child-sized thong on underneath, and fance, high-end sneakers that he'd obtained through an endorsement deal. The only part of his regular outfit he kept was, of course, his red baseball cap. Most fans didn't know that he and his brothers didn't wear those ridiculous floor-length pajamas outside of concerts. Alvin always thought they looked kinda silly.

As he knelt down and finished lacing the sneakers up, Simon entered. He had changed out of his long blue costume as well, but was dressed a little more conservatively than Alvin; a button up shirt and khaki shorts. He took note of his brother's clothing and frowned in disapproval. He had a hunch Alvin was up to no good as usual.

"Hi, Alvin," he said. "Aren't you coming to the after party?"

"Please, Simon," groaned Alvin, annoyed, standing up, "we do those things all the time. I've got other plans."

He went to a dresser and took out a pack of menthol Virigina Slims, which Dave, of course, didn't know he had. Their adoptive human father, despite his neverending distrust of Alvin, had never bothered to search their rooms for things of that nature. Alvin smirked, turning the pack over in his hands, grateful Dave was so naive. He checked his digital wristwatch. Almost time, he realized.

"What sort of plans?" asked Simon, narrowing his eyes behind the blue lenses of his glasses, suspicion dripping from his voice.

"I'm going to a real party!" said his brother, and, paying him no more mind, he headed out through the theater's rear entrance to a waiting convertible. Party time.

In the driver's seat was Jackie Lope. Or at least this was what he'd introduced himself as the first time they'd met. Alvin was certain it was an alias. He was a very tall, very broad-bodied, muscular jackalope who tended to go shirtless. Not so tonight. The antlered lepine was wearing a billowy white dress shirt unbuttoned all the way down to his navel, showing off his impressive chest and a good portion of his trim tummy. Loosefitting slacks covered his legs, and his enormous feet were completely bare.

"Hi," said Jackie, leaning over across the passenger's seat to open the door for Alvin from the inside. "Goin' my way, shorty?"

Alvin responded by opening the pack of cigarettes and removing one, making a point of sliding it into his small mouth very slowly. His tongue briefly poked out to slide over the filter. Watching from his seat behind the wheel, the jacklope squirmed a bit and said, "Uuuuuuhhhnnnfff" in delight. Alvin could tell his older friend was already hard. Once the cigarette was fully in his mouth, he took out a disposable blue lighter and ignited it, setting fire to the very tip, and inhaled, letting the cool menthol smoke bathe his throat. He exhaled through his nostrils. He enjoyed Virginia Slims, and had even made a failed bid to endorse them, but the tobacco company refused; bad PR if a kid did commercials for them, they said. Alvin had been disappointed. He loved them. Something about smoking women's cigarettes appealed to the young 'munk.

After taking another drag, Alvin said, smoke pouring from his lips as he exhaled, "You bet."

"Hop in, then!" said Jackie, a big hand reaching across and stroking over Alvin's jawline.

Jackie had caught the young chipmunk's eye when he'd attended one of the Chipmunks' performances last year. Alvin gravitated towards him because he stuck out in the crowd, not just because of his huge antlers, but because he was one of the only people in the audience who was both an adult and male. After nothing but seas of screaming little girls his own age and grown women who found singing chipmunks cute, a grown man who was interested in Alvin, and, to a lesser extent, his brothers, was a welcome breath of fresh air. Jackie had taken Alvin to dinner, and one thing had led to another, as they tended to do. Alvin smirked at the memory. Dave would've gone ballistic if he knew his son regularly went on dates with grown men that ended in bed. The thought pleased the mischievous boy.

What neither of them knew was that Simon had followed Alvin into the back alley. He watched as his brother talked to the big 'lope in the convertible. Alvin got in and shut the door, disappearing from Simon's sight except for the brim of the baseball cap sticking up over the door, and the 'lope roared the engine to life and tore off, speeding out of the alley. Running to the front of the theater, Simon hailed a cab and paid the driver some allowance money he always kept with him to follow the other car. He had to know just what it was his no-good brother was up to!

As the car sped down the nighttime road at an even sixty, Alvin and his friend made small talk. To keep his hat from blowing away in the wind rushing over them, Alvin took it off and tossed it onto the floorboard. Driving one-handed, Jackie reached over and rubbed one of his enormous, strong hands over the top of the young 'munk's bare head, ruffling his headfur in an almost paternal way.

