Chaotic Feet

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And a commission for a first timer, FA: EdgeofObsidian orders this piece that involves his OC with Fiona the Fox from Sonic. It's quite the foot fetish thing.

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Chaotic Feet

For EdgeofObsidian

By Draconicon

Abyss the Obsidian: villain, conqueror, and - at that moment - wondering what had just happened.

He remembered walking down cold streets, remembered looking at the pictures of other, more famous hedgehogs and plotting how to deal with them. He remembered flattening a few thugs that thought that they were worth something. He remembered...something red...And then nothing.

Now he was tied up, his arms behind his back, and he was blindfolded by something that frankly reeked. It was like sweat and something else, something hotter and lower than that, and it made his host body squirm deep down. Abyss growled in his throat, shaking his head as he worked his jaw. Sore, too; someone punched him, maybe? But he should have been able to take a punch...

"Oooh, look what we have here. He's waking up."

Oh, that one makes me angry...

Abyss lifted his head, turning in the direction of the voice, and then following it as several click, click, click of boot heels followed. Whoever it was was walking around in front of him, behind him...around him, he realized, and not bothering to stop. Occasionally, she - it had to be a she, nobody male sounded that annoying - giggled as she adjusted his blindfold, and he shook his head whenever she did it.

"Whoever you are, you've made a big mistake. Now, untie me, before I kill you."

"Really? You, kill little old me? I think you don't know who you're dealing with."

"You're the fool who attacked Abyss. Now, release me, or pay the consequences."

"Heh, honey. You're the one that's going to be 'paying' me."

The boot heels suddenly stopped, and he realized that she was standing in front of him. One good bolt of electricity would be all he needed to bring her down, and he started summoning it up -


"Heh, don't even try it. I know who you are, Abyss. Not so frightening when I have a Chaos Emerald on me..."

"You've...prepared well..."

Too well. Such insolence, treating me like this....but she will pay. As soon as she drops her guard, I will -

The blindfold was ripped off, thrown down beside him. Abyss blinked, trying to look through the bleary light around him. There was someone red, red and black in front of him. He blinked again, trying to focus -

And then he saw her. Red furred with heavy black boots and a black top with black fingerless gloves, Fiona the Fox loomed over him, smirking as she stood with her hands at her hips. One gripped the Chaos Emerald that he had been feeling, and likely was blocking him from using any of his powers to any useful extent.

What hit him hardest, however, was the smirk on her face. She looked insufferable...more than she usually did, at least, and he knew that she had some plan for him. As he glared up at her, she reached out, pulling a rolling chair into view as she got comfortable. A brake on the bottom clicked on as she leaned back, reclining with one leg over an arm of it.

"Look at you. So helpless, so pathetic. Can't do a thing to stop me, can you?"

"Insolent whelp."

"Helpless foot sniffer."

His eyes went wide, and she smiled.

"Oh, yes, I know what you like. Or at least, what works on you. See...I've been watching you, as much as you've been watching me."

Her fingers moved down to the laces on the back of her boots, slowly pulling them down, loosening them. Abyss could feel something in the back of his head, something from his host warming up. He tried to squelch it, but it kept growing, particularly as she kept talking.

"Don't think that you are invisible here, oh high and mighty one. I've seen the places you go. The little 'shows' that you go and see. How you stare in the boot shops..."

She finished undoing her boot, and slid it down. No sock, he realized, only a damp, shining red foot, with a pale underside that wrinkled and flexed as she pointed her toes towards him, and then curled them again. She almost seemed to beckon him closer...and somehow, he was, like he'd moved without meaning to.

She lifted her foot, and he saw that her pants went down to curl around the arch of her foot, some sort of stirrup. As she rolled her ankle, making her foot draw a circle in the air, Fiona smirked at him.

"I just wanted to see how easy you'd be to capture...but I won't tell anyone."

"Not if you value your life, woman."

"Ah ah."

Her foot whipped side to side, toes lightly 'slapping' his cheeks as she silenced him.

"Don't interrupt. I won't tell anyone, if you do exactly what I tell you. I've been wearing these boots for a loooong time now, hon, and I need a little 'relief,' you know what I'm saying?"

