The Minion Maw

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: DrakeHavok , we have a story following some rather interesting characters. My character, Latexia, runs a neutral zone club for super heroes and villains alike, but things are getting ever more hectic for the mistress of latex. But when Havok comes in with an interesting power...well...

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The Minion Maw

For DrakeHavok

By Draconicon

Sundays were always busy in the bar, and Latexia sighed as she broke up the third fight of the evening. Supers of all sorts were getting more antsy, and the hippo doubted she'd be able to keep a full fledged brawl from breaking out tonight. Which, honestly, wouldn't have been that bad if they were just able to wait one more day.

So much for mega-brawl Monday, she thought as she dragged the latest two culprits, Super Sledge and Mega Mort towards the back rooms. They were both encapsulated with a heavy layer of her latex, both of them wrapped up in almost a cocoon, with no body parts allowed outside of it. She pulled them by a set of leashes, and her club aided her by forming shifting, sliding conveyor belts of latex as she walked around. It was one of the benefits to her powers, and certainly made dealing with heavy assholes that much easier.

After throwing them in a side closet, and making a note to deal with them before the night was out, the older hippo leaned back against the wall and shook her head.

"This gets much worse, I can say goodbye to neutral zone status."

The whole point of the club was to make a neutral zone where heroes and villains could come by and have a good night for themselves, make peace for a bit and just enjoy some booze, some dancing, some music. Hell, she'd seen a lot of them scamper off towards the back rooms for privacy to enjoy each other's bodies, taking pleasure from one another in a way that they could never do in the outside world. It worked...while people still had respect for her.

Unfortunately, that respect seemed to be fading. She had to keep breaking up fights, and too many of the new heroes needed to prove themselves, and too many of the new villains needed to show that they were stronger than the generation that came before. The villains were wrong, and the heroes too eager, but they just didn't learn.

Heh, maybe I need someone from their generation to start kicking ass in the name of neutrality, she thought. I'm too retired to go back out and build my name...but hey, maybe I'll find something. I always do.

The hippo smiled, rubbing her cheek until it squeaked. Her latex body could use a new layer of shine, she decided, and she started pouring some out of her hands, running it down to the floor into a puddle before stepping into it and pulling it over herself. It stretched along, forming a microscopic new layer over her body, one shiny and reflective enough to look brand new.

"There we go. Now, back to the -"

"Where's Latexia?! I need her, I need her now!"

Well, there goes the hope of getting back behind the bar.

The hippo sighed, rubbing her forehead as she left the back halls. She had just stepped back onto the main floor when she saw the shouter, and...well, the situation was definitely different than she expected.

Havok, she recognized. The white dragon was a frequent guest of her club, despite his normal, non-powered status, and she often put him to work when he was down on his luck or needed a weekend away from the rest of the world. His little 'companion,' however, was definitely new. A tail that was snapping at people around it, dripping with the same black that made up her club, swayed over his shoulders, and he looked like he was barely keeping a grip on the midpoint of it.

He saw her, as well, and called out with some desperation in his voice.

"Latexia! Please, I can't stop this thing! Help me!"

"Alright, alright, hold on a moment."

With a slight gesture, the floor lifted up in a straight line between her and Havok. The black latex pushed itself apart, creating a hallway and knocking over a few dozen people that were in the way. As she walked across the room, she made a couple more gestures, sending down latex strands of her own from the ceiling. The tail didn't see them until it was too late, and by the time it realized it was surrounded, half of the tendrils had already struck and bound it. Even as it tried to chomp on them and remove them, she was reinforcing the tendrils, making sure that they wouldn't break from something so simple as a bite.

By the time she was beside him, the situation was well in hand. Havok heaved a sigh of relief, shaking his head, while she examined his tail.

It was a rather strange development, she had to admit. She'd seen a few people out there with tail-maws before, but they usually had a split in the tail that closed most of the time, making it look like a real tail. His was dripping latex from the tip down to the base, and the whole thing had a familiar sheen, almost like it was a new limb altogether. Then again, considering that it had a hungry, toothy mouth at the end, she wouldn't be surprised if it was.

"So, you want to explain this little creature? I don't remember you bringing this around last time, honey."

" just came out, yesterday. I haven't been able to sleep since."

"Well, it's definitely aggressive."

"It's trying to EAT people!"

"And that's a bad thing? I doubt it can do much with them. Nothing lethal, anyway."

"I'm trying not...not to think about that."

He swallowed, hard, and she blinked. Was he sickened by it, or -

The tail suddenly tried to lunge at her face, coming to a stop a few inches away. She didn't bother moving or running away. There was no way it was getting free of her restraints, not this early.

Well, if it's a mutation of some sort, it's certainly a different one, she thought. Wonder if it's a side effect from how often he's around here, and how often I shove him in a suit. Might need to look into -

"Oh god...oh god, help..."

"What's the matter? I'm - oh, that is a thing."

That explained why he was gulping and swallowing. As soon as the white dragon opened his mouth again, she could see the dripping ooze inside. Not just producing latex from the tail, but drooling it from his mouth. That was going to be a problem. She looked at the tail, then at him, and shook her head. A gesture lifted a bar-stool of latex out of the ground, and she pulled him and the tail to the bar.

