Blazing Revenge

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Blazing Scales belongs to FA: Bloodgod245 and is a rather tortured is ever the case, there. Heh. Here, Blazing Scales had finally found someone that has tormented him in his childhood, using him as a slave in so many ways before passing him on. This is the first of many revenge schemes from this Argonian.

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Blazing Revenge

For Bloodgod245

By Draconicon

Most people thought Skyrim was too cold for comfort. For Blazing Scales, revenge was all the warmth he needed, and tonight, he'd be getting a double dose.

The Argonian poked the firepit in front of him, waiting for the slave trader he'd captured to wake up. Normally, he'd use a little fire magic to hurry the process along, but tonight, he was willing to wait. Not too long, of course, but he could afford some time. He'd already waited over a decade; a few hours wouldn't count for much either way.

Look at you, sleeping so soundly, he thought, looking at the blue-scaled lizard trussed over the side of a log. Thinking that you'll just wake up in a bed. Maybe the worst would be in a temple somewhere. Never thinking that I'd find you again.

He stabbed the logs in the fire, perhaps a little harder than he needed, and they split before they were ready. The fire nearly collapsed in on itself, and would have if he hadn't sent a firebolt into it in frustration. Instead, it just surged up, almost consuming every bit of fuel in the pit before coming back down again over a pile of ashes.

Grumbling in frustration, Blazing Scales stood up and walked over to his captive. The Argonian that he didn't know by name, only by face and scent, the one that had kidnapped him, tortured him, fucked him, raped him, whored him out...

It took everything he had to not beat the sleeping Argonian's face in.

Come on...wake up...wake up...WAKE UP!



As the blue lizard's head rolled back, Blazing Scales grabbed his captive by the chin and squeezed. Hard. The resulting groan and whimper brought him no small amount of pleasure, and he smirked as his prisoner opened his eyes, and then opened them even wider as recognition dawned.



"How...I thought you died!"

"Exaggerated rumors. But tonight, you might, if you don't do what I say."

"Let me go! I have...I have powerful friends! They'll see you hanged for anything you do to me."

SLAP! His palm cracked against blue cheeks, silencing the whimpering, whining diatribe that he had no patience for. The slave trader paused, staring at him with eyes that looked like they could go no wider, and yet they did. Blazing Scales slowly smiled, standing up and reaching for his waist. A claw flicked the knot that held his loincloth on, let it fall to the ground.

"I've been waiting for this day for years. Do you know how many times you tried to kill me and failed?"

"I -"


He stepped over the loincloth, straddling the other Argonian's chest, his balls resting on the slave trader's white shirt. Growling, he grabbed hold of the cloth, claws sinking through it as he leaned in, almost snout to snout with his old enemy.

"Do you know how many times you sold me to someone else for the night, letting them rut me like I was a whore?"

"...I don't..."

"147 times."

Another slap, almost knocking the slave trader's head all the way around. Blazing Scales was vaguely aware of the way that his cock was rising up the more he punished this male, this...scum, and he was happy about that. There was no way he'd have the erection to properly punish him without that.

He pull the trader's head down again, this time leaving them nostril to nostril. Puffing with rage, he spoke again, feeling his teeth pricking at the other Argonian's lips.

"Do you many raped me?"

"100! 200! I don't know, please, let me go!"

"You did it...563 times..."

"Please, I can' can't do this!"

"And tonight -"

"No, no please!"

"I start paying back that debt."

Sitting up, he slid forward, his cock resting against scaly lips. The slave trader groaned, tried to turn his head away, but he didn't allow it. Gripping that blue snout with clawed fingers, he squeezed until the lips parted, pushing his red-scaled cock past them.

"Suck...I'm fucking you either way, so you do what you think you need to. It's going to hurt, but maybe you can make it hurt less."

The words echoed in his ears, words he'd heard a hundred times before, but this time he was the one saying them. It felt good. It felt right to turn them back on the one who said it to him the first time.