" dare to suggest I would do such things? I am Abyss the Obsidian! Conqueror and warlord, bringer of death and destruction to whoever dares mock me! I will -"

He tried to lunge for her, only to be pulled up short. Chains clattered behind him, and he turned, seeing that his arms, legs, and even his neck had been chained up. He looked down his front, saw that his clothes had been taken, his scarves and wraps removed. Fiona chuckled as he looked back up.

"Yeah, I took all those away, and took the liberty of tying you up. Girl can't be too careful."

She extended her foot to him again, rolling it around, musky toes nudging his nose every time that they made a full circle around.

"So, do we have a deal? Give my sweaty little toes a kiss, foot-lover, if we do."

I swear to all that is dark and devilish, I will have my revenge for this...

But there was little choice now. He had to do something, or he was never getting free. Slowly leaning forward, he planted a kiss on the bottom of her big toe, just in time for her to curl the others around his lips. He gasped, growling as he tried to pull back, only for her to push her toes en masse into his mouth.

"Ah ah ah. You are going to do what I say, or you're not going anywhere. Now, start licking, Abyss the Toe-Sucker."

Vengeance will be mine. I swear. I SWEAR! he thought as he sucked on the toes, licking the little red digits as they rubbed over his tongue like it was a doormat. He tasted sweat, he tasted her skin, he tasted the day-long musk that clung to her toes like it was a horrible perfume. She fanned her toes out, stretching his lips, and he tasted the little pools of leftover sweat between her toes, having to clean them with quick licks before she would close them again.

She pulled her foot back, pressing her arch against his face, grinding the soft cloth of her stirrup against his nose, the cloth saturated with the musk that the rest of her foot gave off. His host body squirmed, and he could feel the start of...excitement.

No, no, not now! Don't you humiliate me!

But it was too late. His cock was rising, pushing upwards between his legs, and there was no hiding it. Every time he took another breath of her smell, every time that she ground her foot against his face and left some of the moisture on his cheeks, almost like she was marking him with her foot musk...he got harder. And she noticed it, too.

"Awww, is the big, bad warlord getting hard for my smelly feet? Looks pretty pathetic from up here. How long does it even take you to get hard, usually? A couple seconds? Looks like I could make that cum in just one stroke."

"You -"

"Ah, didn't say for you to stop sucking."

She gagged him with her foot again, the other one rubbing along his belly. He felt her wet toes flicking past his nipples, down to his belly button, and then all the way down to his crotch. She came so close to touching his cock, drawing a long oval around the base of his cock and around his balls, but never coming into real contact with it.

He groaned, his host's lusts coming up too fast for him to hold back. His hips thrust forward before he could stop it, and he groaned as he felt the first bit of contact, a stolen grind against her heel.

Humiliatingly, it almost pushed him over the edge, and left him panting like mad as he knelt there. Fiona chuckled.

"Oh, you want it that bad? Fine. Let's see how Abyss the Foot Cleaner does with a foot on his cock."

He panted as she pulled her foot from his mouth, only to replace it with the other. His host's fluids were dangerously close to his lips, but she made him suck her toes as she wiggled her foot down towards his shaft. He couldn't see it, but he felt...something. Cloth? The stirrup -


Abyss gasped as she shoved her foot down, his cock sliding between the stirrup and her sole. Cloth on one side, perfectly smooth and slippery flesh on the other, so hot, so smooth. She pushed down, holding his cock against his belly, slid her foot up, her toes grinding over the very head of his shaft...and that was all it took.

His body went into spasms, shaking from head to toe as he came all over her toes, thick streams of white splurting against her toes and over them, along the top of her foot and then down along her sole proper. She didn't even move her foot past that first gliding rub, only held it there to be soiled by his seed. And he couldn't stop, only jetting out more and more.

It felt like a minute has passed by the time he was done, and he realized that Fiona was laughing. He slowly looked up, glaring out from beneath his mussed up hair.

"I swear...I'll get you...I'll chase you to the end of the world...I'll make you scream for mercy...and when you do -"

"All I have to do is rub your dick with my foot, Abyss...and you'll be screaming for my mercy, instead."

He glared at her, but said nothing. After all...with the evidence squirted all over her leg, what denial could he give?

The End

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