"Okay, let's try this..."

A half hour later, the tail seemed a little more restrained, and Havok wasn't drooling quite so much latex. A couple of black droplets remained, but it was no longer a flood. The white dragon shuddered as he sipped at a cup of water, shaking his head.

"How did you -"

"Tail maws are pretty nasty things, and most people forget that they're living things, too. Living things gotta eat, and they get cranky when they're hungry."

"It...Well, I hadn't fed it yet..."

"That'll be why it was snapping around at people. You're probably going to need to eat twice as much, at least, in order to keep that thing under control."

"...Well, I guess I'll be checking in with Maria from time to time, then."

They chuckled, knowing that he wouldn't be doing anything of the sort. That hippo was terrifying, even more than Latexia had been at her height, and there was really no guarantee that worse changes wouldn't occur under the chef's feeding practices. Havok took another drink, looking back at the tail again. It was snoozing, Latexia noticed, and probably would remain that way for a bit longer.

She excused herself for a moment, putting together a couple of drinks for her customers. They were curious as to what was going on with the tail maw, but as old hands, neither of them bothered asking. They trusted her to have it well in hand, and she appreciated that.

Truth to tell, she wasn't entirely sure what she was going to do with Havok. Now that he was a super in his own right, things were going to be different for him at the club. He wouldn't be able to be a civilian, keeping on the outskirts of the super brawls or the arguments that popped up. He'd have to pick a side, eventually. The heroes wouldn't be able to tolerate him as a non-sanctioned super, and the villains wouldn't want to overlook someone with potential uses.

Soon as he figures out his powers, they're gonna be fighting to get him on their side, she thought as she put together a small martini. Passing it to a meerkat, she watched him buzz away and come back with an empty glass. She already had a second one, shaking a finger at him to remind him not to move too fast with it.


She looked back at Havok, seeing him shivering. She walked over, taking his hand and patting it.

"Little scared, hon?"

"A bit, yeah. I mean...what am I gonna do with this? What...what does it do?"

"...Well, there's a good way to find out."


"You're kidding."

"Not really. They're already in trouble, might as well get some use out of them."

Latexia gestured to Mega Mort, a mouse that had a power of growing bigger or smaller as the mood took him. It wasn't much of a power, considering that the mouse didn't get stronger, but it made for a good show. A hero that didn't do much but pose, and one that had annoyed her more than a few times, she felt he would make for a good testing ground for Havok's power. His tail maw was already swaying around, almost like a predator sniffing the air for prey, and the white dragon took several steps back from his 'victims.'

"What if it hurts them?"

"Havok, I am living latex. I control it, I create it, I shape it, I can do whatever I want with it. What are you dripping?"


"And what's the tail made out of?"


"Right. Now, do you really think I can't fix something if you make a mistake?"


She leaned against the wall as he took a few steps towards the mouse, the tail maw sweeping down. Its tip, like some giant set of rubbery jaws, opened wide, drooling more of the black stuff on the ground and over the mouse's head. Havok looked like he was going to be sick, but the maw didn't immediately attack. Probably because it had just been fed, in her opinion. Instead, it looked up at Havok, cocking its head to the side, as if asking for permission.

After a moment or two, he nodded, and the maw set to work. It lashed out, grabbing hold of the mouse's head like some giant python. Mega Mort groaned under it, but didn't start struggling until the tail suddenly lurched back, lifting him off of the floor. Latexia's eyes widened at just how powerful the tail was, not having expected it to have that much lifting power, nor as much capacity as it did. It stretched quickly, pulling the mouse down and into it in less time than it would have taken her to swill down a shot of tequila. The bulge passed through the tail, rushing down to the base, creating a huge lump in the bottom of it that squirmed for a few seconds, then went still.

"Quite strong, isn't it?"

"Oh god, oh god, please tell me that this isn't a mistake..."

"I don't think so. Let me see..."

The tail maw turned to her as she walked into range, but as it tried to drool on her, she just held up her hand.

"I will eat you if you try."

With that, it turned away, drooling on the floor instead. She ran her hand down the side of it, feeling the odd mix of latex stuff inside and the living flesh around it. It wasn't entirely latex, she realized, but some sort of hybrid. A tunnel of modified bio material with a latex core, channeling something from elsewhere in Havok. She ran her fingers further down, rubbing the bulge just above the base of his tail, and realized that it was being flooded with latex, the material pressing down on Mega Mort, and slowly grinding into him.'s like a converting chamber. But does it come back out like that, or...

She looked up as another drooling flood of latex started pouring down, and realized it was coming from Havok's mouth. Making a mental note to get some food in him as soon as possible, she stood up.

"Alright. Let's see if we can get him to come out..."


Havok spat, a glob of latex shooting out at...surprising speed, she had to admit. It rebounded like a hard rubber ball off of the floor, and then stuck to the wall. He barely seemed to notice as he continued.

"I don't think the tail's gonna let him out."

