Brian Ends Two Franchises

Story by Kooshmeister on SoFurry

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Brian Griffin goes to the gym and encounters two squirrels. He leaves, they don't.

Surly the squirrel, the star of the film The Nut Job, entered the gym. He was a lean, purple-furred CGI rodent. With filming completed on the sequel, he was on vacation at last. Deciding he wanted to hit the gym and work out a little bit, he walked in, dressed in a sleeveless shirt and jogging shorts. Taking the shirt off, Surly worked out a bit, jogging on a treadmill, working up a good sweat, causing his purple fur to glisten. After about an hour or so of running, having soaked his shirt through, allowing his toned chest and stomach to be seen through the thin, wet fabric, he switched the treadmill off and stepped down. Wiping himself with a towel, he sniffed under one armpit and recoiled.

"Ugh," he said, "I knew should've showered this morning..."

He headed for the locker room. As he did so, Brian, a stout, white dog, a supporting actor from the hit series Family Guy, also went in. The dog smiled at him and he smiled back. Brian was dressed in a green sleeveless shirt with a matching headband and surprisingly short shorts, which bulged with his proud masculinity for all to see. The bulge bobbed gently as he walked. Surly couldn't help staring.

"Rough day?" Brian asked.

"I've had worse," Surly replied, jerking his gaze back up to the dog's face.

Brian shrugged. "Nothing a nice workout and a long, hot shower can't cure, am I right?"

Surly laughed. In the locker room, the two were alone. The stripped down. Surly's bushy eyebrows flew up as Brian's enormous maleness, flaccid, flopped into view, his heavy balls sagging to the floor, thick cock lying atop them. Averting his gaze and attempting to control his own arousal, Surly coughed and also disrobed. His black cock stood awkwardly at attention. Brian noticed and smiled. The effect he was having on the squirrel was one he often had on other males. He stroked along his maleness, allowing his cock to stiffen and grow to truly gargantuan proportions. It lifted up off the floor, making Brian groan out.

Hearing him, the squirrel turned, eyes widening at the dig of the huge canine cock bobbing in the air as it whipped around towards him. Naked, he stepped back, banging into the locker behind him. There was nowhere to go. The cock slid over his form, smearing precum into his white chestfur, earning a deep moan from the squirrel, who misunderstood Brian's intentions. He licked over the head, stroking his own cock, his tongue slipping into the urethral opening at the tip. It was a fatal error. The cock's opening widened and sucked Surly's head in with a wet "glurp."

"Unnnnhhhhh, yeah," gasped Brian, "here's a real fuckin' 'nut job' for you, Surly..."

"Mmmph!" was all Surly could get out.

Leisurely, as he toweled off, Brian slowly sucked the doomed squirrel movie star down into his thick, hungry dick. The squirrel wriggled and squirmed, but only succeeded in easing himself deeper, effectively helping Brian's cock eat him. At last, his kicking legs, feet wiggling, toes flexing desperately, bushy tail whipping wildly around. The cock bucked upwards and slurped the remainder of Surly down without any real effort, mighty as it was. Brian sighed happily, watching the bulge that used to be Surly slid down his thick cock, disappearing at the base.

"I guess this proves which of our two franchises longer lasting," Brian said in smug satisfaction as he felt Surly enter his balls. "Now be a good movie star and churn into cum for me while I shower..."

Brian began to heave his bulging sac as he stroked himself with one hand whilst grabbing his sac and feeling Surly squirm. He felt the soft tail of the vermin soothing the sides if his sac as it just made the canine blush from the motion. He was used to victims squirming and all but this felt a bit more unique for the masculine canine.

"You sure know how to entice my sac nicely."

Brian breathed in as he purposely flopped his sac left and right to make the squirrel jostle all over his sac more. Just feeling the vermin quiver within his sac just made Brian's erection bob a bit higher from arousal.

The white canine then dragged his sac along the ground as he began to enter the shower room, where someone was already there. It was in fact another "vermin," a fellow cartoon TV actor named Scaredy Squirrel, star of the long since canceled series of the same name.

The stick-thin squirrel had light brown fur all over except for tannish fur around his lower face, the tip of his bushy tail, and on his stomach. He visited the gym strictly to jog like Surly; it seemed most of the squirrels who came to the gym did mostly running exercises as opposed to bodybuilding and weightlifting, and Scaredy had been coming a lot more often in the last couple of years, free time thanks to his show having been canceled. Scaredy stood there by his locker, a towel around his waist, watching Brian, wide-eyed; he'd entered the locker room around the time Surly had been halfway down Brian's cock, and he'd stood there mesmerized and terrified by what he'd witnessed, although there was a noticeable lump underneath the towel.

"S-Sweet acorns..." exclaimed the thin squirrel.

"Ahhh," Brian sighed happily, not yet acknowledging Scaredy's presence, "I guess that means there won't be a third Nut Job, huh, Surly?"

Surly wriggled desperately in response, but it earned no sympathy from the handsome white dog. Brian simply mmmed in carnal delight and rubbed over his hideously bulging sac as loud, sloppy gurgles filled the locker room, signaling the beginning of the end for his trapped prey. Scaredy watched in a mixture of horror and fascination as the bulging sac gradually changed sized and shape, Surly's visibly wriggling form becoming slowly less defined as, inside of the sexy dog's balls, the purple squirrel was being reduced to nothing more than potent cock-snot for the Family Guy actor.

"No sequel for you," Brian said, his voice a husky whisper. "I wonder if you'll make purple cum?"

Only then did Brian decide to acknowledge the second squirrel.