Alvin, exhaling smoke, made a face and smacked the hand away. "Cut it out," he said, although his mouth curling into a small smile betrayed his abiding affection for the older male. He held out the pack of Virginia Slims. "Want one?" he asked blandly.

"Naw," said Jackie, "I don't smoke faggy cigarettes, but you knock yourself out, there, kiddo."

It was a polite rejection, if "polite" allowed for homophobic comments. Alvin chuckled. His companion's liberal use of homosexual slurs despite being one of the single gayest men he knew never ceased to amaze him. He took another puff. He didn't mind such language, being the little gutter slut that he was. This was definitely a side of him that Dave and his brothers had never seen before.

"Just don't forget about our deal," he reminded Jackie, thin tendrils of smoke curling out over his lips as he spoke.

The 'lope chuckled and allowed the rejection of his attempted affection slide; he liked the boy's fiery attitude. It was going to make what was coming all the sweeter.

"So, where're we going, Jackie?" Alvin asked, tapping his cigarette's tip against his armrest, earning a mildly annoyed glare from the driver as ashes and embers went everywhere.

"It's a surprise," replied Jackie with a smirk. "And I've told you before, call me Daddy."

Alvin smirked back at him, and Jackie leaned forwards a bit to open the ashtray that was built into the dashboard of the car. He lightly thwapped the young 'munk on top of the head, and then pointed with a big finger to the ashtray.

"Hey," he said, "if you're gonna smoke in my ride, kiddo, you're usin' the ashtray."

"Yes, Daddy," Alvin replied in a mocking, sing-song voice.

A rumble rose up in the jackalope's chest. Oh, this was gonna be good, he realized. Suddenly, though, he noticed headlights in the mirror; the same taxi had been following them for several blocks. Alvin glanced in his own mirror.

"I bet it's Simon or Theodore being curious about where we're going," he said nonchalantly. "Let 'em be curious... and let 'em get rewarded for it." Or punished, he thought, depending. Either possibility put a smug, nasty little smirk on Alvin's face; if they liked what they saw, fine, if not, that was great, too. It'd teach 'em to meddle in his business.

A throaty growl rumbled up from the 'lope's masculine depths as his cock hardened in his pants. He really did love the boy's outloon on life.

Anticipating what the driver was going to ask, Alvin, after a few more leisurely drags off of his cigarette, said, "Anyway, it I don't care where we're going."

And where, pray tell, would a horny jackalope take a young, eager chipmunk to perform a service and be paid handsome for it but somewhere particularly nasty. A nasty setting for nasty business. It just so happened that the jackalope knew of a particularly scuzzy pizza join uptown, and he figured they could have a bite before or after, depending on how his passenger felt when they arrived. Ignoring the following taxi, Jackie's fancy convertible pulled into the pizza place's parking lot. It was empty. Although the joint was open, it was late and there was a motherfucking Chipmunk show in town. Good, thought Jackie. This was another reason he'd chosen it. Alvin wasn't some random screw. If he took him somewhere more frequented, they'd likely get mobbed. This rundown pizza place with a particularly bitter rivalry against the health department and a list of health code violations longer than the Bible was a far better choice for what they wanted to do. That, and it was in a part of town that wasn't residential, so everything around it was closed at this time of night anyway, fine for not attracting attention. Because the 'lope wanted a performance. A real one.

Stopping, he shut the engine off and they got out. "You wanna eat first?" he asked.

Alvin put his hat back on. "Naw, let's just get this over with," he said. "Besides, I'm not hungry. I wanna work up an appetite."

That was fine with Jackie. If Alvin had wanted to eat first, it would've meant torturously drawing out the inevitable and having to sit squirming impatiently in his seat while the boy ate, and, knowing Alvin, he would've taken his time just to make his companion sweat and want it more. He was a little shithead like that.

Alvin waited, puffing on his cigarette, pretending not to notice the taxi pulling up to the curb across the street while the jackalope went and got two things from the trunk: a pair of plastic shopping bags. Carrying both with one hand, he took Alvin's hand in the other, his large hand eclipsing the boy's delicate-fingered one in his huge fist, and, together, they walked around the side of the building to the back. Simon, sitting in the cab, wondered what was going on. It didn't bode well. He thanked the driver, paid him, then got out and hurried across the street, looking both ways first, of course, and followed his brother and the antlered stranger.