"That's fine. You can do it instead."


"Yeah. I'm pretty sure...hold on a minute."

She pressed her hand to his tail base again, feeling around. There were definite differences to Havok's body now, new chambers inside, and a stretchy lining of latex to certain passages. If it could come down there, and then...

The hippo chuckled.

"Oh, this is gonna be interesting."

"I don't like it when you say interesting."

"Trust me. This is going to be really interesting."

She reached out with her power. It was much, much harder to do when the latex was already inside someone, and harder still when it wasn't latex that she had created herself, but long years of experimentation - and a couple of kinky customers that had tastes she'd never expected - had taught her how to do it. Getting a grip on the latex-covered mouse, she pulled, not on him, but on the latex...and pulled him further into Havok's body.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?!"

"I said, trust me."

"Oh god, he's in my stomach, he's in my - mmph!"

The white dragon bent forward, one hand on the wall as he struggled to hold himself upright. Latexia could feel everything in him going crazy, muscles tensing and his belly stretching forwards and outwards as the mouse was dragged through things that had never been there before. She didn't have to worry about him - all that new latex and body warping would keep him from being hurt - but it was probably very scary to him.

The thing was, it was hard to care. This was such a fascinating development, so very different from the tail maws and those with them that she had seen before, that she had to see how it would go. His drooling maw continued to spill latex at a greater and greater rate, and she could see that he was getting more and more worried. She patted his chest as she continued guiding Mega Mort out through his body, feeling the mouse's head reach the dragon's stomach, then neck, and then -



Havok's jaw disengaged, almost like a snake, and she smiled as the process went along on its own accord. The white dragon fell to his knees as his throat pushed the object inside along, just wanting to get it out. His face stretched, real scales turning rubbery for a few moments as they were pushed beyond what they could normally take, and just like that, the mouse came flopping out. Latex slime followed him, some of the black on his fur pooling off to the side, but there was a solid coating on the head.

She lifted her hand, stopping the tail maw from lashing out at her from behind. She'd known it would be annoyed at having 'food' taken away, but didn't want to deal with that at the moment. Instead, she leaned down, looking over the latex covering the smaller hero.

It wasn't as much as it looked to be. Most of the black shifted away, rolling off of him like water, but a band of black along the back of his head and filtering into Mega Mort's ears remained. She stroked her finger along it, feeling...something...transmitting through the latex. Some sort of...control?


"That was disgusting...why the hell didn't that hurt?"

"Explaining in a minute. Tell him to do something."

"Like what?"


" the Macarena..."

No sooner had the dragon wished it than the mouse leaped to his feet, bouncing back and forth and throwing himself into the shimmying dance. Havok jumped backwards in shock, while Latexia laughed.

"Hahaha! Oh, my god...Havok, you have one hell of a power, there."

"What do you mean?! I mean..."

"Heh, yep. You swallowed him, and now you have some control."

Not very long-lasting control, from what she could tell. The latex was already deteriorating, and she imagined someone would have to stay in him much longer to establish a longer-lasting state of control, but it was simply amazing. He had a power that was like hers, and yet so unlike, and...powerful, if used right.

She stepped away from the dancing mouse, pulling Havok in close.

"Havok, I'm going to make a deal with you that I've never made with anyone else before. I'm going to teach you how to control this."

" will?"

"Yep. You're going to come here, every day - no, scratch that. I'm giving you a room here. I want you here at all times, and you're going to be learning how to control that power of yours. More importantly, you're going to learn how to use it."

"Use it? But...but I can't even -"

"Ah, ah. Quiet. I'm talking."

She drew a line of latex over his lips with her finger, and almost immediately his cheeks puffed out, the latex he built up no longer having an easy way out. It ended up bubbling out of his nose between breaths, as he squirmed and groaned.

She was already thinking about how this was going to go. This power could end up giving her an easy solution to her problems. A sort of heir, in a way. Similar, but different to her own powers, someone that she could establish as something to be feared by the new generation, one of them so that it wasn't just memories of the last generation that kept them at bay. The neutral zone in her club could continue...


"Hmm? Right, you wanted to say something."

She unzipped his mouth again, and the dragon spat out a pint or two of latex. When he was able to stand up again, he spoke.

"I...wanted to say...what's in it for you?"

"Oh, everything, really. After all, you have to do what I say when I'm teaching you, I get an assistant, and this place keeps going. Good enough for you?"

"...I really shouldn't say yes..."


"But it's the best deal I'm going to get. And, well, I don't think I could ever ask for a better teacher."

"Oh, so sweet. Now, swallow Mega Mort up again, and hold him inside for about half an hour. If you can't get him out on your own, come get me, but see what you can do."

Patting the dragon on the back, she left him to practice. After all, it was better to let him have some fun on his own, and she imagined that, soon enough, that feeling of control and power would lead him to experimenting more on his own. Which would lead to her punishing him - something fun for the both of them - and re-establishing herself as the more powerful of the two of them, which would lead to more stability, and -

Oh, she could see their little epic and her legacy coming together already, and she loved it.

The End

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