He barely felt any suction. Certainly didn't feel like there was any tongue work going on. It didn't matter as he thrust back and forth, almost sawing his cock along the slave trader's tongue. In and out, in and out he thrust, feeling occasional gags, the off-and-on sounds of pleading for mercy. Nothing would reach him. He just kept thrusting until he felt his balls slap against the Argonian's chin scales.

Then he held himself there. Held himself in place as the slave trader coughed and gagged and choked beneath him. Blue scales went dark as he starved his captive of oxygen, took away his ability to breathe. The temptation was so strong to leave himself there, to let the asshole get his just desserts by choking on a cock, just like he'd made so many people do when he was the one in charge.

But it was too much mercy for him, and so Blazing Scales pulled back, red cock emerging from blue lips.

He stood up as the slave trader coughed and gasped, scaly tail flicking and twitching as his former master tried to form words, then gave up and just focused on breathing. He waited, letting him get enough air to appreciate what was about to happen.

His former master was weak, and bound. It took no effort to drag him over to the fire, to push him down so that his snout almost touched the hot rocks that banked the flame away from the rest of the camp. Blazing Scales held up his hand, loosing another firebolt into the wood within. They crackled, consumed faster than the last ones had been, and he pulled himself up behind the blue Argonian.

"It's up to you how you take it. Gonna take it like a man? Or like a whimpering cretin?"

"You can't...please... I have money. Take it. I'll give it all to you!"

"Not enough."

"I'll stop slave trading. I promise. Just let me go!"


"Please! I'll do anything you ask, just not this!"

"You don't want to face the fire?"

He grabbed hold of blue scaled hips, grinding his cock up against the valley between those ass cheeks. It was hard, rough, but that was what he expected. All Argonians were like that. But he stayed hard, his cock throbbing in anticipation of his revenge. He pushed against that pucker, feeling it flex and tense, trying to keep him out. That wouldn't work for long, he knew from bitter experience on the other end.

"You don't want to face the fire? Then push back, like the bitch you are."

It barely took any effort to push forward. He'd trained so long that he would have been surprised if he had to push more than a bit. The slave trader gasped for breath beneath him, struggled, squirmed to get away, but all his struggles edged him closer and closer to the fire in front of him.

"You don't want to burn? Push back...push back!"

He growled as he forced himself deeper, gradually edging himself further and further into that tight pucker of a hole. It loosened with each thrust, and he felt the muscles in the hips and thighs clenching, trying to hold him back, trying to push him out. It only made him harder, some bits of pleasure coming through besides revenge at last.

Blazing Scales groaned, his breath coming in faster and faster pants as he started pushing harder, thrusting faster, his balls swinging forward hard enough to leave the bastard beneath him screaming. Each time he slammed in, he felt a little better, a little less angry, a little more revenged on the fucker beneath him. More, more, more, deeper, deeper, deeper.

All the while, the slave trader screamed and shouted, begging, pleading. He was sliding through the ground, each thrust pushing him closer and closer to the blaze before him. He whimpered, and Blazing Scales could feel the heat coming off of it, could feel the sweat coming off of the Argonian's scales. He was getting slippery on the upper body, though he was still dry enough to hold from the hips down. Blazing Scales smirked, going harder, faster -

Until the first thrust back.

He felt the sudden thump against his hips, felt those soft ass cheeks bounce as they collided against him, and realized he'd won. The slave trader had broken, whimpering and whining as he pushed back again and again, trying to fuck himself on Blazing Scale's cock to get away from the fire.

"You gave up."

"I can't...I can't..."

" won't face the fire."

He pulled the slave trader back, threw him over his shoulder. Blazing Scales walked further and further from the campsite, until he came to a river. Throwing the blue Argonian down, he pressed him down against the water. Drowning wasn't a fear...but unless his former master wanted to face the slaughterfish in the water, without weapons or magic, he would push back.

Tonight, he would break the trader, and then he would kill him. But there were many breakings ahead...many.

The End

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