He peered around the corner. Something was about to unfold, a side of Alvin he never even suspected existed. He knew about the smoking, the strange underwear choices for a boy so young, but what he would witness tonight would blow his fucking mind.

The alley behind the pizza joint looked like it existed in a different universe from the front; sure, the building itself was particularly crummy and the section of town it was in looked like it'd seen better days back in the 60s, but the alley looked like a post-apocalyptic wasteland; strewn with trash and junk, rusting barrels of God-knew-what with faded, peeling labels which the owners may or may not have been paid under the table to store back there in secret, and an industrial-sized dumpster that hasn't been emptied in weeks, due to the owners' garbage collection service being cut off. It was there that it was going to go down.

Now it was Alvin's turn to be impatient. He fidgeted, puffing anxiously on his cigarette, holding it between his lips as he adjusted his tight pants which were growing ever tighter, as his young manhood was beginning to take up more and more space inside them. But as aroused as he was, as eager as he was to take everything Jackie had to give him, down to the last drop, he viewed this less as anything romantic, or even erotic; it was just a business transaction. Give and get. And he wanted to hurry up and give so he could get, eying the two bags dangling from the 'lope's hand eagerly, wondering if one of them contained what it was he wanted so badly. The jackalope chuckled and set both bags down. From the first, which vore the label of a high-end toy store, he reached in and pulled out the hottest video game on the market. It was flung at the 'munk, who fumbled and caught it, starring wide-eyed at the cover. It was a violent video game with nudity, cussing and all manner of other things Dave didn't approve of.

Alvin's eyes narrowed. "Where's the rest?" he demanded.

The 'lope did not remove the second item from the bag, a transforming robot toy. "You'll get it after we're done if you ask nicely," he said. "That's just a down payment."

Angrily taking his cigarette out of his mouth and flicking it away, clutching the video game box, the 'munk ran over and tried to grab the robot. "That wasn't the deal!" he protested. "We agreed on full payment up front!"

Jackie chuckled. "Daddy's changed his mind, Alvie," he said teasingly, talking to the boy in the tone of voice one uses when cooing at a baby. "Daddy wants to keep you angry and fiery. So get as pissed off as you want."

So saying, he opened the dumpster lid, dropping the bag inside for safekeeping to ensure the robot stayed out of Alvin's hands until they were done, and let the lid slam back down with total finality. Simon, peering around the corner, flinched at the sound which echoed down the alley. The loud lid slam was symbolic; Alvin wasn't getting the toy until they were finished. The end. He stroked gently over Alvin's jawline, reassuring him, and Alvin slapped the hand away; he then roughly seized Alvin's jaw and squeezed his cheeks, kneeling down so they were face to face. The boy's eyes bulged, his confidence briefly leaving him. But the adult's expression never changed from confident amusement.

"Don't push your luck, short stuff," he said evenly, smiling. "I own you until we're done, and I'll make you sorry if you dare lay a hand on me like that again. I'm not all fun and games. Understand?" He got a muffled response as Alvin tried to talk with his cheeks being squeezed, and the 'lope forcibly made him nod yes. "Good," he said, and released him, kissing his cheek, becoming sweet again, rising and starting to unbuckle his belt.

Alvin rubbed his cheek and watched the belt coming off, briefly wondering if it was going to be used on him, knowing "Daddy's" predilection for the occasionally spanking. But he was releved when the 'lope just let it hang unbuckled in the loops of his pants and then started taking off his shirt. Realizing that thinks were back to normal now, Alvin's own smug, sultry confidence returned. "I was only kidding, Daddy," he reassured the big jackalope. "Of course you can do whatever you want. I just wanted to push your buttons is all."

"Uh-huh," said Jackie, not believing this for a second as he unbuttoned his shirt, opening it to bare his broad chest to the boy. Slipping it off, he gingerly folded it up and laid it on the dumpster lid beside him, and slowly began undoing his zipper, exposing an enormous bulge in black boxer briefs with a button fly that said "Big Daddy" on the waistband. The bulge seemed to strain out through the unzipped fly towards Alvin, as if seeking him hungrily.