"Oh," he said, "I didn't see you there."

One hand massaged his full sac. The other stroked slowly up and down the thick, rock-solid cock.

"Like the show, cutie?" He winked.

"Uh, I, uh..." Scaredy said, and coughed.

Turning, he excused himself and went through a connecting door into the large communal shower area just off the locker room. It was hot and steamy from recent use, but at the moment, there was no one else there. For whatever reason, it seemed like the skinny squirrel didn't think Brian would follow him. Taking his towel off and draping it over a tiled partition, exposing his cock, he stepped up to one of the showerheads and turned it on, allowing the steaming hot water to flow down over his naked form, drenching his fur. One shaking hand touched his sensitive member.

"Kinda rude not to answer my question," came a voice from behind him.

With a yelp, Scaredy turned, fully exposing himself to the dog. He was surprisingly well-hung for such a short, thin fellow. Nowhere near as impressive as the godly canine approaching him, though. He shivered.

"S-S-Sorry," he stammered, having come to the gym long enough to know Brian's reputation and hoping to avoid sharing his fellow squirrel's fate. But deep down he was pretty sure he was doomed. Brian Griffin didn't often let cuties go once he'd set his sights on them. But perhaps Scaredy could befriend him? After all, unlike the purple squirrel who'd just been sucked down the godlike member currently bobbing seductively before him, Scaredy was a more or less traditionally animated cartoon character, not a CGI one. Perhaps his fellow actor would see a kinship in him?

"I was, uh, j-just nervous," he said, "you don't see that every day..."

"Good point," said Brian, easing his huge cock and balls over under an adjoining showerhead. He turned the knob, and groaned as hot water cascaded down over him, his privates in particular. "Mmmm," he said, "so, did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Enjoy the show." The dog grinned broadly.

"Um, um, a little... it was... d-d-different..."

Brian merely laughed and started to soap himself up. Scaredy did the same.

The hot showers helped corral the furry body of the masculine canine as he began to rub his junk with soap. Brian swooned with pleasure as he could barely feel the purple squirrel now mostly gurgling in his plump sac. The hot intensity of his furry body gave a sexy aura near the scaredy squirrel as the witness of the sexy pred just watched in awe.... Unaware of the water showering his own cheeky face. Brian grinned and looked at the blushing witness before laying his back against the wall; whilst spreading his legs out and letting his gorgeous cock start to bob up again with the hotter water pouring upon the active junk.

"You interested? Or are ya.... 'Scared-ey'.... Of me?"

Scaredy got very nervous yet his own erection showed attraction. He began to get close to the junk that was laying widely before him and got on his knees. Brian gave a seductive smug before flexing his cock head to blossom up to size of or bigger than the squirrels head.

The squirrel glowered a bit as he soaped himself up, bubbly suds covering his naked form.

"Very funny," he said flatly, and sighed, rinsing himself off.

All throughout the rinse, he found himself staring at that monstrous member and bulbous balls. The thought that Surly was in there, albeit churned into something far more useful to the gorgeous canine, both terrified and thrilled Scaredy. Brian's next words caught him completely off guard.

"You wanna give me a blow? See what's below?"

"B-Blow?" he parroted. "See what's below?"

He watched the canine cockhead flex. It was mesmerizing. Licking his lips, he fumbled for the handle, turning the water off. Dripping, he squirrel grabbed his towel. Walking out from behind the waist-high tiled partition which offered him some privacy, and Brian, thanks to his massive cock and balls, absolutely none, not that he minded, apparently, Scaredy stood there, drying himself off. He'd intended to politely refuse Brian's offer and depart under some pretense or other, such as a suddenly-remembered appointment, but his raging hard-on ruled him in the moment, and, instead, Scaredy lingered, staring at the sexy showering canine. He licked his lips again.

"Uh, well, uh, I d-d-dunno..." he admitted finally. "I'm not really sure. I don't know if I wanna risk, uh..." He trailed off awkwardly.

"Ending up as cockfood?" Brian finished for him, smirking. There was a smug, superior confidence to the dog, and one that wasn't unearned. "It's a risk you've got to take if you want to please this..." He trailed off and leaned back, letting the hot water fall upon his face and flow down his godly form, causing his pulsing erection to gape at the tip and stretch, seemingly, towards Scaredy, then finished "...amazing body you see before you."

"Well, uh, if we're quick," Scaredy said timidly, sealing his fate.

Brian grinned, knowing he had the adorable little squirrel. "Oh, it'll be quick, all right," he said, beckoning seductively with one finger. "Now come here and show me what you think of my sexy form..."

Scaredy removed his towel, it being thrown in the wet floor, before sudennly feeling the urge to embrace Brian's manhood. With a bright blush on his fuzzy face, the squirrel began to get wet again as he slowly but surely caressed the bobbing cock that stretched further out with his tip widening for attention. Brian moaned and spread his legs further out as could feel his sac gurgling the remainder of the first victim whilst hungering to for more. Pre started to flow and mix with the hot showers as Scaredy got closer to the godly rod.

"Am I serving you.... Well? ...."

"Mmmmmmmm.... Yea.... Yea... Please... More closer to me. Your fur is so.... Perfect..."

Scaredy was getting lost in the canines musk as the squirrel rubbed the massive cock all over; the size of Brian's cock was slightly bigger than Scaredy's own form. Both were all wet and hot as Scaredy got a little to close to Brian's tip.... And then...


Brian let out a contented sigh. Another one bit the dust. He patted his engorged member. Never a dull day at the gym for Family Guy's sexiest character.

The End.

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