Alvin's beautiful baby blues widened at the sight, one he never failed to be amazed by. Jeez, the antlered rabbit was huge!!! His mouth fell open in a huge smile as a sudden hunger began to rise inside of him. He reached out and his hand was smacked away.

A large finger was wagged. "Ah-ah-ah," chided Jackie gently. "Dinner isn't being served just yet." On saying "dinner," he groped himself where his cockhead was visibly mushrooming as it tried to push through the fabric of his underwear, suppressing a loud groan, the button on the fly heroically containing the beastly member, tantalizing bits of flesh visible through the slightly parted fly above and below. "Work for your meal," the big bunny insisted, and used one huge foot to nudge the second bag he brought with him towards the boy.

Taking this as his cue, Alvin picked the bag up, and from it removed a karaoke machine. It was high-end. Also in the bag was a pack of batteries. Alvin sighed. Fucking of course Jackie was gonna make him put them in. After futzing with the thing for a few minutes, he had the batteries in and turned the karaoke machine on, setting the heavy thing down on the ground. It had a microphone attached to it by means of a very long, spiralling cord.

"Testing, testing." Alvin's voice was amplified, audible around the block. The sound system was pretty food. He smirked. Dinner and a show. His benefactor never failed to come up with new ways to pervert what he and his brothers did for millions of adoring fans by making him do it privately for far more perverse purposes. He said a few corny jokes, working himself up into his "Alvin-ness," the better to properly perform for Jackie. "Do we have any requests?" he asked his audience of one. "Yes! The big handsome guy with the antlers in the front row!"

"'Wurry Burry!'" cried the 'lope, mispronouncing the song's title on purpose.

With a laugh, Alvin kicked the karaoke machine with one sneakered foot. It teetered, but didn't fall over, and music began blaring from it. Already loaded up was an instrumental version of the song the 'lope requested, and, as Simon watched from around the corner, dumbfounded at what he was witnessing, Alvin started to rock out, singing a solo rendition of the Chipmunk's "Wooly Bully" there in the garbage-strewn alley.

The jackalope watched the red-hatted boy through slitted eyes, squeezing and caressing his cock through his Big Daddy boxers as he got the private show he'd waited all night for. And this performance was special. Alvin wasn't in his usual ankle-length red pullover, and he wasn't dancing like a boy his age ought to. No, he was wearing black leather, with pants so tight that they hugged him like a second skin, and, in the right light, every detail of the lower half of his body was visible, and his dance was one of erotic seduction, with bending knees and rolling hips, somehow managing to craft a sexy little teasing dance on the spot with every shoulder roll, every thrust and every wiggle of his little hips and every bend of the knees of his thin legs set perfectly, or mostly prefectly, to the tune of what his companion had called "Wurry Burry."

Simon was aghast. Here was Alvin, dressed like some sort of miniature hoodlum crossed with a gay biker boy stereotype, dancing for some big bunny with antlers in an alley on the bad side of town. And it was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen. Simon felt an erection growing as he watched his confident brother literally whoring himself out to the antlered rabbit.

"Uno," cried Alvin, counting down in Spanish as a guitar and sax started up on the kararoke machine. "dos, one, two, tres, quatro!"

"YEAH!" screamed Jackie, shaking his shoulders and dancing with the music, though not in time with it or Alvin. "WURRY BURRY!"

He started shuffling towards the 'munk, bulging masculinity poking through his open fly, unbridled lust in his eyes, his wiggling hips causing his pants to begin subtly sliding down a little further as he got closer and closer.

"Here it comes, here it comes!" Alvin sang-yelped, taking a few steps back in mock fear.

The bigger male stopped a few feet in front of him and gyrated wildly like he was doing some kind of wild native dance, or a parody of one, spreading his muscular arms wide and throwing his antlered head back, screaming to the heavens, "YEAH, I LOVE IT!" in his deep, melodic voice. "GET DOWN, MAMA!"

"Watch it now!" cried Alvin in singsong, pointing at the 'lope, "he'll get you!"

Simon was both confused and intensely turned on, gulping as this bizarre display played out before him, glancing down at himself, bulge tenting his shorts slightly.

The antler-crowned head whipped forwards, eyes opening, ablaze with a wildness that hadn't been there before; the lusty, animalistic insanity that dwelled deep in the pit of every single male jackalopes soul was being brought forth by the native beat, as it were, and his mouth was twisted into an insane grin worthy of the Joker. He eyed the swaying 'munk boy like he was a juicy treat in a candy store, a hunger burning deep within his heart now, a hunger only this boy could sate. And would sate, assuming he wanted to leave with more than just the video game he'd been given. He shook his hips, short, tufty rabbit tail wiggling, pants slipping down until the waistband was at mid-thigh, exposing the Big Daddy-branded boxers almost completely.

"GET DOWN, GET RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUNKY!" he cried wildly, laughing.

The song began in earnest, and Alvin sang, moving expertly to the beat in a way only a boy raised to perform onstage could, "Matty told Hatty," gesturing first to his mouth with his free hand, then whipping it up to cup it behind his ear, "'bout the thing she saw!" He used the hand to visor his eyes, as though peering out over a nonexistent horizon in the distance, his little hips gyrating. He threw the microphone into the air so he could put both hands at either side of his head, forefingers turned up towards the night sky, "Had two big horns!"

Jackie grabbed the bases of his antlers as though to pull them off, but just moved his body from side to side while gripping them, that lusty fire never leaving his eyes, that huge, toothy grin plastered on his lepine mug. Alvin caught the microphone as it came down, putting it to his lips again. "And a woooooooooly jaw!" sang Alvin, as both he and Jackie ran one hand over their jawlines in a suggestion of a beard. "Wooly Bully!"

"WURRY BURRY!" screamed Jackie, ducking his head slightly so that he could shake it wildly, making his non-insubstantial mop of headfur fly around like he was headbanging. He ran his fingers through it, intentionally messing it up to look messier.

"That's right!" said Alvin, winking, and seductively crooned, "Wooly Bully! Wooly Bully! Wooly Bully!"

"Wooly Bully" was a real toe tapper, and Alvin shook his rear end from side to side, then started thrusting his hips back and forth, sticking his rump towards the rotten wooden fence covered in wanted posters and ancient advertisements for products that didn't exist, with phone numbers that were probably sex lines now, his white shirt underneath his leather jacket slipping up a bit, exposing a trim tummy with a cute little belly button, the sight of which almost drove the 'lope to forget the entire performance and pounce on the boy right then, but, wild though he was, he prided himself on his self-control up to a point, and so he refrained, and leaned back, folding his arms back and clasping his hands behind his head, his messed up hair in his eyes, hiding them somewhat cartoonishly, his trim hips swinging, causing his pants to drop completely, and in two moves, one leg lift and two swift kicks of his big rabbit feet, he was rid of them.

They sailed over Alvin's head, knocking off his baseball cap, which landed on the ground, and the airborne pants landed draping over the fence and hung there, while the now hatless Alvin, really getting into the spirit of things, starting to share his friend's wildness, his brows knitted with mischievous intent, smirking, kicked his sneakers off; one banged off of the dumpster, the other flew directly at Jackie, who sucked his washboard stomach it, let it hit him, then flexed his belly muscles, bouncing the shoe back at its owner, Alvin deftly jerking his head to the side to let the sneaker sail harmlessly off his shoulder, his own headfur wild now, as he sang, "Hatty told Matty, let's don't take no chance!" and shrugged his shoulders back, and off came the leather jacket, exposing his slim shoulders bare but for the straps of the child-sized wifebeater he wore. "Let's not be l-seven!" One arm was out, leaving the one whose hand currently held the microphone, a problem solved by just deftly transferring the mic to his other hand and giving that arm a winglike flap, sending the leather jacket falling to the trash-littered ground.

"Come and learn to daaaaaance!" sang Alvin, dancing backwoods in his socks, heedless of anything he might he stepping in, God knew what was in that alley, but Alvin didn't care, not in this moment, not while he was the absolute center of attention, the object of this horny adult's every desire. "Wooly Bully!" he sang and his free hand flew down over his partially exposed stomach, passing over the front of his tight pants, and through some unseen means, they were instantly unbuttoned and unzipped, and out popped his little erection straining through the fabric of the tiny little boy-sized thong he was wearing.

If it were possible, the lust that burned in the eyes of his antlered admirer blazed even hotter, and he shrieked out, "WURRY BURRY!!!" with more enthusiasm than before, shaking his hips from side to side, now attempting to match Alvin, but even he, a skilled performer in his own right, found keeping with the 'munk difficult; he was always a few seconds behind, even though they were otherwise perfectly mirrored.

By now, Simon had abandoned all pretense of finding this private singing performance turned mutual striptease bizarre, and undid the front of his shorts, exposing tighty-whities stained with his precum, and fished his cock out, and began to masturbate furiously.

Alvin sang the refrain "Wooly Bully, Wooly Bully, Wooly Bully!" again, and then the jackalope took a step back and his foot slipped on a banana peel. "Watch it, now, watch it, watch it, watch it!"

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" screamed Jackie as his foot flew out from under him, the cry echoing into the night, but it was all a feint, for as he came down, he did the splits, ducking his head, then flipped it back up, laughing, then got up and resumed dancing.

Alvin laughed, too, enjoying himself, and then when the time came, he resumed, "Matty told Hatty, that's the thing to do!" He pointed at the 'lope's underwear, then at his own, "Get you someone really to pull the wool with you!!! Wooly Bully!"

"WURRY BURRY!" came the inevitable reply, and, as Simon gasped, the sound drowned out by the music, both pairs of underwear, the boy's thong and the adult's boxers, came off. They flew into the air. The biggest, thickest 'lopecock that ever was, freed from its fabric prison, jumbled and bobbed in the air as its owner danced, a blob of precum quickly turning into an oozing, stratching, taffy-like string which yo-yoed every which way, up, down and all around as the cock it was attached to bounced wildly, and the cutest, littlest 'munkmeat that ever was poked insistently towards its older kindred, as though trying to reach it. The dancing and singing went on.

At this, Jackie would no longer be denied. He strode purposefully towards the dancing boy, and a big, strong hand flew up, grabbing the back of Alvin's head. The boy screamed in surprise, a high, shrill sound that reverberated off the alley walls in a manner similar to the 'lope's earlier scream, all part of the act, of course, and he was forced to his knees.

"Get to work, Alvie, baby. The show's over, it's suppertime..." he said darkly, and rubbed his big, fat cockhead over Alvin's trembling lips as those baby blues, filled with a mixture of desire and annoyance, looked up at him. And feed Alvin he did. Inch after sexy inch.

"Wurry Burry," he said softly, as the music continued, so low only the kneeling boy could hear it as the thick rod slid slowly bit by bit into his maw, bulging his cheeks out, pre dribbling down over his chin, "Wurry Burry... Wurry Burry..."

With his other hand, he grabbed ahold of Alvin's sleeveless shirt, and it came up and over the boy's head, leaving the 'munk in nothing but his socks. The shirt was flung carelessly aside. At some point, Jackie had picked up Alvin's hat, and he put it back on the boy's head, and gave the top a hard slap.

"Get suckin'!" he commanded. "Make this Wurry Burry happy..."

The instrumental of "Wooly Bully" ended on the CD, and one for "We're Off to See the World" came on, next. No lyrics, of course, but there was nobody to sing it, unless the jackalope felt so inclined, and, feeling that this particular music wasn't exactly doing his libido much of a favor, he lashed out with one huge foot and destroyed the karaoke machine by kicking it across the alley, the micrphone at the end of its long cord leaving the kneeling Alvin's hand and flying after it, the machine smashing violently against one of the fence's metal support struts, plunging the alley into abrupt silence except for the 'lopish growls and the wet, slimy sounds of a 'munk giving a blowjob.

"FuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUIUUUUuuuuuuuuuck yuuuuUUUUUUUS!!!!" Jackie moaned.

After adjusting to how abruptly the performance had ended and supper begun, Alvin eased into the other role besides rock star that he was so comfortable with, that of a nasty little cocksucking slut. One wouldn't think a boy as young as he even knew how to suck dick, or could take such a beast as the one being fed to him, but he did, and had done it many times before, and not just with this big antlered beauty of a Wooly Bully looming over him. Alvin loved many things in life, such as singing, playing with games and toys, things normal boys all loved doing, and, of course, being the center of attention, and one way of doing that was to be the source of intense pleasure for another male, especially a grown one. Boys his own age were fine and all, but only adults like this jackalope could properly reward him the way he craved: they pumped out more cum, something he loved, and were always quick to dish out candy, treats, toys and sometimes even money, something he loved even more than cum, lovely as it was, and something children his own age couldn't give him unless they were rich kids... and Alvin Seville did not submit to any rich little snotball brats. They were too much like himself, just without the talent and charm.

Deep, rumbling, throaty growls came up from the muscular chest of the older male as he leaned his head back, long ears draping down over his back, eyes shut, mouth agape, panting and groaning aloud to the stars, almost crying aloud to God Himself at how good it felt to be sucked by the lead singer of the Chipmunks, thrusting his hips back and forth as the red-hatted head of the kneeling 'munk jerked back and forth, partly because he was attempting to match the rythym of the other male's thrusts, something he always found difficult to do, because they always got too overager, and also because the thrusts were so damn forceful. Each time the 'lope's hips flew forwards, Alvin's head snapped back, almost giving him whiplash, but he weathered it, cupping and playing with the heavy lepine balls as he also stroked and pinched and squeezed his own little boycock.

All too soon, Jackie groaned out, and fed the boy his supper. The cock jerked, and Alvin swallowed the hot, slimy torrent of masculine jizz he was given. Some of it shot out of his nose, so forceful was the 'lope's orgasm. He came, too, shooting his own meager load of boycum onto the alley floor, and some of the 'lope's foot, which the big lepine noted even though the mind-warping orgasm he was experiencing, and something he was not going to allow to go unaddressed before reward time came.

As Alvin pulled his mouth off of the still-spurting cock, the 'lope aimed it at the boy's cute face and shot the last few quarts or so all over Alvin's upturned little mug, paying special attention to the red baseball cap, which soon was crisscrossed with ribbons of milky white, while thick, pearly strings rang down Alvin's face, his expression one of absolute stupefication, for, experienced though he was, he was still young and particularly strong climaxes could take a lot out of him, but his youth allowed him to recover quickly at least.

As his head was released, he slumped back, catching himself on one elbow, panting and gasping at how good it'd felt to cum while pleasing this generous jackalope, and how shamefully slutty he felt having his face and hat used to catch the last several shots from the orgasm he had caused. He smirked and sat back up, and ran one finger through the oozing slime and sucked it clean, then tipped his jizz-covered hat back with his thumb.

"Mmm, is, uh... is the customer satisfied?" he asked.

Jackie shuddered and shook his head, smoothing his headur out, and by way of answering, opened the dumpster, reaching inside and taking out the bag containing the toy robot he'd promised Alvin earlier. He flung it at Alvin, who, leaping up, cum still dripping off his face, happily caught the bag, while nearby they heard a high-pitched little whine signalling that another young boy had reached his climax.

"Ya did good, kiddo," said Jackie, gathering up his discarded clothing, having some difficulty pulling his pants down off the fence, as they'd become caught on a jagged splinter of wood. But he prevailed and got them down.

He dressed himself, then lifted up the foot Alvin had cum on, and held it in front of the boy's face expectantly. Getting the idea, the 'munk bent forward and half licked it clean, half allowed the jackalope to wipe it clean on his face, chest and especially his hat, which was knocked off of his head again, and the 'lope smirked as he mashed his huge foot sole into the boy's headfur, wiggling it back and forth, both finishing wiping it clean and using it to playfully ruffle his hair.

"Now let's get you dressed and go get some dessert for that big meal you just had... and I think I heard your brother over there..."

Alvin endured this humiliation/show of affection, and smirked, not caring that it demeaned him more than a little bit, because now he had both his robot and his video game. As for Simon, he smirked over at his sheepish-looking brother peeking out around the alley corner and invited him to come have pizza with them.

Alvin threw his clothes on, everything but his shirt, which he used to wipe his face clean of cum. He didn't bother with his hair, or his hat, which he just put on over his cum-slicked headfur, and, with his prizes in hand, accompanied the very satisfied jackalope and the sheepish Simon into the scuzzy pizza joint for some of the best pizza in the city. Sex made him work up an appetite, and Alvin packed away an entire pie all by himself, after which he lit up another another Virgian Slim and skillfully blew a smoke ring, saying wistfully, "Nothin' like a good smoke after a nice dance and some supper..."

The End.

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